The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 29 November 1900

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
  • 27 1 THE Singapore Fre Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER vv el cl irt J,-, iii 1L ri lj ill \j IM. THIRD SERIES THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29th,/ 1900 No. 690
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  • 404 1 Vcttng Governor's Nose, -137 donation of Outrage, Commissariat Scandals, \<>s S rilivan, w\s 11 |udgmeni "of Paris, 338 fhe Presidential Election, ms .'*nd the Law, lubaiand, 8 A Penang Opinion, Kruger Boom Wanes. via The Way With Rebels, A) it News. 339 X ,V' es 339,344,357 ng B atmen
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  • Domestic Occurrences
    • 19 1 At No, 1 Westbourne Sq., London, \V\, the wife of \V. Willes DOUGLAS, of Perak, of a daughter.
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    • 53 1 Allen-Bacon.— At St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore, on November 21st, 1900, Rowland Allkn, ll.b. of the Inner Temple, Barrister at Law, youngest son of Willam Allen of Leek, Staffs, to MAUD AMMIB, third daughter of the Rev. Hugh Bacon, Rector of Baxter ly, Merivale, and Hurley, Warwickshire. (English and Indian
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    • 72 1 Suddenly at Bangkok, on the 12th inst., David Ktßft, beloved husband of Barbara Kerr, of 8 Devonshire Ro;ui, Singapoce. At Yokohama, Japan, on the 14th inst., Dr. R. A. Mosiht Junr., U. S. A. Consul-General tor the Straits Settlements. (By cable 21st inst.) On Nov. 27th, at 35 Selegie
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 1 Here shall the Press the People's right maintain. Unawed by influence and unbribrd by gain Here patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw Fled«ed to Relieion. Loyalty, and Law.
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  • 314 1 (Nov. 22nd.) We must really take exception to Reuter's mischievous waste of his subscribers' money. There is no commercial reason why so large a proportion of cable expenditure should be thrown away on such twaddle as the fact that wherever parties of Boer rebels have a chance they do
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  • 408 1 Fine-drawn sensitive natures are often specially afflicted through the delicacy of their perceptions where persons of common coarse tibre remain in happy ignorance of any cause for uneasiness. The Acting Governor is to be sympathised with. He has a nose, one gifted with such an acute
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  • 575 1 (Nov. 23rd.) Accepting the terms of to-day's telegram in regard to the non-acceptance by America of the terms of peace based on the general understanding come to under the Anglo-German agreement, and endorsed generally by the Powers, it must be remarked that the United States Government does
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 110 1 Maples Hotel Co. Ltd No. 85 Bluff. Yokohama charming Hotel, standing as it does in ne centre and on the highest and healthiest part of B hluff, is naturally always delightfully cool, and Mmands the finest views of the Bay, Harbour, and rrounding country. Excellent Cuisin e, Luxuriou gaths, Tennis
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    • 36 1 WOOD COS. PRICE MEDAL AUSTRALIAN CHEESE (Quality and Condition Excellent) 45 cents per lb. AUSTRALIAN HOUSEHOLD BUTTER In Prime Condition In tins of 10 lbs. each $5.50 per tin. McALISTER Co. SOLE IMPORTERS, w.s. uc Oct.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 393 1 THE WEEK. The Europe mail of Nov. yd arrived by the M. M. Ocean icn on Sunday, followed by the X. D. L. Princ Hcinric/t, yesterday, with dates up to Nov. 6th. The next outward mail is due by the P. 6c O. Bengal on Sunday. The last homeward mail
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  • 673 2 (Nov. 2.ith A recent visitor to the Philippines liberates his soul in the Japan Herald for the information of the largo American community in Yokohama regarding M scandals of appalling magnitude in the Quartermaster's Department." It is due to these scandals and the consequent privations suffered by
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  • 783 2 (Nov. 26th.) Although the latest mails brought news that the condition of Sir ARTHER SULLlnan's health was t ausing anxiety to his friends, the announcement ot his death will cause a very deep and sincere regret not only amongst his own fellowcountrymen, with whom his name was as
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  • 153 2 The 'Judgment 1 of Paris. Paris is busy giving London a Rowland for an Oliver. London has led off with the C.I.Y. reception. Paris rejoins with Oom Paul's welcome. How much is pure 11 Jumbo 1 ero-worship, how much animosity to Britain, how much a desire of the Nationalists to
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  • 266 2 (Nov. 27th.) 1 FROM America, through Japan, come the detailed figures of the late Presidential Election. At the previous election in 1896 McKINL&Y had 271 votes in the Electoral College to Bryan's 176, two States giving majority and minority votes. These were California (1 for BRYAN, 8
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  • 758 2 WITH reference to the case reported yesterday's pap^.r against Mr. L. Kat (not Mr. H. Katz, who is in Europe) landing arms without a permit, it seems necessary to repeat that the offence was a technical one. The sentence was one day's simple imprisonment, not to
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  • 58 3 HE scene of the probably quite unimportrouble in Jubaland is near the mouth of river Juba, separating the Italian terri- from British East Africa. The 2nd bat--1 of the East African regiment would represent the available troops, whose ransit from Mombasa to Kismayu at muuth of the Juba would
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  • 265 3 (Nov. 28th.) LHE Ptnang Gazette, not in any very miable spirit, has animadverted on the esolution of the Singapore Municipality purchase the existing Company's gasorks as a basis of its own future extended torn of public and private lighting. It proceeds to ask 4l Who then is
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  • 125 3 Possibly Mr. Krlger, now that he has himself off from the Transvaal, and )w that Britain has relieved him of all toils and opportunities of adminisration, follows the renowned spouse of that i^tin^uished burgess of London City, Mr. >HN GILPIN, in developing a frugal mind, obably,
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  • 250 3 Sir George Trevelyan, in his graphic lory of the Indian mutiny entitled "Cawntells how the English officer in targe of the tiny vanguard of Gen. Neill'S tlief force, (too late to arrive to prevent historic massacre), tranquillised the >untry as he went along by the simple
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  • 1616 3 From a Spb( ial Correspondent 1 (Pall Mall Gazette.) Almost every cricketer of note has tried his hand at inventing a cure for the canker that is eating the heart out of our best old game bui it is ju-t one of those cases where an
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  • 67 3 In the Supreme Court yesterday, before the Chief Justice, Bakar and Yeok, charged with criminal breach of trust as carriers, were found not guilty and discharged. Cheong Koon Hock was found guilty of criminal breach of trust as a servant, and was sentenced to two years' imprisonment. This
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  • 165 3 H.M.S. Brisk, Capt. Sir Bourchier Wrey, anchored in the roads last evening, on her return from Penang. A French transport passed through the harbour from West to East at 5. 30 p.m. yesterday. At six o'clock this morning, the Izumo steamed to the wharf, section No. 9, where
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  • 68 3 Mr. E. H. Bell goes to Malacca to-day, to take charge of the police. He stops there about eleven months before retiring. Mrs. and Miss Salzmann have gone to Kuala Lumpor. Messrs. Dumbreck and Cathcart, from Se!angor, leave for Europe shortly. For the SeUngor Races, Dalian, Campbell, Griffiths and
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  • 139 3 Yesterday, before a Court of Two Magistrates six Kling boatmen were charged with theft in a vessel, on the sth inst., of soap, sarongs and white shirting to the value of $250. The goods in question were packed up in cases and discharged from the s S.
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  • 119 3 Observers from Collyer Quay about noon to-day saw what was apparently a huge sea-serpent attached to the side of the local steamer Ban Whatt Hin and in great alarm hastened to interview the Master Attendant about this. Closer examination proved however that it was only a line of
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  • 220 3 Two Chinamen were sent to prison yesterday each tor a year. One stole §230 from a Chinese miner, down here from Kuala Lumpor, the other received some of the stolen money. A Straits-born Chinaman was yesterday lined $35, or seven week's imprisonment, for refusing to pay his rikisha
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  • 2204 4 (November 21st, 1900.) Prbsent.— Mr. A. Gentle, (President) and Messrs. Barker, Jago, Maclaren, Saunders, Sohst, Moses, Lee Choon Guan, Choa Giang Thye and Col. Pennefather. Absent.— Mr. Moses. Minutes. The minutes of the two previous meeting were comfirmed. President's Remarks. Mr. Gentle said he was glad to state
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  • 255 4 News has been received by Mr. \V. St. Cedd, 14, Love-walk, Denmark-hill, of the death of Mr. Harry All rill, a member of an old Camberwell family, while elephant hunting in AdJo Bush, South Africa. Mr. Alt rill, the letter states,
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  • 333 4 A very pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday afternoon the parties being Mr. Rowland Allen of Singapore, and Miss Maud Bacon, niece of Mr. Justice Bacon. The Revd. Holland Stubbs was the oHiciating minister. The bride was given away by the Honble W. R. Collyer,
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  • 629 4 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied min* honest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astr y mer's game, and the philosopher's eame I°^°: whettes thyr wittes, recreates theyr mind, lCh hurts no body in the mean season." All communications should be address^! Chess Editor, Singapore Free Press." Problem No.
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  • 195 4 Sir Charlks Wauren at C\n n rbikn Sir Charles W.rren yesterday attended ing at St. Augustine's College, Canterbury, which institution he is an honorary fellow. H received at the railway station bythe warden, I Mac tear, and by Dean Parrar. The party s to drive
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  • 682 5 Capt. John Duff, of the s. s. Rajah, died at Pcnang rather suddenly on the iSth inst. nil Lieutenant P. H. H. Preston is appointed Garrison Adjutant, Singapore, and Lieutenant H. A. Ramsay. From the Transatlantic Fire Insurance of Hamburg, Messrs Puttfarcken Co. agents, we have
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  • 78 5 The Calypso will not take her usual run -rif r a tlmC| as she is S°ir.g to dock. 1 he Gany,nede, which was recently overhauled will replace the Calypso, and leave tor Deli to-morrow. The Ed-ward Barry, chartered by the Russian Government, left Cronstadt on the 10th ultimo
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  • 104 5 Eight more cases were reported yesterday viz. 7 in town, with 6 deaths 1 at Lunatic Asylum, with 1 death. Two of the cases previously reported turn out to be only diarrhoea. The corrected total is therefore Cases. Deattis. LI o 20th inst. (inclusive) 62 41 OH2ISI 8 Total
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  • 78 5 The gallant act for which Mr. Basil J. D. Guv, midshipman of H. M. flagship Barfleur has been given the Victoria Cross, consisted in running out under a heavy fire to rescue a wounded man. Being unable to lift the man, Mr. Guv rapidly
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  • 51 5 The competition for Major McCallum's Maxim Trophy takes place next week, each section to send in two detachments one from each subdivision. The Right Section will compete on Monday, the Centre Section on Wednesday, the Left Section on Friday. Hour of parade 5 p.m. Uniform Khaki, tield-caps,
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  • 326 5 It fell upon a Wednesday Twas then the marriage knot was lied. [A Gordian knot it is, they say Pray pardon me for this aside). The weather and the bride were fair. (With reference to this remark I do not mean the lady's hair For, as it
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  • 1157 5 The Kanagawa Maru Shooting Case. Before the Chief Justice this morning Nai Mainit was charged with shooting his wife, Maude Marie Mainit on board the Kanagawa Maru in Singapore Harbour on August 31st. The Attorney General opened the case for the prosecution, briefly recapitulating the circumstances. Before the
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  • 670 5 A very remarkable though unerring indication of the expansion of Singapore as a commercial centre lies before us in the form of two annual reports of a local social institution. That institution is the Singapore Cricket Club. The period of time embraced between
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  • Correspondence.
    • 442 6 To thb Editor. Sir, I see by yesterday's report that the Municipal Commissioners have refused to place a stand-pipe in Thompson-rd., apparently on the ground that it would open up a 24 inch main, which is objectionable. It appears to me that the Commissioners have
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    • 404 6 The correspondent of the Central News at the Hcigue states definitely that the wedding of Queen Wilhtltnina with Duke Hendrik of Mec klenburg-Schwerin has been fixed to take place on January 17. The N -C Daily News Tientsin correspondent writes that he learned from Sir Claude
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  • 253 6 (Hongkong Papers,) Frengh Capture Boxer Village. Shanghai, Nov. 14. A French force from Paotingfu has had a stiff conflict with the Chinese. Twenty-two miles beyond Paotingfu the Boxers were established in a strongly-fortified village. The French gallantly stormed the position and drove out the Boxers. The French had eighteen
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  • 396 6 How rHE Census of 1901 Will be Taken. As the people of this and other Colonies and Dependencies of the Empire are also to be numbered next year, the following 4 Census Notes are of preparatory interest The fust of the army of 50,000 officials who will
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  • 293 6 A SWEDISH DOCTOR ON BROTHER BOER." A correspondent of the Times states that Dr. J. Hammar, of Gothenburg, who served with the Boer field ambulance, was by no means favourably impressed by the men he tried to serve. The Boers did not show the least gratitude for his hard work
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  • 470 6 Correspondence Bbtwebn Mr. Chambbrlain and tub Premiers. An interesting correspondence is now proceeding, says the Times, between Mr. Chamberlain and the Prime Ministers of the Australian colonies, regarding the status and pay cf the Governors ot New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, Western Australia,
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  • 451 6 - liie Canton correspondent of the China Mail writes lhc Lek.n monoply of this Province was let the other day for four million Taels. Does this look like giving over this business to foreigners as a guarantee for the Peace Indemnity The people have it that Tung Fu-hsiang
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  • 924 6 Bro. I. V. Booth is the Woril i Master-elect for Perak Jubilee Loda e fo the coming year. A Malay was sentenced to nine month* rigorous imprisonment, in connection w th the North Bridge-rd. poisoning case wl--took place on the 6th inst. At 2-20 this morning a
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  • 146 7 Accord'ng to telegraphic advices received from I ebong Donok, the October extraction amounts •bout 1,409 ounces of Gold and about 8,900 ounces of Silver, of the value of about f.84,000. Our Chief Manager writes with regard to Winze No. 1 —I" consequence of water breaking in
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  • 181 7 The Russian transport Nijni Novgorod, Odessa, arrived vesterday with ~08 ops on their way to Vladivostock. The Zibcnghla, No. 8, which arrived at w ven and left again at nine this g, is bound for Calcutta with 370 ;uid convalescent from Wei-hru-wei Shanghai. IT French transport Colombo arrived
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  • 751 7 (Mill ay Mail.) In another two months a year cf quite unexampled prosperity foi this State will have drawn to al l se, and, Marching critically for the chief factc is of this extraordinary progress, the must casual of observers notes th it it is to the
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  • 1294 7 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli Juvenal. We have been told, from time to time, 1 by reverend gentlemen, that the tendency 1 of modern science is not merely to ignore, 1 but also to deny the existence of the spiritual world. Facts have come
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  • 375 7 The ami-foreign placards which are now being posted throughout t ie Two Kwangs show that ihere is evidently a desire upon the part of certain of the secret society organiz itions to stamp out both missionaries and converts throughout Southern China and in the
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  • 72 7 Maxim Competition. There will be a practice drill for the Centre Section on Tuesday, and a practice drill for the Left Section on Thursday, these being the only practices allowed during the week of competition. The dates given in orders for the competition are adhered to. Sections
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  • 148 7 The result of the play for the prize given by the Unofficial M.L.C.'s, for mixed fourj somes, one round at the Race Course and one at Sepoy Lines, is as follows.— Mrs. Burkinshaw Major Jones 59 48 9 98 Mrs. Bowes &A. A. Earle 60 55 16
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  • 464 7 QI'OTH THE R\VEN, NtVBRMORE." Boer raiders continue to be active. Renter i l4-1 1-1900). The Tsar is sleeping fairly. Temperaure 100.5— Renter (19-1 1-1900). The Tsar's conditu n is improving. —Renter (20-11-1900). I Once upon a midnight dreary, while I waited, wan and weary, Seated in my wonted
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  • 877 8 Ordinary Mbbting. November 21st, 1905. Present The Hon'ble Mr. Cadette (President), Mr. Sultan Merican (of Merican Tamby Co. Kling Street), Mr. Peng Lo (Head Coolie of Messrs. Mehn, Beyer Co.), Mr. AH (Tamby Kitchi of Messrs. Tyme Co.) and Mr. Tan Khoo Leng (Coal Coolie.) Absent The Head
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  • 161 8 New rules under the Explosives Ordinance are issued. No one except a person holding a licence to deal in ammunition shall sell, have in his possession, or purchase, any ammunition or gunpowder except under a permit to purchase the same. But this does not prohibit a licensed dealer
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  • 104 8 This afternoon an S. C. C. inter-club match will be payed on the Esplanade between the Probables and M The World." 1 lie S. C. C. fixtures for December are as follows the u Probables v. M The World on the Ist, Bth and 15th Dec. the 2nd XI.
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  • 24 8 Yesterday (23rd) there were: Cases, Diat/is. In town 5 r Put an Brani... 1 t l*p to 22nd 75 63 Total Si 69
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  • 66 8 Lok Ah Chow, of Thomson-road, reports that in the early hours yesterday morning several knives and forks were stolen from the Club House." Property to the value of §4.90 was stolen yesterday from a Chinaman living 10 31 Upper Nankin street. Two Chinese were arrested for indecent exposure
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  • 230 8 A BLACK EAGLE ASTRAY. The order of the Black Eagle, set with precious stones, which the German Emperor sent out by Prince Henry of Prussia to the Emperor of China has just come into the possession of Captain Potts, of the Hongkong Volunteer Corps, under extraordinary circumstances. The captain has
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  • 1303 8 Sept. 25th 1900. (Translated by two young ladies for the Singapore Free Press.) If the words of the Psalmist as to the length and worth of human life have ever been true of a musician, they may describe the artist who celebrated his 70th birthday on the 25th
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  • 150 8 A gentleman who was doing business in LhestCf recently had a remarkable experience. He proceeded through the town to the station, and took train for Liverpool. On arriving he di 3 covered that he had losl two cheques of the joint value of F4O. Something led him
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  • 128 8 The death is announced of Dr. Stewart Brown, of Holly Batik, H rock ley -read. A fortnight ago he injured his spine and sustained a severe scalp wound in a carriage accident. In pursuit of health he was travelling some days later to ihe South of
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  • 321 8 The Port Commissioners have for some time been confronted with enourmous difficulties in connection with the loading of coal at the Kidderpore docks. The coal industry has developed at such a rate that the railway company simply can't cope with it, the demand for waggons
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  • 676 9 It is understood that Mr. S. Tomlinson ia> resigned the Municipal Engineership. Lieut -Col. Oakes, r.g.a and Mrs. Oakes arrived yesterday by the s S. Japan, and are staying at present at the Raffles Hotel. Both the French mails, outward and lomeward came in yesterday, the
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  • 370 9 The following is the Report of the Directors to the Members of the Straits he r .d d o n n g D C e O c y ot^ dl the meeti tO be Your Directors beg to submit the accounts for forward from the previous account,
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  • 76 9 Thii morning, in the Supreme Court, before the Chief Justice, Tan Nghee, Lee Kin and Lee Sam, were put on their trial for voluntarily causing grievous hurt to anothtr Chinaman at Pulau Obin on October sth. The men wore bathing together on the day in question and a
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  • 246 9 A Hokien, of 95 Cecil-st, reports that on Saturday, the manager of his shop, went to jo Beach-rd. and having collected a debt of $1,135 22 there, on a forged bill, absconded. A Javanese woman living at 26 Sheik Madersah Lane, states that another Javanese woman and a
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  • 1505 9 No. XLIII. The Church Union in Scotland. I need make no apology for describing an event of such deep and permanent interest to Scotchmen at home and abroad as the Union between the two Churches, consummated yesterday (Oct. 31, 1900)! One has not often the opportunity
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  • 180 9 Captain Moss, of the Prins Alexander, which arrived from Sourabaya yesterday', reports that in lat. 0.25' and long 107".!* 1?7 he passed a small Dutch steamer, with a yellow funnel. She wished to be reported "all well." v The French steamer Viile de Tamotave, which arrived from Port
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  • 80 10 'Probablbs" v. Tin-. "World." J his i tt-r-C lub match was not commenced n the Esplanade until late last Saturday afternoon, owing to tl.e heavy rain. W odd closed their innings with five wick, is un U r j runs, 45 of which C. W. Di.bishir wa> responsible for,
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  • 741 10 Official News. The local mandarins received on Friday the following news from Peking Li Hungchang has been informed by the Foreign Ministers lhat the various Powers concerned in the present imbroglio insist upon the full punishment of Princes Tuan and Chuang the Grand Councillors Kang Yi
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  • 2540 10 Via Ceylon,) Calcutta, November nth. The Chief Secretary of the Punjab Government has arrived at Patiala. The Patiala Club has been closed, and the Cricket, Polo, Chess, and such like Clubs will be abolished, and the members dispersed. Hearnc and Brockwell will be sent home, and will have their
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  • 433 11 Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan, Mus. D was in London, May 13, ,842. His father was rofessor at Kneller Hall, the training bool (pr British military bands. He received his rsl systematic instruction in music at the Chanel Royal, St. James's, under the Rev. Thomas Hel
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  • 29 11 A telegram has been received from Raub, Jated 24th November, to the effect that the Electric Mill, with its altered gear, is working successfully.
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  • 38 11 Up to an inclusive of 23rd inst., there re 81 cases, with 6(j deaths. On the 24th, 7 and 5, on the 25th, 3 and 4. Of cases, one (on 24th) wa> on a vessel ihe harbour.
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  • 1112 11 Ihe nominations for Municipal Commisr for the Central Ward closed to day. Mr. Lee Choon Guan, proposed by Mr. Jiak Kim and seconded by Mr. \V. P. A addell was the only nominee. The voting place at the Municipal Office on lay, December 4th. 20,000 has been voted
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  • 430 11 «f An bsei e f r is describing the "Birds o Hongkong- for the Telegraph. Below find Nos. 3, 4 and 5 of the series Thb Adjutant or Soldibr-Cranb. Adjutans Crusticus. "riit't- Found chiefly on the barrack-square or in the orderly-room. Markings—lt has spurs. The adjutant
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  • 208 11 AU SIAM." The Bangkok correspondent of the Saigon Opinion has a lengthy article in that paper on British expansion in Siam. It opens thus: "In getting the AngloSiimese treaty of the 29th November, 1599 signed, Sir George Greville, Minister-Re-sident at Bangkok, has achieved a veritable master stroke. In the open
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  • 334 11 Ihe position of the United States in the Philip- I pine Islands is one which is of the highest importance just now the American campaign was undertaken, we were given to understand, for the sake of humanity," and not for the acquisition of new territory in
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  • 808 11 In the Supreme Court this morning, before the Chief Justice, a Ma'ay youth named Baba, and Im, a Malay woman, were charged with kidnapping and concealing a kidnapped person. It is alleged that the two prisoners kidnapped a Eurasian girl named Betsy Gallop on the 2 ist
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  • 64 11 The appeal of Mr. R. Desker against the conviction of Mr. Brockman on a charge of theft of a pig was heard yesterday by Mr. Justice Leach, who quashed the conviction on the merits of the case, holding that the documentary evidence pointed conclusively to the fact that
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  • 123 12 Namasivyami, a Tamil interpreter at the Police Court, reports that shortly atter 6 yesterday morning he noticed a Jew, who lives in a house opposite to his own, bleeding profusely from the head, and another Jew with bloodstains on his clothing, running away from the place. He
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  • 152 12 1 hose few here who had the opportunity to hear Mr. John Barrett 00 his legs en the private occasion ot the Indepence Pay banqiu-t when the U. S. S. Machias paid her first visit to Singapore, j will be amused at the way in which the
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  • 133 12 Grand Rapids (Mich.), October iith P. L. Wessels, special commissioner from the South African republics to the United States, to-day received a letter from Secretary de Bruh of the Boer envoys now in Holland, saying that President Kruger on I. is arrival there would meet the Boer envoys.
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  • 101 12 H.M.S. Brisk left the Wharf at 4.15 n m yesterday, after taking in about 200 tons of coal. The Clitus is expected here to-mor-iow from Australia with cargo and live stock During the week ending Saturday the 24th instant a total number of about 1,789 Chinese emigrants arrived
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  • 327 12 New York, October 13th. A cable to the Tribune from Paris s.iys While the exposition of 1900 will doubtless lea\e in its wake a number ot financial failures, which, however, will be mostly confined to purveyors of mere a musement for the public, from theatrical entertainments to
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  • 261 12 Retort by Mr. Kirfoot Hughes. Mr. W. Kerfoot Hughes, the Manager at the Mines of the Punjom Mining Co., Ltd., has submitted a report dated Panggong, October 16, on the present condition and future prospects of the Company. One or two passages of general interest may
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  • 224 12 Bmtriis Which Closid on 6th Instant. Mr. Apcar's Stand Of! (5 years). Mr Apcar's Henry (5 years). H. H. Kour Sahib ol Patiala's Cherry (aged). H. 11. Kour Sahib ot Patiala's Vigorous (5 years). Mr. E de Soysa's Merloolas (aged). Mr. Anandji \andjis Tubal Cain 11. 1
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  • 102 12 Mi. Schapiro, of 17 Race Course-rd, reports that yesterday morning be missed a silver watch and a gold chain from his waUt coat pocket. As he was wearing it at the time, he thought he had dropped it. Later on however, the articles were found in the possession
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  • 184 12 The result of the Monthly Medal Handicap, played on Saturday, was as follows The following played but relumed no scores Messrs. E^erton, Elcum, Anthonisz, Glennie, Morphy, Stratton and Gentle. As Mr. Munro has won one monthly medal this year, Capt. Winter is returned the winner. _^^f
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  • 1357 12 Extraordinary Scenes— lmmense Crowds. Great disappointment was experienced in London on Saturday, 27th ult., at the announcement that the Cl.V.'s would not arrive on that day, owing to the late arrival at Southampton of the Aurania, The righting freemen arrived at Southampton late on the
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  • 395 12 THE INTER COLONIAL SHOOTING MATCH. Shanghai's S< orf. The Shanghai team for this Match sh< on Thursday 15th, at 7.30 a.m. at the Rifle Butts. The light was good up to the 200 yds but was just a little hazy for the longer ranges. On the wh >le the light
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  • 133 12 On 26th there were 6 cases, 5 all in town. Total to date:— 97 cases deaths. D' Arc's Marionettes are exploiting Ki Lumpor just now, to the turn of "§4 f seat." But entertainments visit the Native States rarely. Therefore, &c Consi that the "Company" is cheap, doesn'i or
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  • 1578 13 Two New Books of Short Stories. These two books differ from one another m almost every particular, save in that they are both written in the same language, by authors of some notoriety, and are composed of tales almost all of which have already appeared
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  • 255 13 A friend writes: One advantage that has occurred to me as resulting from the construction of the proposed canal from the Singapore River to Keppel Harbour would be that in the North-East Monsoon, vessels could comfortably, safely, and continuously load produce from the godowns in the
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  • 766 13 Abdulraman, a private in the 16th M. 1., was yesterday fined §15, or three weeks' imprisonment, for attempted theft. The Singapore Catholic Club proposes to give a Concert in the Town Hall during the Christmas week. With reference to the circular of yesterday's date re Passengers
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  • 67 13 Correspondence regarding the working of the New Pier at Penang is in progress. Two plans suggested themselves to Government first, leaving the pier open to all, importers making their own arrangements for landing cargo and second, vesting it in a landing and storing management, consisting, say, of
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  • 184 13 Not long after the action at Spion Kop near Ladysmith it was rumoured that Mr. T. Flower-Ellis, formerly of Singapore, was killed on that occasion. There seems to have, however, been some uncertainty on this point in the minds of his relatives, lor it is only
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  • 718 13 Correspondence was laid on the Council table yesterday, in connection with the Foreshores and Sea Bed Bill, between the Tanjong Pagar Dock Co. and the Government. In ISSI the T.P.D. Co. asked for an extension of their sen frontage. The Government of the day nromised the extension,
    718 words

  • 1954 14 Tuesday, Nov. 27TH, 1900. Present H. E. the Officer Administering the Government (Sir Alex. Swettenham, k.c.m.g.) H. E. the Officer Commanding the Troops Col. Chippindall, r.e.) The Hon'ble the Acting Col. Secretary (Walter Egerton.) the Attorney-General (W. R. Collver). the Acting Colonial Treasurer (J. O. Anthonisz.) T. E.
    1,954 words
  • 555 14 The serious illness of Mr. C. D. Harvey, Manager of the Borneo Company in Sarawak, has occasioned the gravest anxiety for the pa^t throe weeks. Successive attacks have greatly weakened him, but we are glad to hear that the latest reports on his condition are slightly more favourable. On
    555 words
  • 735 14 Discordant Echoes. (China Mail.) London, November 21. The fear creasing of disagreement amongst'Vk" Powers. America objects to the enforce' ment of demands which she declares impracticable, and favours the adiustm!! of the demands at the Hague supports Count von Buelow, the Germ Foreign Minister's proposals, and
    735 words

  • 673 15 A correspondent, who signs himself Progress," writes as follows to The Times It is difficult to account for the apparent failure of the Admiralty to apply liquid fuel to the service of the Navy. The French flagship on the China station is now being regularly supplied with British
    673 words
  • 177 15 A number of cases were concluded yesTan Ling was sentenced to five imprisonment for theft Lim Pan ee years for house trespass in order to oro m it theft Lee Lin for theft got two Lim Yong Joo, three years, and iai\ong six months for similar offences. Sahat,
    177 words
  • 122 15 The following extract from Capital, the Calcutta newspaper of that name, comes opportunely to hand in reference to the struggle now in progress in the Colony over the municipal president question In our issue of 18th October we said that we understood that Mr. Greer had
    122 words
  • 37 15 A telegram to the Ostasiatische Lloyd dated Berlin, November 20, says that the ironclads Kaiser Friedrich lII and Kaiser Wilhelm collided," while manoeuvring at Kiel. The damage to the vessels is not very considerable.
    37 words
  • 97 15 Another man was killed the other day by the AcV^aon man-eater, in the Seoni District, C. P. He was killed near the Narsingpur border while out cutting wood in ihe jungle. This gives a total of 63 persons killed since May 1897. Whether Colonel Plowden killed a
    97 words
  • 435 15 \ou mu-t send me a wire early, wire me early, Li Hun^, dear; To morrow ihe Allies are coming, to pay me a visit out here To pay me a visit out here Li, the maddest, merriest day For I shall skip out of the back
    435 words
    • 23 15 BLACK FLAGS RETURN SOUTH. to Singapore Free Press.) Hongkong, Nov. 22, 3. 20 p.m. A thousand Black Flags have returned to Canton.
      23 words
    • 23 15 The French claims for the disturbances at Shuntak amount to 170,000 taels. The Mandarins offer sixty per cent.
      23 words
    • 111 15 Hongkong, Nov. 23rd, 2.12 p.m. A sessions of the diplomatic body at Peking is held twice a week, for the discussion of conditions of peace. The greatest secrecy is being maintained regarding the decisions. With a view to the prevention of the theft of land by sham
      111 words
    • 133 15 Hongkong, Nov. 26th, 1.45 p.m. The detachment of Count York has resumed its advance without waiting for reinforcements. General Ho vacated the fortified positions at Suanhua when he became aware that the Allied Troops were combining for an overwhelming attack. Count York occupied Suanhua without further resistance.
      133 words
    • 74 15 From Berlin it is stated that within a short time the Japanese will follow the example of Russia. The opinion prevails that the interests of the Russians and the Japan'ese no longer require large forces in Chihli. But it is utterly false to consider tVat the
      74 words
    • 22 15 Mounted Boxers have attacked the Railway guard at Chuenliancheng. A mixe detachment from Tientsin repulsed them.
      22 words
  • 399 15 The prices quoted are generally those current at Clyde Terrace Market. At the other markets there may be small variations. Singapore, November 2itk, zgoo. Beans, Long per catty ct. 4 Do., French do. 12 Beef do. 20 Beef Steak do. 25 Bean Sprouts do. 2 Bamboo Sprouts
    399 words
  • 75 15 (Corrected up to November 28) On London. Bank 4 m/s 2/1^ demand 2ji\ Private credits 3 m/s 2/if documents 3 m/s 2 I ri M credits 6 m/s 2/1J France, demand 263^ Germany, demand 214! India, T. T i S7 Hongkong, demand par. Yokohama, demand... 3°£ dis. Java, demand
    75 words
  • 133 15 (November 28 l 1 inMtiMItMHMIMMnMMiMMI IMIIM J6 2 Gambier 7 Q2 y dc. Cube No. I M 13.25 Pepper, Black (ordinary S'pore) 29. do. White, (Fair L/W=-5% 4250 Nutmegs 110s to the 1b.)..,.. lf 56. do. (80s to the lb) 76. Mace (B.inda)..., n 0,2. Cloves (Amboina) M 33,
    133 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 31 15 0 Ladies. grL mLiSS A Remedy for all Irregularities. Superseding Bitter Apple, Pennyroyal, Pil Cochi», *o. Sold by Singapore Dispensing Co., Ltd M RaiTles Place, Singapore. Proprit-*"7 MARTIN. Chemist. SOUTf \<»!.ANDI
      31 words
    • 51 15 NOW READY. The Singapore and Straits ROUGH MARY for 1901 Price $1.20 per copy, or $1.50 post i/ee to Federate'd MalayStates and Johore to Siam, Deli, Sarawak, &c, $1.55. PUBLISHERS: FRASER S^NEAVE, Limited If you desire to be supplied with copies, order at once, as only a limited number are
      51 words

    • 113 16 STATEMENT BY M. DELCASSE. France Maintains China's Integrity. M. Delcasse speaking in the French Chamber declared that the French Government desired to maintain the territorial ntegrity of China. He was anxious to end expenditure on [the expeditionary forces for] China at the soonest possible moment, but not until satisfaction
      113 words
    • 88 16 America has addressed a Circular to the Powers, suggesting less extreme measures regarding the punishments and the indemnities which are the basis of the negoThe Berlin correspondent of the Standard states that Russia and Japan have supported the American objection to extreme measures in China, and that
      88 words
    • 42 16 An Ominous Bulletin. The latest bulletin issued in connection with the Tsar's illness is less satisfactory. The condition of the Tsar is satisfactory, although his temperature rose on Saturday afternoon to 103) The Tsar's condition shows .1 distinct improvement.
      42 words
    • 127 16 Reuter Luxuriates in Small Detail. The Boers have attacked an outpost east of Thabanchu, and have kitWd LUut. Paxton and three men of the Bedfordshire Regiment. They have repeatedly destroyed the railway and telegraph lines in the vicinity of Edinbur^, and unsuccessfully attempted to destroy culverts near Kimberley.
      127 words
    • 181 16 Mr. Kruger has landed at Marseilles, and has been received with the greatest enthusiasm. The crowd at Marseilles hooted the Anglo- Indian passengers awaiting the P. and O. s.s Rome, who retained their hats when Kruger passed. Simultaneously some one threw coppers in the crowd from the
      181 words
  • 28 16 BOBS BUCKED OFF. Lord Roberts has had a fall from his horse. He was shaken but not injured. The Boers have been defeated with heavy loss at ttaberspan.
    28 words
  • 15 16 The death is announced of Sir Arthur Sullivan, the famous Musical Composer.
    15 words
  • 23 16 The Somalis of Jubaland have risen against the British East African Government. The available troops have left Mombasa for Kismayu.
    23 words
  • 7 16 The Ashanti campain is finished.
    7 words
  • 643 16 November 22, Hong Wan, Brit, str., Hudson, for Muar and Malacca. Ping Si'EY, Brit, str., De la Perrelle, for Vladivostock, via Nagasaki. Chow Phya, Brit, str., Jellicoe, for Malacca and Klang. 1 South America, Brit, stt., Dobson, for Calcutta. Sri Pontianak, Dut. str., De Wyn, for Pontianak. Vorwarts, Ger.
    643 words
  • 346 16 Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Shares P kn Bank of China and Japan, Ltd. I Nominal. 2,000,000 414,231 ******/ Deferred. £5 I Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency. Nominal. 10,000 1 4 8 »5 8 4 8.584 £1 Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $5.40 Buyers. 175.000 87! Soo* .7
    346 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 708 16 Plagsand Tons Commanders ArnvoJ Krom Bn aT.'" k, 55^ KM"-- tea Sat tsxL m >tbe. Veste.s Hae.&Ton. Ma.ter. Arr.ved From Con., e nee. Elbi™ rr* SS o 0V IO ?uchfnotzu M. B. Kaisha Melbourne Nov. ,K1,,0K n'^f i" 1 6 N0v.28 Hon fi kon K Bous.ead (nv.i, Nov. Jy fc
      708 words
    • 229 16 Passengers Arrived by the Mails. Nov. 25.— Per M. M. Oceam'en From Marseilles.— Mr. J. Dumas, Mr. Nalin, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Bleet, Mr. P. V. Mem, Mr. Jourdan, Mr. Cranteskow and son, Mr. Moine Comte, Mr. Robyns, Mr. Schaalge, Mr. Bown, Mr. Whites de. Mr. Balich, Mr. Akuzawa. Nov. 25.—
      229 words