The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 21 September 1899

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 284 1 .EADJNfi Articles The Contested Suzerainty, 177 The Orange Free State, 177 France and Hainan, 177 Alfred Milner'i Despatch, 178 1 Enthusiasm, 178 The Transvaal Despatch, 178 Jhe 1854 Kiots, 178 A Pardon for Dreyfus, 178 ruisers for the Cape, 178 OURT News. Kat/ Bros. v. Kirn Hin I? Co.,
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  • 51 1 Subscribers to the Singapore Free Press Weekly returning from Europe to the Straits by any of c mail lines are invited to send to the Manager he name of their steamer and date of arrival m Singapore. Copies will then be mailed to meet em at the various ports of
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  • 51 1 Domestic Occurrences. BIRTHS. At M Olga Lodge" on the 2 th instant, the wife of Otto Scmwemer, of a son. At v Rochalie," on the 16th instant, the wife of Dr. Fowlib, of a son. At Kajang, SeUngor, on the 1 ith instant, the wife of Wallace Cook, of a
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  • 538 1 Here shall the F'rrs.. tKr People's right maintain, 'nawed by influence and unbribed by gain; Mere patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw, fledged to Religion, Loyalty, and Law. (bept. 14th.) To-day's telegram refers entirely to the text of the final Imperial despatch to the Transvaal Government, which
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  • 458 1 (Sept. 15th.) Reuters agent at Bloemfontein, the capital town of the Orange Free State, is responsible tor the statement that at an assembly of the burghers of that Republic "it was resolved to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Transvaal m case of hostilities." Although Reuter's
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  • 180 1 1 he Hoihow .jrrespondent of tint China Mail writes 4 The school which has beer; opened by the Tonkin government for the instruction of the Hainanese m the French language ha- been opened m Hoihow, am 1 is, I hear, m su: operation Ihi* scheme i-i a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 93 1 Fraser Neave, Ltd. PRINTERS, PUBLISHERS, AND COMMERCIAL STATIONERS IUK Printing Establishment is the largest and most complete m the Mraits Settlements its stock of type continually being augmented by jiditions from the best makers, and it fitted up with the most modern machinery for producing First-class Work of every description.
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    • 42 1 Our Highly Refined Prime Cocoanut Oil Tasteless, Odourless free frcm Acids Suitable for all culinary purposes IS NOW OBTAINABLE FROM McALISTER Co. HOON KEAT Co. ANN LOCK Co. YONG LEE SENG Co. AND WHOLESALE AT THE BINTANG OIL MILLS 119, HAVELOCK ROAD.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 444 1 THE WEEK. The latest London mail to hand is that of Aug. 26th, arriving by the Tonkin on the 19th inst. The mail of Sept. comes by the Parramatta, due on Saturday, 23rd. This homeward mail is taken by the Bengal on Friday. The Legislative Council sat but for a
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  • 196 2 (Sept. ?6th.) CONCERNING the despatches from Sir Alfred Milner, whose general sense is indicated m to-day's Reuter's telegram, it is enough to point out that these precede m point of time the events that have Mnce simplified and defined the situation. The offered five years franchise
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  • 292 2 (Sept. igjh.) Rkuter's telegram to-day, as already on a late occasion, does not illuminate the actual situation but merely gives a glimpse into what is past history. All this diplomatic fencing m the despatches has been cancelled and superseded by the decision of i he Boer Government
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  • 224 2 (Sept. 1 8th.) There is little to be said about the main topic of the moment the Transvaal crisis but this, that the Boers appear to be bent on burning their bridges behind them, and inviting the dread arbitrament of war." From the Imperial point of view this
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  • 135 2 The China Express says Colonel Charles James, who has just died at Bedford, m the seventy-second year of his age, took an active part m suppressing the Chinese Rising of 1854, at Singapore, an event which only a few of us can now remember." Col. James, was
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  • 768 2 (Sept. 20th.) So DREYFUS is to be pardoned, after the recent mockery at Rennes, by the French Cabinet, on principle. We should greatly desire to know what that principle may be. Certain it is that a great deal of what took place during the Court Martial,
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  • 178 2 H. M. S. Terrible is ordered to take the place of her sister ship, H. M. S. Powerful, due here immediately from Hongkong. These big ships, as might have been expected, are to proceed via the Cape of Good Hope. Needless to say that very probably
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  • 169 2 Transports for Indian Troops. Calcutta, Aug. 31. Among the latest firms approached by the Government are Messrs. Ai.derbon, Wright Co., who are Agents for the Natal direct line of steamers. This line compiises the steamers Umona, Unzinto. Umkusi and Congella and three of these would
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  • 186 2 Shortly before noon yesterday, m Oxford-Mreet. about a hundred yards or so east of the Circus, Esterhazy was recognized walking between two friends, apparently Frenchmen. A few people began, says the Daily News, to groan at him, and attracted by the noise a crowd
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  • 1186 2 Nhw Stumers. Messrs. William Doxford and Sons hay- i cd from their yard at Pavilion, the Clan v the tenth vessel of the turret type built T flr< Clan Line of steamers Limited, Glasgow (\s tr# C^ yzcir L7 me and Co >» an <* the S2 nd
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  • 690 3 Jewish offices m town are closed to-day for the feast of The Atonement. The French authorities m Tonkin have moved up reinforcements to the Chinese frontier. Liquid fuel is being tried on several of the Japanese railways for locomotive purposes. The engagement is announced of Mr.
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  • 462 3 The China Mutual S. S. Co.'s steamer Ching-wo, 2,517 tons, Capt. Harris, arrived her* yesterday from Amoy and Hongkong with a large number of coolies on board. She brought from Amoy to Singapore 406 males, 1 1 females and 21 children, total 438. From Amoy to Penang
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  • 336 3 11 a people who are the most perfect adepts at conspiracy and vile machinations of all kinds Extract from the Legal Member's speech at Tuesday's Legislative Council Meeting. 1 am no tender Griffin, full of charitable views Shocked by every anti- Native word that
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  • 732 3 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by honest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronomer's game, and the philosopher's game, which whettes thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and hurts no body m the mean season." Problem No. 176 (Grimshaw) is solved as follows 1 R-KBi, PxR(Q); 2 Kt-B
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  • 266 3 The appended pretty game was played by Mr. H. E. Atkins m the recent minor tournament at Amsterdam (a) Necessary m order to prevent P-K4, which gives Black an attacking game. (b) Good again. The idea is the same namely, to effect the exchange of Queens if
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  • 594 3 A white coal mine nas been discovered m Hokkaido. The Universal Gazette confirms our Peking telegrams as to the crisis m the capital, and it also states that word has been received to the effect tha: the Coup d'/tat is expected to occur some time daring
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  • 88 3 M. Defrance, who arrived from Paris on the 3rd instant and has since remained here as the guest of M. Brandt, the Consul for Austria-Hungary, will leave next week by the Tonkin for Saigon en route to Bangkok where he is Minister Plenipotentiary for France. Corporal Almond, of the Kova.
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  • 2122 4 Sept. 13th 1899. The Ordinary fortnightly meeting was held today, there being present, Mr. A. Gentle, President 1 Messrs. Riccard, Anthonisz, Evans, Nanson, Sohst and Choa Giang Thye. On the confirmation of the minutes, some discussion arose as to the position of the debate on the Town Hall,
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  • 306 4 The following telegram from Raub, dated 13th September, 1899, has been received by the Local Secretary, The Raub Gold Mining Company, Limited: Crushing finished, 2550 tons stone realised 1600 ounces smelted gold. This, which is a smaller turn-out of gold per ton of stone than usual, was quite
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  • 144 4 The Kmfress Dowager's Envoy to Visu Canton. (Special to China Mmil.) Shanghai, Sept. 4.— The Empress- Dowager's special commissioner Kang-yi has sailed from this port for Canton on board the China Merchants Sieam Navigation Co.'s steamer Anping. It is stated that the object of his coming to Canton
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  • 88 4 (Kobe Chronicle.) Plague m Mauritius. London, 28th August.— News from Mauiitius for the week ending the 24th inst. states that during the week forty-five cnses of plague were reported, with thirty-three deaths. The United States and Trade m the Sulus. London, 2Qth August. An announcement has been made that
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  • 208 4 The following piece* of land and her property were put up for auction at \J Powell Cos. saleroom yesterday aft noon. The residence known as No. a Orchard road was bought by Mr. B. Nathan fc $3,700; two allotments, area 5 742 situated at Kampong Martin, ne tr
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  • 57 4 I lie Acting Secretary of the Punjon Mining Company, Limited, has received 1 telegram from the Mines, giving the result of the August clean up, as Follows:— The mill ran 29 days, crushing 2,65<; tons, yielding 203 ounces of Smelted Gold Concentrates produced 50 tons. (The return of
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  • 106 4 Corps Orders by Major the Hon'ble A. Murra; Commandant, Singapore Volunteer Artillery. Head Quarter Office, Fort Pullcrton, Singapore, 14th Sept»-mt,rr, iBy«j 1. Orderly Officer for the ensuing week Capt. W. G. St. Clair. Orderly Sergeant for the enduing weeix Sergt. H. A. E. Thomson. 2. Parades. Monday
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  • 192 4 WARRE N FOOTBALL SHIELD IST Koi ND. The match "E" Coy. v. G Co). Kings Own Kegt.. was played at Tanglin on the 14th inst. In the first half 'G' pressed v< rv bare: and succeeded m getting near to their opponents' goal several timrs but without any result. Just
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  • 92 4 TWO STBAMEKS BaDL'i U\M\i.t Hongkong, September 8. Captain Robson, of the Douglas steamer Hail which arrived this morning fron. Ports, reports that a collision early on the morning of the ;tli ins! the Lammocks, between the Han Amerika liner Suevia and the Cbil steamer Kiangpak. The Kiangpak
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  • 49 4 The alarming behaviour of water pipe m Grange-road is leported to us, that pie who ride or drive m the vicinity M) be on their guard. The noise of the pratei let off by the Javanese responsible foi the operation can be heard fifty yard and quite alarms hordes.
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  • 714 5 Mr. A J. Ross is a homeward passenger rv the French mail. The report that coal had been discovered near Weihaiwei is untrue. !an won the Deli Planter's Cup yesv on Sayles. A rikisha puller for failing to return two kag< I left by his fare
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  • 756 5 It will be remembered that the Municipa 1 Engineer compiled a report on lighting Singapore, which was to be submitted to an electrical expert at home to report on. Mr. H. R. J. Burstall, M.I. RE., M.l. mc. and m.i.k Ei was selected for the purpose
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  • 85 5 The Secretary of Stale has been pleased 10 confirm the perpetual suspension from office of Dr. \V. N. Bott, late Government Analyst and Science Lecturer, Singapore. Malacca is now free from rinderpest. There is an outbreak of anthrax among sheep at Penang, 102 cases having occurred all of
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  • 708 5 Long before Professor Koch, (who is now at present m Singapore) turned his attention to malaria we wrote on the question of the high coolie mortality m Borneo, Pahang and elsewhere, and hazarded the theory that possibly malaria might also prove to be of bacillus origin
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  • 269 5 THE "CHING-WO CASE. We understand that all efforts to persuade the local Government to allow the Cking-wo (which was yesterday ordered outside the wateis of the Colony tor having committed a breach of the quarantine regulations m calling at Hongkong, a proclaimed port, while on a voyage with immigrants from
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  • 518 5 Dr. G. E. Morrison, the able correspondent of The Times at Peking, arrived here this morning by the French mail steame~ Ernest Simons. He is returning to London via India for a short rest from the labours of his responsible post, of a vigilant and capable observer of
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  • 55 5 hjsi Monthly Mfdal. Owing to the obstructions on the link;, for the (Jueen's birthday, the August meda) was only played tor on Friday, Bth September, 1899. K. L.WhittaU 47-5 tm [.A.Ross 47-5 42J tL 1). r,. KoaC 41 -f-4 45 J. U Burt 49+1 S° H. V.
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  • 59 5 The orders of the day for next Tuesday's meeting contain a motion by the Colonia' Secretary for a vote of §10,000 towards the expenses of the Penang Municipal Commissioners m suppressing the outbreak ot plague. The United Kingdom Probates Bill i^ down for 3rd reading: the Final Supply
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  • 52 5 H. M. S. Pigmy arrived at Shanghai o the 3rd inst. and was to proceed to Hankow on Tuesday or Wednesday. The Russian cruisers Rurik and Admiral Korniloff arrived at Nagasaki on the 30th ulto and the Vladimir MonomacJi and tht French cruiser yean Batt arrived on the
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  • 35 5 The return match between the Sv\ immiog Club and tb*» Roy. Artillery will be played at Tanjong Katong next Sunday. The Swimming Club launch will leave John-tor c Pi( r at 9 a.m
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  • 73 5 Ihu Hongkong marksmt j r. hav< bej practice for the Inter-Colonial RifU 1 Match The remaining m mber- of la-t ycaf I Singapore tea with Capt. Hibbert, X o.R. Capt. Lewi- Jones, k k Lt. Vetey, R.I are invited to meet on Hale=ti» r Range, at 345 p- m n
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  • 2512 6  -  W.J. Ford. [All Rights Reserved.] By VIII. The County Championship A Review. It is of course quite premature for any one, writing m the middle of August, to attempt to forecast with accuracy the result of the County Championship, the last •match of the series not being played till
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  • 240 6 The Universal Gazette hears that the British Charge d' Affaires at Peking recently consultid with the Tsungli Yamen with reference to allowing Biitish naval officers to reorganise the Chinese navy. Colonel Arthur R. F. Dorward, n.5.0., r.e., the new Commissioner and Administrator of Weihaiwei, is not
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  • 410 6 "CCo M K.O.R.t,.TA NJ oNr,P Ar ARF Tanjong Pagar met "C"Co., X 0 d for the second time on the Esplanade \l evening, under very favourable conditi. the turf was all that could be desi re fc he weather kept fine throughout ju last encounter between these
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  • 236 6 From information received on the 13th, the Chief Police Officer, the Chief Inspec(or, and a party of police went before day break on -he 14th to investigate a repoi mutder at a house two mi'es m from ttu Bukit Tunah-road at Ihe fourth mil< -!one. The
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  • 239 6 The A'oss.ja is showing great coi cem ill i to Ku-.s a* position m the Far I i and the relations between Russia and lapan. I opinion ihe line of action lor both Pow< I enough: ''Russia withdrew of it-, own accord from Korea, so that the
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  • 632 7 seventeen fowls were stolen from the jsc of Dr. Simon yesterday morning. P. C. M O. is absent m Penang. This morning the body of a female child jgl found m a dustbin m Nankin-street. ared to b* about seven days old and V)or<> no marks
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  • 44 7 I -ions have now been received m on that the Ching-wo t the vessel ordered to leave the port for a i ol the quarantine regulations, is to to Amoy, as we reported she would., Ht) the first. She leaves at once.
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  • 1117 7 1 Quicquid agunt homines nostrt est farrago libelli j Juvenal. j The curtain has rung down on the Farce- Tragedy at Rennes. With that close of < scene the audience, the civilisation of the s world, has damned the play M with a < unanimity that
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  • 768 7 (Overland Mail.) On Monday the Primate, with the concurrence of the Archbishop of Y-. rk. gave his decision m a brief, lucid and convincing form business-like and practical the Tim- s c.ills it) on the two questions of the use of i. cense and of processional lights
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  • 268 7 Oh Governor, Sweet Governor, for all the sins you've done, As you hope to be forgiven forgive the ship this one. You're clearly m the right you know, but to give the Oe'il her due, She's penitent expression from her earring to her clew. Suppose she has no
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  • 273 7 A very successful variety concert was given by the Amateur Dramatic Club of the King's Own m the Theatre at Tanglin Barracks last night. There was, as usual, a very crowded house and besides the men from the regiment, who heartily enjoy themselves on these occasions, there
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  • 139 7 A correspondent to the Civil and Military Gazette writes Those of your readers who an. interested m the subject may care to be reminded that this year completes one of the recurring cycles of 33 year;-, when there is an unusually fine display of these meteors m August
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  • 57 7 m Fair Bicyclist (hysterically) "Oh, Mr. Otticet somebody m- stolen my bicycle! Officer. Phat koind uv i looking boicock will ut I bajr Bicyclist: Why, i*. waa high-geared, nollow axle, solf-o ling, dtiachable ures, movable spoke, nuds double ball-bearing^ and -oh, yes—now I I come to think i it, mv
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  • 1712 8 (Spectator.) The position of affairs m the Transvaal remains s critical as ever. Since this is the case, we are compelled to deal with it again, though at the risk of wearying our readers. The most important change m the past week has been
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  • 128 8 MUNICIPAL EXPENDITURE IN JAPAN. Matters of six-and-eight pence don't worry the municipal mind m Japan. They do a big thing there when it is wanted We read The Kobe Municipal autlv rities hive at las 1 decidtd on a scheme for the reconstruction of Kobe harbour. According to the estimate
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  • 247 8 THE YACHT "TOLNA" AND THE CANNIBALS. The story of the Tolna (the yacht of Count Festetics) being chased by Solomon Island cannibals has been, we suppose, published at every port touched at by that vessel during its long drawn out cruise. I lit- yarn has had a m-w 1 ase
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  • 898 8 <from 0w own Correspondents General van Hentsz has by a six-day journey, protected only by a half squadron of cavalry, crossed from Diamond Point to Pangkalan Brandan, the seat of the v Royal" Petroleum Company, m the Tamiang Division ot the Residency of the East Coast of Sumatra,
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  • 566 8 Poor Mr. Norton Kyshe. formerly Quila well known m this colony, now at M kong, will feel a bit shaken when he down to read the Times critique on h lucubration. And Mr. Norton-Kyslie to take himself so seriously, too. Thus Times Legal
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  • 239 8 Mr. Mil.ku v Buowv. The news has been hailed with cMi^U thai Mi McLeavy Brown has renewed hi the Kmperor, though the salary he tl Corea is less than half that to which I *il b entitled m China. Under him the Corean( u»iom is a modul
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  • 82 8 The Chief Justice sat for tin A Saturday and took the 19 I V Chai, njakin^ a false tutry m a«^ book. The aci us< irai found n»l and was discharged. To-day th Justice was d m hearing 11 a^.iinst Goh S n^j for rape. I luagainst a rikinha owner
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  • 175 9 The annual general meeting of the Club hrld m the Pavilion last evening, there being but a poor attendance. The Hon'ble R Collver took the chair, and the report and accounts were passed without -tion The election of officers resulted as follow S. President. Hon'ble VV. R.
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  • 254 9 Sympathy with thi Boms. (China M r Corresj tuUtti *i 1 1 2}.— l promised you that I know as far as possible what the opinion might be among the Dutch m to tl .ILa ol the general disputes at raging b* gland and the Transvaal. know,
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  • 259 9 'r British steamer ngaged m the American transport service] i from Manila th; s morning, and the town ill <1 iy with American soldiers. The brought up General Fuiiston, 800 men of loth Kansas I S. and about 400 time--1 volunteers ol the regular army. These I it>^
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  • 114 9 return match at water-polo, played Swimming Club yesterday between < lub and the X was another good i. o( the game, brin^ last, well !•<), and showing much improvement 'llu first l».ilt was ve/y even, Ili m le scoring two goals, the K.A. goal -.i\iug many but shots. In the
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  • 618 9 H.M S. Redpole left for Penang at half past seven this morning. The proposed British Subjects Association J is the topic of the week m Kuala Lumpor. The Sri SamarinJa, a screw steamer of 1 06 tons, was to day sold by Messrs. Powell and Co.
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  • 1405 9 1 (We extract the follo-aing from a private letter i to a friend from a gentleman living m Saigon.) N Now my dear F. lam of course de- 1 lighted to hear of your engagement and < approaching marriage, and I sincerely hope both you and
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  • 345 9 Mr. Dun man's K.O.R. This match u.ia played at Tanglin on Saturday and eruitd m a draw. The visitors batted first, and closed their innings at seven wickets down for 192 runs, of which Airey contributed 70 The Regiment replied with 122 runs for the loss of hve
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  • 988 10 AN EXPERT OPINION. The alternative Permanent Memorial Scheme, which now may be considered to hold the field from the natural and anticipated break down of the former faulty scheme, is to-day presented to all the parties concerned, the Government, the Municipality, the Subscribers and the Ratepayers,
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  • 231 10 United States Voluntbbrs v. Hongkong Volunteers. A most interesting shooting match took place at Kowloon yesterday afternoon (10th) when teams selected fro.n the U. S. Volunteers brought over from Manila m the Tartar and the Hongkong Volunteer Corps competed again>t each other. The affair attracted quite a large
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  • 91 10 Mr. Nicholson gives some returns of mining for 1897 and 1898 m the N. S. Government Gazette. r\ \Fv Tons Value, Tons Value, Q Gold i, 1060/. 3,148 1,200 07.. 3,097 Tin 12,459 738,839 10,564 725,028 Tin Ore 8,490 480,887 9,138 627,667 Selangor. Tin 7(4
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  • 294 10 Mr. Harvey Chevallier visited Batu Bersawali, Negri Sembilan, on Aug. 25th with Capt. Lawson, the Chairman of the Syndicate. In his report he says On the 21 si instant, I went with Captain Lawson to Rantau Petal (half a mile down-stream from Batu Bersawah), where the Cherubang Company
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  • 915 10 The Birthday Celebrations. Johore, Sept. 17. The 26th Anniversary of H. H. The Sultan's birthday was celebrated here to-day. The public buildings and many private houses were decorated, while Venetian masts lining the roads gave quite a festive appearance to the scene. The first ceremony was that of the
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  • 232 10 r rT 1 i? ha c c t0 report that Mr. I Cj. G. Wheatley, Superintendent of T^l graphs for British North Borneo die/ Lamag, on the Kinabatangan River the sth5 th inst, after an exceeding y\' h o r t il ness. Though deceased was but 36
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  • 61 10 1 he following is the result of til election of office bearers m which between sixty and seventy took part: /W^,_M r R.V. Careyj Viet President,Mr. Robson Hon. Secretary, -Mr. H. *v,|| Com™ttee: Messrs.— Hampshire, Tamboiis my |< lne Nicholas, Joaqum, Meikle, Cook, Wm H
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  • 137 10 (Malay Mail.) Mr. G. H. D. Bourne is proceeding t S ban to t»ke charge of the Straits Trading Com pany's business there. During the absence on leave of Mr xon Mr. Cosgrave is to act as the Superintendent oi Works, .\e^ri Sembilan. Mr. and Mrs. Hill are
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  • 430 10 The cruiser Li^urim has left Spezzia to join the Italian Squadron m the Chinese waters. New crews for the l.b.d's Handy and Hart othe China Station will be conveyed to Hongkong by thf Terrible. The go-knot torpedo-boat destroyer Kagcro \\>\ launched irom the yard of Messrs. John
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  • 60 10 On the i inft, a Chinaman went tv a Kling money changeri m Southbridge-road with seven 20 cent pieces to be changed They wen t Kind to be counterfeit the iGth the same Chinaman went again with aj > nl piece, ftod this time th< police were called and ihree
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  • 688 11 Dr. Yersin left m the Amherst yesterday tfternoon for a tour m the Native States. Three fresh cases of small-pox and one th arc reported from Pulau Tekong. We acknowledge with thanks the receipt the Sii gapore Municipality Administration Rep* rt for 1898. V. field Bonser, with
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  • 324 11 LEGISLATIV E COUNCIL. Tuesday, September 19, 1899. PRKSKNT E *J hC G VCr u nOr^ r C B H Mitchell, G.C.M G.) The Hon'dle the Officer Commanding the Troops (H. E. M Mor General Dickson, c.b.) the Col. Secretary (Sir Alex. Swetten ham, k.c.m.g.) the Col. Treasurer (F. G. Penney),
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  • 147 11 Sufficient funds having now been promised to justify the Provisional Committee m proceeding with ihe scheme for getting nurses from England, m accordance with the resolutions passed at a Public Meeting held m the Town Hall on the 19th Ap il, a further meeting of subscribers
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  • 260 11 A Brutal Outrage by Soi.dirrs. September 2nd. —The night before last about nine o'clock, two U. S. coloure 1 soldiers one armed with a revolver, forced an entrance into a Hil pino house on C tile Pi incite. At woik insi le they found an old Filipino
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  • 93 11 The death, from heart disease, is announced of Professor Peterson, of the Elphinstone College, Bombay, where for many years he occupied the chair of Oriental Languages. We recollect Peter Pe terson, who was ot Shetland extraction, as a High School boy and student at Edinburgh University, from thirty six to
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  • 486 11 THE OLD SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS OF 1854. Mr. W. H. Read, c.M g writes from London under date nth August, 1899: "Overhauling sundry papers the other Hay I came across an old photograph of the Volunteers of 1854. It must have been taken m the late Fifties, say 1858. 1 thought
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  • 67 11 Two Thousand Plague Corpses m Godowns. Shanghai, September 9— A foreign doctor has made a most alarming and sensation 1 discovery m four godowns at Newchwang. In the godowns were ranged up m tiers two thousand coffins containing the corpses of Chinese who recently dud from
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  • 202 11 The Russian Government intends opening a school at Vladivostock for the study of the Chinese, Korean and Japanese languages, besides a special course m the geography of Japan and Korea. Ei^ht hundred regulars have been despatched from Japan to Foi mosa to help to keep the
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  • 19 11 A bicycle was found m the five-foot way m Albert street (or which there is no owner at present.
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  • 43 11 The Monthly Medal at the Sepoy Lines Golf Club will be played for on Saturday next, the 23rd, instead of Saturday the 30th, as the latter day has be>-n chosen for the Horse and Dog Show at Tyers* 1
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  • 92 11 The fifth Edition of Wright's Australian, Indian, China and Japan TrauV Directory, including Canada, South ami Central America, the West Indies, Mexico and South Africa, is a big bo k neceftl rily, and is a great advance up. ii the previous editions. It is published m s York
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  • 181 11 ROUTED THE TUSKER WITH A PICK-AXE. A thrilling story of derring do, thoroughly exemplifying the matchless con i of the trueburn Briton, reaches me (Curr. Ma y Mail) from the wilds of Sempam, where th«r mine f r biji, and where many ferocious bear do prowl by night. A certain
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  • 168 11 Hongkong is invaiiably imlr t Ito the Singapore Free Press says the China R- >il for all news regarding the preliminary arrang ments for the Interport Rifle Match. We notM thai reference is made to the desirability of estab shing a trophy for this interesting match.
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  • 229 11 \(L.&C Express.) The French authorities m Ind)-China have conceived the idea of having a regiment of Chinese Tira-lleurs for service m their co' >ny. Possibly the example set at Wei-hai-Wei has led then» 10 adopt thu principle. Their iormer native soldiers, the A mamites, noa- serving, have been
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  • 155 11 Several pieces of land were put up for auction at Mr. W. F. C. Asinont's saleroom, 7 Change Alley, yesterday afternoon. A piece of land m Church-- 1 was bought m for §8,600, the highest bid reaching $8,300 a piece of land m Omar-st. was sold to Shaik
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  • 42 11 Prince RanjiNinhji, the w**ll known member of the Sussex Cou i»y team, lias established a record m batiln^. He his, during the present season, scored no let! than 2,837 runs which constitutes a rrcord for an aggregate sc«»re during i»m» h >..n
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  • 1019 12 The Transport Service. Bombay, Sept. II. Up to two o'clock to-day, twenty-two transports had been chartered for the conveyance of the Indian contingent to the Transvaal, namely, eighteen steamers of the British India Steam Navigation Company, one belonging to the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation
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  • 260 12 We observe that one of our Singapore contemporaries has taken up the subject of the selfishness of the heads of firms prohibiting their representatives m the Straits from accepting seats m »he Legislative Council or Municipality, and consequently throwing these into the hands of Government,
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  • 526 12 (Via Ceylon. Rennes, Sept. 7. Maitre Labori, on being informed that Col. Schwartzkoppen and Co!. Panizlardi were willing to testify on Commission, formally applied to the Court to appoint a ommission. Although a representative from the Foreign Office, who was present, said that he believed the Foreign Office wou'd
    526 words
  • 1087 12 (Up to Sept. i st.) General Joubert, the Commandant-General of the Transvaal, has issued instructions forbidding (he commandeering of strangers. Apprehending a Boer raid, the Portuguese troops at Lorenzo Marques, are being kept constantly under arms. In the course of his speech at Birmingham on
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  • 123 12 I Consul-General Pratt, ot Singap transmits to the Department tor F 0 Commerce, copy of a letter addre him to General Otis, at Manila, m he states that upon relinquishing his r tion m the consular service he contetrv. the establishment of a line of steai
    123 words
  • 73 12 Riots m Ahmrdabad. Bombay, Sept. 13.—N, ws has beei from Ahmedabad oi serious disturij <• m the Panch Mahats. Several persons have been kill Tribxl Dis. i/ri m The Bhils and olher turbulent trib the authorities trouble. Troops bin, patchei to the scene from Baroda. India Survbtor-Ginira^hii alcutta,
    73 words
  • 26 12 The French transport Chodd ai from S^i^on this morning, bound h ward with 249 soldiers and a fen passengers. She will probabiy leave for Marseilles to-morrow.
    26 words
  • 304 12 Singapore, September n, iSgg. Means, Long per catty ct. i\ Do., French i!,>. i Becl j Beef Steak 4 Bean Sprout^ dn. Bamboo Sprouts Blachan do. lii injals Cabbage, Batavia d«.. \M \)o., C'liina Nil Do., Salted do. Carrots, Imported Nil I )i>. F Singapore Capons do.
    304 words

  • 695 13 Mr. L J. Fraser, of Tras, who has been )own with malaria is now m Singapore, much better. A Bengali convict named Kalu was yesterday committed for trial on a charge of causing hurt to another convict by striking him with a stick and breaking his
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  • 330 13 A Letter from Mrs. Rudyard KifLiNG. It was m 1834 that Mr. Joseph Balestier, an American, established himself m Singapore as a merchant, with offices m Battery Road. In addition to his mercantile business Mr. Balestier was a planter, the existence of his sugar plantation, now disappeared
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  • 579 13 No one can hold more strongly than I do that too great a liking for what we sailors call the shore threatens to become highly detrimental to naval efficiency. At the same time, it is a simple historical lact that the officers of more than
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  • 59 13 Says the Malay Mail: It is curious, but true, that a lady, who arrived from Singapore yesterday, accompanied by her adopted father, has come here with no other object than to recover her wedding ring, which has been stolen from her. A cause c ebre m the Police Court here
    59 words
  • 1874 13 The following is the Mine Manager's Report for the months of July and August 1899:— Mining. Raub Hole. At the date of my last report we were getting some phenomenally rich ore, i,oio ounces per ton, m a small chute of stone we had cut 50 It. down the
    1,874 words
  • 294 13 A few years ago, before the Referees m ootball matches were invested with such full powers as now and perhaps before Ihey had acquired the courage to use them disputes m cup-ties used to be common. It is to be hoped that the tendency to acrimony
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  • 1845 14 Katz Brothers Ltd. v. Kirn Hin Co. Before his departure for Malacca on Monday the Chief Justice delivered the following important trade mark judgment.-— The plaintiffs claim is for an injunction to restrain the defendants from importing into and selling m Singapore brandy m bottles with a label
    1,845 words
  • 244 14 (l\ataL Mercury, Aug. \\>.) The Daily News says that at the last Transvaal crisis the Kaiser telegraphed to President Kruger he is now coming to see the Queen. The contrast is significant. In an interview telegraphed to the Nercste Nachrichten, a torn er Liberal Minister is represented as
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  • 98 14 Mathematicians concerned with tne calculation ot chances, and poker players who are still dreaming of the advent of a royal flush, will learn with interest of a hand played the other night at Simla. The pack had the small cards out up to the six, and, when
    98 words
  • 177 14 The Company playing at the I own Hall on Thursday evening is not altogether unknown m Singapore, Dr. Harley having visited us before, some years ago, since which time he has toured Java and Australia where he met his coadjutors m Mr. Martin and Miss Ridgeway, ihe burlesque and comic
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  • 25 14 We arc asked to say that the hour fixed for the meeting of subscribers on Monday next is 4.45 p.m. precisely.
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  • 293 14 The Madras University has obtained a Coat of Arms from the College of Heraldry with the motto Doctrina vim promovet insitam" But a good many old Edinburgh Institution men m the Far East will recognise the old motto as that of their old Queen Street School. The M.M. steamer Tonkin
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  • 125 14 Ihe Parliamentary bull may not be fashionable at Westminster, but, observes the Daily Chronicle it flourishes still m Greater Britain. There has just been a debate m the Parliament of Victoria on a proposal to reintroduce religious teaching into the public schools of that colony. An opposing
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 235 14 Light Railways PORTABLE AND PERMANENT RAILWAY FISHER FOSTER HAVE IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Light Rails, and Rolling Stock, Suitable for Work at Mines, Quarries Brickfields, Sugar Estates, Saw Mills, 14 and 20 ib rails, with or without steel sleepers. Wagons, Platform, side or end tipping, timber and other classes.
      235 words
    • 79 14 Messrs G. R .LAMBERT Cc Ha.vlr.4j added consxierably to ther already arge collodion of Singapore Views and T.its are now oitering them witl: New Jpanese other Albums ALSO Views of Bangkok, and Native States &c. A large collection of New Photogravures Fro:-. Messrs. MARION Co., with ,p«oal cheap rates for
      79 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 648 14 CLEARANCES. September 14, Hebe, Brit, str., Inkster, for Penang and Del, Clivb, Bnt. str., Coleman, for Labuan tadfi I Vorwarts, Ger. str., Bruhn, for Sarawa Ching Wo, Brit, str., Harris, for Sea CI KUnr HYA Hrit Str Jcllicoe for MalMcaa* Libblle, Brit str., McGill. for Borneo, Syfca* Philippines Is. Bangkok,
      648 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 547 15 Raffles Hotel. PATRONIZED by Royalty, Nobility and Distnguished Personages, including H. K. H. Prince Damron H. R. H. Prince Scvaster. His Grace The Duke of Newcastle. The Right Hon'bleThe Earl 01 Dysart. Lord and Lady Braye. Lord Drrmer. Lord Cecil Lord Valletort. Uajor General Sir HenryCollett, K.C.B. Sir Francis Boileau,
      547 words
    • 217 15 RILEY, HARGREAVES CO., LTD. ENGINEERS, Boiler-Makers, Shipbuilders AND General Contractors. WE ARE PREPARED TO SUPPLY FROM STOCK Lubricants. 'Engoline" Cylinder Oil, specially suited for Oil, Gps Steam Engines, reducing wear to a minimum, price 1/35 per gallon. Heavy Axle and Mineral Lubricating Oils Boiler Covering. Patent Mica Dust, Fossil Meal
      217 words
    • 920 15 Singapore Sporting Club. REVISED PROGRAMME FOR THE AUTUMN RACE MEETING, 1899. This Programme is substituted for that previously published. October 24th, 26th 28th. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 24th October. First Race. The Maiden Plata.— Value $250. A Race for Maiden Horses Weight as per scale (lost.) > An allowance of 2
      920 words
    • 488 15 The Singapore Free Press. AMD Mercantile Advertiser Cable Address, Advertiser, Singapore. Tblephoni Number. No. 61. Published at 30-3, Raffles Place, Singapore. THE leading English Newspaper m the Straits Settlements Johore, the Federated Native States of Perak, Selangor, Sungei Ujong, Pahang, the Negri Sembilan British North Borneo; Sarawak, Netherlands Indies. Java
      488 words

  • 138 16 THE TRANSVAAL CRISIS. Gist of the Imperial Despatch. The Terms Required. The Suzerainty Outside all Discussion. The last British despatch to the Transvaal states that the British Government is unable to consider any proposal dependent on the acceptance of the Transvaal's claim to the status of a Sovereign
    138 words
  • 203 16 Sir Alfred Milner's Last Published Despatch. Urges Insufficiency all Franchise Proposals. Presses for Settlement of all Fending Differences. The Danger of Delay. A despatch, dated the 23rd August, from Sir Alfred Milner, High Commissioner for South Africa, has just been published. In this despatch Sir Alfred Milner
    203 words
  • 150 16 The Orange Free State. Will Help Transvaal m Event of a Rupture. A Reuter's Telegram from Bloemfontein states that at a meeting of the Orange River Free State burghers it was resolved too stand shoulder to shoulder with the Transvaal m case of hostilities. [Af Hoards the
    150 words
  • 70 16 A Contradiction. rhesUiemeDt ot the Times Paris Correspondent, as to the friendly intervention of the French Consul-General at Pretoria, is contradicted. Little Hope of Peace. From what ha> transpired of the Transvaal's reply, there is little hope of a pacific •ettlement. Young Boers Bellicose. Pretoria is much
    70 words
  • 116 16 Good Offices of The correspondent of the Times at Paris states that M. Delcasse has instructed the Consul- General for France m the Transvaal to use his influence with President Kruger m favour of an acceptance of Mr. Chamberlain's proposals. The Raads Sit m Secret. Both Houses
    116 words
  • 228 16 The Transvaal Despatch. The despatch of the Transvaal Government, m reply to that of the Secretary of State for the Colonies, alleges that its proposals [since abandoned) for a five years' residence for franchise, for one quarter of representation m the Lower Rand for Out landers, and
    228 words
  • 118 16 PARDON FOR DREYFUS. Dreyfus will not Proceed with His Appeal. The French Cabinet has decided, m principle, to pardon Capt. Dreyfus m a few days. Capt. Dreyfus therefore desists from his appeal for revision. THE CHINESE AND THE PHILIPPINES. An Official Protest Against American Exclusion. The Chinese Minister at Washington
    118 words
  • 49 16 THE TRANSVAAL CRISIS. BRITISH NAVAL RELIEFS. H. M. S. Terrible Succeeds Powerful." "Both Via the Cape." The Terrible has sailed to relieve the Powerful. Both vessels will travel via the Cape. Military Movements m Cape Colony. 1,200 troops have been despatched from Capetown to Kimberley. London, 20th September, iSqq.
    49 words
  • 80 16 (Specially compiled for the Singapore Free f'ress.) [Date of passing Anjer Nationality and description of vessel Captain's name Where and when sailed. Destination. Sep. 3. Dut. str., Gedb Le Clbrcu Rotterdam July 30 Batavia. Sep. 4. Am. bq., Gerard C. Tobev Shurtleff Sep. 5. Norvv. bq Rbgina
    80 words
  • 116 16 (September 20 iin -.0- Gambicr do. cube No. 1 5 O l Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) 21 \iz do. White, (Fair L/W=s%) 4 D Nutmegs uos to the Ib.) 68 do. (80s to the lb) Mace (Banda) Z\\ t. Cloves (Amboina) Liberian Coffee is so Tapioca, small pearl (Fan
    116 words
  • 388 16 Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Sharis Paid Bank of China and Japan, Ltd. £i Nominal. 2,000,000 450,068 100 87s 12 «c Deferred. S I J£"J BelPs Asbestos Eastern Agency. $3 Sellers. 10,000 f£ 8 »5 8 4 8,584 £1 Clear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. $100 25,000
    388 words
  • 69 16 (Corrected up to Septetn x On London. Bank 4 m/s demand i/ni Prvate credits g m/s documents 3 m/s credits 6 m/s „,j France, demand 246^ Germany, demand :^9^ India, T. T 145^ 1 Hongkong, demand diYokohama, dc.and 4i^ |>n 1 Java, demand 117^ Manila, demand 1% pir. Sovereigns,
    69 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 887 16 VESSKLS IN PORT Men-of-Wai Flags and Tons Commanders Arrived From For Wbao Phoenix Brit, sloop, 1050 R. P. Cochran Sept. 12 Cocos Is. Other Vessels Fiaes Tons Masters Arrived From Consignees For When Andalusia Ger. 3488 Schinfeldt Sept. 20 Hamburg Behn Meyer Hon<?k' m* W BanLiong Dut.275 Flak Aug. 13
      887 words
    • 157 16 Passengers Arriving by the Mail. Sept. 15.— Per Ernest Simons from Yokoh Mr. Hardy Junis. From Kobe.— M:. EL A Ancar. From Sh mghai. Mr. G. E. Mcrrisson Mr. Bouneh. From Hongkong.— Mr. t'abb Bohn, Mr. j. Williams. Sept. 17. Per Prcussen: From Shi ghai Mr. E. Heidenheimer, Mr. Liang,
      157 words