The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 13 June 1901

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 180 1 Round, 1 36l nl of Humanity at Peking A Peep Behind 361 362 362 rich X Iway 10 Yunnan, 362 Morocco, 362 strategy, lalism, 362 hipowners and British Masters, 363 IEWS. gl il Restraint, 366 373 365 Fours' Entries, -67 ootball Association, Annua) igi K-A., 373 hool Sports, First
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 36 1 On the Oth of June, 1901, at Burnbrae, Orange Grove Road, the wife of Willy Hassbbalg. of a daughter. Ccmmivg.— Ai Bexhill-on-Sea, on 16th May, the wife of Alexander Gumming, of Singapore, of a daughter.
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    • 43 1 At3o, Beechgrove Tori-ace, Aberdeen, Scotland, on the 2nd instant, Robert RaINNII Esq., Merchant. Deeply regretted. On the 1 ith, at m-a Wilkie Road, Norman Walter Mclntyrs. late engineer of s. s. Ban Liong. Aged 39. (Penang and Mauritius papers please ropy).
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  • 242 1 ll is gratifying to see, from the telegrams that reach us to-day by German mail from Ceylon, that Canada is anxious to continue to display her zeal for the Imperial welfare by offering yet another mounted corps of her gallant sons for service m South
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  • 669 1 We think it was Lord Hugh Cecil, who is one of the headlong and ultraecclesiastical opponents of marriage with a deceased wife's sister, that compared the argument that insisted on the absence of any blood affinity as being the mere principle of a stud-farm. On the
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  • 1256 1 The Situation at Peking. A Peep Behind the Scenes. (June 7th.) Considerable cause tor comment has been given by the recall from China to European waters of the entire division of German battleships, which may be expected to pass through Singapore presently. The most reasonable explanation is to be found
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 129 1 s to the Singapore Free Press Weekly rom Europe to the Straits by any of mes are invited to send to the Manager their steamer and date of arrival m Copies will then be mailed to meet at various ports of call. NOBELS Explosives Co., Ltd. GLASGOW, p. MANUFACTURERS OH
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    • 156 1 CITY ANALYST'S LABORATORY 138 Bath Strebt, GLASGOW, jrst March, iqoj. Report on the Old Blend Whisky OF THE a* at mmm* amm mmm** mm tm White I I M m\C^O\ 11U1 oC I have made a careful Analysis of Messrs. Mackie Company's White Horse Cellar" Blend of Old Whisky, and
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 224 1 THE WEEK. The outward mail of May 1 7th arrived by the M. M. Salazie on Sunday. The next mail from home is due by the P. O. Sunda on Saturday. The last homeward mail was taken by the M. M. Laos on Sunday. This homeward mail leaves by the
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  • 194 2 Postal Motor-Cars. (June 8h.) In a let! referring to the progress of rural depopulation, and the closing ofrurtl schools, a correspondent of tlu Yorkshire sul; its an intt resting new use for the motor car. IL- say The question is how to convey tl c child en to scho i
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  • 375 2 Raub. (June 10th All who are anxious to s c ood fortune attend legitimate mining enterprise m the Malay Peninsul i, as a potent factor U. the general property, will be sorry to observe that the second professional report by Mr. Rl E, i n the p isiti m a.d
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  • 230 2 If we are to believe the Inio-China papers the big railway loan that M. DOUMBR, on his previous trip to Europe, got the French Government to give to IndoChina has pr< tty well all been frittered away with nothing very tangible to show for it.
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  • 653 2 Africa can exhibit at tins m >ment only two regions which have not fallen under the domination of tome European po reck i ing the Sultan of Turkey as o c, n turady. These two are Moro co and Abyssinia. 1 lie latter cou ir) is under
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  • 248 2 Areas of Naval Strategy. (June 11th.) SOME months a out, m regard to < strategic important apparently upon th passing through that the Ea.-t. that tlu a sound one. N be applied 'o 0 tile fleets ar bases o\ SU| whole area of I north of I Meg i not
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  • 93 2 Straits Journalism. (June 12th.) In notifyin it- I new office the Pin the sequence of il These are Pinang Ga:<" Cullen, Mr.J-V. Kenr Mr. C. J. Skinner, k Archibald Kennedy, Mr. J m David Brown, Mr. R. W. I' the present cdi To that might be tribution to local jou.
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  • 156 3 Chinese Shipowners and British Masters. nportant case referring to the tween Chinese shipowners or 1 iropi an shipmasters was ber m Hongkong. The ri is given tothe action was a suit for bitr try dismissal, the case m- the < harterer to imperil pa a falsi ad line, p 50
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  • 344 3 al athletic sports oi the Raffles b commenced yesterday aftergrounds of the Raffles Institrspite of the heavy and slippery f the turl some very creditable reined. A word of praise is due augher, (Referee), Messrs S. and Hay ward (Judges), Messrs. and C, Revel Time-keepers), 1 W.
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  • 392 3 Says the Daily Express While no actual combination has been formed, the leading British lines on the North Atlantic have reached an understanding as to their action m case Mr. Morgan and the financial interests he represents seek, as threatened, to drive English shipping
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  • 673 3 {Morning Leader.) An ci st has said that to future generations tho the little Thristmas Island far away m the Indian Ocean will read as thrillingly as a tale fr m the Arabian Nights. That seems a lar^e order al first sight, as Christmas Isle is known
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  • 1240 3 (Via Ceylon.) London, May 30th.— Fourteen Boer- <-r e killed and nine wounded m an unsuccessfu mpt to capture a convoy between Potchefb. m and Ventersdorp. Lord Roberts to-day opened the Military Tournament m the Agricultural Hall, and was mo^t enthusiastically greeted. The representative detachments of Colonial and Indian
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  • 560 3 ACCIDENT OR A weird story, which even the most prosaic Anglo-Saxon will have difficulty m dismissing as a mere aggregation of coincidences has come home from India. The facts are m themselves easy of verification, and the whole circumstances, from the thoughtless beginning to the tragic end, are well known
    P.M.G.  -  560 words
  • 48 3 Fhe news received from China having been both meagre and devoid of importance for some time past, resulting m the falling off of the greater part of the subscribers, it has been decided to discontinue the private special telegram service from date. No further slips will be distributed.
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  • 1536 4 H. M. S. Pigmy, goes to Hongkong m week hence, on relief by H. M. S. Lizard. Mr. and Mrs. D. von Brandt are passengers by the S.S. Salazie, due here on Sunday. The P. O. Intermediate steamer Shanghai left Penang at 10 p m. yesterday
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  • 952 4 Ordinary Mbbting, Wednesday', June sth, 1901. Present Mr. J. O. Anthonisz (President) and Messrs. F. E. Jago, T. Sohst, A. Barker, A. Moses, W. Evans, and W. A. Cuscaden. Absent Messrs. Choa Giang Thye, Lee Choon Guan and Wee Thiam Tew. Minutes. The minutes of the two last
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  • 21 4 The tollowing is ther suit for May Stone crushed ob ained, 41 ounces Ihe Manager rej better results maybe
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  • 241 4 brought the dismal news r< m Labuan that Piety hadd pore from the effects ofa ru, while m the stable. (> n I comes a report that Rom< Singapore has gone lam. i: disappointments; morp es; case of the former disastei was the dark horse/ ol wl me plumed
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  • 48 4 ''It is good to get aw neyed contentions of the worid I but important controversy set whether Siamese cats should have tails. Interviewed by M Kin^; of Siam himself said that S bred royal cat ha.- n<> kink m Who would refuse to accept hidecision
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  • 119 4 H. M. S. Rozario arrm yesterday at 2S l) P n the Wharf this morning for I he steamers Gcrma lVa?2 both from Amo) witl coolies, were put into qu yesterday, also the Ana' Hongkong which arrived thi The German Mail str amer from Europe arrived alongsi Wharf
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  • 374 5 A launch will leave Johnston's Pier for dimming Club Bungalow on Sunday m ty Peninsula Sugar Industry eld it^ inaugural meeting at the 3rd inst. The Hon'ble out C.M.G., was elected PresiJ. Turner, Vice-President. Har which arrived from moi ning, is convey- apt. W, Swettenham, i.
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  • 91 5 an transport Rhcin left for out noon yesterday. ian East Asiatic Cos. steamer 5 tons gross, arrived from his morning, and will be desCopenhagen and St. PetersHicr Mascondnto.irom Japan, has jo tons of coal for this port. er Anchenardcn fiom Philaihe Roads this morning with a d fuel
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  • 1 5
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  • 821 5 To the Editor. Sir, The awful occurrence which happened on the 4th inst., resulting m the deaths of 8 persons and severe injuries to 7 others should suggest to the Government the advisability of strictly controlling the possession, if not sale, of dangerous weapons other than fire-arms. It may
    Ed. S.F.P.  -  821 words
  • 51 5 It is of course at present unknown what is the constitution of the Warwickshire eleven that so handsomely defeated Lancashire. But against the London County Council Warwickshire played the following team Kinneir, Devey, T. S. Fishwick. Quaife (VV. G.), Quaife (VV.), Lilley, Santall, A. C. S. Glover, Moorhouse. Hargreave, and
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  • 1039 5 In the following article from Fair play of May 9th, dealing with Colombo, there is a good deal that, mutatis mutandis. might well apply to Singapore The question of wharf accommodat ion at Colombo for storage of coal and other cargoes, and more especially as to the inadequate
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    • 33 5 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronomer's game, and the philosopher's game, which whettes thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and hurts no body m the mean season."
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    • 24 5 All communications should be addressed to the 11 Chess Editor, Singapore Free Press." Original problems, games and other chess matter of local interest invited.
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    • Article, Illustration
      245 5 Problem No. 292 (R.K.T.) is by 1 R K 4. Kt-B 4; 2 PB 4ch. PxP-.p ,3 Xi KU. 1 R K4, Kt-H6; 2Kt K 4ch, X-B 4; 3kt Q3. 1 R K 4, Xt-Xt; ;20K5 f X G^.\ Q 5. 1 R-K 4, P-Q^; 2 Q-~K 17cl. K-Bsj J
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    • 222 5 An interesting and instructive gun-,' from thi recent national tournamei t H Moscow. (a) Leading to an inferior position, Lvi 9...PX '3 would be disastr us, because of f< 0-R5, P-K3; 11 BxP, PxKt 12 B-K 5 OKi 13 BRjch, K-Ri i 4, an 1 ma7e
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  • 407 5  -  Charles Lowe, M.A. By Ur. Lasker is now m New York, having been engaged to play a series of exhibitio games with some of the strongest members of the Manhattan Yes," said the old farmer, after hearing the story of Rip van Winkle "it was a wonderful thing
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  • 2954 6 IV. THE PRINCE AS TRAVELLER. Of the Prince of Wales it may truly be said that he his been the greatest traveller of his time. He has seen everything and everyone that is worth seeing and knowing, and what is more, everyone has seen him. fie has been the guest
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  • 321 6 James Peat, Captain ol enarden, appealed before Mr G Fourth Magistrate, yesterday m r answer to a charge of wrongf Defendan pleaded not guilty. It is alleged that d ercised wrongful restraint I named Louis Bechacq, on board cnarden, whilst that run here from Port Said. This
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  • 437 7 for the Spring Cup at the Race .tponed until next Saturday. ister Ksyc passed through to the German mail. /s Concert last night Club was very successful, ttended. jlation of all Sarawak copper Colony is prohibited fiom tin ent of Mr. C. F Green as d
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  • 90 7 The following are the crews for the Singapore Rowing Club's "scratch" fours, the first two heats of which are to be rowed over a half mile course from near the landing place on the Bead) Road Reclamation to a point opposite the Obelisk, near the mouth of
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  • 181 7 THE LATE MR. ARTHUR SOMERVILLE. There will be deep and general regret at the announcement of the unexpected death ol Mr. Arthur Somerville, of tie firm of Peters m Simons C<>. which sad evenl took pi cc sudd n y at Broadfu Ids at 7.15 y« sr. rday 1 vening.
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  • 513 7 The (i mail Kiau-tschau left for China and Japan at 3 Isyesterda\ evening. Tl M mer Giang Seng htt the R ads iy afternoon lor Tanjong Pagar, where she do ked this morning. Apcar was given ique t ln-. 1 i ng and st< anted to the \Y
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  • 1635 7 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libellt. Juvenal. We picked up the other day a back number of a weekly entitled The Free Lanee of the making and-issuing of these needless and banal weeklies thete would seem to be no end; and the cry is "Still
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  • 624 8 A correspondent, writing from Tawang Redjo, Bolitar, Java, sends us the following interesting account of the recent eruption of I a mountain there known as Kloeth," which is situated about fifteen mile., away from the above-named place. The writer says, about 3.30 a.m., one morning,
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  • 212 8 We regret to hear of the death, at Bombay, yesterday of Mr. F. J. Parrott, of the Vacuum 0.1 Company, of which he was General Manager for India and the Far bast. During his repeated tours Mr nk "a° Ca L nC t0 be
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  • 1366 8 (Written for the Singapore Free Press by the Rev. G. M. Rbith.) No. LIX. During the last fortnight of April and the first week of May, we were visited m Scotland by an enchanting reminder of what Spring used to be m the old, romantic days.
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  • 280 8 In the Annual Report on the Chinese Protectorate for the year 1900, Mr. Evans states that another year of general prosperity has enabled him to report a satisfactory year's work for this Department. Ihe most noticeable item m the Report is the Immigration Return, from which it
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  • 107 8 At the return of the Leeds Engineers who have been serving m South Africa the unfamiliar khaki made it difficult to discriminate, and one young lady, says the Leeds Mercury, was a little too hasty. Rushing forward with outstretched arms, she threw them around the neck of one of the
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  • 47 8 Not long ago a wedding took place at a certain \lZ U u ,n i Miss Oats was marrying Mr. Wheat. Alter the wedding service was over, and they were both walking down the aisle, the organ began to play, Oh, what shall the harvest be Ex,
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  • 766 8 In the House oULortTTn M £^^^^^th To ask the F.rst Lord of the Adm the Board of Admiralty have d.. Je 7 y of certain coaling stations now arp regiments of the Army, and, jf stations which will be thus affected^ arrangement will be carried
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  • 95 8 rhe Bishop of Wakefield, m his charge at Halifax, said he deeply distrusted I among churchwardens or member- Ol cieties, some kinds of recreation a.-> a r 1 cognized part of their fellowship Some v the most thoughtful and earnest ol I clergy for instance, deprecated the mtr duction of
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  • 632 9 Spencer E. Hollond, Rifle Brigade, promoted to be Captain. The imeward P. &O. mail S.S. Corowill leave for Europe at 8 a.m. on Manager's Report on tlie Kechau Gold Mining Co. for .cd. tld Crichton, Cadet, has been Assistant District Magistrate and tala Kangsar. the French
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  • 87 9 The amount of firing from Fort Canning to-day was accounted for by the arrival of the German despatch-vessel Hela. of 2000 tons, and the four German battleships Kurfiierst Friedrich Wilhelm, Brandenburg, Weissenburg and Worth, which are on their return home from China. These four battleships, of 10,000 tons,
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  • 59 9 The S. C. C. opposed the S. R. C. on the Recreation ground la t s durday and won easily. The former made S2 runs for six wickets against their opponent's total of 52 C. V. Pritchard was the highest scorer with 33 runs to his credit, and for
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  • 365 9 The first match m the tournament for this year took place on the Esplanade last Saturday, when the Law and Civil Service only just managed to beat the "Officers ot the Regular Forces and Active Members of the SY. A." by four runs. Play commenced shortly after
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  • 358 9 {NortJiern Public Opinion.) The difference of opinion which has existed as to the procedure to be adopted m prosecuting members of pearling crews who refuse duty still continues, and it is certainly advisable that the Crown Law Department should authoritatively instruct the Roebourne magistrates m
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  • 149 9 A quiet but very interesting wedding took place this moining (6th) atS*. H orge's Church, the contracting parties b ng Mr. Noel Walker, of the Federated Malay States Civil Service, eldest son of Sir Noel Walker, and Miss Emily Whitaker, fifth daughter of the late Sir Frederick
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  • 549 9 Details Oi NIW Boats For Millionaires. The liners which Mr. Morgan has planned for the ocean ferry, as the Express exclusively announced some days ago, are to excel m luxuriousness anything lhat has ever been seen on water btfore. They will be to sea travel what the
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  • 185 9 TRAVELLING DE LUXE." Bill K. Jones has longed to visit Yewrup many weary years. And he's often said he'd like to come, but had unpleasant fears. That his social status being very far removed from low He might meet some common people whom he wouldn't care to know. 'Tis true
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  • 967 9 The War and the Country. Libbral "Patriotism." Mr. Chamberlain delivered a spirited speech m the Birmingham Town Hall, after being elected president of the Birmingham Liberal Unionist Association. He said that after a long abstinence the Opposition had naturally a hunger for the sweets of office, but
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  • 1700 10 An Unfavourable Report. The Company having arranged with Mr. J. Herbert Curie to inspect and report on the Mines at Raub, that gentleman left Singapore for this purpose on 20th April, and returned and delivered his report on 29th May, last. The consent
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  • 94 10 The ordinary general meeting of the above Company was held at the iegistered i office, 17 Collyer Quay, at noon to-day, to receive the accounts and balance sheet for the half-year ending, March 31st 1901, to sanction the declaration of a dividend, elect a Director m
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  • Correspondence.
    • 495 10 To thk Editor. Sir. In your note on the above subject m yesterday's issue, m reference to the punishment meted out to the Ghazis on the frontiers of India you say that the criminal is burnt after execution and the ashes scattered. This statement, as far as it goes,
      P.A.R.  -  495 words
  • 421 10 The following is the Report of the Sailors' Home, Singapore, for the year 1900 1. The Committee of the Sailors' Home, m submitting their fifty-first Annual Report with the statement of accounts for 1900, have much pleasure m stating that the results of the year have been
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  • 306 10 Mr. Andrew Garnet millionaire, has given £100,000 to, libraries m Glasgow. The Duke and Duchess of rv York arrive at Auckland x to-day. AL The Very Rev. Francis P a r t Christ Church, Oxford, I to succeed the late R Stubbs as Bishop of Ox;
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  • 31 10 With regard to the §50 notes from the 1 1 hai Bank, it is und< rsl arrests have been ma some men were deia terday and will proba
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  • 120 10 Renewed Rumours o. The China Me informed correspondt (feet that he hears on the French intend to c bably early next month. V. to announce the mobilis troops m Tonkin which was annexation of Kwongchowwtn ai reason to believe that had i the vigilance exercised at
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  • 1309 11 rHE CHINESE SEE US. liomas G. Selby.) ,00k, as the title clearly indicates, be a representation of the of European life and of ilizatioD. The author is eviat home with the Chinese d ha- I-ad abundant opportuni- intercourse with Chinese. It c has acquired his knowviews m South China,
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  • 128 11 In ihe further experiments with liquid fuel that are shortly to be made at Portsmouth Dockyard, the Kermodes system of burning oil is to be tried. In this a steam spray is used and the oil— a highflash quailty obtained m Borneo— is ignited on a coke
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  • 45 11 Mr. W. J. M. Terry, Inspector of Mines, Gopeng, Perak, has been dismissed the service, and the resignation of Mr. G. X J. Towers, First Clerk, Treasury, Kinta, has been accepted by Government. Mr. Jl. I. Dorrall, Chief Clerk, Land Office, Larut, takes his place
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  • 1508 11 (By the old Pionber.) We are a strange people. We cannot do without a hero or idol of some sort, and we >j them out of the most grotesque material. 'arcical politicans, unintelligible poets,'' self-advertising novelists, muddle-headed "philosophers," theatrical posers m all sorts of professions, flaunting
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  • 461 11 The following is the Rin Lode Mining report for tie month ending May, igoi. During the month a great deal of work has been done on the No. 2 lode, but with not very good results, the only place at present carrying a
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  • 115 11 A Reuter's telegram of May 13th says Sir Henry M'Callum, the new Governor of Natal, landed here this morning, and j was received by the Premier, the heads of the government, and representatives of civic institutions. Addresses of welcome from the Town Council were presented by the
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  • 2059 12 (Via Ceylon.) London, May 24th. A Daily Mail despatch from Lourenzo Marques says that considerable F.ghtinghas taken place on the Delagoa line during last week. The Boers were defeated m an engagement outside Barberton on the 15th instant, but have stated that there were 61 British casualties. A train
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  • 629 12 The following lon cast is by the Rev. Gilbert Reid, M.A and is extracted from his latest report on the working of the Mission among the Higher Clas c es m China Individual plans arc inseparably connected with the solution of the problem
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  • 206 12 There is a good deal of brill;- sation about the London ,:o Z provincial journals. Thi< f Record's London fette? ft way A Wise Vol N G p 0 The visit of the Sultan of i«i and business purpose. The y been the chief influence m
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  • 354 12 THE KECHAU GOLD MINING COMPANY LIMITED. Tbe folio win- is the Mi <jrt for the month of v.... The mill ran 23 days 2 hor tons, f 2,000 lbs.) of ore gold. Gold from specin making a total output of 1 The ore mi, led was ob 1 Reef m
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  • 133 12 With reference to the rumour E.nperor returns speedily to Pekin/ there an intention to place the Empire v der ll four high Chinese officials, thereby, partitioning China amongst her own amongst the Foreign Powers, the foi says the N.C. Daily News is n< amongst the local mandarins:
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  • 41 12 The striking off ot the la rupees ordered by the Govern nearly comu'eie at the Bom' cutta Mints, and the minting of I dollais will n«»\v be resum rate. No lurtber steps arr be present for commencing the sovereigns m India
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  • 510 13 m Raja Muda of Kelantan and suite M V.l by the .Amherst, from Kelantan. r ming. ■X E ,am launcb, belonging to the Royal i -eh Oil Coy. and plying between this S 1 the oil tank store at Pulo Sambo, is I s John's Is'and.
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  • 82 13 the annual dinner of the *b a report of the proceedings Went (Mr K. W. Livingstone, m the chair, and Mr. «H the principal guest. m the course of an amu- the toast of -Church and *d much laughter by saying: ieem to me to be of
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  • 386 13 It is perhaps not premature to say that uu m ster y of the Hongkong Bank robbery is now practically solved. The partners m the act appear to have been the Chartered Bank Kling tamby who stole the Hongkong bank reserve jd 6 keys de P°
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  • 267 13 This morning before Mr. Rrockman, Mr. J. Aitken sued the Municipal Commis sioudS for the return of $1.50, alleged by him 10 have wr ngfully charged by the defendants on March 2nd for a dog label, supplied m lt« v of a badge which bad b lost,
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  • 167 13 TRUSTEE INVESTMENTS IN COLONIAL STOCKS. The London Gazette contains an Order by the Lords of ihe Treasury setting forth the following conditions under which, m accordance with the Colonial Stock Act, 1900, trustees may invest m Colonial stocks 1. The Colony shall provide by legislation for the payment out of
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  • 67 13 In November the Bibby Line will begin a regular fortnightly service between Rangoon, Colombo, Marseilles and Liverpool. The service at present is once every three weeks. Lieutenant Worsley, ist Battalion, West Yorkshire Regiment, has been appointed Station Staff Officer, Neemuch, vice Captain Holbrook, vacated. Both these officers were here with
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  • 1256 13 A few hours after my last jottings were written there was a quick change of scene on the parliamentary stage m Berlin. Simultaneously with the peremptory closing of the Prussian Landtag came the announcement of the replacing of three Cabinet Ministers by others. Only one of these,
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  • 229 13 S. C. C. v. ,stu Co. R. A. These old opponents met last night on the Cricket Club (ir und, and as is usually the case with these teams the game was veiy hard fought, laurels at the finish being even. Despite the wet condition oi the ground
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  • 151 13 A merchant vessel, flying no signal, passed through the harbour from East to West at 9 this morning. H. M. S. Lizard left Hongkong on the 4th instant., and is due here at any mo ment. The German Flagship Kurfiirst Friedrich Wilhelm left her anchorage this morning and
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  • 73 13 At the annual general meeting held last night, Mr. S< oular was again re-elected President for the ensuing year and Mr. Miller Hon. Secretary and Treasurer. Entries for the Cup Competi-ion close on Tuesday the 1 8th inst., at 6 p.m., entrance U c §15 each team.
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  • 1395 14 A False Load-Linb. The following is the report of the case :i Capt. P. S. Primrose v. Un Lai Chuen," heard on May 14th, m Summary Jurisdiction, before His Honour A.G. Wise, Puisne Judge m the Hongkong Supreme Court: This was an action brought by
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  • 596 14 In the presence of a large number of l'ri»nds of the late Mr. Thomas Shelford, C.M.G., a handsome full-length portrait m oils ol this genth man, privately subscribed for, was unv< iied m the Town Hall yesti rday ahem' on by His Excellency the
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  • 204 14 The Proposal to Establish CoALIM* Stations. Great interest is manifested m diplomatic and otHcial circles m an interview with a high German official, published by the Herald yesterday. The German Embassy declares, says the Washington corre pondent of the Daily r elegraph, that the interview
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  • 93 14 The oil tanker Rhameses arrived from Colombo yesterday and is now at Keppel Wharf. Three colliers are expected here from Japan early next week viz i—Claverly, Sigrid and Gloucester City. The Deli steamer Calypso arrived yesterday from Deli and went into dock at Tanjong Pagar. The new steamer
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  • 135 14 Pietermaritzburg, May 17. The new Governor of Natal, S- H. McCallum, had a hearty reception from the crowd m opening Parliament to day. The Governor's sp ech ferred to the death o, Queen and the visit oi the Duke of Cornw ill 1 announced the introducti m
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 334 14 MINERAAI LAI'ORATORIUM." omsche X RAI .—Soerabaya Java. ssrs. J. M. KAUFM NN Co. Consulting n.^d ISiaing Engineers, Tetallurgists anJ. ayers, Experts m Mines, Minerals and Metals. MESSRS. M. X 1 Co are prepared Manage, Sn -vey, value, test and reporl on all classes ol mining r iperties* Messrs. M. Kanfmann
      334 words
    • 381 14 BANKING CORPo^Hai PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve.... t, nft Silver Reserve...:..:: -f^ 00,000 RESERVE LIABILITY oh" J PROPRIETORS Court of 0.8 ICTOtS w. Shewan Esq *.r Ml Ha*} J fewcK, Es .-te H. E. Tomkins, E t> L7Y ChauA. Haupt, Esq 4 h CHA^ D. M. Moss Esq 2'f
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  • 410 15 SOUTH AFRICA. Kruitzinger has captured and looted Jamestown. General French is entrusted with opera tions m Cape Colony. An official despatch says that the Boers wdio a' tacked Dixon numbered 1,200, under Kemp. Ihe British Government has declined Canada's offer to provide another cavalry corp> for service m
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  • 17 15 The following is the result of the Derby There were twenty-five starters for the Derby.
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  • 37 15 There has been some remarkable cricket m the match between Warwickshire and The former team made 532 runs for four wicket-, and declared the innings closed, winning the match by an innings and 75 runs.
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  • 23 15 BRITISH TROOPS NO WORSE" THAN FOREIGN. He thought that the war had shown that British troops were not worse trained than Continental troops.
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  • 25 15 He added that our expenen c m China j had shown that foreigners had plenty to learn from us.
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  • 28 15 The result of the Oaks is as follows Cap and Bells I Sabrinetta 2 Minnie Dec J The first three horses were ridden by American jockeys.
    28 words
  • 50 15 Count Goluchowski, speaking before the Austrian Delegations, refused to entertain any idea of convoking the Hague Convention for the purpose of mediating between Britain and the Boers. Austria had no desire to do anvthins unfriendly to Britain, with whom Austria wished to live m peace and friendship.
    50 words
  • 20 15 One ca-e of plague I as occurred or. hoard H. M. S. Monarch, the guard-ship at
    20 words
  • 25 15 MRS. BOTH A'S MISSION. Mrs. Botha ha-; arrived at So >ton and ha< proceeded to London. She has refused to give any intervit W to
    25 words
  • 56 15 THE CHINE SE INDEMNITY. The American fj rnment ha* prop sed to the Powers tosubmit the io i t the Chinese indemnity to the Int oval Tiibunal at the Ha.ue. Tie U. S. <i v« rnment has formally apprised the Powers thai it will n>i c>nse< t to a joint
    56 words
  • 16 15 Eleven ca>es ol plague have occurred m Egypt, of which seven i al.
    16 words
  • 29 15 M Doumer, Governor of Ind na, has formed a Company with a capital of nty million frmrs, to conslrujt and exploit a rai ua\ into Yunnan.
    29 words
  • 31 15 Tl is to present time thousand war-m dais at Whitehall on Wednesday with i-a at cert monv. iin Queen and Princess Victoria will ompany His Maies
    31 words
  • 54 15 MOROCCO A ND BRITAIN. A Moorish Mission has arrived i London to congratulate the King upon his accession tc the throne. 1 Ins incident is exciting much interest ia French and Spanish newspapers, who a c greatly preoccupied at present over me question ot Morocco. Ti e .-ome talk ofa
    54 words
  • 121 15 it is stated at Be lin that the Powers have tl c senior offi f the Alii d Contingents m shall r sume the comma ir own troops m Count Wald< tm c's absence. Lord Cranbon c m reply to a depu'ation of the Associate d Chambers of Commerce
    121 words
  • 18 15 The continuance of the drought is causing the gravest anxiety to the farmers throughout Britain.
    18 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 375 15 I^RDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, £j OK BREMEN. .taMBURG-AMERIKA linie H HAMBURG. .1 GI -'.MAN MAIL. 11— fell ll- amers of these on or about the under- HOMEWARD. 1901. ,r g June 18 ten July 2 1 la£koM July 16 m July 30 < rt A tig r X .1 Prine Heinrich Sep.
      375 words
    • 579 15 The Singapore Free Press. AND Mercantile Advertiser Cable Addrbss,— Advertiser, Singapore. Tblhfhone Number.— N«. 61. Published at 30 3, Raff es Place, Singapore. "^HE leading English Newspaper m the A Straits Settlements Johore, the Federated Native Statth of Perak, Selangor, Sungei Ujon^, Pahang, the Negri Sembilan; British North Borneo Sarawak
      579 words
    • 84 15 CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY.LIMTED, OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. For Hongkong. Shang- For Marseilles and hai, Japan Seattle. London. s.s. Hyson due June 12 s.s. Ratsow due June 28 s.s. Yangtzse due July OUI WARD. Through Bills 01 Lading issued to Victona (Vancouver Island) Tacuma, Port Townsend and San Francisco. HO V1
      84 words

    • 94 16 (Special to Singapore Free Press). Hongkong, 6th June. Germany has restored to the Chinese Minister [at Berlin] the freedom of telegraphic intercourse. Hongkong, June ioth. News has reached Peking of the massacre, by Prince Tuan, m April last, of six Italian and nine Belgian priests, with all their male
      94 words
    • 22 16 On Tuesday niqrht, during a thunderbtorm, the Western portion of the Forbidden City at Peking was fired, probably by
      22 words
    • 31 16 Despite the heavy downpour of rain, the iire spiead rapidly, destroying numerous buildings, including the Wa Ying Hall, which is supposed to contain Imperial Archives and a library.
      31 words
    • 24 16 No lives were lost, and the Centre Halls of the Temple of Ancestors and the Emperor's private apartments were saved.
      24 words
    • 29 16 Strict orders were issued to restrain the public, an International mob having approached the ruins with a number of carts, with a view to looting.
      29 words
    • 27 16 Hongkong, i ith June. Lu!»t Ulght was held tho annual dinner Ol the China Association at Shanghai. Admiral Sir Edward Seymour was the principal guest.
      27 words
    • 101 16 BRITAIN'S TASK AND BRITAIN'S RIVALS. In responding to the toast of the Ser vices Admiral Seymour spoke of the task the Open Door policy laid upon Creat There were now powerful rivals trying :o deprive us of valuable trade. First of all there was Russia, no trading nation, keeping out
      101 words
    • 52 16 British interests are safe-guarded by the The Navy had last year to do properly what should be considered the work ol the But that was because the Navy had the habit of being on the spot when anything was occurring. Sir Edward Seymour's speech had a
      52 words
  • 249 16 giuoTATioM, Paid. n Henk o> China and Japan, Ltd. £i Nominal. £4 Deferred. £1 Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency. Nominal. £1 Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $3«75 Sellers. $5 Clear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. $100 3 100 Praser and Neave Ltd. $86 Sellers. *So m <y 6%
    249 words
  • 67 16 (Corrected up to Jum v On London Bank 4 m/s demand i/n Privott credits 3 m/s 2/0! documents 3 ra/s 2/0, credits 6 m/s 2/0, France, demand 24^ Germany, demand 201 India, T. T Hongkong, demand \%i Yokohama, demand 2%y. fAVA. demand 1 Manila, demand SOVFREIGNS, (to buy) |l<^
    67 words
  • 96 16 (lune 12 47 1 w.imbier dc Cube No.l f« fir, Black (ordinary Spore) do. White, (Fair L/W— s%) Nutmegs nos to the lb.) >* io. (80s to the Ib) 1 w id Bar.da) »9 a Vves (Ambeina) 5 l^riai CoSes p:cca, unall pearl (Fair quality, M do. do flake
    96 words
  • 41 16 nJLTTf. at ort Cannln g aud one at Pulau toSSHS* c^ r u y afc PM > Singapore mean b^ni?^ e f^ IShme1 S hme^ ntime 6h^>4minV3s see.,) being hoisted five minutes previously. To-day both Balls fell correctly.
    41 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 72 16 ONE Medical Man m every gj][ Thrja.hou.. EngU.ii has placed o, Record nis opinion that COLEMAN'S WINCARNIS is unritallib for Recuperating the System AHD FOR Regaining Lost Health COLEMAN'S WINfARNK i combination of Port Wine IW* ,e K? nt and Liebig's E^^tS^i^SS O 2*. preparation, and none of hi ;«L
      72 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 727 16 CLEARANCES. June 5. Diana, Rus., Emerette, for Nicolajersk. Petriana, Brit., Snape, for Palembang. June 6. Chow Phya, Brit., Jellicoe, for Malacca and Klang. Sultan, Brit., Chopard, for Muar and Malacca. Giang Ann, Brit., Follett, for Batavia, Cheribon and Samarang. Ban Seng Guan, Brit., Lyons, for Bangkok. Cheang Hock Kian, Dut.,
      727 words
    • 760 16 VESSELS I N POR tT mmmm mmamaaamamammmaaaamaaammuammmmm Men-of-War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For un Pig^y Brit, g.b., 755 Oldham Juno 2 R. Haven HonriLrto Rosario Brit, g.b., 980 Hamilton June 5 Labuan Uncen un K. F. Wilhelm Ger. b'ship, 10,000 Postkrapt June 10 shanghai Colombo lm Brandenburg Gei-.
      760 words
    • 60 16 Weather Kenot Taken at Kandang Kerbau Hospitai Ob*" 1 y. A. M. 3 l Bar. red. 32 Fah ».tt» g»' Temperature 79.0 Wet Bulb Thermometer. 76.5 Dir.ofWind N.N.W. Max. Temp, m shade 82.5 Mm. do do 76.0 Max. m Sun 107.4 Terr. rad. Ther 7:5/' Rainfall m 24 hours .0
      60 words