The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 15 November 1900

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 337 1 fi.BADiNG Articles. j Business Education, 305 I \n Houcyurable Acquittal, 305 P c (jfwjjhnd the Empire, The Al in rstfy, 306 The Municipal President, 306 An Ameiican View of China Missions, 306 Army Training, 306 g The Acting Governor and Mr, Gentle, 306 The Sandpiper M Sunk, 306 Death
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  • 50 1 Subscribers to the Singapore Free Press Weekl) returning from Europe to the Straits by any oi the mail lines are invited to send to the Managei the name of their steamer and date of arrival lr Singapore. Copies will then be mailed to meet them at various ports of call.
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 17 1 At Syed Allie-road, on the Bth instant, the wife of F. J. Benjafikld, of a daughter.
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    • 109 1 Skbbls-Starky. At St. Georges Church, Penang, by Special License on November Ist, by the Revd. W. 11. Dunkerley m.a., Colonial Chaplain. Alirbd Edwin Skbels of Cambridge, England, to Geokgina Kathleen Starky of Bath, Somerset. On Saturday, 3rd November, at the Masonic Hall, Penang, by the Rev. VV\ S. Macknight,
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    • 41 1 Ai Pearl's Hill, on the 7th inst., Frances Birch, daughter of H. Birch, Chief Warder, Criminal Prison. Aged 14 years. On 14th November, at No. io-a Wilkie Road, Lily, the beloved daughter of Mr. H. Grand, of Katz Bros. Ltd.
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  • 123 1 (November 14.^ Tin ***** Gamtier 1 n 7-9° dc. Cube No. 1 13.25 Pepper, Black (ordinary S'porc 29.50 do. White, (Fair L/W=s% „42 5° Nutmegs 110s to the lb.) 56 do. (80s to the lb) >, 7 6 Mace (Banda) .> 92. Cloves (Amboina).... n 3 j Liberian Coffee
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 1 > fthail th< Trr^ the People's rigl.t maintain Unawed by influence and unbribed by gain; Here patTiot Truth her glorious precepts draw, »'i- •>..- 4 to Region. Loyalty, and Law.
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  • 592 1 1 1 is satisfactory to see that the few remarks we made yesterday, on the overwhelming need of attention to purely commercial as opposed to academic or literary education for nine-tenths of the boys at Singapore Schools, have distinctly arrested public attention. The writers of the
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  • 198 1 No news item of more personal interest comes out by the German mail than the unanimous acquittal at Dover of Lieut, a Beckett, r. g. a., of the charge of abstracting two marked half-crowns from the Canteen till Everything m the evidence pointed to the conclusion that
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  • 599 1 Amongst the Ceylon telegrams to hand yesterday appears this The Premier of New South Wales, m a speech, has made the suggestion that the Queen be approached with a view to her assuming the title of Empress of the British Empire, embracing all Colonies and
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 88 1 H, Abrams' HORSE REPOSITOEY. A VERYSELECTSHIPMENTOF Horses, Cobs Ponies EX s. s. BUCEPHALUS, One pair of Bays having taken no less than 13 prizes. All the prize tickets are to oe seen at the above Repository. High stepping "Cobs" Ladies and Gentlemen's Hacks." All the above have been carefully broken
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 299 1 The last Europe mail of Oct. Hjth arrived here by the M.M. Ernest Simtns on Monday. The next is due by the P. &O. Bengal on Saturday. The last homeward mail left by the M. It. Sydney on Sunday. This homeward mail is taken by the P. O. Chusan on
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  • 485 2 The Ministry. (Nov 9th.) NOTHING i^ more remarkable, viewed from the point of the average age of Cabinet Ministers, than the fact that the men who are now joining the Cabinet or are at least being promoted to higher cilice are distinctly young, and good blood at that. By
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  • 551 2 llt is currently reported that Mr. Alex. iNTLE, the President of the Singapore jnicipality, is to be retired on the consion of his present agreement. We have official information on this point, but ieve that the report comes from a pertly good authority. The ground for iring
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  • 298 2 An American View of China Missions. (Nov. 10th.) The latest political cartoon m that wellknown American journal Puck is of a very striking character. It deals with the missionary question m China, and clearly attributes to the intrusion of the numerous creeds the anti-foreign troubles that have lately convulsing China.
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  • 115 2 H M. S, Sandpiper, reported gunk i„ the typhoon of Friday „i g ht at Hon kon was;ooe ot the new type of river-gunl designed for service m China She a-gun vessel, like her sisters the Robin, and The Woodcock and Woodla, rare also nver-gunboati of
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  • 163 2 There will be general regret at the death, m the moment of victory, of that fine cavalry leader, Brev. Lt. Col L- GAL lais, Major Bth Hussars, employed on special service m South Africa. His rout of De Wet is one of the severest bl suffered by
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  • 1806 2 It is a capital sign that there is a stirring of dry bones m high administrative military quarters over the question of army training. One result that will certainly follow will be that the Red Book will be "gutted' almost entirely of its rubrics
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  • 415 2 By far the most important forecast o the coming Army Reform reaches us to da] m the telegraphed declaration, quoted froo I the Daily Mail, th^t B« itish troops an to receive field training lasting ten month: of the year instead of, as at present, sn
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  • 262 2 We are enabled to state on good authority that the following telegram was despatched from Singapore on Saturday evening to London Acting Governor re/uses continue services Mr. Gentle Municipal President. Great public astonishment indignation. Determined protest preparing Colonial Office. Municipal Commission unanimous protest against
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  • 119 3 London Presbytery North held its monthly meeting at Regent-square Church on Oct. 10th, the Rev. R. E. Welsh, m.a., moderator. Attention was drawn by Mr. Thomas Bell to the death of the Hon. John Macgregor, who had been a member of the Rangoon Church for
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  • 73 3 The Shanghai Mercury understands that the seal of Liao Shohbeng, the Chinese President of the Board of Rites, which was taken from the Bureau at Peking after the Imperial City was occupied by the Allied Forces, is to be sold by Messrs. A. C. Russell Co. The seal, which consists
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  • 473 3 The Lieut, a Beckett alluded to to-day is a brother-in-law of Hugh Clifford, c.M.G. The Revd. Mr. Hodgkinson, late of Singapore and Malacca, is now engaged m the cure of souls at Buenos Ayres, South America. The four Malays arrested by Inspector Williams on the 31st
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  • 66 3 At eight this morning the British transport Mombassa passed through the harbour on her return from China. The R. I. M. S. Dalhousie left for Colombo at the same hour. The German steamer 1 ndependcnt, bound from Saigon to Samarang with a cargo of rice, was obliged to
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  • 163 3 The Kling cart man reported yesterday as having been m charge of a load of rattans value §200 belonging to a Chinaman inCecil-st., and who disappeared with these, has been arrested. Five Klings have been arrested for broaching cargo from the SS Alicante lying m the harbour. They
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  • 728 3 November, 7t» 1900 Presbnt— Mr. A. Gentle /President; and Messrs. Jago, Barker, Maclaren, Sohst, Lee Choon Guan and Saunders. Absent —Messrs. Moses, Cho.i Giang Thye and Col. Pennefather. Minutes. The minutes of the last two meetings were confirmed. President's Remarks. The financial statement showed a regular position. The
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  • 87 3 In the Appeal Court this morning bclore the Chief Justice and Justices Law and Leach an appeal against the decision of the Chief Justice m the Petersburg, St. Jerome case, arising out of a collision off the Raffles Light on the 17th of April, was heard. This was
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  • Correspondence.
    • 650 4 To the Editor. Sir, Your remarks yesterday about the aesirability of educating the boys of the Colony for the situations m life they are likely to fill will be endorsed by all parents. The great majority of parents and children, many school-masters, and all employers would like to
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    • 522 4 To TMS Ebitor. Sir, With reference to education, which is engrossing public attention so much to-day, and about the defectiveness of which so much has been said and written, it has been clearly shewn that higher education is not so much needed as a^ practical course such as
      T.P.  -  522 words
  • 341 4 Once more I'm addressing you, Doolan, To tell you I went to the play Called Sweet Lavender," now on the carpet And 'twas taking and swett I mu-t X y. It's a piece that needing so ne acting, Where pathos and humour combine So well and so perfectly
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  • 158 4 Last evening, Major Murray, Commandant of the S. V. A. and S. V. R., who has just returned from leave, was at the Drill Hall watching the drill of the detachments of the corps. At the conclusion of the drill, Major Murry addressed a few remarks to those
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  • 28 4 Some excellent groups of the characters m "Sweet Lavender" have been taken by Messrs. G. R. Lambert Co.. and they will form an interesting memento of the play.
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    • 100 4 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by honest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronomer's game, and the philosopher's game, which whettes thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and hurts no body m the mean season." All communications should be addressed to the Chess Editor, Singapore Free Press." Problem No. 263 (Dubbe)
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    • 21 4 By Baron Wardenbr, Olchowce. Black (5 pieces). White (7 pieces). White to play and mate m two moves,
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    • 226 4 The following is a curious game from the Championship Tourney of the Singapore Chess Club, Black contributing to his own undoing somewhat after the manner of a Help-mate problem. (a) Lo<s of lime. There was no danger for Black m B-KfCts; at any rate before he had
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    • 331 4 The Dutch t hess Association is organising an international three-move problem tourney. In the cable match between Batavia and Singapore, the latter having the White forces, the game now stands: I P-K4, P-K4 2 Kt -083, Kt-KB 3; 38-84. Kt-B 3 4 P-03, B-Kts;s KKt-Ka, P-O3 0 Castles.
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  • 140 4 The estimate of revenue for the current year was revised a fortnight ago. It was raised to R26,074,000, practically a million more than the total as estimated a year ago. And yet, according to the figures for the nine months which we yesterday reproduced from
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  • 221 4 A Siamese named Rak Sin, living at o Serangoon-rd., reports that last nirht hit house was entered by two Chinamen, armed with knives. One caught hold of his throat whilst the other made a search, taking a box containing some medicines value Sir One of the men has
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  • 257 4 S. Y. A. men will be glad to read this little note from a home paper about the work done by a recent Acting Adjutant m Ashanti M st interesting experiments as to the effect of a seventy-five millimetre gun on a stockade were made at Kumasi.
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  • 256 4 DIFIERENCES BETWEEN' THE BRITISH Commander \ni> Russian Officers* We hear that some trouble has arisen on board the Russian chartered transport City of B»--bay, which arrived at Colombo on Tuesday last with Russian troops from Odessa for Vladivostock, and that her departure from Colombo
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  • 179 4 It appears, with reference to a paragraph m yesterday' spaper that the Lieut, a Beckett mentioned m mail papers, is a son of Mr. Arthur a Beckett, not of the late Mr Gilbert a Beckett. The reluctance ol the French Government, at last overcome, to arrest Sipido. inspired the Globe
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  • 653 5 The Assizes are postponed to Tuesday ?oth November. The iV.-C Daily News was informed that the Russians proposed to give up the r t of N( wchwang on ist November. Mr. Bosanquet, Private Secretary to Sir x. Sweltenham, met with an accident at i last evening,
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  • 251 5 Opening ov the New Sawmill at Stulong by H. H. the Sultan. H. H. the SuUan formally opened the lew sawmill, built by Mr. Lim Thong Siang, at Stulong on Tuesday afternoon he 6th inst. Invitations to be present at :he ceremony had been issued to all the principal
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  • 159 5 A four-masted Hamburg American reamer passed through at 9.15 this morning, on her return from China. The Hong Bee left on her maiden trip for China ports last evening, under her new name. The Tetar f os was granted pratique this momingand steamed to the Roads to discharge
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  • 69 5 INSCRU TABLE PROVIDENCE. The Birmingham Gazette tells an excellent story of the junior member for Northampton. A working man's little daughter who had been listening to a political conversation, turned suddenly to her father and said v Daddy, did God make I.abby?" After thinking it over, the father replied, Yes,
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  • 207 5 Jaffna, Oct. 29.— Mr. L. F. White, ChicAssistant Engineer of the Northern Railf way, died suddenly yesterday morning at four o'clock. The circumstances connected with the death are shocking. The deceased attended a dinner party at the Government Agent's residence on Saturday evening, returned
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  • 40 5 A telegram has been received here by that well-known sport, Col. Hicks, of Harmston's," that Kinglike has won both the Melbourne Cup and the Derby. Latest mail advices give the betting 100-7 on him for the Cup.
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  • 988 5 (From Japanese Papers.) The Allies and the Boxers. Tientsin, Oct. 14. According to intelligence from Tientsin, the programme of the allied forces towards the Boxers is to attack their villages and destroy every Boxer. There is evidence that the Boxers continue their outrages against the native Christians,
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  • 881 5 Fins not to be Annexed. Sydney, Friday, Oct. 12. A cable has been reeived here from the Colonial Office stating that le Imperial Government is unprepared at present 3 consider any proposal for changing ihe political latus of the Fiji Islands, which New Zealand /ishes to annex. Sir
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  • 787 6 The Buggis man who killed his wife at Tampenis on Sept. 19th was yesterday committed for trial on a charge of murder. The calendar for the approaching Assizes will be one of the longest on record. Already fifty cases have been committed for trial. The jurors
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  • 148 6 The annual meeting will be held on Wednesday next. Nov. 14th, at 5.45 p.m. m the Cricket Pavilion. The annual report of the Committee says: The Committee have pleasure m presenting the 20th Annual Report and Balance Sheet which shows a satisfactory financial year. The credit cash
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  • 137 6 The Warora No. io, passed through the harbour on her return I rem China at .six tins morning. A French transport \\< nt through m the opposite direction at 3 30 p.m. yesterday. H.M.S. Marathon is expected here from China about the 14th instant and will replerish her
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  • 215 6 I he delay to ships bringing cm! to Singapore seems 1 3 be getting worse. The Steamships Benvorlich and South American were each detained m the Roads eight days before being provided with On the swirling tropic tide. And Tin thinking! thinking! flunking And I champ
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  • 80 6 The British collier South America (Capt. Dobson) of 2,701 tons, which arrived from Newport with 6,500 tons of coal for the British Government, has been waiting m the Roads for a berth since Nov. Ist It is gratifying though, to learn from the agents of the
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  • 144 6 A bill will be introduced into the Leyislative Council on 'Tuesday, to provide for the establishment of a Guaranty Fund with regard to securities to be furnished by Public Officers. It is intended to enable them to obtain gu rantees on more favourable terms than those now offered by Guarantee
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  • 1510 6 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libel t JUVENAL. The interest of the British election having passed away, and our minds being reassured by the triumphant return of the Unionists, a good, omen for the unity and stability of the Empire for six years to come,
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  • 171 6 There is really no tnd to the romaiuPrincess Chimay. When last we heard of thi Hungarian beauty, she had eloped with Kik'O, tl gipsy, who loved her, and then beat her, and final.) took her to live live we presume happ")'at Cairo ever after. But the musical mian's
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  • 1100 7 \nother Virulent Boer Lettbr by "P. S." i To the Editor of the London Times.) Sir,— As Mr. Spencer Wilkinson has thought proper to call attention again to my letter signed p. 5.," published m your issue of October 14 last, beg leave to say
    P.S.  -  1,100 words
  • 351 7 Mr. Morley's gloomy prophecies as to South Africa becoming a second Ireland, we (Spectator) believe to be entirely unfounded. It is pure conjecture on his part, and the conjecture of a pessimist on all questions involving the relations on our oversea possessions and Colonies. It
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  • 321 7 Fro /.en DsLicacus. Now that they have got their cold storage m Manila, they appear to be living well. The Philippine Cold Stores is placing on sale the tenderest cuts of frozen Australian beef and mutton, fresh fish, wild game, fresh cream cheese and other delicacies
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  • 174 7 Mr. Elgar, whose compositions occupied such a prominent place at the recent musical festival at Birmingham, is practically (says the Manchester Guardian a self-taught man, never having received a lesson m orchestration. He is the son of a Worcestershire music-seller and organist, and m 1877, having saved
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  • 24 7 Cadwallader--" Funny that a woman can never throw anything straight." Jenkins (whose wife has red hair;-'; H'm, not funny exactly rather providential, isn't it?
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  • 197 7 Owing to the confusion aggravated m the Auditor's office by the ambiguous state of the disbursement accounts of the sundry Captains of the Port and Collectors of Cus. Toms m the islands, says a Manila paper, a bill will be introduced at next Wednesday's (24th
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  • 151 7 A good joke on people who think they are judges of cigars has been exposed by the Unied Slates Circuit Couit at Hartford, Connecticut. There has been a sort of tradition that tobacco with spots on it is better than other kinds, hence, says the Minneapolis Tribune,
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  • 239 7 A very curious branch of the colour question is being raised m the United Sates by the marriage of Miss May Epperson, a while woman of culture, to Adachi KinosuK.i an officer m the Japanese army, and an author and scholar. Miscegenation has always been
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  • 181 7 The following, from a home paper, is a proof that the War Office is being kept stirred up to its duty by the influence of publicity An excellent account has been received of the annual training of the 3rd Kent Artillery Volunteers at Shoeburyness. The only drawback is
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  • 128 7 A RtssrvN Officer's Attempts Nirrin m the Bud. This morning (Oct. 31) a Russian officer, m uniform, with H Wellington boots and spurs, was noticed loitering m the vicinity of the Galle Face battery armed with a camera. He seemed to be k snap-shotting the defences, and
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  • 642 7 As many members of the S. V. A. and S.V.R. are willing to spare some time and a little jrxoney m improving their rifleshooting, a few words about practice with the Lee-Enfield or Lee-Metford rifle and the miniature cartridge with Kynoch's Adaptor may not be out of
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  • 98 7 In connection with the re-election for North Aberdeen of Captain Pirie, who is still at the front, the following curious incident occurred At a meeting held by the Liberal Unionist candidate, Mr. Williams, after he had given his address, one of the electors rose up and solemnly
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  • 114 7 The Residents new saloon carriage now running on the Selangor G. R. reflects very great credit on the builder Mi. Broadley, says the Malay Mail. It is replete with every convenience. At one end there is a Boy's compartment, m which an ice chest forms a prominent feature. Then comes
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  • 1028 8 I have just been [fortunate enough, write as correspondent to the Daily Chronicle from St. Petersburg on the-7th ult.. to secure an interesting interview with Prince Khilkoff, the Russian Minister of Ways of Communication. Practically the whole working of the magnificent undertaking called M The Great Siberian
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  • 233 8 A Chinaman was yesterday sentenced to six months' imprisonment for snatching a gold hair pin from a woman m Duxton-road. Another Chinaman also got six months for a similar offence m Philip-street. Yesterday afternoon, a Kling walked into Kandang Kerbau Police Station covered with small-pox marks and asked
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  • 194 8 the British Tradt Journal ha* an article on Public Works m Crown Colonies, 1 which endas follows Nowadays railw ivs are quickly built. A matter of twenty or even fifty miles extension m frequently undertaken m order lhat valuable freights and Forwarding facilities can be ensured.
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  • 327 8 Caaaraa Light for thi Peoplb or PorLaa. As the question of public lighting, including possible limited electric installations, is under consideration, the following is of some present interest as showing; what is proposed as a method of distribution m a poor district of Hast Loudon In a
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  • 20 8 A launch will leave Johnston's Pier for the Bungalow to-morrow at 10 a.m and 1 1 a.m.
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  • 33 8 Mr. Lee Choon Guan has been nominated as a candidate for the Central Ward, Singapore Municipal Commission, his proposer being Mr. Tan Jiak Kirn, and his seconder, Mr. W. P. Waddell.
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  • 778 8 Of the inter-state cricket matches, Perak has won six, Selangor two, and four have been drawn. Selangor played Negri Sembilan at football on Tuesday last and won by eight goals to none. Supernum. Capt. F. P. Braithwaite of the Northumberland Fusiliers is appointed Captain. The annual
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  • 93 8 f J^ f p v D /l Mu g ,lston has been ex tended to Feb. 28th and that ol M r P v Bell till the 19th. Alr -L.H Mr.C. J. Whitehead has been appoint,. an assistant-superintendent of Polio Messrs. C. J. Saunders and Sohst iV been
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  • 101 8 During the week ending Saturday the 10th instant, a total number of abou Chinese emigrants were imported 'S from various China ports for the trade. The Yangtsae, after reshipping hercar* 0 of coals, about 3.000 tons left her berth at Borneo harf atna m. yesterday to r* sume her
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  • 50 8 The following message was despatchcr trom Hongkong on the 3rd inst To His Excellency the Chancr f the German Empire, Count von Bu our, Berlin The German Commercial community o f Hongkong respectfully their high appreciation of tl man Agreement with reference to tl tion m China
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  • 82 8 S. C. C. v. S. V. R. A match between the S.C.C. and a I representing the Rifle- was comnv need on the Esplanade last Saturday, when the "Club' made 86 runs, of which K. T Reid contributed 37, and the Rifles runs, Pte. Daibi>hire being top-sc .rer with
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  • 81 8 Omaha ad\ices received at Hongkong state that the Filipino officers have held a conference, at which they showed a full inclination to accept the amnesty red by President McKinley and to revoke their orders for further hostilities. The action however, was prevented
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  • 194 8 Yin China) Liv Vung-fu has arrived at Changsha, m Hunan, with 3,000 Black Flags. He has received orders from Te Shou, the Manchu Governor of Kwangtung, to return to Can ton, where things are critical, but he declines to move without receiving arrears and three months' pay m advance
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  • 61 8 Among the wounded and invali arrived at Plymouth by the S, S Dv from South Africa arc our old friends 1 Blewitt, Rifle Brigade, and Commandei De Horsey, R.N formerly ol H.M.S. Plo\ and lately Senior Naval Officer with Lord Roberts. Although pretty badly W< ed m the foot, Commander
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  • 170 9 \\'e are officially informed that v four more cases of cholera were reported on 10th, two at the General Hospital and two at the Lunatic Asylum. The two m,er were Kliug coolies employed on the Railway c of those cases m the Lunati? Asylum it appears, that of
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  • 54 9 Ladies Monthly Medal Havdh m. vt (1 yesterday. Result wes.., 50 9 41 I Cox 53 ia 4 1 Kerr 52 q 43 Lovell 44 scr. 4t Mr>. K.ulc 56 it 45 .Mr-. Machalc 61 n 50 Dowley 67 1 1, 54 Walker 72 10 Mrs. l
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  • 207 9 Many Singapore people will remember o young Cambridge men, Mr. F\ P. edford and Mr. \V. F 1. Winchester, who i ut here m October IS9B. to study rine Zoology and stayed until August last year. We regret to hear that one them, Mr. Bedford,
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  • 261 9 day was the birthday of His Majesty Victor Emmanuel 111, King of Italy. A fire occurred on the s.s. Achilles, Capt. Brown, on Sunday afternoon, whilst hat vessel was lying alongside Tanjong t igar Warf. The fire was discovered and guished before much damage was done. It i- very possible
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  • 107 9 Mr. Eschke reports the theft of a number of orchids value $30, from his house yesterday. This morning, a Chinaman employed m the dock at Keppel Harbour, whilst at work on a ship's propeller, slipped from his platform and fell a distance of fourteen feet. He was unconscious
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  • 270 9 We will not slang the Government It isn't any use And we won't do much for Gentle, By slinging round abuse. We wiil not say it's petty. And we will not say it's spite, And we will not use bad language, Because it isn't right. Still, though we're
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  • 289 9 The result of the match between Selangor and Perak was a win for the former by 86 runs. Scores: Selangor. C. G. Glassford c Cockrane b McKenzie 32 b Cockrane 2 A. B. Vouksb McKenzie 3 b McKenzie 5 A. B. Hubback b Cock- c Hughes b Mcrane 30
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  • 1839 9 (Via Ceylon.) London, November 2nd.— Lord Kitchener, m bidding farewell to the Australians at Pretoria, said he was glad to be enabled to let them go, but still there was much work to be cone before our task was completed. The Concessions Commission have closed their enquiry at Pretoria.
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  • 453 9 A clever little political skit has been issued at Glasgow. A neat booklet has on the outside What the Gladstonians did, 1892-94"' The inside is perfectly blank sheets of paper. With reference to the anxiety felt at Hongkong on Saturday over the nonarrival of the P. &O. mail steamer Sobraon,
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  • 388 10 2\ The prices quoted are generally those current *t Clyde Terrace Market. At the other markets there may be small variations. Singapore, November I2ih t igoo. Beans, Kong per catty ct. 3} Do., French do. 12 Beef do. 24 13eef Steak do. 2$ Bean Sprouts do. 2
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 250 10 McALISTER Co. Special Pipe Cigarette Tobaccos. Cigarettes Cigarette Papers Richmond Gem Curly Cut m 4 oz. air tight tins, always fresh, the choicest jCigarette Tobacco ever produced. I (c^ 1 A, 0 0 1 1 T^IBSffN I p**** o^ ufl j ILijWuJf iHt American Tobacco C^l I iuCCSiACR TO Ik
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    • 357 10 THE BANGKOK TIMES. Cable, Times Bangkok." The Leading Nbwspapbr m Siam and widely circulated \n Malaya, Cochin -China, China, the Straits Settlements and Burma. A Daily Newspaper with a weekly Mail Edition (20 p.p.) Subscription, Daily (postage extra) delivered free locally, $30 a year. Weekly, Post Free $20 a year.
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    • 118 10 Caldbeck, Macgregor WINE AND SPIRIT New Price List on Application. Nov. ro BUTTER AUSTRALIAN "CLOVER BRAND' 1 is 1 lb tins 70 cents. Small and fit quent shipnu CHEESE j DUTCH EDAMS Specially recommended CREME d^ 'a CREME $2-20 each Evaporated Cream Thoroughly sterilized Specially adapted for Inva'i EVERY TIN
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 818 11 HOWARTH ERSKINE, LIMITED. t •-> Mining Machinery and Appliances Complete Steam Power Plants of the Highest Grade for any Service. Pr< ssure Corliss and Slide Valve Steam Engines, Stationary, Portable, Standard and compound, and Lancashire, Cornish ibular, Locomotive, Vertical, Water lube, Marine and Special Boilers. Mill Gearing, Pulleys, Shafting, Accessories
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    • 609 11 The Singapore Free Press. AND Mercantile Advertiser Cable Address Advertiser, Singapore. Telephone Number. No. 61. Published at 30-3, Raffles Place, Singapore. THE leading English Kewspaper m the Straits Settlements Johore, the federated Native States of Perak, Solangor, Sungei Ujong, Pahang, the Negri Sembilan British North Borneo Sarawak Netherlands Indies. Java
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 457 12 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. (JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd.) legular FORTNIGHTLY Service is main c I between |apan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, ider Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, tally designed for the Company's European j ice, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided < excellent accommodation
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    • 729 12 |j* q Office. Telegraph St. /fa Wharves. Keppel Harbour. O STEAM NAVIGATION Co Steamers for CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, IEYLON, INDIA, AUSTRALIA, ADEN, :GYPT, MARSEILLES, GIBRALTAR. IALTA, BRINDISI, VENICE, PLYMOUTH tND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for Persian julf, Continental and American Ports, also for Ikina Coast. MAIL LINES. OUTWARD
      729 words
    • 555 12 ~HINA MUTUAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. ?or hongkong. shang- for marseilles and hai Japan Ports. London. Through Bills of Lading issued to Manchester Jontinental ports, New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore, &c. for freight and other particulars apply to THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED, Agents. Feb IDACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP
      555 words
    • 641 12 tJONGKONG AND SHANGHaT n BANKING CORPORAT?<Sn 1 PAID-UP CAPITAL t RESERVE FUND.— o (000 Sterling Reserve 10,000,000 Sdver Reserve 2,000,000 s <,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF i PROPRIETORS $10 ,000,000 Coubt of Directors N. A Siebe, Esq.— Chairman R. Shewan, Esq.— Drputy Chairman E. Goetz, Esq. Hon. R. M Gray. A.
      641 words

  • 1717 13 Xervceren and Waterloo. nP of our expeditions amongst the nvirons of Brussels was to the ancient l/'tcau of Tervueren, once the property of the Prince of Orange, and more recently )CCI] pird by the widowed sister of His Belgi an Majesty the ex Empress of Brazil. j
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  • 64 13 Paris, Friday. Oct. v— A decree is issued to-day, based on a report of the Minister of the Colonies removing 11. Ducos, the French Resident m Cambodia, from his post, and placing him on the unattached list from November 11,1900.— Reuter. This is obvious ly the result
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  • 692 13 The German Government has bought Tientsin University for use as a barracks for their troops during the coming winter. Four Chinamen were yesterday fined §5 and $3 respectively for indecent exposure on the Esplanade. Two employees of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Co. were yesterday sentenced to
    692 words
  • 908 13 (Times of India.) The Residents of all the Protected States in he Malay Peninsula have been bewailing the scarcity of Indian labour, in their reports to Mr. Chamberlain. Sir Frank Swettenham, the Resi-dent-General of the Federated Malay Slates, also akes up the parable in his covering
    908 words
  • 65 13 The P. O. Company learn from their Hongkong Agency that the Mai' steamer Sobraon arrived at Hongkong at 5 pm. on Saturday. The Board of officers previously detailed is to re-assemble at 7 a m. on Friday next, the 16th inst., at Tanglin Rifle Range, to examine the alterations which
    65 words

  • 2439 14 Tuesday, Nov. 13TH, 1900. Present H. E. the Officer Administering the Government (Sir Alex. Swettenham, k.C.m.g.) The Hon'ble the Acting Col. Secretary (Walter E^erton.) the Attorney-General (W. R. Collyer). the Auditor-General (E. C. Hill.) the Acting Colonial Treasurer (J. O. Anthonisz.) the Colonial Engineer (A. Murray.) T. E.
    2,439 words
  • 108 14 The two large steel barges which belonged to the company that owned the old stern-wheel steamer Chow Phya, were recently sold to the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company, Ltd., at ingapore, and were despatched to that port one m tow of the s.s. Chiengmai on tie 25th, and
    108 words
  • 979 14 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. An extraordinary general meetin i Bank was held on Oct. i 7 th at C\ n thc a^ The Chairman said: I n a££J usual custom at our half-yearly ""H merely to propose for your approval dividend. When we met m Apnl ;C
    979 words
  • 38 14 The U.S. cruiser Albany it< Borneo Wharf this morning, to ret-'--her bunkers. The Elm Branch went to Borne from the Roads, to discharge her coals, about 4,500 tons. The Hai far proceeded to Tanjoiij; yesterday evening, to coal.
    38 words

  • 690 15 THE KECHAU GOLD MINING CO, LIMITED. I The following is the Mine Manager's Ktpoit tor the month ended 31st October: During :his month 245 tons of ore were crushed I ounces of gold. This ore was n incd from northwest lode workings, main winze th< upper level slopes and the
    690 words
  • 57 15 n Chiang, a contractor to th ■ngineers, was committed for trin lor offering an illegal gratifica i to Sergt. Major F. G. Merritt {ist last. i motive for the bribe wai Major Merritt should write i eport to the Officer Command »1 Engineers about anothei imed Wee Lai
    57 words
  • 73 15 this morning as Corporal 28 from Payah Lebar to Kandang was informed that a Chinaleal m a house at 3i mile-ngoon-rd. The Corporal went f o«nd a Chinaman lying dead of the house m question. The his head was slashed m and a found embedded m the
    73 words
  • 284 15 has^at T'f th i l the J girl Q ueen of Holland m£fc? v aSt L Sdected a husband has— as w tli heT bee cx P ected -been received We £vJ Ta SI **T** m this countr y. We have had a girl queen of our
    284 words
    • 49 15 RETRIBUTION" FOR MASSACRE. Execution of Three Officials at Paoting-fu. to Singapore Free Press.) Hongkong, Nov. 8.11, 3.47 p m. After being tried by courtm irtial, the Governor, the Tartar General, and Colonel Wangchang have been shot by the Allies at Paoting-fu fur participation m the massacres.
      49 words
    • 82 15 Chinese Military Precautions. The General of Fukhien, Che Kiang, has been ordered to guard Honan with 14,000 troops against the advance of the Allies. THE COURT'S WAY OF ESCAPE. If they fail, it is believed that the Court will fly to Szechuen. Hongkong, Nov. 12th 12
      82 words
    • 55 15 Hongkong, November ioth, 3.3 p.m. There was a typhoon here last night Kowloon is strewn with wreckage. The gunboat Sandpiper and many na:ive vessels have been sunk. Anxiety is felt as to the safety of the English mail Sobraon, which left Singapore >n Sunday last. The
      55 words
    • 39 15 There is great activity on the Peking Tientsin line seven bridges are being rebuilt. The Russians have captured an arsenal to the north east of Yangtsun. The Russian losses were light. The Chinese lost two hundred.
      39 words
  • 75 15 (Corrected up to November 14) On London Bank 4 m/s */*H demand 3/1 A Private credits 3 m/s 2/1 documents 3 m/s 2/1^ credits 6 m/.s 2 2 tV France, demand Germany, demand 216 India, T. T 1584 HONGKONG, demand J-%dis. Yokohama, demand ${%4i§. Java, demand 1271 Manila, demand
    75 words
    • 102 15 Mr. Gerald Balfour has been appointed President of the Board of Trade. The following further appointments are announced Mr. George Wyndham, Secretary for Ireland Mr. Walter Long, President of the Local Government Board; Viscount Cranbourne, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs Mr. Austen Chamberlain, Financial Secretary to the Treasury Lord
      102 words
    • 28 15 Parliament me^ts for an Autumn session on the 3rd December, the G >vernment requiring additional money to defray the cost of the South African war.
      28 words
    • 77 15 The Presidential election m the United States was attended by unusual excitement. The poll was the largest m the history of the Slate s. President McKinley secured 305 votes and Mr. Bryan 142. The Republicans will control both Houses. There was rioing and bloodshed m
      77 words
    • 113 15 A Compliment to the U. S. The Premier of New South Wales has cabled lo President McKiltley inviting a detachme-it of American troops to take part m the inauguration ceremony of the Commonwealth oi Australia. One thousand troops have embarked at Southampton for Australia to form the Duke
      113 words
    • 30 15 An Alleged Antagonistic Policy. The Novoe A remya states that Russia, France, America, and Japan have arrived at an understanding as a counterpoise to the Anglo-German agreement.
      30 words
    • 183 15 It is officially stated that Lt.-Col. P. W. Le Gallais has routed the Boers, capturing seven guns with wagons of ammunition. The killed include Col. Le Gallais, and Lt. F. J. Engelbach of the Buffs, Lt. VV. A. G. Williams of the South Wales Borderers, and eight
      183 words
    • 92 15 Admiral Seymour has been given the Grand Cross of the Bath. Rear Admiral Bruce has been made a Knight Commander of St. Michael and St George Captains Burke, Callaghan and Jellicoe have been made Commanders of the Bath. The Victoria Cross has been awarded to Midshipman
      92 words
    • 22 15 A meeting ol the Cabinet at Washington lias decided that the policy heretofore pursued m China shall be continued unchanged.
      22 words
    • 48 15 In consequence of the re election of President McKmiey, the American Government has decided to resume a vigorous policy m ih Ph lippines. The New York Post sates that the American Government has decided to ask the British Government to suppress the Filipino Junta m Hongkong.
      48 words
    • 12 15 Buller met with a tremendous reception at Aldershot.
      12 words
    • 63 15 The Daily Mail -ays that a scheme of Army Reform 'ias been prepared whereby the troops will receive ten months field training instead of six weeks. Immense areas of land will b* acquired. The Tsar 111 with Flue." The Ts«r is ili with influenza. THE \J.~§. REVmNUE. Ihe
      63 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 554 15 Passengers tor Straits. China Japan. Per P. and O. Bengal and Australia due Nov. 18.— Miss B. Harte, Mr. P. Uyton. Mr. Adamson, Mr. Low, Mr. M Cheyne, Mr. and Mr- D warrant, Mr. and Mr,. VV. Partane, Mr. and Mrs! Holland and two children, Mr. P. W. Parkinson, Mr.
      554 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 67 15 Weamer rcej.<(November 13.) Taken at Kandang Kerbau iiospita Ot rrv^iory. A«• I vI. M. Bar. red. 32 Fah. 29.941 29.827 29.879 Temperature 84.9 82.J 77.0 Wet Bulb Thermometer 789 780 75.2 Dir. of Wind E. N. Calm. Max. Temp, m sha 85.4 Mm. do do 739 Max. m Sun 145.0
      67 words

  • 415 16 Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Sharis P 4id Bank of China and Japan, Ltd. 41 Nominal, 2,000,000 414.23' 199,875 1a H Deferred. £5 I *»*5o ?i Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency. Nominal. 10,000 t t^ 8 s84 4\ Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $5.40 Buyers. 175.000 87,500 17,500
    415 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 830 16 VESSELS EXPECTED. Giving port of departure, and (where known) date due here, and name of Agents. j Mbn-of-War. 1 Alger, Fr. cruis., Toulon, Nov. I Aloubttb, F. d'patch b., Toulon, Nov. Barrosa, Braz. cruis., Rio de J., Nov. B. M. Bbnoali, Fr. d.b., Toulon, Nov. Buobano, Fr. cruis., due Nov.
      830 words
    • 772 16 CLEARANCES. November 7. Emma, Ger. str., Samuelson, for Christmas Island. Macduff, Brit, str., Glegg, for Sourabaya. Ban Poh Guan, Brit, str., Stratton, for Ternate, via ports. November 8. Konig Albbrt, Ger. str., Cuppers, for Hongkong, China and Japan. Chow Phya, Brit, str., Jellicoe, for Malacca and Klang. Hono Wan, Brit,
      772 words
    • 1068 16 VESSELS I N I j a vat Flags and Tont Commanders Arrived Flamingo Dut. g.b., 420 Roth Oct. 7 Belawan Rhio, N Ckram Out. g b., 340 Wichers Oct. 2Q Rhio Uncertain. Bramble Brit. 710 F. M. Lake Oct. 31 Bangkok Albany U. S. cruis., 3600 J. E. Craig Nov.
      1,068 words