The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 1 November 1900

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 45 1 MARRIAGE Bpestos-Darby. On the 79th September, at the Church of St. Michael and All Angels, Sandakan. B. N. Borneo, Violf.t Constance Ethel Bbiston, youngeM daughter of the late Captain R. D Bee eton,c ton, to Walter George Darby, of Sandakan, British North Borneo.
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 1 Here thai] tht Press the People's right maintair un&wed Ly infloenct and mttoitad by gain; lit re patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw.
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  • 305 1 Sweated Cadets. His Honor Sir Alexander SwettenHAM is not only Officer Administering the Government of the Straits Settlements, but he is by virtue of that office also Acting High Commissioner for BorneoHow far his jurisdiction ovt r administration m Biitish North Borneo permits Sir ALEXANDER to intervene may not be
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  • 623 1 Thai the Colonial Estimates for 1901 are at last practically passed is a matter for congratulation. There has been a good deal of debate m Council, and the Unofficial Members have worked harder for the community than most of the community know. They have worried into past and
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  • 134 1 Though Mr. Sims Reeves has long dropped out of public life, his long and brilliant career as the principle exponent of English vocal art has made his name indeed a household word with three generations Though it was m opera he made his earlier appearances, m the 4o's,
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  • 76 1 The long and obstinate silence maintained at Downing Street over the possible new Governor still remains unbroken. The last two names mentioned amongst those who ought to be the first to know, are Lord GORMANSTON, Governor of Tasmania, and Col. Sir Gerard Smith, Governor of Western Australia. And
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 408 1 CONTENDS. i. A nTICLES. d Cadets," 2 J2 K^ imates, 273 R< eves, 2^ lOvernorship, 27^ Kir Extension, #< 274 Mr. Reid't Illness, >%> 274 nri R« c nstruction, 274 Passenger Rates. 274 1 r Disillusionment, 274 Bi I and Anglophobia, 274 i* Three Voices, 274 1 Prince Christian Victor,
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    • 92 1 McALISTER Co. beg to announce that, having made favour- i able forward contracts for WOOD COS. I Renowned Australian Butter, I rom to-day until further notice '.the price will be 60 cents per 1 lb. tin Sl'io II H II J> Special wholesale prices for ca.-e orders JUST RECEIVED A
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 339 1 The Europe mail of Oct. Ist arrived here by the NO L. Stuttgart on Friday, foh lowed on Sunday, by the M. M. Annam with dates up to Oct, sth. The next outward mail is due by the P. O. Sobraon on Saturday. The last homeward mail left by the
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  • 89 2 Harbour Ex tension. (Oct. 27th.) The new Harbour Limits of Singapore extend from the present obelisk at Tanjong Katong to Peak Island and the north poinf of Lazarus Island (the one to the N. E. o* St John's) thence due west, so as to take m Pulau Bukom and the
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  • 196 2 (Oct. 2 9 th. z IN connection with the election address, quoted on Saturday, issued by Mr. A. REID the former editor of our local contem. porary, the internal evidence therein adduced justified the conclusion that the writer of the address could not have been at the
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  • 448 2 It will be with some misgiving that the country at home and the Empire abroad will see that Lor d SALISBURY, k cording to a wsll-intormed hI me paper, proposes to combine, as before the dual office of Premier and Foreign Secretary. The responsibilities of these cilices, far
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  • 228 2 Referring to the 10 per cent rise m pas^ seoger rates by the P. and 0., the B I. S. N., the Orient, the City, the North German Lloyd, the Austrian Lloyd, the Messageries Maritimes, the Japanese mail and otherlines, a Madras paper says The Bibb) Line
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  • 234 2 (Oct. 30th.) li is a queer thing that foreign enthusiasm tor the now broken Boer cause is generally m direct relation to the special intensity of Anglophobia m any particular region m question, and also m proportion to actual perso >al ignorance of the Boers themselves Hut
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  • 342 2 I IT is also a curious thing, that same Anglophobia, expressed so bitterly amongst the lower class minds of some foreign countries. They phobe us and yet we do not 11 phobe them. To amuse ourselves and inform the English public what manner of creature it
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  • 175 2 THE Empress Dowager and her factotum Prince Tuan, m their ceaseless issue of edicts from theCourt headquarters, are really performing on a three-stringed fiddle. At one moment the Empress speaks, temporising and maneuvering, setting one Power against another, seeking every chance to create dissension among the Allies
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  • 375 2 (Oct. 31st) 1 'HE (Jucen suffers another family bereavement m the death of a favourite soldier grandson, Prince CHRISTIAN VICTOR Albert Ludwig Ernst Anton of Schleswig Holstein, eldest son of H.R.H. Prince Christian by his marriage with the second daughter of the Queen, the Princess
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  • 245 2 The general impression deriv <1 f r a glance at the report of yesterday's bate m Council on the Merchant Shinn' Amendment Bill, is that the positlTj the parties to the division is of usually topsy-turvy character. H ere have the Unofficial*, to a man, concert to
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  • 470 2 From a pape; laid on the tal th< C< uncil yesterday it appears that the Government is willing to take over th Penang Tramways and will do so. Ihe business was thrown into !i<. lation by the Hongkong and Shangha Attempts to sell it have proved f tile
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  • 45 2 A rare consignment of JO real live keys orthodox quadrupeds has m Taiping, for what purpose w Pioneer) are unable to say. donkey races, or donkey chaises ar templated, we know not or perha dhobies have imported them a> They are a useful importation any»<>|
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  • 678 3 Hokien, of 36 Church-st., accuses his erk of committing a criminal breach of trc? m respect of 8281. A Chinaman has been sentenced to four nths imprisonment for snatching ear- Tin Yangtze Viceroys are sending large plies of men, money, military Iton s, ice to the
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  • 217 3 Mr. Choate has been instructed to .<sk the British Government to transfer to a more salubrious place, or release on parole, any Irish Americans who may be imprisoned m CayVmS—RouUrt* telegram. Now rest you Brother Jonathan— for pity's sake ha' done, Or seek to champion better things
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  • 251 3 (Froth a Corn t C )ct. 1 7th. ICJO3. The S.S. Kedmh t which arrived here yesterday, brought up no les-i than four weeks' mails. The new Noiddeutscher Lloyd service to Manila has lota ly disorganised the Singapore- Sandakan service, but we hope they will be able to
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  • 302 3 Great Banquet to the M vyors 01 FaAMca. j i Daily Mail Correspondent. Paris, Sepi. 22. "Can you provide accommodation for 14,000 guests?' 1 asked Ihe Minister of the Interior of li. Bonvard, the head of the architect tural department, on ihe day on which it had
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  • 22 3 the usual Monthly Medal Competition of the Sepoy Lines G.C. will take place at j the Scpov Lines on Saturday, Nov. 3rd
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  • 990 3 October 24th, 1900. Pkbsbnt :—Mr. A. Gentle, (President,., and Messrs. Moses, Jago, Sohst, Maclaren, Barker Choa Giang Thye and Col. Pennefather. Absent:— Mr. Capper, and Mr. Lee < hoon Guan. Minutes. The minutes of the last meeting we re confirmed, President's Remarks. Mr. Gentle said that he was
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  • 839 3 Chinese Capture Moukden. (China Mail.) London, October ig. There is considerable excitement at St. Petersburg, at the receipt of news of the capture of Moukden by the Chinese, who have destroyed by fire the Palace, the European houses and part of the native town. The Trouble Near
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  • 1179 4 Wednesday, Oct. 24TH, 1900. Present H. E. the Officer Administering the Government (Sir Alex. Swettenham, k.c.m.g.) The Hon'ble the Acting Col. Secretary (Walter Egrerton.) the Attorney-General (\V. R. Collyer). the Auditor-General (E. C. Hill.) the Acting Colonial Treasurer (J. O. Anthonisz.) the Acting Colonial Engineer (F. St. G.
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  • 189 4 Note, Our Extra Special Doubly Refined Tipster confidently asserts that, if this tip is followed on Saturday, good will result inexact proportion to the original amount it is m: ended to stake. In the fraternity of sport, The man the best of course is Who can the
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  • 204 4 The Locksley Hall, with a cargo of wheat, sank n the Mersey over the Mersey Tunnel, and the railway company obtaining an injunction restraining the Mersey Dock Board from blowing up the vessel according to their usual plan, tenders were invited for the removal of the ship,
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  • 266 4 I 1 E— Lieut. Ramsay, R.G.A., resumed his duties as Garrison Adjutant from the 24th inst. A launch will leave Johnston's Pier for the Swimming Club Bungalow on Sunday, at 10.30 a.m. and 1 1.30 a m. The Chinese have burnt three years' stock of sleepers
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  • 183 4 A Kltng oi i<)s Tanjong Pagar-id., reports the theft of a box containing property value $200 A man he suspected has since admitted the theft. He has been arrested and ihe stolen property recovered. A Taichu, of 46 Circular- rd who has a plantation at the third milestone,
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  • 326 4 John Sims Reeves, tenor singer, born at Shooter's Hill, Kent, Oct. 81, 1822, was first instructed by his father. At an early age he held the appointment of organist and director of the choir at the church of North Cray, and after taking lessons on the
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  • 139 4 The Cholon, which left Saigo on A 22nd instant with troops homeward I arrived here yesterday. She steamed to Tanjong Pagar and left this monv n aft. taking m 300 tons coal. The four-masted German steamer Ah sinia, with a gross tonnage of arrived from Hamburg on the evening
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  • 102 4 THE SINGAPORE MINSTREL TROUPE. Ihe Singapore Minstrel 1 another performance m the Town night. Owing to the uninviting state of the weather, the attendance was not r> A successful programme wa repetition of that of the first g! w j,j an extra item, a clarionet g Alsaciennes Le Thiere, Newton,
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  • 314 4 In the report on the trade and i Germmy for the year 1809, by Mr. t c Schwabach, the following remark* vantages of the use of liquid fuel on occur: Great interest has been shew m ping and shipping insurance circle* a te important service rendered
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  • 76 4 The outward German M with dates up to Oct. Ist. arr ire to day, the mails being fa at A site has been presented n I subscribed for a much-nee led university for girls m Japan. Good f<r tl Little Maids from School." "All things come to him T aits.
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  • 36 4 The Cult of Trilby is taking shape at home. Some mother- ar< providing their children with stead of boots, to prevent th feet b cramped and perhaps deformed well-dressed children have been seer London wearing sandals.
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  • 100 4 An original problem (says the Ghee hjas been sent us by a correspondent number consisting of four figure* first multiplied by its second, res. lt plied by its second and third, result lulu plied by its third, result by its fou rl the original number. In one instance, at least,
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  • 1289 5 No. IV. Bat ssels, continued. The Cathedral m Brussels is dedicated Gudule and St. Michel. I had not r d of Ste Gudule before, nor did any whom I questioned know anything about that sainted lady. Even Baedeker I on the point, and he is a man
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  • 165 5 THE BABY' S SMILE For the Kyp. o: Mammy. Dr. Maudsley, m an article m the Lancet says: Sentimental persons may detect 'intuitions and trailing clouds ot glory from a:ar as they dote on children's innocent simplicities, but it is they, the enraptured ga/ers, who project them and read them
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  • 393 5 (Globe Naval Corr.j The question of the probable exhaustion of the coal supply from the British coalfields has just lately been agitating the public mind. It is a subject, of course, of the utmost importance to us, as a maritime nation. Mr. D. A. Thomas, M.P. tor
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  • 605 5 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by honest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronomer s game, and the philosopher's game, which whettes thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and hurts no body m the mean season." All communications should be addressed to the Chess Editor, Singapore Free Press."
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  • 143 5 We note that the Times Weekly m its current issue diagrams a problem by Mr. C. N. Brockwell, of Selangor. The position was recently published as our No. 255. Notwithstanding the difficulties raised by the management of the Government telegraphs of Netherlands India, who objected to free chess
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  • 93 5 An Officer, well-known m India, but now soldiering m the Transvaal, wrote of late to a friend that Kruger and Botha had fled, but had taken two millions sterling with them. v Nevertheless were these men transgressing the Law of God, since Mrs. Kruger and Mrs. Botha
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  • 77 5 A lady, Miss Benjamin by name, appeared recently as a barrister at the Supreme Court, Dunedin, New Zealand, but to the nt small satisfaction of all male barristers er client was non-suited. Mean fellows rejoice at the failure of my learned sister." They will do
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  • 69 5 The Westminster Gazette says lt is thought by many experts that the time is not far distant when for heating purposes electricity will come into general use. With electricity tor lighting, cooking, and heating at a moderate price, the householder will be able to -nap
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  • 88 5 Ihe s. s. Halaban brought a cargo of od from Berandan on the 23rd and left for Batavia yesterday. The s. s. Claverdon, which left Moji m Japan on the nth instant, with a cargo oi about 4,800 tons coal, arrived here yesterday afternoon. The s. s. Bucephalus
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  • 108 5 A curious story is related by the Montana correspondent of the Nam York Journal to the effect that at Great Falls a wedding was about to take place between Lillian Meier and Christopher Schmidt, but the bride changed her mind at the altar and
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  • 102 5 The Mi nneapolis Journal has a pretty cartoon Seated before i desk is an ostrich wearing waisccat, collar and neck-tie, and perched on an editorial stool. The bird's face is profoundly expressive of mischievous, self-satisfied asininiiy. Ii smokes a briar pipe, has a magnificent cock m its tail,
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  • 194 5 At the cavalry exercises at Aldershot, on 22nd inst., Captain Prince Pyah of Siam, a cousin of the Crown Prince, had an interesting experience during the course of the morning. He was sent by his commanding officer to the extreme right ot the defence line
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  • 250 5 Plans are at present under discussion, says Engineerlng, for opening a new direct line of communication overland between China and Russia. It is proposed to build a line from Samarkand to Hankow vim Chodschend, Margitan, and through one of the Pamirs. It will be necessary
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  • 34 6 A Hokien, of 3 Engor-st., reports the theft of money and clothing value $696. A Kling, of Northbridge-rd., also reports a theft, clothing value $190 being stolen m this instance.
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  • 39 6 General James F. Smith, formerly Colonel of the ist Californian Volunteers, and at present the Military Governor of the Island of Negros, has been appointed Collector of Customs of the Port of Manila, vice Colonel W. F. Spurgin, resigned.
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  • 35 6 Owing to their tent being damaged m Penang and failing to secure the Town Hall, D'Arc's Marionettes will not open here at present, but will continue their tour •n Kuala Lumpor and the Native States.
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  • 67 6 Great alarm has been caused among the frequenters of one of the most fashionable golt links m America, because of the discovery that it was also frequented by a dangerous sort of copper to! u red snake. The reptile succeeded m completely outhiving the ladies from the links, and
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  • 63 6 Messrs. Powell <x o. advertise to be let twenty newly-built villas m River Valley Road and which have been specially planned to suit Europeans, the architects being Messrs. Swan and Maclaren, under whose supervision the houses have been erected, it is now quite a difficult matter to get houses at
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  • 89 6 In view of the disuse m the near future of the present issue of the Native States -tamps, great speculation is going on m Selangor and IVrak. 10,000 surchatged stamps were sold m Kuala Lumpor m one day, as fast as they could be printed At raipeng, the aid of
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  • 200 6 Church matters m Kuala Lumpor are not tery flourishing; the annual report of St Mary's shows a balance of §$4*4 j to meet liability of §2,030. During the year, |2,800 has been spent on the new parsonage, which is to cost 84, 175. Subscriptions and donations fell off greatly during
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  • 211 6 A criticism of Capt. Slocum's book destining his recent lonely voyage round the world m the Spray says r.'uck being a virtue that appeals to every class and nationality, it is not surprising that Captain Slocum found every door open to him. The cabled news of Ins progress went everywhere
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  • 150 6 Under the title North Borneo Company's Loss, the writer of "City Notes m the Pall Mall Gazette says —Mr Clifford, one ot most able administrators from the Federated Malay States, has resigned the Governorship of British North Borneo, to which he was only recently appointed at the instance of the
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  • 304 6 A little boy sends to the Editor of Titbits a pathetic letter v Mr. Editor, I just thought I would tell you of a very nice letter I had last Saturday from one of Her Majesty's generals, Sir Charles Warren. I had written to him m
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  • 82 6 Result ot match played on 22nd October for a prize presented by Mr. J, L. Hurt, the President of the Club. Conditions, point to point match, 5 holes (extended) medal play, thretquarteis of lub landicao. .L. i). l urnei 34 31 C. A. Gairdner v 1
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  • 181 6 MR. KRUGER'S JOURNEY TO EUROPE H. is B4GGAGI lo SI BXAHIMBD. The Dutch warship Gelderland passed Aden yesterday (28th Sept.) en route for Lourenro Marques. She has been delayed on her voyage, and the Amsterdam correspondent of the Daily Mail says the cause was a note from the British Foreign
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  • 209 6 A gentleman who travelled a few months ago from Singapore to Colombo with a departing resident of this place, not unconnected with local journalism, gives an amusing account of this part of the trip. The resident m question, who had published a book which may be
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  • 57 6 A three da\s cricket match will be played between Perak and Selangoron Nov. 8-ioth. The- Perak team will consist of Messrs. Jngall, Fox, Sayers, McKenzie Cochrane, Curtis, Willes, Hughes, Spink (doubtful) Marshall and Pearse. Eric Maxwell, F. O. B. Dennys and G. F Bird are m reserve. The Selan^or Races
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  • 1247 6 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli. JUVBNAL, Last batch of home papers simply reeking with election intelligence, manifestoes? dates of polling, and furious fighting articles. Both Editors and Candidates have a profound contempt for the electorate. We infer this from the blatancy of their general
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  • 65 6 The returns from the Pahang Corpoi Mines tor the month of September were as follows. Sungci Lembing. Tons of stone crushed 1479 oxide of tin produced 44 tons cwts. with 40 heads of stamps running 18 days. Working expenses $19,000. Je'ram Batang Tons of stone crushed 699) oxide
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  • 72 6 The Macduff x which left Moji on instant with a cargo of about 4,500 tons c Japan coal, came into port yesterday after noon and is now m the Roads awaiti berth. During the week ending yesterday a tola number of 2,41 7 Chinese emigrants arrive here from
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  • 175 6 Latham and Ma< TAOOARI S. Owing to the races there has been little our market. The chief feature- have I persistent selling of Raubs and the firmer tc of Temelongs. Hongkong reports a steady mark Tin Mine*. Sipiausare steady at $r5.25 after some small sales at S5 50,
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  • 1456 7 rhe Singapore public will not be greatly surprised at the painful egotistic eccentricities' of the subjoined production, which appears m the advertisement columns of the South Wales Echo of September 29, These amazing statements would immensely funny were it not that they irnish a serious indication
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  • 162 7 When Mr. Kruger embarks on the Dutch man-of-war which our Government has permitted the Government of the Netherlands to place at his disposal, will he (asks a home paper) be allowed to take with him the archives of the Republic of which he was once President,
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  • 179 7 Mr. G. Morris, Singapore, is granted a patent for his invention for a purdah slide block and rod. The Penang St. Andrew's Society is exempted from registration under the Societies Ordinance. The limits of the Port of Singapore are, by an order m Council, ordered to be amended
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  • 930 7 The whole of the East coast has been shocked by the recurrence of one of those horrible tragedies which periodically take place m this country. An unfortunate assistant on a tobacco estate m Serdang was set on by Chinese coolies, cut almost to
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  • 837 7 (Henry Norman m the Daily Chronicle.) After nearly twenty thousand miles m Russiahot and cold, river and mountain, wheat field and :otton field, desert and steppe, empty country and :rowded town— what is the upshot of it all, what ire the dominant impressions left upon one's
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  • 53 7 The new ministry was formed on the 19th inst., by the Marquis Ito. Among its ministers are Mr. Kato (formerly Minister m London) Viscount Walanabe (Finance); Baron Koniko (Law) Mr. Hoshi (Communications) Mr. Hayashi (Education) Mr. Matuta Baron Simatsu (Interior.) The Ministers of the Army and
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  • 44 7 The homeward bound French mail steamer Laos is expected here to-morrow. For copies of the Free Press weekly to go by her, a supplement was issued at noon today. Next week's mail edition will, however, contain the whole of the week's racing. MMSMtMM»9smmasWSMmmammssWk^s> m
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  • 3535 8 AUTUMN MEETING, 1900. First Day Tuesday, October 23rd. Stlw ards.— Judge, J. C. D. Jones, Esq, Asst Judge an, l Time-Keeper, A. G. Wright, Esq. Handicapptr, H. Fort, Esq. Starter, A Robertson, Esq. Clerk of the Course, C. Sugden, Esq.; Clerks of th Scales, W. E. Hooper,
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  • 1384 8 THIRD DAY :—Saturday, October 27th. 1 Under much more lavourabh stances was the third and concludi of the Autumn Meeting held I S la the first place, the weather could be desired— bright and not t and no rain The attendance, too, larger than on either of the pn v
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  • 353 9 It is rumoured that Mr. Thomas Heslop Hill is coming back to manage a big combine m P.diang. Liang and Selinsing are mentioned m connection with this Owners, tst. 2nd. 3rd. Unpl. Tan rtoo Liv 4. 1 H. Tunnic'iile 2 3 3 Cast iway K. ...21—
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  • 260 9 Berthlbss Ships lie Chafing m the Thames. The dock difficulty which goes on while fifty -four authorities control the Port of London, and which was ventilated m the Daily Mail, is to be discussed at the London Chamber of Commerce. None too soon either. Down
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  • 537 9 The Times Newcastle-on-Tyne correspondent states that a machine gun of a novel char.: e'er has been invented by Mr. James Judge, a well-known engineer, of Newcastle, who thus describes it -11 The gun is a patent centrifugal quick-firing machine gun; it is sft. high, and weighs
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  • 149 9 SWEET LAVENDER." The caste for this play, to be produced at the Town Hall on the Thursday and Saturday of next week, and the Monday of the week following, is as follows Mr. Geoffrey Wedderburn (of Wedderburn. Green and Hoskett, Bankers, Barnchester) Mr. F. Percy Harrold. Clement Hale (his adopted
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  • 777 9 According to a London telegram to Hongkong, the Porte denies the cession to Germany of the island of Uraon, m the Red Sea. A batch of soldiers of the Legion Etrangere, who were on board the homewardbound French transport Cholon, deserted here, whilst she was coaling
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  • 108 10 Mr. Reid's Illness. To the Editor. Sir,— By this mail you will probably receive many newspaper slips upon the subject of my husband's candidature for Merthyr Tydvil, undertaken at the request of the Conservative election officials, Captain Middleton and Sir W.T. Lewis. When I tell you that my husband
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  • 110 10 A Hokien, an opium shop-keeper, of 17 Wayang-street, reports having been assaulted on Hong Lim Green yesterday by three other Hokiens, who robbed him of kain prai value $3. 30. Twenty-one paupers were arrested yesterday for begging m front of the Roman Catholic Church m Queen-street. When searched,
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  • 303 10 Berlin, Sth October. The Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Count Bulow, has to-day handed to the representative^ of the other Towers a new note with regard to the China question. At t he Germanta Wharf m Kiel, a new large cruiser has been successfully launched m the presence
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  • 277 10 A New York correspondent writes that it is expected that a revision of the tariff imposed upon imports m the Phillipine Inlands will probably be announced within a month or two. The Special Commission appointed by the War Department to study the subject have made their
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  • 146 10 Mr. W. p. Rend, of Chicago, has tendered, ace rdmg to invitation, to supply the French and Russian Navies with steam coal from West Virginia. Mr. E. M. Hopkins of Philadelphia on the Ist ult. closed a contract for English consumers of 100,000 tons of Pennsylvania run-of-mine
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  • 850 10 (From China Papers.) yuhsien and the taiyuanfu Massacres. An eyewitness not a convert writing from the city of Taiyuan to a relative here with reference to the massacres of missionaries m the Governor's yamen m that city, states that the Boxers, when sent out by the Governor
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  • 124 10 Corps Orders by Captain W. G. St. Clair, Ag. Commandant, Singapore Volunteer Artillery, Head Quarter Office, Fort Fullerton, Singapore, October 26th, 1900. 1. Duties Orderly Officer for the ensuing week Lieut. F. J. Benjafield. Orderly N. C. O. for the ensuing week Corpl. Allen. 2. Parades Monday
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  • 101 10 The above troupe gave their third and final performance at the Town Hall on Saturday evening, before a numerous audience, when the programme of the two previous evenings was again successfully given. Encores, frequently given, testified to the popularity of the performers, of whom perhaps Mr.
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  • 195 10 Saturday night was a big night with 4< Harmston's," the large tent on the Beachrd. site being packed with spectators. A stirring programme was given and the efforts of the performers, one and all, were well received, Ajax, m his inimitable feats, taking premier honours and the Eldrown
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  • 43 10 During a heavy squall yesterday, at 2 15 am. the Ban Hin Guan, lying m the Reads, drilted across the bow of the Colonial steamer Sea Belle, carrying away her figure-head. The German yacht Eberhard sailed for Lied Lee last evening.
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  • 138 10 Police Constable Johnson, of Spalding, while on his beat at half-past two o'clock one morning, saw something white approaching him. Turning the light of his lantern on the figure, he was surprised to find it was that of a local Free Methodist minister, who was riding his
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  • 165 10 The German telegraph ship von Podbielskiarrived here yesterday from Geestemunde m North Germany, having called at Gibraltar, Port Said, Aden and Colombo en route. She coals here and shortly leaves for China. Messrs. Behn Meyer Co. are the vessel's agents. A report cabled to Paris from New York, that Captain
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  • 421 10 The importation of horses from Singapore into Penang has been prohibited for o week from this date owing to influenza V^ tification follows m Government Gasette A Paris agency says that the E mperor of China has written to President Lou£ asking his good offices to
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  • 467 10 A Great Future. Under the rather mixed heading oi Ihe Malay Straits Gold Field the representative of a Ceylon paper has been nterviewing Mr. De Burgh Persse, Chairman of the Company, now on his way home to Ireland on a visit. The interview run** thus Mr. De Burgh Persse,
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  • 52 11 Owing to an outbreak of small-pox, says the Family Doctor, upwards of 80,000 persons have vaccinated at Hull at a cost of about £7o 00 to the ratepayers, and it is estimated that m vaccination fees alone the 1 [ty mi dical practitioners must have netted t
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  • 122 11 In a telegram from Col. Willcocks, commanding m Ashanti, this reference is made to the work of Major Montanaro R.G.A. merly Acting Adjutant Singapore Yolr Artillery) Kurn ,si, Sunday, Sept. 23. Major Montanaro's olumn proceeded twenty-five miles to the noith. fhis IS attacked by large number of
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  • 67 11 September 27. The Matin puba letter written from Singapore by r who accompanied Gen. Yoyron to The writer states that at Colombo German transports were at anchor. he relations between the German and ■ench < fficen were courteous and polite, Ming more, alth ugh it
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  • 648 11 THE LATE PROFESSOR MAX MULLER. Professor Frederick Max- Muller, son of WilMuller, the German pott, was born at Dessau, 6, 1823. In 1850 he took one of his Christian names as his surname. He was the public schools of Dessau and Leipzig, attended lectures m the Universities of Leip/ig
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  • 105 11 Last night there was a change of programme at "Harmston's," Mr. George Harmston re-appearing m his champion jockey act. Little Nellie and Willie Love gave a very clever performance on the high wire Kitty, the riding goat was very much en evidence and the trained bronchos went through
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  • 127 11 From our advertising columns it will be seen that thr-re are events m the race meeting at Kuala Lumpor, on Nov. ioth and I2th, for Singapore ex-Griffins, which should render the meeting attractive to many of our sportsmen. In place of the Galloway Races two other races have
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  • 125 11 A Hylam wa- arrested m a sampan off I Beach-rd. yesterday for the theft of fortyseven catties of gutta. The gutfa m question was stolen imm the S.S. Perebri. It was given to the Hylam by one of the crew of the Perebri, who was since absconded. Mr.
    125 words
  • 170 11 I he Tai Chism c« mpleted her repairs at Keppel Harbour yesterday and was shifted to Borneo Wharf where she is now loading for Manila. The Prudent ia is now at Keppel Wharf discharging a cargo of about 3,500 tons of Japan coals. Two steamers showing no colours
    170 words
  • 221 11 Ex- King Prempeb, of Ashantee, who is now on his way to the Seychelles Islands, (says the Daily Telegraph) is to be finally located m Mahe, the leading item of this interesting group of islets m the Indian Ocean, and where, also, the chiefs from the Malay
    221 words
  • 747 11 (From China Papers.) Tientsin. From the Peking and Th ntsin Times of the 13th inst. we take the following The New South Wales contingent left Tientsin for Peking on the 10th.— The U. S. Marine Corps, etc left Tientsin for the Philippines on the same day. The
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  • 37 11 Among the passengers due here by the Konig Albert, on Nov. Bth, are Admiral de Richelieu, and Mr. Mrs. and Miss Rolin Jacquemyns. Mrs. Galloway is a passenger tor Singapore, and Mrs. C. A Ranch for Penang.
    37 words
  • 729 11 Remarkable Letter. Stirn Demand for Real Atonement. (Daily Telegraph Correspondent Berlin, Tuesday Night.— The German text of the Emperor of China's telegram to Kaiser Wilhelm, is published, together with the Kaiser's reply, to-night. His Majesty's telegraphic reply which is dated Sept. 30, is as
    729 words
  • 58 11 A telegram from Copenhagen to London sa y S: A Danish society, m which also a few English capitalists are interested, has obtained m Siam enormous mountain districts, m which are important gold and copper mines. The gold mines are situated m North Siam, and the
    58 words
  • 116 11 Melbourne, Wednesday, Sept. 26. The Fiji Islands desire to federate with New Zealand.— Reuter. Viti Levu, the largest of the Fiji Islands, is 1,600 miles from Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, and 1,750 miles from Sydney. The action of Fiji may stir other dots ot red
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  • 720 12 The Russian Admiralty has issued orders for the new ironclads Sebastopol and Poltava and five large torpedo vessels built m Germany to leave Kronsiadt on Oct. 29, to reinforce the Russian squadron m the Pacific. As a result of the experience gained m the present campaign, some changes
    720 words
  • 345 12 A Japanese Criticism. The journal \.\ic:.i-Nichi, which is published at Tokro, gives an interesting Japanese opinion of the allied forces m the Far East. The writer, a Japanese officer, who was wounded near Taku, gives high praise to the British troops for their activity and
    345 words
  • 52 12 The Wide World Magazine for October has a good account of the l^ate of the Pearler Ethel" the schooner that was pirated by the Filipino crew, Capt. Riddell murdered, and the vessel wrecked near Macassar. The mutineers were brought here from Macassar and sent on to Western Australia, where they
    52 words
  • 791 12 Mr. Ivan Chen, secretary to Sir Chi Chen Lofengluh, the Chinese Minister, has sent a somewhat remarkable letter to the Daily Mail, m reply to an article written by Mr. Julian Ralph, and published m that journal. Mr. Chen says Mr. Ralph's article is devoted
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  • 200 12 Another link is to be added, to the chain of Federation already connecting the two largest and principal States on the east and west viz, P.ihang and Perak, which promises to draw the two Royal Families together and bind them securely. This is the betrothal of
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  • 205 12 Referring to Lord Roberts's approaching assumption of the Command-in-Chief of the British Army, a military writer m a home paper says The principal command of the British Army has been held under various commissions, as Captain-General, Generalissimo, Commander-in-Chief, General Commanding-in-Chief, Field-Mar-shall on the Staff, and General on the
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  • 997 12 (Via Ceylon.) Calcutta, October 19th. The Englishman learns that 100 men representing the Indian Army not 500— will proceed to Sydney for the Federation Celebration m Decembr. They will sail from Calcutta about the end of November. Lord Curzon, speaking m Council at Simla, said that there were now
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  • 217 12 Is Mrs. Weale Mrs. Weale or not? fa.l, the Pall Mall Gazette) She sa but Mr. Weale takes leave to 'point cm that she was not a widow when he faili to beware of her, as she professed to be since she had a previous husban 1 livinj The answer
    217 words
  • 337 12 The prices quoted are generally those Arr nt at Clyde Terrace Market. At the other Karktts there may be small variations. Singapore, October 24th, r<, Beans, Long per catty ct, 4 Do., French do. Beef do. 2; Beef Steak do. Bean Sprouts do. 2 Bamboo Sprout-. do.
    337 words

  • 692 13 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31 1 900 chocolate factory has been started m a, near Bombay another step m Indian stries, which are rapidly extending. It. Col. Oakes, R.G.A the new c.R.A. for Singapore, is now on the voyage out and rive here m a fortnight or so. Mr. A. H. Capper,
    692 words
  • 1792 13 [By William Durban. Pall Mall Gazette. In travelling here and there m the vast dominions of the Tsar I have always been impressed by the sense of a universal veneer of civilization over the inward essential barbarism beneath the surface. It is true that the
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  • 84 13 FISHERS OF MEN." According to the New York Tribune a Belgian Officer who has just returned from j the Congo Free State, reports that the River Uelle there is full of a species of octopus, called by the natives M migs." This creature is m the habit of attacking native
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  • 62 13 Captain H. O'Donnell, ist Battalion. West Yorkshire Regiment is appointed to officiate as Duputy Assistant Adjutant General for Instruction m Musketry m the Bengal command. The gallant captain, whom we all thought to be sworn to a rigid bachelordom, succumbed, it will be remembered, to a pair of bright eyes
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  • 445 13 The Emperor's Dilbmma. (Lahan's Agency.) The memorial from Li Hung Chang and the Southern and Central Viceroys asking for the denunciation of Prince Tuan and Prince Chwang, was delayed m transmission, and did not reach the Emperor and Empress Dowager at Taiyuenfu until the 1 8th inst. The
    445 words
  • 207 13 A corporal on duty m Prinsep-st. at an early hour this morning saw three Malays outside a house, against one of the windows of which a ladder wa- placed. He watched the men and then heard a shout of penchtin from the hou^e m question. The three
    207 words
  • 122 13 Messrs. Apothecaries J. Fairley Carnegy and J. \V. Hogan have successfully passed the examination qua)ifying them to receive the maximum salary as apothecaries, or, as they are styled m India and Ceylon, as assistant-surgeons. This is comic. The Lord Mayor of London's placards say, ((Vote for Sir Alfred Newton, founder
    122 words

  • 1617 14 k Tuesday, Oct. 30 m, 1900. Present H. E. the Officer Administering the Government (Sir Alex. Swettenham, The Hon'ble the Acting Col. Secretary (Walter iEjjerton.) the Attorney-General (W. R. Collyer). the Auditor-General (E. C. Hill.) the Acting Colonial Treasurer (J. O. Anthonisz.) the Acting Colonial Engineer (F,
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  • 112 14 S. C. C. v. 35th Co. R.A. The winners of the Challenge Shield played the Club a friendly game last night on the Club Ground. Contrary to previous form there was only one team m it and that the Club. They forced the play throughout, the first goal,
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  • 75 14 A Renter's telegram to Bangkok says The Municipality of Marseilles will not paiticipate m any manifestations of welcome to Mr. Kruger, desiring to avoid giving umbrage to Kngland. Belgium has informed the Transvaal Agency m Brussels that a long sojourn of Mr. Kruger would be unwelcome and
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  • 71 14 The Olimfo, with a cargo of Japan coals, bound foi Calcutta, arrived here yesterday from Muroran. The M. M. steamer Caledonien lying m the roads now, is bound for Marseilles with a cargo ot Japan coals. This is, perhaps, the fir.^t instance where a mail steamer has carried
    71 words
  • 75 14 (CORRECTED UP TO October 31) On London. Bank 4 m/s 2/1 demand 2 1 Private credits 3 m/s 2 j2 J documents 3 m/s 2, 2 credits 6 m/s 2 /-V. France, demand 267} Germany, demand 21 India, T. T n>o Hongkong, demand *?odis. Yokohama, demand.. 3^.% dis. Java,
    75 words
  • 116 14 Im |6;. Gambier 7.95 d.. Cube No. 1 13.50 Pepper, UlacW (ordinary Spore) 29 62.; do. White, (Fair L/W= 5 42. Nutmegs nos to the ib.) 56 do. 80s to the lb) 76 Mace (Banda) 92, Cloves (Amboina).. 32. Liberian Coffee 20 Tapioca, small pearl (Fair quality) 620 do.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 54 14 Fraser Deaue Cimitca Printers, Publishers, Account Book Manufacturers Commercial Stationers. Publishers of The Singapore and Straits Directory, The Singapore and Straits Rough Diary The Traveller's Malay Pronouncing Hand- Book, Map of the Town of Singapore, &c, &c The Most Complete and Up-to-date Printing Office in', the Straits Settlements Fraser Neave,
      54 words
    • 644 14 fTONGKONG AND SHANr^ n BANKING CORP 0 r1t?om A1 PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND.— ,0 .000,000 Sterling Reserve *io |0 oo,coo) culver Reserve 8 2 00a t xl 2 r,. RESERVE LIABILITY OF > ,0 0i PROPRIETORS twm F O U '»«CTO«» N. A Sum, Esq Chaib«.--r. SH.WAN, E. Goetz, Esq
      644 words

  • 151 15 THE CHINA CRISIS. AN ANTI-FOREIGN GOVERNOR (Special to Singapore Free Press.) Shanghai, Oct. 24th, 7.35 p.m. There is great alarm at Hankow owing •he recent appointment of Yu-chang as Governor of Hupeh. It is credibly reported that the Viceroy it Wuchang has wired imploring the Conhere [Shanghai] to
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  • 33 15 Shanghai, Oct. 25th, 8 36 p.m. Ihe friendly Viceroys sent a memorial the Throne recently urging the punishnt of those advisers guilty [of the Attacks n the Legations.]
    33 words
  • 307 15 They are much puzzled by the reply of he Empress Dowager asking them M What punishment do you propose >" There is a Chinese report that Li Hung Jhang sent an identical message to all the r oreign Ministers, except the Minister for eat Britain, saying that
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  • 14 15 Shanghai, Oct. 26th 8.41 p.m. Sir Claude Macdona!d left Peking yes-
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  • 49 15 Mr. Green, the missionary, and his family, have been found at Paoting-fu, safe but sick. The Crermans shot all the mandarins at -°aoting-fu. Shanghai, Oct. 30th (>.ii p.m. the Allies have arrested Ting-yung, the J 'easurer of Chihli, and charged him with inspiring to retake Peking.
    49 words
  • 40 15 Hongkong, Oct. 27th p.m. There has been bloody fighting m the East River district, but no reliable news of the results are to hand. The rebellion at Kweisin is practically suppressed owing to the want of ammunition.
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  • 20 15 A Steam Launch Attacked. A steam launch that was proceeding to Macao yesterday was attacked by pirates
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  • 40 15 Hongkong, Oct. 30th 2.35 p. Peace negotiations has been opened by the Chinese Commissioners, on the basis of an indemnity of forty million poundspayable m sixty instalments, the likin and customs services to be under foreign control.
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  • 20 15 Also that the Emperor returns to Peking when the Allies leave, except 2,000 Legation Guards.
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  • 14 15 A LIFE SENTENCE FOR PRINCE TUAN Prince Tuan to be sentenced to life-long imprisonment.
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  • 18 15 Tientsin to be treated as an international district, and other places to be opened to trade.
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  • 12 15 China to abstain from purchasing armaments abroad.
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  • 24 15 We learn that on the strength of the indemnity, China proposer to double and m some cases treble the import duties.
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  • 24 15 THE DOWAGER'S BOXER LEVIES. The emissaries of the Empress Dowager propose to organise Boxers m the Yangtse region, while professing a desire for peace.
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  • 17 15 THE CAMBRIDGESHIRE. The result of the Cambridgeshire is 1 Berrill, 2. Codoman, 3. Good Luck.
    17 words
  • 174 15 Reuter learns that the Anglo-German Agreement is m nowise directed against Russia, nor against railway concessions m Manchuria or elsewhere. Austria has assented to the Anglo-Ger-man Agreement. The Kaiser, speaking m public at Barmen, declared that the agreement with the most powerful Teutonic state outside Germany was
    174 words
  • 13 15 The death of Mr. Sims Reeves is anProfessor Max Muller is dead.
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  • 117 15 The town of Philippolis which had baen m possession of Boers for several days was relieved yesterday by a column which e jected the enemy. It is stated that the Utter lest heavily. General French is marching from Bethel to Heidelburg and has some fighting daily. The Boers
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  • 21 15 Lord Rosebery's horses have been sold at Newmarket. Eighteen fetched 7.305 guineas. The C. I. V.'s Home Coming.
    21 words
  • 239 15 24,000 Regulars and Volunteer will line the streets of London on the return ot the City Imperial Volunteers. The march of the City Imperial Volunteers through London was the occasion of immense enthusiasm, though it was marred by numerous accidents owing to the stu. pendous crowds. There
    239 words
  • 58 15 The situation at Yallryfield, near Montreal is grave. 3.000 French building operatives have struck, and 2,000 mill operatives hav£ joined them. Owing to the disturbances Goo milit:a have been sent, of who n nine have been* wounded m a fight with the rioters. There is bitter
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  • 20 15 The lease of Uraon Island m the Reri Sea is officially de ued by Germany.
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  • 16 15 The Standard states that Lord Salisbury remains Premier and Foreign Secretary.
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  • 34 15 Mr. \Y. Bryan has re-visited New York and was received with an immense demonstration. He has addressed live meetings, numbe ing altogether 5,000. There were upwards of 150,000 persons
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  • 30 15 An Appeal to the Powers. It is stated that President Kruger ha.issued from the Hague an appeal to the Powers for intervention based on the Hag Convention.
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  • 45 15 Carried off by Enteric. Prince Christian Victor has died of enter* ie fever at Pretoria. [Brevet Major H. R. H. Prince Christian VlCtOi of Schleswig-Holstein belonged to the Kings Royr. Rifles and was employed on special service m Souih Africa.]
    45 words
  • 43 15 FEDERATED AUSTRALIA. THE DUKE OF YORK'S ESCORT. The strength of the home forces to ac company the Duke >J York to Australia on the occasion of the inauguration of the Australian Comma:: wealth has been fixed at a thousand men and four guns.
    43 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 167 15 McALISTER Co. Engineering Department. Planting, Mining, Engineering, Carpenters Tools and Requisites Portable Steam Engines and Centrifuga Pumps Dicks Patent and Original Balata Belting Circular, Frame, Cross cut and Hand Saws Hand Pumps for House and Ship use Hand Drilling Machines and Portable Forges Cement Drain Pipes, Fire Bricks Fire clay
      167 words
    • 296 15 anjer Shipping Report. (Specially compiled for the Singapore Free Press.) Date of passing Anjer Nationality and description of vessel Captain's name Where and when sailed. Destination. Oct. 16. Norw. sch., Palandbr Dahl; Knysna, Sept. 17 B.ingkok. Oct. 16. I str., blue .jnnel from Batavia. Oct. 17. Brit. str.. A\r Gibson;
      296 words

  • 420 16 Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Shares P kl Bank of China and Japan, Ltd. Nominal. 2,000,000 414,231 199,875 J' Ol Deferred. £5 I 1,250 7? Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency. Nominal. 10,000(7 8,584 £1 Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $5.60 Buyers. 175.000 V 87,500 17,500 mSSUe<J Clear Water
    420 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 609 16 The Singapore Free Press. AND Mercantile Advertiser Cable Addrbss, Advertiser, Sxngapor*. Telephone Number. Nu. 61. Published at 30-3, Raffles Place, Singapore. THE leading English Newspaper m the Straits Settlements Johore, the Federated Native States of Perak, Selangor, Sungei Ujong, Pahang, the Negri Sembilan British North Borneo Sarawak Netherlands Indies, Java
      609 words
    • 770 16 CLEARANCES. October 24% Emilia, Aus. str., Ivancich, for Kiao;how, October 25. Hong Wan, Brit, str., Hudson, for Muar and Malacca. Chow Phya, Brit, str., Jellicoe, for Malacca and Klang. C. H. Kian, Brit, str., Pentney, for Penang. Siam. Brit, str., Stovell, for Bangkok. Ismaila, Brit, str., Kilpatrick, for Sydney, via
      770 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1217 16 Vi^SKLS IN PO X f ->'-W«i Flags and Tons Commanders Arrived Frwm Po« Flamingo Dut. g.b., 420 Rotli Oct. 7 Belawan RhioOct. CtaAM Dut. gb., 340 Wichers Oct. 2Q Rhio Uncertain BaaMLS Bnt. 710 F. M. Lake Oct. 31 Bangkok Uncertain. other Vessels Flags ft Tona Masters Arrived From Consignee!
      1,217 words