The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 2 February 1899

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 200 1 1 M «1 Otis, 5< Mutiny, v (Contribution Ag D »f Manila, '.'i P< r Cent*, f>6 < R t ht ol W 75 bduction i 'a^c. 75 Private < )l^st.ructions > 'in. 67 eel I earn, 7 S <trin^. I )I>ck O. 72 S fiools, 7^ I lub,
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 17 1 At Batu Gajah, Perak. on the ?8«h instant, the wife of H. F. Nutter, of H.-mghter.
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    • 69 1 On the 24th J,m.. at the Piobyterian Church, Singapore, by the Rev. S.S. Walker, Alexander SIM, Arran, to M*bDl Florence seventh daughter of S. Franklin, Ksq., Bow, I ondon. On the 31st January, at St. Andrew's Cathedral by the Yen. Archdencon Perham, Capt. Henry Sandys AINSLII sth (Northumberland) Fusiliers,
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  • 718 1 Htc dull thr v f the People'! right maintain, 'nave! by il tuence ant! imbribed by gain; 'Irre patriot r«ul her glorious precept* draw, l ".r! k ».l to Re .> n, Loyalty, and Law. (Jan. 261h) REUTER to-day gives u> a bit «»t news
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  • 907 1 (Jan 271b.) Yhk announcement of Mr. J. J. KESWICK'S unopposed election to Parliament Pui Epsom will renew to many still living in India and England the memories of the Grral White Mutiny of about sixteen years a^o. Lord RIPON, the most mischievous Viceroy who ever came
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 85 1 I •fore /'rec Press Week I a Europ< tu ihc Straits by any of nvited to send to ilie Manager twier and date ot anival in i will then \>c mailed to meet ol call. MSON'S WATCHES. r 'Ok\ LUDGATE HILL, LONDON. 0 I.M THE QUEEN. 1 a< tured and
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    • 55 1 MAYNARD &Co.,ito j i Wholesale Retail Chemist. Have the largest and most frequently renewed stocks in th< Strait-. Perfumery& Toilet Requisite Photographic Chemicals. i Homoeopathic Medicines Filters, &c, &c. ESTATES, HOSPITALS Ac DISPENSARIBS j Pebble Spectacles Folders in j Gold, Silver or Nickel. Ships' Chests Supplied Refilled. i 4, BATTEKY
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 337 1 I he outward mail from Europe arrives by the X. L). L. ss. Sachsen, with London ad vie t's to Ihe 7th u!t and will bt followed l>\ ihr M. M. s.s Caledonien on Tuesday next, with the English mails of the 14th ult This mail leaves by the M.
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  • 1063 2 (Jan. 30th.) Xo more sign Bean t indication JJol the impotent status of a Crown Colony could be provided than in the ominous announcement that appeared furtively on p 111 of the Government Gazette of Jan. 27th, nominally Friday, but really handed in to this ofiice
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  • 959 2 (Jan. 31st.) Although it is a great relief to knowthat General OTIS has been instructed to stay his hand in the Philippines, and that a special Commission is appointed to investigate the situation with a view of an adjustment of relations between the National
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  • 777 2 (Feb. rst) Let sleeping dogs lie fairl) i\ application, appearanceol expediency thai ed H. E the Governor a published eh that it in five and not that of Hie U>m ment has re-opened tli particular liability under tli we are of opinion that the turbance
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  • 85 3 1 yearly genet a] meeting of ihe 'I" 1 Marine C lul> was held last jl Club Rooms, there hung a I members The report j om shows that the member- <} '»)ut 480, that the half-year > hp. actual net profit of $107, the outstanding* of
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  • 87 3 I "1 tl c monthly m- dal played I isi at S ?poy Lines was as y\™ t 2 5 o is 9$ were s< veral other competitors |J in no scorei R val betrothals reported is 1 "I Saxe Altenburgh to Mary of Hanover. The
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  • 842 3 rhc man who attempted to set the Hotel de 1 hurope on fire, Mr. H. J. Prakke, has bC«O committed to tbe Lunatic Asylum by Air Saunders. J The Kfillang-road murder case was concluded at the Assises yesterday, when .No. I, Leng Ah Piat, was found
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  • 288 3 We propose to rub it into the scalp of those who need treatment, by quoting this and similar cases At the Magistracy to-day, (19 Jan.) a cook in the employment of Mrs. Wagner, Beryl,' Garden Road, Kowbon, was committed for trial for the attempted poisoning of five
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  • 213 3 A Malay's Exniti.lfCl. The survivors of the Clan Drummond, whi h foundered in the Bay of Biscay, with the supposed 10-s of 37 lives, while on a voyage to South Africa, arrived in the Mersey from Lisbon, aboard the Pacific Company's steamer Orgmnm. The Press Association's
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  • 78 3 Previous to his departure for St. Petershus^, the Russian Minister of (Marine, Vice Admiral Tyrtoff, made a protracted and close inspection ol tin- Volunteer Fleet vessels at present at Odessa. It is understood that tlie übject of the insi)- cm ion was to ascertain how, and hi
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  • 110 3 The recent census of cyclists in Prance, which has been made tot purposes of taxation, showthat there are 303 640 owners ol machines. In t!i Department of the Sei- c there are no fewer than 6?, 202 cyclists, while the largest number is to be found in
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  • 211 3 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by honest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronomer's game, and the philosopher's game, which whettes thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and hurts no body in the mean season." Problem No. 1 12 (Galitzky) is solved as follows: 1 Kt-K6, K-K5; 2K-K2,
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  • 23 3 Hy A. Cork i\s, Itah Black (3 pieces). White to play v <] mate in ihree moves. W Inie (5 pieces)
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  • 37 3 Hy (we believe) H. F. L. Meyer, London. Black (2 pieces). White to play and mate in two moves, romp-ire with the following two-mover by H Gray: 8/78/5Q /6 pi/6 111/8/5K2/8. White (3 pieces).
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  • 340 3 The much between Janowsky and Showalter his been resumed, and the eighth a wdlconte tod Huy Lopez, resulted ii a draw after nearly nine hours' play, whilst the ninth was won by Janowsky through an Oversight of Showalter's. Score. Janowsky, four: Showalter, two; d>awn. h-ee. The following
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  • 506 3 Seventh game of the match in New York Oi'kkn's Gambit Declined. (a) The opening is on well-known lines. Here, in name s OI the match, Mr. Showalter played QKtQz. (b) M. Janou*ski*9 loading idea seems fo be to obtain an atta> !< on the weak O-side pawns.
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  • 837 4 Addrkss 01 ihe Council to mi N^tion^l < ONURESS. fCo m m v n icated.j The following address is signed by Sr. Mabini, President of the Council or Filipino Cabinet (Translation.) HO V OUR AB LI Ml M 1 1 1 I he Council of the Government
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  • 267 4 Another mrlanclioly Miicide, the third within the- last few weeks, occurred yesterday afternoon in Col man Street, near the junction with Armenian Street, Mr. F. Anstiss, managd of th- Boustead Institute, who had hern missing since Wednesday night last, taking his life with a revolver, whilst
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  • 355 4 A Shanghai on the 12th Januay Lieut. Commander H l>. S. Watson, X N hoisted his pennant on board o! our new defender H. M. S. Woodcock in presence of C ipt. Coch .a\ who r. prosenftu R .v crew consists (> f '^er commander,
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  • 280 4 The French colonial party seems to believe that although the pin-pricking policy has fared badly in Africa, Southern Asia presents a very promising opening for its employment. That is the origin, no doubt, of the silly and stale story forwarded to a London paper, ostensibly from
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  • 1144 4 By Vue-Admiral Diiont. (Translated I know our neighbours the English, I know their serious and practical iuin of mind too well, to fear a rupture between our two countries. When the < xcited people on the other side of the Channel have ceased to
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  • 70 4 A telegram to the Shanghai, 20th, states th Burgoyne, of the firm of Messrs. Carlill and Co., has been commit o\) a charge of obtaining from tl: R Bank a -'mi of Taels 85,000, on prctt.'h. againsi non-existent car^ admitted the charge Bail was Faels
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  • 235 4 BOY BABIES." The article we wrote a week or two ago concerning the rather surprising preponderance of boy babies in Singapoi 1898, has been attracting some notice up China way. The China Mail quotes the entire ,mic -le. We have hit on .1 of paragraphs of interest on the question.
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  • 31 4 1 li': S.S. Ahanu, which was wrLabuan, and successfully floated lanjoog Pagar Dock Co., came i« morning, convoyed by iln- tu^-b< «iry, a/)d went to the wliaH
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  • 80 4 A new h\ uid of tinned milk h is iruiv^viced to Singapore in th< v Brand —a sterilized, unsweetened, ed milk that is highly rei omm< n sample we tried was", xcellent with not at all cloying or distasteful like ordinary brands. A correspondent t alls attenti genrrally intidy condition
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  • 162 5 B mums ro Asso< lATti. Pres-, 8 Bh: v s H>D America. W '< Frt§ f'ress.) Balaba< Incidimt. B H J au i 8 9 y. I-J-3O p.m. k Balabac deny massacres, P judice Filipino c^u~c, I ds in Islam}, Spaniards I irfarc. 1 CUBSMBT. RH \n
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  • 511 5 BMBNI HIRALI* Ol 'HI X- v > i ion (Official )i<(. n pore Ft cc Press j i i edited I ITS. t !i i )ti^, .M.tjor of the United SSates,> ates, pubj in the newspapeis f Manila, comate the following Manifesto
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  • Correspondence.
    • 361 5 To the Editor of the F-ee Press Pao, Most Powerful Sir,— Permit thy humble servant to approach thee by the way of my friend Tan Tan Tiam, who knoweth the Ang Moh's speech, and kindly contenteth to write lo him who moveth the Government to influence the
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  • 414 5 i lorsl my liluatiun, an' (he tfirl she got the 'uinp, And ihe naggin' ol my muvver nearly drove meorf my chump. S<> 1 < fed it down lo Woolwich, to ihe old recruittn' si arf And th..\ lo me a paper, for to li\ my aulygrarl Jus
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  • 637 5 Mrs. Besant is now lecturing on Theosophy in Rangoon. Eighteen teams have entered for the Hongkong Football Challenge Shield. Lord Curzon's first State Ball wa^ a brilliant affair, about 1,800 persons being present. The January Monthly Medal of the Sepoy Lines Golf Club will be played
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  • Correspondence.
    • 383 5 To the Editor. Dear Sir,— The death of [Mr. Anstiss, of the Boustead Institute— awful and painl ful as it is serves forcibly to remind us that our local clergymen itil] cling to the old custom-— fortunately now almost a forgotten one— of not according
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    • 277 5 It wos rainin' profusely on Sunday wr'cn we landed 'ere wet an 1 folorn, And w'ilc wl- wos marchin' to Tanglin (and we adn't a shift till the morn) We 'id ninety-one sick 'neath theawnin's ain't it grand weather for sich. tYe wos bloomin' drown 'd
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    • 181 5 With regard to the announcement talling a meeting ol those interested in the game ot Polo for Monday afternoon, we are asked to say that it is hoped that al] persons intending to play or who would like to take an interest in the game will attend the meeting.
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  • 1003 6 1 (W ritten for the Singapore Free Press.) rXXVI. Organization. Besides being far less in numbers, our Army has a very much smaller proportion of Cavalry and Artillery, than the Army of any other European power, and even when Our increase in Field Artillery has been
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  • 83 6 It has been decided to hold in Singapore an annual dinner of men who have attended one or other ofl the Scottish Universities, the date fix' d for th<* first annual gathering being Tuesday, Frh. 28th Dr. Glennie, Assistant ealth Officer, Singapore, has kindly consented to act
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  • 121 6 I Pull Man, Pull Saurian. While some Malays wnv felling nipah i trees on the bank of the Krian river, one of the party, who was standing in a boat close by, was hit by a tree as it fell, and was knocked into the river.
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  • 162 6 On the nth inst., Lord Charles Hercsford visited ihe Miisu Bishi Company's Shipbuilding Yard and Dock at Taiegami, and the Engine Works and Dock at Akunowra, Mr. Clark, Foreign Consulting Engineer to the Company, showing him every. tiling that was lo be seen. At AklMOUra, MrShoda also
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  • 353 6 We are asked to publish the following statement on behalf of the (und for the Relief of Destitute Strangers 'lhis fund has tor many years been administered by a Committee consisting of the Chid Police Officer, the Archdeacon and the Minister ot the Presbyterian Church. The object
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  • 721 6 (With Apologies to Mr. Rudyirii Kipling and The Song of the Banjo.) You couldn't use an engine off the track, You mustn't drive a brougham down the grade, You couldn't lift a dog-cart through the wrack Of broken things the Public Works have 11 made
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  • 107 6 Go\ 'KRNMKNT DOOOBS A correspondent writes to the Pinang i The Straits Government, owing lo the imrod of penny p Stage, had U> issue pro* stamps. They surcharged two se imps-. 8 cent blue and 5 cent brown. A 1 t the former can be #ot in
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  • 120 6 A correspondent v\ rites, at cally "Apropos of the remarks of H E and t)i*» C. S on Queen's Scholarships about this (from a home paper) for Education?" Strikes me a gooil m the Cadets might enter for the g< pencil case I want
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  • 403 6 When a cook is held to be not responsible for any poisonous ingredients in the food lie selects, purchases, prepares and serves to his employer, on the ground that he has not been at the trouble to pro> body of incriminating evidence ag himself, this comment on a
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  • 735 7 S 1 yesterday the S.S. Abana, which B ked r.ear Labuan and successfully B Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., m 1 day morning, and the followX of the voyage are taken from m steamed out ot Labuan, as- i 9 tugboat Mercury, on the W 2ISI inst., and
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  • 508 7 The Inquest. The inquest into the circumstances attending the death of Mr. Anstiss, late manager of the BousteaJ institute, was opened before the Coroner, Dr. Mugliston, at the General Hospital yesterday. Mr. X J. Robertson, called, identified the revolver produced as one which until recently belonged
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  • 382 7 We (China Mail) are asked to state that the reason why the Filipinos will not surrender to the Uniied Stales the Customs in the Philippines, apart from its being the principal source of revenue, is that it would be a guarantee that the Americans could
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  • 732 7 The 2nd battalion Northamptonshire Re gt. (58th), which left Singapore in 1892, is second on the list ot the home establishment for Ireland. The half yearly general meeting of the Marine Club will be hHd on Tuesday, 31st inst., at 9 p.m. It will then be
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  • 73 7 Twenty Per Cent. The new Defence Contribution Ordinance contemplates altering the present percentage of 17^ per cent, to 20 per cnt. of the Colonial Revenue, in full discharge of all liabilities in respect of defence contribution. This will add, roundly, $100,000 annually to the contribution, and subtract
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  • 194 7 We acknowledge the receipt of an advance copy of the Singapore and Straits Directory \o\ 1899, which will be issued to the public on Feb. 6th. The book is in its usual handsome cover, and is excellently printed. The frontispiece this year is the handy small map
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  • 147 7 H. M.S. IMMORTALITE." About 9 30 this morning H.M.S. Immortalite, Captain Sir Edward Chichester, Bart., arrived from Hongkong, via Labuan, homeward bound, and anchored in the Roads. She awaits orders here. The I mmortalitc was commissioned on 19th November, 18^5, at Chatham, with a complement of 505 officers and men,
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  • 327 7 JAPAN COAL— OVERDONE' The receiu scarcity of steam coal in the Far Kast stimulated increased production to such an extent, that the export trade in Japanese coal is in a very dull condition. Large accumulations of coal are now lying at various ports. The amount of coal stacked is roughly
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  • 1167 8 Quicquid agunt homines nostn est farrago libellt. \%J\ ENAL. 'Tis years ehcu fugaces labuntur anni since the Topicist de< lared in this column that he would be pleased t<< receive an invitation to the funeral of Mr. tienniker Heaton, M.P. It was on the occasion of
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  • 319 8 In my last notes, writes the Asian Bombay correspond! Nt, 1 informed you lhai Mr, M Pate] had, in hi-. usual sporting de ided on financing the Indian team 10 England in 1900 himself. Thi the p^rt of ihe great rot Parsee cricket has overcome the
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  • 114 8 Banishment orders for life are made in the case of four prisoners in Singapore 1 liaol. Mod ay, Feb. 6ih, will be observed as a public holiday in Singapore, the anniversary of the Settlement. Mi. Boey Nam Lok nd Mr. Choa Giang Phye have been appointed nn mbers
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  • 264 8 A somewhat curious case of c pium smuggling occurred in Rangoon ihe other day, although, as it turned out, it could scarcely be called smuggling. A Chinese trader imported goods from th- Straits, and in one oi the cases consigned to him was found
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  • 1292 8 Proposed Reconstruction. An extraordinary general meeting of the Tanjon^ Pagar Dock Co was held at noon to-day, in the Company's Offices, for the purpose of sanctioning the reconstruction of the Company, under the following scheme 1. A new ompam/ is to be farmed, to be called
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  • 73 8 President McKinley ;ays a T ew telegram, has altt-red his arrangei to passing part of his ho s at his I home. Ihe number ol posts to under the Army Bill, and in the admini tion of Cub i, Porto Rico, and the pines, have kept in
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  • 131 8 The U. S. Cruisei Buffalo, Capt. H lull, came in yesterday ifternoon Colombo, en > to Manila with ival reliefs. On arrival, about four o'cl< went sti lighi to the wharf to coal i J !)us unable I upplit been arrai tor beforehand. w«*nt on
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  • 152 8 Interesting brbmoni ii 1 <■ f Henisin, nih 6th inst., the K<>y il I' Society's medal vas presented to Messrs R and ?--»•>• St< n -■> al ".'r-'.zw Jim. 1h- lad* Ii July, showed gallantry, and rare presence of mind in r Misses Darcy M
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  • 28 8 H M.S.Bn tlierelief of H.M.S./If left Port Slid :ty morning. It will be well on for foui veeks before the Ai is free to >ron hei homeward trip
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  • 1161 9 W ifrc'" > Correspondent.} I 7^ B.irmah Sawah Mining Co., pubI of ore from its ground, I Batavia by Rathkamp Co. i A mixed so-called red and I a proved to contain 10.5 grammes I of 1,000 kilogrammes and P On the ground the red I 1 oc<
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  • 269 9 ktandi Dec. 16.— News brought from Tahili by the steamer Ovalau, which arrived today, show that the French authorities there have been making elaborate military pieparaiions in anticipation of an outbreak of hostilities between England and France. S on a.ter the departure of the Ovalau
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  • 236 9 None t^o soon, British merchants and shippers •ire beginning to give some heed to "Consular admonitions respecting the defects of their present methods of seeking business in ihe Far East. There lie before us two journals of commerce, the one appealing for Japanese custom, and the other
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  • 43 9 Whilst playing in a Pennant Match in Melbourne, against Richmond. Carlton scored 880 runs for the first innings. Included in this was 402 by Warne, 150 by Hetherlington, 100 by Collins, 78 by Worrall, and 89, not out, by Fox.
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  • 839 9 The Governor on Malays and Bdu< ation. The annual distribution of prizes in connection with the Government Schools t > k place last evening at Cross-street Scha Amongst others who were present wen H.E the Governor, Lady Mitchell, Capt. Duff, a D c, Mr. R. J. Wilkinson,
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  • 73 9 Evidence of industrial quickening in Spain may be the suggestion in Madrid that incandescent lighting by petroleum be developed. It has been found that the heaviest oils, which give a very bad red light in ordinary lamps, afford in incandescent lamps a far higher illuminating power than
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  • 421 9 We feel rather sorry for Mr. R. Wildman, formerly of this place, and row L\ S. Consul-General at Hongkong. is, we suppose, a natural thing for many people to make the most of themselves, and to make the most of their opportunities. It does not really do
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  • 202 9 From the X. C. Daily News we have interesting additional particulars of this gentleman's early connection with Shanghai Router announces the death ot Mr. \Y. B. Pryer, whom old residents here will [iinember well. He Crime out to China as bookkeeper tor the firm
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  • 250 9 The pink and white J.O. !< of the Native States will be flattered to hear that the Viceroy of India is, so far as compi ion goes, like unto them. We read The extraordinary fatigue^ incidental to the induction of a new ruler, in the shape of
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  • 739 10 Mr. A. R. Colquhoun left Ichang on the i st inst. for the West and Burma. About March next the Italian training ship Emerigo Vespua will be out here from home. The American authorities at Manila notify that secret language telegrams cannot be accepted to and
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  • 587 10 This morning Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones gave judgment in the Magistrate's appeal W. A. Cuscaden v. Tan Joo Hong. In this case Mr. Wolferstan convicted the defendant of having in his possession certain stolen property, to wit 1 1 i bags of rice, prior to one Phung Heng
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  • 276 10 Renter s Agency states that Sir Henry McCallum, the new Governor of Newfoundland, will leave for his post by the steamship Gaspcsia from Milfonl Haven on Feb. 1. Although not completely recovered from the serious illness contr.jc U j u while administering the colony of Lagos, Sir
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  • 1983 10 The Londoyi and China Express thus reviews the affairs of the Colony and Native States in 1898 The S raits have pursued the comparatively even tenour of their way. The Governor, after a vis tto India in connection with Indian Immigration, which is badly wanted, proceeded home
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  • 146 10 The harmless male mosquito tan be distinguished from the females (which alone bite and suck blood) by the possession of plumose antennae and palpi forming tufts in front of the head in the females the antennae, though long, are nearly bare, (having whorls of short
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  • 164 10 The bill to amend the Defence I bution Ordinance, alluded to in our »*S of Saturday, is short. Instea of r cent, of the revenue of the Coloi contributed to the Imperial G as a defence contribution, twent) i is to b- paid "in full return for'tli" anna
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  • 153 11 i mding down on us again, and should we complain? I •<■ ials' fault it's they who I i.lame Tommy Shelford here to preach I ght plain. r Unofficial Members. So we'll eel ihe < laim. but I was a prophet I .iotticials squashed the i 1
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  • 493 11 [Department has arranged to ts ot infantry from San Franimptly, the first sailing on 7th II also be sent from New I, -a ling about 17th. Ihe in the Philippines will be i of being recalled as had been a Helena, at Naples, has (1 t >
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  • 344 11 Labuan, 23' d January, 1899. The unexpected arrival of H. M S. Immortalite from Hongkong yesterday (22nd January), homeward bound, was a most welcome surprise to Labuan unfortunately she is not making a long stay (only one or two days in fact) but it is to be hoped
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  • 617 11 D.iily Press correspondent Iloilo, 13th January.— At lloilo the situation is vary attic changed Tin. h i _.i f activity vt ihe last ten day- in fortifying the city is now almost unnoticeable, probably because the Filipinos have done all they can Guimiras Island, just opposite lloilo,
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  • 106 11 (Via Ceylon. j London, Jan. |6. Two companies of the Irish fusiliers have lelt Alexandria for Khartoum. The American Commission sails for the Philippines in the beginning of February, and will remain there for an indefinite period as a general Advisory Board to President Me Kinky. London, |an. 17.
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  • 2154 11 A Court of Appeal opened this morning, Mr. Justice Leach having come down from Penang by the mail to sit. Of the nine cases set down on the cau> list no less than seven were Bangkok appeals, two, adjourned from the last Court, being, however, withdrawn.
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  • 454 12 The battalion of Chinese orders foi the enrolment of which have already been announced, is to be officially known as the j st Batt. of the Chinese Kegiment ot Infantry. The Russian Pacific Squadron will be rei forced during the coming summer by the addition of the
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  • 174 12 Dr. Veaman, ol Edinburgh, lias been his students vome seasonable counsel -»>- the 5 riml. It i- Ins province to demonstrate on 11 bonus." but in parting with his i lass he solemnly advised the members >f it to lay asid their bones during the va i and
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  • 729 12 Among the papers laid on the table [of the Legislative Council this afternoon are despatches on the Defence Contribution M an 1 "The Passenger Ships Rules of 1898." H. M. S ImmortaliUXcit the wharf for the roads this morning at 8-50. Major Bower has enlisted his
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  • 450 12 Before Mr. Elcum this morning Mr. Jackson Millar, of Messrs. Riley Hargreaves Co., was summoned by the Municipality for having caused certain obstructions in Clarke Street, adjoining their godowns, on three days in the middle of last month. The Municipal Officer who laid the information admitted
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  • 81 12 Rough lbbn- i p. A telegram from Raub, dated *oth fanuary 1899, states Rough cleaning up of Battery yielded *****s Amalgam estimated quantity of Stone crushed being 1220 Tons. Taking the normal estimate of gold in amalgam as 37 per cenl that would give no less thin [,487 ounces
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  • 287 12 Mr. A \Y. Jones, Supt. in the Philippines of the E E.A.T.C. announces in the Manila press that no telegrams containing political news or information can be accepted without first being approved of by the censor, Col. K. K. Thompson ol the I". S. Signal Corps. No
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  • 722 12 THE THIRD THIEF." Le Troisikmh Larrow"] (Translated from the Fren It is said that England fl in case of war, with bein^ able our fleets and blockading or our great commercial ports. haps, encounter from this po certain deceptions. But do< s that she can exercise on all our over
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  • 973 13 From l R Wist Joi rvals.) 1 h. Light, San Francisco.^ letter has been sent to The Coming n. While the American people up their minds regarding the if it i> best to give a fair audience to any ms to from intelligence of the-^e islands. We
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  • 254 13 Bn ri\ by MAD 1).,. Calcutta, Jan. 12.— Captain Stuart, of the Ordnance Department, Simla, and Mr<. Stunt have boih been bitten by a pet dog which went mad. They start n-xt mail for treat men in Paris. Lady c urxon's Dkawimg Room. Calcutta, Jan. 13.— l.uly Curzon's
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  • 128 13 The Malay Mail thinks that coffee planters are indeed to be iti« d. The market price of coffee has fallen to such a price that it is impossible to grow it at a profit, while hosts of caterpillars are now playing fearful havoc on some estates,
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  • 279 13 The Norddcutscht Ztitung recently published lie following with regard to the share of (iermany ;n the traffic of the Suez Canal Twenty years ago the proportion of the whole falling to the German flag was only one per cent., whereas it is now 10*7
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  • 57 13 It may not be generally known but in Perak a license to shoot big game has to be obtained direct from his Highness the Sultan. In noticing the Bachelor Dinner at Kuala Lumpor a contemporary speaks of the place as Kunla Sampar, which is a trifle le.^s pleasing in meaning
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  • 826 13 Last evening (30th) a meeting was held in the Exchange of those desirous of playing polo, and those interested in the gam< There were over thirty present, includii some ten office r* of the King's Own. Col Pennefather, Major Lewes, Capt. White. Capt. Duff, Capt. Pinhorn, Major
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  • 1291 13 A gale which raged early in the week has done terrible damage on our coasts, from the Tyne right round to North Wales. This implies that the Channel has not been spared. The diststers unfortunately extend to both sides. A French steamer has perished at Dieppe,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 113 14 Jo rut Editor. Dear Sir, I perceive in the Overland Frpe Press of the Bth December last that you attiibute to me an article on What America should do M which appeared in the Critic of the sth November last. You have done me too much hononr.
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  • 651 14 Awslia-Lyall. St. Andrew's Cathedral was the scene of a large gathering of Singapore society on the occasion of the marriage of Capt. H S. Ainslie. sth (Northumberland) Fusiliers and I of the Malay States Guides to Miss Lilian Lyall, daughter of Mr. Jam( s Lyall,
    651 words
  • 43 14 Mr. de Burgh LVrsse, chairman of the RaubG< Id Mining Company, and his wife aud daughter, have booked their passage for Colombo by the Indus le ving on Frid y afternoon. The Indus tranships at Colombo to the Australiem from Austr; r M-seill'
    43 words
  • 418 14 There has been a successful fancy dress ball at Kuala Lumpor. As Monday next is a public holiday, there will be no meeting of the Philharmonic Choir. A German mail from Europe, bringing London advices up to Jan. yth, arrives at Singapore to-morrow afternoon. Mr. Sheriff
    418 words
  • 264 14 On Monday, 30th inst., the King's Own Re^t. paraded at Tanglin Barracks for in. spection by Major General Jones Vaughan, OCT., Singapore. The Battalion turned out about <joo strong and looked to be in the best oi health. Alter inspection the Major General said he had
    264 words
  • 1539 14 The following despatches were laid upon the table of the Legislative Council yesterday afternoon, in connection with the Military Defence Contribution of the Colony E, the Governor to the Secretary of State. Sir, In reply to your despatch 117 of 15th April, 1897, I have the honour
    1,539 words
  • 286 14 1 he annual general meeting was he the Town Hall last evening (31st), there being present Messrs. Elcum, Craig, I d^n, Reuiens, Cordeiro, Brockwell, M Mclntyre, Hanks and Makep< ace. Mr. J. B. Elcum took the < hair. I he accounts (including $97 50 I subscriptions) show
    286 words
  • 106 14 A Kkscie by I talus Hit i Jaci As a Marine Department ***** turning from putting the mails o the Inaba Maru yesterday afternooi sudden squall came on and capsized Three boats immediately put ofl lulmh man of-war Etha'wwA rest £nd her crew. 1 hese men
    106 words

  • 585 15 Tuesday, January 31, 1899. Pkksknt r C. B. H. Mitchell, g.c.m o.) Secretary Sir Alex. Swetten-r-GenetmJ \V R. Colly- irer F. (j Penney). rural 'E C. Hill). 1 ial Engineer 'A. Murray). >y M Litn Hoon K»Ti£, m h., cm A 1 •r Cwrnmandin^ the Troops lone,
    585 words
  • 1481 15 The Explosives Bill and the Banishment Bill were considered in Committee and reported without amendments, the Attor-ney-General giving notice of the third reading at n^xt meeting of Council. The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Bill was al-o taken in Committee. In connection with clause 3 Mr. Burkinshaw asked
    1,481 words
  • 76 15 (Corrected up to February i.) On London. Bank 4 m/s i 1 1 demand I/nJ Private credits 3 m/s 2/0J documents 3 m/s 2 v,. credits 6 m/s 2/o France, demand 249 Germany, demand 201 h India, T. T 147J Hongkong, demand dis. Yokohama, demand.. 4% pm. Java, demand
    76 words
  • 112 15 re i (bebruary I.j Tin $65. Gambler 5.., > do. Cube No. 1 9. Pepper, lilack (ordinary Spore) 27 50 do. White, (Fair L/W= 5 f 44. Nutmegs 110s lo the lb.) 75. do. (80s to the lb) yo. Mace (Banda) 81. Cloves (Amboina) 32. Liberian Coffee 18. Tapioca,
    112 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 759 15 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. SINGAPORE MADE POUDRETTE. TTHE Municipal Commissioners invite offers for tins valuable manure, now being manufacured at their works at Tanjong PagftT Reclamation. The attention of planters and others is directed ■> Ihe following analysis of, and extracts from report on, a sample recently submitted t 1 Professor James
      759 words

  • 56 16 THE TRANSVAAL. The Control of Asiatics. The Indian Location Law in the 1 rans\aal i? to be enforced from F< t>. Ist. An extension of time will be given in certain cases. 8 A BIG THFFT. Sixty Thousand Pounds in Notes. Over £60,000 in Bank of England Notes
    56 words
  • 67 16 THE UNITED STATES AND THE PHILIPPINES. ORDERS TO GENERA L OTIS. Filipinos Not to Be Provoked. General Otis has been instructed to do his utmost to avoid hostilities with the Filipinos. London, 2<>tii January, lBgg. THF-; 1 ATE WAR. Approaching Ratification of the Peace Treaty. The Senate at Washington has
    67 words
  • 173 16 REVULSION AGAINST ANNRX vnON. The Movement Increasing in Force. The opposition against imposing the American rulr on the Philippines is tending to increase in America. PARLIAMENT. Mr. Kesw ck, M P. for Epsom. Mr. J. J. Ke*wick, a Conservative, a partner in M«->-rs Jardine,
    173 words
  • 534 16 Report on M. Beaur»:pa re's Charges. M. Mazeau's Opinion. Present Tribunal Insufficient. Whole ourt of Sixty Judges Required. M. Ma/.eau, the chut president of the Court of Cassation who with two judges of t he Civil Section, lia^ investigated the charges of partiality brought l>y M Bt-aure-paire
    534 words
  • 251 16 Jan. 25,— Per Sappho Mr. Ormes, Mr. Inch. Jan. 26. Per Gorgon Mr. and Mrs. (ieck Seng. Ptr Rosa Mr. Campbell. Jan. 26. Per Van Diemen Mr. Hnrtelt, Mr. Smi>M, Messrs. Banks, Newman, Helbing, Mailer, Hurt. rt. Per Purnea from alcutta and Penang. Lemon, Miss Sharpe, Miss Hopkins.
    251 words
  • 83 16 Jan. 2h. Per Chitsan from Yokohama. Mr. R. Gordon* Smith. Prom Hongkong. M r C.I. Demee, l)r and Mr^. Wiegland, Mr. T. Harris, Mr. A. Htotie. |an. 28. PcrCo)'ow;a»(/t?/ ;liom London. Mrs W. Tazewdl. From Marseilles.— Mr. \V. M. R bertson, Mr. J. W. Gunn,
    83 words
  • 60 16 Jan. 27 l\ r Chusan for l.ondcn. Mrs. A. Tucker Wardrop, Airs. F. Burns, Mr H. C Burns, Mr. F S. Orme. I'Or Penang.- Nit. W. (iutbric. Mr. B. C alder, Mr. and Mrs. Evans, Mr Hellier. Jan. 21).-- Per Con man tie I foi
    60 words
  • 102 16 v >j 1 lor the s*f»i 'abort Fret f J > mv; ij<Ji Nationality and description >\ vessel npLain's name where atid when i; :i led. Destination Jan. 17 Brit. H I. i 1 \mi \i. Sut: i) iin\i Jan. \7 W v. a y\ .iii.i 1
    102 words
  • 349 16 ist,i8 99. Bank of China and Japan, Ltd. £i Nominal. C 2,000,000 450.968 199,875 42.5. Deferred. £5 Buyers. I 1,250 x Bell's Abestos Eastern Agency. S5 Sellers. 10,000 J% '5 4£j Clear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. $100 5 25,000 25,000 250 Si Fraser and Neave Ltd. S
    349 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1061 16 VESSELS lft PORT. Men- ,f-Wai Flags and Tons Con manders Arrived Frr>TT> For Archer Brit, cruiser 1770 Dare Doc. 15 Hongkong Klk\ [tal. cru.,3115 Cecconi J<i n 28 Penang pRUNSBERG H.T. COT. 134 Yon Tiegler fan. 28 Hor.ykoo^ olombo, F I M mortality l^rit. cruiser 5600 Sir E. C hichester
      1,061 words