The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 22 November 1900

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 72 1 Domestic Occurrences. BIRIHS On the 17th inst. at Ulentawi bcott s Road he wife of D. Parry Davies of a son. At M Clarelands Tanglin, on the 18th, the wife Df D. Maw, ot a daughter. On Oct. iqth, at 4 Conway Terrace, Paignton, ihe wife of W. H. Phillips.
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  • 36 1 At St. Georges Church, Penang, on the 16th inst. by the Rev. VV. H. C. Dunkerley, m.a., Colonial Chaplain, Jambs Forbes to Ann Sinclair Chbtnb, only daughter of the late Patrick Cheyne, 1 urnff, Scotland.
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  • 16 1 At Pulau Brani, on 16th inst f| Matilda, wife of lambs H. Carroll. Nov. 16
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  • Article, Illustration
    380 1 Pllrre shall the Tress the People's right maintain L'nawed by influence and unbribed by gain; Mr re patriot Truth her glorioui precepts draw. I«ilam< to Religion. Loyalty, and Law. The Europe mail of Oct. 26th, arrived by the P. &O. Clyde, on Sunday. The next outward mail is
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  • 628 1 (Nov. 15th.) 11 A Ratepayer," who forwards a letter containing a quantity of irrelevant private opinion, of no value at all, on the qualifications of the Municipal President, does however address himself to one matter on which he imagines that the present policy of the Municipal Commissioners
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  • 483 1 (Nov. 16th.) If Sir Alexander Swettenham were a type of the Imperial administrator there would be no room to do anything else than despair of the Empire. Fortunately he is no such type, but a freak" or lusus naturcc" a true Civil service
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  • 659 1 (Nov. 17th.) I People who do not know the facts are apt to form very exaggerated and m accurate ideas as to the relative value of. the administrative ability of a Crown Colony Government as compared with that at work m ordinary commercial business. The Government of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 462 1 CONTENTS. IMODIUQ ARTICLBS. A Mythical Grievance, 321 The A. O. G. and the Commissioners, 3zi t Officialism and Commerce, 321 A Queer Rumour, 322 The" French Field-Gun, 322 J Official and Mercantile Transactions. 322 The Town Lighting, 322 I The Aciing Governor and the Ratepayers, 322 1 Court News. Appeal
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    • 30 1 Ruinat Pere et Pils RHEIMS DRY AND EXTRA DRY CHAMPAGNE GREEN SEAL Sole Importers Puttfarcken Co. SINGAPORE fc PALEMBANG. AND TO BB HAD AT RAFFLES HOTEL, I a stuth 6.1
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  • 120 2 A curiou^ Russian rumour said to be prevalent at Vladivostock at this moment has ju>t reached us from that port through a private source. It is to the effect that war with Britain at an early date is expected by thr Russian naval and military authorities m
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  • 385 2 (Nov. 19th.) In the statement that an American artillery officer has been able to carry away so much m his memory of the new French field gun as to permit of the construction of actual designs of its firing and recoil arrangements, there is a curious echo
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  • 188 2 We thank M P. Q. for his interesting letter on the financial position of the Straits Settlements Government. We are sorry if, writing hastily, we did not make our meaning quite clear. But we would again desire it to be said that the only ground of
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  • 1200 2 The Town Lighting. (Nov. 20th.) While on questions of general policy where common-sense or business instincts come into play, the public can always be trusted to form a pretty sound opinion, we have to-day to consider a question, that most important one of public lighting, m which expert technical knowledge
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  • 842 2 The Acting Governor and The Ratepavers WHEN the issue between this Colony and the Imperial Government was at its hottest it was asserted m the Legisla ive Council that such was the arbitrary conduct of the Imperial Government towards the Colony and towards the representations and protests of the Council,
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  • 237 3 Not expensive the total fees for registry of marriage m 1899, m the Colony, only amounted to $23. We acknowledge receipt from the Govt. nnting Office, of the Annual Blue Book •or 1899. Six European police constables have been -enl down to Penang from Singapore and
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  • 311 3 THE INTER-COLONIAL RIFLE MATCH. Elivbnth Year. Hongkong's Score— 930. The Hongkong team, which was to have fired on Saturday, but had to postpone the fixture on account of typhoon weather, shot this annual match yesterday, making the very good score of 930, an average of 93 per man. Since 1895,
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  • 133 3 Two Macaos, who arrived by the SS. Sappho last evening, engaged rikishas at Collyer Quay and placed m one of them one box and three baskets, together with $301 m notes and silver, telling the puller to follow them. On arrival at Japan Street the rikisha
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  • 184 3 A meeting of the above Club was held at the Cricket Pavilion yesterday afternoon, the business being to pass the report of the Committee for the year 1899- 1900, and the election of officers for the ensuing year. The following Committee was elected Hon. W. R. Collyer,
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  • 83 3 The amount paid by the Municipalities for police protection m Singapore is $48,000 per annum Penang, $24,000 and Malacca $200. The last named Settlement has to pay to the Government about 6,000 a year for water supply. Considering the flourishing state of the Colonial Exchequer, and the impoverished condition of
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  • 1528 3 (Written for the Singapore Free Press,) This is perhaps more a name of familiar sound than one which conveys much meaning to those who hear it. We have all here passed by this Coast, some of us more often than we care to count, but few could
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  • 138 3 *'F. T. M. H." writes m these terms from Territet, Lake of Geneva, to the Editor of the Daily Mail Has it ever occurred to the authorities of our schools to inquire into the admirable manner m which the Swiss Federal schools are conducted? All their
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  • 614 4 The simplest way perhaps to put the objections to the above bill, now before Legislative Council, will be to take the protest signed by Jail the Unofficials, as follows i. The withdrawal of the supervision of the engagement of seamen m a British port from
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  • 221 4 In all Crown leases issued m the Straits since 1883, a condition is inserted under which the rent is re-adjustable every thirty years. What an enormous increase m land- revenue the Colony ought to experience about fourteen years hence Pity •nost of us won't be here to see it. The
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  • 311 4 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by honest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronomer's game, and the philosopher's game, which whettes thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and hurts no body m the mean season." All communications should be addressed to the Chess Editor, Singapore Free Press, 1
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  • 22 4 By H. O. Robinson, Selangor Black (4 pieces). White (S piece?}. White to play and mate m three moves.
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  • 236 4 The following game won the brilliancy prize at Manchester m I^9o. Two Knights' Oevknce. White Tauben^aus. Black Schallopp. 1P K4 P-K4 12 P-KKt3 B-Q2 a Kt-KH.? Kt-Q'V; uQ-Or B-BV 3884 Kl-B3 14 Ki-y2 KtxKt 4P-Q4' Pxf isßxKt B-K2 5 Xt Kts Kt-K4(a)i6QR Ki(d) RxP' 68-Kl3 P-KR3 17
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  • 294 4 The interest of Far Eastern communities m Chess setms for the moment moribund. The China Mail has stopped its chess column and we hear nothing of the Colonial Club. Shanghai appears equally lifeless. The Singapore Chess Club, it is true, has been revived after a lapse of nearly
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  • 216 4 The Directors, m issuing the usual halfyearly statement, to shareholders, say The accounts to 30th June have been adjusted, and telegrams have been received from the various managers, giving estimated results of the working of their branches to 30th ulto. These all indicate
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  • 562 4 An analysis of the new Parliament to assemble, as announced, on the 4th of February, 1901, shows that of the 669 members returned, 501 were members of the late Parliament. The record majority, 6,500, was won by William Abraham Mabon the representative of the Rhondda Division of
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  • 33 4 The following are the handicaps Race 3. The Singapore Stakes R.c Vagrant 10.12 Tramp g. Dodol 8.12 Race 5. Griffin Handicap R.C. Prince Tuan 10. 7 There's 'Air 9 0
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  • 62 4 Yesterday, before a Court of Two M ag i s trates, Mensche, alias M. Rosenbaum, was sentenced to nine months' hard labour for disposing of a woman, Ribke Brlperby name, on the 17th of October, for immoral purposes. Mr. Clayton, Assistant Protector of Chinese, prosecuted and Mr.
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  • 77 4 The Mixed Pairs Golf Competition will be played at the Race Course and Sepoy Lines on Friday, the 16th (to-morrow) and 23rd inst. and entries can be sent m to the Captains of either of the Golf Cluhs up to noon to-morrow (Friday). The Handicap is to be
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  • 130 4 The N. D L. Aachen passed through the harbour from East to West at 4 30 p.m. yesterday. She wished to be reported "all well to her owners. The Russian transport Kiev arrived yes terday with a number of soldiers on their return from China. H. M.S.Marathon, Capt.
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  • 254 4 WHY FRENCH COLONIES DO NOT PAY. Ihe peculiar financial methods of Frenc^ colonial administrators go far to explain why the foreign possessions of the Republic always have to be largely helped with money by the M'uher Country. Instead of the number and the sal tries of officials being proportioned to
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  • 291 4 YOURS TRULY." America m two D4YS by a new System. (Daily Mail.) Yours Truly is the name of the new steamship which is going to cross the Atlantic m two days. The name of its inventor is Mr. John Richard Hudson, of Sheffield. The difference between Yours Truly and the
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  • 675 5 Aj r C. E. S. Hall of Hill Side," Mount Sop v reports the theft, from his room, of a gold rir.g set with diamonds, value $40. 0 lamps, some boxes of cigarettes and itity of tobacco were stolen from the udders 1 canteen at Sepoy
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  • 235 5 Vide Good living m Manila,*' S. F. P. Nov. 10th 1900. I sit at my table surveying, With a pensive and far away look, I he most uminviting assortment, n the m enu prepared by my cook, the same thrice monotonous chicken The steak that is tasteless and
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  • 30 5 The local Secretary has received a telegram from Raub. dated November 14th stating Crushing finished. 4 400 tons stone realised 2,j6j ounces smelted gold.
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  • 143 5 Washington, October B—The8 The United States has more than 50,000 tons of coal distributed at various points throughout the world for the use of its warships, and this amount will bt increased by additions to be male by schooners en route. The largest coal pile
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  • 179 5 The annual meeting ol the shareholders was held al Auckland, N. Z., on Oct. loth. The report and balance sheet show a net revenue of £228,241, the credit at profit and loss being £57,274. The re serve fund is increased by £20,000 making it £120,000, a
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  • 159 5 The fees from Pawnbrokers Licenses m 1899 amounted to §114,572, as against $76,890 m 1898 We hear from our Calcutta correspondent that H. H. the Sultan of Johore's horses arrived safely on the Ist, per steamer Metis and are established m excellent stables m Theatre Road. The general opinion m
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  • 1737 5 The following is the correspondence between the Municipal Commissioners and the Government with reference to the expressed intention of the Governor not to re-nominate Mr Alexander Gentle as President of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners. Singapore, Sth November. To His Honour Sir. J. Alexander Swettenham X.. C. m.g.
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  • 60 5 On the morning of the 31st of October, H.M.S. Terrible, returning from firing practice outside the harbour at Wtihaiwei, lost her steam pinnace, which she was towing. A strong northerly gale sprang up during the night and there was a high sea running. The pinnace was swamped and sank m
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  • 1015 6 A Promising Enterprise. In the Straits, most eyes are turned to our sample gold-mine, Raub, and its babies." But there are a good many here interested m Sumatra's pet gold-mine, Redjang Lebong, the reports of which we occasionally print. From what we hear and from photograps we
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  • 399 6 Via Hongkong.) Dr. Morrison telegraphs to the Times that Governor General Alexieff, through the medium of Li Hung-chang, has invited China to resume the government of Manchuria under Russian protection. Mr. Hewetc, the missing medical missionaiy from Slnnsi, reached Hankow to day. A Ltnchow native despatch reports that Prince
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  • 211 6 The U. S. cruiser Albany left for Manila at 340 p.m. yesterday, and the Russian transport Kiev for Odessa at daylight this morning. H. M. S. Brisk, Capt. Sir Bourchier Wrey, having gone to Penang, will not be back here before Thursday next, the 22nd instant. Captain Muir,
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  • 23 6 The Shanghai A.D.C according to the local papers, has scored another success with Our Regiment, which has been drawingbig houses at the Lyceum.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 449 6 Amendment Bill. Co the Editor. Sir, There is one more very cogent reason against the passing of this measure, one of the most cogent I should say, but this reason has been apparently overlooked by the unofficial members opposing the measure. By our shipping laws, it
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    • 203 6 (Latham and Mactaggart,) Our markets still continue m an unsatisfactory state. Although there has been slightly more business during the present week, we do not look for any real improvement until the boom m land has finished. Hongkong reports a dull and featureless market. Raub Gold Mine. -The
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    • 88 6 A notice has been issued from the Master Attendant's Office to the following efT ct Shipmasters ate invited to attend at the Master Attendant's Office for the purpose of recording their opinion m a book kept for the purpose ist. As to the advantages of a Lighthouse
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    • 719 6 (From China Papers.) Russia and Corea. Seoul Oct. 22 -The Russian Minis* to Seoul was received m audieno- by tkl Corean Emperor on the igth, visited the palace to present his s Vn thies m connection with the recent f a the Imperial temple, The Minister availed
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    • 100 6 A Parliamentary candidate for one ol Southern divisions, after most affectionately kissing and praising an assortment of eleven children an< marvelling much at the resemblance they ill boa to a matronly lady, who blushed the while, reg with a by-the-bye air, that she should nention to
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  • 1136 7 \I ;S Flora Annie Steel, tne inaian novei- t said during a lecture at Brighton that jiishwomen m India "were mainly re.c for almost every serious trouble had." The statement has led to e h correspondence m the Indian Press •A Horrid Man' writes thus from
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  • 95 7 Professor Goldwin Smith .attributes the increase of suicide to higher civilisation and sensibility, and he claims that the number of self-inflicted deaths has gone up along with civilisation. Military suicides are curiously frequent, either from the oppressiveness of drill or monotony, or possib'y from the vices
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  • 237 7 Manchuria is annexed lo Russia, says the St. Petersburg correspondent ol the Daily Telegraph. Whatever official denials mat have been issued, no dementis can dispose of the fact. Although ihe Russian Government have frequently declared that they seek no territorial acquisitions m China, the actual slate of
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  • 351 7 (H. c? C, Mail.) Sir Frank Swettenham is evidently very deighted over the results of last year's administration of the Federated Malay Stales. When chronicling the 1898 results the Resident-General was quite cheerful over a revenue of $9, 364, 467, which was about Si, 100,000 better
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  • 89 7 The total number of deaths for Singapore for the week ended Nov. ioth is 207, 1-a raiio per mille of 44*89 No ,ess tha fifty-four deaths were due to fever and thirty-two to phthisis. The 11.11. steamer Oceamen with the outward French mail of the 3rd November leaves Colombo on
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  • 705 7 The 1 6th Madras Infantry were out 1 route marching with the band this morning, much enlivening the neighbourhood of the* Race Course. From Messrs. Hooglandt Co. we acknowledge the receipt of a big wall calendar issued by the Netherlands Fire Insurance Co. The light dues
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  • 125 7 News has been received m Singapore, through a local bank, to the effect that Dr. J. R. Moseley Junr., American Consul for Singapore, has died m Japan. Dr. Moseley left Singapore two months back for a trip to Japan, for the benefit of his health,
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  • 233 7 A public meeting of those interested m New Year Land and Sra Sports w is held m the Exchange Rooms la t evening, there being present Messrs. Cad* T (chair), Owen, Mactag^art, Ed m, Treg rth n, Rodesse, Tessensohn, Makep* ace, W. Peacock, Jennings, J D. Saundi
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  • 411 7 Aii was com mitled for trial y< sterday for (house breaking by night and theft. This s the filiy-fi/st case for the forthcoming Assizes. The "six-ball over" is now m force at S. C. C. matches. The umpire at square leg will no doubt be also empowered to watch for
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  • 1272 8 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli JUVBNAL. If any person, not absolutely insane on the subject, has the least lingering doubt about the mala fides of the Boers m their deabngs with England since 1881 or say, since 1882, when the Afrikander Bond was constituted
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  • 431 8 (Times of Ceylon.) A few hints to those who occasionally play m possible future Mixed Foursomes It Casually remark to your male opponent that you have heard he is very good with his cleek at driving. In all probability he will foo/le the next four
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  • 78 8 At a recent military smoker m Hongkong, a subscription was taken during the evening on behalf of the widow and children of the late Sergt. Hammerton, R. VV. F., who died while serving with the China Expeditionary Force. The sum realised was $86. A very bad copper dollar was found
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  • 1320 8 The following exposition signed by the most distinguished families of the Capital and Provinces has been remitted to Rome through a duly appointed Filipino representative resident there Most Holy Father, The undersigned faithful of the dioceses of Manila, Nueva Segovia, Nueva Caceres, Jaro
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  • 267 8 Says the Pahang correspondent of the Malay Mail Native repoits tell of a hugeman-c. n K n^ei hiving become ihe scourge of the country-side on the Johore- Pahang boundary, his ravages extending over the boundary into this State. The far Ulu of the Temerloh district is part
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  • 1046 8 A German transport, probably the Sardinia, passed through the harbour at eight o'clock this morning, on her return from China. The Halabau, with a cargo of oil from Berandon, bound for Bangkok, arrived yesterday and left the same evening. The Sir Wm. Jervois was docked il Keppel Harbour
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  • 64 9 I o judge by his portraits, the Queen of Holland's franco is a man of no mean force of character, square-jawed, with a firm l| glit mouth, and steady critical eyes. Her Majesty has a bit of a will of her own too. ttut she will probably like and respect
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  • 495 9 Dr. J. Kirk is appointed Acting Colonial resident, Singapore, from the 7 th ult. Ihe exportation of horses from Penang to Perak is prohibited. The Criminal Procedure Code is published as assented to by the Governor iv-T he fol,owin g correspondence re the Military Contribution is pub ished
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  • 349 9 A number of exchanges between Colonial Governors are officially announced this week. Amongst them we notice that Colonel Sir Frederick Cardew, K.C.M.G., is to be succeeded at Sierra Leone by Sir Charles Anthony King-Harmon, K.C.M.G., the present Administrator of St. Lucia. Xo announcement is made as to where
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  • 593 9 H.M. S. Marathon leaves for Colombo to-morrow evening. Thirty one years ago last Saturday since the Suez Canal was opened. The Rev. Gilbert Reid acted as interpreter to the 16th Bengal Lancers m the North. The hon'bles A. Murray and E. C. Hill have left for
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  • 906 9 fTo the Editor of the Pall Mall Gazette.) Sir, The conclusion which your able war correspondent arrives at on the question of Our True Aims m China," m your issue of the 15th inst., is that while it is impracticable to claim the Yang-tse
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  • 85 9 A Kheh, of 1 1 Manila-street, reports that whilst he was asleep, with his wife and children, m his house on the 18th inst., a part of the roof fell m, injuring three children, fortunately only slightly. At last there has been found a man who is inclined to agree
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  • 2153 10 Appalling Loss of Lub. Great Damage to Shifting. H.M.S. 'Sandpipbr' Sunk. (China Mail, Nov. 10.J L^ist night the Colony was visited by one of the sharpest and most severe storms within the recollection of old residents. It is a most unprecedented circumstance to have a storm
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  • 579 10 (Pinang Gazette.) There is m town a rumour and we are glad to add, it is only a rumour— to the effect that the Colonial Government intend the two posts of municipal president at Singapore and Penang to become cadet appointments, at, if anything, higher salaries and With
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  • 70 10 Gopeng Sky Races are to be held on January ist The hon'ble C. \V. Laird presents a Visitors Cup for the Pony handicap. The programme contains the folio ing event. ioth Race. i To be run on the way home,). For all trotting bullocks to be driven m harness by
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  • Correspondence.
    • 440 10 To the Editor. Sir,— Will you allow me the indulgence of making a few remarks m a critical spirit on some points m your leader m Saturday. issue of the Singapore Free Press. \m L state at the outset that I do not mean to criticize the spirit
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    • 106 10 This motning, m the Apped Court, j Moment was given by Justices Law and L m the appeal, Lim Loh v, Nye Rai, Admi nistrator of Prah Primoon Sombah Puket, deceased. This appeal was to set aside a judgmr nt given m respondent's favour m October last by
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    • 116 10 We regret to announce the deata at Paris, on the 22nd October, of Mr. Henri Hinnekindt, of Singapore He was born here about 42 years ago and was the eldest son of the late Mr. Henri Hinnekindt, whcm he succeeded later on as the head
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    • 93 10 Special Shanghai telegrams statr that the Emperor prevailed on two of the Palao officials at Hsianfu to telegraph to the Foreign Ministers at Peking that he, Kwang Hsu, has been always anxious to r< turn to Peking to arrange terms of peace, but he is still
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  • 160 11 V ti mn Prize, Presbntbd by the Club. Under most unfavourable conditions .his Competition was played on Saturday afternoon. The ground and greens were m a soaking condition, and a continual Jrizzle was on during the whole afternoon, jut although made under these adverse cir:umstance, some good
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  • 59 11 man transport passed through the at eight o'clock this morning, on (turn from China. Independent, which had to put back k on account of a breakdown m machinery, resumed her voyage this after repairs were set right. I total number of Chinese emigrants ted here from vari us
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  • 534 11 Revision oi the Treaty of Commerce. The Japan Times repoits A special London dispatch of the 19th October which the Chugai ShogyO has received mentions a rt that Russia is absolutely opposed to the proposal to revise, at this juncture, the present treaty of commerce between China
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  • 715 11 A Chinaman was sent to prison for nine months yesterday for stealing a gold watch and chain. There were three cases of cholera reported at the Lunatic Asylum on the 17th, with one death. No case reported on the 18th. Mrs Tours, wife of Mr. BertholdjTours
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  • 393 11 Senor V. Marcano, one of the leading medical authorities m Cuba, has discovered that the juice of the pineapple materially aids m the digesting of the proteids of both animal and vegetable foodstuff' while R. H. Chittenden, of the Connecticut Academy of Sciences, asserts that
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  • 629 11 Il is announced that Her Royal Highness ihe Princess of Wales will visit Paris and spend a few days there. Cholera has been very prevalent m Afghanistan for months past, the number of cases recorded since April being 45,000. Australian Paper. The Times this morning comments on ihe
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  • 564 11 False Rumours. f* the Editor* Sir, A rumour was started m town yesterday morning that the Hong Bee t Messrs. Wee Bin Co.'s newly-purchased steamer, on her first voyage to China, had foundered, or had been wrecked, or had been lost m some way or other, the rumour was
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  • 137 11 The Buen Viaji (good voyage) late Sri Pegatan, having completed all repairs and alterations, will leave Keppel Wharf tomorrow morning, for her maiden trip to Manila. The Sarawak Government steamer Adeh arrived from Sarawak this morning and went to Keppel wharf. The Neera was towed to Tanjong Pagar
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  • 82 11 Two hundred Municipal cases were down for hearing before Mr. Brockman to-day. No less than fifty-seven'of these were for verandah obstruction. The offenders were all fit ed $5 each and costs. The Municipal Commissioners have a way of thinking that they will clear the verandahs, whilst the natives mostly Chinese—
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  • 3989 12 SrECIAL MhKTING. November 19th. Present Mr. A. Gentle, (President) and Messrs. Barker, Jago, Maclaren, Saunders, Sohst, Moses, Lee Choon Guan and Col. Pennefather. B Absent Choa Giang Thye. Public Lighting. This was a meeting to consider Mr. Corbet Woodall's report on a scheme for the public l.ghling of
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  • 168 12 A Macau goldsmith living at .v>. J Northbridge-ul reports that at 130 p.m yesterday a Hokien bought a ring tor which was to be paid if the dealer accompanied him to Messrs. Paterson Simons Co.'s go-down. On arrival there the 1 lokiei who is unknown to the firm,
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  • 210 13 This, from Answers, may interest the s ea- faring community A few weeks ago an engagement of sixteen years' standing came to an end at St. John's Church, W^pping. The bridegroom was thr* mate of a large tramp steamer, and the bride was a stewardess on a
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  • 158 13 The Mail leaving Singapore for London, on the 30th instant, sh. u'd be delivered there on Cln istma^ Eve. To ensure left* rs, for the Provinces, Scotland and I c- riving m time, it would be well to lh< m by the Mail of the 24th instant.
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  • 189 13 R. J. Burke, an aeronaut, had a terrible experience at Binghamton on October 3 white hung fastened m a cannon attached to a balloon over the heads of 5000 persons 2000 fret m the air. Burke has a cai non fastened to a large balloon.
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  • 165 13 Assizes opened by the Chief Justice m the Supreme Court this morning comprise a record calendar the abnormal figure of fifty one cases being the total number for trial. The calendarisalmostas replete with interesting cases as it is lengthy. It includes three charges of murder, twoofattempted murder, tv\o
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  • 72 13 ihe Siamese Court Theatrical Troupe, which some of our readers may remember giving performances m Singapore, on its *ay to Europe, was at Copenhagen m October, and played before the Royal Family, including Prince Waldemar, Princess Marie, Prince Christian, Prince George of Geece, Princess Victoria of England, the Crown Prince
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  • 71 13 A correspondent writes Mrs. O'Sulliyan and Mrs. Alex. Cumming inspected the needle-work m St. Anthony's Girls' bchool yesterday. They were well pleased with all the Standards' work and passed all the girls. The Annual Inspection took place on the 13th inst. 83 girls were presented and
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  • 58 13 At about 2 p.m. to day the Chilian training ship General Basquedano, Captain A. E Wilson, arrived from Hongkong and exchanged the customary salute with the port. She has a displacement of 2,500 tons, carries 10 guns and a crew of 316 men. She is bound
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  • 604 13 Charles McGlenchy, a privateintheß. A., was this morning sentenced to a month's hard labour for the theft of a watch, value $15, from Sergt. Major Goodwin, at Fort Canning recently. Mr. W. Fish, one of the Warders at the Central Prison, reports that between the night of the 17th inst.
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  • 514 13 Three years ago, says the Daily Telegraphy outdoor M soliciataion ceased to be the main source of the Hospital Saturday Fund's income. (A good job, too). The Military Governor of the Philippines has issued an order that all Filipinos employed m the Custom House Departments shall
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  • 228 13 ARRIVAL OF THE IZUMO." Anothbr Cruisrr for Japan. The fine new armoured cruiser /*umo, Capt. Inouye, launched at Elswick on Sept. i9th last year, and the latest addition to the Japanese Fleet, anchored m the roadstead at 2 p.m. to-day, when she saluted the port, Fort Canning returning the compliment
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  • 117 13 ME JUDICE." Whence these criticisms foolish, On this Municipal lay, Am I not the High and Mighty, Acting Governor? Then pray Who dare ask the why or wherefore, As to why 1 did decide, lhat at Municipal meetings, Gentle should no more preside? What to me is length of service,
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  • 51 13 A London telegram to Hongkong s «ys General McArthur reports to the U S. Government that il will require lar^e land and naval forces and many yea's before order can be frmly established m the Philippine Islands. The natives, he says, have disregarded the proffer of the Taft
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  • 71 13 Yesterday, m the Supreme Cou't, before the Chief Justice, Go I oa Ni was sentenced to four years' impiisonmeut for house breaking by night. (The prison is an old gaol-bird.) Tan Ah Kwan received a sentence of eighteen nvmths' for theft. Gan Leok was fined $160, or m
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  • 227 13 The problem of colonial expansion m the Pacific presented to Americans is far trom being satisfactorily solved. So far from being pacific d the Filipino is still actively engaged m his work of resistanc as is evidenced by the following opinion expressed by a
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  • 311 13 The Ceylon Independent compares Colombo with Singapore m the matter of public conveyances, and is full of admiration for our system Some allowance must be made, it is sometimes urged, owing to the dusty streets; but, then, is Colombo the only place where the condition ot the streets is liable
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  • 51 13 The Bangkok-Korat railway line was open to traffic on the ioth inst but the formal opening by the King takes place on the 29th inst. Dr. Sheppard arrived by the Camorta on Sunday afternoon from Madras, and he is now a t*ched to the General Hospital here as a house
    51 words

  • 2238 14 THE PETERSBURG ST. JEROME" COLLISION APPEAL. Judgment. This morning, m the Supreme Court, Judgment m the above case was delivered by the Chief Justice and Mr Justice I. aw. This was an appeal against thr decision of Mr. Justice Leach m August last, when he decided that m a collision
    2,238 words
  • 454 14 The Great Panjandrum, Log. You may think the earth is spheroid, Slightly flattened &t the poles; Or imagine that our terra Round the sun sedately rolls You may feel supremely certain Your ideas are correct. Well you'ie welcome to your fancies, Pray don't think that 1 objectbut
    454 words
  • 388 14 Funds for the Court. (China Mail.) Shanghai, Nov. 13. A special Imperial Edict conveyed by Yu Chi Yuan to Viceroy Liv Kung-yi, of Liangkian, communicates the appointment of the Governor of Shensi, Tsen Chunhsuen, as Extraordinary Commissioner for the collection of duties for the Imperial Court
    388 words
  • 462 14 FEDERATION PAYS." (Globe.) Australians are presented wiih another proof, m addition to that aff»rded by Canada, that even from the me c monetary standpoint, Federation pays B tore the consolidating pro -ess w.s applied to the Malay Protected States, their economic condition made no progress. Every chief paid exclusive regard
    462 words
  • 106 14 The Russian transport Kostroma, which arrived from Vladivostock this morning, >s taking back 541 soldiers and over a hjndred passengers. H. M. S. Marathon sailed tor [HOCOmalee shortly after ten o'clock this morning. The Hatton left Philadelphia on the *9* September and is due here any moment. The
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  • 22 14 The Cross of the Legion of Honour nas been conferred on Mr. G r£han, General Commissioner for Siam, at the Paris Exhibition.
    22 words

  • 1509 15 (Written for the Singapore Free Press by the Rev. G. M. Keith.) No. XUI. Loch Etive and District, I am ashamed to say that I have never read the poems of Ossian. They have ne r m my hands, several times I have examined the volume
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  • 72 15 (Corrected up to November 21) On London. Bank 4 m/s 2/i£ demand 2/1} Private credits 3 m/s 2/i£documents 3 m/s 2/1 -f^ credits 6 m/s 2 /'f France, demand 264 Germany, demand ....214.4India, T. T 157" HONGKONG, demand.... par. Yokohama, demand,. ...3%dis. JAVA, demand 126 Manila, demand dis. Sovereigns,
    72 words
  • 118 15 (November 21 1 Tin 169. Gambler..,.. 7.90 do. Cube Na. 1 13.25 Pepper, Black (ordinary S'porc! t 29. do. White, (Fair L/W— s%) 4250 Nutmegs ilos to the 1b.),.... 56 do. (80s to the lb) 76 Mace (Banda) 92. Cloves (Amboina), 32. Liberian Coffee 20 Tapioca, small pearl (Fair
    118 words
  • 334 15 THE INTER-COLONIAL RIFLE MATCH. The Hongkong Score. The following are the shot-for-shot scores of the Hongkong team made on Nov. 14th m the annual rifle match with Singapore and Shanghai 200 Yards. Tls mTw Iyle *****55-34 OitfVwT' *****45-33 B'r rV¥ *****45-33 Mr.G. P.Lammert *****55~33 Ar.-Serg. Ba.r ...*****55-31 M P u\°,
    334 words
    • 91 15 (Eleventh Year.) Good Score By Hongkong. (Special to Singapore Free Press.) Hongkong, Nov. 14th, 6.40 p.m. The result of the Annual Rifle Match is that the following scores were made for Hongkong C.-Sgt.-Major Wallace, r.e* 100 Mr. Marshall* 96 Mr. VV. Stewart 96 Capt. Carlyle, A.O.D.*
      91 words
    • 16 15 Shanghai' s Score. Hongkong, Nov. 15th, 1.35 p.m. Shanghai m the interport match ha? made 900.
      16 words
    • 84 15 The French have stormed a village 22 miles beyond Paoting-fu. 18 French were slightly wounded and 320 Boxers were killed. Hongkong, Nov. 19th 1.3 p m. In an interview with Count Waldersee Prince Ching and Li Hung Chang ptomised to guarantee that all Chinese troops would
      84 words
    • 103 15 A detachment of Germans Italians and Aust r ians under the command of Count York have left Peking for Kalgan, to protect the French Mission, which Bi>hop Favier has reported to be m great danger. Count York's mixed detachment has reached Hualai, where the Taotai and the
      103 words
    • 16 15 Prince Tuan and Tungfuhsiang, fearing punishment, have raised a rebellion m Kansuh.
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    • 21 15 The German Consul for Shanghai, Dr. Knappe, visits Liukunyih. His visit has no special political aim.
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    • 61 15 Hongkong, Nov. 21st, 2.25 p.m. The position m Hsian-fu during the past few days has materially changed. Edicts ordering the punishment of guilty officials of great influence have been issued. Prince Tuan and Prince Chung have been deprived of all power, and Yuhsien is m disgrace. The
      61 words
    • 56 15 The Court is entirely m the power of Tungfuhsiang. who has not gone to Kuqnsu but remains m the immediate vicini<y of the Court with 100,000 men endeavouring to maintain his influence. He is recognising that he is fighting for his own life and that it is
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 136 15 NOW READY. The Singapore and Straits DIARYjgL Ml Price $1.20 per copy, or $1.50 post free to Federated Malay L States and Johore; to Siam, Deli, Sarawak, &c, $155 PUBLISHERS: FRASER NEAVE, Limited If you desire to be supplied with copies, order at once, as only a limited number are
      136 words

    • 48 16 Probable Increase m Taxation. Sir Michael Hicks Beach, speaking at Bristol, said he wished he could say that [the Government] would not increase the taxation of the country. The expenditure has been enormous, especially m China and South Africa. The former expenditure was unexpected.
      48 words
    • 38 16 The wealth of the Transvaal, he said ought to bear a considerable portion of the* It is rumoured m the city that the Government will ibsue a guaranteed loan of A0.000.000 for the Transvaal.
      38 words
    • 40 16 The early meeting of Parliament has surprised the City, when* it is considered to prove that the borrowing powers of the Government are almost exhausted, and that the Bank of England has lent as much as
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    • 14 16 Government has oidered 150,000 silver war medals from Brmingham.
      14 words
    • 73 16 Typhoid Fever. The illness of the Tsar has developed into typhoid fever. The disease has up to this point run its normal course. The Tsar is sleeping fairly and his general cond tion is good, but his temperature yesterday was 100.5 0 The Tsar's condition
      73 words
    • 110 16 The Emperor William at the opening of the Reichstag, said that the Governments [of the great powers] were united m their desire to restore order m China and avert a repetition of the troubles m that country, after the punishment of the culprits. Count von Bulovv, speaking
      110 words
    • 29 16 Mr. R. W. H anbury (lately Financial Secretary to the Trt asury) has accepted the Presidency of the Board of Agriculture (m succession to Mr. Walter Long).
      29 words
    • 39 16 Admiral Seymour Remains On. The Daily Telegraph states that the Glory sails for China on the 21st inst. Also that Admiral Seymour's term of office has been extended till the difficulties m China have been arranged.
      39 words
    • 146 16 The Chinese Minister at Paris has been interviewed and states that the present negotiations are a mere show. The Chinese plenipotentaries, fearing the vengeance of the Dowager Empress, can only scheme and lie m order to temporise. iThe Powers should release the Emperor >m the disastrous tutelage
      146 words
  • 90 16 The active hostility of the Boers continues unabated. They have cut the railway m twenty places to the south of Kimberley. Commandoes are tracking south from Bushveldt and residents of the Standerton district are rejoining the commandoes. The Boers have organised several centres of resistance and are well
    90 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 651 16 CLEARANCES. J November 25. Chow Phya, Brit, str., Jellicoe, for Malacca and Klang. Hong Wan, Brit, str., Hudson, for Muar and Malacca. Lady Mitchell, Brit, str., Mugford, for Port Dickson and Klang. Fuh Wo, Brit, sir., Freeman, for Langkat. Kiev, Rus. Lachmotoff. for Odessa. Hitachi Maru, Jap. sir., Hendersen, for
      651 words
    • 1580 16 SHARE LIST, NOVEMBER 21st, 1000. p. s Quotatiost. Capital. Paid Up. Sharss Paid U| Bank of China and Japan, Ltd. £1 Nominal. <£ 2,000,000 414.23' 199,875 14 Deferred. £s I '#250 7S Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency. Nominal. 10,000 [»JJ uniss Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $5.40 Buyers. 175.000 87,500 17,500 $5
      1,580 words