The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 22 August 1901

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 117 1 Qomrsttc ©ccurrmcfs, BIRTHS. Mclviii-bmioiLs.— At Birchington-on-Sea, on 19th July, the wife oC Henry Melvill Simons, of a daughter. On the I3th inst., at Malacca, the wife of Mr. Tildou Eidridge, of a son. On the 16th instant, at 210-2 Queen Street. the wife of Capt T. B. Ifaddoz, Barque MathluiCy
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  • Article, Illustration
    452 1 The mail from home of July J2nd arrived by the N.D.L. Print Heinrich on Fri- day, followed, on Monday, by the M.M. Indus, with dates up to July 26th. The next outward mail is due by the P. O. Chusan on Saturday. The last homeward mail left by
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  • 651 1 (Aug. 15th.) To those who are familiar with the history of tramway enterprise in Singapore, the proposals laid by an eminent company of electrical engineers for the institution of electric tramways must look rather like a scheme for the throwing away of good money after bad.
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  • 331 1 Here is a little paragraph that will interest the local gentlemen who are just divesting themselves of their functions as members of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. "On the occasion of the assassination of the King of Italy, a German statistician held
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  • 517 1 (Augf. 16th.) To*DAY is printed a letter from "T.E.E. which expresses the true Municipal spirit in uncompromising fashion. He is no! disposed to parley with syndicates, bur is at one with Mr. JAGO in holdim that a Municipal community should be prepared to undertake in every direction the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 340 1 CONTENTS Ag rof Municipali«ation, Ir The Tsar in France, 4 Shooting. Warren Shield Competition, 101,121 Warren Shield Tug-of-War, Bowls. ug Racing. ThePerak Kaces, 118 be <(,' i.each Prut Flay. llCi Hootbaw. W.< ,S. 12 Co. R.A. v. S.V.H., ,20 R.E. v. ;sth Co. R.A., 121 'Commission, 117 118 Kobbery in
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    • 58 1 DET OSTASI ATISKE KOMPAGNI. For Marseilles, Havre, Copenhagen and St. Petersburg. I'm Danish Stiamii SI AM, Cap', am Glahn, will be despatched for the above ports on or about 281)1 August. She has splendid accommodation for Ist class passenger c reduced rates and carries a doctor. For passage and freight
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  • 516 2 Although Prince Henri of Orleans was openly and frankly an antagonist of Britain and British interests, we nevertheless greatly regret to hear that this energetic and truly patriotic young French Prince has died at Saigon, and thus has closed for ever an adventurous, a far-trs-velled, and what
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  • 532 2 A very important memorandum has just been issued by the War Office, though prepared so far back as IS9I, as a Parliamentary paper for the information oi members and the public. It says Her Ma. jesty's Government have cart-fully considered the question of the general objects for
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  • 328 2 UiA) habitues of Arthur Cbappell's famous series of Monday Popular Concerts of chamber-music, given at St. James Hall from 1859 onwards, will regret greatly to hear that that grand old member of the famous quartett, Signor Piatti, who held the violoncello from 1859 to 1896, with a few
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  • 529 2 (All£. 2 1st.) EUROPE is on the eve of witnessing another esthnftiafttic reaftirmation of the Dual Alliance in connection with the forthcomingvisit of the Tsar to President LOUBET and to France. There may not be so frantic a carnival of embracing and kissing as attended the
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  • 289 2 Capetown, Thursday, J u y 2 t were executed at Kenhardt ycstcnuTaft!! The Military Court at Dordredn hi i thirteen rebels to imprisonment I )r ifc five and ten years respectively.^ v>' Capetown, Thursday, July 2 5 .-The c WhiC H the f, e aVCbCenha^ dmurder
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  • 370 2 The reference mado by Mr. F. W. i< letters to Mr. Steyn, of a fi .a I &< p by I vaal Government, are believed to fore application for an armistice in order Burghers, his still hoped to secure a preserving :he nationality of the Wok'
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  • 833 3 oK OK THE SotTH AFRICAN WAR. X. i Henderson, late Director of Intelli,ord Roberts' Staff in South Africa, the conventional Continental a fashion which will delight the jM. de Bloch. He sums up the military of ihe Transvaal War in a most instructive
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  • 1054 3 (from a correspondent.) Osaka, in Mid-Japan, is the principal seat of the textile manufacture and the main centre of trade for the Central and Western Provinces. The smaller banking establishments of this huge city were among the first to succumb to the pressure created by
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  • 240 3 41 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by honest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronomer's game, and the philosopher's game, which whettes thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and hurts no body in the mean season." All communications should be addressed to the Chess Editor, Singapore Free Press."
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  • 40 3 Black (9 pieces). White (9 pieces). Position in Forsyth Notation 5 Q 1 K 7 P 3pKt I P I IRS kt 2ps•plUrKt b R r 2 p 5 White to play and mate in three moves.
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  • 193 3 A remarkable correspondence game played between A. Norlin, of Stockholm, and S. A. Tufte, of Christiania. We take the score and notes from the Times Weekly. (a) Another variation of the interesting Max Lange game. A departure here is i4KtxRP. The ending after this affords much material
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  • 457 3 Teichmann and Lee have started a match of 5 up. The German won the first two and the third was drawn. The match at the British Chess Club between Messrs. Mortimer and E. O. Jones is becoming very interesting. After losing three games right off and drawing one,
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  • 290 3 The China Mail descants thus on Reuter's big effort over the China expedition promotions and decorations:— Reuter's telegrams are better than no telegrams at all, and that is about all that can be said for Reuter's ervice. To-night, we publish Reuter's message, da ed London, August 11, giving
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  • 200 3 WHO WOULD BE REPORTED VERBATIM It will be remembered (says the China Mail) that in concluding our article defending the reporters at the Sanitary Board from the strictures of the Hon. F. H. May, we said the worst punshment that could befall him at the hands of the reporters would
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  • 96 3 Speaking at a bazaar in aid of the Crieff Golf Club, Mr. Stroyan, M. P., said the Jameses were very much given to playing golf, especially James I. and James VI. of Scotland, and the beautiful Queen Mary was called frivolous because she played golf. Charles I.
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  • 211 3 r Ceylon As A Connecting Link. London, July SI. A British inter-department-al commiltee is considering the question of laying a cable between Ceylon a«d the Cocos Islands, in the Indian Ocean, so as to connect with the submarine cable which is being laid between the Cape of
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  • 704 4 Sixty-nine lives have been lost in a colliery disaster in Japan. The mine was flooded. The Brooklyn bridge is settling down all vehicular traffic was stopped on the 23rd July. Reuter's tea telegram of to-day is evidently for Ceylon consumption, and must have been inadvertently forwarded
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  • 83 4 The French Transports Cholon, with troops from Taku, arrived this morning and the Ville de Majunga arrived yesterday evening. Both transports are homeward bound. The German transport Batavia after provisioning left for Bremerhaven at noon yesterday, without coaling here. The French transport La Nive left for China, with reliefs,
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  • 164 4 A diversion for the dull season in Singapore is promised on Tuesday night next, Aug. 20th, when the Australian Vaudeville and Speciality Co., which left Hongkong, on the S.S. Kum Sang, after a week's successful run, will open in the Town Hall. The Company is said to
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  • 535 4 The following extract from an article in the Skipping Gazette discusses the transference of the Holt and Scottish Oriental lines to the German flag:We read that the change appears to have made no appreciable difference in the conditions of British trade in Siam. It may
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  • 69 4 At Messrs. Powell and Co's. sale-room yesterday afternoon, some property known as 29 Chin Chew-st., 1,275 s q- ft. in area, was sold to Tan Chew Kim for $5,500. The British officer is a many-sided man, but this reads curiously: Captain J. R. Hill, Station Staff Officer, Mhow, will supervise
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  • Correspondence.
    • 546 4 To tub Editor. Sir,— The report of the Municipal Meet" ing held on 14th August, should be closely studied by everyone interested in Municipal affairs and in our local self-government. The President's opening statement on the Tramway proposal reveals that the syndicate have influence sufficient to induce
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    • 1287 4 An Exciting Finish. In the presence of Earl Roberts and a great crowd of spectators the prize given by his Majesty the King for the best Volunteer marksman in the United Kingdom or the Colonies was won by Lance-Corporal Ommundsen, of Edinburgh. The Commander-in-Chief, who was accompanied
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  • 4553 5 QppINARY MBITING, AUGUST I4TH 1901. ST Mr. J. O. Anthonisz (President) Messrs- Jago, Batker, Cuscaden, Evans, Lee Choon Guan, and Choa Giang ThvC« igSiM r —Messrs. Sohst and Wee Thiam Tew. Minutes. p. e minutes of the past ordinary and special re confirmed. Prsident's Rbmabu.3. The President said
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  • 189 6 Tug-of-War. Last evening teams representing the S.V.R. and the Southern Division 35th R.G.A. met up at Fort Canning. For the first pull, the 35th had it almost all tleir own way, as, immediately on receiving the words to take strain, go, the 35th getting the drop, slowly, step
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  • 453 6 Launches will leave for the Swimming Club on Sunday at 10.45 and 11.45. A General Meeting of the Chinese Christian Association will be held to-night at 8 o'clock at the Piinsep Street Church. The M. M. Company's steamer Sinai left Saigon at 6 a.m. on the
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  • 92 6 As alieady aniounctd, the next concert, partly choral and p.iitly miscrlUiieous, comes of! on Saturday the 31st inst. Ihe principal iu m, which will constitute the first part, is Afed Gaul's tnelod <>us Pastoral Cantaia Rutk" for soL> voices anJ chuir, with orchestial accompanijmnu. Theseiond pait will consist
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  • 292 6 A correspondent of a Bombay paper, writing from Chi. at on the 13th July, s \ys A sad incident has occurred hi this sma I hill station, resulting in the de tth of a soldier. H Company of tl»e South Wale> Bordeiers was going through its annual
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  • 72 6 First Day, Thursday, August 15. The annual meeting of the Perak Turf Club was held at Taipeng yesterday and appended are the results. 1. The Maiden Plate. Redd iff e. 2. The First Griffin Race. Interest. 3. The Ah Kwi Purse. Boyton. 4. The Lilliput Stakes.— Moonlight
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  • 811 6 In Singapore they had always cal'cd the four hundred acres of dry, bro\\n earth The Estate/' knowing that none could betray him, the proprietor and his nearest neighbour, the coffee-planter. Ignorance in the Cluh as to its condition and often as to its cx<ct situation hnd pass>
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  • 312 6 personally he ould like t« prohibited in Singapore _H° V T 1? *k*i speech, Municipal Commission. 14th \u J 0 Mr. Commissioner J- gO Head of a Dr biz, a r* ri ncely Mr. Commoner J. go lig(uly With the case of the ricksha rider—La he rolls on
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  • 115 6 S. V, A. With reference to S.V A Corps Orders item 5 of the Bth instant, it is notified that the General Meeting S V.C. will take place at 5.15 p.m. on Friday 23rd inst. S. V. R. The General Meeting S.V.C. will be held in the
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  • 66 6 A bowling match came off yesterday night, the sides briug" The Restv.S.V.R. The lormer won by 75. The following were the scores J. Graham 703 T. G. MactagK arl 75* A. A. (iunn 673 P Cunliffe W. C. Souiham 6( 6 C. W. Darbishire Capt. White 661 i. B.
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  • 99 6 The French Transport Alexander with tropps from Taku arrived this moruing and proceeded to the wharf to coal. The Italian transport Washingtc coaling re uned to the Roads > evening awaiting for tt.e Singapore w™ transport is stiil at the \vl>art. The Austrian cruiser Zenta rcturi to her
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  • 65 6 The death of Baron Mori on the railwi in Usui Pass, Japanese p«P^ s r< [>c due to too much knov\leJ^. A the engine burst ami in- tram k*g* 5 run backwards. Baron Mori, w.dc >' ing the dnngrr it the train was .way, jumped out with his son an*i
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  • 701 7 D. Beatty, G. B. Stratton and ornie are appointed Passed Cadets. w r \V Evans is appointed Auditor General. S. S., with effect from the 17th The proclamation in the Selangor Govten t Gazette of the sth inst., relating to n V plague in Kuala Lumpor,
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  • 1357 7 Quicquid agunt homines nostriest farrago UUlli Juvenal. (Profound study of French Yellow-Books, icial and literary the latter often called >lue-books" by the initiated— and to'erle acquai tance (through a regular dose French journalism, taken weekly, sometimes with distressing effects) with the changeful thoughts and ways of
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  • 110 7 The Italian Tranport Washington, with troops from Taku, arrived yesterday and the Singapore this morning. Both transports will leaves this evening. The French transports Cholon left for Marseilles after coaling early this morning and Ville de Majunga left at noon yesterday. The Austrian cruisers Zenta and Kaiserin Elizabeth
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  • 160 7 We, Pioneer, hear from a trustworthy < orrespondent at home, that the War Office are now closely considering the question of the Indian reliefs in the coming trooping season. They have apparently to await a report from Lord Kitchener regarding the number of troops he will be able to spare
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  • 168 7 The match play competitions for the prizes kindly p-esented by the late President, Mr. Justice Leach, before his departure for Penang, and for which there were sixty entries were brought to a conclusion last Saturday, when Crockatt defeated Macgill by 3 up and 2 on 36 hotes
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  • 297 7 A desperate gan^ robbery states the Malay Mail occur ed at K pong on Saturday n>gl)t last (Aug ioth). About 8 p.m. one of the mining Kongsis was attacked ry a fu'ly armed gang of about twenty men. There wtrr nine men in the kongsi house
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  • 152 7 The annual general meeting of the Masonic Club was held at the Masonic Hal!, Coleman-st. yesterday afternoon, the VicePresident, Mr. T. Powell Robinson presiding, when there was a good attendance of members. Mr. Powell Robinson, in presenting the balance sheet and statement for the past year which
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  • 173 7 A writer in an Australian contemporary says King Edward, who has great ideas in connection with costume, announces his latest reform for ordinary evening dress -.—Silk stockings, velvet kneebreeches, velvet claw-hammer coat, black satin waistcoat, shoes, and buckles. This, he thinks, is needful in order to distinguish guests
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  • 118 8 During the past fortnight, practice for the c Regatta Scratch Fours l! has been going on steadily. Since the crews were chosen, one or two changes have taken place. In Darbishire's boat, Gilchrist lakes the place of Duncan, in Burgess's, Cioss fills Stiti's seat and D. Robertson has
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  • 321 8 Warrpn Challbngb Shield. I2th Co. R. A. v. S. V. R. This tie first match in the competition, "was won easily by the Rifles with a score of 4 goals to nil. The Gunners however bad a very weak team, only five of tleir regu'ar men pi «ying.
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  • 377 8 Mr. G. B. Whyte, late Manager, t^ok his formal farewell of the Riub Co.'s staff, at a 4arge gathering: of the employees la^t Saturday. An add e>s, which bore the signatures of the whole- staff at the Mines, was read and presented to Mr. Whyte, who also
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  • 1076 8 By Samubl Johnson. From various sources have 1 gathered the following ideas of Russians about the Chinese Welter a terrible muddle, in which expressed virtue and suppressed information are conspicuous features. Of course nobody has plundered or looted. The British troops never thought
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  • 862 8 Mr. George Lynch, in a criticism of the Allied Troops taking pa< t in the campaign in North China, writes as folo^vs concerning the Japanese, which is of special interest when taken in connection with the unwilling admiration txp«es^ed by ihe Nvvoe Vremya, as reported
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  • 365 8 capital Calcutta) has the fnii topic of interest followmg On lam glad to see thar §k_ p f a r ngc L Fares .^Sn. .<**. of late been called in these coaV" e lu taken up in other quarters a«H S| ls beinj which a leader Zf
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  • 572 8 France Totally U.>preparbd For VV r. The Paiis Figaro has published an accoum of a convention be ween the late M. Felix raureand a friend of nis on the subject of Fashoda. I.i the course of his ncmrks the Ute President «tcknouldg«-d that he had btlieved that
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  • 108 8 Q.iite recen ly the health of a telephone broke down entirely under the strat an I > sent to he"- h.>me to recruit. The vicar puish tailed upon her arrival, and to I paired tut her woes. It is not s> much th. she saio, as the
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  • 135 9 a luncheon yesterday (July 15th) in the A M«trnpole, given by the British Empire f the Colonial delegates attending the Ccnrt of Appeal conference, Mr. Justice 5 rcpled for The Visitors in a speech .Mdih*"S ht rlng ab Ul ltt Ration," he said, H did not
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  • 220 9 S-jv fiermin Government have anan^ed •eamship set vice between tl-at South Afrir.n ports, to be amed for fift en years, f>r which very b-idies are to be paid. One item t >e convention about as ar he way of prot ciion as thr most t ctionist
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  • 191 9 t interest has been aroused, says H. E. Moss s Steamship Circular, of 6'h July, by the I pu r chase, by Americans, of the majority o* les in the Leylaud Line. As the mailer e^e'U stands, it is simply an investment of Arwic^n money
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  • 259 9 ..I .1 Even the least supers 1 itious are often struck e misfortunes which attend some persons certain dates. A Urge firm in the City (*ays Chronicle) has in its employ a livin K is ance of the fact. One June 12 an em* Pfayw lob. his
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  • 1258 9 Prince Ching is endeavouring to introduce waterworks in Peking. Saigon papers announce the death of Mr Mane-Pirrre de Milhan Carlat, of the Staff of L Opinitn. SLi Hung-chang has requested the Court grant posthumous how urs lo all the ilitary officials wh:> died fighting against foreigneis
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  • 163 9 Theifollowing is the result of the above competition. 200 500 yards yards Total H Coy. 16th Madras Infanty 212 240 452 C»ui»r. C y. Malay States Guides 215 234 449 E. Coy. Malay Stales Guides 202 241 *43 R.y 1 Kn»iineers 208 234 442 Singapore
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  • 97 9 S. C. C. i-t XI m. Nbxt XVI. The aSove match resulted in a draw, considerably in favour of the fir>t eleven, who, when play ceased, only rtquired three runs to win, with six wickets to fall. The M joiity only sc<»r- d 85 tuns. Hann^f«»rd (i6), A St«onach
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  • 617 9 M. Doumer, Governor-General of French Indo-China, returning from his recent mission to Fiance respecting the Yunnan railway, is a passenger to Saigon on the M. M. Indus, which arrived here early this morning, getting alongside Borneo Wharf about nine o'clock. The Hon C. \V. Kynnersley, C.M.r Deputy Governor
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  • 288 9 Commenting on the gang-robbery at Kepong, the Malay Mail bays it appears to have been a much worse affair than indicated in the ftr^t report. The house attacked was in the middle of what is practically the main street of the plac*, and was just opposite
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  • 16 9 Flood sufferers to the number of 50,^00 are r criving relief in Fukuoka oelcciure in Japan.
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  • 473 10 Official training commenced this morning for the next Autumn Race Meeting, and the course proper was thrown open for work. As we are still some distance away from the date fixed for the Rac<*s, work was natu ally stow, but the following horses came out for exercise. "Snoozer"
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  • 406 10 Anothbk Juggle by the Emprbss-Dowaoes. The Peking correspondent of the N.-C. Daily News w ote on the 25th July The news that is coming into Peking from Hsianfu is really encouraging— if true md such it seems t > be. The Empress has shrken the
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  • 43 10 The DarulAhah football team played the 2nd eleven of the Straits Chinese Club in the semi-final round in the competition for the Straits Chinese Nationals Football Cup, yesterday evening at Tanjong Pagar. The game ended in a draw, each team scoring two goals.
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  • 992 10 (Morning Post.) The marriage of Lady Rowena Hastings, daughter of the late Earl of Huntingdon, with Mr. Graham Paterson, of Whitehall Court, and Singapore, took place in St. Anselm's Church, Davies-street, Berkeley-square, on Saturday afternoon. The Earl of Huntingdon conducted his sister to the alter and afterwards
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  • 793 10 It will doubtless be remembered that in April last, Mr. W. C. Swan, Chin f Officer of the sS. Trigonia^ went to the rescue of four Malay seamen who were overcome by benzine vapours whilst engaged in cleaning out one of the oil tanks j in
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  • 949 10 By Mrs. Oscar B E r INc r the s UP RFXUOUS W9MtK This is a question ot supreme a.,^ to t heind,v idua Uo man LTrs,rr^ I fluous woman isa qu lnt i, y which »oj». I «rvative myope amongst us Mn'" o*^0 Her .a m
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  • 645 11 TUDJ UI re are about 300 Municipal cases for t0 -day in the First Court. R. S. Cooke, of the Unattached List, iianStdff Coips, has committed suicide 1? Chak.ata. An S.C.C pick-up" game of hockey played on the Esplanade to-morrow The receipt of the Administration ret
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  • Correspondence.
    • 111 11 To the Editor. Dear Sir, There are some inaccuracies in your representative's article, published yesterday, under the leading M. Doumrr." I. The Yunnan Railway is not a purely private enterprise, as it is under Govern ment control, with State subsidy and guar.nt-e of interest. But, it is closely
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    • 659 11 RECONS TRUCTION. (Hy a Home Critic.) j A new book by Mr. C'ifford needs no int«< duct ion, and is sure of a very hearty welcome We appreciate highly his inpight into our environment, and ibis, combined wth his literary skill, makes his books always interesting. In thi», as in
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    • 53 11 There wil be a scratch game of Waterpolo at la»jmg Katong next Sunday morning. H. M. S. Albion was exppcted at Colombo about th e«* days ago. That exp^ctati n, if <orrrct, woud j) int to that U'tle-s ip's anival der- n« xt Sun«^y or thereby, allowing lor a shoit
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    • 1580 11 Acting Manager's Report to August 17th 19 it Bukit Jellis Mine.— The 150 ft. south level has been driven 34 ft., making the present end 240 ft. I from the east crosscut. The reef in the face is 3 ft. wide, and shews an occasional color of gold, but
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    • 303 11 A NUAL RfcG*TTA. The prelimina y heats lor the Scratch Fairs' 1 will Le /ov\ed off nrxt Ti.u slay a»«d Fridty ftft«*rfto<M>j weather pnmitting. The tiine fixe 1 lor start ng on both days is fivt* o'clock and the di>tance of the course is one mile, from
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    • 118 11 The M. M steamer Indus left for China and ]d\ an I tst evening. T> e col iers Alberta, Aker y Pat rod us and Auchenarden, have arrived wi h a to r a l cargo of about 19,000 tons ol Japan coal for 1 his port. The
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    • 119 11 A mar.lage has b< en arranged between Capt. Victor Scratchlt-y, D.5.0., 6 > li Rifles, only son of the late Majoi-Geo. Sir P^ter Scratchley, R.E., K.C.M.G., and Anna Clementina, youngest daughter t.f the late John Harvt-y, of Singapore-, and sister of Mr. Chare** Harvey, of Sarawak. Mr. John Harvey w.s,
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  • 2042 12 "TMM FROM THE LAMD OF SIMNIM. In this volume Sir Robert Hart has gathered together the five articles which he published in the Fortnightly during the early months of the current year. No attempt has been made to dovetail these ess iys one into another,
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  • 740 12 INQUIRY INTO THE DEATH OF THE LA IE MR. FILDES. Mr. Carlisle, acting H B.M. Vice-Consul, sitting as Coroner, opened yesterday morning (lath inst./ an inquiry into the circumstances attending the deaih oi» Friday afternoon last of the late Mr. A G. Fildes. Or. Kerr was the first witness and
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  • 87 12 The M. M. steamer Sinai arrived from China at 5 p.m. yesterday and left with the homeward mails this morning. The outward French mail steamer Indus arrived here with the mails from Europe at 6.30 this morning, but owing to insufficient wharf accommodation, this vessel was compelled to
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  • 881 12 (Via. CiyUn.) London, August gth. Mr. ChamK to a deputation, said he favoured .if t"" 'c 6 ape tO Au cat"*** 1 ablmg the State eventually 0 s ym p a thj S ed with the SUK J stion oUch«'0 Uch <h, Cocos Island to Ceylon. a bran '->>
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  • 1497 13 have been no fresh cases of plague i Kuala Lumpur, since the two g:ted durinc last week. r Newark reached New York I ,ut from Hongkong. She is have made the quickest trip of any man-of-war, her ed being 144 knets throughout r^ e total number
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  • 111 13 The rickshaw coolies employed by the Madras Rickshaw Co. Ltd., went out on strike to-day in consequence of the Company increasing the daily rate of hire. It is said that the coolies are waiting for the Company to give in, but the latter declares that
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  • 114 13 The Tan Kim Tian Steamship Company received wire yesterday from the British Consul at Batavia informing them that the steamer Zvteena (owned by the above Company), bound from Saigon to Singapore, ran aground on Table Island, in Gaspar Straits, early on Saturday morning. To-day Mr. Tan
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  • 138 13 The new Blue Funnel steamer Tydens the eleventh steamer built by Messrs. Workman Clark Co., for the well known ship-owner Alfied Holt, of Liverpool, arrived from that port yesterday. The Tydcus is a vessel of 7,500 tons gross, her dimensions being 452 ft. by 54 ft. by
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  • 81 13 Raffles School opposed the Recreation Club on the ground of the latter last Saturday and succeeded in beating the Club, who made 56 runs, by 21 runs. For the School N. Clarke scored 24 and C. Cooper 22 runs. Saturday's Fixtures. The cricket matches arranged for Saturday next are
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  • 306 13 Reports from Germany state that the North Sea Canal, in the making of which the Kaiser has taken such deep interest, is silting up. The works in connection with the Hanoi 1902 Exhibition are very well advanced. The buildings will be standing next month and the tout ensemble is already
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  • 465 13 Warren Challenge Shield. R. E. v. 35TH Co. R. A. It was thought that the R. A. would easily beat the R. E. and with many it was only a question of how many gcals they would win by. However, tho glorious uncertainty of the game was c-r.ce
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  • 481 13 The Lords of the Admiralty, who are seeking to acquire the uninhabited island of Kerguelen, in the Indian Ocean, are not sanguine of the possibility of obtaining possession of it. The island, whirl) has an area of about 2,500 square miles, and is of very irregular shape, was
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  • 80 14 (Corrected up to August si.) On London. Bank 4 ra/s i/uf i, demand i/i ig Private credits 3 m/s I ll v documents 3 m/s 1/1 ill credits 6 m/s i/"l§ France, demand 245 Germany, demand 108 India, T. T 146* HONGKONG, demand pm. Yokohama, demand „.5% pm Java,
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  • 122 14 (August 21 1 QlrtlirHMH^, ,0.50 do. Cube No. i M 14 .25 Pepper, Black (ordinary S'porc) 29. do. White, (FairL/W-5%) „43-75 Nutmegs nos to the lb.) 52 do. (80s to the lb) 64 Mace (Banda)..,.. M 0,2 Cloves (Amboina) M Libcrian Coffee i 7 o Tapioca, small pearl (Fair
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 124 14 Fraser dimming Opucbs 7c Battery Road. Sawmills: Johore Bharu. Brick works Sirangoon and Balestier. Timber Merchants. PRIME H ARD-WOOD, cut by our own men inthe best districts, and steam sawn to any size. WORKED TIMBERS, Flooring Boards accurately planed, tongued and grooved by the best machinery, underthe superintendence of an
      124 words
    • 854 14 MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE Issue of Municipal Loan 1901 amounting to $1,000,000 at 5 per cent. The Municipal Commissioners of the Town of Singapore, having decided to carry %ut certain important public works and acting herein with the sanction of the Governor in Council of the Colony of the Straits Settlements,
      854 words
    • 530 14 JIORDDEUTSCHER 77 i BREMEN L0Y D, E HAMBURG NlB zj a OUTWARD. nde -1901 H0;v 'EWard Preussen A up 1901 ep l: 2 Sfi»* Sept. 26 S/'* Se P'' 0 Kiautschou Oct. 10 />,.?' //e Sen. j Say«>-» Oct „"""> Oc-»«ff#-r« N*^ Oft, Kvnig Albert Nov. ai St"; /V,- i/««w
      530 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 71 14 Weather Kepon (August 20.) Taken at Kandang Kerbau Hospital Observatory. 9. A. M. 3 r. m.9 p. M. Bar. red. 32 Fab 29.920 29.803 29.881 Temperature 86.0 88.0 83.0 Wet Bulb Thermometer... 79.0 79.0 78.5 Oir. of Wind S. S.K. S.E. Max. Temp, in shade 89.0 Min. do. do. 78.4
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 636 15 X> Office. Telegraph St. Wharves. Xeppel Harbour. 0 STEAM NAVIGATION Co. for CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG ii< INDIA, AUSTRALIA, ADEN CEVL MARSEILLES, GIBRALTAR. &V* BHINDISI, PLYMOUTH AND BiHs Lading issued for Persian xXO r* n t nental and American Ports, also for gys* MAIL LINES. rjW AKD HOMEWARD U 1001 IQOI
      636 words
    • 515 15 AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Umdir Mail Coktjuci wit» tbi Austrian gotirvmbwt. •X»HB toll owing Are the dates o. wkick the Co.'t bteamers may be expected to sail from here 7— OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. Trieste Sept. 8 *E. F. Ferdinand Aug. 26 Melpomene Sept. 10 China Sept. a6 All tke Steamers
      515 words
    • 451 15 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. (JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP O Ltd.) A regular FORTNIGHTLY Service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS. Under Mail Contracts with the Imperial Japanese Government. Specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for First
      451 words
    • 612 15 The Singapore Free Press. AND Mercantile Advertiser. Cable Address, Advertiser, S\ngapor: Telephone Number. No. 61. Published at 30-3, Raffles Place, Singapore. THE leading English Newspaper in the Straits Settlements Johore, the Federated Native States of Perak, Selao gor, Sungei Ujong, Pahang, the Negi Sembilan British North Borneo Sarawak Netherlands Indies,
      612 words

    • 44 16 The attempt of a ring to boycott the public tea sales has failed. 19,000 packages of Ceylon tea were sold publicly yesterday at splendid prices. 25,000 packages Indian tea were sold on Monday. Only 11,000 packages remain for tomorrow's secret sale.
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    • 19 16 The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York have arrived in Natal, and are visiting Pietermaritzburg.
      19 words
    • 205 16 A four hours' fight took place at Fish River between three hundred British and three hundred Boers, who toughly resisted but were driven from kopje to kopje. The British loss was one officer and one private killed, and seven men wounded. The Boer loss is not mentioned, but
      205 words
    • 33 16 Many German newspapers are condemning the boastfulness and aggressiveness of Count Waldersee's speeches. They especially deprecate the assertion that while the names of other nations have that of (iermany had risen.
      33 words
    • 52 16 The House of Commons has read the Koyai Titles Bill a third time, and the Naval an<l Military Works Rill a second time. The prorogation of Pailiament i> expected to take place on Saturday (to-day). Parliament has been prorogued. The naval and military works bills have been read a
      52 words
    • 47 16 Capt. Pretyman, in introducing the Naval Works estimates, stated that the extent of the Naval Dockyard at Hongkong would be 34-i acres, leaving space for the construction of an additional large dock if required. Storage would be provided for 1 00,000 tons of coal.
      47 words
    • 19 16 The Mazzawattee Tea Company's premises on Tower Hill in London have been gutted by fire.
      19 words
    • 19 16 The Kaiser and the Mikado have exchanged cordial telegrams with reference to Count Waldersee's reception (atTokio).
      19 words
    • 14 16 It is stated that Germany has decided to »orm a colonial army.
      14 words
    • 31 16 The fire reported on Tower Hill was not en the premises of the Mazzawattee Tea Company, but those of Messrs. Walker and Thomas, Densham and Sons, tea dealers
      31 words
    • 70 16 Ihe Canadian Pacific steamer Islander from Yukon struck an iceber* and sank in twenty minutes. [The /dander, a British twin screw steamer of 7,495 tons gross, was built for the Canadian Pacific Lo. Ltd. by Messrs. Napier, Shanks, Bell, Glasgow, in 1 883. Her dimensions were length,
      70 words
    • 11 16 The Tsar attends the French manoeuvres at Rheims.
      11 words
    • 22 16 The French press regards the visit of the Tsar to France as a fresh pltdge of friendshiD.
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    • 7 16 The Tsaritsa accompanies the Tsar.
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    • 19 16 Before landing at Dunkirk, the Tsar accompanies President Loubet in a review of the northern squadron.
      19 words
    • 32 16 The public enthusiasm displayed at the reception of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York at Capetown has dispelled the misgivings felt respecting the prudence of the visit.
      32 words
    • 26 16 The press regards as a hopeful sigft the fact that the Tsar meets the Kaiser li Dantzig en route for Dunkirk.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 605 16 CLEAR AN CBS. August 74. Ajax, Brit., Butt, for Japan, via ports. VJlle do Majunga, Fr., .Castan, for Colombo a»d Marseille*. Cholon, Fr. tra., Loquente, tor Marseilles. Kein, Nor., Olsen, for Hongkong. Terrier, Nor., Kamfjord, tot Bangkok. Chantek Majelis, Siam sch., Nacodah,ior Patani. August I g* Kian Yang, Brit Hoppen,
      605 words
    • 1209 16 SHARE LIST. AUGUST a1 s t :==:=::=::^^> al i9oi Quotatiom. Paid. Bank rf China and Japan, Ltd. j^\ Nominal. £4 Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency. Nominal. Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $3«75 Sellers. $c Gear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. $100 |i OO Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. $6 18.25 Sl2«; Jelebu Mining and
      1,209 words