The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 2 June 1898

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 394 1 The Situation in the West. 341 A Prosperous Company. 341 The Loss of the Mecca," 341 The War, 341 The Crisis ot the War, 342 Tpe Situation io Manila, 342 Admiral Cervert's Position, 342 Mi-government in Slei ra Leone, 342 The Situation at Santiago, 342 (ourt News. Supreme
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  • Domestic Occurrences
    • 18 1 At Sanda", Teluk Blangah, Singapore, on the 30th instant, the wife of J. Thompson, of a son.
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    • 17 1 On the 25th instant, at 1 Sans Souci Villas, j Penang, John Lawson Welch, m.d. j
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 1 f Icrr -hall the Press the People's right maintain, Unawed by influence and unbribed by gain; Here patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw, Pfedged to Religion, Loyalty, and Law.
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  • 551 1 The Situation in the West. (May 26th.) As far as the recent meagre indications telegraphed enable us to follow the movements of the chief Spanish squadron it would appear, taking those daja as correct by no means a certainty- I; at Admiral CERVERA's squadron, after having left Santiago at the
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  • 581 1 (May 27th.) Considering that the British India Steam Navigation Company has the largest fleet of any one shipping Company in the world, and that its voyages all for the most part run through the occasionally cycloneswept areas of the Indian Ocean, its tale of losses
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 45 1 Messrs. G R. LAMBERT Co. HA\ REi KIVI D A CHOICE COLLECTION i)K IHK LATEST PHOTOGRAVURES, including English Landscape Studieb, etc., Mrhicil they are now offering tor sale i BATTERY ROAD. rastefolly framed sam;>le> are now being exhibited in their -how window May m.w.i. I
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    • 206 1 J. M. LYON COMILLWRIGHTS, civil Mechanical Engineers, ron pounders and ship builders Machi.4l Shop Shipbuilding Yard, Albion Gngine Works, Beach Road. OFFICE ft SALE-ROOM, Opposite the General Post Office Makers ot ut»t Draught Steamers and Launches, rnproved Cattle Powers and Windrnilis, L von's Patent Rice Mills, Colonial Wood Working Machinery.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 363 1 THE WEEK, The next mail from Europe is due to arrive by the P. &O. S.S. Verona on Saturday with the English mails of the 13th ult. She will be followed on the nth inst. by the M. M. S.S. Caledonien with London advices to the 20th ult. This mail
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  • 122 2 (May 28th.) IF it be proved that the American fleet is 4 containing the Spanish fleet in the harbour of Santiago, the sea lies open, everywhere almost, to the unimpeded movement of American troops on Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. If the necessary datum
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  • 761 2 (May 31st.) There are many who want their war incidents, like the country yokel face to face with the new sensation of maraschino, 1 in a moog." Plentiful, and with lots of smash and slaughter The delays in getting into grips in the West Atlantic were due
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  • 423 2 Coming events art casting their shadows before at Manila. There are signs that the inaction that followed the American naval victory of the ist May is soon to be broken. General AGUINALDO, as a result of the negotiations effected in Singapore, is now at the head
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  • 522 2 i We are sorry to see by the mail papers that Col Sir Francis Cardew, (who will be remembered here as Officer Command- I ing Troops, Straits Settlements, under Major-General Cameron at Hongkong from 18S7 to 1889,) has been making a serious mess of it in
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  • 751 2 THE situation in Cuban waters has not changed in character, but it is changing in intensity. The Spanish fleet, presumably the whole of it, excepting the few small vessels ensconced safely in Havana and Porto Rico harbours, is now in comparative safety within the harbour of
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  • 388 2 Early yesterday morning the house oi Mr. Sisson was entered by means rjf ladder placed ag inst the windov\, ihe ladder having b en borrowed for the occasion trum a neighbours' house. Tht thief entered the ro m of Mrs Brotnhead Matthews, who is at present staying with Mr. and
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  • 643 3 This morning Mr. Wolferstan resumed harge of the Second Magistrate's Court. To-morrow is the Jewish Feast of Penteost. and Jewish Offices in town will be losed. The en. Archdeacon Perham left Singa- re last Monday by the s.S Pentekota for i fortnight's holiday in Penang. Eighty
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  • 167 3 We cannot congratulate the handicappers on their work we did not expect to find a handicap entirely free from mistakes, but we consider the First Griffin Race, a gift to Zoedone, while we think Attachment has been let off too lightly in the Club Cup. The public
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  • 83 3 THE NERVOUS AMATEUR'S DREAM." Run on, thou Roadster, Run On Along the hard and dusty course Run On What though you flung me on my head, And filled my heart with nervous dread Lest when I landed I *d be dead, Never you mind Run On Run on, thou Roadster,
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  • 284 3 i A correspondent writes The recent decoration of Captain Dun man of the Sing- aporc Volunteer Artillery after upwards of jo years' service as a volunteer, led me to institute enquiries with the result that there are others who can shew <}tiite as long a i record
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  • 147 3 Thursday, the iyth of May being a gene ral holiday, advantage was taken to arrange a two round match, medal handicap play for two prizes presented by the Club, which resulted as follows Gr'eve. who is a new member of the Club, hails from the "Gowf" land
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  • 89 3 j Lieut. I uzzard, R.A., who went home on leave when his company came from Hongkong to Singapore, does not return here. The China Mail says Hib numerous Hongkong friends will be pleased j io learn that Lieut. C. N. Buzzard, r.a. Blobs,' the I Hermit of
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  • 369 3 The Singapore community at large will deeply regret to hear of the death of Mr. S. B. Bailey, of the legal firm of Donaldson and Burkinshaw, immediately after his arrival in England. A telegram was received this morning by the Hon'ble J. Burkinshaw dated
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  • 289 3 No information can be obtained with reference to the probable- date ot the re-establishment ol telegraphic communication with Manila. Ihe cable is oi course, a neutral enterprise, and therefore the Company owning it cannot repair it t«r the exclusive use of one of the combatants only. Admiral
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  • 96 3 Apropos oi plague a good story is tuld concern* ing the outbreak of 1894. A certain police officer i who had been a teetotaller all his life, was feeling I poorly and he consulted a well known rredico, now in England. He told his patient that
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  • 203 3 According to the latest advices from lloilo all was quiet there on the 19th inst. although the Spaniards of the place were in momentary fear of an American man--1 of-war paying them a call and bombarding I the town, whilst the rebels were also saic I to
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  • 478 3 The following is the report of the Directors to the members of the Straits Trading Co., at the meeting on June 2nd. Your Directors beg to submit the accounts for the six months ending 31st march, 1898, being the second half of the business year 1897-98.
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  • 2315 4 (Wednesday, May 25th, 1898.) The fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held this afternoon, Mr. Gentle presiding. There were also present Col. Pennefather, Mr. Th. Sohst, Mr. W. Nanson, Mr. Moses, Mr. Meyer. Mr. Tan Cheng Tuan and Mr. Choa Fin\ncl. The fortnightly financial statement showed copper
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  • 1053 4 Wednesday, May 25. 1898. Present His Honour the Officer Administering the Government (Sir Alex. Swettenha r, k.C.m.g.) The Hon. the Acting Col. Secretary (C. W. S. Kynnersley.) the Actg. Col. Treasurer (F. G Penney.) the Auditor-General (E. C. H. 11.) the Colonial Engineer (A. Murray.) the Actg. Resident
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  • 179 4 The Entertainment Committee ol the Selangor Club have made full preparationfor the Whitsuntide matches with the neighbouring State. The cricket match will be played on Monday and Tuesday the teams being Selangor C. G. and J. G. Glassford A. B. and T. R. Hubback F. \V. and
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  • 28 4 Mr. Edgar Galis*an has been appointed chief engineer of the Colonial yacht Horsburgh. and Mr D. Mclntyre has taken his place as engineer of the Selangoi yacht Esmeralda.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 192 5 To the Kpitor. DEAR SIR, Through your valuable columns I desire to draw attention to the above matter. Th re has been a change made in connection with the "B;»r M arrangements, and as a member of the Club I should like to know for what
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    • 650 5 The KlauUl Bombay, Mi\ 1; Again there is reported a ve»y satisfactory improvement in the health of BombayDuring the p^st wetk the total deaths from all cau>. s 1. r tin week tiding to-day Tuesday) were 6:6 onl>, O' which id; were from plague. Calcutta, May 17. Everything
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    • 105 5 Phra Chai Surindr, who is going as Attache to the Siamese Legation in Paris, arrived here by the Medusa from Bangkok and leaves by the German Mail. Luang Prakit fa Unganee goes as Attache to London. A number of other people from Bangkok are also going by the Preussen. K~wo
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  • 1353 5 The British steamer Bellerophon passed through the harbour from west to east at 8.30 this morning. Mr. William Cowie, of the British North Borneo Company, will leave for home by this afternoon's French mail. Bubonic plague having broken out at Amoy that port has been declared
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  • Correspondence.
    • 175 5 Vo Tin Editor. Dear Sir, The majority of the members of the S. S. C. appear to agree with your corresponde ts letter in yesterday's issue on the above subject. 25 cents for a stenggah Whisky and Soda is the usual hotel charge, but to charge
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    • 384 5 I I I, (Later than Yesterday's German Mail.) The Queen Regent of Spain is greatly distressed at the news of the disaster to the Spanish fleet. The defeat of the Spanish squadron has al-o increased the popular discontent in Spain, the Government being widely condemned for not being
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    • 68 5 S. V. A. Two of the 2.5-in. R.M.L. guns (of which six are to be the new armament of the S. V. A. in lieu of charge of certain 8-in. B.L. guns in the defences] will be handed over to-morrow by order of Lt.-Col. Casey, CRA. These will be kept
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    • 195 5 We have received a copy of the first issue of this new Chinese daily journal, published yesterday in Singapore. The newpaper is directly under the management of Mr. Khoo Seok Guan, a Chinese of the Second Degree, corresponding to our M. A. He generally controls
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  • THE WAR.
    • 1915 6 Run on the Banks. Our Special Correspondent informs us (China Mail) that during his visit to Manila a run was made on the Manila Branch of the Spanish Banking Institution. The market people, the only class doing business for three days after the bombardment of Cavite. refused
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    • 212 6 His Honour J. A. Swettenham, C.M.G., the Officer Administering the Government, has been appointed a Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George. Vlr. A. H, Capper has been appointed Acting Assistant Colonial Secretary and Clerk of Council^ with effect from the tSth
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    • 112 6 Capt. Minogue, Capt. Lang and 2nd Lieut Deverell, WY. Regt have been granted leave from May 31st to Aug. 20th. 3nd Lieut Stenhouse. R.A., proceeds to England in the Indus, on sick leave. A Chinaman named Ng Kwi Soon reported at Rocbore Police station yesterday that his w if-- his
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  • 770 6 Mr. A. M. Lindsay, Bank ot Bengal, author of the Lindsay scheme, goes Home at the Indian Government's expense to give evidence before the Currency Committee. The wreck of the S. s. Samtor was put up to auction by Messrs. Hong Tek Chye Co. at their
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  • Correspondence.
    • 196 6 To the Editor. DEAR Sir, The complaints of Mem bers' and Fait Play as to the unsatisfacj tory refreshments arrangements at the I Races are certainly justified. Considering that cash is demanded in advance and the innovation is introduced of compelling members lo take at least
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    • 564 6 The following i> a translation of tl c proclamation of the rebel leaders, then r< sidenl in Hongkong, sent over to the EHtili i lines in advance of the American squadron Compatriots! The Divine Providence is about to place independence within our reach, aud in a way
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    • 42 6 In connection with the recent seuuK ol stolen property found in the possession of the kabun and the syce at the Union Hotel, Kassim the kabun, appeared before i Court of Two Magistrates yesterday and ;vas sentenced to one years rigorous imprisonment*
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  • 1365 7 fjuicquid cjunt homines nostri est farrago libelli JUVBNAL. Gentler.;- 0, The Queen Gc d bless Her! Aaothi r great mar. seems to have done a foolish thing in regard tv the war. Tern* porarily oblivious of the lact that America has a Urge Catholic popu ttion,
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  • 366 7 Johore, May 27th, ibg6' The Jubilee of the arrival of that old Johore resident, Dato Meldrum, in the Straits, was celebrated here to-day at Iskander Hall. Dato and Datin Meldrum were "At Home "in the afternoon, and welcomed a large number of their friends, both Asiatic and European, from
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  • 1774 7 (Written for the Singapore Free Press.) Apology, by way ok Introduction. I am conscious of no little presumption in venturing to believe that the Singaporeans who were heroic enough to follow the wanderings of a Padre in partibus infidelium might be willing Lo court sleep
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  • 423 8 {Front our own Correspondent.} During the month of April there were 33 births and 29 deaths registered within the town of Malacca. With an estimated population of 17,483, this gives a birth-rate of 18 89 and a death-rate of 16*58 per mille per annum, compared with a birth-rate of
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  • 363 8 L Suicide 01 a .*m'anish Colonel. Serious Deficiencies Discovered, {Hongkong Telegraph Corr.) Manila, May 12th. Tne Boston and Concord are, I understand, going to lloilo. They expect to take the place without resistance, and recapture the American coal-laden ship Saranak, which was seized by the Spanish
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  • 140 8 I watch her waiting near the broad si iirwa\ It is only just now that we said nit»hi Yet some mystic power my eyes have constraint <1 To gaze at her there in the softened light. Is she thinking, now thai the ball is over,
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  • 37 8 The British ships Atlanta (Captain Mc- I Bridge) and Beeswing (Captain Griffith), which cleared from New York on April 6, are racing to their destination, Shanghai, for a bet, the stakes being $500 gold.
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  • 76 8 The Norwegian S.S. Brand, from Antwerp for Vladivostock with a full cargo of railway plant and ironwork, was reported by the SS. Palamcotta this morning as being ashore on Blenheim Shoal, off Klang. The vessel, of 15 19 tons net register, is owned by Mr. G.
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  • 156 8 London, igth May. Mr, Gladstone died at rive o'clock this morning. He passed calmly away, I Mrs Gladstone and the other members ot the i family being present at his bedside when the end came. The direct cause of Mr. Gladstone's death was decay of nature,
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  • 45 8 7 The following is a list of the scratchings Open Griffin Handicap. Gwen, Effie, Queen of the Isles, Outram, Zoedone, Rocket, Canezon. Scurry Stakes. Phill, Triton, Culzean, Vanitas. Horse Handicap. Young Gladstone, Phill, Locky, Lord of the Isles, Why Not, Piper, Boyton, Leih-
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  • 53 8 During the 24 hours up to noon, 19th May, 10 new cases and 15 deaths from plague were reported, making the total since Ist January (139 days) 1,114 cases and 972 deaths. On the 17th inst., another man from H.M S. Bonaventure was reported to be
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  • 85 8 Manila, May 13. The Captain General and Archbishop of Manila are making great efforts to induce the natives to remain loyal to the Spanish Government. A Council of twenty- four Philippines, who were formerly have been funned as adviser^ to the Governor- General. The country
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  • 63 8 (Daily Press.) Shanghai, 17th May.— The transfer of Wei-hai-wei has been postponed until the ;th June. [It was orginally expected that the transfer would take place on the 16th inst., but some delay seems to h ye occurred in the withdrawal of the Japanese Garri on.
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  • 88 8 Owing to the demand in America for extra editions of the papers, there is a prospect of a paper famine. All the reserve supply is used up. The Chicago Tribune states it will be unable to appear on Sunday unless fresh paper turns up from an
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  • 214 8 There was a big attendance at the Parsi Theatre last night at the performance of Sangeen Bakavli," under the patronage of the Hindoo community. Mr. Baliwala sang a Malay song and Mr. Rustomjee English ones. Mr. Carapiet, on behalf of the patrons, presented Mr. Baliwala with a very extensive and
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  • 386 8 The Foochow Echooi the 14th May states that the Descartes had left the Anchorage. The Jean Bart and H.M.S. Daphne were still there. Mr. T. V. Twinning and Mr. Morse, the vocalist, are now at Hongkong, where they propose to remain throughout the month of June.
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  • 209 8 We are deeply sorry to hear that Dr. Welch, of Selangor, who has been very ill lately, and was to have gone home on sick leave, died at Penang on the 25th inst. His death deprives the Native States of one of the ablest medical officers
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  • 141 8 Kua Kangsar will be very next month, when H H. ihe Sultan proposes to celebrate the crcumcision of his sons. iMr. F. A. Stephens has selected his thousand aere^ for rubber next to his present estate, and proposes to commence op r 'lions immediately. Major tieneral Joi.«-s-Vaughan, commanding
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  • 55 8 Exchange with Manila is reported nominal. But the Banks will not take Spanish dollars, and the native money changers want a discount of twenty- five per cent. Therefore people who have invested money in a contingency that has hitherto been looked upon with favour, are willing to sell their chances
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  • 489 8 An Interview. {From a Correspondent,) I have just had a short interview with Sir Charles Mitchell, High Commissioner of the Federated Malay States and Governor of Singapore, who is on flying visit to this country. In the course of a general conversation, Sir Charles expressed
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  • 254 8 Ihk Construction oi (Chinese Rail**yv Continental Ministers Protest (Special to China Mail,) Shanghai, May 21. It is stated that the Russian, French and German Minister* a! Peking have protested against the COfitrol of the finances and the < onstruction of the Shanghai-Soochow-Chingkiang and Nan king railways having been
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  • 7223 9 SPRING MEETING, 1898. FIRST DAY.— May 23rd. Judge. C Sugden, Esq. Asst, Judge and me- Keeper. C. E. Velge, Esq. Handicappers. —H. Fort, Esq., D. P. MacDougall, Esq. Starter, -Mr. H. Abrams. Starting Machine,— V). D. Mackie. Esq. Clerk of the Course. C. Sugden, Esq. Clerks of
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  • 1099 10 We had an excellen, day's sport on Saturday-. The racing was good, th< weather was fine and although the "going was very hard, there were no accidents Seven out of sixteen coloured on the card sported silk for the Open Griffin Handicap which proved a good tl
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  • 336 11 Horses. Fairy Tale 2 d 3rd vn P' T <* dd.m. 2 3 Egerton 2 Vanitas 2 2 Locky 1 1 3 Young Gladstone t 3 CuUean r 2 Romany R ye 3 The Strip l 3 Cane^ou 1 3 Phil!... 1 1 3 Roulette 2
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  • 878 11 (Hongkong Tel. Corr.J The Merchants are anxious to carry on business ,1 X k X oWi g the b,ockade and threa to bombard the city of Manila, it is quite impossibl, Li 0 ZT. h must of CoUrse be a^i»« that the blockade is not effective,
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  • 126 11 Simla, May 21.— The following bono,;:- are To be G. C. S L, the Maharajah oi Patiala lo be K.C.S. I..— Mr. W. Lee-Warner and Mr. T. J. Chichele Plowden. TobeC.S.l.:-M r T. Stoker, Colonel M C. Brackenbury, Mr. S. R. Henry, Mr. L. W. King and
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  • 544 11 The Mutual Line steamer Kintuck, Capt. de la Perrelle, arrived here last night from 110-ilo direct and therefore brings the lates' news from that Spanish Colony It will be remembered that the last newdown was by the Tineas, which vessel reported that as she was leaving an
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  • 173 11 Among the Parliam ntary notices of mot'onmenuoned in the mail is the following, uy air. uuncoraoe, M P. h,:° f k Secretnr > 0| Sta* for the Monies Whether he has received statement from th, Straus Settlements Association showing that in the five years ending [896
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  • 103 11 The P. O. Co.'s S. S. CWm will feat ror burope on Thursday next. One steamer recently took into Penang n-> less than u,ooolb. of ice from Langkat Naval Cadet Herbert S. W, Bolderc [son of Capt. Boldero, Deputy Master HM S *Tfar\ Smgapore) is appointed tc We notice, in
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  • 769 12 The Tanglin Cup.— Value $350, and a stake of $15 for starters, up to $100 of m to go to the 2nd horse. A Handicap for Hors that have started in Race N^ the First *V Entrance $10.— Distance, R.C. *Vj Sir F. Swettenham's Locky ijk oected t>*f em The
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  • 324 12 A Tributb from Bar and Bench. On the assembly of the Supreme Court this morning, before the Chief Justice, the Attorney-General, addressing his lordship, on behalf of the bar expressed the feeling of sorrow and of loss which the bar felt at the death ot Mr.
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  • 619 12 The Currency Question. Allahabad, May 17. The Pioneer's London correspondent telegraphs under date 16th May "An important Memorial has been forwarded to the Government in connection with the new Currency Committee. The document, which is signed by large numbers of leading City men including the majority of
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  • 33 12 The outward bound mail steamer Caledonien arrived alongside the wharf just before dusk last night, taking up a berth next to the Preassen, homeward bound. Both vessels proceeded on their way this morning.
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  • 138 12 The Colonies and India, 30th April says Major H. E. McCallum, C.M.G., the Governor of Lagos, has to some extent broken down under the severe strain of his duties during the past few months, and is now on his way to England on leave. During the period of
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  • 489 12 S. C. C. 2ND XI v. S. R. C. Played on Whit Monday. Benjafield took io wkts. for 34 runs and Glennie 8 for 48. No extras were scored by the S. R.C. s. c. c. W. H. Marsh c DeSouza b Jansz 13 C. S. Crane c Buxton
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  • 99 12 in connection with the recent boom in gold mines in the Dutch East Indies, which, according to advices from Batavia has already begun to show signs of collapse, Magpie makes the following remarks in the Sunday Ti?ncs I expect to sec a marked interest taken before j long in gold
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  • 876 12 The China Association gave a dinner at the Whitehall Rooms on May 2nd, the principal guest being Sir Henry Blake, the new Governor of Hongkong. Sir William dcs Voeux presided and among those present were Sir W. Robinson. S Cecil Smith, Sir A. Dent, Lord Suirdale,
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  • 222 12 As there has been a good deal ol conto versy about what the Imperial [nstitutehas done and left undone, a useful little book entitled The Facts about the Imperia Institute,' has been issued b\ Mr C Lang-ion Davirs. It should be read bj interested in the Institute. A marriage is
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  • 657 13 The French steamer Massilia, under charter lo the Russian Government, came in last evening from Odessa with 8 officers and 1,182 troops for Yiadivostock. S| ie leaves for the North this afternoon. The weekly ,ssue ot the Free Press to be published tomorrow al noon, will
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  • 72 13 eremonj ot laying the Red or the new Jo gunboat now under construction at YokoShip Building Yard took place on the 7th "Hler th. Supervision q| the President of j xperts Th* is lhe r.rst H W»W constructed at the- yards. n K«i to be 8;
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  • 134 13 The Navy and Army Illustrated of the 23rd April says that "on the arrival of the Vonaventurc at Singapore, where she is due next week, the Narcissus will quit Sir fc. Seymour's command and return to England. This in one sense, weaken^ the strength of the command
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  • 222 13 Hb Likbs the English. And He Drinks Whisky Just Like a Britisher. (Star.) Some interesting facts are given by a Canton correspondent of the Daily News of Prince Henry of Prussia. J At the reception at the German Club Concordia, the Prince was asked to make
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  • 239 13 A prominent member of the Russian General Staff gives the following statistics of the armed [orces of Japan:— Japan has adequate facilities lor landing large bodies of troops in sia. The standing army numbered 65.478, and the reserve 166,000 in 1896, and consisted of seven divisions including
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  • 291 13 THE FINEST COALFIELD IN THE WORLD. A vast field of wealth, says the Daily Telegraph, has been secured in China by a British syndicate. In the Province of Shan- Li, which lies in the northeast of China, extending up to Mongolia on the north, bounded on the west and south
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  • 94 13 rhis should encourage Dr Lim Boon Keng and his colleagues in the cause of Chinese progress and reform The Peking correspondent of the Daily Chinese Progress state, that Mr. K'ang C'hang-su has been voted to the Presidency of the Chinese Patriotic Association. News from other sources tates
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  • 352 13 GERMAN COMPETITION IN FAR EAST. A Berlin correspondent sends some further particulars concerning the exhibition of samples collected by a committee of German experts from the industry of China and Japan and shown in two small rooms m an upper story of the palace of the German Imperial Diet in
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  • 376 13 I he various arrangements in connection with the construction of the three battleships known as ihe Formidable class are bein^ gradually completed. Ihe ships are the Formidable, building at Portsmouth; the irresistible, under construction at Chatham and the Implacable, which is to be laid down at Devonport
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  • 187 13 I A special meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce was held this after- noon at a quarter past two, to confirm the levised rules as numbered r -37. There were present Mr. C. Stringer, in the chair, and Messrs. A. Laspe, J. Anderson, Frizell, Cadell, Waddell,
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  • 95 13 A Chinaman, who admitted to two previous convictions, was today sentenced to three months hard labour and fifteen cuts of the ratan for stealing an ear-ring from a Macao woman. Instructions have been issued by the Japanese authorities to all coal merchant? to the effect that though it is prohibited
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  • 1069 13 'gton, M^ c steamer Kintuck, Capt Vicksburg and the fived here last night from fight at Gettysburg, erefore brings the latest VVashingto been so eu- .r K3 U,c laicS! news of the victory in i CoIo »V. bing over the wires. re d that the last new.s
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  • 68 13 10-day there are in Singapore Harbour and town 75 Russian and German Officers, and 2,500 men. passing eastward Quite a Alter numerous postponements Chua Beng Chan, charged with abetment oi voluntarily causing grievous hurt to Mr Dreckmeier, has been committed to take his trial at the Assizes. Mr Braddell represented
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  • 1393 14 A Liverpool correspondent writes as folio ws^o the Pall Mall Gaiette Very strong opinions are held in Liverpool with regard to the folly of imposing a hut-tax in our West African colonies, and the news that the present Governor of the Gold Coast contemplates
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  • 1704 14 The Situation in the Philippines. (Hongkong Telegraph, 25th.y The Japanese cruiser Akitsushtma arrived here yesterday from Manila, and the following is lhe latest news General Aguinaldo arrived by the McCulloch on the iot i inst., and was received with great enthusiasm by the natives. Admiral Dewey was very
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  • 113 14 Fhe Siamese import and export returns for 1 897 show that the value of the exports from Bangkok t<> Singapore amounted to §12,185,512 a couple of million dollars more than in the preceding year, and more than one-third of the iota I\ports, Hongkong coming next with
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  • 21 14 A Eurasian, named Zuzarte died of smallpox at No. 61 Queen Street this morning. The house has been placed in quarantine.
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  • 430 14 This morning thirteen Russian Jews and others appeared before Mr. Wollerstan on a charge of playing in a common gaming house to wit, No. 182 Queen street, at 1 p.m. on the 30th inst. Sergeai t, accompanied by European P. C. N< 4, made a raid
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  • 4 14
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  • 34 14 Shanghai. May 2 jj3»h» \V of lhe official yam, mis |w<ihdS*.< ')W -in regard to the <onsiruc'liJB* e ft tllr theson and Co.. with thAfcooA-operat' the Hongkong and ShangßPP^p Btt*
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  • 45 14 Mr. Rudyard Kipling's4eJ te *v t>ook will probably be pubh>hcfl r Kith* r;l will consist ot about a doiikd b«| vnori Hhaving the sea and sea h8» u |P^ > n r ground. The title has nM £>*&■* ct l^'rnitelv decided upon. #>! «*W»
    45 words
  • 97 14 Bank 4 111/s l.| I demand 8f H Private credits 3 m/s M i/Ul documents 3 m/5....J|.l y. v !l credits 6 m/s J-tf B 'Z ll France, demand :4 J Germany, demand m/ lC 9 s India, T. T. i:1 Hongkong, demand ■•••w\ ■v^fc. 0 Yokohama, demand 0
    97 words

  • 1316 15 Lord Salisbury, speaking on May 4 at the annual meeting rf the Primrose League, held^in the Albert Hall, said that ra regard to the Chinese negotiations the C» vernmem appealed to results, and what had the results been A"c were bound by our
    1,316 words
  • 113 15 (J un e I-) &te;:::;:::::;; 40^ do. cube No. 1 i% Pepper, filack (ordinary Spore) 20*7=: do. White, (Fair L/W= s 3°. Nutmegs 1 iios to the lb.) 80 Mace (Banda) Cloves Amboina) 17. Liberian Coffee "17 Tapioca, small peari (Fair quality) ±ndo. do flake "(do. do.) 5. do.
    113 words
    • 88 15 Mr. Larnac's eh c Jeddah, by Janissary-Pilgrimage 1 The Duke of Westminster's br c Batt, by Sheen-Vampire 2 H. R. H. the Prince of Wales' b c Dunlop, by Ayrshire Fortuna 3 [Jeddah is an almost unknown horse. He ran second in the Clearly Stakes and
      88 words
    • 268 15 AMERICAN MISSION LOOTED. Troops Demanded for Pr tection. (Special to Singapore Free Press). Hongkong, 27th May, 1898. An American mi: sion on the West River has been looted and burned by a Chinese mob. lt is believed that the missionaries have escaped. The American Consul at Canton has
      268 words
    • 86 15 The American Expedition to Manila. 2,500 American troops for the Philip, pines have left San Francisco, with a year's supplies. France and The Philippines. Denial of Rumours. Fhe rumour that France will acquire the Philippines is officially denied. The American Army. 70,000 More Volunteers. President McKinley has called
      86 words
    • 113 15 Revolt in the Carolines. The Governor of Manila telegraphs to Madrid that there is a general revolt throughout the Carolines. Admiral Sampson's Squadron. Admiral Sampson, with seventeen ships, was last seen on Wednesday, off Northern Cuba THE AMERICAN PLAN OF CAMPAIGN. The Spanish Fleet Masked. A conference has
      113 words
    • 135 15 LATEST FROM MANILA. REBEL ATTACK IMMINENT. (Special to Singapore Free Press.) Hongkong, 28th May. The American storeship Zafiro has returned to Hongkong from Manila Bay with Admiral Dewey's despatches. She reports that the whole American squadron is in excellent health. Also that General Emilio Aguinaldo states that thirty-seven
      135 words
    • 11 15 I he cable to ilo-ilo has been ut.
      11 words
    • 84 15 Mr. Glad-tone's funeral, which 'Ook place on Saturday, was simple and impressive. The procession walked to West minster Abbey, and included the members of he Ho ses of Lords and Commons, ilie members of the Diplomatic body, the Prince of Wales the Dnke of York, the Duke
      84 words
  • 91 15 The Spanish Reserve Squadron. The Spanish reserve squadron has left Cadiz. Its destination will be either aba, the Philippines or the American Co: t a? the Spanish Government may deem >pedient. Diplomatic. The Right Hon. Sir Nicholas 0 Conor. at present British Minister at St Petersburghs transferred to
    91 words
  • 165 15 LATEST FROM MANILA. 7 he English Denounced. Special to Singapore Fret Press.) Hongkong, May jot 1., iSo>. H M. S. Pique reports that 110-ilo and Manila are quiet. Placards are posted in Manila denouncing the English. No Food Scarcity Alleged. Letters do not advise any scarcity of fSo
    165 words
  • 66 15 Admiral Schley and Spanish Fleet. The Navy Department at Washington has received a telegram from Admiral Schley confirming the news or the presence of a Spanish fleet at Santiago de Cuba. Santiago Blockaded. Admiral Schley's squadron is blockading Admiral Sampson to Move on Havana It is stated that
    66 words
  • 105 15 (Special to Singapore Fret Press.) Kuala Lr.mpor. May 31st in the Cricket Match Perak v. Sefangor. Perak completed its innings for 40c the A. H Bagnail J. Grenier. not cut f P. W. Gleeson 7 Col. Walker 0 Sayers >#< f Extra- 26 Total 400 Stainer
    105 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 471 15 fJONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL Siooooorn RESERVE FUND I 2£»£2 RESERVE LIABILITY OF V a.°oo>o<o PROPRIETORS $10,000,000 Court of Directors. Hon. J J. BELL-IRVING.-Chairman. k. M. Gray, Esq.— Deputy Chairman C Beurmann, Esq. A J. Raymond, Esq. David Gubbay, Esq. r. L Richardson, Esq. A.Haupt, Esq. F. Sachse,
      471 words

  • 374 16 i s t 1898. Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Shares Pun > iV Bank of China and Japan, Ltd. $2| Nominal. 2,000,000 450,968 199,875 £2.5. Deferred. £5 Buyers. 1,250 jfi Bell's Abestos Eastern Agency, $5 Sellers. f ro.ooof^ S 5 H **s*f T» l 1 »4i6 unissued Clear
    374 words
    • 93 16 ADMIRAL CERVERA CORNERED. Admira] Schley's Instructions. I corn spondfitt of the Standard, at Washington, sends a telegram, stating that the Secretary to the N «vy has telegraphed to \dmiral Schley, that he is under no circumstance t 1 p omit .Admiral Cervera And his fle t 1 ape
      93 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 171 16 I RILEY, HARGREAVES Co. H WE JUST RECEIVED. The Cycle of the future. The "Acatene" Chainless Cycle. CALI AND SEE THEM. RILEY, HARGREAVES Co. STOCK THE LATEST PATTERNS OF THE "Royal Psycho" "Pathfinder" Cycles Sole Agents. RILEY, HARGREAVES Co. KEEP THE LARGEST AND MOST VARIED STOCK In the Straits Settlements
      171 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 537 16 CLEARANCES. Pak %n, Brit, str., Ta\ lor, for K. Selangor, via ports. Nfi>." n, Rr:t. str., Broady, for Rangoon. Benokvlis, Brit. str., Hendry, lor Bagan, via ports Calypso, Brit, str., Lowry, Tor Penang and Deli. B*\ Whatt Soon. Brit, str., Rouse, tor Billiton and Pontianak Massii i\. Fr. transport, Jaubert,
      537 words
    • 156 16 May 27. Batavier, Brit, str., Robertson, for Malacca and Klang. Neera, Brit, str., Coysh, for T. Anson, via ports. Gorgon, Brit, str., Morier, for Bangkok. Singapore. Brit, str., Main, for Bangkok. Ranee, Brit, str., Baker, for Darvel Bay, via ports. Moyunk, Brit, str., Couradi, for Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan. Prudentia,
      156 words
    • 837 16 Men-of-Wat Flags and Tons Commanders Arrived From Foi Whet* Hermione Brit, cruiser 4360 Caliaghan May 23 Colombo Roads Other Vessels Flaes Tons Masters Arrived From Consignees For When Ayeshah Brit, sch., 131 Syed Omar May 20 Pulau Laut M. Eusope Pulau Law, Jun. Batavier Brit. 216 Robertson June r Kian-
      837 words
    • 310 16 A. Balfour, Mr. A. Balfour. Mi. A. WesfeOßtiofc, Mr. C. Anderson, Mr. J. Schacker. May 29.— Per Bawean Mr. Ryspe, Mr. M m Mi. Kostel. Mr. A. G. Stephen. Mr. Cramer M Johnson. Per Ban Hin Guan Mrs. H. d. Y/elr. M A. E. Y/elman. Pec Sea Belle IL E.
      310 words