The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 9 June 1898

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 26 1 On the ;th May, at The Moot, Downton, Wilts" the wife of Archibald FitzGerald Lav Puisne Judge Supreme Court, Straits Settlements, of a son (prematurely).
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    • 44 1 On the 29th inst., at the General Hospital, Penang, J*mes Fkr<;usox Lamb, eldest son of the late James Lamb, of Prye Estate. Province Wellesley, aged 29. On the Ist inst., at Tanjong Rhoo, the wife of John Stephen, Manager of the Slipway Company.
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  • 357 1 Vrr shall the Press the People's right maintain, Unawed by influence and unbribed by train; Here patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw, to Religrion, Loyalty, and law. (June 2nd.) History is repeating itself so far that the first official news of the action begun by Admiral
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  • 616 1 The harbour of Santiago is really a splendid landlocked haven, whose entrance* at its narrowest part, is not over two hundred yard> wide, narrower, indeed, than the western entrance into the New Harbour of Singapore. The entrance is flanked by raptdly rising heights. Morro Castle standing on Morillo
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  • 468 1 The Position at Santiago. (June 3rd.) From the details we were enabled to me yesterday as to the configuration ot Santiago hai hour it is easy to understand hat a large proportion of to-day's telegram is devoted to explaining the obvic is. Fhat is to say that Admiral SCHLEY after
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 245 1 CONTENTS. I 1 1>; \i< ii< LBS. The Fleet at Santiago, Santiago Harbour, 7 Ine Position at Santiago, $zj lhe Key Turned. --g Ihe Late Capt. Gridley, 1-$ The Future <>f the Philippines, 358 Hobson oi the Merrimac, \cs IH x i Medal Handicap Sep n Lines, -05 >.k..\. Spoon
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    • 74 1 NOTICE. \A/ k nave lnis a y appointed Messrs. Guthrie j v v to Co., Sole Agents for the sale of Portable, Vertical, and Fixed ngines, Boilers, &c. for Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Siarn, and Cochin China. Messrs. Guthrib Jk Co., lave at present a j stock <)• our improvec Portable
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 473 1 1 he i.ext mail from Europe is due to arrive by the M. M. S.s Oceanian on Saturday with London advices to the 20th ult. She will be followed by the P. &O. s.S. Ballaarat on the 1 8th, with the Eng lish mail of the 27th ult. This mail
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  • 729 2 (June 6th.) To- DAY comes news of another great American naval victory. It is true that there has not been any battle. But that is precisely where the chief part of the success comes in. The scene is the harbour of Santiago, through whose narrow entrance channel
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  • 136 2 THERE will be great sympathy with the American Government and with Admiral Dewey in the loss the United States navy has suffered in the death of Capt. Charles V. GRIDLEY, commanding the American flagship Olympia at Manila. Only a week or two after the victory in
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  • 507 2 (June 7th.) The end is in sight at Manila. Th^re comes news, which has reached Hongkong by H. M. S. Swift, and wired to us by special telegram from Hongkong, to the effect that the rebel cordon is closing round Manila, and that for three
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  • 417 2 FURTHER details are furnished to-day of the adventurous act of the American naval officer, Lieut. Hobson, who with eight volunteers as a crew, steered the American auxiliary cruiser Merrimac right into the narrow fairway of the Santiago harbour channel and sank her there as an obstacle
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  • 218 2 (June Bth.) The eternal fact that there are two Irelands, two irreconcileable Irelands, at least so long as religion and religious divisions are to exist, is once more exemplified in to-day's telegram. Incidentally it provides one more nail in the coffin of that political Frankenstein monster, Home
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  • 239 2 The fact that Admiral Cer\ era is now locked up with his squadron in the harbour of Santiago is enabling the American military leaders to transport troops to the Cuban coast without the least possibility of being interfered with. Hence we hear to-day that there are
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  • 361 2 GENERAL AGUINALDO, who, after his relations with the American Admiral had been defined by telegram from Singapore has proceeded to the Philippines and ihere resumed his leadership of his fellovv-countr) men, is now making his power felt severely close to Manila. He has surrounded the city with an
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  • 718 3 A French transport, of the Compagnie Nationale passed through the harbour at 4 pm. yesterday from west to east and wished to be reported all well. Last evening about six o'clock an Austrian steamer passed through from west to east. It is reported from Shanghai that
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  • 1012 3 Account by a Late Resident. Deplorable State of the Spanish Soldiery. How the Chinese in Manila are being Utilised. (Hongkong Daily Press.) Among those who accompanied the Japanese cruiser Akitsushima from Manila to Hongkong was a Mr. P., who removed into the city from up country
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    • 20 3 By J. Hanauer. Black (1 piece). White (4. pieces). White to play and mate in three moves.
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    • 24 3 By N. Max 1 mov, St. Petersburg. 1 Black pieces). White (6 pieces). White to play and mate in two moves.
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    • Article, Illustration
      327 3 The clubs of Vienna and St. Petersburg have been engaged in a match by correspondence, and the first game, after an interesting struggle, has resulted in favour of Vienna, the second when the mail left being still unfinished. The Vienna playing committee are Fahndrich, Fleissig, Halprin, Marco
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  • 379 3 Mr. Blake, the well-known problemist of Manchester, unexpectedly won the championship of the Manchester Chess Club. The war between the United States and Spain, or some other cause, has sp iled the match by cable which was to have been phyed between the English and American Universities, and
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  • 95 3 STEAMERS ON THE INLAND WATERS. Circular dispatches have recently been received by the Taotais of all Treaty ports from Tsungh Yamen, notifying the promulgation of an Imperial edict dated the 24th day of the 3rd moon (13th April) granting permission to use steamers in all inland waters, without restriction, in
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  • 275 3 The taking over of Wet-hai-wei by. the British, which was generally understood to have been fixed for the 15th May, has row been put oft" until about the 7th June. The Japanese, it is stated, asked for-a luuiiigiii s ufne lo complete ineir evacuation or
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  • 257 3 New Offices mjr the Mater Attendant. The new offices tor the Master Attendant on the sea wall in front of the existing offices have now been completed and will be ready for occupation, it is expected, in about ten days or a fortnight's time. A neat and
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  • 895 4 (from our own Ccrr*sf*tuk*tJ A telegram from Macassar states that the small Sunda Islands were visited by heavy storms at the end of April. There was considerable loss of life and destruction of property, especially at Bima (Sumbawa) and Timor Dilly. The Nieuwsblad says it has been decided
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  • 69 4 One of the most curious of the latest items of» news from Klondike is the announcement that the Yen. Archdeacon M'Kay, who, until quite recently, was a Church of England rector in British Columbia, is now working his own placer gold claim on the Yukon
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  • 28 4 The usual Monthly Medal Handicap has been postponed to Saturday, nth June. The play for the Club Spring Prize Competition has been postponed to Satur-
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  • 50 4 We learn from Peking that the convention for the rectification of the Btiiish frontier at Kowloon by including the strip of coast from Deep Bay to Mirs Bay was to be signed immediately upon the return of Sir Claude Macdonald to Peking. China Gazette.
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  • 83 4 The new Minister of Marine thinks heavier armed and better protected ships are required for the maintenance of Dutch authority in the East and dwells on the value of fast cruisers. New material is to be sent out to bring the squadron up to the required fighting
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  • 103 4 A rather amusing scene was witnessed in Battery Road yesterday afternoon about 4 p.m. A couple of West Yorkshires," who were carrying their rifles and were apparently coming off duty, foregathered with a group of German blue jackets. The Tommies asked Are you chaps Russians vi vjcimans r
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  • 300 4 yesterday for surreptituiously introducing cakes into the lock-up were fined $3 each. An aged Chinaman stopped yesterday in Bain-street to have a drink at "the roadside when he was struck by a samseng and robbed of a bag containing $6-40 in cash. The thief then bolted, but was arrested by
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  • 792 4 Two Chinamen charged with bringing letters into the Colony were yesterday fined ?5O and $100 respectively, a part of the fine being awarded to the informer. AChinawomanwhothoughtshehadfound a way to save funeral expenses was yesterday fined §50 for throwing the body of a child into the
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  • 50 4 The Resident Councillor of Malacca ask^ us to notify that the Malacca Agricultural Show has been postponed till July 13th and 14th, the reason for the postponement being the lateness of the fruit season, the bulk not being expected to be ripe by th* date originally fixed.
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  • 43 4 Mr. Pritchard Morgan, m.p., who arrivfat Shanghai by the last Empress boat brings with him, the China Gmmette a staff of mining engineers with whom will proceed into Shansi to inspect thf mining concessions he has obtained in a region
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  • 239 4 A Frln< h iew. Le Mekong, discussing the present wu says What will the Cuban population real people, gain from tlu ir separation fron the mother-country Liberty? Va-t-en I'oir s'ils vicnnetit. Half-a-dozen of great Jewish-America* bankers, more Jewish than American, w u put their hand on
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  • 609 4 fffffngkong I C cgi-afu Correspondent Manila, Ma\ 20th. There is little to chrontdk here, beyond the fact that food is Tig scarce! than, ever and that t!:e Spaniards are a^t' preserve any son ot order Ui the town. 1 h Spaniards, sa\ that ail the influential
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  • 436 5 Many of his friends in Singapore will regret to see the announcement of the death of Mr. J. F. Lamb, of Penang, which took place last Sunday at the General Hospital, Penang, from fever. The Ptnang Gazette has this obituary notice Mr. J. F.
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  • 160 5 cricket match, S. C. C. Royal N irranged for yesterday, was played ■jr. Ksplanade notwithstanding the rain n< game resulting in a win for the Cluft by 47 ranS] with sever wickets to spare. 1 1 he scores were Roy ai Na v Mid O. de i'horen b Dun
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  • 187 5 PS <ruted thai the Governor of Hunan has tied suicide by swallowing gold. Singapore Free Press. i terrible tale trom Hunan, O: governor hoary, and old Who -evered life's cords, on the highly gilt plan i M sw illowins K°^* The papers confess He had got in a
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  • 59 5 94auers ia Sootoo are said to be in a ferment, it i- more tl an likely thpt, when the news ■> Manila is known there, there will be a 1 ihe money received by the rebels in Hong--1 g is it is unoerstnnd, being u*>ed to supply i
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  • 746 5 The Pedir Expedition. The following telegraphic news has been received in Singapore: On the ist inst. the expeditionary troops advanced to Garoet along both banks of the Pedir river. They met with little opposition the enemy was driven from several positions, and the Dutch troops thereafter bivouacked at Kota
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  • 85 5 The Triton Insurance Co. ol Calcutta have issued a useful lit lie brochure at the present juncture, entitled War Risks and Marine Insurance. Messrs. Guthrie Co., the local agents of the Triton, send us a j copy Haji A mat, living in Cross-street, who left his door insecurely fastened on
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  • 2365 5 By an Eye-Witnbss. (New York World,) Neither the English language nor any other language will enable a person to describe the awful scenes ot starvation in Cuba in a way that they can be realised by one who has not actually seen them. On landing in Havana a
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  • 100 5 Lieut. A. J. Woodroffe, R.E., was a pas- senger to Europe by the Bengal this morn- ing, after having seived a little over a full three years' term of duty in Singapore in connection with the submarine mining defences. Lt Woodroffe will be much missed by his I icnds of
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  • 393 6 The first of the Shanghai papers to gel information of the railway concessions to the Syndicate represented by Messrs. Jardine, Matheson Co. and the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank was the French paper VEcho de Chine, which presumably obtained it through French official sources. The first mention
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  • 390 6 In a short character sketch of the Khalifah in the Outlook, Mr. Herbert Vivian says he is a strange medley of sentiment and austerity, of impulse and calculation, of generosity and severity. Surrounded by conspirators, he has owed it to himself and his mission to make
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  • 109 6 We see (says Indian Engineering) that the district of Tanjore furnishes nearly all the free emigration from the South of India to the Straits Settlements, where the demand for the Kling coolie is an ever increasing quantity. Ceylon, on the other hand draws its requirement-
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  • 90 6 Ihe Chartered Russian transport Massilia left lor Vladivostock la*t evening at 530 p.m., the German transport Darmstadt leaving bound eastward at 8 p m. We hear that the Brand, the Norwegian steamer which was ashore on Blenheim Shoal, was successfully towed off by the tugboat Mercury yesterdaj afternoon at three
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  • 103 6 At a moment when the question of supplying coal to a belligerent may become an acute one, it is interesting to note what the late Lord Chief Justice Cocicburn said upon the subject. Coal/ he remarked, when intended to contribute to the motive power of a vessel,
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  • 245 6 Mr. J. Stephen Jeans, writing in the Engineering Magazine for April, says: As far as Russia is concerned, it seems almost absurd to speak of an empire that is now importing about three-quarters of a million tons of iron and steel annually from other countries as
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  • 103 6 LOVE WILL FIND A WAY." News has arrived by the West Indian mail of the romantic marriage of a Guildford young lady. At the beginning ot the year she left England and joined her lover at Barranquillia, but finding that their marriage could not take place until she had been
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  • 34 6 Members of the Rifle Association are informed that they may draw Lee-Met-ford ammunition from the Serjeant Major S V.A. on cash coupon, at the rate of 50 cents per 10 rounds.
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  • 72 6 Mr. H. W. Firmstone's leave has been extended till August 15th, and Mr. J. M. Kindersley's till the arrival of the Glengyle, about June 20th. Mr. H. Muir is appointed an Examiner for Engineer's certificates, vice xMr. J. W. Lawrie. The latter gentleman is appointed a member of
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  • 267 6 The New York Herald of the 13th April contains some information regarding the renewed rebellion in the Philippine Islands, giving a chart of Islands and a portrait of The mortality returns for the week ending Saturday, 28th May, give the ratio per mille of 36.06, the chief items being fever
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  • 771 6 The British Trade Journal, May ist, contains a reference to a Sumatra Company for producing ramie. Mr. Bluntschli is the managing director, and the chief office of the company is at Zurich. I Says a home paper Abdul Rahman Khan, a member of the suite of
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  • 176 6 considering the tenderness of heart th characterizes the Anglo-Saxon crocodiles we ml be assured 6>c. &c. Le Mtkon™' I have not managed yet to pitch. On many comic journals which Were not of morsels so-called M rich Mostly I find the humorous touch In serious papers c. g.,
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  • 788 6 ROMANCE OR TRAGEDY— WHICH At six o'clock on the morning 0129 th Oct., [88l the clipper ship Loch Maree passed through Pori Phillip Heads, homeward-bound for London. At 2 p.m. she was passed off Cape Tiptrap by the inward-bound steamer Nemesis next day rite was spoken near Kent's Group, by
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  • 1093 7 Quicquid agunt homines nostn est farrago libelli JUVBNAL. The Hispano-American war has cooled popular interest at home in the Chinese question. Pro tern, no doubt but when it returns to the said question, it will have ;aken on some new phases particulary in connection with the
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  • 188 7 H. H. the Sultan is entertaining a parc^ of visitors from Singapore at the Istana. On Sunday next the Order recently sent to H.H. the Sultan by H. M. the Sultan of Turkey will be presented to H. H. in the Assembly Hall of the Istana by Her Majesty's
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  • 415 7 Recently Truth offered a prize for the best authentic blunder made by a schoolboy. The following are some of those sent in Henry VIII. was brave, corpulent, and cruel he was frequently married, before his death, to a widow; had an ulcer in his leg and great decision
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  • 1766 7 (Written for the Singapore Free Press.) 11. Naples. Though etymologically Naples means the New City, it has attained a very respectable antiquity, being at least three hundred years older than Rome. Its ancient name is still preserved in the Quai Parthenope on which my hotel
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  • 1836 8 Pirak v. Selangor. First Da\. Record Score by the Silver State. Spink Makes the First Century in Intbr-state Matches. (From our Special Correspondent.) The annual contest between the sister states, Perak and Selangor, for the cricket supremacy of the Federation, commenced at Kuala Lumpor on the 30th instant, and
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  • 272 8 PIJRAK V, SeLANGOR. The football match, contrary to general expectation, ended in a draw, each team scoring three goals. The betting was very much in favour of Selangor, as the Perak eleven was not quite a representative one, owing to the unfortunate absence of Marshall, Dennys and George. The
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  • 184 8 The A".-6\ Daily News of the 19th inst. sa_\s Shanghai, May 20.—We read in a piivate letter from Tientsin, dated the 14th inst., that Prince Henry made no effort to be polite to the Viceroy, his tone towards the i.ninese officials Demgdecidedly lolly. That he could
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  • 23 8 Members of the Choir are reminded of the final rehearsal on Monday afternoon, Ihe Orchestra on Tuesday evening at 8.15 p.m.
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  • 232 8 In a match «t Brisbane a batsman named Pearson was missed off four consecutive balls from the same bowler —in the slips three times, and at point once. (We wonder what the umpire at the bowlers end heard.) Lieut. H. S. Toppin, Ist Northumberland Fusiliers, has sailed per S.s. Jelunga
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  • 818 8 {from our own Correspondent.* The recent storms in the small Sunda islands were accompanied by floods. I n the Sultanate of Bima eighty people lost their lives, and nearly five hundred houses were destroyed. Roads, bridges, waterways and padi fields were all ruined" Government property there has been
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  • 895 9 (From The Graphic.) The determination of the United States to expel Spain from Cuba has not been arrived at with any undue precipitation. Indeed, if ever the intervention of one State in the affairs of another was justified, it is so M the case of the
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  • 158 9 Mr Clifford writes in h^ report 01 P ihang for April. I an much disappointed at the very slow rate a Ihetnin! road is progressing. Mr. Woo( rms me thai he hopes that it will be completec »n.J open to traffic throughout its entire lengtl before the
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  • 773 9 The Murchison grant of the Royal Geographical Society has been made to Mr. H. Warington Smyth for his several journeys in Siam. Mr. D. A. M. Brown has been offered, and has accepted the post of Secretary to the Penang Turf Club, vacant by the death
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  • 549 9 (From cur own Corresfttnitni.') June sth, 1898. The Trial Races will not be held or. Thursday next, as previously announced, but will take place on Saturday, the nth. The first race will be run at 2.30 p.m., sharp. At the Dewan, this afternoon, His Highness the Sultan received from
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  • 68 9 Owing to the races the Monthly Medal for May was uot played off till June 4th. The result was as follows Elcum 43 48 6—85 Vade 43 4* I=B6 J. C. D.Jones 47 44 4=87 Maclaren 47 44 4=87 Middleton 53 51 16=88 Grigor Taylor 48
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  • 205 9 News reached Singapore on Saturday afternoon that Captain Main, of the s.S, Singapore, died suddenly at Bangkok on Saturday morning, the cause of death being unknown. Captain Main who was well known and much respected in Singapore 1 and Bangkok had been ailing for some three
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  • 508 9 The popular and energetic manager of the Raub Gold Mining Co. returned from Europe by the N.Y K. steamer Kamakura Maru this morning, looking much the j better for his trip home. Mr Bibby prettt home in July last, being then in a pretty bad way.
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  • 10 9 F-.XIT3S 2^2 > 1 Ottll 3 Wli l\i.'t v 100
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  • 122 9 The Pedir Expedition. The Dutch troops continue their forward movements in Pedir. On the 2nd instant they advanced to Gle Gapui and the i frontier of Chumbuk. Little resistance I was met with. Tuku Umar fled to Chot Murung. On the 3rd the Achinese suffered J heavy losses when
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  • 596 10 The idea of making use of liquid fuel is by no means a new one. As early as 1868-9 exhaustive trials were made with locomotives on the Eastern Railway, but for many years the difficulty of regulating the supply of fuel, the proper distribution of the heat, the
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  • 68 10 Lord Durham suggests that the time lias arrived when, with the object of avoiding the delays which are now so frequent on the racecourse, the starting gate should be given a fair and impartial test. We think that the Committee of the Singapore Sport- ?ng Club should
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  • 84 10 It is announced that 2nd Lieut. R. Isacke, West Yorkshire Regiment, is promoted to be lieutenant. The paper which Mr J. D. Gush has joined in Bangkok is the Siam Observer, and not the Siam Free Press as erroneously stated in a paragraph published a few days ago. The outward
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  • 24 10 I The Spoon Competition on Saturday I afternoon was won by A. R. Linton, with i F. Anstiss a good second.
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  • 43 10 S At a meeting of shareholders of the Malay States Coffee Company, Limited, held at Colombo on the 21st ult., it was decided not to extend further in coffee after this year, but to plant coco-nuts through all the coffee.
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  • 1027 10 National Guard at New York. Many of the officers and men of the National Guard ot New York refused to enlist as individuals in the volunteer army which is being raised. They were therefore ordered from the camp. As they went out the men with whom they
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  • 859 10 I Fatality at Sea. Thb Sinking of the B. I. s.s. v Mecca." Fifty Persons Drowned. Calcutta, May 26.— The British India steamship Lindula voyaging from Calcutta to Rangoon broke her shaft, and was taken in tow on Monday by the same Company's steamer Mecca. On Tuesday, the
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  • 49 10 SELANGOR TU RF CLUB. The following is the handicap for Selangor Grand Handicap, at the Selangor Races on Thursday, June 16th: Vanitas 11.7 Locky 9.4 Blazon 7.9 Triton 7.2 Boyton 7.0 Accptances are to reach the Hon. Sec, I Selangor Turf Club, by 6 p.m. on June 9th. j
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  • 106 10 Among the passengers brought by the Caledonien from Colombo last trip were I Messrs. \V Gordon Brown and E L. Walson, who are going in for rubber cultivation i f 1 Perak, where Mr. Brown has secured a block of 1,640 acres, which he intends planting with rubber. The Central
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  • 663 10 Admiral Surk, the newly-appointed Vm er-in-Chirf of the Russian Pacific SquadrT*^ leave Odessa by volunteer fleet steamer atr' end of the current week direct for p or T^le same vessel takes out a numerou r marine engineers of superior grades from the Si Sea and the Baltic
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  • 337 10 ThK KINAI. Pw.MKNT OJ THE CHINA AND JaIAK Indemnity. The final payment of the indemnity m tern.* of the Shimonoseki Treaty took place on ;th ;nst. (the due day Bth being a Sunday.) The balance of the indemnity and one year's occupation ex pettses of Wei-hai-Wei were
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  • 706 11 Archdeacon Perham returned from Penang by the B. I. S.S. Lalpoora last evening. The German steamer Scandia, under charter to the Russian Government, came in thi> afternoon with 1,837 troops from OtK-ssa for Port Arthur. Alexander Swettenham, the Officer [ministering the Government, is expected to visit
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  • 211 11 Notwithstanding the bumper harvest that has been secured in the Punjab, the grain market, instead of expanding, is actually contracting, says the Statesman. This is most markedly the case in regard to wheat, which is dearer to-day than it was when harvesting operations began. The reason
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  • 118 11 Writing from the Oriental Hotel, Bangkok, under date the nth instant, Mr. J. W. Modder, says in a Ceyion contemporary. Bangkok is a very civilized place. We have fine hotels, shops where one can buy anything— from a pin to an anchor— electric trams, electric light, &c, and
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  • 251 11 The older generation of the Roman Catholic residents throughout Malaya and elsewhere, will learn, with deep regret, that Bishop Fee received yoterday a telegram announcing the death at Hongkong on Saturday morning, of the Revd. Father Allard, the senior priest in the Diocese of Malacca, at
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  • 423 11 There was an increase last month (April) in the quantity of cotton yarns sent to China and Japan, but the Straits show a small falling-off. For the four months Japan shows an increase ot considerably over 2,000,000 lbs., but China and the Si raits both
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  • 1645 11 {Spectator.) We take it to be certain, in spite of interruptions in the telegraphic service, that Manila has surrendered that the Tagal population will hold the larger Philippine islands, subject to guidance from leaders recognised by the Americans and that the latter will never, whatever
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  • 469 11 EASTERN EXTENSION T ELEGRAPH COMPANY. The Ordinary Meeting of this Company was held on the nth May. The gross revenue for the year ended Dec. 31st was £275,143, a decrease of £50,000. due to tariff reductions. The following references to local lines, made by the Marquis of Tweeddale, are of
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  • 965 12 M. Paul Ginest, in an Indo-Chinese contemporary, discusses this question, and finds that the prime cause has lain in an unwise effort to produce administrative assimilation with the mother- country instead of developing a system of prudent autonomy. After referring to the war, and
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  • 33 12 The Khaibar Rifles have been raised to one thousand men, with three British Officers, and a Political Officer in charge. The Pass will be placed directly under the Government of India.
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  • 907 12 Mr. Gladstone. The following details given in a letter written by a member of Mr. Gladstone's family at Ha ward en, which the Westminster Gazette has been privileged to make public, form a sympathetic picture ot the dying statesman Mr. Gladstone now never leaves his room,
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  • 42 12 m By th<* Verona, on Saturday afternoon, there arrived from Lisbon Father Alvis, who it is said, will eventually relieve Father Esteves as head of the Portuguese mission at Malacca. Father Alvis was before in Macao, and has been home on leave.
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  • 1425 12 In the death of the Right Hon. William Ewart Gladstone, England has lost her greatest Statesman, and Eton the greatest pupil she ever had. I feel sure that all old Etonians, whatever their politics, will agree with me in this, and I
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  • 275 12 The Local Secretary, Kaub Aiw d Gold Mining Company, Ltd., Singapore has received the following telegram fr m Raub, dated 6th June, [898 Rough cleaning up of BmiU y 3,300 oz. Amalgam, estimated stone crushed being 1 jjo tons. This at a rough average of Vj [)r gold in
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  • 324 12 A pleasant same between tlieg< last night resulted in a victory For tin I b by one goal to nil. There mras DOl m I i to chose between them, the S. C. C. altacli seeming to have more < t i r 1 in \i tl its
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  • 52 12 Yesterday moon tht ladtec p> (ti the uMja. :> »nthly Medal Efoniicaj ibe '(sail Iretag 'at Miss Hferti lo b<- the Hvimier fliere \\>'r« frith competitors. Miss Werry 07 Madame Brandt 00 -v Miss S. Lyell So 1 Mrs. Saunders ...;'>-<' Mrs. Kvans 14 Mrs. Str.n_'.r |j
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  • 720 13 There was a pretty big fire at Bangkok vn the -<)th ult., destroying a gambling house and a block of shops. beef seller for exposing meat unfit for Dsuinptiofi in the Ellenborough market yesterday lined fio and costs. Mi G. Gaggino, who has been up in
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  • 620 13 The author of the Spectator article, quoted in your yesterday's issue under the above heading, has put forward one sensible proposition his theories on other points may be all right, but I am afraid he has reckoned without his host. America has not yet conquered
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  • 250 13 I The Port Douglas Gazette says .-—The settlers on the Daintree Rives. Northern Queensland, who have gone in for coffee-planting, rind that the soil and climate of that part of the district are admirably adapted for the growth of the coffee plant, and consider that their
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  • 36 13 Majoi Beamish St J. Barter, Lincolnshire Regt.. professor of tactics at the Royal Military Academy, has been selectee for appointment as second in command of the 2nd battalion, which was stationed not long ago at Singapore.
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  • 1497 13 Some Doubts and Some Conclusions. The Earl of Selborne, Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, speaking at Bradford recently, is reported to have said We had very clear and definite rights of trade in relation to Madagascar. France chose to repudiate her obligations in
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  • 449 13 Small-pox is very prevalent at Pangkalan Rama and Mata Kucbing, and the school at the former place has had to be closed in consequence of the outbreak ot this disease. The natives try, in nearly every instance where possible, to conceal a case, and thus render the work of
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  • 328 13 11 Money Talks, and Talks Loud." I Hh LOLONELi 100, (Sydney Sunday Times.; Colonel Clias. B. Hicks, the well-known theatrical agent, who is at present representative tor Harmston's Circus, lought throughout the Civil War in America, and during his six years of active service
    328 words

  • 1731 14 Mr. Driver, the Inspector of Schools for the Federated Malay States, has issued a report on the Schools of Selangor, statemaintained or state-aided. Of the former there are 34, 28 Malay boys' schools, three Malay girls/ two Chinese bovs' and one English girls' school, Kuala Lumpor. There
    1,731 words
  • 86 14 A somewhat serious carriage accident occurred last evening about 715, opposite the Orchard Road Police Station. Dr. and Mrs. Fowlie were driving towards town and Mr. Carver was going In th^ opposite direction, when Mr. Carver's horse appeared to take fright at something or other in the road,
    86 words
  • 241 14 At the Police Court this morning before Mr. Howard Tan Sui Pu, an opium farm chenting, was charged with using criminal force to one Tong Bee, a rikisha coolie in the employ of Mr. A. Morrison, of Fraser and Neave's aerated water factory. Mr. Allen appeared for
    241 words
  • 665 14 (Via Ceylon.) London, May 24.— Two American transport: embarked troops at Sin Francisco to-day foi Manila. Replying to a question in the House of Commons, Lord George Hamilton said that the Government of India has taken no steps to establish 2 gold standard, and it is distinctly understood that
    665 words
  • 278 14 A man named Ai Chow, known as the Raja of Bangrak, Bangkok, has been sentenced to 26 years' imprisonment for manslaughter, robbery, and shooting policemen. Mr. Bernard, secretary of the AustroHungarian Consulate in Hongkong, was drowned at Bangkok on Wednesday last, while stepping from a steamer on to a The
    278 words
  • 580 14 Mr. Chamberlain's Spepch. British Policy. The Chances of War. An Anglo-Amhricax Alliav. Distrust or Russia. A Preliminary Skirmish in China CONSEftUENCES Ol ENGLAND'S Isola" Appeal to National Patrioiism A speech of great national significance r at Birmingham last night (13th, by l£ 1 Chamberlain, Secretary of
    580 words
  • 67 14 On London Bank 4 m/s ...r/ltJ demand \f% Private credits 3 m/s '/"A documents 3 m/s l l ll credits 6 m/s */**n France, demand j 4 jERMANY, demand [95J ndia, T. T. 142 Hongkong, demand die Yokohama, demand 6^ p« AVA, demand 4 Manila, demand ICominai Sovereigns, (to
    67 words
  • 87 14 (June 8.) Co. Cube No. i j'' |'*er, Black (ordinary Spore, Jo. White, (Fair L/W= 5 Xjtrr.egs I ios to the Ib.) b. M^'. (Banda) loves (Amboina) Li bcrian Coffee Tapioca, small pearl (Fair quaiip 4 y> do. do flake (do. do. 4.7 S do. medium pearl (Fair do.j
    87 words

  • 39 15 MAT SALLEH QUIET. The Plover" Gone to 110-ilo. (Special to Singapore Sree Press). Labuan, June 2nd, 1898. H. M. S. Plover sailed yesterday for 110-ilo. There is no reason to apprehend any hostile action by Mat Salleh.
    39 words
  • 192 15 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. THE WAR. ENGAGEMENT AT SANTIAGO. American Admiral Bombards Forts. Alleged American Repulse. Official despatches received at Madrid from Admiral Cervera state that Admiral Schley began to bombard the forts guarding the town and harbour of Santiago de Cuba. The Spanish ironclad Cristobal Colon guarded the entrance to the
    192 words
  • 345 15 The Bombardment of Santiago New Defences Destroyed. It io cnplainod at New Y r ortt tliat -A.drnt_ ral Schley's sole purpose in the bombarding near Santiago was to prevent the erection of fortifications at the entrance to the harbour. The Admiral sheered off when the new defences were
    345 words
  • 46 15 DEATH OF CAPTAIN GRIDLEY. (U. S. Olympia.) (Special to Singapore Free Press.) Hongkong, 6th June. Captain Gridley, who has just been invalided, on account of illness, from the American flag-ship Olympia at Manila, has died at Kobe, while on his way home to America.
    46 words
  • 40 15 The Nile Expedition. The Anglo-Egyptian expedition to Khartoum will number twenty thousand men. It is expected that it will reach Khartoum about the beginning of October. THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. The Americans Block the Entrance to Santiago Harbour.
    40 words
  • 153 15 THE SPANISH FLEET CAGED. Bombardment Renewed. The American squadron, under Admiral Schley, renewed the bombardment of the harbour defences at Santiago on Friday, inflicting damage on the batteries. The American ship Merrimac was sent into the harbour, with the express purpose of blocking the channel. This ship was sunk by
    153 words
  • 252 15 SEVfch^ FIGHTING AT MANILA. Great Philippino Victories. Heavy Spanish Losses in Killed and Wounded. Special to Singapore rree rress.j Hongkong. June 7th, 11.17 a.m. There were severe engagements, May 30th to June Ist, between Cavite and Manila. Great rebel victories are recorded, in which the Spaniards lost heavily
    252 words
  • 135 15 THE LOCKE! -UP SPANISH SQUADRON. The Sinking of the Merrimac' A Heroic Deed. The sinking of the American ship Afervimac in the entrance to Santiago Harbour, was carried out by Lieutenant Hobsor. and eight volunteers. It was an act of distinguished heroism. Having steered the Merrimac athwart the
    135 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 329 15 MINER WANTED. A MINER wanted for an Established Lode Mire m the Native States. A good opening [or a cc: man. Apply stating qualif.catons tc D. c o Fret Press. J^rte q 23.6 w. Raffles Hotel. PATRONIZED by Royalty, Nobility and Distnguished Personages, including H K. H. Prince Damrong. H.
      329 words
    • 765 15 fJONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000 000 RESERVE FUND ffiSS RESERVE LIABILITY OP OOO OC PROPRIETORS I $10,000,000 Court op Directors. Hon. J. J. BELL-IRVlNG.— Chairman. R. M. Gray, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. C. Biurmann, Esq. A. J. Raymond, Esq. David Gubbay, Esq. R. L. Richardson, Esq. A. Haupt,
      765 words

  • 116 16 AMERICAN EXPEDITION TO j SANTIAGO. Troops Landed. Joined by Cuban Insurgents. Reports have reached New York that 5.000 Americans have landed near Santiago, covered by the fire of some of Ad- j miral Sampson's ships, and have been joined by three thousand insurgents. Naval Bombardment of Santiago Forts
    116 words
  • 182 16 GREAT PHILIPPINO j SUCCESS. Cavite Province Occupied by AgoinaUJo. Two Thousand Prisoners. Three Hund r ed Killed. Ten Field-guns Captured. Governor-General about to Capitulate. (Special to Singapore Fret Press.) From a Philippino C 01 respondent. Noticias traido canonero Swift Agui- naldo tomo toda provincia Cavite algunos pueblos Batangas.
    182 words
  • 6 16 SHARE LIST, JUNE 8th 1898. AAAADDF
    6 words
  • 4 16 SDFASDF
    4 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 385 16 1 X? ft Office. CoUyer Quay. /fa Wharves. New Harbour O STEAM NAVIGATION Co. Steam for CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, INDIA, AUSTRALIA, ADEN, EGYPT, MARSRH UN, r.IRR ALTAR. MALTA. BRINDISI. VENICE, PLYMOUTH. AND [.UN DUN. Through \\\\U of Lading issued for Persian J Gulf, Continental and American Ports, also for
      385 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 130 16 Passengers by the Mail. June 4.- -Per Verona from London. Mr. C. P. Barlow, Mr. Alexander Taylor, Mr. E, V. Carey Mr. 1. R. Gibson, Mrs. McClure. > Passengers Left. June 5. Per Bengal for London. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey and son. Mr. Pitt, Mr. Angier, Mr. Roy, Mr. J.
      130 words
    • 391 16 Passengers Arrived. June I.— Per Sappho Mrs. Anchant, Mr. Mactaggart, Mr. Grant. June 2. Per Isabella Mr. J. M. Mac Donald, Mr. W. Noble, Mr. A. G. Van Dijk. June 2. Per Radnorshire Mr. Hudson. Junej une 3. Per Ban Liong Capt. Busk and Mr. Jones. Per R. K. Atjeh
      391 words
    • 508 16 CLEARANCES. Isabblla Brk. str.. Hudson, For Mmr. Jioic S. H\v LboVO, Brit. StT., Sheplier.j. Ebi I- Malacca, Brit, str., Olsen, for Teluk Anson, via via p:rt>. ports. GiangStn Bnt. str., Kollett, \m Samar.. i Ban Whatt Hin, Brit, str., Kdwards, for Billiton ports. and Pontianak. L.ATOKA, Brit. *tr., S'hikci, for
      508 words