The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 1 August 1901

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 17 1 At Karnbank, Singapore, on the 25th instant, the wife of Mr. Willy Ewald, of a daughter.
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    • 30 1 A T I\o. 148, Middle Road, on the 27th instant, Maud Alicb Nkubhonn»r, eldest daughter 01 the late John Christian Neubronner, aged 18 years. Funeral at 5.30. p.m. to-day.
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  • 561 1 A Pro-Boer Forgery. (July 25th.) 1 lere slia.ll th? Pre«t the Peoplt's rigkt naintair 'Jnavred by influence and wnfcrital by gain; Hew patriot Troth her gl<vi«M precepts Jitw, »U<u*«i to R«licion. Loyalty, and Law. The gutterlings of the pro-Boer party have made themselves conspicuous not only by the vilification of
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  • 217 1 There is no doubt at all that a large section c* the home press have viewed the question of the so-called spheres of foreign influence of China in a way not warranted by facts. The broad reality about the situation is that China's treaty relations with all
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  • 429 1 Ij is a particularly unfortunate thing that Prince Chun, who is deputed to pro ceed to Berlin on behalf of the Chinese Imperial Government, should have had such an extraordinarily undignified experience on his arrival at Hongkong. Our special telegram to-day states that as the Prince
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 484 1 CONTENTS \RI I< LBS. Pro- Bolt Forgery, 65 ■•Sphere- cf InHuence," 65 Prince Chun, 65 An American Wheat-Shortage, 66 Anxiety About the Navy, 66 Australia and Immigration, 66 The Battle cf the Boilers, 66 The King's Prize, 66 OUIT N'B The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Theft, §7 Expensive Snap-Shot, 67
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    • 80 1 S. TOMLINSON, M. Inst. C.E. (Late Municipal Engineer, Singapore) Civil Knginbbr, Sukvbyor Jc Valubr, Gresham House, Singapore. July 9 McALISTER Co. Engineering Department. FOR Planting, Mining, Engineering, Carpenters Tools and Requisites Portable Steam Engines and Centrifuga Pumps Dicks Patent and Original Balata Belting Circular, Frame, Cross cut and Hand Saws
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 372 1 THE WEEK. The mail from home of July sth arrived by the P. O. Massilia on Saturday, followed on Tuesday by the N. D. L. Prinzess Irene, with dates up to July Bth. The next outward mail is due by the M.M. Yarra on Monday. The last homeward mails left
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  • 298 2 Considering the very large degree of dependence of Britain on Transatlantic foodstuffs it is pretty certain that the enormous shortage in the wheat production of the United States, owing to the drought, will have a very direct -effect on raising bread prices in Britain. The wheat-shortage, we
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  • 673 2 A very interesting appreciation is giver to-day of Admiral John Fisher who stands for the Empire at the naval focus of Em pire in the Mediterranean. This is from the columns of the Daily Mail, which has lately been particularly well served by correspondents
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  • 402 2 n tfhoJLj: J ONE ol the u r illftOSt significant itemSj co-clays' telegraphic news, is the firm stan Federated Australia is now taking ove that vital question of all new countries,immigration. Time was when the Austra Kan States paid bounties for the artisar or agricultural immigrant, whose thews am
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  • 876 2 If there is a happy man in Parliament it should be Mr. William ALLAN, the doughty member for Gateshead. It is he and none other who has been in the forefront of what has been known in the popular press as the "Battle
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  • 221 2 Once more has the blue ribbon i National Rifle Association gone across the Border, the champion year's Bisley Meeting bein, <£* OMMUMDSEN of the Queen's Edink l Rifle Volunteer Brigade, s th Roy S Since iB6O, the year in which the Q tte Jj Prize was instituted,
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  • 95 2 Yesterday Lim Choo Liang recced three years' rigorous imprisonment criminal breach of tru^t. and Bin, Singh alias lihshaT had to be reAkd owing to the abset 1 f r te rr" s^edly proved to bz^J 1 of a juror, was *as accordingly disi guilty of theft ai 1
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  • 220 2 THE.LATE PR- r he recent death oi Io connection wiwho occupied the Professor P. G. T hair in Edinburgh Natural PhilosonJ, an old Edinburgh University slnja. Ceylon paper, makes student, writ 'reference to the late Prothis interesti fessor t0 d about Tait an( j ClarkThere is a st«sr discovered the
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  • 90 2 SPLIT. THE LIBERAI Liberal Party (Nurse to rjffi'jj Bannerman): n Oh, you b min you don't stop quarrelling t^ 5 1S eggS Mr. Asqutth has made a home> a*?Eneimpression upon public opinion l^ 1 6 7 °L, upon all observers abroad whosf 1 V, ul hshj public opinion is worth
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  • 1042 3 I PRINCE CHUN'S ARRIVAL. His Re< bptiow in Singapore. Yesterday, Chinatown, despite the downo0 ur of rain, was beflagged and' excited [J v er the visit to Singapore of H.I.H. Prince Chun, brother to the Emperor Kwangsu on s way to the Court of Berlin on a mission apology for
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  • 131 3 We learn from our correspondents (says the Daily Mail, of the sth July), that the military display on the occasion of the Coronation will he of exceptional brilliancy, as it will represent all parts of the Empire. The tentative arrangements are already being made. Australia h
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  • 396 3 I The prices quoted *re generally this* current *t Clyde Ttrrmce Market. M the other mtrhtts there m*y be small wmrUtiens. Singapore, July 29 rgoi. BeartsuLong per catty ct. 4 Do. do. 12 Beef do. 20 Beef Steal^ do. 2«; Bean Sprourfc do. 2 Bamboo SproWs do.
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  • 1302 3 (VU Ceylon.) London, July 20th.— The Ophir w'th the Royal party on board has encountered a -lent gale, and had to return to Albany. The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall will now proceed from Albany to Perth overland. This change lias considerably upset the arrangements at Perth. In response
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  • 169 3 ">s: Herman Kholos and Henry Claudos, twoyoung German apprenticed engineers belonging to the N. D. L. Prinzess Irene. were seen by the Signal-Sergeant on duty at Mt. Faber at 9.30 this morning to be photographing the Passir Panjang fortresses and were accordingly placed under arrest. The offenders
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  • 194 3 It is officially reported that there is a. serious secret society outbreak at Hsinghua in Fohkien province, where is the Rev. Ohlinger's mission. As a result of the rough weather this morning one of the angsana trees on the sea-side of the S. C. C. ground was blown down. Mr.
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  • 504 4 Four wandering Chinese lunatics have been committed to the asylum during the past week. Ngoh Ling was fined $15 yesterday for impersonating his brother in a Municipal summons case. Thirteen Chinese residents in the State of Selangor have been banished therefrom for life. Lieutenant P. L.
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  • 171 4 THE FIRST F. M. S. SCHOLAR. The Malay Mail says :-Mr. Chan Sze Pong, age 17, has been awarded the first Federal Scholarship, to enable him to proceed to England, where he will study at Edinburgh University for a period of four years, with the intention of ultimately joining the
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  • 81 4 Hamidj the policeman who was charged yesterday before Chief Justice Law in the Supreme Court with house-trepassing, was discharged. Sow Tin, with two previous convictions against him was found guilty of burglary and sentenced to five years rigorous imprisonment. For a similar offence Lim Tin, received one year.
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  • 119 4 The Hamburg-American Steamship Co. has bought the steel steamer Liddesda/e, of 7,000 tons gross, for £60,000. The steamer Fazilka, which arrived from Fiji yesterday with Indian troops on board left this morning after coaling. The collier Ataka, with American coal, from Norfolk, for Manila, arrived yesterday and left
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  • 170 4 The Committee of Management have issued an exceedingly well got-up pamphlet programme of the entries and events of the Horse and Dog Show, which comes off on Saturday, at 3 p m. on the Recreation Ground at Tanglin Barracks. These programmes, published at 25 cents
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  • 352 4 A VVould-kb Murderer Runs Amok. Just before noon to-day (22nd) considerable excitement was occasioned in the compound at the police courts by the appearance of a Malay who was running at a high speed from the Third Magistrate's court to the police office. Following him were
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  • 612 4 This morning the ten prisoners on remand concerned in the theft of $272,855 from the above Bank were again placed in the dock in the First Magistrates' Court, Mr. Brockman being the presiding Magistrate. The prisoners were as follows Abdul Kadir, charged with theft
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  • 220 4 THE LATE MR. G .T. ADDIS. The N.-C. Daily News of the Bth inst. says —There are still many of his old friends in Shanghai who will be sorry to hear of the death, at the early age of 56, of George Thorburn Addis, brother of Mr. C. S. Addis
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  • 137 4 A correspondent signing himself u wntcs to the Bangkok Observer L t U W"« l Pawnbroker's shops are closed ceru n "r? *e have arrived from Singapore est^Kr Ch «tite selves in Bangkok and Ve aVanc^ d *5 jewellery, etc., at the rate of 80 n P
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  • 683 4 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied mi bonest pastimes, playe at chesse th ds b > mer's game, and the philosopher's p! astr Q o. whettes thyr wittes, recreates thevr m Wbich hurts no body in the mean season. 11 ds> aQ All communications should be ad<W Chess
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  • 3101 5 By Rudyard Kipling. cfe the Editor of the "Spectator."] S, r _\Ve were born, with many others, in the C U Week of '99 and the story of our adventures Id fill a book. It is enough for the world to oW that the Marquis, the
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  • 27 5 »l Tho drop-boxes id the Sub-offices and the pillar-boxes will be cleared to-morrow morning in time for correspondence posted during the night to catch the homeward mail.
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  • 551 5 (Hongkong Daily Press.) More than a month ago Messrs. Jebsen Co., of this colony, despatched, under command of Captain Koch, the steam launch Kiautschau to Tsingtao. The launch had been purchased by Messrs. Jebsen Co. for the Kiaochau Lighter Co., and was to be used for towing
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  • 285 5 FiVjal Scratch Fours." Sliortly after five o'clock yesterday evening, the crews left the clubhouse and paddled slowly to the starting point in a choppy sea. Both boats got away with a good start, but Scoular setting a faster stroke, gradually drew ahead until he had gained a full boat's
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  • 65 5 The family of the late Mr. Hoshi Toru are about to open a free library in Tokio, stocking it with his books, which are valued at $40,000. Before the Mixed Court at Shanghai, an insolent Chinese M boy/' who had i«sultedf his mistress, the wife of Capt. Dunford oi the
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  • 535 6 The S.C.C. match for to-morrow afternoon is Mr. Mansfield's XI v. Mr. Carroichad's XL The mail steamer Mmssilia left Penang at 1 1 p.m. yesterday and may be expected at Singapore at 7 a.m. to-morrow (Saturday). The Imp. German Mail steamer Bayern having left Hongkong on
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  • 264 6 The Astor House Hotel Co., Ltd. has been privately floated, with a capital of $450,000 in 4,500 shares of $100 each, fully paid up. I is reported (says the N.-C. Daily News) tha the prospectus shows an expected profit on this capital of 40 per cent
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  • 78 6 Protbst by Gbrman Shipping Firm. Berlin, July 10.— The Government of Singapore has prohibited the introduction of Chinese steerage passengers in other than British ships. The Hamburg-America-Linie handed at once a protest against this measure to the Foreign Office at Berlin, requesting them to intercede,
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  • 95 6 Yeo Kim Cheow, tried yesterday for theft as a servant before Mr. Justice Leach in the Supreme Court, was convicted and ordered one and a half years rigorous imprisonment. Mohamed Dris received three months' rigorous imprisoment for voluntary causing grievous hurt, and Ponusamy, accused of attempted murder together
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  • 149 6 The steamer Crusader, which arrived from Moji yesterday, brought a large cargo of about 6,000 tons Japan coal, for this port. H. M. S. Rozario left for a cruise yesterday for the westward and returned the same evtning at 6 o'clock. The steamer Fazilki, with Indian troops, left
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  • 116 6 PUTTING DOWN HIS FOOT. A good story is being told of Col. G. C. Knight, who commanded the New South Wales Mounted Infantry in the Transvaal. The Colonel was told by headquarters to expostulate with his men for killing sheep. His speech on parade was a thing of beauty. I've
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  • 207 6 The Manila Times reproduces the romantic story of the marriage of Josephine Taufer to Dr. Rizal, the famous Filipino, and concludes as follows: As to the property left by Doctor Rizal, Mrs. Rizal states that it consists of two houses on Calle Azcarraga, now occupied by the officers
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  • 131 6 It was freely reported in native official circles here yesterday (says the N. C. Daily News of the loth instj that agents of Chihli Boxers, who are also in league with the Allied Villages of that province, with reference to which mention has /already been made in
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  • 175 6 This morning, at the Police Court, before Mr. W. L. Carter, H. A. Leslie Orchard was charged, on remand, with cheating and forgery. It is alleged against the defendant that on April 6th last, he cheated Mr. J. E. Tyler, of Messrs. Kelly Walsh, of
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  • 324 6 German Competition. Sir Walter Hillier has just arrived in England from Peking, where he had acted as political officer to the China Expeditionary Force and as Secretary of Legation for Chinese affairs. To a representative of Reuter's Agency Sir Walter said that Hankow promised to
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  • 325 6 S.V.R. v. R. E. A friendly game between teams representing the above was the centre of attraction on the Recreation Club Ground last evening. At the commencement the Rifles severely pressed their opponerfts, but the defence kept them out. Towards the end of the first half, however, the
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  • 565 6 Under the above title the Ost a <i*r says:-" The English Press tions of new troubles in East Asi mdica these reports are true, and what iust! in ascribing them to the preparation s V* '4 supposed to be making, cannot ade judged just now. Still there
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  • 286 6 GERMAN ENTERPRISE IN THE EAST. The Work of thb Nordde- tscher Lloyd Co. {From London Times Vienna Correspondent.) Those who prophesy that eventually the Chinese question will be solved by an agreement between Russia and Germany may be a little premature their predictions. Meanwhile, the aclivity of Germany in the
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  • 27 6 Mr. and Mrs. A. Robertson an the mail this morning. or ne( [ien ds ing fit as a fiddle, his multitudes ot will be glad to hear.
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  • 981 7 STORI ES OF THE KING. I ke a the rest of us (remarks Af. A. P.) the I t has his peculiarities. One of the most marked I ese i s that he is particular to the verge of I rity on the subject of decorations that should be E
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  • 1381 7 Thi Cock-A-Doodlbr thi Vooub. A County Player and Lig|iriak Bowling. The Notts bowler, Attewell, wasone of the first, if not the first, regular bowler in first-class cricket to make a speciality of what became known as the off-theory," says an English County Player in an
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  • 565 7 A copy of Correspondence respecting Works at Gibraltar" has been issued as a parliamentary paper It consists of a report, dated March 30, 1901, by Vice-Admiral Sir Harry Rawson, K.C.8., addressed to the Earl of Selborne, which states that he had held an inquiry into
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  • 35 7 Mr. S. Hisamidzu has been granted exequatur to act as Consul for Japan, and Mr. W. A. Greig has taken over charge of the Swedish and Norwegian Consulate at Singapore, vice Mr. W. P. Waddell.
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  • 693 7 Mr. J. M. Kindersley has been granted three months leave, from to-morrow. Deli and Langkat in Sumatra, also Swatow, are no longer declared infected ports. The importation of cattle to this Settlement from Johore is prohibited, owing to foot-and-mouth disease existing in the latter place. Yesterday's
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  • 1277 8 Quicquid ogunt homines no str i est farrago lib elli Juvenal. The nations of the unhappy Occident will repent it, if they do v not soon shut up their women, as do their wise brethren of the East. In a certain limited sphere, women are we
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  • 350 8 What Might Happen in War. The growing discontent and unrest among the industrial classes in Russia are causing the gravest concern both to the Imperial Government and to tlie provincial authorities, civil and military. The recent violent emeute among the workpeople aj the Crown Works at
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  • 78 8 The late Sir John Commerell entreats the beneficiaries under his will to resort to arbitration and not to law if any difficulty arises. He makes this appeal, because he was swindled by every lawyer that he ever had anything to do with." He speaks of his fatal experience of the
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  • Correspondence.
    • 194 8 To tub Editor. Sir, The Secretary to the Admiralty has admitted in the House of Commons the specific indictment of the Navy League, i.e., (1) That the Mediterranean Fleet is short of Battleships. (2) Cruisers. (3) yj Destroyers. (4) n n Auxiliaries, and further that the strength of
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  • 379 8 Sir A. Clarke's Advice. "Put the Navy on a War Footing.' 1 Sir Andrew Clarke (our former Governor) is absolutely against going to any considerable expt nse in connection with the disputed works at Gibra'tar. For many years Sir Andrew, as head of the extension of dockyards, etc.
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  • 192 8 This entertainment has been drawing large audiences during the week and the attendance last night was no exception, when an excellent programme was provided. The exhibition on this occasion was in every detail a decided improvement on that of the opening night, when things were hardly in ship-shape
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  • 461 8 A SAILOR CHARGED WITH POISONING. At the Police Court this morning i Fourth Magistrate's Court before Mr th William Brodie, cook on board th^ Envy, Captain John Strachan whi w just returned from a seven month in Oceania, was charged with adminiT* ing a stupefying drug to John Stracha i
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  • 272 8 Speaking at Rouen, M. Doumer, the Governor of Tongking, candidly avowed that the object of France in conquering and annexing the Colony was to capture the Chinese market. In it*Hi Tongking is worth very little, as French merchants have made painful discovery. Hut it has great
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  • 63 8 Old friends of the Lincolnslu which arrived here in 1892, will be m ed to know that Lt. W. H Bulke fa ing through to-day by the mail to )O Ist Chinese Regiment at Wei hai Hulke has been recently 01 na,ia, and, now going to Wei-baj wej^ in for
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  • 680 9 ON THE KING'S HIGHWAY SINGAPORE. Tie Recent visit of Royalty to Singapore furrrshes a text on which Mr. Hugh Clifford dilates in the present issue of filackwood. We hope it will serve to induce those people at home, whose ideas as to tic •:< ographical position of the place are
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  • 136 9 A report was made at the Master AttenOffice yesterday that as the Spit--a<t passed the Hamburg American liner tfiritf, inchored off Passir Panjang before that day a lighter (No. 30) was seen l he starboard side of the Siberia, with ather lighter on the port side. Both
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  • 612 9 The Cricketing Strength of India. J. G. Grtig's fine performance for Hampshire the other day, will, un i ess lam great y mistakeri| says a writer in the Bombay Gazette, turn the thoughts of home cricketers who love to roam about with a touring
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  • 273 9 Sarah Bernhardt has given her opinions on the American Women to an interviewer whom she saw between the acts of L'Aiglon at the Theatre de la Monnaie at Brussels the other evening. Some of her assertions are far from the truth, but they are interesting,
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  • 70 9 The "Japan Times points out that Yuan Shih-kai is the coming man in China, and that the former followers of Li Hung-chang are repairing to Chinanfu, with an increasing army of ambitious youths from all parts of the empire, to pay court to the Governor of Shantung. There arrived from
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  • 510 9 A marriage will take place on Sunday the nth August, between Mr. Max Nathans, cell s Asbestos Company, Singapore, and Miss Esther Spanjaard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Spanjaard, Singapore. Mr. G. T. Hare, the Secretary for Chinese Affairs, F. M. States, has come to
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  • 211 9 It is understood that a new regulation, introduced by H. E. E. W. Birch, will mean another hour's work a day for all Government Officers. Their present hours are 10 to 4, or five hours actual working time, which is to be increased to six, though no one
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  • 316 9 As will be seen by a consideration of the composition of the programme for to-mor-row evening, that is laid out entirely on popular lines, there being no inclusion of any classical item. This, under the circumstances, is judicious, for symphony movements make heavy demands on instrumental
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  • 488 9 A Globe-trotter writes from Vancowver to the Editor of the Daily Mail in these terms on the question of the want of uniformity of currency within the British Empire He says Wandering round tne world and caltt* it Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, India, Ceylon, f.^na^ Singapore, Hongk^g^nTnTTa^ Stuffing
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  • 2619 10 A very successful meeting was that of the Horse and Dog Show, held at the Recreation Ground, Tanglin, on Saturday afternoon. Although the weather wore a threatening aspect during the morning and some slight showers of rain fell during the early part of
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  • 971 10 Sir M»chael Hicks-Beach, Chance, Exchequer, speaking at the Mansion u claimed any feeling of pessimism in Empire's future. egard the Great Britain, he said, had the duty for,. two years of maintaining what to us j. U tch mous force of 250.000 men six thousand M
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  • 1362 11 John Fisher in thb Mediterranean. Jr (Daily Mail.) Fppopular soldiers' portraits adorn the wrappers rarette packets their names are familiar to n m the street, to the child in the Sunday hool, »»nd > n popular esteem the generals vie th the heroes of cricket and football. How many
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  • 345 11 Water Polo. The Water Polo yesterday proved not only an enjoyable game, but a very close one and was keenly contested, the Reds" (Upton's team) eventually winning by three goals to two. The first part of the game looked as if the Whites were to br the
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  • 259 11 Spectator in his Recreation Notes in the China Mail says On all sides, I have heard satisfaction expressed over the arrangements for a cricket festival in November. When Shanghai and Singapore last visited the Colony, the West Yorks were with us, and M. D. Wood, of
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  • 687 11 With two German mails in there should be a good attendance of our Teutonic friends at to-night's concert. The British steamer Elm Branch passed through the harbour from East to West at 520 p.m. yesterday. The Chartered French transport Gallia passed through yesterday afternoon. She is
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  • 59 11 The Autumn S. C. C. Lawn Tennis Tournament commences on Wednesday, Sept. nth, the entries for which close in the S. C. C. pavilion on Thursday, sth Sept., at 7 p.m. Those members desiring to take part in the above tournament should sign the Entry
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  • 72 11 Two courts sat in the Supreme Court this morning, presided over by Mr. Justice Hynd man Jones and Mr. Justice Law, respectively. Lim Choo Liang appeared before the former for criminal breach of trust, while the case of Uttar Singh, with a similar charge against him, which was
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  • 99 11 The homeward German mail s.s. Bayern arrived alongside the Borneo Wharf at 2.30 p.m. to-day, with Prince Chun on b ard. A posse of 50 Sikhs, with Supt. Wathen in command, lined the entrance to the wharf, where the Hon. C. W S. Kynnersley, in the absence
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  • 172 11 Among the entertainments provided for the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York at Hobart was a wood-chopping contest. Champions from the various States competed for money prizes and a gold med^l, and the exhibitions included over and under hand chopping, sawing and other branches
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  • 172 11 Last night the first S. V. C. route march of the season was held. The men turned up in good force, fell in at the Drill Hall at 830 p.m. and shortly afterwards marched away over Cavenagh Bridge in the direction of the Esplanade, the
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  • 167 11 Yesterday a Eurasian named W. Nonis was fined $15 or 10 days rigcrous imprisonment by Mr. Green for carrying fires-arm without a permit in Kerbau-rd. The story of Mr. Carnegie's gift to the Scottish Universities is told in the Scotsman. He had, it is said, originally intended to give a
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  • 1617 12 (Via CeyUn.) Calcutta, July 17.— A ballast train, carrying coolies, was nearing Nagpur when the enginei brake-van, and several trucks were derailed, a rail having been removed. In the general smash six coolies were killed, and many injured. The accident was on the new Surat route. Owing to dacoities
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  • 120 12 Chinatown is decorated to-day in anticipation of the arrival this afternoon by the N. German Lloyd s.S. Baytrn of Prince Chun, brother of the Emperor of China, who is going to Berlin on a mission of apology for the murder of Baron Ketteler, the German Minister at Peking. The insufficiency
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  • 537 12 "The Three Diplomatists of the World." The Daily Mail has had the opportunity of an interview with the doyen of China merchants, whose personal experience of China and the Chinese, extending from the days of Lord Elgin and Sir Harry Parkes to the present time, invests him
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  • 60 12 The agenda of business for to-morrow's meeting of the Municipal Commissioners includes consideration of an application from the Christian cemetery forH^he reduction of fees, tenders for rep&rs to I Johnston's Pier pontoon, a purchase of lamp pillars for the town lighting, the report of the Special Committee on
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  • 214 12 The Monthly Medal for July was played for on July Jjth. Scores: Elcura, Jones, and Beatty returned no scores. To bring the French troops home from China three of the Messageries Maritimes steamers, one from the Compagnie Nationale and four others from other French •Steamship Cies.
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  • 455 12 FOUCH* AND K«miM QM M tKt Some most interesting particulars with tt to Commandants Fouche and Kntzin the most prominent leaders of tne infu tWw given in a full account of the light J place at Buffelsfontein between ie Wodehouse Yeomanry and a forceV"-*! f After fighting bravely
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  • 482 12 ENGLAND AND FRANCE IN THE MEDITERRANEAN. A German Opinion. The "Berliner Neueste Nachrichten has a lengthy article on the relative positions oi England and France in the Mediterranean, in which i comes to the conclusion that the former has lost ground considerably in the last few years. After alluding to
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  • 4680 13 iJ W lN E Article irom the Juj M National Rbvibw. m^, ;oyalty of the Royal Navy to its m i{ chiefs is more than traditional F I, With naval officers, high and F to their chiefs is not a garnt to be doffed before strangers when onver cot
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  • 247 14 (See above article,) Channel Fleet, the admirals. Vice-Admiral, Sir Harry Rawson. Rear-Admiral, A. B. Jenkin^s. THE BATTLESHIP CAPTAINS. Htnnibah—Russel. Jupiter,—S\r A. Milne. Magnificent,—Horsley. Majestic,—Egerton. Mars,—Barry. Prince George,—Montgomerie. Repulse i —Login. Resolution,—Wi Ison. Mediterranean Fleet. the admirals. Vice-Admiral, Sir John Fisher. Rear-Admiral, Lord Charles Beresford. THE BATTLESHIP CAPTAINS. Caesar,—Gamble.
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  • 390 14 At Powell Co/s saleroom yesterday the steam launch Maruda was knocked down to Mr. G. M. Preston for $10,800. Mr. A. G. Faber, of Messrs. Behn Meyer Co., returned from Europe yesterday evening by the German Mail Princess Irene. The death is announced of Mr. P.
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  • 170 14 The following are the results of the first day's racing of the Penang Race Meeting, held at Penang yesterday The Maiden Plate. Mr. Payne's Sir Launcelot. 2. Mr. Cheah Tek Thye's Sandy. The Griffin Race. 1. The Sugar Kongsi's Glucose. 2. Messrs. Boyd and Norwood's, The Broker. The
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  • 69 14 The returns from the Pahan^ Corporation's Mines for the month of June were as follows Sungei Lemking Tons of stone crushed 1809; Oxide of tin produced, 52 tons, with 40 heads of stamps running for 27 day?. Working expenses $20,000. r fer*m Bating Tons of stone
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  • 643 14 SINGAPORE PHILIPINE SOCIETY. Popular Orchestral Cos^Bß Another of this popular serieSl cal entertainments was o lven b.V the Town Hall before a l ar cT the majority of whom were mem b*?*^ Society. The burden of the f lay upon the shoulders of the 0 who had stven item put
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  • 83 14 IX Reid, R.G.A., who has been UW down with a moderate attack of typw now convalescent, and doing we\ A Tientsin telegram dated 3rd *J* ports The Russians have decided to troops from Port Arthur to Haichen ag* the Chinese insurgents. Ihe men^ are ing conveyed by transports ana t
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    • 132 15 Lord Kitchener reports that Scheepers captured and burned a train, while travelling with 113 details near Beaufort West. Three men were killed and 13 wounded. Kruitzinger, near Cradock, attacked Col. Crabbe, who retired on Mortimer after fighting all day. The casualties were slight. 1 here are various reports
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    • 60 15 Lord Cranborne in the House of Commons stated that the temporary presence of foreign troops at Shanghai did not constitute an alienation of Chinese territory, or any infringement of Chinese assurances to Britain regarding the Yangtze Valley. Lord Cranborne stated that there was no reason to believe
      60 words
    • 40 15 The American Admiralty has acceded to Admiral Schley's request for a Court of Enquiry into hs conduct at the battle of Santiago, a recently published history of the navy having accused him of cowardice and mendacity.
      40 words
    • 47 15 The heat and drought remain unabated in the Central and Western United States. It is estimated that the loss of wheat crops in the states of lowa, Missouri, Neb^sJsA^nlj^nsas amounts,t£^i^ million, bushels, being equal to half of last year's total production.
      47 words
    • 50 15 THE HONGKONG NAVAL DOCKYARD. Mr. Arnold Foster, in the House of Commons, stated that the naval advisers of the Admiralty had fully considered the suggestions concerning the removal of the Hongkong Dockyard to the mainland. It had been decided to retain the present site, whose area had been much extended.
      50 words
    • 17 15 It is expected that there will be a phenomenal harvest of wheat in Canada.
      17 words
    • 42 15 The London Gazette publishes an Order in Council dealing with the question of the administration of justice in the Sultanate of Brunei. The Gazette also prints an Order in Council providing for the government of Wei-hai-wei under a Commissioner.
      42 words
    • 62 15 Lord Cranborne stated that the negotiations concerning the Chinese indemnity were on the point of a satisfactory conclusion. Lord Cranborne, in the House of Common, stated that it was uAierstood that the occupation of Shanghai by foreign troops was of a temporary nature. He added that Britain
      62 words
    • 33 15 He also said that there was no reason to believe that Russia at the proper time would not give up the section of the Northern Railway outside the Great Wall.
      33 words
    • 26 15 The new German Tariff has been pub lished, subject to parliamentary amendment. It increases the duty on all cereals, agricultural produce, and cattle.
      26 words
    • 33 15 Other duties, per hundred kilogrammes, are fixed as follows On tea, a hundred marks on raw coffee, forty marks on spices, fifty marks on sug^r of all kinds. Tmr+\T morlrc
      33 words
  • 14 15 M. Doumer has started from France to resume his Governorship in Indo-Cbina.
    14 words
  • 29 15 Mr. Barton, Premier of the Australian Commonwealth, has introduced a Bill into the Australian Parliament containing drastic restrictions upon immigration, including the imposition of an educational test.
    29 words
  • 46 15 A message from the King has been presented to Parliament, which states that considering the eminent services of Lord Roberts, and desiring to confer a signal mark, of favour upon him, His Majesty recommends the bestowal of a grant of £100,000.
    46 words
  • 12 15 The Mad Mullah in Somaliland has been defeated with heavy loss.
    12 words
  • 24 15 The drought has at last broken in the United States. The news of the condition of the crops is better.
    24 words
  • 35 15 PARLIAMENT. There was a scene in the House ofjf Commons on the Rating Bill. Mr. William Redmond, M.P., and Mir. Patrick O'Brien, m.p., were suspended from the sitting", for disregarding the authority of the Speaker.
    35 words
  • 134 15 PRINCE CHUN AT HONGKONG. A Fiasco on Arrival. Special to Singapore Free Press.) Hongkong, 26th JiT Owing to a misunderstanding F^ nee Chun's landing yesterday resulted i^disgraceful bungling. Being unofficial in its character Jthe/ was no guard of honour present. j fP* n% Prince Chun landed at the
    134 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 632 15 niTnRDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, fP BREMEN. I I-iMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE Hi HAMBURG. „.,PERIAL GERMAN MAIL. The W <* nd well-known Mail-steamers of these in es*i i^ vc Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. 1901 igoi. fnnßfftinrieh Au*. 15 Stuttgart Aug. 13 Preussen Aug. 29 Kontg Albert Au|. 27 Hamburg 12
      632 words
    • 902 15 bingapore Sporting Club. PROGRAMME FOR THE AUTUMN RAC^ MEETING, 1901. October 22nd, 24th and 2*th. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 22nd October. First Rack. Thb Maidbn Plate.— Value $400. A Race for Maiden Horses— Weight as per scale (lost.) An allowance of i 4 lb. to ex-Griffins imported into the Straits Settlements
      902 words
    • 22 15 E. WALLACE Bronze Medalist Britah Horologali c Institute. Watch Maker and Jeweller. Repairs in all Branches, Guaranteed <5-b BATTERY ROAD. Mnv i•?
      22 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 361 15 Passengers for Straits, China and Japan. Per N. Y. K. Sanuki Maru, due Aug. 7. Fo» Singapore— Miss B. Dickens. Mr. Spencer, Mr. Powell, Mr. H. Upton, Mr. J. M. Kussel, Mr. Templeton, Mr. Chilvers, Mr. D. Perkins. For Penang— Mr. P. Heushaw. Mr. J. Hamilton. For Hongkong— Mr. R.
      361 words

  • 97 16 I (July 31.1 1 $70. Uarjber. 10#25 *t£ J l *r. t v •<*•. 1 3- 8 7i l t l-;w 'TC! Sff"-> 20.25 iVbiie, fKtic g\V«p53M 45.50 > .i'Tve^b f 1 10 .*o ihr 1b... nj2 10, i'Bos to i))r b) 6 4 M^- .'R>n^A) n ga Vmhot"-.
    97 words
  • 241 16 tJvoTMTion. Paid. hank China and japan, Ltd. /I Nominal. FVID| *!K. Deferred. £i Bell's Asbestos Rasters Agency. Nominal. 2,i Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $3*75 Sellers. $5 Clear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. $100 $ioo 7 Fraser and Neave Ltd. $86. %z 0 1n <y t 6%
    241 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 927 16 VESSELS EXPECTED. Giving port of departure, and (where known) date due here, and name of Agents. Men-of-War. Albion, H.M.S., Chatham, due Aug Ariadne, Ger., Kiel, due Aug Cressy, H.M.S., Portsmouth, due Aug D. Entrecaoteaux, Toulon, due Aug Infernet, Fr., Toulon, due Aug Irene, Ger., Kiel, due Aug Mntine, H.M.8., Sheerness,
      927 words
    • 680 16 CL.KAKA N C K V Jnly 24. Mogul, Brit., Bailey, for Hongkong and Japan. Ataka, Brit., Lep^y, for Manila. 1 Tai Chiong, Ger., Ahrens, for Hongkong. C. F. Laeisz, Ger., Fachs, for Calcutta. Tamba Maru, Jap., Wale, for Hongkong and Japan. July *5Chow Phya, Brit., Jellicoe, for Malacca and Klang.
      680 words
    • 789 16 VESSELS IN PORT Men-of-War Flag and Tons Commanders "Arrived From For VV Rosario Brit, sloop, 980 Hamilton juno 5 Unowtah Other Vessels Flags Tons Masters Arnved From Consignees For Aruherst Brit 108 Angus July IW Kelanian W.'n Rin a i Austnlind Brit 1010 KoSgor .lulyL'l Fm, aMtle Boustead iv"""'"'
      789 words
    • 156 16 Passengers Arrived by the Mail. •July 25. PerP. fcO. S la: Krom SI J \Mm. Prynn,. s. llfMiry. P A S SE N G e/rS" fOO* 8 H O M K/W A R D > Per Siido Maru,jfu±. 16. H<» llk fc ll Lieut.-Col. and MA Uhiilry. Per liawachi m,,.
      156 words