The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 23 June 1898

Total Pages: 16
389 404 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 146 389 CON TENTS. The Mhn slerial < risis m France 389 1 Fhe American Bxnedilionj 389 > American Imperialism, 389 T c >:t ;oii at M mila, 389 i A hniral Camara's Expedition, Mo PI itiop > Exped ti n, .too Camara s Return, 390 fbe Invasion of üba, 39 Marriage
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 26 389 At St. Luke's K..iscopal Church, Brooklyn, U.S.A., Walter M. Robinson, of Singapore, to Lottie, daughter ot Peter Lesser, Ksq., Flat Bush Avenue, Brooklyn, U S.A.
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    • 18 389 On May 25, at Queen Anne's Mansions, West- I minster, SAMUEL BRIGHT Bailby, Solicitor, of Singapore, 39.
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  • 438 389 Mere shall t! c Press the People's right ir.aint^n, fn:*\ved by nfiuence \i\.<.\ unbribed by gain; ierr patriot Truth her glorious precrpt? draw, Ur*H to Religion, Loyalty, and Law. M MELINE'S position, as head of the present French administration, i* at pre- I s<*nt most
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  • 161 389 I un c i7 l n j We would like to point out that a-, regards the Tampa Bay expedition, which appears to be a second and larger instalment of the expeditionary force nominally destined for Cuba, |.he naval escor di> pears to be: so powerful as
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  • 549 389 American Imperialism. The American nation, having finally succeeded in spreading itself across its own continent, and generally grown well out to its frontiers^ land and sea. is seized for really the first time in its history with the appetite for colonial expansion. It seems to be almost only Britain that
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  • Page 389 Advertisements
    • 200 389 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY AND OCCIDENTAL AND ORIKNTAL w STEAMSHIP COMPANY. rough passage tickets granted to England "r-v.e, and Germany by all trans- Atlantic line^ 1 1 tearaersj also to San Francisco by the steamer 1 in above lines. o other European points at proportionate rate special reduced rates granted
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    • 128 389 PRITCHARD Co. SULK AGENTS For the Straits Settlements, the Federated Malay States, and Sumatra i OR WHEELER WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES. The No. D Hand Machines Cash 835. Credit 538.50 1 Treadle Machines Cash $50. Credit 555.00 Dl 2 875. 582.50 P. S. The last machine can be 1 had adapted
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  • Page 389 Miscellaneous
    • 251 389 THE WEEK. The next mail from Europe is due to arrive by the M. M. SS Melbourne on the 28th in<t. with London advices to the 3rd inst., being followed on the 2nd proximo by tin P. O s.s. Coromandel with the English mails of the roth inst. This mail
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  • 367 390 ioin.; THE follow ing observations on our special telegram, concerning the course of affairs at Manila, will be found of interest. Malate is the fashionable suburb on the tea shore to the south of Manila. The maiority of the English residents now live there. The English
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  • 730 390 THERE is much of miscellaneous interest in the telegrams received 1 0 -day. The war naturally receives chief attention. One imp^itant announcement we should like tc feel quite sure about its authenticity i- to the effect that the Spanish reserve squadron, under Admiral Camara, has left Cadiz,
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  • 577 390 (June 2 1 st.) Admiral CAMARA's squadron, which in i our view is not meant to attempt the voyage to the Philippines for a number of very good reasons, has been sighted off Cape de G.u.i. the most easterly promontory of the soath coast of Spain. The
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  • 239 390 (June 22nd.) The incredulity that we promptly professed on being informed a few days ago by telegrams that Spain was sending her reserve naval squadron to the Philippines is to-day justified. Admiral CAMARA has returned with his squadron and hi- transports to an unspecified Spanish port, and Admiral
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  • 475 390 THERE seems to have been a determined effort by the Spanish troops in the district of Santiago to prevent the Landing of j General Shafter's expedition of American troops recently despatched from Tampa Bay to an unstated destination in Cuba. I We are told in to-day's
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  • 476 390 We may change our skies in coming to the Far East but we do not change our miuds or our personalities. It KCtni to us that the Legislative Council in boggling at recognising the competence of Presbyterian Ministers to carry out re. gistration of
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  • 599 391 The British steamer Cheswick, of London, passed through the harbour yesterday afternoon, bound west. Z.< Mekong is publishing a series of illustrated articles on Money and the Precious Metals in China.'' The authorities are M. M. 1 illot and E. S. Fischer. The mail despatched from
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  • 116 391 (Pioneer.) \n important and very just principle has been unciated by the Burma Government by way of final teply to the persistent entreaties of the Rangoon Chamber of Commerce that quarantine >u!d be imposed against arrivals from Calcutta. Bolt the Home Government and the Government I India,
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  • 667 391 (V Independance Tonkinoise.) An alliance with England is for certain of our statesmen or of our publicists the ideal of a good policy. There is evidently no longer any talk of the famous "entente cordiale which made so much noise last year, since the English have
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  • 214 391 There having been apparently some doubt as to the authenticity of the news of the death of Mr. A. Blanco (formerly one of the Spanish Estudiantina troupe that visited the Far East), we arranged to get further information from Soerabaya, where Mr Blanco lately resided.
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  • 273 391 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by honest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronomer's game, and the philosopher's game, which whettes thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and hurts no body in the mean season." All communications should be addressed Chess, Singapore Free Press.*' Original problems should be
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 391 Ry Mr. P. A. Rkltbns, Singapore. (From the Chess Monthly.) Black «8 pieces). While (7 pieces). White to play and mate in three moves.
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  • 22 391 By Mr. J. King, Singapore. Black (7 pieces). Whitef 11 pieces). White to play and mate in two moves.
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  • 165 391 Game No .68. From the Championship Tournament of the Brooklyn Chess Club Queen's Gambit Declined. White— Napier. Black— Marshall. i P-O4 P-O4 1 KtPx B KKtx P 2P-084 P-K4(a) üßxKt Ktxß 3 Px~KP P-O.s 15Q-K4 Castles 4 P-OR3(b) Kt"QB3 16 Ktxß QxKt 5 Kt"KB3 B-Kkt 5 17 R X P(f)
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  • 215 391 Game No. 69. The following encounter between Gunsberg and Schallopp gained the brilliancy pri/e in London in 1886. Ruy Lopez. White Gunsberg. Black Schallopp 1 P-K4 P-K4 .3 Castles? Q-R3 2 Kt-KB; Kt-QB3 14 B-B2 P-Ks 3 B-Kt 5 Kt-B3 isßxKt P x Xt 4 P-O^(ai QKt-K2(b) 16 B-Ksch Xt
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  • 259 391 News has reached London, says the St. 'fames Budget, that Pilisbury will attend the Vienna Tournament. If so. we may expect the American to be on top at the end. Lasker, who has decided to have nothing to do with the affair, predicts, however, that the grand old
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  • 358 391 "THE HAUGHS OF CROMDALE. Mr. Brodrick has stated in the House of Commons that henceforth the Victoria Cro±s will carry with it an annual pension of £$<>, in the case of those holding it ivho are incapacitated soldiers. i haven't yet alluded, Piper Findlatcr, To what at Dargai you did,
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  • 2299 392 (Gobierno Dictatorial Filipinas.) Philippines,— The Great North American nation, the lover of true liberty and therefore desirous < f liberating our country, oppressed and subjugated by the tyranny and despotism of its rulers, has shown us a protection as decided as it is disinterested (considering us sufficiently civilised
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  • 964 392 Reported Treachery Amongst the Rebels. Obstruction of Railway and Telegraph Lines. {China Mail Special Correspondent.) Manila City, May 27.— Reports are current in the city that treachery has broken out amongst the rebels. The origin of these reports may be Spanish, and are, therefore, untrustworthy, but I believe
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  • 658 392 Letters received in Singapore give fuii accounts of the successe of the [itsurgeiitf under General Aguinaldo in the Kavite There have been obtained mtt irict >rie§ against the Spaniards from May ***** -June Ist. The fighting commenced in tomt fields to the parish of Kavite
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  • 207 393 Exemplary Sbntencbs. Before the Court of Two Magistrates yesterday the hearing of the charge against the seven Chinese women and the Chinaman of assisting in the management of a chap-ji-kee lottery in Payah Lebah Road was resumed. Mr. Braddell, instructed by Col. Pennefather, appeared for the
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  • 110 393 t District Magistrate Killed. m>fs Despatch bo irom Canton. inton, June 9th, A rebellion has been »l irted in ih<> province of Kwangtung and insurgents haw captured the city of »wcfa »wfu, little to the north of Swa-.-a and put to death the District Magist c and
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  • 136 393 We near that a -penally engaged railway en- ci baa arrived in Perak to superintend the en cl on ofl the Niboog Tebal railway bridge. Ke rings his own d sign with him, according to report, and expects to have the bridge finished in a xiuple 01 years. Consequent
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  • 155 393 Corfs Orders. Head (Quarter Office, Singapore, 16th June, 1 898. 1. OrdVrly Ofhcer for the ensuing week, J Lieut. F. J. Benjaf.eld. 2. 2nd Lieut. F. H.lton is granted 12 months leave from the 15th inst. The following members having returned to S n^apore are posted to
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  • 150 393 THE FRENCH AT KWAN-CHAU-WAN. AS I*NFRIENI)L\ RKCEPTION. Referring to the visit of the Governor jeneral Indo China to Kwan-Chau-wan, reemU acquired by France, the Avenir dv Tonkin says the object of the Governor's •isit, in company with Admiral Beaumont, vas doubtless to ascertain whether the Vauban could pass the entrance
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  • 750 393 FRIDAY, JUNE 17,1898 The alarm of fire at Tanjong Rhu yesterday proved to be groundless, the smoke being caused by a Chinaman burning a rubbish heap. A morphia injector was this morning fined $45 by Mr. Wolferstan. H. M.S. Linnet arrived in Hongkong "Monday next, the anniversary of the accession
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  • 31 393 Candidates for a place in the S. V. A. Team for the Warren Shield are reminded of the first trial shoot, which takes place to-morrow afternoon at Balestier.
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  • 69 393 The annual meeting of the Singapore Football Association was held yesterday afternoon in the Cricket Pavilion, The following office-bearers were elected President. R. Scoular. Hon. Sec. and Treas.—T. C. B. Milier. Committee. Two representatives each from R.A..-R.E., West York Re*, and S. C. C. Hntries for the
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  • 123 393 The Pedir Expedition. It is telegraphed that on the 1 2th June, the Dutch troops advanced to Beureunoon, one cavalry trooper killed, three infantry privates wounded. At Beureunoon, the expedition was received by Bintara Kemangan. On the 14th the troops advanced to Chot Moorong Omar had the same morning
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  • 70 393 We hear a wh'sper of the probability of a Fancy Ball being given in Singapore on the 31st August, in honour of the Coronation Festival or the youthful Queen of Holland. The close friendly associntion of the British and Dutch communities in this Colony will
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  • 436 393 Eleven Mark Taplby's Make the Best of it Waiting the Bombardment. Singapore cricketers will be interested to read this extract from a letter of the Manila correspondent of the Hongkong Telegraph, showing how even in times of apprehension of bombardment and attack from without, and riot and
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  • 76 393 A meeting of the Legislative Council will be held on Tuesday next, when the following notice of motion by the Actin- Colonial Secretary will be considered Wlicreas a sum of $110,000 was provided in the Supply Ordinance 1897 under the head ol military expenditure for new barracks, Singapore,
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  • 68 393 Members of the Philharmonic Orchestra are reminded that practice for the next Popular Orchestral Concert is to be resumed next Thursday (23rd inst). Important work will be rehearsed, including the "Allegro con brio" and the 'Andante con moto of Beethoven's C Minor Symphony (No. 5); Solveig's Lied"
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  • 139 393 The return of the imports and exports for the last quarter of 1897 nave j ust reached us. The imports show an increase in dollars and a decrease in scerling. The exports show an increase in both dollars and sterling, the appended table showing the figures. The rate
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  • 523 393 People who would like to iinger amidst the simple but too rare joys of a nineteenthcentury Arcadia might <Jo worse than hie them to Tientsin with this risk, that their very arrival might have the effect of rubbing the sacred bloom, finally and for ever, oft
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  • 2754 394 [All Rights Reserved.] BY SIR RICHARD TEMPLE BART. Progress of India Under British Rule. VIII. The organization of British Rule in India, and the administrative achievements of the Government during the nineteenth century, have been briefly described in the last preceding article. It remains, in conclusion, to summarize
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  • 714 394 (Ho ngko ng Telegrap h The China Mail has been hammerm^ at u.t Government lor a long time to rctntroduce the Servants Registration Ordinance and seems 1 1 be of opinion that such an ordinance, properl) worked, would ensure us against man.- of the
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  • 665 395 The ordinary general meeting of the Malay Peninsula Prospecting Co. will be held on June 29th. Mr Sect Ewe Lay, the manager of the La- Pmu y yesterday lost a gold chain from belt value §310. tmongs! the passengers arriving by the from Europe this morning
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  • 79 395 The Buteman of May 14th announces the call to the Free Church congregation of Dailly, of the Rev. Archibald Lamont, who was for some time in Singapore connected with the Presbyterian Mission, and is the author of a novel Bright Celestials." Mr. Lamont has been occupying
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  • 173 395 The many old friends of the sth Fusiliers here will like to see this extract from a private letter, dated from Cairo Citadel 'There have been lots of changes since j you knew us. First of all Major Buchanan left under the age clause. Col.
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  • 295 395 Entertainment at the Town Hall. A vt ry successful entertainment was given in the Town Hall last evening by the pupils ot the Raffles Girls' School for the benefit ot the School piize fund, reflecting credit not only on the abilities of the pupils themselves but on
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  • 252 395 This is the anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo which took place eighty-three year, ago, on the 1 8th June, 1815. The official returns show that the 3rd Battalion 14th Regiment, went into action on that occasion under Major and Brevet Lieut. Col. R. S. Tidy with 38
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  • 1068 395 Quicquid agunt homines nostrt est farrago libelli JUVBNAL. Some ten or twelve years ago, the late George Dv Maurier illustrated a Christmas number of Punch with pictures of life in the coming age of electricity. Most of them were fanciful. One picture the most fanciful of
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  • 56 395 Lieut.-Colonel H. E. McCallum, Governor of Lagos, arrived at Plymouth on 25th May, on leave. His Excellency, who" is still suffering from illness contracted while visiting the Hinterland in connection with the alleged French aggression at Borgj, travelled to London on the 26th. He expects to be in
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  • 226 395 The Philippine rebels can no longer be termed such, but have now the rights and privileges of belligerents. The Spanish governors of three Provinces have officially surrendered thtir territory and garrison to General Aguinaldo, after executing a formal document of transfer before a notary public. They now
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  • 276 395 Further news arc 10 hand by the mail oi the late Mr. S. B Bailey, of the legal firmof Messrs. Donaldson and Burkinshaw, who died at Queen Anne's Mansions, London, on May 25th. Mr. Bailey caught a chill two days before reaching Marseilles, which brought on
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  • 1875 396 (Written for the Singapore Free Press.) IV Vesuvius. Every visitor to Naples must ascend Vesuvius, or else confess himself unworthy of the name of traveller, The smallest (with the exception of its little vis-d-vis the Solfaterra) volcano in Europe, it is the most celebrated, though
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  • 439 396 The annual athletic sports in connection with the Raffles Cricket Club were commenced yesterday (15th on the grounds of the Raffli-s School, when there were a good number of visitors present. The weaiher was beautifully tine, and the various events well contested. The finals will be run
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  • 416 396 A MAW A WOMAN— AND THE DOGS. A French Solomon. A recent French judgment (says the Tunis correspondent of the Morning Post) may be cited as an illustration of Arab manners and Gallic astuteness. An Arab was travelling through th interior with his wife he was on donkeyback, and she
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  • 837 396 The Sultan of Sllu Robbeh. He Laments His Lost Regalm H. H. the Sultan of Sulu, who m Singapore on his return from Mecca aju is staying in a blind alley oft Arab-siteA was last night robbed oi hi> crown jewels. He went to sleep leaving
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  • 1242 397 A T\lk with Mr. G. W. Cable, thl American Novelist. (Bi Raymond Blathwayt.] We bad been talking for some lime, and I had illumed lo ihe parsing awiy oi that black cicid of iislike and distrust so dark upon the American -,iti»- which for so long has
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  • 49 397 It is reported from Ceinanfu, the provincial capital of Shantung, that the Germans are making their rule at Kiao-cnau popular by charging only seventy per cent, of the taxes usually collected for ground rent from the people in that subprefecture. A r C. Daily News,
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  • 33 397 A certificate of naturalisation has been granted to Lim Koo Poon, Singapore. Frcm the istof January, 1899, the Police Dept. will cease to sell to the public standard weights and measures.
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  • 658 397 There was again a large turn out of members on Saturday to compete for the Club Spring Prize Thr rain which fell during the day rather spoilt the putting greens, making them heavy. Looking at the score which won, it must he admitted that a lower score
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  • 752 397 To-day, sixty-one years ago, Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria acceded to the Throne, in succession to her uncle, The Norwegian steamer Lio reports that on the sth inst, one of the crew was washed overboard. Mr. G. W. Butt, manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai
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  • 1107 397 (The Pioneer. j The Allahabad Piottcer concludes in these terms an important article on the Currency Chaos," declaring the f< regone r j^ction by the Currency Committee of the Indian Government plan of currtn< y restriction How Sir James Westland ever came to
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  • 2021 398 (Being another of the series of letters written by A. yon Sonnenberg from the German transport. Krtfeld and afterwards from Kiau-chou.) (Sp c al y Translated for the Singapore Free Press) In summing up the impressions made by my siay in Singapore, lasting hardly four hours. I said in
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  • 40 398 The Agent of the N. T. S. at Singapore informs us that he has rec< ived a telegram from the Head Office stating that 3 dividend of 6 per cent, has been declared for the year 1897.
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  • 595 398 Three giddy young things homeward bound from Singapore on a recent French mail boat (S., M., .«nd L.) got badly left at Port Said They went ashore nd had quite a pleasant time, seeing the place, and other things. About eleven at night, when they
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  • Correspondence.
    • 395 398 To the Editor. SIR, Can you manage to in any Wa wake up the so called powers that be respecting their doubtless respectable but entirely useless production known a- the B. N. B. Herald! It is subscribed for myself amongst others) to get the late* local
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  • 575 398 THE AMERICAN EXPEDITION TO MANILA. China Mail.; Hie transports conveying the American troop* to (he Philippines should no! be lar norn ihei; destination. The dtp oj Peking smu la Itave iefi S^.! 1 Pram >co accompanied by lnt: d ttrmlis ami ihecruisei Chmrlesi n a •< .it [4th May, Washing
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  • 931 399 By kind permission of H. E. MajorGeneral H T. Jones- Yaughan, C. B the Prim c of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire) Regiment relebiated the anniversary of the batik of Waterloo by a torchlight tatt<>o and open-air concert, on the Parade Ground at Tanglin Barracks, on
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  • 79 399 The competition for the Warren Shields (for 1898) will take place as under: Shooting. lo commence on July nth. (Entiies cl<se Ist July.) Tug-of-lVar. In August. (Entries close 28th July (Service boots as issued from store to be worn. The final to be pulled at Fort
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  • 116 399 A large python was captured last Thursday in the tiger trap on New Amherst Estate. Having swallowed the ill-starred dog which was acting as bait, the brute pioceeded, after the manner of his kind to indulge in a pest prandial sleep, from which it
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  • 224 399 (B. N. B. Herald.) No authentic information is available as to Mr. Cowie's future movemeut>. The opening up of China is held to presage well for the future timber trade of Borneo. China herself is almost destitute of timber, and laige quantities will undoubtedly be required tor railways,
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  • 364 399 Mr. Pryer writes as under to the B. N Borneo Herald The export of copra, sago flour, tapioca and rattans from Singapore at present averages a total of about 37,000 pikuls weekly and draws some $8,000,000 [sic. two millions] a month through that port. There
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  • 717 399 The Right Rev. Bishop Fee left yesterday afternoon by the 8.1.S N. Co's steamer Nerbudda on his pastoral visit to Penang. A mail for Manila left Hongkong at 9 a.m. to-day and another will probably leave on Wednesday. Two arrests have been made by the Police
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  • 346 399 In these days the supremacy of the pot hat is almost uncontested on the racecourse, and the top hat is but rarely seen. Twenty or thirty years ago no one would have for a moment thought cf going to a great race meeting in anything but a
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  • 611 399 Kobe, June 6. At half-past nine ye^tt-rday morning Captain Gridley of the U S S. Olvmpia died on board the S. S. Coptic in the ha bour. The deceased officer had been uttering from dysentery for some time. After the tn tgement at
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  • 2362 400 Volumes or Recbnt Verse. Unless the vast majority of English critics are at fault, a new sun of literature has risen in the person ot Mr. Stephen Phillips. Twelve months ago no one, save his own circle of personal friends, had heard of Mr. Phillips;
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  • 1061 400 (From our own Correspondent^ The Assizes were opened on Tuesday, the 14th inst., before th<- Chief Justice, the Hon. Sir W. H. L. Cox, the Crown being represented by the Attorney General, the liOn. w. ix. v^oiiyer. Ashim bin Dolah, Mulut bin Lagis and Usuf bin Kadir were charged
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  • 974 401 Kmsi Day. June i6th. lavs racing of the Selangor furl Club look pace at Kuala Lumpor ij Ihe daj was not a fine one. writes mostly won, the highest mi at being 527. Raci aluc $250. A race for all ponies I unbV r. 1 2 t*>
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  • 75 401 Ihe returns from the P.ihan^; Corporation's Mines for the month ot April were as follows SUNGEI LEMBING. Tons of stone crushed 1421 Oxide of tin produced Bi| tons, with 30 heads of stamps 1 mining for 24 days, the working expenses bein^ $14,750. JERAM BATANG. Tons
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  • 920 401 A Berlin journal pu /lishcb the fol'ow n>« account, from i he pen ot a well-known Germ in traveller, of an audience granted by the Empeiorof China to the foreign Ainljas-adur^ at Peki ig. Fhe wriier was the oi>1) non-diplomatic person present. Headed by
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  • 407 401 His Honour the Officer Administering the Government and the Hon. C. W. S. Kynnersley, the Acting Colonial Secretary, leave for Malacca and Penang in the Sea Belle this afternoon about five o'clock. Archdeacon Perham returned from Malacca this morning by the Neera. Two Bengali milkmen were fined §50
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  • 111 401 The Netherlands Community of Singapore are, with hospitable loyalty, issuing invitations to a large number of the general community of this place, to assist in the celebration of the accession to the Throne of Her Majesty Queen Wilhelmina, at a Fancy Dress Ball, to be
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  • 90 401 Moonlight Roi ti Marches. The members of the S. V. A. may be glad to hear ihat it is being arranged that there shall be periodical moonlight route marches, and that it is probable that from time to time the assi>tance of the drum-and-Hfe band o the
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  • 136 401 A native correspondent at Peking reports that on the day previous to the death oi Prince Kung he was visited by both the Emperor and the Kmpress Dowager. When the latter saw that there was no hope ot the Prince's recovery, her Majesty bent over the
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  • 746 401 yrrom out ,>;< Correspondents The Malacca Chinese Lawn Tennis Club celebrated the sth anniversary of the Club's institution in a much more sumptuous manner than usual. In addition Lo the usual sports, which were held on Sunday, the 19th the Members of the Club were At Home on Saturday
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  • 102 401 At the annual general meeting, beld yesterday afternoon, the accounts for the year ended 31st May were passed. The following gentlemen were elected as the C onmittee for the ensuing twelve months Messrs. Anderson, Stringer, Miller. Greig Laspe, Frizeil and Sohst. The M. M. Company's steamer Yarra left
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  • 1761 402 Tuesday, Junk 21, 1898. Present His Honour the Officer Administering the Government (Sir Alex. Swettenham, k.c.m.g.) The Hon. the Acting Col. Secretary (C. W. S. Kynnersley.) the Attorney-General (W. R. Collyer.) the Actg. Col. Treasurer (F. G. Penney.) the Auditor-General C. Hill.) G. S Murray Ai i\ il
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  • 1593 402 THE OUTWARD MOVEMENT OF THE UNITED S TAPES. (Times of India.) A i-jw years ago Captain Mahan told his countrymen that he foresaw the not far distant day when the United States people must a^ain betake themselves to the sea and to external action, as did their forefathers alike in
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  • Page 402 Advertisements
    • 66 402 MINER WANTED. MINER waqtod ior an EtfUbJtshed t Mine m the Native States. A pood op ior a competent man. Appl\ stating q«al I). r co Free PrtiS. BRAND HOTEL JAVA, TPi i class Koteli patronised bsilit •i mi unit 3 Batavia, and stiuat* f ti i *ht n-'<>vi li
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  • 594 403 S C. C. t \V. Y. Regiment. n h>r the Club by Two Goals to Nil. The Club hst night put their b^st team the field, their forward and half back [10c being materially stiengthened The soil was they showed the be-t form this > a s n
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  • 76 403 (June 22.) $42-25 1 11 55° I Cube No. 1 #.>o ■lack (ordinary Spore) 21. While, (Fair L/W=s% „38. 1 10s tv the lb.) 7S. "'ai 75, .niboina) 11 SS. m < offee....' 17.25 a mall pearl (Fair quality) 460 -jo Bake (do. do.) 4.80 btditim pearl (Fair do.)
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  • 80 403 CORRECTED UP TO June 22.) On London. Bank 4 m/s i/n tV demand Private credits 3 m/s 1/1 1^ documents 3 m/s l l ll rk credits 6 m/s 1/11} France, demand 240 Germany, demand 195 India, T. T 143^ HONGKONG, demand dis. YOKOHAMA, demand 5^% pm. Java, demand
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    • 135 403 THE FIGHTING AT SANTIAGO. Indignities Inflicted on American Dead. Admiral Sampson has telegraphed that the bodies of the American dead have been barbarously mutilated. Whole Spanish Squadron in Santiago. An American lieutenant has made a tour of observation round Santiago Harbour, and reports that the whole of the
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    • 22 403 M. Meline Resigns. The Cabinet of M. Meline has resigned. M Ribot will probably be the new Premier.
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  • 122 403 Annexation of Hawaii Approved. The Washington House of Repre centatives have passed a resolution advocating the annexation ol Hawaii. Annexation of All Spanish Colonies Advised. In the course of the debate concerning Hawaii, strong declarations were made in favour of seizing and retaining the Philippines, Cuba and Porto
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  • 270 403 FALL OF MANILA AT HAND. Continued Success of Philippinos. Volunteers and Militia Desert to the Rebels to Singapore Free Press.) Hongkong, 17th June. H.M.S. Linnet brings reports that the rebel forces are now in Malate, Sania Mesa, an<l Tondo, and are harassing the Manila garrison day and night.
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  • 91 403 The German Squadron at Manila. A Disclaimer of Aggressive Projects It is semi-offici illy stated at Berlin that th a assembling ot the German squadron at Manila in nowise imolies the abandonment of German neutrality. The object of it is to protec 1 the large German interests in
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    • 139 403 THE SITUATION AT MANILA. (Special to Singapore Free Press.) Hongkong, June 20th. The SS. Yuen-sang arrived today with twelve hundred refugees, including 77 Europeans and 27 Fiench nuns. Spain's Last Stand. The City of Refuge. Three-fourths of Tondo has been destroyed by the Spaniards, who are now driven
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    • 229 403 SPANISH RESERVE SQUADRON C OMING EAST. The Relief of the Philippines. 1 lie Spanish Cadiz Reserve squadron, under Admiral Camara, accompanied by six liners conveying h>ui thousand uoops, has finally sailed. The squadron passed Gibraltar on Thursday, eastwards THE SITUATION IN CUBA. Waiting for the Americans. Critical Position
      229 words
    • 95 403 Declaration by Lord Salisbury. Reorganisation of China's Forces. Gloomy Views of China's Fuiure. Lord Salisbury has stated that negotiations are still proceeding with China relative to the reorganisation of her army and navy, though the negotiations with regard to the navy are more advanced. The difficulty had
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  • Page 403 Advertisements
    • 477 403 Raffles Hotel. PATRONIZED by Royalty, Nobility and Distnguished Personages, including H. K. H. Prince Damrong. H. R. H. Prince Se aster. His Grace The Duke of Newcastle. The Ri?ht Hon'bleThe Earl oi Dysart. Lord and Lady Braye. Lord D rmer. Lord Cecil Lord Major General Sir HenryCollett, X CB. Sir
      477 words

  • 347 404 SHARE LIST, JUNE 22nd ,1898 Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Shares Paid Bank of China and Japan, Ltd. $2| Nominal. 2,000,000 450,068 ron 8 7 r f? Deferred. £5 Buyers, t I>2l 0 5 Bell's Abestos Eastern Agency. $5 Sellers. C 1 0.000 (4- B#5 ?S 8 '5 8 4£ i
    347 words
  • 49 404 The Pedir Expedition. It is telegraphed that the expeditionary columns under command of the Governor of Acheen, Colonel van Heutsz, marched on the 17th inst. through Mukim Tuju, three Mukims Batay, Gronggrong, and back to Segli. Everywhere the population have returned to their work. The Chiefs are submitting.
    49 words
  • 87 404 THE SPANISH RESERVE SQUADRON OFF CAPE DE GATA. Admiral Camara's squadron has been sighted off Cabo <!<• Gata (Cape de Gata). The southernmost promontory in Granada. j THE SITUATION IN CUBA. Rumoured Landing of General Shatter It is reporter! at Madrid that General Shafter's expedition has landed near
    87 words
  • 91 404 ADMIRAL CA ARA'S SQU ADRON Not on the Way to the Philippines. I" Returned to a Spanish Port.' 1 The American Government Iris learned that the C.irliz fleet !i:i- returned to a Spa nish port. THE AMERICAN CUBA. EXPEDITION. The Landing Near Santiago Determined Spanish Resistance. Spanish Positions
    91 words
  • Page 404 Advertisements
    • 223 404 C. A. Ribeiro Co STATIONERS Letter Note and Foolscap Paper, Printing Papet Envelopes, Inks, [nkstands, Pen-racks. Pencils, Pens, Penholders, Letter Copying Books, Press Copying Paper, Account, Note and Copy Books. Sealing Wax, Rulers, Twine, Stationery Racks, Letter Scales, Stationeiy Boxes, V» c iting, Wedding, Memorial and Menu Cards, Ball Programmes
      223 words
  • Page 404 Miscellaneous
    • 800 404 G LEAR AN CE S. Aval a, Brit, str., Langworthy, for Dunkirk. Ken dal Castle, Brit, str., Watson, for Hongkong and Japan. June 16. Urania, Brit, str., Kent, for Ra-igoon. Bbnledi, Brit;str., Farguha fjr Hongkong and Japan. P.rkamatta, P. and O. str., Preston, for Penang, Colombo and Bombay. Kian Yang,
      800 words
    • 1143 404 VESSELS IN PORT. .< -of-Wai Flags and Tons Commanders Arrived From F or Hermione Brit, cruiser 4360 Callaghan Maj 23 Colombo Rowfa Other Vessels Flaes Tons Masters Arrived From Consignees For Adeh Sar [8g Uandong June 19 Sarawak Pat. <iimon« ■'„i.m, Antioco ccamk fral. 1006 Monti June S Penang Bottstead
      1,143 words