The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 29 August 1901

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 293 1 ea din» Articles. Reform Magazine, 129 d Turkey, 129 The Si iivi^ ot Kelant^n, 129 use Collapse at Hongkong. 130 1 Joke, 130 I p adly Health Resort, 130 France's M ailed Fist, 130 HorbCi and Sun-stroke, 130 Temperature an< Clcihing, 130 I rs ind their Backers, 130 r
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  • 32 1 Domestic Occurrences. BIRTHS. Un the szna inst., at Kattlcs Hotel, the wile of T. Sarkies, of a son. At Cree Hall," on the 25th inst., Mrs. F. E, Jago, of a sod.
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  • 118 1 (August 28.1 Im $66.37! Gambier 10.50 dc. Cube No. i... n 14*25 Pepper, Wiiick (ordinary S'pore) 29. do. White, (Fair L/W—5% 43-75 N^ilmBfM 110s to *h* lb.)..,... 52 do. (80s to the lb) 64 \iacc (Banda) 92 C'toves (Amboina). M 32 Siberian Coffee I7«5° Tapioca, small pearl (Fair (|itftlHy)
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  • 74 1 (Corrected up to August 28.) On London. Bank 4 m/s 1/11A demand tfilJL Private credits 3 m/s .1/1 i|£ JJJ documents 3 m/s l/Mf g f, credits 6 m/5... ll lli France, demand 244} Germany, demand 198 India, T. T 145^ HONGKONG) demand pm. Yokohama, demand... 54% pm JAVA,
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  • 504 1 •We sha!? the Press the People's rigkt raaiutat* wed by influtnce and unbribsd by gaia; Here patriot Truth her glorious precepts dmw, ■m~v«| to Raijg-ion, Loyalty, and Law. (Aug. 22nd.) A friend forwards to the Editor a copy of a new publication in Chinese, entitled the
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  • 440 1 The fact that a diplomatic rupture has arisen between Turkey and France is a bit of a surprise, although the difference, of some standing, is really trivial. A French Company, in English the u Quay Concession Company," in Fiench <f La SocieHe* Francaise des Quais a Constant!
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  • 969 1 (Aug. 23rd.) A great deal has been written at one time or another about the states of Kelantan and Tringganu on the East Coast of the Peninsula, and about their political relations with England and with Siam. A little of what has been said is accurate,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 194 1 Subcnbers to the Singapore Free Press Weekly rninf( fro Europe to the Straits by any of nail lines are invited to send to the Manager %^e name of their steamer and date of arrival in Singapore. Copies will then be mailed to meet -hem at various ports of call, MINERAAL
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    • 16 1 E. WALLACE Bronze Medalist British Horologalic Institute. Watch Maker and Jeweller. Repairs in all Branches. Guaranteed.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 248 1 THE WEEK. The mail from home of August 2nd arrived by the P. O. Chusan on Saturday, followed to-day, by the N D. L. Preussen^ with dates up to August 5th. The next outward mail is due by the M.M. Natal on Sunday. The last homeward mails left by the
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  • 140 2 The Hongkong Government by its toleration of jerry-building and its laxity in supervision of construction has unfortu- nately succeeded in making the biggest bag on record as a result of the collapse cf a couple of its architectural failures. The bag in question, some thirty
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  • 122 2 1 Black and White to hand this mail contains a pictorial joke of the first water. Everybody knows that the great newliner of the Hamburg Amerika Co. Deutschland, has again broken its own record for a passage across the Atlantic The journal above mentioned endeavours to illumina'e
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  • 337 2 (Aug. 26th.) ONE bill sanitarium is not as good as another by any means. And from what a Saigon newspaper says, the new sanitarium planned and laid out under M. Doumer's directions is proving a very real death-trap to the unfortunates whom duty, or a search
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  • 121 2 Nothing is so convincing as necessity. Needs must when the Devil drives, in the shape of a firm French Ambassador like M. Constans. The Sultan has given way to the potent argument of force, and has accordingly lost face." So weak an exhibition will not be lost
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  • 509 2 Some of the illustrated papers lately, in the time of the recent warm wave, have exhibited pictures of horses protected save the mark against the direct rays of the suu by a ludicrous burlesque of a lady's straw hat bedizened with ribbons and other gewgaws. The horse,
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  • 172 2 The foregoing suggests the obvious thought that the European in Europe is a bit of a fool when he finds himself in the summer season quit e unprovided with clothing suitable to the temperature. Were we, in Singapore, to see a young gentleman belonging to any eminent
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  • 391 2 The Boers and their B ac k ers (Aug. 271b.) THE chief point of interest in 1 j telegram is the fact that O rr«i n has parsed between Lord K n and the chief Boer leaders the latter c« mc to the *j£** it is to their advantage to
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  • 241 2 Governor McCallum 's ForeThought We do not yet have the actual detail; of the reception <^iven by our old friend Col. Sir HENRY McCALLUM to the Royal Visitors to Natal. But Natal papers give pretty full accounts of the preparations at Pietermaritzburg, and all who know "the Major's" talent, as
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  • 329 3 TH E CONSTANTINOPLE CRISIS. [AUg. 20W. It is rather puzzling to guess why France still dissatisfied with the Sultan's reparai on over the Quays Concession Company's menace. But that appears to be rather e major grievance amongst many others. it s apparently because no satisactory assurance has been given by
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  • 238 3 uing with cricketers' eccentricities, the LiverPost says some cricketers have only one eccentricity others, like Ranjitsinhji and Grace, have two or three. Abel probably holds the record, for he has five distinct eccentricities, f* irst of all comes his curious trick of pulling at the knee-flaps his pads
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  • 191 3 LDisrosirioiia of thb Flbbts in thb Event of War. p aris, Thursday.— The Eclair, publishes the M an inquiry which it has been conducting r egard to the naval manoeuvres. The "ays he has come to the conclusion that in I <>f war with Great Britain,
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 792 3 CORRBSFONBINCB WITH THB CoLONIBS. H° n the 27th July the Colonial Office issued the 'correspondence relating to the proposed alteration of the Royal style and titles of the Crown." It seems that on January 29, Mr. J. Chamberlain telegraphed to the Governor-General of Canada and the Governor-
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  • 110 3 What will the members of the Chess Club say to this Very remarkable testimony to the mental excitement set up by a stiff game at chess is afforded by the inquest on an Exlgware-road tradesman. He suddenly fell dead during the progress of a game he is as playing with
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  • 427 3 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by honest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronomer s game, and the philosopher's nme, which whettes thyr wittes, recreates thew u ads, and hurts no body in the mean season." All communications should be addressed to the Chess Editor, Singapore Free
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  • 20 3 Position in Forsyth Notation :—2 K5/5 Kt 2 2pikibi/ipiKtißiP/8/RQ6/5q2/8. White to play and mate in three moves.
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  • 160 3 A lively little game from the New York tournament of 1889. It is noteworthy for a neat finish. Ponziani Attack. White—Tschigorin. Black—Gossip. 1 P-K4 P-K4 9 KKt-O2 Kt-Kt3(d) 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB 3 10 B-B4 Q-QR4 3P-B3(a) P-O4 11Q-K-3 P-B4 4Q-R4 P-B3(b) i2B-B7ch K-K2? 5 B-Kl5 KKt-K 2
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  • 486 3 Simla and Calcutta are at present engaged in a match of two games by telegraph. In the first game, a Danish Gambit, Calcutta appear, to have the position all in their favour whilst in the second, a Giuoco Piano, the advantage seems to rest with the hill club.
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  • 814 3 P. S." Speaks. P. 5.," the anonymous noer writer who, whilst heaping abuse on Grent Biitiin and all her ways, has had, through the medium of the English Press, some remarkably straight talks with his fellowcountrymen, has a noteworthy letter in the Morning
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  • 176 4 This morning thirteen firemen off the Russian steamer Michael, which arrived from Novorosisk last evening, complained at the Russian Consulate of the food served out to them on board, at the same time refusing to return to their vessel. This being the case, the Russian
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  • 787 4 The Austrian cruiser Zenta left for Europe at 5.30 p.m. yesterday. Messrs. Paterson Simons Co., Agent for the Pahang Kabang Ltd., notify that crushing will commence on the first of September next. Tsingtao is evidently making rapid progress commercially. Latest advices state thar within the previous
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  • 382 4 It will be remembered that after his famous march across Africa, which culminated in the memorable Fashoda incident, Marchand, then a Captain in the Infanterie de Marine, was promoted to the rank of Major. Since then he has been raised to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, and
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  • 121 4 An amusing scene took place lately at a performance of Wallace's "Maritana" by a provincial company. In one scene of this opera much depends upon a clock, under which the principal characters collect and sing a ditty concerning the onward march of time, which none can
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  • 118 4 A correspondent writes to the N.-C. Daily Mews from Taiyuan-fu 54 foreigners were massacred in this city alone and over 4,000 Christians belonging to the Catholic Church. The statistics for the whole Province will startle the world and bring home to the public mind the magnitude
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  • Correspondence.
    • 306 4 to Tni BOiTvw* DEAR SIR,— I shall be much obliged if you will kindly insert the following in one of your spare columns. Before two or three years ago, the Rulers of Kelantan, the present Raja's predecessors, disliked Englishmen to mine or do any other business in Kelantan, and
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  • 110 4 Cbylon v. Singapore Voluntbbrs. The Times of Ceylon say The shooting match between the Ceylcn and Singapore Volunteers will be held on the 31st inst., the teams shooting at thrir respective ranges, the conditions being Bisley target and scoring. The distances are 200, 500 and 600
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  • 156 4 From a private letter the Japan Advertiser has an account of a somewhat thrilling incident which happened on Asamayama on Thursday (ist inst.) It seems that with a party of foreigners making the ascent, all had gone well until, on assembling at breakfast
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  • 202 4 In the Foreign Office report on the trade of Chefoo (Northern China) for the year 1900, which has just been issued, a rather novel item appears in the shape of the import of aerated waters to the value of £2,000, and cigars and cigarettes to the
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  • 366 4 RUSSIAN ADMINISTRATION IN NEWCHWANG. [Kobe Herald Correspondent^ The enclosed— a very roueh tr_.,J document which I am informed i aaSfi^ paration by the Russian Authori t i«JSi ,y ,n of interest to you in that it shows h.^ Dr <* said authorities believe in the since*. J? B Government's assurances
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  • 121 4 It is becoming abundantly evident (observes the Coal Merchant and Shipper) that some British Colonies are likely toproduce coal in the future much more cheaply than it can be produced in Europe. In New South Wales, for example, the avre_f3 age annual output per
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  • 133 4 THE ANNIHILATION OF A RUSSIAN MISSION. A Dbsperate Struggle Agmnst OvßhwunMiNG Odds. Saigon, Aug. 3rd. It is telegraphed from St. Petersburg that the expedition to Thibet under the command of Lieutenant Kozlov was attacked by 2,000 Tangoultes and succumbed after a desperate resistance. French Legation Telegram.— Japan Mail. The Reitz-Steyn
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  • 170 4 A Rifle Association is about to be form ed at Seremban. During the past two months, 3-7° ounc of gold have been exported from Paha"* A new tin locality has been di*covei in Pahang at a place cailed Pandan, W Kuantan district. Two convicts escaped from custodyRaub
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  • 2764 5 '"rom Spbc ial Correspondent.] Hongkong Daily Press.) The Native Workman. mil* cth August.— Capital interests are likely Ccrne d with labour-supply as soon as these c an be brought into shape for the commer--5 "u expected of them. There is no pre- here upon which to
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  • 100 5 A correspondent writes to the Shanghai Mercury The Rev. J. D. Liddell of the London Mission and Mr. May, mining engineer, have gone to the district west of Chinchow in Manchuria. To show the extent to which the door is open,, even on the Ime
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  • 224 5 A Tokio despatch to the Asahi states that FieldMarshal Marquis Oyama, Chief of the General Staff, will shortly resign. In this connection it is noted that the Marquis, who has alwavs been foremost in entertaining foreign visitors cf note, was not present at the reception yiven
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  • 188 5 A circular issued by the newly-started S la i^hai Stock Exchange to members on the 2 dinst. reads Lpon the requisition, of ten m -mh r« n extraordinary general meeting of the Ass >< iation is Called for 5 p m.on Monday the 2th ms(., to consider and,
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  • 644 5 (Maul main Advertiser). Of late years one ol the most remarkable things, invrtiurma has been the nothi i^-^hort-of- marvellous growth of Association Eo aUE^v^iUIMP Qui mans. VV ?cf* there w\.s hardly a single Burm in team in the country, they can now be counted by the dozens,
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  • 260 6 The utility of thumb impressions as a means of identification was fo^cioiy exemplified in a 1 which recently occurred in the North- A Provinces. An old. man of economical dibits ami possessing Some property, lived entirely ?ilone, his food being prepared for him by a Bahman woman who
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  • 1041 6 The above Company gave their first performance in Singapore in the Town Hall last night, before a good house and a thoroughly appreciative one. Encores were freely bestowed and from start to finish the entertainment was full of go, never flagging, and it is safe to
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  • 482 6 (From Annual Report, igoi.) General Policy. The general- policy oi the British advisers has been to interfere as little a-, possible with the manners, customs, methods and prejudices of the different natbnahies composing the population of lhe State* j to interfere not at all in matters touching
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  • 637 6 j We are glad to be able to say, on th< authority of a special telegram to the Singapore Free Press received about noor I to-day that Hongkong has been declared The Tientsin Waterworks Company proposes to pay a dividend of 20 per cent. H. M.
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  • 233 6 e The Liverpool Mrrr, I letter from Watertown'S V?P**4 x the writer says 1 r w ?°rK tn S Wife a good Respectably for a S Lady Without ChiSe >■ 35 to 50 years of ace if' 1 the »2td twenty Five to aHa Dollars that would like
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  • 320 6 Die Dm.<. ml. r was und >cked > fo and will ch n to I other Dutch ports. Capt ir, command of this vessi 1 his be.n tr ferred lu the Cheung Hock Kian. Miss Vivianne Dagmar i- row playing Mdle. Bon-Hon in The Gay Parisienne at the Theatre Royal,
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 30 6 The Imp. German Mail steamer Koentg Albert having left Hongkong on the 22nd inst. at 6 p.m., may be expected to arrive here on Tuesday, the 27th inst., at daylight.
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  • 1108 7 Two Houses Collapse. i at Los:- of Life. (China Mail. Aug. 15th.) 1 istoty of house collapses in now an extensive one, has d such an appalling catasab trrcd late last evening, when and 34, Cochrane Street, fell W ith t >eir debris it is
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  • 466 7 The change of programme last night j drew a I audi nee, nod the various ms were loud y applause i. The opening tin was 'he ".Geisha" and Mi*s Ruby Moore I ill >wed with j coon song [m.nptV* Coloured Coon," securii encore. s, j The
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  • 1604 7 The latest news about the garrison vhich comes to us from two separate juarters, is to the effect that in all likeiilood that it is not the Welsh Fusiliers from Hongkong, but a battalion of the Lan:ashire Fusiliers from South Africa that is :o be the
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  • 1192 8 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli Juvenal. We are not sure that the effect of Lord Rosebery's famous letter is to be described as "a fluttering of the dove-cots." This is the simple and innocent way in which many journals describe it, which makes us
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  • 1539 8 Sir Ihomas Si.'thi.ri.and's BviDBMCe. At the eeting of the Select Committee of the House ol Commons which is inquiring into the effect on British trade of the subsidies granted to shipping by foreign count, ies, held on ist inst., Sir Thomas Sutherland, Chairman of the PoninsuUr a..J Oriental
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  • 68 8 H. Beggah, a Manila man, was convicted on 26th June last by a Court of Two Magistrates of cheating a Chinese nenia of three krosangs, valued at $150 and sentenced to nine month's hard labour. The sentence was appealed against, and the conviction has been quashed
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  • 135 8 we regret to announce the de_H perton, on 29th July, 0 f M r v th a '-W Trevenen. He had held a nunfi l merits in the Straits Settle™ entered the Colonial seJ&J h Singapore ,n 1874. At uL ,ac *l«J successively Acting Magistral
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  • 100 8 I l^e British tra through the harbour u m 3.30 p.m. yestetd y. bd>t a rhe German 1 over 2,000 lroo>,, f, f or r yesterday ifc visions and ston 9 rheßutisbtran, the harbour this m.mi cutia. The Russian Volume.* *i wun emigrants bound f or arrived from
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  • 331 8 Sir \V. MacCormw. on Modern i Surgery, The British Medical Ass ciation com.- led its deliberations at Cheltenham, when the featured the session was a paper read by Sir William M Cormac on War Surgery Old and New." The great surgeon, who was accorded a splendid ■i.ption.
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  • 143 8 Lt. Buuerworth, r.e., has returned rroa his three months' trip to Japan. l( is carious to not- that g^rvrally is awaking to the tact that resources of raw material are no: i.^i-tible. In Britain we have used up our best iron ores and are Importing Spain and Scandinavia, the saOX
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  • 1703 9 Cannot Accept Responsibility." i By Edgar Wallace. I (Daily Mail.) Pretoria, Ju ne 20,1901. It was in answer to a j eot mine, which I had despatched to a Pre9s sorin the Orange River Colony, that I received a, laconic, but to me, significant, phrase, Canaccept
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  • 213 9 Tribute From a French Traveller. Paris, July 30. In the Journal M. Jules Bois, who has just returned to France after a long stay in India with Pierre Loti, replies to the severe criticism so frequently passed in France upon the British administration in India. He
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  • 1266 9 (Via Ceylon.) I London, August 13th.— The prop^«al to lay a I branch of the Cape to Australia ca> from the I Cocos Islands to Ceylon has been hea. ui> approved I of by the London Press, and Ceylon men and others agree that, with Mr. Chamberlain's cordial 1
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  • 473 9 The Daily Mail understands that the last two Cabinet Councils have had under consideration Lord Kitchener's plan for the ensuing summe r campLiign, which provides for the return of no fewer than 70,000 men from South Africa early in the autumn. These, it is proposed, shall
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  • 135 9 In the Fifeshire fishing village of Anstruther took place recently the interesting marriage of Princess Titana Poloma Brander, from Tahiti, in the Society Islands, to the Rev Andrew Machlachlan, minister of the local United Free Church. Fisher folk from all around came to see the dusky
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  • 692 10 Thsre is a talk of starting an automobile public conveyance between the chief centres in Perak. There is a rumour in the Native States that a late Selangor official, now residing at home, has married a wealthy widow. The Perak Pioneer believes that a number of
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  • 85 10 Two of Saturday's cricket matches were unavoidably suspended, owing to the very wet condition of the Esplanade that afternoon. Raffles School ground was hardly better, still the S. C. C. 2nd, XI. v. Raffles School" match was completed, the Club winning by 28 runs. The S. C. C. 2nd
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  • 169 10 Despite the adverse weather, there was a fairly numero s ami ence at the Town Hail on Saturday evening, and lhe pro_>, similar to that of the previous rVrning, av.ain successfully given. Messrs. Rowley and Horley obtained encores, a'so Miss Verne and Miss Wtrrle, whose song
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  • 131 10 The Russian Volunteer steamer Veronej, with emigrants, sailed for Vladivostock yesterday after coatings lhe M.M. steamer Tibre connecting with the P. and O. mail Chusan, arrived fiom Saigon on Saturday and left at noon to-day. The British oil tanker Haliotes. lately transferred to the Dutch, is now in
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  • 362 10 The outside track was again opened for exercise on Saturday morning, and amongst the iirst to come on were Lucky Jim (Mr. Payne) and Snoozer (Pier Kux). The two horses worked twice together, going a smart pace both times, and moving W ell. Gaylass (Griffiths) trotted up to
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  • 77 10 A cold-blooded murder was committed during the early hours of Saturday morning on a durian plantation not far off the Bukit Timah Police Station. It appears while the Chinaman in charge of the plantation was asleep in his hut, someone dealt him a blow, the force of which crushed
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  • 174 10 The following incident is vouched for, says the Sydney Bulletin, by five sensible men: A parly had been staving in the vicinity of Newcastle (N.S.W.), and during thcdr stay a strong attachm nt arose between one of the men and a girl living at the house. It
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  • 88 10 Professors Haeckel, Comal, and Fraas, of Jena, Ha le, and Stuttgart Un.versi.ies respectively, make known that the sum of £1,500 has been placed at their disposal as a prize for whoever wii'es the best work in answer to the question, What do we learn from the
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  • 113 10 A friend iorwardsusa private letter horn Amoy, b ain^; tipojftffq cruiser movements that recently caus\d much conjecture at Hongkong. The letter (Aug. 12th, says: We are wondeing much what Hongkong papers nvan by tie "excitement in Amoy." The natives certainly have been vl ry noisy lately
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  • 344 10 Major-Gen. Baden -Powell visited Charter-house as the gutst of Mr. Girdlestone, his former housemaster. On arrival at Godalming, the M yor presented an address to the gallant General, welcoming him to the town. General Baden-Powell, in reply, expressed his gra.eful thanks for their welcome to what he
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  • 233 10 {.Communicated.) Pursuant to a notice dated the a large number of Singha ese J, 3 ,r s'!5 day afternoon at 4.30 p_T n I Goonet.l.eke was Wd" I',1 and explained to the gatheiine ti' of the meeting and r,,.,,^,^ Singapore people residing m Pahang, and other L
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  • 343 10 The best Atlantic iu- mail steamer is now pi i than L est Ano the best passag AiUntic ;ner was ma ,aq<j in Jure, i 895, while WM leiea a few Daily Graphic, never 1 Itlar far ahead of the best a nag. The A 1 held 56,
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  • 40 10 THE PAHANG CORPORATION, LIMITED. The returns from tin- Pah tton's mines for the month of Jul) follows Sungei Let, Tons of stone crushed i 054 o* produced 56 tons. With 40 Heads of 28 days, working expen e> $22. y
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  • 144 11 Arthur Pendenys in u Books of Toj and Books of To-morrow," writes •witty vein anent the motor-car. He '•The motor has come to stay: »av n'd il NV passing into literature on We shall be having 'The motor--rat the Breakfast Table' 'Mariana tor Car/ and some
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  • 78 11 v ro the effect that .id his .^>g ■tl) to h bin v and ran wo goiter-, appeared ki .mm edi u< ly cume ball, the cc; ion an II I you. I slightly pulled il 1.0 the !cf:.' arch of some five minutes i mad to the
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  • 178 11 rupture Ivtvveen France and h Indian con temporary remarks: The tuler ol I'u- k s appeal to be passing rm belts which beTl |e on the froe' .v v v y to the peremntorv repre>f the Powers about the Post Ortic s. e longstanding quays dispute 1.
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  • 293 11 The homeward German mail Konw Albert arrived from Hongkong at «> yesterday She is conveying home a small mber of German troops and will leave to-m<nrow morning. The French transport Amerique left for Ma es this morning and the Austrian transport E. F. Ferdinand left for Colombo y
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  • 1196 11 The Siamese Government is arranging to get a man-of-war built in Japan. The Russian cruiser Varyag has left Cronstadt for the Far East. H.M.S. Centurion reached Portsmouth on the 18th inst. and received a hearty welcome. The Canard Steamship Company propose to build an Atlantic liner
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  • 228 11 Another excellent programme was furnished by this Versatile Company at the Town Hall last night, when encores were again the order of the evening. The opening chorus School Days" was given in good stvle, after which Miss Warde sang I Was Dreaming with marked expression. Miss
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  • Correspondence.

  • 884 12 The ordinary half-yearly meeting of the shareholders of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation was held at Hongkong on the 17th inst., Mr. R. Shewan, Chairman said. Gentlemen, the report just read represents a very prosperous state of affairs of the Bank. It is a
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  • 516 12 H. M. S. ALBION ARRIVES. Another Battleship for the China Station. His Majesty's fine new armoured battleship Albion. Capt. W. W. Hewett, arrived herefrom Sheernessat ninethismorningand proceeded to Tanjong Pagar Wharf, Section No. 7, where she is now bunkering. The Albion will leave for Hongkong to-morrow and on her arrival
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  • 1188 12 (Pall Mall Gazette Corr.) Spreading thb Light. The period which has passed since the country was opened to foreign trade has given the inhabitants time to become accustomed to the peculiar differences which distinguish foreigners, and has afforded them opportunities to select for themselves such institutions as may
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  • 77 12 A telegram to the Hongko7ig Daily Press (20th, Aug.) says —The Rate-payers' Meeting closed here to-day. After the discussion on the tramway scheme, a vote was taken by a show of hands, 92 being for the scheme and 57 against. A poll was then demanded, whereon
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  • 308 12 Important Discovery A writer in the "Nineteenth Cent J ry interesting account of a relic which., found at Bhattiprolu, in the K.stna distri Madras Presidency, and which j, experts to be on the whole, the mon remnant of Buddha that is still extan. The story
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  • 355 12 The prices quoted are genera!!, «J Clyde Terrace Market. At the other mar*'" there may be small wmrimtU Singapore, August 20, 1901. Beans, Long per catty ,.,<*. 4 Do., biench d<>. ,1 Beef do. z Beet Steak do Be-in Sprouts? do. Bamboo Sprouts do. Blactian do. 3
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  • 729 13 (China Mail.) r ear from outside sources that the fs think the Hongkong Cricket Club sporting to challenge them again at Ve °ket this season, so they are sending up cr,C a stronger XI. than t^ ree years ago. f^V 0 hear that a certain member
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  • 122 13 Judgment has been given by Mr. Justice Law in the Supreme Court in a recent auction affecting the Mount Victoria Estate ('Holyrood and Balmoral") Singapore, both of which have recently been sold by auction. His Lordship has held that the ha<er of the Mount Victoria Estate Mr.
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  • 56 13 rhe Japan Gazette, published at Yokohama, has the following note under the heading "The Guerdon of Gallantry": A ndo (boatman) named Nemoto Otojiro, °f Chiba Prefecture, who rescued a little b from drowning in the Creek in April was honoured by the Governor on the f *k in st. with
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  • 757 13 Donkey rikishas are in use at Kiaochow. The total number of deaths for Singapore for the week ended August 24th is 225 a ratio per mille of 47.44. Sixty-two deaths were due to fever. According to a Reuter message the Figaro states that the Jesuits have
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  • 209 13 H.M S. Albion left the wharf yesterday evening, after taking in about 700 tons coal, for the roads. The German mail Konig Albert left for Hamburg at 7 this morning. The German transport Tucuman, from, Tsingtau with troops homeward bound arrived this morning and an hored in the
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  • Correspondence.
    • 613 13 Kuala Lumpur, F. M. S. I August 25th, 1901. 1 fo the Editor. Sir, The weekly edition of your valuable paper just to hand, giving the discussions about the Electric Tramways Scheme in full. Mr. Jago's excel'ent speech I think is absolutely to the point, except perhaps
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  • 312 13 [P. Mm G, Correspondent.] Rome, Monday.— Liberty of all kinds is no. doubt a great boon, but the Italian Government are at present inclined to the view that enough is as good as a feast, and a slight curtailment in certain branches would be a good thing.
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  • 475 13 Warren Challbnob Shibld. 35TH CO. R.A. BEAT THB R.E. BY 2 GOALS TO Nil. This contest, it will be remembered, resulted 'n a draw last week, nothing being scored by either side, and as was anticipated the 35th Co. R. A. carried off the laurels last evening by
    475 words

  • 1548 14 The recent fatal accident upon the Matterhorn lands a timely interest to this article from the Pall Mall Gazette Day is declining and the shadows have fallen upon Zermatt, deep in the valley of the Visp. Up the little street a cortdge of heavy-shod, Un -faced
    1,548 words
  • 97 14 The Yokohama Eastern World prints the following among its H Translations from Japanese Papers: "-Mr. Tanaka Shozo, m.p., who was charged for contempt of public officials, having yawned in the Maibashi Chiho Saitansho, where hewaspre^r^durijjgaheiriaU df those farmers who had attempted to come up to'Tokio in
    97 words
  • 131 14 As the Emperor was driving a few days ago from Gudvangen to Stalheim in Norway, a gold ring slipped unobserved from his finger, it was afterwards picked up by a stable boy, who handed it to the hotel-keeper, who in turn restored it to his Majesty.
    131 words
  • 245 14 In connection with the fatal accident on the Matterhorn Dr. Black one of the killed WA°, reSi 6e2, at B "ght <>n was a brothe/ of Mrs. E. Human, of Colombo, and also of the novelist Miss Clementina Black. Judge Wait, vice-president of the Bar Association of Manila, recently called
    245 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 569 14 MUNICIPALITY OFSINGAPOR^ .0: j Issue of Municipal Loan 1901 amountm* tC $1.000,00c j i a t 5 per cent, 1 talKrArW^ Si^r re ha^ Welded to Colony of the Straits Settl_r3 aXde^ZoT^TJL Go^ «m3_ mom. oon as amendcd y the 3ffi£x urn. hSJ^ IO^ 1 °«SttSS m- *<% 91,000,000 bearmg
      569 words

  • 22 15 The Rupture a Surprise. The French Pres* is surprised at Khe rupture with Turkey, but is still hopeful of
    22 words
  • 31 15 Thrilling News From Batoum. Austrian official reports state that attempts to grow tea in the Trans-Caucasian territory are successful and that the plantations in the neighbourhood of Batoum
    31 words
  • 20 15 .Prince Chun's mission will be accommo- dated at the Orangery at Potsdam arriving there on the 26th inst.
    20 words
  • 36 15 The Emperor will receive the mission oa the 27th at Berlin, thus compelling Prince Chun to pass in procession, escorted by cavalry, through the main thoroughfares of the capital. London, August 2jrd, /go/.
    36 words
  • 108 15 Venezuela Invades Colombia. A thousand regular Venezutlan troops have sailed on board war-ships to invade Colombia in support of the Revolutionists. [Before the mail left the following despatch was received in New York from Curacoa *Dr. Rangel Gardiras has raised the standard of revolt with 5,000
    108 words
  • 29 15 A Cape Spy Shot. A Cape Colonist named Upton has been captured endeavouring to pass through the lines. He has been shot at Pretoria as a spy.
    29 words
  • 26 15 The Reward of Rebellion. Three rebels have been shot at Graafreinet, and ten have been condemned to penal servitude for life in the Bermudas.
    26 words
  • 16 15 From Cape to Canada: H.M.S. Ophif has sailed from the Cape for Canada.
    16 words
  • 25 15 A British force captured a Boer convoy of 86 waggons, much stock, and eighteen prisoners near Klerksdorp. London, August 24th, /go/.
    25 words
    • 19 15 Col. Marchand, of Fashoda notoriety has been appointed to the command of the French troops in China.
      19 words
    • 24 15 The view prevails on the Continent that the Tsar's visit to France is mean* as a rebuff to the French reactionaries.
      24 words
    • 33 15 He Condemns Boer Resistance. In a despatch Lord Kitchener, reviewing the operations, states that there are still 13,500 Boers in the field. He describes their resistance as insensate and unpatriotic.
      33 words
    • 27 15 A Diplomatic Rupture. Ambassadors Departing. The French Ambassador at Constantinople has broken off relations with the Porte and leaves within forty-eight or seventy-two hours.
      27 words
    • 42 15 THE QUAY COMPANY" DIFFICULTY. This is in consequence of the Sultan's breaking his promise relative to the purchase of the quays and the settlement of the French monetary claims. The Turkish Ambassador at Paris receives his passports al*o. London, August 22nd, /goi.
      42 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 679 15 F*Q Office. Telegraph St. X Or Wharves. Keppel Harbour. 0 STEAM NAVIGATION Co. «,<*s lor CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG *f?nN INDIA, AUSTRALIA, ADEN C £i/pT MARSEILLES, GIBRALTAR _rTA BRINDISI, PLYMOUTH AND ■nON. L^ n Bills of Lading issued for Persian f rnntinental and American Ports, also for Cktnc Coast. MAIL LINES.
      679 words
    • 624 15 Norddeutseher Llovd, Bremen. KUES~EN LINIEN Steamers of the Coast Fleet. Tons n.r. Tons n.r Sandakan 1374 Pitsanulok 1189 Kohsichang 1291 Rajaburi nB9 Paknam 1283 Chox* Tai 1115 Tanglin 1280 Wong Koi m's Bangkok 1237 Keong Wai 1115 **o*at !22*"t Devaxvongst 1057 Singora 1123 Choxv Fa 1055 Chieng Mai 767 Phra
      624 words
    • 603 15 The Singapore Free Press. AND Mercantile Advertiser. Cable Address,— Advertiser. Singapore, Telephone Number.— No. 61. Published at 30-3, Raffles Place Singapjo e. HPHE leading English Newspaper in the A Straits Settlements Johore, the Federated Native States of Perak, Selan gor, Sungei Ujon^, Pahang, the Negr Sembilan British North'Borneo Sarawak Netherlands
      603 words

  • 31 16 The Sultan Knuckles Down. The Sultan, yielding to the demands of M. Coostans, the French Ambassador, has issued an irade confirming the concessional rights of the Quays Compalny.
    31 words
  • 15 16 The settlement of other claims is considered imminent. London. August 25th. /go/.
    15 words
  • 26 16 Counterblast by Delarey. Delarey has issued a proclamation warning all Boers against Lord Kitchener's ast proclamation and stating that he will continue the struggle.
    26 words
  • 29 16 Boer parties are pressing south to the Cape midlands, and Scheepers is threatening Oudtshoorn. Boers are active in the Dordrecht district. London. August 26th, /goi.
    29 words
  • 32 16 Return of the Instruments Called For. There is an agitation in Germany against the removal of the astronomical instru- ments from Peking. The Press urges their restoration to China.
    32 words
  • 11 16 Prince Chun is delayed at Basle by indisposition.
    11 words
  • 35 16 A Sweeping Reduction. The French sugar bounties are causing a deficit of 14 million francs and the French Minister of Finance has ordered the bounties to be reduced by 55 per cent.
    35 words
  • 24 16 Boers capture a British Detachment. A superior Boer force has^captured three_ One was kiPed and 4 wounded. The prisoners have been released.
    24 words
  • 8 16 Lord Kitchener is holding an enquiry.
    8 words
  • 46 16 Boer Determination to fright. Lord Kitchener has received letters Irom Steyn and De Wet containing an argumentative statement of the Boer case, saying that they would continue to fight. A letter was also received from Botha to the same effect. London August 2jth, /go/.
    46 words
  • 27 16 Boer Warfare Not Irregula'r. Mr. Kruger, on being interviewed by a Daily Telegraph representative, indignantly denied that the Boer warfare was irregular.
    27 words
  • 14 16 He further declared that Lord Kitchener's proclamation would only intensify resistance.
    14 words
  • 26 16 THE "BASIS OF PEACE Kruger's Irreducible Minimum. The only basis of peace was the independence of the Republics and the pardon of the Colonial Afrikanders (rebels).
    26 words
  • 14 16 M. Constans Departs, M. Constans, the French Ambassador, has left Constantinople.
    14 words
  • 12 16 It is officially announced that this implies a rupture.
    12 words
  • 31 16 France is not satisfied with the Sultan's Irade on the Quays question alone, and also insists on the settlement of other claims on the part of French subjects.
    31 words
  • 31 16 Boers Attack a Convoy, Enemy Repulsed, A party of Imperial Yeomanry escorting a convoy has been attacked. Nine men were killed and 22 wounded. The enemy's attack was repulsed.
    31 words
  • 16 16 A Splendid Welcome, Lord Milner had a splendid reception on his arrival at Capetown.
    16 words
  • 677 16 Mr. J. F. X. Merriman, the Afrikander leader in the Cape Parliament, is under arrest on his own farm. London. August 28th. /go/. l r\ h/• rt_« *i August 22. Kian Yang, Brit., Hoppen, for Muar and Malaeea. Chow Phya, Brit., Jellicoe, for Malacca and Klang. Sui
    677 words
  • 306 16 SHARE LIS T A UGUST at th===::::::s::^ QUOTATIO*. P AIB I Bank nf China and Japan, Ltd. 1 Nominal. £a Uiv ">«kds. Deferred. 2s.5/ Zi Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency, Nominal. ?i Bf™™*^ Mine Co. $3-75 Sellers. $5 Clear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. $100 $100 Fraser and Neave Ltd. $84 S«.
    306 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 25 16 A R*m*dy for -mil »^*Sfs2!%l Sup*fM4i»g BltUf Apple. Pennyroy*.. L%mJm% *9** toy Singapore 0»«P* ns,n *Jl Raffias Plaoa. mma»P or^ VLAITTIS. rh— Si»ftJTflA'ier n hWiJ*—
      25 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1029 16 VESSELS IN PORT. Men-of-War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From Lizard Brit"g.b„ 715 Watson Aug 7 _f__»_i_«_r Mv 1- °r. Wben Albion Brit Iruis.. 12,950 Hewett. Au#W Sffl gSS Other Vessels Flags Tons Masters Arrived From Consignees For' Alberta Aus 2576 Bussanich Aug 17 Moji If r. Aker Nor 1899
      1,029 words