The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 16 August 1900

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 365 1 Articli 5. plomatic Fiction, g 7 KH > V qj Iv mcc on Peking, gj \V r» Suspense, qj J h I iovernor, (#i g^ Surviv rs at Peking 98 md I jyht '»mg F qg eh on Peking, g8 N •*her!andshire t 106 >!>urgh St. Jerome Collision,... icy
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 36 1 On the 1 >th August, at Biarritz," Singapore, the wife of \V. Patchitt, of a son. On the 7th instant, at 2 Rgerton St., Canton, Cardiff the wife of Waltek Jambs MamsfiblD of a sun.
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    • 107 1 At Marseilles, on Aug. 3 d, J. \V. Gusn, of jHebu. A- Balik PuUu, Pen*ng, on th<» 12th Au*u«t 1900, Xi Jank Maky (Betsy) ihede.rl> belov< d wifeoi K. L. Souz aged 4 years R. I. P. Deeply regretted t^y her ci-cle of friends and relatives. (Yokohama
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  • 348 1 Ihe mail from Europe of July 2i^t arrived by tin- P Parramatta on Sund y, lollowed by ih N. D L. Preussen on \V« (liK-sday with dates u;> to July 23rd. The la«t li m ward mails 1 ft l>y the P. O Coromandel on Fri«la> a id
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  • 339 1 Htrr «ha!l the Prcsi the Pcopie's right maintain, Unawpd by mflnrnrr and nnbribrd by jjain Here patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw Pledged to Relinon. Loyalty, and Law. (Aug gib.) The China Mail very shrewdly points out a glaring caser-f what is either cable nv ndacity by
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  • 231 1 In Singapore at prese nt, passing through for Peking, is our old and valued friend Mr. J. George Scott, c i.e. Shway Yoe n whose work in the Shan States, on the Buffer State demarcation, in Siam as British Charge d' Affaires, and more recently on the Burmo-Chinese
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  • 409 1 From China, as regards Peking, all that can be .said is that to-day we are spared any repetition of Chinese assuranc s of 'safety" and protection of the. Legations. The military advance of the A'lied Columns proi et-ds with success, but it is not going
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  • 253 1 (Aug. iuih.) To DAY we have all to possess our souls in patience as regards news from North China. No direct wire has come in yet from Shanghai or Hongkong as to the progress made by the Allied expeditionary columns on their march on Peking. It is reasonable
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 169 1 ers to the Singapore Free Press Weekly I rum Kurope to the Straits by any to lines are invited to send to the Manager c of their steamer and date of arrival in Copies will then be mailed to meet t the various ports of call. ITSH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION
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    • 66 1 PER S.S. BUCEPHALUS. Horses, Cobs r33 and Ponies 33 T*HE best shipment ever selected for A this market, including several prize carriage pairs, handsome ladies' hacks, weight carrying cobs, polo ponies, and high class single carriage horses. All thoroughly broken and ready for Also a shipment of Australian saddlery, all
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  • 652 2 There still seems to prevail in England a great uncertainty about the appointment to the Governorship of the Straits Settlements. Our private telegram, backed up by late mail papers, indicated Sir F. CarhEW as the final choice of the Colonial Office. And yet in the letter published
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  • 343 2 14m. j It appears to be at last possible to believe, in spite of the clouds of deliberate misstatement and falsification of fact, that some few at least of the European officers still remain alive a 1 Peking. The word "letter" has been of late repeated
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  • 544 2 (Aug. 15th.] Is a column of vapour rising from infl immable oil a morr ready conductor of electricity than the surrounding atmosphere? That is by no means the mere scientific query .that it apparently is. For it bears a very direct relation to the degree of
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  • 285 2 We had hoped that ere now we should have heard oi the Allied relief forces having reached at least the outskirts of Peking. The country we know to be exceptionally difficult from it s swampy character and the absence of any roads that will stand heavy
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  • 198 2 1 Delarey continues to invest with a large force, Rustenburg. into which General Biden-Powell has thrown himself."— Vide Telegram. We can't be bored with Africa when China's bumping so We've ceased to trace the Generals whithersoe'er ihey go We've lost the grip upon the map we'd gained throughout
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  • 131 2 In a paper to the Academy of Science, St. Louis Mo., U.S., by Dr. M. A. Goldstein, it is maintained that the best form of breathing for voice production and singing is a rational combination of the costal with the diaphragmatic type. Reserve
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  • 992 2 THE FOREIGN LEGATIONS IN PEKING. How They are Situated. [From a Pbkino Resident. The foreign Legations in Peking, with one c c eption, are near together, though none of quite join. Most of them are situated in Chiang-min-hsiang (the Lane of Subject Pec which runs parallel with the south wall
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  • 1040 3 Written for the Singapore Free Press by the Key. G. M. Rbith. NO. XXV. j ROTHESAV RE-VISITED. I Mtting. pen in band, gazing p Cn from a study window in Rothesay, the narrow strip of water tliat sepa- island of Bute from the mainland. is Hotted
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  • 656 3 Strong Feeling Against Li Hung Chang. Among the passenger o f the home-going English mail are several refugees from Tientsin and Hankow. Their n irrativrs of personal experiences are of considerable inter>st. they bar witness to the very stionjj feelii g against Li Hung Clang in Shanghai
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  • 714 3 The Queen has been pleased to approve of Mr James McGeorge as Consul of Siam at Moulmein. Yesterday afternoon, the Marquis Grimaldi, It lian Consul, paid an official visit to the Vesuzio and received a salute of nine guns as Consul General. Latham and Ma< taggart
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  • 152 3 ri'From a Hongkong Private Letter.) The siege train is not expected to arrive until August Ist. 1 could tell you its composition, but at present it may be sufficient to say that beside the guns and howitzers sent to S. Africa, two very heavy Krupp
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  • 120 3 The tenders for the Opium and Spirit Fa ms of the Colony having be n now fin \\\y settled, we are able to give the exact figures. They are: Singapore $238,500 Johore §> 6. ,60) Pt-nang 1 125,000 Malacca k 2 >,2 >o The suc^es c ful
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  • 178 3 ARRIVAL OF H.M.S. ARGONAUT. Her Majesty's new first class cruiser Argonaut, Capt. George If. Ch< rry, which left Sheerness in July with a complement <>f 6R7 officers and men, anclwr* d in the Ro*ds at 7.45 p. m. yesterday and stearm d \o the wl arf at sev- n
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  • 113 3 Th° Hon. Treas. of the above Society wishes to acknowledge reccpt of the fol owing sums. By Mrs. Leach, $116; (Sir J. Sw. tteiiham, $is; A Gentle, $S; St. V. Down, $5; Mrs. Napier, $20 Mrs. Lind. $5; Mrs. de Sturler, $5: Mrs. Leach, S10; S.J.C., $5;
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  • 272 3 An old Singaporean, who keeps a close eye on current affairs indulges in this hearty growl on a point of policy: What on earth is the Singapore community at? Her is the Government doing its lev^l best to saddle the Municipality with the hospitals, and now B.
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  • 1505 4 No Authentic News from Peking. (Hongkong Telegraph.) Shanghai, July 30th. I have been informed by the Comte de Bezaure, the Consul General for France at this port, that he yesterday wrote to Li Hung-chang expressing his astonishment at the fact that no reply had as yet
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  • 201 4 A Macao, of 57 Smith-st, says he has been robbed of a gold watch value (80. A Jew, named Husmann, living j n M a lacca-St, reports the theft of a clock, value <$S, from his (Hire. An employee aw a man enter the premises and remove the
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  • 107 4 It is officially stated at Saigon, that the French losses in China up to July 31, were 43 deaths and 24* wounded or sick. His Honour the Acting Governor left in the Colonial steamer Sea Belle for Malacca at 5 p.m. yesterday, thence proceeding to Penang, and the hon'ble Walter
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  • 1533 4 Wednesday, August Bth, 1900. Present: Mr. A. Gentle (President) and Messrs. Capper, Sohst, Maclaren, Jago, Barker, Moses and Lee Choon Guan. Aisent Col. Pennefather and Choa Giang Minutes. The minutes of the last ordinary meeting and a special were confirmed. President s Statement. The financial statement showed a
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  • 320 4 A Singapore friend has an in ter, dated Paardekop, 24th June, from the officer commanding the 2nd Battalion Royal Lancaster (Kind's Own Regiment). From the letter \v< may quote -i pas ages: 11 I suppose we shall scarcely g<t further than this [Paardekop is in a
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  • 600 5 a result of the experience of the Boer war, though to the intelligent that experience was superfluous, all rifles, jachinc guns, and artillery firing black 3vvder, that is smoke-making powder, are o\v imperatively withdrawn from modern The S.V.A. maxims of .45 calibre so withdrawn, as no
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  • 286 5 O. O. Doric, on her voyage from San rancisco to Yokohama is reported to have had an adventure between Honolulu and Japan. )n the night of the 14th inst., about 9 p.m., says the Jipan Herald, a light was seen from the Doric both the steamer's crew and
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  • 929 5 In the course of an interesting report on vJ C I inCS f the southern division of Perak, Mr. E. A. Irving writes as follows The subjoined table shews the export of tin from rerak for the past six years, given in tons and pikuls. The dollar
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  • 308 5 The is a tale of Singapore life. A great merchant had occasion to visit a steamer at the wharves early one Sunday morning. Arriving on board, he found one of his European assistants and the genial Captain of the vessel partaking of an early cocktail. He was invited
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  • 1375 5 Dr. Hose, of Sarawak, leaves Singapore this afternoon for Borneo. The death is announced from Manila on the 27th ult. of Sr. Pedro Paterno's father, at the age of 76. Two bullocks, value $140, have strayed from a Kling's compound near the 4th milestone, Changi-road. Our
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  • 40 5 Police v. Fathal Karib b, C A friendly contest has been arranged between the above teams and will take place on Saturday next, nth inst, on the Darul Adab Club ground, at Jalan Besar. Kick off at 5 p.m.
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  • 255 5 The Progreso gives an account of Mr. E. S. Pratt's recent visit to Manila. Mr. Pratt was, as many readers will remember, Consul- General at Singapore, and since leaving that post has apparently still kept up his interest in Filipino matters. At all events, during
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  • 305 6 Many residents in Singapore and in the Native States, particularly in Sungei Ujong and Jelebu, will deeply regret to hear of the death of Mr. James Gunn, so long connected with the Julebu Mining Company. The sad news came by telegram from Mr. John Gunn,
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  • 582 6 Substitute 4t Singapore for "Calcutta' in the following (from the Asian) and the lessons arv applicable here. Reckless driving by native coachmen is a subject that is again attracting notice by reason of the numerous accidents, fatal and otherwise, that have occurred lately in Calcutta. Taking
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  • 71 6 This morning at 10 a.m. on board the Italian cruiser Stromboli, a Requiem Mass for the late King of Ita'y was sung. The crews of the Vesuvio and Stromboli were present, and a large number of shore visitors, including most of the Consular Body. The ceremony
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  • 58 6 I he mortality returns for the week ended Aug. 4th show a death rate per mille of 41 21, the total number of deaths being 190. htliisia heads the list as the cause of most dea'hs, being accountable for 33. The death rate for the whole of July was 41
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  • 983 6 The French Consul at Tientsin. A True Prophet. Paris, Saturday. The Figaro publishes several letters from M. Dv Chayland, the French Consul at Tientsin, and one from a French merchant in China. In the latter, which is dated Peking, May 1 8, the writer says M
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  • 40 6 Some of the heavy guns required to make up the Siege Battery, which is to be sent to China, will probably be drawn from India, instead of the whole of them being sent from South Africa, as at first ananged.
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  • 1121 6 Message to Italian Consul. Consul Volpicelli courteously informs us that he has received a telegram from the Senior Italian Naval Officer, dated July 30, stating aH Italians in Peking safe on the 31st.' The Consul thinks some mistake has been made in the date and that
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  • 202 6 An accident with a r at 1 tcrmli occurred on heard H M. S. Argonaut terday at midday .whilst t! is vessel wa< ing alongside Bom o Wharf. It appears that me of the Chinese coal coolies was s ni down the coaling ch-ar
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  • 161 6 Imagine the ijrief of bride at the los. of her wedding dress just before the wedding! At i alcutta, the otlitr day, Messrs. White* way, La id law and Co. sent a wedding dn ss, i ilu d at Kl4 <. to thr house of
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  • 82 6 WARREN SHIELD COM PETITION. The foil wing teams are shooting in comprtiticMi to-moirow: The i6il» M.I. team in ih m rning, < oromem ing at 9 a m., and H. M S. Brisk, R. E. S. V. A., and S. V, R. tains in the afternoon, comm ing at 2
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  • 165 6 The Naval mnd Military Record says:— The diUtorinesS of the authorities in strengthening the defences of Hongkong is not calculated o heal ihc breach which exists between the public and theWarotfice. Tlio movable armament in the colony comprises e'whu en obsolete muzzleloading guns
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  • 173 6 There is disapproval up north of the nomination of Sir Water Hillier to th<_ pointment of political officer v\ith Sir Alfred Gaseler. The Hongkong Daily Prt says "If we are to judge of Lord Salisbui gra-p of the Mtua'ion from his appo ntm ?nf of Sir Walter
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  • 66 7 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minda by honest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronomer's game, and the philosopher's game, which tvhettes thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and burts no body in the mean season." All communications should be addressed to th« Chess Editor, Singapore Free Press," Problem
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  • 347 7 By K. Kosdhir, Prague. 'From Sachovi Listy") Black (6 pieces). hite to play and male in two moves. Kt»l Kondrlil<, born 4'h X vember, 1848, fcr irs pr- prietof of a cafe in Prague; about 81 lie settled m Paiis, but in |S^ 7 e returned II
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  • 173 7 Over has been sublet ihed for Steinitz's amily and placed with the Knickerbocker Trust npany, with instructions to pay Mrs. Steinitz a .Mrs. W. J. Baird, the "Queen of Chess," is ;ted to be preparing a collection of about 500 her problems for publication in book form.
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  • 115 7 (From Shanghai Papers.) Jifanesb Capture 2,000,000 Taels. Shanghai, July 18th. A Hongkong despatch to r?J G "zette states that Kang Vi has been Wanted to succeed Li Hung Chang as Viceroy I Kwangtung and Kwangsi. u G i rOpe n who was Irving with the
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  • 987 7 The Reichstag Session has closed, after passing the Naval Bill by a very good majority, 207 to 104. It has the happy teeling of something accomplished, something done, to win some month's repose. Count Ballestrem, in his resume of the work of the session, caused a good
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  • 889 7 What to do With the Empress? Send Her to Pbnang. A Chinese expert writes to the Daily Chronicle: There have been sensational pictures, actual and imaginary, drawn of the Yellow Peril and the terrible long-haired race, who were to overrun Europe in the dim and distant
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  • 156 7 At the annual meeting of the Internationa Arbitration and Peace Association, held yesterday the Bishop of Hereford (Dr. Percival) deplored the fact that so soon after The Hague Conference this country should be engaged in war. How were they to save the Empire from
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  • 41 7 The Russian transport veronej, from Odessa, with troops for Vladivostock, is due here on the 15th instant. Mr. Nash, Superintendent of the Municipal Mains and Services Department, reports the theft of two metal meter covers from meters in Outram-rd. last night.
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  • 327 7 The Secretary of the South Raub G. M. Syndicate has received a telegram dated Aug. nth, reporting that the crushing is finished and that a total of 700 tons stone realised 100 ounces smelted gold. The Italian cruiser Vesuvio went to the Tanjong Pagar Dock this
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  • 79 7 Messrs. W. G. Bell and C. G. de Roujremont have passed their examination in Law, the latter Cadet being appoint rd to act temporarily as an Assistant Si^perin tendent of Police for Singapore. The date for the assembling of a Court of Appeal at Penang has been fixed
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  • 377 7 ADMIRAL KEPPEL IN ACTION AT FATSHAN. It may be interesting to many in Singapore to read an account of a part old Admiral Keppel took in the last China War. The story runs thus: At a time when several junks had been destroyed in the neighbourhood of Canton, it was
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  • 1472 8 Quicquid agunt homines nostrt est farrago libelli. Juvenal. 'Tis edifying to read a speech like that of Mr. R. W. Perks, M P., at King's Lynn last month, and to see so much Radicalism masquerading in a complete Unionist costume. Mr. Perks spoke as President of
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  • 390 8 (To the Editor ot the Daily Mail.) N. C. 0. writes from Aldershot a< follows It is very discouraging t< be kept at home while theie arc ihiee wars in progress. Our bat'alion, the King's Own, on^ of the very be:>t corps in Ihe Biiti>h
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  • 57 8 The figures we gave on Thursday regarding the Singapore and Johore farms were not quite corre t. That for Smgap>re, is $236,100, an increase of $8 1,100, and that for Johore §63,000, an increase of $6,000 a month for the next three years. Captain Herbert, Mr. J. P. Rodger's son-in-law,
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  • 1121 8 The Java-Bode has received and publishes two letters from the seat of war in South Africa, and it claims that they, amongst others, justify the Bode 's recently assumed attitude on the question of the War. The Bode has been remonstrating with
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  • 134 8 Wines, That "Givbthi Greatk^t Paid There are prophets amon^ us, says the Graphic, who ate alwa\s wishing thai oui lural classes could drink weak w nes, as perate French do, instead of the heav) beei which they usually quench thru t article in Blackivood by Mrs,
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  • 307 8 (Truth.) I was pleased— very to read the remarks of the Premier on the modern Missionary curse. His fine differentiation between liis view-, as t Christian and his views as a statesman and uol Sir tt. i y Campbell- Bannei mm or Mr. Ti cc
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  • 159 8 "NOT RESPEC ABLE ENOUGH. From Penang comes a letter, autl ticated by the ca>d^ of some nine Captains and Officers of l-cal vessels thete, a^kiu^ for the publication of a letter w'-iih has been declined by the Pinang Gazette. The sea-faring community feel strongly on the matter, andcon^idei the letter,
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  • 129 8 The German battleship Squadron for China is due here and consists of Kurfuerst Friedrich Wilhelm, Brandenh IVeisscnburg, Worth, (ea<h of these h fcuns and 570 mni, and If eta 12 guns and 180 men. This squadron will leave Colombo either to-day or to-morrow and accord i
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  • 69 8 In the list of casualties in the mail pa| appear the names of Major J J. Howie) Lincolns, severely wounded in the abdomeF at Nitral's Xek. Lt. R.E K: Donajowsl X O R., is promoted to be Captain. C C S.F. Ferrers, of the Royal Lanes. R< Regt., is removed
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  • 1533 9 The British steamer Deepdale of Sunderhnd passed through the port from East to West at 4.15 p.m. on Saturday. ihe Penang Turf Club has resolved to ite a list for the 1901 Griffins at §400 each from Mr. G. Kiss of Sydney. Tlie Parramatta arrived yesterday
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  • 488 9 On Sunday, the Italian transports Singapore, Marco Minghetti and Giava, conveying the Italian expedition to China arrived from Naples. The Singapore has on board 40 officers and 968 men the Marco Minghetti 26 officers and 740 men and the Giava 11 officers and 188 men. The London China
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  • 245 9 The Bowling Handicap open to Membets of ihe Tanglin and Teutonia Clubs for two Cups presented by the lanolin Club, was concluded on Saturday night, C<pt. H. E. Winter winning the Eug'ish Cup with a score of 828 (handicap 250), and Mr. Zimmer the Germ m Cup with
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  • 119 9 In answer to Sir C. Dilke, the Chancellor of the Exchequer (Sir M. Hicks-Beach) said: The proposed cable to VVti-hai-Wei is not to be laid from Gutzlaff but from the Saddle Islands, which are some thirty miles further seawards. The Great Northern Company has no station on
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  • 101 9 At the meeting of the Legislative Council on the 28th inst., the Acting Col. Secretary will move a vote of $12,000 for the erection of an experimental ward at Tan Tock's Hospital. (This motion was adjourned from the Council meeting of July 31st.) The Widows and Orphans' Pension
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  • 119 9 A match was played on the Esplanade last Sa urday between a team i a t lined by K. T. Reid nnd one by E F. H. Ed in, the side of the latter winning hy five wickets and Seven runs. Reid'tf team, who buted Hrst, made 121 runs,
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  • 100 9 Next Saturday the Town Hall will be tenanted again by the those pubic lavouritrs, the Pullard Lilliputian Optra Company, who will produce f>r the opening night The Belle of New York, a musical comedy that has been an enormous success wherever it had been staged Th^
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  • 341 9 Some Mind and Body Tortures They Practice. The Chinese have for long been famous for the peculiarity and fiendishness of their tortures. Mr Charles Hannan rms introduced imo hi-, new novrl, The apiive of Pelcin an account o( s«>me of the methods of torture, which are apparently still
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  • 202 9 (To the Editor of the London and China Express.) Sir, I should not have thought it would have required six months for the Colonial Offi< c to have made up itsmind lo appoint Sir Frederick Cardew to the Governorship of the Straits Settlements, where his
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  • 111 9 Professor Virchovv has a live petrified patient," who is suffering from total ossification of the whole body. The unfortunate fellow is as hard as a rock, his jaws are tight lucked, and he takes all his f od through a tube inserted in his m< uth And yet, with all
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  • 2216 10 (Via Ceylon.) London, July 31st. Sir Claude Macdonald's letter, which is in disputably authentic, has caused intense relief, but it is recognised that the danger continues while the Legations are besieged. Moreover, large bodies of troops under Anti- Foreign Generals, are moving on Pekin from the South. London, August
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  • 668 10 Plague cases at Hongkong run to four or five a day at present. It is reported in Bangkok that Mr. Th. Collmann has been appointed InspectorGeneral of posts and telegraphs, Siam. Mr. H. Muhlinghaus, of the Straits Trading Company, leaves for home by the German mail
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  • 164 10 A horse belonging to Mr. A. Franks Victoria-st. bolted on the Esplanade' terday evening. It was fortunately lto by a P. C, and an accident thus prevents Mr. Frankel and some of his family in the carriage at the time. Some massive stone gate post ornament* valued at
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  • 219 10 La»t night about roo officers and men 0 the b. V. R. had an evening rout Jailing r in at the S. V A. Headq lhe Corps marched off about 9 p. officers present being Capt. Si I A Acting Commandant, Captains M.. (A Co.)
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  • 414 10 Wrl v X 01 IHK "Si Til SHIRI. This morning a M. rine C< urt was held with regard to i\. the British four-ma ailingship lands hi re Gl sgow < ft the s >uth Java on July 25th. The Board co of Mr. E L.
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  • 3932 11 HE BOXER MOVEMENT. I STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE. (Ftftk Special Article.) t\\ nsivc anti-foreign propaganii China is not the sudden mooutbreak of a band of fai ati> s oroc of a d liheratr scheme y the reacttoi a y Manchus, lor aof foreigners md the
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  • 588 12 SAN DAK AN NOTES. (F'-o»; a Correspondent.] Jill) 28th, 10,00. The advent of the (in man flag took pla c 011 the 13th July last year, bo thu the lirst year oi Messrs Behn, Meyer Co. V [we ha> passed. Ihe service now is no worse than it was in
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  • 2639 12 A Tribute to the Japanese Troops. A recent arrival from Tientsin and one who formerly served in the British Army and who has been a participant in most of the exciting events during the past month in and around Tientsin, pays a remarkable tribute to the
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  • 116 13 Arrival 01 the m Antilli\n." The British transport Antillian, which t Cppe Town on the morning of July arrived in the Roads last evenino-. he Ant 'Mian is the largest troopship that yet touched here. She is conveying Mekong aHegetniin consisting of the 2nd Co
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  • 147 13 THE "PETERSBURGH"-"ST. JEROME" COLLISION. Jt'IXiMKNT. This morning in the Supreme Curt, His liijj Mr. Justice L< ach delivered judg- in the case 1 i the action for damages g fmm the Petersburgh St. Jerome sion in Api il last. After reviewing the whole of the evid- His Lords! i;> ?aid
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  • 330 13 There wa> a l{<>o<l crowd at the opening [>' rf -nuance ol ihc United ircus Company, at the Beach ro 1 site la t 1 i^ht, and ihe exhibition Mas a thoroughly «,uc- ful one, despite the disadvantages r which the Company lal ou ed« It
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  • 88 13 1 parade of the Shanghai Volunteer j rps on the Ist inst. there were present 700 men of all arms, Major Brodie Uarkc being in command. Ceylon Observer says: Mr. H. Manager, Huttenbach Bros, and »ang, is spending a few days in ibo, and returns to Penang by next was
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  • 715 13 Lieut. Simon, r.e., proceeded to England on sick leave in the Konig Albert. H.M.S. Bramble and Britomart from home, are reported to have passed through on Monday night bound for Hongkong. The hon'ble Walter Egerton having returned to the settlement to-day, he has been appointed the
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  • 45 13 A very successful Cigarette Smoker was given last night in the Tanglin Club before a very large audience. The programme, which was an excellent one, was well carried out and the Band of the 16th M.N.I, was in attendance, conducted by Mr. Salzmann.
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  • 116 13 The Sunday Magazine for July returns to the subject of children's stories. One story tells of a little girl who, on being asked how she knew a horse was an animal, replied Because it has four equal sides and four right angles," (There must have been Post Office
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  • 110 13 The Rev. Father Steuliatius Sette, who had charge of the staiion at Hing Shui, which was attacked on the 4th of July, owes his escape to the reverence of the Chinese for the remains of the dead. He was dumped in a box somewhat
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  • 98 13 The Bombay Government have decided that it is absolutely essential in view of the terrible mortality during the plague in that city, and of the recurring outbreaks of cholera and enteric, oat Poona must have a proper sewerage system and water supply. Accoidi g to the latest
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  • 144 13 G linn's Cup. The following is the result of the fust round A, \V. Sliven beat \V. Hiltton, 3 and 1. J. Market zie be. it A. K<:rr, 3 and 2. A. P. Bowes beat A Y. Gahagan, 2 and 1. J. I). Munru beat Dr. Knvlie,
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  • 170 13 "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" MONGOLED. The Chinese Ambassador in London has translated the third verse of the British National Anthem into Chinese and sent a copy to Professor H. A. Salmone". The following is a transliteration of the rendering. Professor Salmone says 11 It has been tested and pronounced accurate
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  • 161 13 Second-class Petty-Officer Walker, belonging to H.M S. Brisk, died at the General Hospital on Monday. The deceased had been suffering for a week or so on board from remittent fever, and was removed to the Hospital at 10 a.m. on Sunday, when meningitis set in and he succumbed
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  • 106 13 The S.S. Antillian, it is expected, will leave about 5 30 p.m. this afternoon for the north, taking with her the siege train for China, and the draft Royal Welsh Fusiliers for Hongkong from the battalion now in South Africa. In Col. Thomas Perrott the
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  • 81 13 At a meeting ot the Committee held on the 4th August, it was resolved that in future meetings of Working Members of the Club should be held on the first Monday of every month for the purpose of comparing work. Every member attending a monthly meeting must
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  • 243 13 Yesterday, at the Police Court, a Chinaman was sentenced to two months' rigorous imprisonment tor the theft of a municipal lamp; another, two months for a like < ff* nee, an 1 an additional six weeks for disposing of a Lmp and a third, three months tor the
    243 words
  • 59 13 A telegram from Raub, dated August 14th, to the local secretary, reports that the rough cleaning up of batteries yielded as under Electric Mill -3,950 oz. Amalgam, estimated quantity of stone crushed being 1,850 tons. Steam Mill: i,6000z. Amalgam, estimated quantity of stone crushed being 770 tons. Prospects are
    59 words
  • 305 13 Among the many special racial qualities which have helped the building of the British Empire, exceptional adaptability to uncongenial climates unquestionably takes a leading place. It is not merely that Britons can endure extremes of heat and cold without serious loss of health so fan
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  • 51 14 A Woolwich correspondent says The official reports from South Africa on the use of lyddite in warfare have been so satisfactory that the Government have decided to manufacture lyddite shell in the arsenals in India. The necessary plant will be shortly sent out from Woolwich. Times of India fci
    51 words
  • 138 14 A Tientsin message of the 24th July, reaching Shanghai on the 6th August. says As nothing has been received here from the Ministers since the 4th of July, when affairs in Peking wtre said to be in a very bad way, the assurance of their safety is
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  • 278 14 The extra M. M. steamer Sinai, under charter with the French Government, arrived this morning from Toulon with 31 officers and 1,060 soldiers. She will leave this afternoon for Haiphong. The appointment of Lieut. H. T Wynter, K.F.A (Senior Ordnance Offi< er at Singapore) to be Captain, appears in the
    278 words
  • 76 14 The Globe has this "A preacher who advertises himself in large letters outside his chapel, displays this week a big placard with the following announcement The Rry. A. B. will ask Nfxt Sunday "Why was I Born?" We regret our inability to assist him in finding t!»e answer."
    76 words
  • 135 14 Au gust 15) i lr ''V*. 177.7S Gambier a iSi j n y. ii 0.00 dc. Cube No. 1 ur Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) do. White, (Fair L/W= 5 J 6 7 Nutmegs uos to the lb.) 62 do. (80s to the lb) 80' Mace (Banda) 3HHH£ 02' Cloves
    135 words
  • 78 14 (Corrected up to August 15) On London. Bank 4 m/s 2 /o ft demand 2 ooff/ ff Private credits 3 m/s; 2/0J documents 3 m/s 3/ofi credits 6 m/s 2/1 France, demand 254 Germany, demand 2<.6J India, T. T 52 HONGKONG, demand ..7.7 par. Yokohama, demand ..aji pm. JAVA,
    78 words
  • 251 14 THE FIGHTING AT PEITSANG (Special to SingaporeFree Press.) Hongkong, Aug. Bth, 3 p.m. On Sunday the British, Japanese and Russians attacked the Chinese at Pcitsang, where the latter held a strong position, entrenched on both sides of the river. The action commenced at 3 am and by noon
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  • 35 14 The enemy have been retreating to Pt'kiiiij without lighting, since they were driven from Yangtsun. Shanghai, Aug. 14th, 8 57 p.m. The Allies na lied Hosiwoo on Friday and Anpinji on Saturday.
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  • 22 14 Shan^l ai, Au^ Bth 10.47 p.m. Six more French priests liave been murdered in the soutli-eas>t of Chihli.
    22 words
  • 85 14 FRENCH CONSUL AT CHUNGKING. The French Con-ul and three others are remaining al Chungking, where the situation is v^ry prvcai i^us, since the premature evacuation of the place by Ihe British ConAll members of the Church Missionary Society left Chungking yestt relay. Shanghai, Aug 12th. 851 pm, A telegram has
    85 words
  • 148 14 Help Urgently Needed. Bishop Cassels and sixty refugees are expected at Chungking daily. Assistance is urgently required. [Chungking is the commercial capital of Szechuan, and iivleed of the whole of Western China. The foreign import trade centres here, and a large number of missionary societies make this
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  • 24 14 The Taotai here is trying to stop the export of cattle for the supply of the troops in the north.
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  • 96 14 The Russians ard reported to have destroyed Newchsvang City. The Russians Lave defeated a Chinese attack and have taken Nevvcbwang. The Taotai has fled westward. Hongkong, Aug. iith, 1245 p.m. The Boxers and the Imperial troops attacked Newchwang City on the 4th. After fighting all (fay they were defeated.
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  • 23 14 Hongkong, Aug. ioth, 215 p.m. A decree has been promulgated appointing Lihungchang a plenipotentiary to negotiate for peace at Shanghai.
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  • 55 14 Changchihtung h?s telegraphed t% the Viceroy of Canton, asking him to prevent the entry of the Black Flags into Hukuang, fearing they will cause trouble. General Creagh, his staff, and the Goorkhas and 25th Bombay Infantry, leave today for Shanghai. The Second Bengals will leave for Shanghai
    55 words
  • 91 14 Shanghai, Aug. ioth, 10.12 p.m. A riot is reported at Tatung on the Yangtse River. The telegraph station lias been burnt. The disturbance is probably only local. The Pioneer reach* d Ichring on the sth inst. from Chingkiang. with a hundred refugees on board. It is reportrd that
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  • 27 14 THE YANGTSE VALLEY. Missions Attacked. Chapels at H mya»g and Hankow have been attacked but no personal injury h*s been done [to any of the mission people.]
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  • 13 14 The Viceroy prompt'y sent troops to suppress the rioters.
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  • 25 14 Protest of Consuls. An ambiguous anti-Ch i^tian placard ha^ been issued by Clnnor-t hi-tung. It was removed on the Consuls protesting.
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  • 16 14 Despatch of a Japanese Army Corps. Japan is sending an army to Korea.
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  • 17 14 There are grave fears that French jealousy prevents the landing of Indian troops at Shanghai.
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  • 52 14 Transports at Shanghai. Intrigues Prevent Their Landing. The British transports have arrived at Shanghai. The troops have not landed, owing to intrigues between the French and American Consulates, with certain American Missionaries, in Chinese employment, helping to frustrate the British. Feeling at Shanghai. There is fierce indignation
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  • 20 14 Transports with British troops for Shanghai have arrived but they are not yet
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  • 413 14 IN CHINA. The Koelnische Zeitung announces that Marshal Waldersee has been appointed Commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces in China. At Woolwich the authorities are preparing a large quantity of war stores for China. Mr. Goschen said the question of a reserve of coal and other stores at Hongkong
    413 words
  • 274 14 Lord Roberts telegraphs th it he thai the Elands Kivei garrison have beet cap'urrd a(ter a ten day* resistance Kitchener is pursuing L?e Wrt, who ha? crossed ihr Vaal. Dewet with Steyn is reported to be it Schoemansd ift. L >rd Kitclit- ner is closing round. I
    274 words
  • 32 14 Mr. Bryan has made a speech in which he intimates that if he is elected President his first step will be to give independence to the Philippines.
    32 words
  • 145 14 The de.uh is anounced of Lord Russell of Killowen. [Lord Russell of Killowen was born in »8U and educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin. He was C .lied to the bar in 1859, and appoii ted Q. C. 111 1812. He entered parliament for Dundalk in 1880
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  • 110 14 STOKERS' STRIKE AT MA RSEILLES. Departure of French Mail Delayed A strike of stokers at Marseilles pi the sailing of the M.M. steamer Melbourn lor China. [The above refers to the M. M. U which was formerly on the Australian run, wl.ich was transferred to the French- service two years
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  • 24 14 Getting Ready On A Big Scalp Russia continu s to mobilise on a 1 scale fur service in the Far Ea^t.
    24 words

  • 56 15 Collides with the Flagship. Fifty Lives Lost. fhr French destroyer France has been unk in a collision with the flagship Bren* I off Cape St. Vincent. fty persons have been drowned. "Probably the Framee, an 185 ft. destroyer ed this year at Bordeaux. Her displace 319 tons
    56 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 365 15 THE WORLD'S PICTORIAL ROUTE Steamers of these lines sail from Hongkong every TEN DAYS, Fast and rragnifi. cent steamship of this line sailing from Hongkong via Shanghai, through the famous Inland Sea of Jap n, via Nagasaki. Kobe, Yokohama ia Honolulu to San Francisco, Californ a The S.F.O.R. passes throu
      365 words
    • 623 15 THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LTD. Shipwrights, Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders, Wharfingers, &c. pHIS Company execute Ship and Marine Engine Repairs oi all descriptions, in the most efficient manner, under the superintendence of experienced European Shipwrights and Engineers. Graving Docks up to 500 feet in length and 21 feet
      623 words
    • 485 15 AND Mercantile Advertiser, Cable Address,— Advertiser, Ssngapon. Telephone Number. Nv>. 61. Published at 30-3, Raffles Place, Singapore. *T*HE leading English Wewspaper in the A Straits Settlements Johore, the Federated Native States of Perak, Selangor, Sungei Ujon^, Pahang, the Negri Sembilan British North Borneo Sarawak, Netherlands Indies. Java and Sumatra Also
      485 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 690 15 CLEARANCES. August 8, BLOOM, Brit, str., Goudey, for Sourabaya. van Lamokat, Dut. str., Blomberg, for gkongi via Pulo Samboe. August 9. i Phya, Brit, str., Jellicoe, for Malacca and Klang. p E s\su, Bnt. str., Rawlin^son, for K. Klang. l Bnt. str., Dunlop, tor Samarang, via port^. H > Wait,
      690 words

  • 290 16 SHARE LIST, A UGUST 15th 1900. Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Shar 1s p aid Bank of China and Japan, Ltd. 1 1 Nominal. C 2,000,000 414,2*1 ***** c/. Ol Deferred. £5 1,230 fr Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency. Nominal. 10,000 f£ 8,584 8,584 £1 Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $4.80 Sellers. 175.000
    290 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 981 16 Singapore Sporting Club. PROGRAMME FOR AUTUMN RACE MEETING, 1900. October 23rd, 25th, and 2jth. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 23rd October, First Race. T he Maiden Plate. Value $300. A Race for Maiden Horses Weight as per scale (lost.) An allowance of 2ilb. to ex-Griffins, imported into the Sirails Settlements or Native
      981 words
    • 495 16 Passengers Leaving. Aug. q.— Per C. Apcar: For Penang.— Miss Maskel, Mr. M. Kent, Mr. M. Noonbei, Mr. and Mrs. Lim Tiang Hoon, Mr. Khu Tean Poh, Mr. Tan Khean Hock, Mr. Khu Cheng 800, Mr. Khu Khay Suan. For Calcutta.— -Mrs. Sassoon, Master Sassoon. NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA.! (JAPAN MAIL
      495 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 702 16 vie.-ot-Wai Placi and Tool Commandos Arrived P rO m Fo 5* 18 Bril cruis f 770 Sir B. Wrey 2 Kmli KUn. Ri V«SUTIO l3 427 Zezi ffi* Ven^e hTI!' a Other Vessels Fla*. Ton, Ma.ter. Arr.ved Fro." Con.^nee. p Anokwar Dut. qi Tjan Au R 13 Sambas
      702 words
    • 278 16 Passengers Arrived by the Mai s. Au^ p. P»r Coromandel From Hongkong.^ Mr. C J. I^ttnee, Mr. Hose, Mr. D. Beatty, Mr. G. Ci. Wilson, Mr. Peacock. Aus*. «2. Per Parramatta: From London.— Mr. Black. From Marseilles.— Mr. D. A. d. Reid, Mr W. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Leechman. From
      278 words