The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 30 June 1898

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 301 1 f 4 !>IIIG \r.l ICLES i Ih■ Si ilc o *i a«»i 405 liml Sanil lion, 4"S ,g, 1 t .M, t ia! Ci isis, 4 5 ;2( i;;,. 1 I •>. n n-ko a, 4«>6 j g > rt:Can.l 1 tt Poi t Said, 4 06 Qi n
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  • 84 1 Domestic Occurrences. DEATHS. On thff 6th instant, ;it g^, Albert Street, Lina, j c br loved wie of HekMAND Hr\sskuk, of Bey- u'h youngest daughter of M l^andau. Ajj^d 1 y*ars. friends please accept thi^, tlie oily timaiion. (Netherlands Indian. French and I L4>ptia:i papers please copy.) On 291 h
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  • 339 1 (June 23rd.) I THE end approaches. Spain's limit of endurance is practically reached. Yesterday il was written in these columns The game of Spain is up. and she may as well throw up the sponge now and be dune with it" To-day we heai that the
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  • 200 1 In connection with the subject of street obstructions a correspondent calls attention to the fact that the Municipality are commencing the erection of a public latrine in Pekin Street, at the ChinaStreetend, and, seeing that the street is already a congested thoroughfare, especially from 3 p.m. to
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  • 280 1 The "Albion Disaster. IT is und r the cloud of disa-ter that H.MS. Albfvn, one of a Rue da^s of battleship, is launched on h< r new career. The scene o! the lamentable arcidt nt was Blackvvall, where the new ship has been constructed by the Thames Shipbuilding Company. The
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  • 255 1 \June 24th.) President Faure is still huniing tor a Premier. M MELINE having resigned, M. RIBOT and M. SARRIEN liave beer, invited to form a Cabinet, but each of these statesmen has been unable to get together an administration, o at least one with any prospect
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  • 394 1 The wheels of th« American campaign revolve slowly but *tea<%. Out BCWt to-day is of the invasion of Cuban soil effected in strength by Genera! Shafter's expedition. The spot selected for that landing is Baiquire, a place on the eastern shore of Cuba between Santiago and
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 208 1 Raffles Hotel. PATRONIZED by Royalty, Nobility and Distneuished Personages, including H. k. H. Prince Damrong. H. R. H. Prince Sevaster. His Gr^ce The Duke of Newcastle. The Ri<ht Hon'bl^The Earl 01 Dysart. Lord and Lady Braye. LLord D rmer. Lord Cecil Lord Valletort. Major General Sir HenryCollett, K.C.B. Sir Francis
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    • 100 1 Liquid Fuel. The best and most economical form of fuel STEAMSHIPS, STEAM LAUNCHES, LOCOMOTIVES and Steam Engines of every description. WK shall shortly be prepared to supply this fuel in any quantity. Samples can be seen at our office, where also information can be had as to prices, and cost
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 364 1 THE WEEK. The next mail from Europe is expected iv the P. S.S. Coromandel on the ist proximo with the English mails of the ioth inst She will >c followed by the M. M. ss. Ernest Simons on the 9th July, with London advices to the 17th inst. This 1
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  • 272 2 dune 2*ll».) To DAY comes the important news that the Government, through Mr. CHAMBER. lain have announced their intention to re-enact the Contagious Diseases Ordinance in Hongkong. It is certain that the temble facts placed before the home authorities by the Straits Settlements and Hongkong Associations
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  • 919 2 (June 27th.) RELTER to-day informs us that tbe Spanish reserve squadron under Admiral CaMARA lus been sighted off Port Said, the presumption being that this movement is genuinely intended to be an instalment of that voyage to the Philippines that has been so loudly proclaimed
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  • 445 2 "ACCORDING to the annual report of the Malay Peninsula Coffee Company, a deficit of £1,975 IS shown, arising partly from bad weather that prevailed during a great part of 1807 and partly from the "fall in prices." It is also understood that at a meeting of
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  • 664 2 (June 291I1.) If it were not really so tragic there would be something positively comic in the new naval game which Admiral CAMARA is engaged in playing a sort of maritime peepbo He has reached Port Said with his squadron, and as the Egyptian Government is said to
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  • 469 2 1 he founder of Singapore has received from a later generation the homage and lh.- thanks that were denied him for his work when living. Ii wa; in the teeth of official opposition tha he plant 'd the Union Jack at Smgapoift, and as Sir
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  • 920 3 Temperature being a present question, t may interest some to know that in 1897 tbe mean temperature of Singapore was y, 4 Fah. the maximum being 92 0 on March ist and the minimum 69.5 on Jan. ►rd Hongkong had an average of 71 7°, mercury
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  • Corrrspondence.
    • 135 3 To tvb EditorDear SIR,-— May I call the attention of the public through your valuable paper to the nuisance which is bein^ created in the middle of Pekin-sf reet Would it be imagined that the Municipal authorities are actually going to erect a public latrine right
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  • 225 3 A general strike is said to have arisen among the bullock ca»t drivers, who refuse t i wo^k t< -day, 'nit everyone seems ;;t a lo^s to accounl f»r the >trike, and vuious accounts are givm as to its origin, some attiibuting it to recent prosecutions
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  • 444 3 The Austrian frigate Frund&berg from Pol.t to Singapore, reached Galle on the i 2th inst. She is of 1,340 tons, and carries c) her Captain is Lucian yon Zir^ier. She iett Galle on the 15th and is no.v due here 1 We hear that there is anoth> r case of
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  • 709 3 '< Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by honest pastimes, playe at ches c, the astronomer's game, and the philosopher's game, which wheites thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and hurts no body in the mean season." All communications should be addressed "Chess, Singapore Free Press.' 1 Original
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  • 178 3 Ihe winner ot ihe l.iiy ot London L. C. Championship this ytvtns Mr. T. F. Lawrence. Mr. Serallier is stcond, and Mr. W. Ward, Jan., third. Mr Lawrence is champion for the third successive year. It is h«-pf»d that the m..tch, R^?t T < st of Scotland, will
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  • 50 3 Coris Orders. Head Quarter Office, Sin# pore, 2 d Ju- e 1898. 1. Orderly Officer for the ensuu g week 2nd Lieut, F. J. Ben ja Held. 2. Gunner J Elrrihle is tmns r erred to the reserve from this date. R. Dunman, Moor, Commandant S. A.
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  • 245 3 In the coarse of a long letter to the Pinang Gazette a Mariner writes: I would wish to bear my humble testimony to the undoubted ability and sincerity of those composing the Commission, who have been thus engaged on r most hiouoiis and, to a great extent,
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  • 35 3 A rumour comes to Hongkong from Iloilo to the effect that the American squadron, conveying troops from San Francisco, was seen passing that port on the night of the 9th instant.
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  • 198 3 We have just received further particulars with regard to the deplorable accident which happened to Captain Wright of the S.S. Mogut at Portland. Or. He was struck by a falling boom at No. 4 hatch, just as the last sling load came out
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  • 78 3 The struggle for existence has made two Eurasian girls at Sourabaya join a native theatre (Komedie Bangsawan) as actresses and it is evident oth^ girls will do the same Sergeant Padmoic yesterday arrested two Klings in a tongkang at Kampong Saigon in possession of eleven bags of copra, which had
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  • 3178 4 (Wednesday, June 22, 1898.) The fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commis ioners was held this afternoon, Mr. Gentle presiding. There were also present Col. Pennefather, Mr. Sohst, Mr. Evans, Mr. Fort, Mr. Moses, Mr Meyer, Mr. Tan Cheng Tuan and Mr. Choa Cii;<ng Thy?. Mr. Meyer proposed that,
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  • 694 4 CFrom our own Correspondent.) Reports of the rice-harvest ar- I where favour ihlr. The Governim nt has giv n ten tii ■r; I guilders to the Company for reacan I the natural hisi> y of tlie lndui. I I lor the proposed examination 01 the t al I
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  • 684 5 The British SS. Prudent ia passed through from East to West at 2 p.m. yesterday. H.M. S. Hermione left the Roads this morning for a cruise. I lit German steamer Drachenfels leaves this a ternoon for Manila. 1 A steamer passed through from East to \V
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  • 532 5 The bullock cart strike still continues, and in consequence the streets are unusually quiet, as but few bullock carts are to be seen and then generally only with a police guard. The motive of the strike so far as can be learnt would seem to be
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  • 172 5 Mr. Spencer Pratt, United States Con sul General here, has just received a letter from General \guinaldo, dated Kavite, nth June. The Philippine Dictator refers in that communication to the victory won by his forces at Bacoor over the Spanish troops, and also to the fact that in
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  • 100 5 Mr. E Farrer Baynes has arrived from Penang to practise here as an advocate and solicitor of the Supreme Court. 11 The Hon'ble William Robert Collyer Deputy Governor of the Straits Settlements," is the official designation of the head of the Government in Singapore. We call the attention of owners
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  • 1013 5 The annual Regimental sports of the Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire) Regiment were brought to a successful conclusion yesterday afternoon on the Recreation ground at Tanglin. The Regiment, notwithstanding appearances to the contrary, were fortunate on both days in securing fine weather, and a programme as varied
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  • 737 5 Appalling Loss of Life. (Hongkong Telegraph Special.^ Shanghai, June 16th The Chinese warship Foochai has foundered in a heavy gale near Port Arthur owing to the parting of her cable. One hundred and fifty lives are said to have been lost, only four of her crew
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  • 2949 6 Arrival of H.M.S. Linnet/ A Rebel Request for Arms. (China Mail) Hongko~g, June '7. H. M. S. Linnet, which left Hongkong on 29th May for the Philippines^ relumed to port this morning, having coasted down from Manila to Cebu. The Linnet reached Marivales on i*t June and Manila
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  • 17 6 A Disagreeable Neighbour—Chinks Have you eot an agreeable neighbour Hardup (sadly) No I'm next door lo starv-
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  • 734 6 The Acting Governor was Btflected to arrive in Penang to-night. An Austrian tnan-of war, presume,- e frigate Frundsberg, from Pola, was led shortly after noon to-day. The Residents have been bo! In meetings in the Council Chamber K Lumpor. The new Hitting Cu«!, v principal matter
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  • 1072 7 QuicquiJ agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli Juvenal. The death of Mr. Gladstone obscured to the popular view the decease of a remarkable man who set more than half the thoughtless butterflies of society thinking about economic and social problems. For the moment, because the frivolous
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  • 98 7 We he r (says the N.-C. Daily News) that a movement is on foot among some of the enlightened \oung Chinese and their Japanese friends to promote a visit to the Emperor of Japan. It is hoped that if this can be accomplished, it will result in
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  • 159 7 During his recently-concluded tour years' tenure of the po-t of Commander -in-Chief ot the Nether-lands-Indian navy, Admiral Kruys largely reduced naval expendituie. This reduction in ouilay showed iiselt mainly under the head ol docks, without any impairm nt of t-ffi iency. A dock at Sourabaya could ihua
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  • 401 7 The Asian has these references: Lord Durham's teller ou^ht to d > a t_»ood deal towards overcoming the' opposition to the "Starling Machine at home. The noble sportsman goo-, pretty well to the root of the matter when he points out that what is possible in India
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  • 77 7 CAPTU RE OF A MUCH-WANTED CROCODILE. A crocodile is reported to have been captured in the Dedap river, Lower Perak, in whose stomach was found a human leg (probably that of a Malay), besides portions of three human skulls, fishing hooks, lines, and pieces of white drill and kahki cloth.
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  • 67 7 In the S. R. C. Lawn Tennis Tournament, Mr. E Gomes meets Mr. W. de Cruz in the final for the Championship Cup, presented by Mr. J. R. Cuthbertson. The prizes for the events will be presentr«i this evening, immediately after the tie is completed. In the final of the
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  • 242 7 Although the bullock cart strike is not yet at an end, there are signs of an approaching collapse on the part of the owners, grievances or no grievances. The Municipal authorities repudiate the idea that the closing of wells has anything to do with the strike,
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  • 676 7 (Hongkong Daily Press.) Mr. H. W. Bray i-. a gentleman who has es pouscd the cause of tin; Philippine Insurgents, and who may be regarded as an accredited representative of the parly. It was he who introduced Aguinaldo to the United
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  • 103 7 (N.-C. Daily News.) Dissolution of the Japanese Diet. Kobe, nth June.— The Dissolution of t 'c Diet was ordered on the ioth instant. Great Fire. Messrs. Averill Co.'s tea premises have been destroyed by fire. They were insured for Yew 117,000. {L Avenir dv Tonkin.) Concessions to France in
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  • 134 7 There Has been lilttle change in t ht- condition of affairs at Hoilo (says (he China Mail) sit cc 0 »r last reports from th. it place. The sumn ry measures taken by the Spanish garrison to quell ttu: rebel disturbances have piov. d effective for the lime, dihwu^h
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  • 146 7 The June month'y m<-dal played for on Saturday, iBih June, 189*, is remarkable tor ihe numtv rof Hue scores handed in. Rose's 36 equals the n-cord previously held by him. Commencing with a 6 and taking 6 to the 3rd hole, the rein lining 7 hoes were
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  • 280 7 Pulling Sir Alexander Suki i rnh\m's Lsc. The Strait papers ;o hand this mail (says tht Times of Ceylon) all contain more or less ribald references to the Acting Governor's new title, or to his acts as Governor, aid as individual too for
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  • 119 7 PLAGUE AT CANT UKY. (Chung Ngoi San Po.) It is satisfactory to learn that the plague in Canton is gradually dying away, the number of admissions to the plague hospitals being much smaller than a fortnight ago, when from three to four hundred cases were reported daily. Now there are
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  • 99 7 The increased price of tin is being availed of by the Selangor Government to augment its revenue, an additional customs duty regulation being issued that when the price of tin exceeds $42 per piku! up to $43, the duty per bhara shall be §14 50. The continued good price should
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  • 1960 8 By One Who has Survivbd Them. Somehow, so long as I was at Home, I never felt the slightest inclination to cycle. One by one, I had seen all my girl friends whirled out of my sight on the fascinating wheel, forsaking art, literature, and all the
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  • 2174 8 The exciting slate of the po itical atmosphere which we are now breathing, coupled also with that power of causing excitement which belongs to all great orators, his given ihe world at large a strangely mistaken view of Mr. Chamberlain's now famous speech. We <Jo not
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  • 701 9 The Mutual steamer Teen Kai passed through tb« harbour yesterday, about 1-30 p m., homeward b und. The mail despatched from Singapore Iq London, via Brmdisi, on the 3rd June, s rxpectcd to l>e delivered to day. The Austrian frigate Fmndsberg which arrived from P<>!a on
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  • 92 9 The entries for the Singapore Football Association Cup Competition closed on Saturday evening, six entries being received, viz., S. C R. A (Fort Canning), R.A (Blakang Mati), R E West Yorkshire Regiment and Tanjong Pagar Football Club. The ties will be drawn for on We nesday evening,
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  • 201 9 This match was played on the Esplanade on FiHay and Satutday, and resulted in a fairly level draw. The scores were Next XVI. F. M. Elliot b Reid 3-? A. M<«rrison b Noon 8 I*.. Ryall bO'Donnell 22 L. Woodward c I a> ver b O'Donnell 4 A R.
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  • 509 9 Thus does history repeat itself. Mr. Parr, of Tampin, says there is little to be said of regarding mining in this district, as at pre-ent th re is none." Other industries might be commented on similarly. Mr. J. M Lyon's coffee machine has been pa ented in the Negri Sembilan.
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  • 1030 9 Manila papers have been received up to 12 inst which, by the way, as a sign of the times, are now reduced to half the usual size. Hope of German intervention forms a prominent theme of discussion, and inordinate praise of everything German is now the
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  • 402 9 Lieutenant Tait, at Hoylake on the 27th May won ihe Amateur Gulf Championship for the second time. It was half-past ttn am when h,e finalists, Lieutenant Tait, and Mr. S. MureFergusson, ot the Roy r »l and Antient Club, St. Andrews, came out to contest the
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  • 288 9 r Ceylon Observer,) A question has been raised in Far Fiji aa v Lbe best mode of planting coconuts. Hitherto the recognised mode hi< been by laying the nu's on their side or with the eye upwards: but an exCeylon planter Mr.
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  • 155 9 I he new road to join Pasir Panjang and Bukit Timah road, near th^ sixth mile, will be a great addition to the round roads of the island, when it is completed. Leaving Pasir Panjang, near the police station, the belt of coco-nut trees is soon
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  • 38 9 The ring winnings on Jtddah's Derby are calculated by some of the fraternity at over a quarter of a million sterling Batt would not have been a winner for them he would have been about a stand off.
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  • 754 10 (Contributed.) The outburst of sympathetic feeling between the peoples of Great Britain and the United States is one of the signs of the tiny s. It is a most important one, pregnant with far reaching results which can but be dimly apprehended as yet. Of course, it
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  • 117 10 Captain Vanreneu, in charge of the Native States Guides in Penang, is to be replaced by Captain Edye, proceeding to Kuala Lunipor. An attempt has been made at Bangkok to bring home a charge oi contempt of court upon a Mr. Frank McCullagh, who is alleged to be the successor
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  • 446 10 A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held this afternoon to pass supplemental budget No. 2 of iBgB and to consider the burial and burning ground bye-laws. Mr. Gentle presided, and there were also present Col. Pennefather, Mr. Sohst, Mr. Nanson, Mr. Moses, Mr. Meyer, Mr. Tan
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  • 34 10 THE BULLOCK-CART STR IKE. The bullock-cart strike is understood to be at an end, all the police guards having been withdrawn to-d iy, and a large number of the carts having returned to work.
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  • 109 10 The Sepoy Lines Golf Club monthly medal was played for o<\ Saturday 1 St. Only three competitors handed in scores as follows Allinson 45 +45 go 5=85 Weaver 50-j-so 106 16 -go Elcum 46-H5O 0/1 6=90 The Captain and Officers of H. ML S. Plover, recently
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  • 246 10 An idea. At a Bumblepuppy Gymkhana held on the Allahabad Race Course the other day proceedings began with a sort of combination golf and race event mounted gentlemen carrying putters took a couple of hurdles, handed the golfing implement to their fair partners who put" and then rode back. Captain
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  • 232 10 Washington, May 6.— The Suez Canal is open to belligerents, and Spain can send a fleet through if she wishes. The principle of the neutralization of the Suez Canal was applied by the convention of October 29, 1 888, which was signed by the
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  • 332 10 Not long a^.<, says the Daily Telegraph's Pekin correspondent in a warm d scussion here, one of the member of our Legation was making the members of the Kaiser's staff wince by contrasting their selfish with our generous policy, and he clinched the argument by saying,
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  • 221 10 A party of blue jackets ami marines from H. M. S. Hermione were landed this morning about 5 a.m. lor route marching, under command of Lt. Goodenough, R N taking with them a 9-pdr. and a Maxim gun. On the return about 8 a.m., when passing
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  • 109 10 MALAY PENINSULA PROSPECTING Co., Ld. An extraordinary general meeting of the Malay Peninsula Prospecting Co. was held to-day at Messrs Giithrie Co.'s Offices, the proceedings being conducted in private We are given to understand, however, that a resolution to voluntarily liquidate the Company was unanimously adopted, but this will not
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  • 53 10 Mr. Bathurst, in his annual report on the Land Department of the Negri Sembilan, makes out a strong case for the appointment of a Warden of Mines. His confrere in (harge of the roast district, Mr Bowen, conside s that it will be a blessing to ihe district when tapioca
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  • 754 10 Yesterday a rifle match took place at th Balestier range between Police teams re presenting Penang and Singapore, but thr scores are not yet available The Inspector General of Police i| Wt L ing trial of Eurasians as detectives having been at work fur a couple
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  • 798 11 Coronation Day was celebrated by three g*rm > of cricket on the Esplanade simultaneously, which we do not remember having oc m ied n<i: 're. Ihe S C. C. end accomm ri"f d two matches, i-t and 2nd XI 's of the fab against Ist and 2nd XL's of
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  • 66 11 B An additional M<>gi-trate has been ap|HMi led lo assist the Commissioner of the < ooil i-i Ri tjutsts. Ht will hear civil cases w Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, •li Senioi Magistrate on these days sitting witfi one of other ol his colleagues. The in I ll c Central Police
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  • 2795 11 At the usual Friday evening discourse on 27th ult. at the Royal Institution, the speaker was Litutenant-Gentral Sir Andrew Clarke, and his subject Sir Stamford Raffles and the Malay Siates." In the course of his interesting paper Sir Andrew said Sir S amford
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  • 255 11 A Favourable Verdict. A correspondent sends us this q'ioU'ion from a London business letter received by the mail Libenan Coffee. Thanks for the sample you send us. Directly we opened the canister we saw that the quality was very distinctly better than any sample we have before seen
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  • 68 11 The funeral of John Leary, th^ petty officer of H. M S. Hermione who died on Monday morning of heat apoplexy, which took place the same afternoon from f lie Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, was I >r£"iy attended by the officers aid men of the deceased's ship. When the
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  • 1263 12 Chinese Neutrality a Fact. The v Zafiro Ordered out of Chinese Unexpected Departure to Manila. (China Mail.) Hongkong, June 21, Somewhat unexpectedly, the lunese authorities have awakened to a sense of their international responsibility. Last night, we are informed, Mr. H. M Hillier, Commissioner for the Kowloon District
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  • 257 12 To celebrate Coronation Day the Wai rant Officers and Staff Sergeants of the Garrison arranged a pleasant holiday for a number of guests, chief among whom were the sergeants of the West York's, and their wives The S. R. C. had kindly lent their round and
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  • 218 12 A few weeks ago it will be remembered the Dispensary commenced roceedings in the Police Court against an Opium Farm chinting for interfering with the rikisha j coolie of a European whilst bringing away a prescription from the Di pensary. The case, was adjourned and was not
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  • 117 12 Mr. Wolferstan suffering from fever, Mr. Woodward presided in the second Court this morning. Inspector Fairburst, having been ordered to Malacca, will he replaced at Sepoy Lines (D Div.) by Sergt. Brennan, who is to be made a third class Inspector. A smoking concert in aid of the Temperance Club
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  • 67 12 The S.S. Lightning, from Hongkong yesterday, landed 400 Chinese at the quarantine station, in consequence of a case of plague having broken out amongst the men of the Hongkong Regiment, principally Pathans, who are on their way home to India on leave. The ship was
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  • 616 12 (Via Ceylon.) London, June 16. Lord George Hamilton has declined to alter his decision to exclude the public from the sittings of the Currency Committee. The India Loan Hill has passed its second reading in ihe Hou^e of Commons, the am ndment by Sir W. Wedderburn, in favour of
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  • 225 12 Messrs Jaeger Co. have been appointed the Singapore Agents of the Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Insurance Co., which has a capital of four million pounds. The Austrian cruiser Frundsberg left this afternoon for Manila direct. It is said she is only the avant courier of an Austrian
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  • 644 12 France and the United States have conclude a reciprocity treaty. Under this Convention bjtf countnes were conceded minimum rates upon c tain products. News has been received of a ttrioBf l(1 sea between the American cruiser Column tons, British Foscolia, 1,536 tons, belong Messrs. Watt, Watt
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  • 69 12 (COftftKCTKO UP TO June 29) demand 1/ 1 1 Private credits 3 m/s i/iiji documents 3 m/s l l ll^i credits 6 m/s 1 1 11 l France, demand 242 Germany, demand 195." India, T. T 145} Hongkong, demand di*. Yokohama, demand \< pffl JAVA, demand ii^ Manila, demand
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  • 50 12 (June 29.) r Wi» -i.itiv (ordinary Spore) 2 A*. W i:e, (F%ir 1./W= 5 *o Cloves (Amhoina) 15, faptOOi, :ill p' arl (Fair quality) 4.4" <\o. dv flake (do. do.; %J% do. medium j>ear l (Fair do.; 4.4' do. d<. fiake (Fair do. l*m i'c-iri StttfO, fwyi 4 -y'
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  • 8238 13 I.bading Articles. Russia and Port Arthur, I Rumoured French Action in Hainan, I Singapore and H-tinan, I '1 lie Hainan Rum turs, 2 T 1 c French AJ-rnml's Movements, 2 The Brush Squadron, 2 The Hainan Rumours, 2 More Trouble i > North Borneo, f... 2 '1 he 1
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    • 160 16 SPAIN GETTING SICK OF IT. The Spanish papers continue to speak o peace b^in^ desirable. The Ministerial paper Correo dwells on the injury the war is causing to trade and industry. THE MINISTERIAL CRISIS IN FRANCE. Another Unsuccessful Attempt to Form a Cabinet. M Sarri< n is failed
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    • 142 16 MOTHER PHILIPPINE EXPEDITION. jneral Merritt in Command. third Americ; n exoedition tor Manil sails oni v; ar. Francisco on the 27th r,< n ii Merritt will probably accompany thb expedition. iHE INVASION OF CUBA. Successful Landing near Santia^D. Americans Encounter N Opposition. The \nierican truops hay* successfully effected
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    • 73 16 rTHE TH V I^VASIO »OF CUBA. Admiral Samps n Landing Heavy The Ann ncan troops have advanced in land from Baiquire and now hold six miles of count 1 y. Admiral Sampson is landing bii» guns and Admiral Cam ra's Squadron. Official Declaration. Proceeding to Manila. The Spanish
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    • 85 16 Manila's Cul'? Communications. How News gets to Madrid. The 4 Libelle at 110-ilo. to Singapore Free Press) Labuan, June 27th, 1898. The Spanish ship Rosario has arrived here with despatches. She reports that the Libelle Capt Grant, was at 110-ilo on the 20th, an i all was quiet
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    • 165 16 The American Advance on Santiago. Spaniards Claim to Have Repelled an American Attack. The Americans are constantly advancing though greatly fatigued with the heat, and by forced marches are now within eight miles of Santiago. The Spanish official report states that the Americans attacked the Spanish Camp, hut
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    • 165 16 A Belgian Railway Contract. (Special to Singapore tree Press). Hongkong, June *****. The Belgian contract for tl.e Luhan Railway was finally signed at Shanghai, yesterday. An Exchange of Natives A mission from the Congo Free State, under ih> auspices of King eopold is push- ing lor a treaty
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    • 113 16 ADMIRAL CAM ARA'S SQUADRON. Not AUowed Coal at Port Said. Admiral Camara's squadron consists of wo ironclads, two cruisers, three torpedo lestroyers, five transports and four thou sand soldiers i 1 The Egyptian Government has refused io allow the squadron to coal at Port Saul. The S anish
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    • THE WAR.
      • 19 16 Four transports, with the third expedition of 4,000 troops, has left San Francisco for Manila.
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      • 39 16 Ordered Through the Canal. The Coaling Difficulty. Admiral Camara has been ordered to proceed to Suez. It is reported that it has been arranged for colliers to meet the squadron in the Red Sea or elsewhere.
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      • 77 16 A Strorg bquadron. Commodore Watson has been appointed to the command of the American squadron going to Spain. It will consist of three ironclads, tour cruisers and three colliers. The French Ministerial Crisis, M. Brisson's Cabinet. M. Brisson has completed the formation f He bewmes Premier
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  • 345 16 Quotation..' Capital Paid Up. Shares Paid i>iv. Bank of China and Japan, Ltd. $2i Nominal. 2,000,000 450,968 199 8 7 5 £2.5. Deferred. I 4 01 5 °»5*4 "-5*4 Bell's Abestos Eastern Agency, $5 Sellers. 10,000^ 1,416 unissued Clear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. $ioo S
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    • 1130 16 VESSELS IN PORT. 4en-of-Wai Flags and Tons Commanders Arrived From :or lermionb Brit, cruiser 4360 Callaghan May 23 Colombo Roads Other Vessels Flags Tons Masters Arrived From Consignees For Vr.«nRIV (>er. 3470 Reuter June 28 Hongkong Behn Meyer rlambuv^i N 11<A Brit is/6 Rolfe June 2Q rlongkon^ Eiouoead |ava Jul,
      1,130 words