The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 8 November 1900

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 193 1 Domrstic Occurrence. BIRTH. On 2nd inst., the wife of C. C. Mil, of a son. MARRIAGES At the Registrar's Office, Singapore, on Nov. 3rd., Francois Gouts to Fernande Mi /m, of Marseilles. At Shanghai, November sth, Corvetten Capiiain Willy SCHACK, Commander S. M. S. Steadier, to HBLIHR, widow of the
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 1 i lert s-haU the Press the People's right n.a.ntai* awed by influence and unbribed by gain Here patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw, 1 to Religion, Loyalty, and Law.
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  • 693 1 At the last meeting of the Hongkong Sanitary Board a very interesting investigation was entered into on the subject of the malarial infection of Europeans. Dr. Clark supplied to the Board the gist of the reports furnished to the Malarial Committee of the Royal Society by Drs. Christophers
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  • 305 1 The outward mail of Oct. 12th arrived here on Saturday by the P. O. Scdraon, followed by the X. D. L. Konig Albert today, with dates up to Oct. 15th. The next is due by the M. M. E. Simons on Sunday. The last homeward mails left by
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  • 308 1 (Nov. 2nd.) IN spite of the final splutterings ot Boer activity m more or less out-of-the-way corners m the two annexed Boer territories, the process of dissipation of the Biitish army m South Africa continues. A large number of militia regiments are being disembodied the Natal volunteer*;, or
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  • 392 1 (Nov. 3rd.) Mail advices to-day mention the matter of the naval Command-in-Chief m China, Sir EDWARD SEYMOUR being about to be relieved by Vice-Admiral Sir Harry Rawson from the Channel, who himself is to be succeeded by Vice-Admiral Sir COMPTON Domvile. Admiral Rawson hoists his flag on
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 364 1 Km ice and the Pescadores, 290 Protection Anomaly, 290 ..J. n 292 S ingor Race Handicaps 292 Vmateur Theatricals. Sweet Lavender,'" 291,300 S X.C, v. S.C.< Ist XI, 297 S.C.C. 2nd XI v Next XVI, 297 The Inter-colonial Rirle Match, 297 S.G.C. Monthly Medal, 297 Sepoy Lines, do. 299 Municipal
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    • 109 1 Maples Hotel Co. Ltd. No. 85 Bluff, Yokohama THIS charming Hotel, standing as it does m ne centre and on the highest and healthiest part of the Bluff, is naturally always delightfully cool, and commands the finest views of the Bay, Harbour, and surrounding country. Excellent Cuisine, Luxuriou Baths, Tennis
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  • 187 2 (Nov. 6th) h is confidently stated by various astronomical authorities that the recurring November star showers, or Leonids, that should have made their appearance m large profusion last November, but didn't, will really appear next week. The theory for their non-appearance m strength m 1899, m their
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  • 379 2 Telegrams received lately fiom South Africa do indicate a certain tendency to Boer hostile activity m various outlying corners of the field of campaign. The cause of this renewal of action is sim pie enough. Lord Robfrts's indulgence at the beginning was taken as a token of lack
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  • 263 2 An Indo-China contemporary thus be. moans the fact that the Pescadore Islands are not yet French It is now that we must regret more than ever the inexplr cable, the inexcusable abandonment of the Pescadores, which would be French to-day if the Rue Royale had so
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  • 153 2 THE Courrier if Haiphong points out an anomaly under which French commerce is subjected to a strange kind of protection. il Hongkong," it says, is a free port. The French port of Kwang chao-wan is also a free port. These two English and French ports may freely
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  • 556 2 S horthand AT School. (Nov. 7th.) MORE than once notice has been taken here of the insufficient place given m the curricula of local schools to the acquisition by boys of the v bread-and-butter" arts of typewriting and shorthand, so essential m a specifically commercial place like Singapore. As to
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  • 266 2 Penang readers will hear with no small amount oi pleasure that the leading Chinese of E 3 enang have subscribed §33,000 m support of the Free School, Penang the oldest establishment of its kind and most successful m the Last. For some time past the Committee have
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  • 916 2 (Via Ceylon.) Secret correspondence between M an ur b u e JWS&P** P rior t0 the war unpublished, which shows that the Neth i beer ported by Germany, counselled mod^r 5 Su PLarge quantities of stores, arm"??' are being forwarded from the Yane'u. 'F* perial Court, and Chinese
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  • 103 2 The cable-ship Recorder returned from Malacca at seven this morning and we direct to the E. Ex. Tel. Co.'s wharl SI Keppel Harbour. Harmston's Circus on Friday exiling gives a matinee for the benefit of V\ w and Nelly Harmston, when photograph of these clever young artistes will be give
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 55 2 If the Professor Richard who is apparently at present m Bombay is the electric quack who some years ago travelled round the East, (whose dossier is m the hands of the authorities here, as published m a Newcastle paper), so reputable a paper as the Times of India will think
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  • 730 3 The Commercial Union Assurance Co' is now settled m commodious new offices m Battery-rd. A diver has succeeded m recovering oo yen belonging to the Russo-Chinese k from the wreck of the Calanda. The four Malay burglars an account of *c >mart capture by the police
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  • 811 3 The Trouble m the South. Villagers Attack the Rebels. but get Routed. Fearful Slaughter. The latest news from the frontier is of a startling nature, and shows that the rebel movement must have a firm hold indeed Ihe Hon. F. H. May's sudden return to the out-stations
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  • 381 3 A RICKSHAW EXPERIENCE IN SINGAPORE." (Traveller.) A certain Mr. Alexander McDonald sends the following very apocryphal yarn to The Traveller (Aug. 18th) which prints it under the heading of Personal Episodes and Incidents of Travel." The story is illustrated by a portrait of the author. We wonder if the police
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  • 121 3 (Latham and Mactaggart.) Our markets continue very depressed, with lower rates m most mining shares. Temelongs however keep fairly firm. The difficulties with regard to the tailings at this mine have been got over. The Queensland Raub Australian Syndicate's trial crushing resulted as follows. 92 tons 75 ozs.
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  • 334 3 In an order referring to the recent reconnaissance by the Cavalry Brigade at Aldershot, MajorGeneral Hemming calls attention to the fact tha 1 the power of imagination is a great help m training troops for war during peace time. He says The more a leader or instructor
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  • 114 3 Kang Yu Wei writes as follows to the China Mail'. "As the insurgents at Waichow have been making use of my name m connection with their movements, I desire this to be known, that neither I nor any member of my Reform Party have ever been associated with the troubles
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  • 857 3 CAN THE SOUTH AFRICAN DUTCH BE ABSORBED I To the Editor of the Spectator.) Sir,— Mr. C. Baumgarten m the Spectator o September 15th states that M the Dutch population is one which can never be absorbed." Now m the past, a Dutch colonising population, placed under comparatively the same
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  • 135 3 A POPULAR BLEND." In a case of adulteration recently heard m her Britannic Majesty's Consular Court at Bangkok, the medical evidence proved the existence of certain drugs, very deleterious to health, m the native spirit retailed at a certain shop. The Chinese defendant admitted having added something to his liquor,
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  • 77 3 On the 24th September, the Queen's reign exceeded by just four years the duration of that of King George 111., whose occupancy of the throne had, till the reign of Her Majesty, been the longest m English history. On that date the Queen had reigned 63 years
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  • 1802 4 (Via Australia.) For some time past a number of Boer farmer s have been bringing produce to Johannesburg and purchasing food stuffs, which, it is suspected, were intended to supply the Boer commandoes. As the result of these suspicions wholesale arrests were made suddenly on
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  • 170 4 At the present time, Scotch golfing courses are crowded with English tourists and those playing over the popular Carnoustie links the other day had an alarming experience. The players were suddenly startled by hearing the ping ot bullets flying overhead and by seeing tufts of grass rising
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  • 271 4 On the eve of the Hongkong Volunteer Camp of Exercise, a writer of M Volunteer Notes" m the China Mail says: The Corps has been provided with new guns, but they are not too new. One of these days they will get B. L. Quick-firers and won't know what to
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  • 255 4 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by honest pastimes, plave at chesse, the astronomer's game, and tmt -rilosopher's game, which whettes thyr witte. creates theyr minds, and hurts no body m the mean season." All communications should be addressed to the Chess Kditor, Singapore Free Press." Problem
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  • 54 4 By J. King, Singapore. Black (9 pieces). White to play and mate m three moves. This problem appears, with a flattering notice, m the current issue ol the Times Weekly, but unfortunately the position as given is unsoand, owing to tl c omission of the Black pawn
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  • 170 4 The following game, played at Malmaison by tlie great Napoleon against Madame de Remusat, Jo^'s maid-of-honour, has a certain historic interest. It is said to date from the 20th of March, ISO 4, the night before the political murder of the unlucky Due d'Enghien, the grandson of
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  • 240 4 The eleventh of the excellent two-round correspondence tournaments arranged by La Strategit (Paris i is just concluding. The leaders are M. P. Gaspary (Athens), who won 12, drew 6, and lost none, and Mr. C. J. Lambert (Exeter), who won 13, drew 3, and lost 2. If. Weisman
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  • 82 4 Mr. E. G. Broadrick, assistant Colonial Secretary and Clerk of Councils, leaves for home on long leave by the mail to-morrow. Mr. R. D. Hewett, of the F. M S., also goes home. A considerable number of passengers are booked for Penang, including Col. Chippendall, O.C.T and Capt. White, DA.
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  • 99 4 The cable-ship Recorder retur morning from Cape St. James. this A French steamer passed thrr k harbour this morning from Marseilles iL^ for Saigon. t:> D ound The Nerbudda, No. 2 a ho through the harbour this mornin* ff return from China. g n h^ The Ombato, which
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  • 115 4 AN INDIAN MIXED MARRIAGE" Another Sikh chieftain has taken a I pean wife but it is hoped that her flf" will not be similar to that of Floren Maharani of Patiala. An Indian nan?; says We are informed that the Raj*! Jhind has just been married (o Miss Oiiw Monalesen,
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  • 64 4 The following entries are announcer the Prince of Wales Plate and the Pi r.ang Stakes m the forthcoming races at Selangor on Nov. ioth and 12th. Prince or Wales Plati. st. !b. Orpheus.. n Ante Nereus y Ie Tramp S ic Insolence... 8 Phil s o Penanu Stakis.
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  • 203 4 A remarkable story c >mes from Cardiff, h appears that at the ppres etn t time, a little -ever years of age, lies m the Cardiff Infirmary recovering from severe burns on her back. On he being taken to the Infirmary some weeks ago, the medical officers
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  • 241 4 The City correspondent of the Pa. Mali writes As the foreign bourses have on the nerves and our own markets are by no means happy when considering the political ivitlook, it is not impossible that there may be a further decline m Chinese issues before things mend.
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  • 159 4 One incident of the surrender of Kleiksdorp says the Daily News, serves too show how bitter this war is for some people. A German trader, having no sympathy with the Boers, and wishing to keep his only son, a burgher by birth, out ot harm's
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  • 784 5 Two Malays report that early this morning a box containing $159 wa s stolen from their boat which was anchored m the harbour off Kampong Buggis. plot against the Tsar's life has been discovered near Sebastopol. The railway ,vas found to be mined. Many arrests have
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  • 1254 5 (Written for the Singapore Free Press by the Rev. G. M. Reith.) XLI. There is a general exodus from Edinburgh during the last week of July and the first week of August. The grey metropolis of the north is left open to the annual Yankee invasion,
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  • 589 5 The following detailed account of a battle .vhich occurred on the Bth inst., at Tsangchou, ShantungChihli borders, ending m the utter defeat of the Boxers, has come to hand. It states that General Mci, commanding Governor Yuan Shir kai's troops at Tsangchou and engaged
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  • 123 5 Last year was a record one for shipbuilding, remarked Mr. C. B. McLaren when addressing the shareholders of Palmer's Shipbuilding and Iron Company yesterday. No less than 1,630,000 tons were built, and of that total the Tyne contributed 300,000. This year so far had shown little falling off,
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  • 626 5 The Brussels correspondent of the Daily Telegraph writes thus about the Cambodian prince whose movements m Europe of late have been rather mysterious In spite of the doubts of the French Government, and the fruitless searches made by the Brussels police, I am able to affirm
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  • 175 5 rMAY Visit Singapore Next Year. Roberts will be m India during the ensuing cold weather; m Calcutta his agents will be Messrs. Lazarus Co. while on the other side his business arrangements will be conducted by Messrs. John Roberts Co. The present tour includes further
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  • 88 5 That fine native officer, Subadar Ashmat' of the Hongkong-Singapore Batt. R.G.A., who was stationed at Singapore from the formation of the local company about twelve years ago, till the last relief move to Hongkong, is now placed on retired pay. This officer, when m the Indian army, served during the
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  • 1681 6 "Sweet Lavender," at the Town Hall. Sweet Lavender," unquestionably the most popular of Mr. A. W. Ptnero's works, was produced last night at the Town Hall Theatre by a company of Amateurs, belore a large and fashionable audience, which included His Honour the Acting Governor and a party
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  • 177 6 FRIENDS— RESPECT THE DEAD." Patrons of the local drama who hav c lately seen Our Boys" and witnessed last-night the first performance of Sweet Lavender M are spared this experience, fortunately In a Liverpool theatre some time aero, a melodrama was performed which had a particularly grim ending, for no
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  • 458 6 Some interesting particulars of the Russian volunteer fleet and its transport work a.c given by Mr. Consul-General Smith, of Odessa, m his latest report. The Volunteer Fleet on January i consisted of six fast cruisers and eight cargo vessels, with an aggregate cargo-carrying capacity of 88, jog
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  • 165 6 The British steamer A'aisou, chartered as a transport by the Russian Government, arrived from Odessa last evening. She is conveying to Vladivostock 25 officers and 1046 men. The Lucia, which arrived from Moji three days ago, discharged part of her Japan coals at Pulo Bukom. She went to
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  • 34 6 KECHAU G. M. Co Ltd. During October, 245 tons of ore were crushed for a yield of 188 ounces of gold, equal to 15 dvvts. 8 grains of gold to the ton of ore.
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  • 95 6 Yesterday afternoon, m the Marine Court, a case was tried m connection with a cargo of kerosine, which was shipped by Messrs. Syme and Co., m the Said to Batavia, where on arrival, several tins of oil were missing. It appears deficiencies of this kind hadjMl been
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  • 986 6 (Via Ceylon.) Calcutta, October 23rd.— General Barrow m message from Pekin, dated the 17th instant' s that General Gaselee reports from Sunglinti eight miles south of Chowchow, on the 14th install that the country round is quiet and the neon! friendly, that the Chinese regular forces arc tiring, and
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  • 756 7 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3 ,1900. A Dutch oil steamer passed through the harbour from East to West at six this mornO* The Imp. German mail steamer OldentehJ aY g eft H n g k <>ng on the T« r ber .f no °n- may be expected to arrive hereon Monday, at
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  • 1262 7 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli Juvenal. The Earl of Durham indignantly denies that he is opposed to the Compensation for Inquiries Act or that it had anything to do with his ratting from the Unionist party. He signifies his intention of going for Mr.
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  • 332 7 rhe German transport Bosnia is crossing the Pacific with 1,100 horses on board, for China. A Hokien, of 50 Church-street, reports the theft from his house between the Ist and 2nd inst, of a box containing $1 1 1.54. Lieut. Hollond, Ist Rifle Brigade, his friends will be glad to
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  • 452 7 NOV. 2ND, 1900. Special Mebting. Present The President (Mr. A. Gentle) and Messrs. Maclaren, Jago, Moses, Sohst, and Lee Choon Guan. Absent Messrs. Capper, Barker, Choa Giang Thye and Col. Pennefather. Retiring Commissioners. The following Commissioners were proposed .0 retire on Dec. 31st of the present year: Mr.
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  • 235 7 There was a large attendance at "Harmston's last night on the occasion of Mr. Love's M benefit" and the always popular jumping competition, and the frequent applause bestowed on the performers throughout the evening, fully testified to the general appreciation of Harmston's Circus by the public of Singapore.
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  • 58 7 The impromptu concert given on Saturday night at the Catholic Club was a success, and the members spent a pleasant evening. After the reading of the address to Bishop Bourdon and Father Nain, the photo of the Bishop was unveiled by the President of the Club, amid hearty cheers. The
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  • 205 8 Orders have been received at the School of Military Engineering, Chatham, for drafts of Royal Engineers to be prepared for Malta, Bermuda, Mauritius, and Singapore. The new battleship Glory, which is being prepared at Portsmouth for sea, is to take the place of the Centurion on the
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  • 810 8 Official lepoitsare usually couched m a tone so subdued, that it is refreshing to find Sir Frank Swetlenhara positively chortling m his joy over the results of last .> ear'i administration of the Federatep Mala}- States. When chronicling the 1898 results, the Resident-General w. B quite
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  • 77 8 A Manila Times special telegram states that Mr. John Sherman, United States Sec retary of State in the McKinley Cabinet, died at his home in Washington on Oct. 2nd. [Mr. Sherman represent his State for upwards ot twenty-three years and in 1877 ne was Secretary of
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  • 26 8 [he Imp. German Mail steamer Konig Albert having left Colombo on the instant at i p.m. may be expected to arrive here on Thursday, at daylight
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  • 36 8 A telegram has been received to-day from Capt. Talbot stating that the Selangdr Races have been postponed till the 22nd and 24th of this month. Entries will close on Saturday, the 10th inst.
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  • 441 8 We can imagine Mr. Chamberlain to be to-day one of the best-contented men m England. He could not but have desired that the blind and stu. id rage of his adversaries should fix upon him the chief— the entire responsibility for the policy which
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  • 142 8 Three local football associations have been exempted from registration und< r the Societies Ordinance. Mi. P.T. Evatt has been authorised to lilt* a specification of an invention for automalic compensating movement of punkahs. Monday. Nov. uth, will be observed as a public holiday instead of Nov. 9th, the
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  • 68 8 The Globe of the sth October says A young married woman from the country gave birth to a boy on the moving platform m the Paris Exhibition on Wednesday. Both mother and child are doing well." (The chronicle does not record, though it may be assumed as
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  • 139 8 American fashionable women (says the Daily Chronicle) have discovered a new pet m an ornamental rat, known as the Peruvian cavy. a sort ot second cousin to the guinea-pig of the ordinary variety, and not the species associated with company promotion. An Illinois lady has the champion
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  • 32 8 The honble A. Murray, Colonial Engineer, arrived this morning by the mail steamer Sobraon, returning from leave. Mrs. and the Misses Murray remain m Ceylon,' a' Newara Eliya, till next year. I
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  • 141 8 Jai bin Mahomed Hassan was committed for trial yesterday on a charge of culpable homicide not amounting to murder, by causing the death of a rikisha coolie m Rochore-rd.; also Abdullah, for instituting a false charge of forgery, and four other natives with him, for aiding m the
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  • 186 8 Mbrcknarii is Demanding Arrears 01 Pay. Telegraphing from Lorenco Marques, thc correspondent of the Standard says that rather late m the day the export of bar gold has been prohibited. Largo quantities of gold followed Mi. Kruger here for the alleged purpose of fomenting a
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  • 470 8 From the Paris letter ot a Hon^kon^ contemporary we quote Ihe following interesting passage While many are discussing the condition of Germany, her seeking a loan m the United States, and the increasing stagna tion of business m her industrial centres M. Lockroy, rx-Mini
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  • 611 8 THE MISSIONARY QUESTION AGAIN. The recent number of the St. James's G has a very strongly worded leading article an thl missionary question from which we a u sentences ake a f e* There is one fact which we shall do well to k m mind, and it is this,
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  • 170 8 A Ceylon paper says A Dimbula pi it »er has had a sad misadventure with a spei aof the Kruger sovereigns which have been sold at a! 1 prices up to R15.25 m Ceylon, since the Boers arrived. A band of fellow golfers were keenly inj terestcd
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  • 143 8 Biographies of candidates afford amusing read* ing. The compiler of a sketch of the lite-work of Mr. Dewar, the Unionist nominee m St. George's-in-the-Kast, is anxious to assure the constituencies that while the candidate is an allround sportsman, and has some good horse- m training at Newmarket, he
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  • 166 8 A London evening journal observes.— lt IS too bad of the Kaiser. He has abandoned those Stiff. skyward-pointing ends ot his moustache, and wil henceforward brush it out straight and uninspiring. The Daily Mail's Berlin correspondent, m an interesting obituary notice of those pointed ends, tell? how
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  • 48 8 The accounts of the fund for the purchase of the Mission House of the Presbyterian Church of England, Singapore, have been issued by the Rev. J. A. Bethune Cook §4,732.0$ came from Home; $1,805.27 were collected locally and interest amounted to $775- *4- The house and repairs* cost
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  • 707 9 A chrysanthemum show is to be held this year at Shanghai. e,d Mr. VV. Nanson is a passenger out by the Pnnz Hcinrtch due here on Nov. 28th The French gunboat La Zelee was at Sarawak on Oct. i 3 th, on her way from Saigon
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  • 852 9 From the President of the Municipality Mr rw^ C °P>' of the "Port of Mr. Corbet Woodall cm the lighting of Singapore and the proposed acquisition of m gapore Gas Com pany. fin^T°°, dall is 0f °P inion b h f rom hnancial and practical reasons,
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  • 82 9 It is recorded m the Annual Report of the Director of Land Records m the Bombay Presidency for the past year, that a cultivator m the Broach district found two iron plates embedded m the eaith which, on being forwarded to the Royal Asiatic Society, were deciphered
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  • 620 9 Some time ago the announcement was made that the well-known shipping firm of Messrs. Wee Bin Co. of Singapore had purchased two of the City Line of steamers, to wit the City of Edinburgh and the City of London. The former, under her new name, the
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  • 187 9 It has been decided that Hongkong will shoot for this event on Saturday, loth November, at 3 o'clock p.m on the Naval and Association Range at Kowloon. The following will compose the Hongkong team Capt. Carlyle, A.O D„ Messrs. D. Baldwin, J. Cramer, R.N., G. P.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 77 9 A Disclaimer by Mr. Kang Yu Wei. To the Editor* Sir, As the insurgents at Kinchow, m Kwangtung, have been making use of my name m connection with their movements, I desire to make it known that neither I nor any member of my Reform Party have
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    • 423 9 S. R. C S. C. C. ist XI. This match was played on the Recreation ground last Saturday, the home-team winning by 14 runs. Stores S. C. C. ist XI. F. M. Elliot c Oehlers b James 4 W. L. Carter b James [3 H. Tongue b Jansz 4
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    • 145 9 A Dutch mail steamer passed through the harbour from East to West at 5.30 p.m yesterday. At 4.30 p.m. on Saturday, the hospital ship Carthage went through on her return from China. She is bound for Calcutta and wished to be reported to the Medical Officer there. The
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    • 107 9 Result or Monthly Medal Handicap. Sam Reid 52 49 20 81 J. W. B. Maclaren 50 47 14 83 J. H. D. Jones 46 47 10 83 A. \V. Stiven 38 46 scr. 84 W. MSime 46 41 3 84 J. McKenzie 57 51 20 88 A.
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  • 1842 10 Pathetic Account of the Imperial Flight. The following is the translation of what the Nippon publishes as a copy of an account of the flight of the Imperial Court of China, penned by a high official of that country. There is something more than pathetic m the
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  • 65 10 Ihe formal opening of the new rai'w r ay line to Korat was originally fixed for the ist of November, but it has been postponed. The King of Siam will not go to Korat till settled weather is assured, but the line will be formally opened by
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  • 148 10 During the month of September the mills worked 26 days, 10 hours and 12 minutes, and crushed about 1.255 tons °f ore °f which about 956 tons sands and 94 tons slimes have been worked, so that about 200 tons slimes remain reserved for l.iU r
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  • 47 10 It is unnecessary to add anything to our detailed report of Thursday's performance m iegard to that of Saturday. There was a perceptible increase of stage confidence all round, but just a very little apparent carelessness m dialogue. But the play went very well indeed
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  • 363 10 Sergt. Godwin, R. A. of Fort Canning, yesterday reported to the police the theft of a silver watch, value $15, from the table of his room. The article m question has since been recovered at a pawn-shop m Northbridge-road. The proprietor said it was pawned by a soldier,
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  • 18 10 A Gazette Extraordinary issued yesterday gives the corrected detailed estimates of revenue and expenditure for the year 1901.
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  • 781 10 There are about 200 Municipal cases to be heard before Mr. Brockman at the P 0 li c Court to-day. The Klingwith 16 previous convictions who was arrested for housebreaking a t Victoria Bridge School yesterday, has been committed for trial. A Chinaman was fined §30
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  • 58 11 Monthly Mbdal Handicap. j. i\iunro Major Lewis Jones it 9 82 H. W. Sharp J 43 scr. 8 5 G. B. Stralton *3 4 «S 86 Capt. Winter f§ 4 X 4 89 Or. M. Robertson ti f5 I 4 2 J. C.D.Jones g 4 94
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  • 72 11 lhere was an entire change of nro gramme at Harmston's last night which despite he attraction at the Tow H drew a large number of people to the Circus, and the various turns were greatly appreciated by the audience, Gilbert Eldn d s somersault riding being esoeciallv applauded
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  • 178 11 In the Appeal Court this morning, before the Chief Justice and Mr. Justice Law the •ppeal case of the British Dispensary v. Kana Mohamed Eusope was beo-un. Mr. ER. Koek represented the appellants and Mr. Delay the respondents. The appeal is to set aside a judgment Riven by
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  • 216 11 A Kling, of 85 Newmarket-st.. reports the theft from his house yesterday of 893. A J ivanese coolie employed at the Singapore Od Works m Mackenzie-rd. was trying to fix a belt on to the fly-wheel of an engine yesterday, when he was caught between the wheel and
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  • 99 11 A writer of humorous M Camp Notes m the China Mail has this The equestrian science of the Hongkong Volunteer Corps has not been properly exploited. It fell to thelotof Jogglebury Jones, Jun., this morning, to meet three well-mounted citizen defenders (a fourth had started but retired early.) We
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  • 126 11 The Kiev left Nagasaki on the 4th instant a:.d is due here about the 13th, bound for Odessa. She takes cargo here. The Kian Ann after docking for cleaning and painting and repairing, at the Keppel Harbour, came to the Roads yesterday afternoon, to lead for Cheribon. Thc
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  • 1025 11 The Murder of an Irishman m Korea End of an Adventurous Life. Particulars have arrived of the murder of a foreigner at the American mines m Korea some weeks ago. The victim, Bland, an Irishman by birth, was m sole charge of a mine situated about nine
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  • 107 11 The October monthly medal was played for on Friday, 26th October, 1900, and resulted m a creditable win for Mr. J C. Ferrier, on a nett score of 39. The links had been deluged m the aliernoon by a tremendous thunder-storm and only 3 cards were
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  • 315 11 The Manila correspondent of the Hongkong Daily Press writes on ihe 17th inst. The bi-weekly public Sessions of the Commission are largely attended as a rule, and people of all classes and nationalities take a wholesome interest m the proceedings. Afier six days of lively public
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  • 418 11 His Protest to the French Government. The Matin has published the full text of -the memorial recently presented by Prince Inkantho r of Cambodia to the French Government. It occupies nearly five columns, and the journal remark s that, though the accusations may be unjust, it
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  • 108 11 Into that land of dreams, but one may go, Alone and solitary, there to stand And to await with smile and outstretched hand, The forms of fellow-beings from below. Ten thousand dreamers to those shores migrate, But all unknowing, and unknown are they Each soul is individual, separate. And
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  • 196 11 SINGAPORE— THE GATEWAY OF THE EAST. Guard of the Gate of the East, Lion m the way of the Sea, Queen of the Empire, I hail thee Mother of Nations to be, Strangers may pass at thy bidding, either for weal or for woe. Fight with the peoples that dare
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  • 231 11 i\Vith acknowledgments to the shade of Perc> Bysshe Shelley.) I arise from dreams of thee, In the first sweet sleep of night, And my brain is tilled with wonder At thy soul's creative might Thy monumental structure A spell casts over me. Oh Architect unrivalled I arise from
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  • 65 11 In honour of Bishop Fee's birthday ar. Entertainment will take place at the Convent on Monday, 12th instant, at 4.30 p.m. Singapore will by-and-by have a chance of seeing two first-class American battleships coming out this way from New York. These are both of the Oregon class, the Minneapolis, which
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  • 291 12 SWEET LAVENDER." The third and last performance of Pinero's pretty domestic drama took place at the Town Hall last night before a crowded house, which was not stinted m its applause, nor, when the first stiffness had worn off, unresponsive to the numerous "points" m which the play abounds. The
    291 words
  • 461 12 The matinee on Saturday was well attended, and at the evening's performance there was a full house, standing room only m the pit and stalls. The show remains here a few days longer and to-night there will be a change of programme, introducing *nany novel and amusing features.
    461 words
  • 209 12 Captain Mahan, writing to the New York Times with reference to the incident of the hoisting of the Boer flag at Bar Harbour by Mr. Van Ness, which, being done upon the occasion of the coming of the British Fleet, was clearly intended as an
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  • 197 12 The Secret Defence Committee of New Zealand has sent m its report to both Houses of Parliament. Ihe report recommends that the defences of Auckland, Wellington, I.yttelton. and Port Chalmers should be Strengthened and equipped with guns of the latest pattern, that a battery
    197 words
  • 396 12 Singapore, November SM, 1000. The prices quoted are generally those current at Clyde Terrace Market, At the other markets there may be small variations. Beans, Long per catty a. 4 Do., French do. 14 Beef do. 22 BeefSteak do. t 26 Bean Sprouts do. 3 Bamboo Sprouts
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  • 336 12 Padre Walker will enjoy this addition to his stock of after-dinner stories A minister was called m to see a man who was very ill. After finishing his visit, as he was leaving the house, he said to the man's wife: 'My good woman, do you
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 329 12 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. (JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd.) m a A regular FORTNIGHTLY Service is main ained between Japan and Kurope by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. Specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent
      329 words
    • 604 12 The Singapore Free Press. AMD Mercantile Advertiser I Cable Address,— Advertiser, Sxngapore. Telephone Number.— No. 61. Published at 30-3, Raffles Place, Singapore. HPHE leading English Kewspaper m the Straits Settlements; Johore, the Federated Native States of Perak, Selangor, Sungei Ujong, Pahang, the Negri Sembilan British North Borneo Sarawak Netherlands Indies.
      604 words

  • 694 13 Several persons were yesterday fined from $10 to $5 each, for verandah obstructions. Thc cost of transporting the remains of Bishop Mayer, who died here on the ioth September last, from Singapore to Madras amounted to about 1,500 rupees. wo Chinamen have been fined §10 and
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  • 27 13 the appeal m the case of the British Dispensary v. Kana Mohamed Eusope, heard before the Chief Justice and Mr Justice Law yesterday was dismissed.
    27 words
  • 64 13 A quarrel occurred yesterday between two Javanese syces employed m Sophiard. One struck the other over the arm with a pruning knife, wounding him and necessitating his removal to hospital. A Hokien, of 8 Cecil-^'t., reports that yesterday afternoon he put rattans value £200 m bullock-cart 2004, and
    64 words
  • 70 13 Despite the unsettled weather of the past days and the consequent prognostications for a wet evening, a large number of people attended the open air performance of the 16th M. I. Band at the Botanical Gardens la^t night. The evening was a f mly bright and a decidedly
    70 words
  • 232 13 The following is from Answers of Oct 6th ln Ceylon the ponds and lakes are known as tanks. By way of enlivening the dulness of their existence, several young tea-planters got up a duck-shooting party. One of their number was a greenborn fresh from England. Him
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  • 264 13 This is a curious story. Mainly entirely true, >f a Raffles Examination Conducted by no matter who. A very ingenious invention, Believe me (or don't, if you can t), In connection with chicks m the Girls' School, Who strove for the Government Lwas a class of perhaps
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  • 41 13 The following telegram has been received from Batu Bersawah, dated Kwala Pilah, 6th November, 1900. Crushed 162 tons stone, yielding 6y oz. smelted Gold. The above represents the result of the Bersawah Gold Mining Company's first crushing.
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  • 124 13 The British transport Nauab passed through the harbour at 9.15 a.m. yesterday bound for China. She wished to be reported all well." At 1 p.m. a German steamer passed through m the same direction. The Benvenuc, after completing her discharge of coals at Borneo Wharf, was docked this
    124 words
  • 212 13 Speaking to the Hongkong Volunteers m particular at the conclusion of the prizegiving, Major Sir John Carrington had a few seiious wotds to say. His speech is too long to repot t m extenso here, but the gist ot it may be gathered from one remark.
    212 words
  • 356 13 THE DEVELOPMENT OF SINGAPORE. The hon'ble A. Murray thus writes m his annual P. XV. D. report on public works as connected with the development of the settlement. Land continues to be taken up for the cultivation of Pine-apples and a considerable area has been cleared and brought under cultivation
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  • 71 13 In a private letter to the Editor, Mr. Arthur Keyser writes from Somaliland I have taught the Somalis football and it has caught on wildly. To-night there is a great match/ Police against the Town." One of the biggest chiefs keeps goal for the latter and my
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  • 84 13 Heavy Fines. Yesterday, before Mr. Sarwar, three Chinese nonias were charge on remand with assisting m carrying on a Chap Jee Kee lottery, writing lottery tickets, and declaring the winner m such a lottery on the 15th ult. All were found guilty. The two principals were fined
    84 words
  • 400 13 In Blackwood, for October, Mr. Hugh Clifford c .m.g. has one of his charming sketches entitled "In the Heart of Kalamantan." In it he gives us a picture of the life of a British Official at a disstant station m a far off country. The main figure
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  • 122 13 The M. M. steamer Sydney with the homeward French mail was to have Hongkong on the 5th instant, and she is due here on the morning of next Sunday. The M. M. steamer Ernest Simons with the outward French mail leaves Colombo today and she is due here on Monday
    122 words
  • 82 13 (Corrected up to November 7) On London. Bank 4 m/s 2/1 H demand 2 i l h Private credits 3 m/s 2/1 j? documents 3 m/s 2/1 1, credits 6 m/s 2 2 t'g France, demand 266 Germany, demand 216 India, T. T 159 HONGKONG, demand i%dis. Yokohama, demand
    82 words
  • 113 13 (November 7 Tin $68. Gambier 7.95 do. Cube No. 1... 13.40 Pepper, Black (ordinary S'porei 29.50 do. White, (Fair L/W=s% 4250 Nutmegs 110s to the lb.) 56. do. (80s to the lb) 76. Mace (Banda) 92. Cloves (Amboina) 32. Liberian Coffee 20 Tapioca, small pearl (Fair quality 6.20 do.
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  • 2261 14 Tuesday, Nov. 6th, 1900. Present H. E. the Officer Administering the Government (Sir Alex. Swettenham, k.c.m.g.) The Hon'ble the Acting Col. Secretary (Walter Egerton.) t the Attorney-General (W. R. Collyer). the Auditor-General (E. C. Hill.) the Acting Colonial Treasurer (J O. Anthonisz.) the Acting Colonial Engineer (F. St.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 61 14 McALISTER Co. Engineering Department. Planting, Mining, Engineering, Carpenters Tools and Requisites Portable Steam Engines and Centrifugal Pumps Dicks Patent and Original Balata Belting Circular, Frame, Cross cut and Hand Saws Hani Pumps for House and Ship use Hand Drilling Machines and Portable Forges Cement Drain Pipes, Fire Bricks Fire clay
      61 words
    • 666 14 *fl.r S^ Cc Tele 8 r *Ph St. OC Wharves. Keppel Harbour. O STEAM NAVIGATION Co Steamers for CHINA, JAPAN, PRNANtt CEYLON, INDIA, AUSTRALIA, ADEN EGYPT, MARSEILLES, GIBRALTAR MALTA, BRINDISI, VENICE, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. UIH Through Bills of Lading issued for Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports, also for China
      666 words

    • 38 15 ALLEGED FLIGHT OF PRINCE TUAN. /'Special to Sin%aporeFree Press.) Shanghai, Oct. 31st 8 o p.m. There is a Chinese report that Prince ivan has shaved his head and fled to Mongolia, to join the Lamas.
      38 words
    • 26 15 Four Chinese officials have been arrested at Paoting-fu. The Allies have formed a Committee to ide what punishment shall be inflicted them.
      26 words
    • 77 15 The Allies killed 300 Boxers m the vicinity of Pa< ting-fu. Hongkong, Nov. sth, 4.5 p. The German* and British, after occupy ing the Western Imperial tombs near Vichow, attacked Tsukingkuan a large c m the Great Wall, killing fifty braves and capturing five guns. The
      77 words
    • 32 15 Hongkong, Nov. 3rd, 3 p.m. A semi-official contradiction has been Nsued of the suicide of Yuhsien. It states that he recovered upon medkal treatment and is now at Taiyuan-fu.
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    • 45 15 The Provinces rt mit 400,000 taels to H<ian-fu for the Imperial use, mostly drawn from the Customs Revenue. Loss of Australian Griffins. Twenty-two Australian Walers intended tor racing at Hongkong have died on the steamr r Tsinan on the voyage
      45 words
    • 101 15 BOERS DAMAGING RAILWAYS AND TELEGRAPHS. The Boers continue incessantly to destroy the railways and telegraphs to the southward of Bloemfontein. All Boer males over the age of fourteen living outside the radius of ten miles from Bloemfontein, are being brought there, m order to prevent their joining the
      101 words
    • 308 15 Owing to unexpected difficulty m recruiting the Tiansvaal Colonial police, it is found impossible to disband some of the Colonial Volunteer Corps yet. £150,000 m gold has been seized on the steamer Bundcsrath, from Delagoa, by the Hamburg authorities, at the instance of an international syndicate of mine-owners,
      308 words
    • 35 15 THE LAST OF THE ELECTIONISTS. A Unionist Gain m Orkney. Mr. Wason the L'nionist has been elected for the Orkneys [over Sir Edward Lyell, the sitting Radical member]. This makes the Government majority 1 34,
      35 words
    • 160 15 The Daily Telegraph states Lord Salisbury will resign the office of Foreign Secretary, but will remain Premier. This is said to be due to medical advice, although his health causes no anxiety. Lord Lansdowne succeeds Lord Salisbury at the Foreign Office. The Times states that it is likely
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    • 38 15 The American Note cordially accepts the first two clauses of the Anglo-German agreement but declines to commit itself to the third, which only affects the two signatories. The French reply is to the same effect.
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    • 26 15 Altogether there were 4,800 casualties m the London streets on Monday, on the occasion of the return of City Imperial Volunteers.
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    • 16 15 The battleship Glory has been commissioned at Portsmouth for service m China.
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    • 29 15 Martial law has been proclaimed throughout Spain, owing to the appearance of considerable bands of Carlists m Catalonia and Valencia. Rigorous measures have been adopted.
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    • 19 15 The Moderates have a sweeping majority m the elections to the Borough Councils of London.
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    • 27 15 The Gelder/and has passed Jibutil and reported there that Mr. Kruger was seriously ill. The Paris Municipal Council receives Mr. Kruger officially. and
      27 words
    • 46 15 The Presidential campaign m America has been concluded amid excitement only equalled m the days preceding the Civil War. Both sides profess confidence m their success but the betting remains 5 to I m favour of the re election of McKinley.
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    • 13 15 Mr. McKinley has been elected President of the United States.
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    • 24 15 The Lord Mayor of Dublin has ruled on [in] order a resolution to confer the freedom of the city on Mr. Kruger.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 92 15 McALISTER Co. beg to announce that, having made favourable forward contracts for WOOD COS. Rev owned Australian Butter, rom to-day until further notice the price will be 60 cents per 1 lb. tin SI. IB 11 11 2 11 11 Special wholesale prices for case orders JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT
      92 words
    • 592 15 PHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAVIOATION COMPANY, LIMITED. OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. For Hongkong. Shano- For Marseilles and hai Japan Ports. London. Through Bills of Lading issued to Manchester Continental ports, New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore, &c. for freight and other particulars apply to THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED, Agents. Feb li AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 574 15 Passengers Leaving by the Mails. Nov. 2 Per Malta For Penang. Capt. White, Lieut. -Col. Chippendall, Mr. 1.. A. M. Johnston, Mr. V. Gibbons, Mis. Kynnersley, Mrs. t.avv two children, Mr. \V. E. Adams, Major md Mrs. CVonin. For Colombo. Mr. H. I. Chope. For Aden. Mr. S>ed Ahmad bin
      574 words

  • 229 16 Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency. Nominal. Q 1 0,000 (-f Bs8 '5 8 4 8)584 Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $5.30 Buyers. S 17c 000 V «,'rl l 6 unissi.eo Clear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. J.ol *J&» 17,500 S FraserandNeaveLtd *W Sellers. ,g~f |.oo v m 6%
    229 words
  • 591 16 November Kamakura Maru, Jap. str., Petersen, for Hongkong and Japan. Chow Phya, Brit, str., Jellicoe, for Malacca and Klang. Hong Wan, Brit, str., Hudson, for Muar and Malacca. Borneo, Brit, str., Robinson, or Bangkok. Ambria, Ger. str., Wagner, for China and Japan. Van der Parra, Dut. str., Kooper, for
    591 words
  • 127 16 (Specially compiled for the Singapore Free Press.) Date of passing Anjer Nationality and description of vessel Captain's name Where and when sailed. Destination. Oct. 24. Dut. str., Burgembesterden Tex Versteegh Amsterdam, Sept. 15; Batavia. Oct. 24. Dut. str., Salak Sharp Batavia, Oct. 24 Rotterdam. Oct. 26. Dut.
    127 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 647 16 JJONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL Io goo o^ RESERVE FUND.— •••••••••••••••••••••*i0,000,000 Sterling Reserve $10,000,000") ..^er Reserve 2,000,000 j 12.000,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF > PROPRIETORS m j •••—••4 10,000,000 Court op Directors. N. A Sibbs, Esq.— Chairman. R. Shewan, Esq.— Deputy Chaieman. E. Gohtz, Esq. Hon. R. M Gray.
      647 words
    • 17 16 HARTFORD TROPICAL SINGLE TUBE TYRES, Price $15 each. STRAITS CYCLES AGENCY, 5 Battery Road. May 10 uc
      17 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1083 16 -Wei Flags and Torn Commanders Arrived t folli Gamble Brit, f to' 40 cr L ke &5 Bangkok g£S Other Vessels 4 Ton. Master. Arrived From ConLnee. F Anaia Bnt 22 5 l Williamson Nov. s "Honekcnrr R YV™,i m x, Ban Liong Dut. 273 Rotufs Nov s Xc it
      1,083 words