The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 16 May 1901

Total Pages: 16
297 312 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 244 297 KS. ns .md the Navy, 2 g7 M .tain Gun, 297 Hi 297 I Pliyed." 298 1 I I«tn«mrs, 298 fc»ltsh Universities, 298 I Paragraph, 298 .M.G.," 298 iand J ipan, 298 NIWS. rtl '>,-' Ige-rd. Kire, 302 of Amok, 303 mit Tanjonf Pagar, 305 }O2 1 ket, 304
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  • 112 297 Domestic Occurrences. MARRIAGES. At No. 160 Bluff, Yokohama, the residence of David Jackson, Esq., on the 25th Feb., 100 1. hy the Rev. E. Champneys Iiwine, m a., H. W. Frashr, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking' Corporation son of the late Al^x inder Fraser, I .land B ink )I .use Inverness,
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  • 524 297 Here shall the Press the People's right maintain. Unawed by influence and unbnbed by gain Here patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw. PJeifced to Religion. Loyalty, and Law. (May gth.) It is not a little significant, in view of the future fortunes of Mr. Brodrick's new
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  • 468 297 The New Mountain Gun. (May 10th.) From a recent issue of the Pioneer the following information is available affecting the future re-armament of the Singapore Volunteer Artillery. We learn from that source that the issue of the new io-pounder breech-leading gun to mountain batteries m India is not likely to
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  • 727 297 THE recent ceremonies m Singapore suggest certain considerations, more especially m view of the remarks since made m Club and drawing-room. No apology is needed for referring to incidents which are of common occurrence and if not absolutely peculiar to this place arc rarely, if ever, met
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  • Page 297 Advertisements
    • 46 297 I LJ I Cellar I Whisky. I To be ol)tained from I CHIN HOA HONG cS: Co. I River Valley Road I ">>OX KEAT Co. I ANN LOCK Co. I GEOK TEAT Co. VONfi HOA SENG Co. y ONG LEE SENG Co. I GHEE SOON' Co.
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    • 90 297 NOTICE The undersigned has appointed npHE Borneo Company Limited, Sole Agents m the Straits Settlements, Bangkok and North Borneo, for the wellknown natuial mineral water Tansan The Public is cautioned to see that the label bears the name of J. CLIFFORD WILKINSON, Sole proprietor Oi the genuine TANSAN. May
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  • Page 297 Miscellaneous
    • 342 297 The mail from home of April arrived by the M.M. Natal on Sunday. The next outward mail is due by the P. O. Parramatta on Saturday. The last mail for home was taken by the M.M. Yarra on Sunday. This homeward mail leaves by the P. O. Ballaarat on Friday.
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  • 656 298 (May 131I1.) The reign of common-sense and a truer and more sympathic understanding of the needs of working humanity is widening day by day, m respect to the better and wiser uses of the Sunday, as a day of rest and recreation, m the truer sense of
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  • 253 298 There is a little story which makes a pretty pendant to the above which may not be generally known. When arrangements had been made for the Royal Marine Band from H.M.S. Ophir to play privately for the benefit of members of certain clubs m Singapore, a
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  • 127 298 The Express understands that the prejudice ah\ ays entertained by His Majesty against the bestowal of Birthday and New Year honours m recognition of purely party services will be put into active operations this year, and that the annual crop of political peers, baronets, and knights
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  • 157 298 (May 14th.) In addition to the case of Mr. THOMAS CimiRERTSON, Jnr., formerly of Singapore, having been elected President of the Union at Oxford, as mentioned about two months a^o m these columns, we have the interesting fact that the President of the Cambridge Union,
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  • 382 298 It is a dangetous thing for an imaginative home journalist to p'ojc t himself, on insufficient information, into a far away atmosphere, and on th :t slender and treacherous basis tj engage m the delights of materialising and word-painting the incidents of the able. The
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  • 176 298 "Jim Watts, c. m.g." When Mr. James Watts rode alone with despatches from Tientsin to Taku through a Boxer-infested count an infinitesimal chance of bph* with his life, this plucky a,^ C one acclaim pronounced almost"! brilliant incident of the vvhol- X Campaign. For that brave and service the German
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  • 382 298 THE strained sta'e of affairs m I East between Russia and ly justifies the statement that ALEXEIEFF has urgtn ly demai strengthening of the Russian sqo4« and that the requested reinforcemei ordered out already. These told, are to consist of two h and four cruisers, and the
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  • 694 299 iHK Kt'ORMER LBONG Xl CHU. Sydney, November 20. I i, form movement, which has been considerable headway m Australia during f, w months, has received a fresh inpetus ■he arrival of Leong Xi Chu, who shares Ku Wei the leadership of the reform na, and is touring
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  • 36 299 Ithiog and rations to be Boer prisoner m India is 11 an extremely liberal scale, found much like British lM serial additional comforts for Messes ru n ne allowance includes r "en and toilet soap for
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  • 895 299 The current number of the Revue Bleue has a long and most interesting article on The Bachelor Woman in England," by Mile. Claire de Pratz. This lady, without possessing much originality, is one of the most enlightened of international interpreters, a sort of conductor of thought between
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  • 72 299 On account of Race Week, the Philharmonic Society's Choir does not meet next Tuesday M. Berthelot, the French chemist, declares against steam, which, he says, is already growing obsolete. Electricity, he thinks, will always cost too much to become the motor force of common industrial life. The future motor-power will
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  • 1749 299 (Via Ceylon.) London, April 2 7 th.-Mr. Chamberlain, m the House of Commons, said it was not proposed to inaugurate a full scheme of Civil Administration duringl Sir Alfred Milner's absence, which would only be of short duration. The marauders are becoming bolder along the line of communication between
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  • 819 300 The M.M. Company's steamer Natal left Colombo at 2 p.m. on the 7th May, and may be expected here on Sunday the 12th inst about 4 p.m. A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held on Tuesday afternoon, for the purpose of considering Supplemental
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  • 727 300 JELEBU MINING AND TRADING CO. LTD. The ordinary general meeting of the above Company was held at noon to-day at the office of the General Agents, Messrs. Syme and Co., for the purpose of receiving thf Directors' report and accounts for the half-year ended February iBih 190 1. 'I here
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  • 41 300 The Colonial steamer Sea Belle arrived from Telok Anson this morning with His Excellency the Governor Sir Frank Swettrnham, accompanied by Capt. F. D. Barry, A D C., and his Honour's private Secretary. Mr. G. A. I. Bosanquet.
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  • 59 300 Mr. Alexander Ross Catto has been appoints d Local Secretary for Bengal for the Sun Life Assurance Co of Canada. The total number of deaths for Singapore for the week ended May 4 is 192 a ratio per mille ot 40.48. Fever and phthisis are still extremely fatal, the former
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  • 697 300 The proposal sounds funny but there may be something m it after all. It arose m this way. The long tiers of seats for the school-children to sit on when the Duke and Duchess of York visited the enclosure last month are being taken away. As
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  • 203 300 The new comet, which curiously enough, wan not seen on the 6th or 7th, al though there appeared to be no preceptible atmospheric obstacle m the direction where it should have been visible was again well seen afer sunset yesterday evening. Its exact astronomical position was about
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  • 26 300 A serious accident is reported from Negombo, Ceylon, five cupolas of a new church, St. Mark's falling to the ground, killing two men and injuiing one.
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  • 67 300 The Russian transport Ekat has arrived and is now at T» ln °:la^ coaling. Un^'< ftj The German transport Andal from Tsingtau, China, this mor^ lrriv ec troops and proceeded to the whar The British steamer Gulf (l f t will shortly be added to the St. n:^
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  • 32 300 Yesterday Kho Yu* was found ro of giving false evidence and discha«r2 was also Hadjee Ahm^t, accused nal breach of Lru^t. (Jng Pan ced to two years rigorous imp,^/ theft.
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  • 445 300 {Strand liagmgin Although the Queen's personal pirHcm^ the business of Parliament was thus i nteri she up to the end showed the keenest inter' its proceedings. Within the la^t v years the Parliamentary Summa y skeleton of the older fashion more or I squely clothed, has
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  • 88 300 HARMSTONS CIRC US. This show is now en route from M by the Lalpoora and will ar iveon Extensive prepaiations are bein^ the opening Lefformame under lit supervision of Col. Hicks. The U is a new one, of specially talenii from continental Europe and Km the menagerie has been eolvg"
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  • 107 300 A correspondent writes A ed its way through the Penang day. At what time it first made ance it would be difficult to p.obably inviMble during day!" noticed it when darkness U p.m. It was then just al< Hill, dipping downwards at an about
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  • 794 301 Ordinary Mebting. Wednesday, May 8th, 1901. Prbsbnt.— Mr. J. O. Anthonisz (President^, an d Messrs. Cuscaden, Sohst, Moses, Barker, i at ,c, Lee Choon Guan, Choa Giang Thye, and \\'ee Thiam Tew. Afsknt. Mr. Evans. Minutes. TK minutes of the last ordinary meeting were t0 -fi-med, and those
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  • 497 301 The F. G. P. Committee recommended that an application by the Juvenile Football Club for permission to level at its own expense a portion of the Park, so as to make the ground suitable for such games as football be acceded to the work to be
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  • 171 301 The energetic representative of Warren's Circus, Mr. W. Pflueger, arrived this morning by the German M til Hamburg, to arrange for the approaching visit of Wanen's Circus. Coming as they do after a long interval of over two years, since their last popular visit, and endorsed as they
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  • 203 301 It would be most injudicious to talk of a war between Japan and Russia as imminent, says the New York Tribune, What does seem imminent, however, is a decided strengthening of Japan's hold upon Corea. Her industrial and commercial hold is already paramount. She
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  • 744 301 Harry Wool, the well known Indian jockey, has arrived m Singapore. He is to ride for Dalian's stable. The M. M. Company's steamer Yarra left Saigon at 9 a.m. on 10th May and may be expected here on Sunday the 12th May about 9 a.m. The
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  • 580 301 Shortly before ten this morning, the Siamese Royal Yacht the Maha Chakkri escorted by the Sigret, Bali and Mongkut, aad having on board Their Maj stir s th? King and Queen of Siam and suite and Admiral Richelieu entered the harbour and
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  • 63 301 Yesterday m the Supreme Court, before Mr. Justice Leach, Wong Wee, for voluntary causing grievous huit, was discharged. For a similar offence Lee Kum was found guilty and awarr'ed a year's imprisonment and Tan Tiang Chye received three years rigorous imprisonnrent for forgery. This morning Leong Ah Tak
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  • 45 301 The German mail Hamburg left for China and japan at nine this morning. The S S Hock Tjioe after being undocked at Keppel Wharf, left for the Roads yesterday evening. The S. S. Agamemnon and Moynne are both due here trom Manila shortly.
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  • 69 301 Capt. Markbam, of the Shropshire Light Infantry, who was one of tie survivors of the Hongkong Cricket team m the foundering of the Bokhira m 1892, is appointed to the Central African Regiment. The sailing ship Rathdown, of Dublin, has been poste as mis=>ing. Shu left Yokohama for the Puget
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  • 257 302 THE DUKE OF CORNWALL AND YORK AND THE CHINESE COMMUNITY. Mr. Seah Leang Seah forwards for publication the following letter from the Government enclosing H. R. H. the Duke of Cornwall and York's reply to the loyal address of the Chinese Community of Singapore Colonial Secretary's Office, Singapore, 27th April,
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  • 609 302 A portion of an Army and Navy Gazette article on this question is appended Judging by our correspondents' letters, the grounds on which arguments favourable to the transfer may be based are briefly these lt would open fresh appointments for the officers of the Royal Marines
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  • Correspondence.
    • 96 302 To the EditorDear Sir, Will you allow me to supplement m one particular your report of the Jelebu meeting yesterday I state that with 20 head of stamps the mine returns show a fair profit, and with 30 head the profits would be largely increased with only a small
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  • 490 302 Address by Sir J. H. Macdonald. Col. Sir J. H. A. Macdonald delivered an address at the Unit- d Service Institution, before a large gathering of members, on 'Infantry m a New Century." Col. V. Chater presided, and introduced the lecturer, who, he said, had served 42
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  • 245 302 The total cost of the Census for India is estimated at twenty-five lakhs of rupees. Quite a superior Ceylon paper Das this: M Nothing has been heard locally of tfie recent eclipse of the sun, though news of observation parties, proceeding to Sumatra to observe it, have reached us. The
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  • 705 302 44 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by qonest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronomer's game, and the philosopher's game, which whettes thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and hurts no body m the mean season." All communications should be addressed to the 11 Chess Editor, Singapore Free
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  • 316 302 The championship tournament m connection with the Singapore Chess Club commences on Monday tu-.xt with ten entries Sourabaya have challenged Singapore to play a game by correspondence, but coming so soon after the Batavh game, and m view of the approaching championship contest, it was decided not to
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  • 161 302 After paying a visit to th- r Hospital yesterday afternoon institution her Majesty his always I con-ideable interest, H.M. theQ Ue B Siam returned to the Maha Chakkri^' ocorted to Johnston's Pier by Mr Ross, the Vice-Consul for Siam Hi M jesty the Kin*
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  • 231 302 ENGLISH AS SHE WROTE. The following is an address presented to lon Government Agent on the occasion of hk to a Seminary for the Annual Distribution d Prizes LO The Honourable the Government Agent of the South Western Province of Ceylon, the Adjacent Islands and the Dependencies thereof. Mostly Honoured
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  • 311 302 THE NORTH BRIDGE ROAD FIRE. The finding re the firr which ot:urred at Nos. 45 and 46 Noithbridge-rd March [6th, is given m thi> week's Govern* mcnt Gazette. The houses m question, i will be remembered, v ere m the occupation of Moona Pakiri Mustan Co., the pai nership consisting
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  • 2030 303 All Rights Rbsbrvbd (By Fredbrick Dolman.) V. Australian Society. V io the cordiality of the welcome which Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and will receive f/om the people of the e Commonwealth, theie cannot be two The pathetic touch which the Queen Victoria has given to
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  • 462 303 April ist was an interesting anniversary m the life of the Prime Minister. It was on April ist, 23 years ago, that Lord Salisbury became Foreign Secretary for the first time. It was on this day that he first came into international prominence. Hardly had his appointment been
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  • 152 303 According to news from Sydney, ihe German Government has resolved not to be any longer dependent, m times either of peace or of war, upon a British line of telegraph for communicating with the East. Negotiations have been concluded with Holland for effecting a junction
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  • 240 303 Lieut. A. K. Buttery has resigned his commission m the Penang Volunteer Corps. A list of the books and subjects prescribed for the Cambridge Loc.jl Examination igoi is published for general information m the current number of the Government Gazette, The limit of the amount of
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  • 101 303 An unusual incident occurred at the palace at Stockholm, on March 29, during the gala dinner given by King Oscar m honour of the Duke of Abercorn, King Edward's Extraordinary Ambassad -r and his suiie. The booming of guns was suddenly heard, and, while the guests were
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  • 423 303 One Boyaxbse Killed and Three Others WOUNDKD. At 8-30 p.m. last night a Madura Javanese, named Hasan, staying at 18 Weldroad, Kampong Kapor, ran amok, killing a Boyanese named Misran and severely wounding three others named L^ssim, Haje Musin, and Pah Hasan, all inhabitants of
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  • 1218 304 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli, JUVBNAL. Melbourne must be at this moment m a perfect maelstrom of imperial and national enthusiasm. The preparations for the Royal Visit, from all accounts that reach us, would keep Dominie Sampson himself ejaculating Prodeegious hours on end together.
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  • 198 304 Thanks to an assiduous French journalist, the world now knows, says the New York Herald the perfumes which the Queens and Empresses of Europe prefer. Young Queen Wilhelmina of Holland has nothing but eau de cologne and English soap of white heliotrope. The Empress of Russia has
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  • 187 304 The Perak Pioneer mysteriously brims over this way The Perak Matrimonial Courier whispers that there is a purpose of marriage" between Masher" and Grand-Ma." Who they may be is more than we know. Their identity has not been disclosed to us. We may have the
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  • 32 304 At a meeting of the Council of the Royal Colonial Institute, held on 16th ult, Mr. William Keswick, M.P., m the chair, Mr James W. Hallifax (Straits Settlements) was elected a Fellow.
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  • 81 304 The collier Kobe arrived from Kuchinotzu yesterday evening with about 6,000 tons Japan coal for this port. The B. I. steamer Bancoora arrived from Australia this morning. Besides general cargo she brings over 2,000 tons coal for discharge here. The M. M. steamer La Seyne connecting with the
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  • 387 304 Frinch Dreams. Apart from Bizerta and other Mediterranean stations, which are intended to get the mastery over the Gibraltar and Malta route, says the Engineer, the French are creating three formidable bases on the Cape route to India and the extreme East. The first of these
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  • 178 304 Landing at Melbourne. Melbourne, April 16th. The Governor-General is taking an active personal interest m all that concerns the movements of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall an 1 York m Melbourne next month* Arrangements are being made to establish a wireless telegraph station at
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  • 297 304 May 6th. Arrival m Melbourne. Procession through city. *Guests of the State of Victoria to view procession from grand-stands m Spring-street and from Parliament-house, where an At Home will be held from 2to 5 dinner at Governmenthouse of the city, with bands playing m the streets. May
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  • 72 304  -  George Griffith A Lay op Mbrrie Es GLKSIi By i I Widows and children of British c«u starving m England. The wives and c fe* a Boers under arms are being UeDt i drer of the expense of the British incime.Jr' 011 Some have pianos supplied to them ,v
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  • 297 304 A Boer went out on a festive shoots Shooting at Sons of England, oh Paid for by Mernc England, oh For his home was safe and his vrou lVwa there i; Under dear Tommy's protecting care With Mausers and hundreds of r to spare For sniping purpo^es-where, oh Is a
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  • 262 304 THE LATE CAPT. J. H. LAURIE (King's Own Regiment.) A very large number of residents both m Singapore and Hongkong will hear with great regret that Capt. Laurie, of the Mounted Infantry Company of the King's Own Royal Lancaster Regiment, has been killed, at Phillippolis, South Africa. The late Capt.
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  • 80 304 S. C. C S. R. C The above elevens opposed on< on the Esplanade last Saturday. match resulted m a draw m favour S. C. C. The S. R. C. raised a total 01 J runs, of which H. D. Jansi contribute <• S. Zehnder 27 not out, and
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  • 50 305 I here being no lighting arrangements at present m the Upper Town Hall, the next Musical Evening of the Philharmonic Society (the first of the new season) will be held on Saturday Ist June, at the Teutonia Club, by the kind permission of the T. C. Committee.
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  • 81 305 FATAL EXPLOSION AT TANJONG PAGAR. At nine o'clock on Saturday morning an explosion occurred on board the Austrian steamer Kobe, lying at Tanjong Pagar Wharf, resulting m serious injury to Mr. John Hedley (the fourth engineer, and an Arab donkeyman. Roth men were immediately removed to the General Hospital, where
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  • 190 305 Profbssion Pairs" Bowling Handicap. This competition was bowled on May gth, ioth and nth, and resulted m a win for the Brokers. Full scores Brokers. J. G. Mactaggart and J. Catto 1410 100 1510 Merchants V.— E. S. Russell and R. Scoular 1216 270 i486 Merchants lII.— J.
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  • 110 305 The steamer Guernsey, with liquid fuel from Batoum, bound for Shanghai, arrived on Saturday and left immediately after coaling at the wharf. The colliers Grosmont and Java have arrived with a total cargo of about 10,000 tons of Japan coals for this port. The sailing ship John Davie
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  • 681 305 The accouchement of the Crown Princess of Japan was expected at the end of Aprils or early this month. A body of Russian troops have appeared on the Corean frontier, ostensibly to control the bandits. The Japan Times says that the resignation of the Finance Minister,
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  • Page 305 Advertisements
    • 573 305 Singapore Sporting Club. ENTRIES FOR SPRING RACES. Tuesday, 21st May. r Maip*n Plati..— Value 9400. A Race \taden Horses— Weight as per scale (lost. allowance of 141b. to ex-Griffins imported t he Straits Settlements or Native States at a bscnbed price of not more than $300. And 71b. Griffins exceeding
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    • 680 305 started in Race No. 7 on the First Day. Entrance $10.— Distance, i* mile. Howden— Deadlight. Schrager Sea view. Tan Boo Liat— Braivo. Cheang Thye Phin— Firestick. Smada and Gwynne— Vagrant. St. John The Afghan. Thb Second Griffin Handicap.— Value $300, and >5o to the Second Horse. A Handicap for
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    • 236 305 The Grippiw Comsol4tion.— Value $250. A Handicap for all Griffins that have started at this Meeting and not won. Distance, R.C. Rajah of Sarawak— Romeo. Cutaway Kongsee— Flyaway. Cutaway Kongsee— Spina way. Mackie— Ethel. Mackie— Jim. Tan 800 Liat— Veritas. Seah Peck Scan—Zinnia Dr. Heintges— Keuchheusten. Low Long Teng— Bangsawan.
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  • 796 306 The King of April 6th has an interesting reference to the career of Sir Henry M^£allum, tjie new Governor of Natal, accpmpanied by a good photo of the former S. V. A. Commandant. We quote the paragraph, which cannot fail to interest old Singapore friends of Sir
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  • 86 306 Mohamed Sahat, who was tried at the previous Assizes on the charges of rescuing from custody a person detailed for murder and voluntarily causing hurt with a knife, has been dismissed. The three Malay policemen, Kari Ban, Hajiand Hamid, who also appeared at the last assizes for robbery,
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  • 23 306 Capt. H.E.B. Leach, of the Northumberland Fusiliers, is lv be graded as D A.A.G while on duty m South Africa with mounted infantry.
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  • 2496 306 Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. The forty-seventh ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the above bank was held at the Cannon-street Hotel, on 17th ult. Mr. J. Howard Gwyther presided. The Chairman, m proposing the adoption of the report and accounts, said The directors
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  • 382 306 New York to Mamu. The fine United Staler cruiser Ml Y r commanded by Capt. M. R. S. M ckflufc anchored m He n-adstead at cigN morning, when she exchanged tit. ary salute wiih the port. She for Manila, but the date of her depvttt
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  • 599 307 v U.S. Algerine left Hongkong for .hi? port on the Bth inst. so m°re otßenn of H.M.S. Arethusa c been laid up with typhoid since that nate vessel's return to Hongkong. P, vV O. Outward Mail steamer tta left Colombo at 8 a.m. on md is
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  • 2054 307 In the chill morning air of Sarawak, before the newly risen sun had penetrated the cloudy pall overhead, we stepped aboard the launch "Patricia," from the wharf of the Borneo Company, who had offered us a passage m her to Busau, our first stopping place.
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  • 465 307 A Strange Incident. The sudden intractability of the Artillery horse? a Windsor Station was not the only hitch m connexion with the funeral of Queen Victoria. There was another and even more awkward one m the mausoleum at Frogmore. The contretemps, writes a correspondent, did not occur
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  • 285 307 The Pinang Gazette, m the course of an article on the enhanced lost of living, says Taking the comparative cost of living at the present as against the cost ten years ago, and omitting the price of local food stuffs and house rents, we find that clothing has increased 35
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  • 430 308 The Secretary of War has directed that the following notice shall be posted m eyefy battalion, battery, and company orderly room and drill-shed of every Volunteer, units Cases having occurred m which important information as to the armament and other defences of fortresses has appeared m the Press,
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  • 493 308 rA Royal Chain of Post Cards. K PBRSONAL LINK 1BTW1XT THB PRINCB AND THE PEOPLE. When the German Kmperor recently visited the East, his movements were connected with private citizens at home by an ingenious chain of post-cards. Arrangements were made by which,
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  • 35 308 The Times m its current issues by the mail does us the honour to refer to the views of the Singapore Free Press twice orce as to postal improvements, and also as to the garrison.
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  • 54 308 A merchant vessel showing no colours passed through yesterday evening from west to tast. The s.s. Mexico conveyed to New York last month the largest cargo of tobacco ever shipped from Havana, comprising more than 7,000 bales. The collier Scarthoe arrived this morning with about 5,000 tons Bengal
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  • 138 308 On Saturday, the la>t playing day before the Races, nearly 30 members competed for a prize, for the best single round, presented by a member, which was won by Dr. Smith with a score of 48 —10 38, who was closely followed by Mr. Pearce and Mr.
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  • 186 308 The club has under its consideration the extension of the present pavilion or the building of a new one, as the pavilion it now has, has become far too small. For this purpose subscriptions have been collected amongst the members, and a few outsdeis have generously put
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  • 491 308 In a letter to the Daily Express Mr. Stafford Ransome writes It had been my firm conviction that at no time during the last three years has war between Japan and Russia been imminent. From rumours I had heard before arriving m japan this time I begun
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  • 338 308 The report for the half-year ended Dec. 31 last states that the gross receipts have amounted during that period to £360,889, against £339,450 for the corresponding half-year of 1899. The working expenses absorb £104,640, against. £116,935 f° r the (corresponding period of 1899, leaving a balance
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  • 491 308 A Berlin correspondent states that the great sttel-making firm of Krupp, which has lately dismissed 4.000 of its workmen, has now decided to discharge 5,000 more. As sample of the hard campaigning work got through by some of the Ceylon Contingent m South Africa, it is staled tl at one
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  • 310 308 Singapore, May ?f Beans, Long Mt per Beef Steak Bean Sprouts Bamboo Sprouts Blachan r"T h n do- Cabbage, Batavia Do., China d 2c Do., Salted d v. Carrots, Imported Do., Singapore d Capons do Ccle r y pcr a cl Chillies, Fresh per^ att y Do.,
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  • 263 308 Indian Engineering remarks that somewhat remarkable that the tin mint; m the Tavoy and Mcrgui District is can ied on by native methods The a^ is small 967 cwts., valued at Rs. j as against 780 cwts. m the previnu A lease of 400 acres has been gfoei year to
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  • 1413 309 yh<. steamer Altin^ was docked at Tanjong i'agar yesterday. Standard Oil Co. of New York is icting <>n oil depot at Fu^an m Coiea. imer City of Calcutta arrived I iterday \%ith a cargo of about of Hrn^al coal and proceeded to irl to discharge. i
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  • 369 309 In the Novoe Vreniya of April 10 there is a leading article entitled, M Much Ado About Nothing." It runs thus:-It is hard to say what results the English papers expected m nervously exciting public opinion because China refused to sign the Manchurian Convention. It is
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1355 309 fo the Editor. Sir, I mve heard several persons asking whereabouts to look for the comet, and I think som^ explanation, m a simple and by no means scientific way, from one who has a very e'emetnary knowledge of the subject, may be of interest to some of
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  • 316 310 At a special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held at the Board Room yesterday afternoon, the Supplemental Budget No. I of 1901 was considered and passed. The total sum provided m this Budget amounts to $*****9.87. Among the larger items are $1,102 for the Secretariat, $2,800 for hackney
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  • 50 310 A Chinese woman named Chew Gek, tried for two separate cases of criminal breach of tiust, was found guilty m both instances and sentenced to four yt ars rigorous impiisonment for each case. For a similar offence, Zeo Client,' Hee and Hoa Sia^n received four years imprisonment, respectively.
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  • 461 310 The Smolensk is the latest addition to the Russian Volunteer Fleet, whose vessels call here regularly. She has been built by Messrs. Hawthorne Leslie, the well-known Tyne shipbuilders. Steam is developed by Belleville boilders, and her speed is to be 20 knots an hour. She is fitted to carry fifteen
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  • 170 310 When sweet the lark begins to sing, And all the sky is veiled m blue, Then search the colour-box of spring. Take up the brush and lightly fling Fresh verdure on the faded yew, When sweet the lark begins to sing. When butterflies from gaudy wing Of
    170 words
  • 47 310 The next meeting of the Art Club, for working members only, will be held at 4 Clovelly Oiange Grove Road on the 2oth instant (Monda)) at 5 pm. Working members unable to be present may send their sketch or photograph to the Hon. Secretary
    47 words
  • 239 310 Owing to the kindness of Admiral Rod^rrs of the U. S., cruiser New York lovers of sport were yest« rday afforded the opportunity of witnessing an exhibition £.ime of baseball the national £ame o f America, between two teams of players from the New York, the match taking place
    239 words
  • 246 310 This little tale ought to be true. Some time ago the King— then, of course, Prince of Waleswas spending a f tw days at Windermere, quite incogniio. Once, after brisk walking round the lake, he and his little party, feeling abnormally hungry, dropped into a certain hotel
    246 words
  • 128 310 Mrs. Leslie Porter of Benares has just had a marvellous escape, the third within the year. Her pet dog went mad, bit several natives fought eight to ten dogs and finally was shot m her room having torn her dress badly. The shock has, of course, naturally upset Mrs. Porter
    128 words
  • 272 310 The programme of the above tournament, which commences next month, is as follows 1. All Members of the r 4 teams competing must be Active Members, Honorary Members or Visiting Members as defined by Rule XVII, of the Singapore Cricket Club, but no member can play
    272 words
  • 66 310 Corrected up to May 15 Bank 4 m/s 20/1 demand I'll} Private credits 3 m/s 2 °tk documents 3 m/s a/of credits 6 m/s 2/o'^ France, demand .>^o UttRMANY, demand 20^ India, T. T 1491. Hongkong, demand i%dis Yokohama, demand i-J%pm |ava, demand ig 3 Manila, demand i%pm. S<
    66 words
  • 113 310 (May 15^ V 1 6 9.50 ambler 9.15 0. Cube No. 1 1387 *< pp«r, islack (ordinary Spore 29.75 Jo. White, (Fair L/W=s% 45.50 -Jtrne^s i 110s to the K.i 54 do. (80s to the )b) 66 vlace (Banda) 0.2 (Amboina) Liberian Coffee 17. 50 Tapioca, small pearl (Fair
    113 words
  • Page 310 Advertisements
    • 99 310 The Singapore and Straits DIRECTORY FOR I90I c o|n t a 1 n 1 n g T\IRECTORIES of Singapore, Penang ±J Province Wellesley Malacca the Federated Malay States: Perak Selangor, Negri Sembilan and Pahang Johore Labuan, British North Borneo, Sara wak, Saigon, Siam, Western (Dut-h Borneo, Riouw and Dependencies, Deli
      99 words
    • 544 310 JJONGKONG AND SHan^T^ n BANKING CORPORAT?^ 1 PAID-UP CAPITAL iJ ON. RESERVE FUND.— '"".onoo^ Sterling Reserve »io,ooo,ooo) PROPRIETORS Court of Oirictors R. Shew.- Ntn t Esq.^CHAiRM AN Hon. J. J. Keswick, Esq.— Dhpptv r H. E. ToMiixs, Esq. V L; MU D. M. Mosr Lsq N. A bi.« c A.
      544 words

    • 77 311 Sir Alfred Milner has left Cape Town for England. [The Times correspondent at Capetown declares thst the loyalists of South Africa are apprehensive lest Sir Alf-ed Milnet's three months' leave of absence in England may hinder his policy of settlement. The Radical Press in England interpret, the
      77 words
    • 212 311 Col. Plumer's column has arrived clos« to Pietoria. It m-irched unopposed frcm Olifantsrivei through difficult country. The enemy are everyvvhete fleeing. In the course of a speech dr livered by Sir Alfred Milner at Cape Town, he sa d that no change and no weakening of Imperial policy
      212 words
    • 32 311 The result of the race for the Chester Cup is as follows Mr. Loril aril's David Garrick I Mr. M« flat's Laay Schombcrg 2 Sir E. Vincent's Stoccado 3
      32 words
    • 36 311 H.R.H. the Duke of Cornwall and York opened the Federal Parliament of Austra'ia in the presence of an assemblage of twelve thousand spectators. The Duke read a message from the King.
      36 words
    • 13 311 The House of Commons has agreed to the King's Civil List. m
      13 words
    • 84 311 An Imperial ukase issued at St. Petersburg authoiises the issue of a four-per-cent loan of 424,000,000 francs [almost £17,000,000] to repay the Treasury for advances to the [Siberian] Railway and to meet current expenditure. It is confirmed that the French Rothschilds are to issue the Russian loan,
      84 words
    • 22 311 The census of Fngland and Wales shows a total population of 32,525.716. This gives an increase of 3,523, 192.
      22 words
    • 29 311 There occurred scenes of the wildest description on the New Yo»k stock market yesterday, owing to unprecedented fluctuations in the price of railway shares.
      29 words
    • 19 311 The state of things io New York also caused a panic in Glasgow and London.
      19 words
    • 21 311 MR, LABOUCHERE'S AMENDMENT. An amendment moved by Mr. Labouchere to reduce the King's Civil List was rejected by 250 to 92.
      21 words
  • 106 311 The Porte has sent a note to the Foreign Embassies demanding the abolition of foreign post-offices at Constantinople. The Embassies were annoyed at trK arbitrary tone of the communication of oi«_ Turkish Government and have returned it. The Porte has sent a third note to
    106 words
  • 16 311 Eighteen squadrons of the Imperial Yeomanry have sailed from the Cape for England.
    16 words
  • 24 311 It is stated that Russia is seeking to obtain a i int guarantee for a Chinese Indemnity Loan.
    24 words
    • 21 311 Lord Selborne, First Lord of the Admiralty, stated m reply that the question v\as still under examination.
      21 words
    • 32 311 A SEDITIOUS IRISH JOURNAL SEIZED. The House of Comnuns lejected a motion by Mr. Dillon to adjourn the Huuse owing to the seizure of ihe newspaper Irish People for dtfaming the Kii.g.
      32 words
    • 28 311 This demand lias a!>o been returned by the Embassies. The Porte thus creating partially a cessation of official relations between the Embassies and the Porte.
      28 words
    • 38 311 Mr James Watts, of Tientsin, has received a Companionship of the Order of St. Michael and St. Gt orge, for conspicuous biavery m conveying de-patches from Tientsin to Taku on the 19th of December
      38 words
    • 45 311 BRITISH AND AME RICANS AT PEKING. A report by General Chaffee's aid-de-camp ha^ been published at Washington. Upon the subject of the Allied Troops at Peking, the report states that the British were the only real friends the Americans had. Their troops were always together.
      45 words
    • 111 311 I Lord Salisbury, speaking at a Noncomformist Unionist Banquet, said that the past two years had shown that the spirit of our countrymen burns as bright as ever. We used to hear suggestions that our star had set, but now we should never have to
      111 words
    • 37 311 The Daily Telegraph publi>hes a despatch from its correspondent at St. Petersburg staling that Russia has ordered two battleships and four cruisers to China m response to a request from Admiral Alexeieff for reinforcements.
      37 words
    • 22 311 He said that these two constituted strains on the resources of the Empiie that were closely allied.
      22 words
  • Page 311 Advertisements
    • 569 311 The Singapore Free Press. Mercantile Advertiser Ob lb Addrbss, Advertiser. Singapore. Telephone Numbbr. Nu. 61. pa bhshed at 30-3, Raffles Place, Singapore. THE leading English Wewspaper in the Straits Settlements Johore, the federated Native States of Perak, Selangor. Sungei Ujon^, Pahang, the Neg. i g tn; British North Borneo; Sarawak
      569 words
    • 655 311 NIPPON YUSEN iAP KAISHA. (JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co.. Ltd.) A regular FORTNIGHTLY Service is maintained between hpan an.) Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contracs with thr Imperial Japanese Government. Specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accomm daiion
      655 words

  • 29 312 The War, (Lord Salisbury continued) had shown the danger of Home Rule, as enabling the leaders of the Irish [Nationalists] to make hostile preparations.
    29 words
  • 46 312 Lord Cranborne states that the Government has expressed itself as opposed to any increase of the Chinese import tariff beyond raising the duty to an actual 5 per cent ad valorem except m connection with reforms on the treatment of foreign trade.
    46 words
  • 648 312 May 9. Andahj^ia, Ger., Fhlers, for Hamburg, via ports. Hambu-e, Ger., Magin. for China and J ipan. Ekaterinovlavl. Rus., M >rosoff. f >r VI divostock. Sultan. Rrit. Cbopatd for Muar an^ Malacca Chow Phya, Brit., jellicoe for Malacca and Klang. Ban Whatt Brit., Rou-e, for Billiton and Pontianak Adia.
    648 words
  • 45 312 SPECIAL TELEGRAMS. TROUBLE IN NORTH BORNEO. (Special to Singapore Free Press,) Labuan, 9th May. Kudat is again threatened with another native attack by a Chief living near. He is the same man who reported the advance of raiders last year who killed Mr. De Mattos.
    45 words
  • CHINA.
    • 151 312 Hongkong, gth May. In consequence of a rumour that the Foreign Ministers are willing to agree to an inciease of Chinese Customs duties m order to provide for the payment of the indemnities, the Shanghai and Hongkong Chambers of Comm rce and also the Committee of the
      151 words
    • 74 312 The crow of the wrecked P. O. sS. Sobraon have arrived at Hongkong. A NEW ITALIAN LINE. Hongkong, ioth May. An Italian steamer line has been established between Shanghai and Australia. THE RUSSIA LOAN. Russia has placed a 475,000,000 francs war loan m France. PLAGUE
      74 words
    • 473 312 Passengers for Straits, China Japan. Per P. O. Parramatta Arcadia, due May 19.—Mrs. Hodges, Mrs. Scholes, Mr. E. C. Couper, Rev. W. E. Holey, Mr. Maclean, Major and Mrs. Greany, Mr. R Bennett, Mr. Damerell, Mr. Higgins, Mr. Robson, Mr. Harrison, Mr. A. G. Major. Mr. H. Handley Derry, Mr.
      473 words
    • 47 312 A Time Ball at Fort Canning and one at Pulau Brani frUs each day at 1 p.m. Singapo/e mean time (Greenwich mean time 6 hrs., 4 mm., 35 sec.,) beiag hoisted five minutes previously. To-day Port Canning and Pulau Brani both fell correctly.
      47 words
  • 276 312 Quotation. Paid. r), V( Bank ol China and Japan, Ltd. £l Nominal. £4 ND i Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency, Nominal. £1 Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $3-75 Sellers. $5 Clear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. $100 $100 7 Fraser and Neave Ltd. 187 Sales. $co 10 °L
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  • Page 312 Advertisements
  • Page 312 Miscellaneous
    • 1129 312 VESSELS IN PORT. Men-of-War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For When Kosario Brit, g.b., 980 Hamilton Api. 19 Hongkong Plymouth, May New York U* S. cruis., 8200 Mackenzie May 13 New York Manila May Other Vessels Flags Tons Masters Arrived From Consignees For Albion Brit. 040 Curtis Apl. 24
      1,129 words