The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 7 July 1898

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 385 1 -1 > n i f- < j n* War v v on Sp kin, 1 C.D.O. Biui d r in the Courts Z 2 raat Port Said, 2 vl l n Chi na j he Land B > v Santiago, 2 v t v it Santiago, > S I
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 55 1 Matthews- Basagoiti. On Monday, July 4th, .iL St. Andtew'b Cathedral by the Yen. Archdeacon Perham, Gbo. H. H. MatthbwSj Acting Government Analyst, S.S., eldest son of Professor Henry Matthews, B. Sc, C heltenham, England, Public Analyst to Gloucestershire Sanitary Association, to Annik Rose, youngest daughter of the !ate Juan
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    • 18 1 At the General Hospital, Singapore, on the 4th July, C. W. Hind, P. &O. pilot. Aged 39.
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  • Article, Illustration
    479 1 I !rr» -h;, t l'rr«^ the !Vcp!?'« right maintain. !?a\vrd by :i flnence and unbribed by gain; Here patriot Truth her yiorio.i* prereptt. draw, f\\<ri\ to Religion, Loyalty, and Law. (June 30th.) FhERE is evidence of gradual development ot American action in the war news wired to-day. In
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  • 727 1 (July i st.) j i PHERE is bul little to remark on to-day's war news. An inland engagement is at han<! on ih^ tr-isi^n; <\<}? vit Santiago, for i tlur news of the approach >1 a relief force of eiglu thousand Spaniards ha? prompted i
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 71 1 NOW READY SINGAPORE, THE CAPITAL OF A LITTLE EMPIRE." repsini ol the h?t»ers relating to the Strai of Mr. JOHN DILL ROSS, ■I n the Singapore Ft€€ Press under the title of ROM MOSCOW TO VLADIVOSTOCK 1 concise and readable account of the Colony the Native States. Price 50 Cents.
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    • 123 1 W. A. LEACH. UMBER SAW MILL EXPER 1 AND CONSULTING ENGINEER. UNDERTAKES to class Timber for Europe. Hard woods for building purposes, wharves, &C. for local use, to spectication, at low rates. Also To supply picked woods lor building purposes, wharves and such like, at market pricts, on the shortestnotice.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 365 1 THE WEEK. I I);- next mail lrom Europe is expected to arrive by the M. M. S.S Ernest Simons on Saturday, with London advices to the 17th nit. She will be followed by the P. O S.S, Parratnatta on the 16th inst., with the English mails of the 24th ult.
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  • 287 2 Mr. WOLFERSTAN, the second Magistrate is still ill with fever. A correspondent points out that the second Court has an unhealthy reputation. For the last three years magistrates sitting in it having contracted fever, measles, and such like. Mr. BLAGDEN was one of the magistrates whose
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  • 201 2 (July 2nd) ADMIRAL CAMARA'S presence at Port Said is presenting a new phase which deserves attention. He has been required to desist from coaling from colliers within the harbour of Port Said and to leave the port, no doubt after the expiry of the prescribed interval
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  • 628 2 THE first real military contact in the present war has now occurred, as an incidJ eat of General SHAFTER's invasion of Cuba, with Guantanamo as its base of operations and supply. News had already come as to the gradual inland progress of the American expeditionary
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  • 795 2 (July s th.) "Independence Day" in America must have been a great day indeed. For they then had the tidings, wired to us to-day, of a great naval success won by Admiral SAMPSON at Santiago. This is nothing less than the utter smashing up of
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  • 166 2 Sampson's Vicory Accepting all yesterday's telegc«i authentic we expended some little ingci in constructing a theory of the n naval battle that would reconcile th< s< which two undoubtedly were conflicting On to days telegram we now see statement that Admiral Sampson haul m his wav into the harbour
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  • 705 2 WE shouldn't wonder if Britain is not to take a leaf out of somebody else's book in regard to her policy in China. Up till now, almost without exception, wr have tried the suaviter in modo, the soft answer, and the meek turning of the cheek
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  • 510 3 practicable. The result shows that this nas so. For on Sunday morning Admiral CERVERA did carry out a design of making an attempt to break out and pass through the line of Admiral Sampson's blockade. That drsign was quickly detected and Adliral SAMPSON lost no time in proceeding In pursuit,
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  • 179 3 A Hindu, an inmate of the Tan Tock 4 Hospital, committed suicide this rning by rutting his throat. ital case ot cholera is reported from Gaylang Road, tiie victim being a v woman aged 20. dr. j. Bromhead Matthews has been nitted by election to the
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  • 416 3 S. C. C. v. R. A. (Blakan Mati.) An Even Game Results in a Draw. The above teams met on the Cricket Club ground last night. The Artillery were the first to show up prominently, both wings alternately taking the leather down, Whiteley causing Reid to use his
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  • 443 3 A friend writes to say that although it is the cast- that the Straits Coffee Com pany is £oing into liquidation, the object of that step is the eventual reconstruction of the Company, this action he says, being necessary because some shareholders (iid not wish to see the thing through,
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  • 1653 3 iFr&m 9ur gain CorresfitndtntJ) The Postal authorities have made arrangements to use the direct Dutch mail boats for letters to a greater extent than heretofore, official figures from Europe showing that the average time made by letters sent this way is better than that made by the foreign
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  • 65 3 There will be a partial eclipse of the moon on Monday next, visible at Singapore. The first contact with the penumbra takes place at 1-22.9 a.m.. the first contact with the shadow at 2-20.9 am., the middle of the eclipse at 3-52 4 a.m., the last contact with
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  • 41 3 Something like a crushing The owners of the Klondike lease at Marble Bar, W. A., took in 4i tons of stone to the battery. produced 442 oz or nearly 100 oz. to the ton th- best Nor' West crushing ever achieved.
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  • 881 4 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by honest pastimes, playe at ohesre, the astronomer's game, and the philosopher's game, which whettes thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and hurts no body in the mean season." All communications should be addressed "Chess, Singapore Free Pre>s." Original problems should be
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  • 709 4 Even those who were lukewarm at first ar^ beginning to grow enthusiastic now that what looks like a very brilliant feat of arms has been accomplished by the American navy at Manila. Then the inactivity of the Spanish Atlantic fleet, and the comparative ease with which
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  • 56 4 A private letter from Sumatra says Information is scanty but what we have tends to show decreasing exports from Brazil, &c, next year and a consequent rise in prices. The funk in the Native States is laughable unless they are afraid of their soil It is significant that the
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  • 426 4 Methuen's Colonial Library: Across the Salt Seas (J. Bloundelle Burton; Between Sun and Sand (VV. C. Scully). The former of these two healthy novels tells the tale of an officer of Marlborough's adventures in Spain and Portugal, including the siege of Vigo. It introduces the famous filibuster Gramont.
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  • 400 4 Ihe Malay Mail, after noting with satisfaction that Mr. Chamberlain has announced the determination of the Home Government to re-enact the Contagious Diseases Ordinance in Hongkong, urges a similar re-enactment of regulations tor the Native States. It remarks These Stales are not
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  • 111 4 A rumour has prevailed in Penang from an early hour this morning, (says the Pinang Gazette of the 27th) amontf the native portion of the population, that the Dutch forces have met with a disastrous repulse, their losses of killed and wounded being exceptionally heavy. On
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  • 93 4 There were at least a hundred of thbetter class Chinese present at the theatre last night, most of them member^ of th e ''Weekly Entertainment Club/ under nrhose patronage the performance of Sitamg took place. The patrons wer^ received} the Director and Stage Manager, to showed their
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  • 205 4 The Colonial Government s -it*. Belle arrived in Penang Harbour rather ear! Saturday than she was expected, an 1 half-past one o'clock it the "man-of-wa moorings. H. H. the Acting Oovcrnei th.* ing Colonial Secretary and Mrs. Sn< ley, and Captain Duff, A. C. w
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  • 673 4 Sketch of tub VfCft&oi Cms... By summoning the Viceroy Chang Ch;-tury to the capital to act as Privy Councillor and member of the Foreign Affairs B ard, the Rmjxroi China has afforded an indication of the po!:^ likely to be inaugurated in Peking. As opposec to
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  • 54 4 Sunday next will be observed as the Feast of the Sacred Heart in the Portuguese Church of St. Jom ph, ulici, r-t communion will be celebrated. A', the feast of the choir, which will be beld OB the same day. Lambillot's ma^ will be BUftgi and the choir wi!! be
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  • 143 5 The Municipality are proposing to pass by-laws prohibiting the keeping of pigs in Town. Incidentally this may be a little kard on land owners just outside the prescribed area, who will suffer the nuisance if the tame pig. It will also be hard on the babi hutan, whose domain^
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  • 317 5 All jowrnainti love Mrs. Kendal, but Mrs. Kendal dots nol love journalists. This talented lady lately visited Cambridge, and the editor of a University paper, the Cantab," deputed two of his staff to interview her, And they succeeded, much U> their disc »:nfiture. in eliciting a
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  • 69 5 ipe published of a remedy against ttacks of the mosquito prescribes the ing of a small piece of alum in a vv it m 1 the light application of rto the face, hand and arms. The sh< ild be allowed to dry on. The si altos, it is
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  • 37 5 During the 24 hours up to noon, iSth |une, 1 new case and 1 death from plague were reported, making the total since Ist January 169 days) 1,288 cases and 1,133 1•. alh s
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  • 302 5 \ir N. H. Burgh, 3rd Officer S. S. Pak ing writes as follows to the Hongkong S r.— Thinking the following might prove of ineresl to the general public I send herewith an ac--0 ml of an animal seen from the upper bridge of this E uner
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  • 77 5 In his report ou the Medical Department Ntrgri Sembilan Dr. Braddon saysdysenrry decimates ihe Tamil, beri-bm and piumism the Chinese, while other disorders r'tn to have equal incidence on nearly all isses of thr community. He add- that •»< principal causes of the >evere mortality r< known and rrmt-diablt-, nnd
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  • 747 5 Mr. Leopold Hoefeld has been granted letters of naturalisation. The Colonial Engineer, who has been on inspection duty in Penang, has returned to Singapore. The mortality returns for the week ended j June 25th show that the deaths were 156 j in number, corresponding to a
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  • 699 5 More British Vessels for Manila. Nbws from the West Indies. $The "Zafiro" Ordbred out of Chinese Waters. The Reported Spanish Reinforcements for the Philippines. The number of foreign men-of-war in Manila Bay continues to increase, and it is more than likely that it will be added to rather
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  • 122 5 The Mercantile S. S Co.'s steamer Obi came in from lloilo this morning, but she I brings with her no news ot importance. All was quiet in Iloilo when she left, and although there was talk of a scarcity of provisions owing to the fact that
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  • 81 5 BAT AVI A GOLF CLUB. The winners ot monthly medals from January to June, played off for the Gold Medal, on Saturday, 25th Jane, tHgb. and j i C D Sarralt. who has been improving by strides in the last few weeks, came in the winner with the fine nett
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  • 666 5 Has Admiral Dewey Caught a White Elephant for the United States?— Accidents Create National P^ < ies. (New York Herald Paris Edn.) Among the many things Mr. Chauncey Depew has said in his life nothing is more instinct with good sense than the statement he
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  • 223 5 Reuter would hardly be doing his orthodox duty if he did not telegraph every other day some news bearing on the chronic ministerial crises in Fiance and Italy, with an occasional reference to Spain thrown in to prevent undue monotony. Exactly one month ago, on the ist June, the details
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  • 1304 6 DOES ENGLAND MEAN WAR A Curious Rumour. The London correspondent of the Auckland News, wrote on April 7 In my previous letter I gave some curious and interesting particulars of the vast preparations which the mother country is making with almost almost feverish haste for a tremendous war. A few
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  • 318 6 I'm a privit of the Navvies— Brompton Navvies, don't you know I'm applyin' for a post of some renown I 'ardly think I'll get it— But the job I want is this, Muny-cipple Engineer to this yer town, lean build up bloomin' earthworks, or a battery
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  • 90 6 Hi- first moonlight S.V.A. route march of the season will take place on Monday night. Fall in at Drill Hall at 8.15 p.m. A full attendance is requested. By kind permission of Mr. H. Muhlinghaus the S.V.A. will halt in the compound of Irwell Bank, and the
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  • 137 6 Seven Hailams, all servants at Tanglin Barracks, were arrested for theft yesterday by the Garrison Military Police. It will be remembered that when the strike of British India Officers was on, two of the ships were in Singapore. An attempt was made to obtain men locally, but there were only
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  • 1384 6 Captain H. H. Harington. (Cricket) Better known to most cricketers as H. H. Harrington (for it is only since the last season that he has gained his step), the Captain has enjoyed a varied experience of cricket which stay-at-home people must envy. He joined his
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  • 384 6 An Inspector of Police Shot Dead Suicide of the Assassin, A teartul tragcjy took place on the morning 0 the 24th at about 11 a.m. at the Police Headquarters at Maradana, when Inspector Mark Ne! was shot dead within the Police Stores, by the Police Storekeeper,
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  • 259 6 Among the books of the week is Mr. A. Pickering's M Pioneering in Formosa,' published by Hurst and Blackett. Dr. Manson also publishes Tropical Diseases, a manual of the diseases of warm climates." On Wednesday last a Baba Chinaman went to Mr. Abrams with a very plausiblr story, that he
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  • 538 7 A case of suicide occurred in the Criminal prison this morning, a Chinese prisoner succeeding in hanging himself by means of strips of his clothing tied together. The next homeward French mail takes iwav Mi. C. R. Hoffmeister, who is leaving the Colony, and Mr. Arthur
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  • 128 7 The next entertainment of the Society vill be another Popular Orchestral Court. which, as at present arranged, will c given on Saturday, 30th July. A comete list of rehearsal dates has been drawn and as the programme is to include mportant and interesting work, it is re-
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  • 122 7 Next week is to be a busy one at Messrs \atz Bros., who have laid out an enormous quantity of stock for their cheap sale, which ominrnces on Monday. Tapestries, art nuslins and serges, and stuffs of all kinds, Me marked at wonderfully cheap prices iwairs.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 807 7 Vo the Editor. Sir, Having read a letter in your paper a few days ago regarding the B. N. B. Herald it struck me that your correspondent spoke the truth, for the Herald's sole duty is but to sound the praises of
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    • 78 7 A meeting of the committee of the above Football Competition was held last night at the D A. A and the drawings resulted as follows M. Persuka'an Sri v. Darul Aman. Darul Ta'alam v. Darul Adab Royal Engineers v. Mohd Recreation Club. M. C. C. Ist Team v. M. C.
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  • 1229 7 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli Juvenal. We are passing through all the solemnities of Mr. Gladstone's death and burial, a second time, in the newspapers and periodicals brought by the mails. What an opening of the sluices of talk and reminiscence the demise of
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  • 430 7 The annual report of Mr. Evans on the Chinese Protectorate contains some interesting items. Disturbances in which the* Protector has been able happily to help in quelling, and banishments in which he has been no less happy in securing are first treated of. The Society troubles do
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  • 11 7 The ss. Ban Wkatt Soon safely arrived this morning from Pontianak.
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  • 1834 8 (Written for the Singapore Free Press.) V. Pompeii. To prepare myself for the inevitable visit to Pompeii, I re-read, on the voyage out, Lord Lytton's celebrated romance, and primed myself with relative extracts from Baedeker, studying also with some care, the excellent model of the
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  • 512 8 Dr. Lim Boon Keng discusses The Attitude of the State Towards the Opium Habit in an interesting way in the current number of the Straits Chinese Magasine. He asks at the outset whether the Government and the public have realised in the administration of a country
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  • 264 8 It may be remembered that about a year ago there was some commotion made by our contemporary about the alleged denial to a British subject in China of his rights. The Governor was petitioned, and the Colonial Secretary threatened with all sorts of pains and penalties
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  • 45 8 The suggestion that the Germans were looking at Sulu with a longing eye seems to be explained by the discussion in Berlin of the desirability of new coaling stations, one in Morocco, one in the Levant, one in ■West Africa, and one in the:Sulu Archipelago.
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  • 172 8 H The Funeral Association is exemn' from registration under the Societies Ordinance. The new hackney carriage fares are published. Briefly summarised they an; -J 1. Carriages may be hired by di>tar or time if no arrangement is made payment shall be by distance. 2. For every half mile
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  • 293 8 (To the Editor of the Pinang (j r, Sir,— As I heard much depressing talk ibaal coffee in Penang, the other day, or, my returr from Europe, perhaps a few cheering words frorr this side of the water will help the dejected one- tc 41 keep their
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  • 84 8 Fears are entertained as to the safety ol the British steamer Lombard, Capt. Rai-in. which left Hongkong, from Japan, op the 17th u lt., with some 3,000 tons 01 Chinese cargo, bound tor Singapore. Nothing further has since been heard of her. and it is expected
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  • 290 8 On Sunday at the ParaoV Ground Tanglin, the band of the West Yorkshires, will play the following programme: Overture... The Barber of Seville Rossin: Romance Rose, Softly Blooming .Spohi Yalst Brilliante. Op 18." ..Chopin Selection V Etoile Dm Word Meyerbeei God S*VS thk Oieen. The Pinang Gazette is [rolicfal and
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  • 757 9 Tenders for Selangor Revenue Farm will b^ received up to August ist. The buoy at the mouth of the Kuan tan River, which was carried away last Decemb' ha> been replaced. The Editorial Department of the Malay will be tor -erne time to come in barge
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  • 76 9 Major C. Penrose and Capt. Harrison, RE, have been selected for service on the staff of Col. J. F. Lewis, R.E., who has been deputed to visit Wei-hai-wei with the view of drawing up a report for the War Office as to the military requirements of
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  • 63 9 I The rifle match on th^ 28th June, between the European police, Penang, and the European police in Singapore resulted in a win for the latter by 27 points. The distances were 200 and 500 yards 7 shots at each range military targets and scoring. The best scores were,
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  • 166 9 S. C. C. -2nd XI.) v. Hbrmionb. This was played on the Esplanade on Saturday, and resulted in an easy victory for tke Club. The scores were H. M. S. Hermione. Lt. Ballard b Easton 5 Lt. Makins b Benjafield 6 Dr. Sparrow c Hannaford b Matthews 33 Lt.
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  • 69 9 The returns from the Pahang Corpora- lion's Mines for the month of May were as Tons of stone crushed 1,550. Oxide of tin produced 74 tons With 30 heads of stamps running for 28 I days, working expenses §15,500. Jbram Batang. Tons of stone crushed 837.
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  • 347 9 I By the French mail s'.eamer Sydney on Friday morning most of the clerics who had to leave Manila and take refuge at Hongkong are expected to return to Spain. Two cases of theft were up before Mr. Wolferstan this morning, three Klings being charged with breaking into a house
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  • 954 9 The perennial question of street obstructions, which was before the Singapore Municipal Commissioners at their recent meeting, is one of those administrative matters which appear to be viewed as hopeless by the authorities. That and the kindred one of verandah obstructions are veritable betes noirs to both Police
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  • 891 9 RACING REFORM IN AU STR ALIA. (Asian.) It is generally admitted that in most re<peas Australians cnduct their racing affairs in a manner which deservedly ca'ls forth the commendation of ciitics from other pa: is of tl.e world. People .ho pay to see racing in Australasia get b tier value
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  • 96 9 The United Service eleven playing i against the Hampshire Rovers the other day made a score that is worth recording Lieut. C. S. Hickley st Cumberlege b Porter 101 Capt A. H. Luard cL. Gower b Hind 23 E. M. Sprot c L. Gower b Doyle 170
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  • 43 9 Mr. L. M. Woodwaid presided in a court of requests held in th«- Centra! t'olice Sta tion this morning, Mr. Elcum assisting j the other magistrates by taking cases. It I is hoped that this arrangement will giv^ some relief to the Magistrates.
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  • 33 9 Her Father: "Do you think, sir, that you can support a woman ol such expensive tastes as my daughter Her Adorer I do." Her Father Then take her and be happy, f cant."
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  • 229 10 The usual monthly medal handicap was played on Saturday, Dr. Fowlie proving to be the winner with a net score of 86. The following is the winner's score l*A 4 5. 3. 4, 5, 4, 4, 6, 4=39 1 2nd 4 6, 4 5, 5. 5. 4,
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  • 430 10 >The sporting papers in India have been lately discussing the question of a repress ntative Indian cricket teams. One of the most recent pronouncements is by a correspondent ol the Asian, who writes thus:— For the last fifteen years 1 have played cricket. fiot only in
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  • 175 10 Her Majesty the Queen has given her patronage to this fund and has subscribed 200 guineas to it. It is intended to commemorate the heroism of those natives ot India who fight and die nobly for the bmpire under which they have taken service. It is
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  • 80 10 The late Sir Robert Kawlinson kcb whose death is announced as taking place on May 31st, had a world-wide reputation as a sanitary engine, Fifty years ago he designed a huge scheme to supply Liverpool with water, and was in the trimea as an Engineering Sanitary Commissioner Germany and America
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  • 966 10 The United States Senate has passed the War Revenue Bill with its amendment. The original proposal of the finance committee of the House of Representatives was (i) The imposition of war taxes which it was believed would yield 100,000,000 dols. (about £20,000,000) and (t) the issue
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  • 155 10 Ihe plans and specifications of the new Knan irrigation works are completed, and are now awaiting final approval for the work to commence. Mr. Anderson, Personal Assistant to the States Entr meer, who was placed in charge of them on their being relinquished by Mr. O'Shaughnessy has
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  • 809 10 THE MERRIMAC EXPLOIT. The following account of this incident is sent from a despatch boat off Santiago (June 3) The plan had been under consideration for several days, Rear- Admiral Sampson having decided that it was impossible to take the fleet into the harbour. The necessary preparations were begun yesterday,
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  • 293 10 MR. LITTION'S JOURNEY TO SZECHUAN. Another most interesting report received by the Foreign Office (and promptly published) is from Mr. U. J. L. Litton, of Her Majesty's Consular Service in China, (and formerly of the Straits Settlements Civil Service) describing his journey to North Szechuan. Szechuan is the largest province
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  • 50 10 1 he yacht Fedora arrived at Kuching, Sarawak, on the 24th June trum Singapore with Lord Newborough, Mr. P. Ellis and Dr. MiHdleton. On tbe 25th the Adeh arrived Irom Singapore, with Dr. Hiller ami Mr. Harrison. She left on the next I day for Baram vvitn the same passengers.
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  • 689 10 (Overland Mail.) The Paris correspondent of the Standard allea that he has reason to believe that the French Russian Government are exchanging views s the expediency of subjecting such conquests tW United States may have made and hold S ood the China seas to
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  • 134 10 DEATH OF THE P. O. PILOT. We regret to announce the death, at ;r,General Hospital, to-day, of Cap*. C W. Hind, the P. &O. pilot Mr. Hind teed to be chief officer of the Coromandd. and had be remained afloat would have been well on for his command He only
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  • 105 10 At the annual R.E. Regimental Dinner m London the only officers, amongst tboi* present, associated with Singapore wer? Lieut.-Gen. Sir Andrew Clarke, and Majors Druitt and Hawkins. At the R. A. dinner not one officer connected with our garrison for the past ten years was mentioned if j attending on
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  • 671 11 Two Chinamen who concealed a case of snall^poi were this morning fined $25 or six months. A meeting ot the Church of England Temperance Society will be held in St. Andrew's Cathedral to-morrow at 8.15 p.m. Last night the tiled roof ot house No. 183 Serangoon-road
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  • 2136 11 News From Manila City. No SURRENDBR Manila City, June 22. There is practically no change in the situation here since I last wrote you. We are still awaiting the arrival of the American troop to know what is to become of us. Every night we
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  • 880 11 A new speculative enterprise in the shape of river dredging for gold is just being started in the Segama River, in North Borneo, under the supervision of Mr. Proust, as the result ot a visit paid to Borneo by Mr. Bailey, the well-known Australian prospector and
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  • 29 11 A Peking telegram published in the Japanese papers state? that the Chinese Government has rejected Russia's suggestion that China should engage a number of Russian officers a.^ military instructors
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  • 1337 12 (From our own Correspondent.) The Resident of Amboina reports that two Australian pearl-fishers showed themselves at Adont, declaring that they were driven there by storms. The Resident of Ternate reports that the volcano there had been working from the 14th to the 24th of May, with rumblings and
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  • 90 12 Ihe marriage took place yesterday, at St. Andrew's Cathedral, of Mr. G. H. B. j Matthews, Acting Government Analyst, (eldest son of Professor H. Matthews, B. Sc, Cheltenham, Public Analyst to Gloucestershire Sanitary Association), to Annie Rose, youngest daughter of the Lite Mr. J- P. de Basagoiti. The
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  • 213 12 Last evening the S.V.A. had a route march, the drums and fifes of the West Yorkshire Regiment, by hind permission of Colonel Grant-Dalton, furnishing the very desirable music for the march. The fall-in was sounded at the Drill Hall just after half past eight,, the
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  • 36 12 Sir Claude Macdonald, the British Minis- i' -r, (says the China Gazette) is at present enjoying the sea breezes at Heitaiho, so that it would s^eni diplomatic doings at Peking m-ist be rather dull just now.
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  • 502 12 The Ladrone or Mariana Islands are said to have been discovered by Magellan in 1521, but their existence was no doubt known to the Spaniards long before Magellan started on his celebrated journey, through their possession of Mexico, whose inhabitants there seems to be little reason for
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  • 204 12 THE DARMSTADT." Restrain on Admiral Dewey. The chartered German transport Darmstadt came in this morning from Manila, on her return journey from Kiao-ehau. for which port she left here on June rst. She has on board 60 officers and 1,275 troops. The Darmstadt left Manila at 2 p.m. on
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  • 127 12 1 he Hongkong Daily Press states that the expediency of a Government note issue for Hongkong i- now bein^ discussed, the banks having reached the amounts authorised by their charters Xotes being the p inciple circulating medium, and even b^ii^ much used for hoarding, that raises the
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  • 578 12 Ceylon papers announce the sudden death of Mr. Maurice Windus, editor of the Cc ion Standard. He leaves a wife and sev/ children in London, and had only been si months in Colombo. Many in Singapore will be pleas-, hear that a telegram has been rec
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  • 537 13 Amongst the many competitors for public favour for lighting purposes is acetylene gas, which, though only a new street illuminant, seems, If reports are to be trusted. to have rome slay. Discovered in 1836 by j Edmund Davy it could only be prepared until recently by
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  • 180 13 B\ 1 aye e?rd the Spanish shootin' llled cv ry kind of name; A- ..i- \c card the 'igh falutin N inker critics on the same Bui its r.ot been billed salutin' I '\v 'i^h -t may be rather lame. I they think they'd do a silly
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  • 100 13 Capt. Lewis-Jones, k.a., who lives at the milestone on th< Pasir Panjang Road, i >rts to the Police that at 4 p.m. yester- y four Chinese] one of them with a rifle, wed themselves in front of his house. D about 200 yards away one of them the bullet, a
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  • 590 13 (from our cv'« Correspondent.} The Government seems to be in earnest in endeavouring to get the Malacca Roads into good condition again. Overhanging boughs of trees are being cleared, the side tables from the roads are being taken away in order that the roads may drain better; and on
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  • 218 13 The usual ladies monthly medal competition took place yesterday afternoon, the result being a win for Miss Salzmann, with an excellent score of 62. It may be mentioned that this score is the lowest recorded for a ladies round and may be taken as a record of
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  • 45 13 Advices from the north announce the death at Shanghai ut the well-known and much-respected Rev Y. X Yen, M.A., Archdeacon of the American Episcopal Mission, South, and, at Ku Cheng, the death of Miss M. H. Rochfort-Wade of the Church of England Zenana Mission Society.
    45 words
  • 431 13 S. C. C. v. R. A. (Fort Canning.) A Very Fast and Even Game Results in Favour of the Club by 2 Goals to i. Last evening was almost an idea! one for Football, there being no sun or wind to trouble the players. It was soon seen
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  • 174 13 A somewhat serious carriage accident occurred last night in Orchard-road, on the hill near Eskbank. Mr. and Mrs. Brooksbank were driving home from the Band and were passing two rikishas, when another vehicle came up, and in passing struck the front wheel of Mr. Brooksbank's carriage. This frightened
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  • 173 13 A Shanghai Canard.' The China Gazette, which is edited by a Mr. O' Shea, well-known as a staunch ally of the Spanish priesthood in the Philippines, actually goes so far, in its zeal to insinuate anything against the Philippino revolution, as to print what
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  • 24 13 To impress upon a Chinaman the dignity of the Court, one who was this morning found smoking within its precincts was fined three doliars.
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  • 795 13 Position of the Britcsh. Owing to the straits to which the Spaniards In Manila had been reduced Lite Governor-Genera! was at one time strongly in favour of surrendering to the Americans, but the attitude taken up by the Germans and the news that another Spanish Reel is on its
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  • 175 13 The steamer Knight Temp/a?- has been chartered by Messrs. Apcar Co. to run temporarily between Calcutta and Hongkong in place of the Arratoon Apcar, which has been docked at Calcutta The reproach has often been hurled at the heads of Singaporeans that there is no swimming bath in the place
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  • 985 14 By a Resident in Madrid. (Globe.) The war with America having lasted more than a month, one might expect to observe some change from the ordinary aspect of daily life in the capital of Spain. And yet, with due apologies to all special correspondents, there is absolutely
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  • 72 14 Weihaiwei, June 16.— 0n the afternoon oi' the I ith most of the British ships left for a cruise along the Japanese coast. It is said they made a fine display as they sailed eastward from Weihat, with bands playing, headed by the Powerful, They are to return
    72 words
  • 1287 14 i Old Carnivorous." Admiral Canevaro, the new Italian Minister of Marine, has been presented with a flag of silk and a galley 16ft. long by the officers and crews of the British Squadron in the Eastern Mediterranean, as a token of their respect and esteem for Old
    1,287 words
  • 559 14 Regimental Chaplains. The Scottish Regiments. Simla, June 21.— An arrangement which will more closely identify Presbyterian Chaplains with the Scottish Regiments they minister to, has been sanctioned by the Government of India. Under the existing practice Presbyterian Chaplains are appointed to Stations and not to Regiments, but for
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  • 232 14 A friend kindly sends us a JeHburgh paper with a long account oi the coronation of the new King of the Gipsies at the border village of Kirk-Yctholm, about nine miles from Kelso in Roxburghshire. The new King, Charles Faa Blyth Rutherford, (King Charles II.),
    232 words
  • 91 14 The annual report of the Sailors' Home for 1897 states tnat 59 2 officers and seamen availed themselves of the Home, during the year, a slight increase on the figures for the preceding year. About half the seamen were distressed men, and there were three shipwrecked crews,
    91 words
  • 210 14 The draws for the Association Cup Com petition resulted last evening as follows First Round, A. S. C. C. v. 35th Co. R. A., July rt l B. Tanjong Pagar F. C. z: R. f u v West Yorks. Regt. and 12th Co. R. V, by' Second
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  • 483 14 The Pungchow correspondmt of the A i News writes Strolling outside the city v., I other evening, we came upon Chinese lad ted on a bank and playing on some primitive wind instrument, it proved to be penny tin brought into the country probably by km lander,
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  • 192 14 I A FftSl KITICIMi. lhe.V.-(\ Daily \< ■;■<■> publishes the follow. -n>; An old resident ai Shanghai who has lately bee i compelled by business arrangements to fansfr* 1 himself to Hongkong writes 1 I fee! now satisfied thai Hoigkong is jnfeno; to Shanghai. Xh* climate is bad
    192 words
  • 48 14 This morning h f<>re Mr. Elcum a b«*rigali milkman wa^ lined for selling RlUfc adulterated with water t.» ihe xtent o: 3^> per cent. Anoiher Bengoli n lu> d to let mspedor Olseti pnrcbase sample >' >! milk for nnaly^ts, but tr it wa tf^ ground Hr- wa> fined $30.
    48 words

  • 756 15 A Fire on Board the P. and O. s. s. M Caledonia." Bombay, June 18. A correspondent, writing from Aden subsequent to the arrival thereon the :nst. of the P. and mail steamer Cnledonia, states lhat the latter was delayed on the voyage :>t B, mbay by a
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  • 230 15 n, June 1 6th. The following is the result race ior the Ascot Gold Cup run to-day E I 11 I The Rush 2 Cartouche 111 j d i), June 17th The 4th Egyptian Brigade, olonel Collinham, is under orders to join r a i< am Expedition. the House
    230 words
  • 87 15 I Chinamen were yesterday sentenced sii months and a year's har. labour for aling clothing. One of them was so i ensed that he tried to strike the pro- atur with a chair and to kick him. For attempts he was sentenced to an i dil ional six months. We
    87 words
  • 170 15 We (Kobe Chronicle) learn from the vernacular papers that the plan of the Kobe harbour works has been almost completed. The first stage of the work will be to construct a breakwater, inside of which there will be a wharf 6ooft. long and 6ooft. wide, and
    170 words
  • 80 15 (Corrected up to July 6 On London. Bank 4 ro/s i/i i JL demand i/ii Private credits 3 m/s 1 1 ll Te documents 3 m/s '/nf j credits 6 m/s I JI T 7 (f France, demand 241 Germany, demand 195 India, T. T 146J Hongkong, demand pm.
    80 words
  • 102 15 (July 6 t»' $43.64 Gambler 5.70 do. Cube No. 1 M 8..^0 Pepper, Mack (ot binary S'poreJ 22. do. White, (Fair L/Ws*s%) „40. Nutmegs nos to t o 7S. Mar,- (Banda) 75. Cloves (Amboinaj 35. Liberian Coffee i/«2.s rap;oca, mall pt-ail ,iau ijuaittyj 4.45 do. do flake (do. do.)
    102 words
  • 184 15 PATRONIZED by Royalty, Nobility and Distinguished Personages, inrhdirg H. K. H. Prince Damrong. H. R. H. Prince Sevaster. His Grace The Duke of Newcastle. The Right Hca'bleThe Earl 01 Dysart. Major General Sir HenryCollett, X C.B Sir Francis Boileau, Bar: Sii John James William Henry Spencer, Sir Edmond
    184 words
  • 51 15 The Situation at Manila. Alleged Landing of Germans and French. Special to Singapore Fr,'e Press.) Labuan, June 30th, 2.30 p.m. The Spanish ship Churruca has arrived here and reports that 1,500 German and 1,000 French marines and blue-jackets have landed at Manila to protect the interests of their
    51 words
  • 153 15 THE WAR Americans Deprive Santiago of Water. It is reporter] at New York that the Americans have succeeded in cutting the watermains which supply Santiago with water. The Philippine Expedition. Departure of General Merritt. A provisional Government for the Philippines General Merritt, who is to command the American
    153 words
  • 61 15 THE SITUATION AT MANILA No Surrender Yet. American Troops Expected 1 aily. (Spedal t«> Singapore Free Press.) Hongkong, July ist. The Japanese cruiser Matsushima has arrived here from M mila and reports that the situation at that place on the 28th was unchanged. None of the American troopships
    61 words
  • 56 15 THE ADVANCE OF CHINA. Railway Construction Being (Special to Singapore Free Press.) Hongkong, June 30th. An Imperial Edict was issued on the 26th inst. censuring Shingsunwai for his delay in carrying out the Luson Railway and urging its immediate construction. The Edict also urges the construction of the
    56 words
  • 122 15 rTHE INVASION OF CUBA. The Situation at Santiago. A Spanish Force Approaching. Attack on the City Imminent. General Shafter, in command of the American invading expedition, telegraphs that 8,000 Spaniards, with a quantity of supplies, are advancing on Santiago. He has decided to attack before they arrive, without
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  • 237 15 DISSENSIONS AMONGST PHILIPPINO LEADERS. Alleged Conspiracy Against Aguinaldo. Six Arrests Made. (Special to Singapore Free Press.) Hongkong, 2nd July. There has occurred a serious split amongst the Philippino insurgents. General Aguinaldo has arrested Isabelo Artacfoo and five others on suspicion of conspiracy against him. Sandico has escaped to
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  • 222 15 ADMIRAL CAMAY'S SQUADRON COALING AT PORT SAID. Attitude of Egyptian Government. Camara Insists on Repairing Ships. Admiral Camara began coaling at Port Said from collier ships. The Egyptian Government requested him to desist. Thereupon Admiral Camara declared that his vessels required repair, and began discharging coal and material
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  • 141 15 BATTLE A P SANTIAGO. Assault by American Land and Sea Forces. Determined Fighting All Day Long. Heavy Losses A general assault on the defences of Santiago began on Friday morning, by land and sea. the American army numbering about seventeen thousand men. The battle raged furiously the whole
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  • 163 15 (Received yesterday after the hour of public at ion), THE WAR. THE AMERICANS AT MANILA. Capture of the Ladrone Islands Spanish Governor and Garrison Prisoners. f Special to Singapore Free Pressj. Hongkong, 4th July. The transports bringing the hrsi instalment of the American troops to the Philippines arrived
    163 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 76 15 Insulinde" Hotel, SOURABAYA. THIS HOTEL AND TIFFIN HOUSE i? situated in a healthy part of the Town, in the immediate vicinity of the Commercial Centre, near the Government Offices, Bazaar. Wharves, &c, &c. Prompt Attendance. Comfortable Rooms* Excellent Table. Billiards. BAR. Moderate Terms. English, French, Ger?nan spoken. J. VAN KATWIJK
      76 words

  • 75 16 Rebels Capture Several Cities. Canton Viceroy's Action. (Special to Singapore Free Press.) Hongkong, July sth. The Viceroy of Canton has received a telegram from Kwongsi, stating that there is a revolution in the Yueng-yuen and Lukchuen districts of Wu-chow-fu. Several cities in the Pok-pak district of
    75 words
  • 89 16 NAVAL BATTLE WITHIN SANTIAGO HARBOUR. REPORTED DESTRUCTION OF CERVERA'S FLEET. It IS OluCleLlly SDUOUDCCU cit .-.Stlii'i^tuii that Admiral Sampson entered Santiago Harbour on Sunday and destroyed the Spanish squadron under Admiral Cervera. General Shafter's Report. General Shatter, commanding the American expeditionary forct*, states tliat the Spanish squadron left
    89 words
  • 55 16 The Pedir Expedition. It is telegraphed that on the 27th June and following days the Pedir expedition roan bed Ihrougli Mukims Giumpang Pay- ung and Owneu. It met with resistance everywhere, < >ne officer and four privates were killed, eleven privates wounded. Vhe enemy left fifty one dead in
    55 words
  • 164 16 [THE NAVAL BATTLK NEAR SANTIAGO. DESTRU TION OF SPANISH FLEET FU LV CONFIRMED. Cervera's Effort to Escape. •Driven Ashore by Torrents of Shell." r Heavy Spanish Losses. Spanish Admiral Captured. Santiago's Surrender Demanded. Naval Bombar J ment Threatened. Admiral CerveruV squadron, on Sunday nor nmg, dashed out of
    164 words
  • 331 16 SHARE LIST, JULY 6t h 1898 Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Shares Paid ,j Bank of China and Japan, Ltd. $2^ Nominal. 2,000,000 450.968 199,875 £2.5 Deferred. £5 Buyers. 1,250 £1 Bell's Abestos Eastern Agency, S5 Sellers. 10,000 [f £1 Clear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. $100 25,000 25,000 250 $100 Fraser
    331 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 228 16 JJONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION RESERVE LIABILITY OP V 8 000 co PROPRIETORS $10,000,000 Court or Directors. Hon. J J. BELL-IRVING.-Chairwan j K. M. Gray, Esq Deputy Chairman C. Bburmann, Esq. a. j. Raymond, E g. David Gubbay, Esq. R L Richardson, Ksq. I A. Haupt, Esq. F. Sachse. Esq.
      228 words
    • 147 16 AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S STEAM irL NAVIGATION COMPANY. Un! kr Mail Contract with the Austrian j Government. I"*HE following are the dates on which the Go's j Steamers may be expected to sail from here OUTWARD. O I C W A I > x;>f< Hongkong, Europe. >vtiA!4t>HAl .S£ K<iH,:. POK1« Ma 1a
      147 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 617 16 Centaur, Brit, str., Bannatyne, for Bangkok. Nibnhuys, Dut. str., Menleman, for Kotie, via ports. Hok Tjioe, Dut. str., Hubert, for Saigon. Fari \llk, Ital. str., Gaggino, for Muar. Tosa Maru, Jap. str., Hillcoat, for Hongkong and Japan. J id y 5Ban Whatt Soon, Brit, str., Rouse, tor Billiton and Pontianak.
      617 words
    • 1152 16 viec-of-Wai Flags and Tons Commanders Arrived Fiom For When Hbrmionf Bnt. cruiser 4360 Callaghan May 23 Colombo RoadOther Vessels Flaes Tons Masters Arrived From Consignees For Wher. Antioco >ccamb 1t.i1.r006 Monti June 8 Penang Boustead New York I Ay. shah Brit. sch.. [31 Syed Qmai May 20 Pulau Uut M.
      1,152 words