The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 28 April 1898

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 104 1 Domcsttc Occurrences. BIRTHS. At Ashton Lod^e, on the 21st instant, the wife of William Houston, of a son. At Kuching, Sarawak, on the 21st inst., the wife of C. D. Harvky, of a daughter. At New Harbour, on the 22nd instant, the wife Samubl Cot kbi m, of a so>.
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  • 770 1 Here -hall the Press the People's right maintain, i Unawed by influence and unbribed by gain Here patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw, iMede*- 1 to Religion, Loyalty, and Law. Thk march towards t lie inevitable continues with unfaltering pace. All the constitutional and diplomatic preliminaries towards
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  • 828 1 I I o day "s news, th >ugh it dc-als mainly with tin-- expecte(jL 4 n&y ihc inevitable, comes none ihe less ivitli almost v ?euSB of shock. The diplomatic* rapture between Spain and the United States is complete, and the Ministers of these countries have left
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 487 1 Nf. \:<ti* LBS. I Aprroac hirer War. 26: c Diplomalic Rupture >6i c I declaration of Paris, 262 t First Move. 262 tc American Squndrcn at Hongkong... 262 The HI ckade of Havana, 262 v Squadrons and the Blockade, 262 A Question of Formality. 262 1 prepared for War, 262
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    • 70 1 NOW READY SINGAPORE, "THE CAPITAL OF A LITTLE EMPIRE." beine a reprint of the letters relating to the Straits Mr. JOHN DILL ROSS, published in the Singapore Free Press under the title of PROM MOSCOW TO VLADIVOSTO CX A concise and readable account of the Colony and the Native States.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 399 1 I HE WEEK Ihe English mail ot 2nd inst., arrived by ihe N, H L. s.s Preussen \'t?terday, and will be followed by < lv mail of the Sth inst., per M M. S.S. Yarra on the 2\\A prox. This mail leaves by the M. M s s. Ernest Simons
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  • 132 2 The Paris Conference of 1656 agreed to the following resolutions on the subject of maritime law in time of war 1. Privateering is, and remains, abolished. 2. Ihe neutral flag covers enemies' goods, with the exception of contraband of war 3. Neutral goods, with the exception
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  • 206 2 23rd.; TO-DAY'S telegrams show that the phrase hostilities have commenced" signifies overt nav.ti movements towards hostile contact It is announced to-day that the American squadron had left Key West and was moving towards Havana with the intention of blockading that port. This bears out our surmise ol
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  • 363 2 The American Squadron at Hongkong. Hongkong. (April 25th.) To-day's special telegram to the Singapore Free Press from Hongkong shows precisely how the situation lies as regards the American squadron. The Acting Governor, H. E. General Black, had caused a proclamation of neutrality to be made at Hongkong on Saturday. This
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  • 422 2 CONCERNING to-day's news from the Gull of Mexico a certain strange thin a is to 1) n >ted. The American squadron has been allowed to establish a blockade ot Havana The Spanish squadrons have moved away outside ol the horizon of observation. This seems to us
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  • 311 2 (April 2bth.J To-day's telegram is remarkable for one thing. It announces that the Spanish squadron by which is to be understood the main reinforcing squadron from Spain has not yet crossed the Atlantic. It is still at St. Vincent in the Cape Verd Islands, off
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  • 166 2 A const l'ulional point is raised by the j erms of the proclamation of neutrality I ssu d yesterday by His Honour the Officer j \dministering the Government. That do:umenl talks o! a state of war between he United States of America and Her Most Catholic
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  • 487 2 [ixpru 2-jtn.) In a naval war, and at the outset the j present scarcely begun struggle between I the United States and Cuba must to a great extent be that victory must be ex- i pected to rest with that fleet, other things being equal, that is
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  • 496 2 To-days telegram tells us thy United States Government lias is?.: summons to the different states to fui ih quotas of volunteers. That i« n.' the only way to work the nationa. force" from which in the first insl President IfcKINUV calls for too men. In pointing out
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  • 696 3 Over 4,000 tons of English coal were imported into Nagasaki on March 30. Captain Craufurd, the Master Attendant, has been confined to his house during the week with bronchitis. H.M.S I m mortal it c left Hongkong on the 15th tor Chusan. She will not therefore
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  • 297 3 THE AGONY OF AN EMPIRE." UEcho de Chine thus concludes an article with the above title referring to the disintegration of China To-day the means of maintaining an Empire so profoundly burdened by the densest ignorance, by the gloomiest egotism, by the most self-willed indifference and the most remarkable weakness
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  • 163 3 At Messrs. Powell Cos. sale rooms this afternoon live iots of Crown land situat' d at Teluk Ayer were put up tor sale by auction at an upset price of 82 50 per square teet and subjeci to an annual quit-rent of §23, but they were all withdrawn,
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  • 304 3 The Colonial Engineer left in the Malacca yesterday afternoon on inspection duty in l»l rlwtCCil. Ong Xi, who was convicted before Mr. Woiferstan yesterday of administering morphine by injection, was fined $30, with the option of six weeks' imprisonment. Danish mail line of steamers, for which Messrs. Guthrie and Co
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  • 567 3 I NTERESTING CASE AT HONGKONG The Spanish Grant to the Philippine Rebels. In the suit Atachio v. Aquinaldo and others," heard in Hongkong Supreme Court before Chief Justice Sir John Carrington, Mr. Francis (instructed by Messrs. Johnson, Stokes, and Master) applied for an injunction on the suit of Isabella Atachio,
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  • 265 3 I Notwithstanding the suspension of the Oceania, it nevertheless indulges in some strong remarks against its contemporaries tor not having dedicated a few words of farewell on the departure of the late Editor j of El Diario, whom our readers will remember lately passed through Singapore after his
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  • 58 3 The N C. Daily News of the nth insC< says: A native official telegram reports j that the foreign-modelled corps of 15,000 men under General Nieh, the Provincia- oinmaiulei -in Chief of Chihli, duly install led their Russian military instructors on Tuesday last, the German
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  • 144 3 The New Treaty Port at Woosung. Forts to be Demolished. (Special to China Mail). Shanghai, April n. The German officers, who have been acting as dri (-instructors and organisers of the new Chinese Army, have been paid off, receiving full pay down to the month
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  • 365 3 Shanghai, April v. The opening oi Woosung as a treaty port is not likely for some time to have much effect on Shanghai as a commercial centre* To the owners of the ocean steamers which, like the Empresses, never come up to Shanghai it will be
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  • 342 3 TOR PEDO -DESTROYER I N A GALE. The Dam 46£ to the 'Whiting.' Shanghai, April B. H.M. torpedo boat destroyer Whiting arrived in the river early yesterday morning, having experienced a most difficult passage from Hongkong. In company which H M ships Centurion and Alacrity ard the torpeJodestroyer Fame she
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  • 79 3 A Hongkong sugar boiler, with (he tint old Ulster name of Patrick McLiesh, who also happened to be a Hongkong Volunteer, was fined §50 the other day lor having drawn his sword in a squabb!< wilh Chinamen and damaged a coupie of them. It was
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  • 13 3 It is stated that Japan ha* i fore* of 14,000 troops at Wei-hai-wei
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  • 639 4 41 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by honest pastimes, playe at ches f e, the astronomer's game, and the philosopher's game, which whettes thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and hurts no body in the mean season." Problem No. 40 (Galitzky) is solved as follows: i Kt-K.3,
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  • 347 4 Now that the Championship Tournament at the Singapore Chess Club has been concluded, arrangements are being made to hold a handicap tourney on the knock out system, best of three games, open to all members of the Club. The annual chest contest between Oxford and Cambridge, seven a
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  • 536 4 The Verdict at the Inquest. In giving his verdict at the inquest yesterday on tin* body of Gi Ah Chong, who was killed by electricity whilst working at Fanjong Pagar on the r6th inst., the Coroner said there could be no doubt i that the man died
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  • 42 4 m *m The floating dock left for Pulo Way this morning at 830 in tow by the Dutch cruiser Atjeh and the gunboat Edi. They were also accompanied by the Koningin Emma tier Nederlanden and the Zeeding. I
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  • 1129 4 Shanghai, March 26. Now that Russia has obtained her final payment from China for her assistance in turning the Japanese out of the Liaotung Peninsula, it is interesting to look back and see how exactly her demands were indicated in the two secret documents which we
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  • 223 4 THE BRITISH IN THE GULF OF PECHILI. Lientsin Dorrespondeftt ot Llie Telegraph writes a- lollo\w 7 l 1 1 insUj I it rumc ired, for instance, thai in additi Weiliaiwei the British Government an for the Miiotao Groun o& islands iusi Wei-hai-wei and for Fengchow, I horn oi Shantung. Bat
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  • 101 4 iveiernog to ma u> w Lroveraui |(i >!d Coast the Colonies *nd fttd a i Ji is worthy of mention tlia the !ol Governor from a Alicia] v im r>i will be considerably lessetu 1 in Iff H son s case, as
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  • 103 4 Some time a^o a traveller ml ran I >ays the Malay Mail that K.iu!; vi ig was just the same as ever and > m !no signs oi growing. Alter Knottier visil j he now tells us that the p!*C< >> 0 >:i: h ahead in great style and
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  • 193 4 Referring to lite opening 4 i >em treaty I the Peking and Tientsin Timei says <>• three ports, that of CH'in-w^n^-i-io. better kl I I as rangtw, to be opened ;i- goon IS the < pieliminanes c-^ii be got through, is the v c Nrhich most,
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  • 168 4 neccui < he m despatch reports ' *v<*ral thousand uatues uid ihfir t.nn. i landed tl. rr from Por< Vnhui a«td the •v■ Still going OH. Poll hit uili t» .|rn:i of the majority ot its Chinese inhabitant < reported that those remaining have expressed I intention to
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  • 632 5 His Honour the Officer Administering the G >\f rnment returned from Klang in the C lonial sfeamei Sea Belle this morning. The Committee of the Swimming Club have decided to hold a 120 yards race on May 22nd, starting at 10 a.m. fhc Hamburg-Amerian liner Adna
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  • 102 5 A Central News telegram in a mail paper says that it is stated that General Ricciotti Garibaldi will probably start for New York shortly for the purpose of organizing and taking command of an Italian Legion for service with the American forces, in the
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  • 122 5 SELANGOR NEWS— PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Rodger are expected at Kuala i umpor to-day. The High Commisiioner and the Resident General arrived in Kuala Lumpor on Tuesday. Mr. H. C. Paxon went home by to day's 1 mail, his place on the Tanjong Malim section of the railway being taken
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  • 166 5 From Messrs. Kelly and Walsh we have received an advance copy of Sir George I Newness new monthly magazine The I J o Wide II orld Magazine" It is a capita! miscellany ol interesting and exciting papers, i and remarkable for the variety and bcautv, ot
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  • 361 5 1 (A Record <>i Recent Am^tor^ Incident.) M 1 Dear Kate. 1 you and 1 cannot be 'onfined within the weak list a country's fashion we are the makers of manners, Kate King Henry V Act. Sc. 11. The lines that I \\\\t writ above, I would
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  • 107 5 The Perak Pioneer has this Chief Inspector McKeon while putting a squad of Malays through target practice at the rifle range on the morning of the 14th instant had a rare "piece of good luck. A magnificent deer dashed through the Kling women engaged in weeding on
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  • 143 5 I Mr. O. F. Stonor, of Kajang, hns a little waggish way with him. He advertises a personal loss in these terms: If the person who removed the rubber grip from a cricket bat marked "O. F. Ston^r in ihe j Selangor Club will communicate with the
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  • 517 5 This morning, before Mr. Wo'terstan. Kin Sin was charged with offering a gratuity of $5 to Inspector Scott. Yesterday morning the Inspector went to a new building in Waterloo-street, to see whether certain Municipal regulations had been carried out or not. He found the drains required I by
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  • 84 5 TIN EXPLOITATIONS IN SOUTH AMERICA. Following upon the discovery ol tin in Bolivia (says a home paper) cumes a report that similar deposits have hern found <»n 1 ihtr other side of the border, in the Argrn tinr Elysium, Salta, once ihe home o! Jabez Balfour. It is stated that
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  • 53 5 It is computed by a certain well-informed person that the quantity of foreign rice required to be imported to Japan from April until the end of the year will be 4 710,000 koku. This, calculating at the rate of 10 yen per koku, will ccst 47,000 000
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  • 48 5 Pending the preparation of the annual report and the accounts for presentation to the annual general meeting, the Choir will resume practice on Monday, the 25th inst., and the Orchestra on Saturday the 30th inst. Members of both sections are asked to note these dales.
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  • 115 5 Corps Orders. Head Quarter Office, Singapore, 21st. Apni, 189 S. 1. Orde ly Officer for the ensuing week» Capt. W. (7. St. Clair. 2. Gunner G.T. Marples is appointed Ag. Bombardier. Gunner C. Wiggins rind J. Gush having left the Colony are struck off the Strength of
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  • 221 5 An extraordinary case of man •hunting by a snake is reported from the country. Yesterday afternoon, (says the Pinang Gazette) while some cattle were grazing under the coco-nul tree- on Paya Trubong Estate, a lage hamadrayad suddenly darted from a trunk at one of the cow--
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  • 93 5 Capt. Arthur Abercromby Duff, 3rd Bat. Gordon Highlanders, is appointed Aide deCamp to His Honour the Officer Administering the Government. Mr D. Gilchrist is appointed a Municipal Commissioner for Penang; and Mr E. G, Broadrick for Malacca The scholarship !i<' is published. The treaty between (treat Britain and
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  • 118 5 Charge Against an Hotel Manager. At the Police Court this morning, betore Mr. Howard. Mr L. Kutzberg, late manager of the Hotel de la Paix, was chaged with criminal misappropriation of property worth 810,371 belonging to Mr. Reelfs. It is alleged that on Wednesday last defendant was entrusted
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  • 142 5 li is lepoited that tin has been touud in Kedah, and under such conditions a^, lead the discoverers lo hope tor quantity as well as quality. This is indeed, good news, and we Piiuing Gazette) congratulate uur worthy neighbour on the discover- Kedah has now a grand
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  • 2861 6 BY SIR RICHARD TEMPLE BART. VI. The Courts and Camps of the Native Princes. The entourage, the attendant circumstances of Native Princes always of a dramatic character, like a mise en seene vary infinitely according to the scenery and the climate of the territory. For
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  • 668 6 The annual report on tiu H W h 1897 shows that of $529,89*1 voted, 1 i 8171.428 were expended, llic (250, do 1 the Singapore-Jobore railway being largest unexpended item, and only 153 being spent out of §110,000 for barracks The principle expenditure was for ma 1 tenance.
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  • 145 6 The report for the 5 h annuai gem ra meeting, held on April 19th. \va^ he Net Profits for that period, after p> wtding for bad and doubtful debts, and including v 6 lod. brought forward from last Account. MWOUnI 10 f »^73« 1 4-^>- 5^-
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  • 40 6 Some exceptionally interesting orchids an- being shown by Mr. IVrt-ira at M -•<■- I Littii andC ■> From ih« Shan States art On fnv Acrides Crassifolittm, and laHum Neilgherrensi a Rtnanther* stvrei \\<\.-> {> flowers and .< Phalaenopsis \'io!ai<i Alba is ;t!-<> a f flower
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  • 740 7 Among the presentations at the Levee at St. lames on March 31st was Mr. A. D. T Berringt^n, Senior Magistrate, Perak. Capt. H. C. Metcalfe, Northamptonshire Regt., has been appointed Asst. Dist. Inspector of Musketry in the Aldershot District. St. George's Ball" at Penang, to-day, is
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  • 965 7 Quicquid agunt homines nostrtest farrago libell JUVBNAL. It has been gradual in its coming, but it has come at last. Bella, horrida bella Men may singly fear war. They may be alive to its horrors. Statesmen may dread its action on the commerce, the history, the
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  • 69 7 j The President kindly gave a prize for p ladies in an approaching and putting com- C petition. This was played on Thursday and t yesterday, with the following result Mrs. Parsons 33 F Mrs. Saunders -33 c Miss S. Lyall ■34 r Miss Werry 34
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  • 96 7 There has been quite an exciting episode at Kalgoorlie, over a movement concerned with the rights of alluvial miners. Sir John Forrest, the Premier of Western Australia, went to a conference with the delegates of the men and was afterwards hustled, assaulted and insulted by a mob
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  • 106 7 Before Mr. Howard this mOrning Juan Coralla, Quartermaster on the S S. Langbanky was charged with wounding J. Lewis, the chief officer of the ship, with a razor, on the 6th instant, whilst ai sea. Prisoner pleaded guilty. Sgt. Beattie explained that the vessel was on a
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  • 167 7 The annual meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union was held in the Anglo-Chinese School on Thursday evening. There was a good attendance. The yearly report read by the Secretary, Mrs. Shellabear, showed that the Union lias had a prosperous year, and has increased both in
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  • 175 7 While electric lighting and the electric transmission of power have been attracting universal attention, electricity has beer, transforming chemi- j cal industries so quietly as to excite little notice except from the products. In an address to the London Institution of Electrical Engineers, Mr. J. W. Swan
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  • 783 7 {From our wn Correspondents A telegram published at Batavia states that the Dutch Minister of Colonies has ordered a portrait in oil* of the young Queen Wilhelmina. It is to be placed in the Palace at Buitenzorg. The commission has been given to Willy Martens, a well known
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  • 58 7 l"h^ L. and C Express says that Sir Frank Swettenham, the Resident -General of ttu Federated Malay States, has been actively at work during his leave to forward the project of the extension of railways in the States. He has practically arranged matters, so that
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  • 1008 8 The adjourned Court ot Inquiry into the circumstances attending the stranding of the Sam Tor on March 24th was resumed this morning. The Court consisted of Mr. J. B. Elcum. President, Lt. Cayley. H.M.S. Plover, Capt. Lyons, s S. Ban Seng Gua?i, and Capt
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  • 694 8 The course proper was closed this mornI ing, owing to the rain which fell yesterday, i as well as early this morning. We thought when we heard the rain outside at about three o'clock that we were going to have j another day off. but it
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  • 1315 8 A Dark Night but no Panic. Details of the Wreck. Bombay, April ll.— The following details of the wreck of the China have been received .—The voyage of the China from Colombo to Aden was pleasant to a degree. The majority of the passengers
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  • 206 8 We have received from Mr. Gran chards a copy of Mr. Hugh Clifford's I •'Studies in Brown Humanity/ 1 a Lion ot Malayan tales and sketches *rl have already been published in various quarters. Mr. Clifford, it) Irs preface, remarks that these sketches havt a v(-r\
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  • 352 8 TERRIBLE SUFFERINGS OF A SEALING EXPEDITION The sealing st< kmer Greenland arrived 11 v [ohn'son March it, when about thirty m les of Cape Bonavtsta thesteatnei sighted largi nmn ber of seals and three patties were sent out different directions across the icefield' to It animals and haul the carcases
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  • 152 8 A Dovet telegram says thai the greatest anx prevails there re^pectm^ »!.c wltereabouts Government training ship VHL d*A rs, w"-- is feared, was the vessel lost in the collision aril British Princess ofl Lowestoft on Wed esdaj morning. The ship had on board 60 i,.i\ I
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  • 1646 9 \From ovr own Correspondent.} The low price of coffee does not stop the planting of coffee by forced labour. The N. Government intend planting 658,500 tree> 'mostly Liberian), on high ground in the Residency of Sematang, and half that nun her in the Residency of Banjoemas he Semarang
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  • 48 9 The Bangkok Tunes has heard that Dr Bailey, of the IJ.S.S. Mackias, has committedsuicide in Washington. He was subject to heart disease and knew he might go off any moment This seems to have preyed on his mind R«d latterly he became very 1 despondent
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  • 190 9 For thf. Licensing Justices. To thf. Editor. Dear Sir, I would like to know if there is no limit of age at which a girl can be taken as barmaid? In some places in Singapore girls of 15 or 16 years of age are employed in this capacity. Can
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  • 385 9 I The continuation of the High-street j Arson case, in the Police Court yesterday, was as follows Inspector Bodestyne, Municipal Sanitary j Inspector, stated that he inspected the house that was burnt down twice in January, j On his second visit he noticed that the j people
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  • 230 9 Tin: Plagi i in India. Mortality Decreasing \t Bombay. Bombay, April 13. The mortality from Plague and other causes at Bombay is steadily decreasing Bombay, April 15. Yesterday's returns show that there were 104 attacks and Cm deaths, The deaths from all causes were 160 Recovery from H\rd
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  • 101 9 On Saturday W. Bro. F. M. Elliot, retiring W. M of Lodge St. George. No. 1 152. impressively installed his successor, W. Bro. \V Fox for the year 1898-9. The newly installed Master appointed his officers as follows, S. Bro. A. Koch: J. W. Bro. P: F Edlin; S.
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  • 729 9 The British steamer OtterspooL of Liverpool, passed through the harbour from west to east at 5-45 p.m on Saturday. The Pinang Gazette say:? that Assistant* Superintendent A. L Stewart wa«. when the mail left, about to be married A lapanese steamer, on< of the Nippon Vu-en
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  • 144 10 CHINESE LOTTERIES— HEAVY PENALTY. On Saturday a Hylam named Toy vVh> Lim was charged with carrying on a whawey and a weiseng lottery, at 545 Northbridgeroad on April 15th. Sgt. Rainbow gave evidence of searching the house and finding certain papers, books and money, which the chief interpreter of the
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  • 646 10 Indian Heroes Fund." To the Editor. DEAR Sir, Don't you think we in Singapore might do something towards this very deserving Fund? Should you open a subscription, I am sure there are plenty who would contribute. 1 shall be pleased to give $ioo myself. I enclose my card. R.
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  • 195 10 A remarkable robbery is reported as occurring early this morning at the house of Mr. H. Latham in Orange Grove Road. Mrs. Latham has unfortunately been confined to her room for some little time, and has been attended by a nurse, Mrs. Mnc Millan. About one o'clock the nurse wok
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  • 866 10 THE SAM TOR COURT OF ENQUIRY. On Saturday was concluded the Marine Court of Enquiry into the loss of the Sam Tor on Pulau Tembelas, in the Straits between the Karimon Island and Medang. It ended by suspending the certificate of the master for six months a severe sentence. We
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  • 56 10 Players in the Mixed Foursomes are j reminded that the final round is to be played off to morrow afternoon. j Ladies are also reminded that entries j for the May monthly medal will close at the end of this week. The entry book will be j
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  • 407 10 S.C.C. v. Officers Garrison. This match, commenced on Friday on the Esplanade, was continued on Saturday, and resulted in a win for the Military. For the Garrison Capt. O'Donnell took seven wickets for 18 runs, Davis for the Club securing five for 24. The scores were G. P. Stevens
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  • 368 10 Before Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones this morning Tan Teng Soon appealed against the magisterial decision sentencing him to pay a line of §500 or, in default, three months' imprisonment, on the charge of assisting in the management of a public lottery, to wit a Manila lottery, at
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  • 331 10 PROCLAMATION OF NEUTRALITY. A Government Gazette cx traor dinar j s sued this day declares the neutral. ty 0 the Port during the existing state o v ar between the United States and Spai; iqJ publishes rules which are to be treat a enforced as Her Majesty's orderrules summarised are.
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  • 74 10 1 in.- Government ot Selangoi is doing what was strongly urged Government of th^ Colon) when tin per Coins Prohibition Bill wras br< ig I into operation Ii is r<*cei\ iru: at the Chartered Hank and the district treasui North Borneo ciiul Sarawak iopper« at a discount
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  • 119 10 THE POLITICAL SITUATION IN CHIN A. DiSPBRS&L vi the British Flkei. I ht British and Wei-hm-^ki. (Special to China Mail.) j Shanghai, April 15, 53; p ;i It is reported from the north thai me British fl« j et has divided into two squadrons one coming south, and the other
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  • 81 10 Fhe Ball given by th< Englishmen ok I Penang and Province Wellesley, in honow of their patron Saint, ia the Penang Town Hall on Friday night, wa» Most juco ssful in every way. Over 200 persons attended At supper, Mr. Justie Leach proposed the health
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  • 87 10 Malays Regard it as a "Kramat. I bere is some excitement amon<> M in Brick Kiln Koad. owing to the rt cut discovery of an old cannon in that >)■■>■ the swamp wherv they are making a ro I Patani Road joining Dato
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  • 29 10 At the Cathedral ol the Good Sh jjihrrd yesterday morning and afternoon Bifhop Fee celebrated pontifical high ma** »nd vespers in honour of the titular feast ot th Cathedral.
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  • 1418 11 Strong Language or the Spanish Republican Party on the Situation. Translated from El Pais, of Madrid, 24th March, 1898.) Evil winds from the Philippines have been blowing for some time past. Telegrams have announced risings in other new Provinces, and nassengeis lately arrived by the Satrustegui
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  • 199 11 A similar proclamation ot neutrality to that issued for the Colony in yesterday's Government Gazette has been issued by the High Commissioner as H. B. M.'s Consul for Borneo at Labuan The China Gazette conceives that the chief advantages in having Woosung an > open port will
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  • 784 11 I Among the passengers arrived from Bangkok who are going home by the mail are Admiral Bush, formerly of the Siamese j i naval service, and Mr. Jarres McCarthy, j chief of the Surveys of Siam j r The Buena Ventura, the name of the t
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  • 67 11 It may interest our readers to learn that the Shenandoah, reported to be captured by the Spaniards with its cargo of wheat en route to Antwerp, is the largest sailing vessel under the American Flag, except j one, the Roanoke belonging to the same owners. < Capt
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  • 293 11 Killed at the Butts. A most regrettable accident occurred at the Tanglin rifle range yesterday afternoon. About 5-30 the Regiment were engaged in firing practice with the Lee Metford, at a range of 500 yards. In all there are four targets and four butts, and men
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  • 193 11 Bspana, ii=e! An upstart strikes With jingo gibe :-md blatant blare. Arm freemen Peasants, grasp you: pikes, The foeman meet, the danger share. Then shall ihey reap the braggart's fate. Who dared provoke a Spaniard's hale. What tho' the armed millions rise, Who think to ct'Ubh
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  • 25 11 ladies' fashion journal -.-.•> that Uie tartar I fever has again broken out m Pars. The mantle i sellers seem to La^isl their :ttentior on plaids.
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  • 301 11 On the 7UI nisi. Lan Tian Ye<- rr;» t d to the Roc ho re Station thai lit- li; killed a man named Tan Ah 800 his ttife, at a house in Kallang-road. The two pribuns were found bis ding there and wer< >,-- moved
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  • 1038 12 A History 01 China. From the earliest days down to the present Rev. J. Macgowan. Shanghai, Presbyterian Mission Press. The veteran missionary and Chinese scholar gives the history of China in a form new to the English reader a reproduction, from the original, of the Standard History of China.
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  • 1318 12 (From a Globe Correspondent.) Cuba, like several other parts of the world in a distressful condition, is one of England's lost pos- sessions At the close of the Seven Years' War, it was taken by Lord Albemarle with 6,000 men. Marshal Campos, to attain a similar
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  • 1240 12 Notes and anticipations Hitherto we have been content with giving the work the horses in training are doing, but as it is nearing the meeting, it will interest readers to get a more general idea of what will take place when the saddling bell rings, this day
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  • 114 12 Bow u\<,. fhe follow ing is ih« result 1..1 the petition for the (up kindly pn Iby r. I s L r in. H .md apt. Y A h tc "94 Catto toy, i W. C. So itham 648 S Reid 544 H. Port 607 5 E. iV
    114 words
  • 136 12 K.A. Foai I xnmnu S.R.C. t«o \i. Played 00 SaluitUy on St Jose ground, and won by K. A. by Scores. Royal Ain'ii.i .i-:iiv C.C. FoEl iKtflli Mr. Or. Bate- b FalU Vi^. Kuston b Palfc Lieut. Head c Seth b Quests Lieut. Steiihousc b Setti Bombr. Salter b
    136 words
  • 170 12 Referring to the hi^h 4t£< nction the Pen »g IV< Sctmu >al,i. h c v d the On, < nY S< boianihtpti it t ir < »«*>• Local Ex ''UK Ltious, t'x m w H> fine jiii/ he Pining G&zette v SVe he.ii.l h.nii Mr. Hii-^i^
    170 words

  • 1252 13 THE "SRI PEGATAN NIENHUYS" COLLISION CASE. i Before Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones, this morning, sitting in Admiralty Jurisdiction, the action Ang Lim Thye and Tan Chin (ivan v. the owners of the S.s. Nienhuys i ame on for hearing, Capt. dc Horsey, of H. M.S. Plover y and Capt. Gray,
    1,252 words
  • 157 13 Who i:r the gentle poet who \bounds in sentiment so sickly 1 Who piles it on in stanzas so Exceeding vulgarly and thickly? By Gad: Were I a "girl, I'd kick And wring his everlasting neck too; If he took on his kissing game. The which
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  • 100 13 In Edlinburgh, the other week, a large committee ot representatives ot the Free and United Presbyterian Churches, two of the largest religious bodies in Scotland, were engaged in considering the question of the proposed union of the two deno- minations. The questions discussed had reference to the
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  • 168 13 The wedding of Mr. Archibald Campbell Maciaren (member of Mr. Stoddart's team of cricketi ers) and Miss Kathleen Maud Power, second 1 daughter o* Mr. Robert Power, Myrnong, Toorak, took place ai Christ hurch, South Yarra, on the 17th of Mirch the
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  • 140 13 Mr. J. Caulfield James who lias for nine i years been entrusted with the Chief Educa- tional position in the Royal family of Siam, 1 is terminating his connection with Siam. Yesterday afternoon a leopard was being carted along Newbridge road in a trolley, when one wheel of the vehicle
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  • 744 13 The Malacca is going away to-day in charge of Capt. Olsen, Capt. Daly leaving for home on Monday next, by the German mail, on a well earned holiday. A telegram has been received that the Memnon has left Manila for Hongkong with six hundred deck passengers.
    744 words
  • 416 13 Melbourne university i,094 kvws. And Win by 1,018. The match between the l'niver>ity and Essendon clubs, in which such extraordinary scoring has taken place, was continued on the University Cricket-ground, when there was a fair attendance to see the finish of this remarkable match. The University,
    416 words
  • 360 13 The Rebellion. The latest Manila papers barely reter to the late events in the City and Island of j Cebu, the Manila Post Office has also de- tamed letters for the neighbouring Col >nies to prevent any information leaking out about the critical >tate of the
    360 words
  • 61 13 A warrant has been issued for the arrest of a man named Newman on a charge ot cheating in connection with a Universal Lottery which he was understood to be pushing lately in Singapore The feature of the lottery was that every ticket carried a prize with it, and altogether,
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  • 1519 14 The Southern Naval Station of the United States. Unprepared for War. From an article by the Sidney Low in the St. James's Budget to hand by the mail we quote the subjoined passages. These, it must be said, do not indicate that the United States naval department has
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  • 692 14 JELEBU MINING TRADING Co. The half yearly report to be presented a} the meeting on May 21st is as follows The working of the mines at Jelebu resulted in a net profit of 86,200. Operations in Maliwun left a loss of 86,640. Therefore the result of the halfyear is a
    692 words
  • 1055 14 The hearing of the Sri Pegatan-Nien-huys collision case was resumed this mornbefore Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones, Capt. de Horsey, H. M. S. Plover^ and Capt. J. Gray sitting with him as nautical assessors. On the conclusion of the case for the plaintiff, about 12-30
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  • 567 14 The weather was cool this niornii v some good gallops were recorded during the whole of the work a thick mist hung over the far side of the course uj entirely prevented us from seeing the jocks were up to over there I— ing commenced early
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  • 221 14 The appended, extracted from a Qnee««" land papers account of th- oya^ (j H M.S. Ringdove, deals with districts far from here On the 18th January a start wai made f 1 Batavia, and the passage through Sunda Strait was marked by beautiful weather Knparo Id was reached on the
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  • 303 15 Alleged Dbfectivi Butts. The inquest into the cause of the death of Pte. Yates, of the West Yorkshire Regt. was held yesterday afternoon by the Coroner. The evidence went to show that a party of the military were shooting at the Tanglin butts at 600
    303 words
  • 198 15 Panay: 44 troop-. passengers ils ire usually brakes on the wheel 1H 1 <>mm c, wherever its growing, Merchants «k> iiui, I believe, often ferl I h ar< in the position "i owins r^ much to their efforts, 01 what these >:iillr <10, 1h to !.it in
    198 words
  • 305 15 Ai. interesting competition was brought 1 1 ic><- yesterday afternoon. It was a lendid cool evening, and the ground, j into consideration the weather that lave had during the past few days, is in lairly good condition. As will be b) the following results, Mrs. Nanson I
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  • 49 15 At the annual general meeting of the members of the Engineers' Association, held in their Rooms yesterday evening, the following Office-bearers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mr. W. Cummings; Vice-President, Mr. W. Gutcher; Hon. Secretary, Mr. E. M. Lyon Hon. Treasurer, Mr. H. Paterson.
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  • 91 15 The German mail steamer Preussen arrived alongside the Wfiarf at half past eight this morning, having made an excellent passage ot under five days from Coiombo. The journey into the Mediterranean was marked by very rough weather, but since then the voyage has been very line. Among the passengers arriving
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  • 186 15 (LORRKCTED UP TO April J7 On London. Bank 4 m/s i/n^ demand ifaos Private credits 3 m/s 1 1 1i^e documents 3 m/s 1/11 credits 6 m/s [/n^ France, demand 240 Germany, demand 194.', India, T. T 1414 Hongkong, demand 1% dis. Yokohama, demand 7% pm. Java, demand 113^
    186 words
  • 112 15 THE COMING WAR. THE PRESIDENT SIGNS THE CONGRESS RESOLUTIONS. President McKinley has signed the resolutions of the combined Houses of Congress in reply to his message. DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS BROKEN OFF. The Spanish Minister has demanded his passports. ULTIMATUM TO SPAIN. Th( T Ultimatum has been delivered at Madrid
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  • 56 15 PROBABLE NAVAL ATTACK ON MANILA. American Squadron Sails from Hongkong To-night. U. S. Baltimore at Hongkong. F (Special to Singapore Free Press.) Hongkong, April 22nd, 3-54 p.m. I he United States cruiser Baltimore^ arrived at Hongkong. It is believed that the American fleet will sail to-night,
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  • 59 15 THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. DIPLOMA/TIC RUPTURE CO viPLETE. BOTH MINISTERS LEFT, The Spanish Minister has left Washington. 6 When the ultimatum reached Madrid, Spain immediately broke off relations with the United States, and the American Minister left. TONE OF THE BRITISH PRESS. Krienoly to the United States. The majority of the
    59 words
  • 142 15 Hostilities between Spain anil the United States have commenced. j X PRIVATEERING AND THE DECLARATION OF PARIS. Mr. Balfour, in the House of Commons, I stated that the United States of America had notified its adhesion to the principles of the Treaty of Paris. Spain had not
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  • 32 15 THE AMERICAN SQUADRON SAILS FOR HAVANA. An American squadron has left Key •Vest to blockade Havana. A Contemplated Expedition. The troops will co-operate when concentrated. London, April 23rd, iSgti.
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  • 78 15 Light-Houses on the Philippines Extinguished. The Consul for Spain has courteously nformed us that he has received a telegram rom the Governor-General of the Philip. )ines, dated Manila, April 23rd., that all he light houses in the Archipelago will be >ut out on this date until further notice,
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  • 104 15 Proclamation at hongkong. movements^ american^ squadron. Admiral Awaits Consul from Manila. (Special to Singapore Free Press.) Hongkong, 25th April, 1 1. 10 a.m. A proclamation of neutrality was made by the Governor at Hongkong on Saturday. The United States warships Petrel, Boston, Concord, and McCulloch, along
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  • 292 15 Fire in Penang. Penang, Ap. 23rd. Three houses have been burnt djwn in King-st. They were insured for $15,000. The above was delayed "in transmisioi. The P. G. of Saturday has the following account of the fire. Alarming Fire in Pbvamg. Goods Insured for 815,000 Destroyed. At about
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  • 291 15 BLOCKADE OF HAVANA. The blockade of i Havana has been established. Capture of Spanish Merchant Vessels. The U. S. cruiser Nashville has capiured the Spanish merchant steamer Buenai ventura, also the steamer Pedro. An American Wheat Ship Captured. The Spaniards have captured the wheat j laden
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  • 40 15 Submission of Mat Salleh. The Rebellion Ended. (Special tc Singapore Free Press.) Labuan, April 25th, 3.10 p in. Mat Salieh has submitted on terms to the satisfaction of the B. N. B. Company The rebellion has, therefore, enried.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 306 15 Raffles Hotel. PATRONIZED by Royalty, Nobility and Distinguished Personages, including H. R. H. Prince Damrong. H. R. H. Prince Sevaster. His Grace The Duke of Newcastle. The Right Hon'bleThe Earl or Dysart. Lord and Lady Braye. Lord D rmer. Lord Cecil Lord Valletort. Major General Sir HenryCollett, X C.B. Sir
      306 words

  • 107 16 THE WAR. THE AMERICAN CONSUL ARRIVES FROM MANILA. THREE HUNDRED CHINESE REFUGEES. I (Special to Singapore Free Press.) Hongkong, April 26th, 4 p.mj The American Consul and three hundred Chinese arrived by the Esmeralda to-day. Defensive Measures Near Manila. Fortifying < orregidor Island. The Spaniards are preparing to
    107 words
  • 265 16 SPAIN ADHERES TO PRIVATEERING. Spain reserves her right to use privateers and in the meanwhile will confine herself to organizing auxiliary cruisers. NOTICE TO QUIT. She gives American ships thirty days to leave Spanish ports. DECLARATION OF WAR. Resolution by Congress. President McKinlcv has sent a
    265 words
  • 25 16 BRITISH DECLARATION OF NEUTRALITY. The Declaration of Neutrality has b<-en gazetted in inclia and the Colonies, and Locai Governments have been instructed
    25 words
  • 183 16 Levies of Volunteers from the States The Government of the United States have sent a summons to the different States, asking them to furnish quotas 'A volunteers. American Expedition to Cuba. Not in Full Force at Present. A Lack of Equipment/ It appears < ertain that
    183 words
  • 801 16 CLEA RANCES. Obi, Brit, str., Pinkham, for Kobe. Mbdusa, Brit, str., Ralph, for Bangkok. Pakan, Brit, str., Ta>lor, for Klang, via ports. Ban Whatt Soon, Brit, str., Rouse, tor Billiton and Pontianak. City of Lucknow, Brit, str., Morrison, for Rangoon. Mi ike Maru, Jap. str., Kawamuro, for Colombo and Bombay.
    801 words
  • 384 16 Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Shares Paid f) iV Bank of China and Japan, Ltd. $2j Nominal. 2,000,000 450,968 199,875 £2.5. Deferred. £5 Buyers. 1,250 £1 Bell's Abestos Eastern Agency- £5 Sellers. 10,000 j^ j' 416 Ulliss ed Clear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. $100 25,000 25.000
    384 words
  • 393 16 April 20. Per Sappho Mr. and Miss Baum- garten, Mr. Paxon, Mr. Mumpa. Per Nienhuys Mr. and Mrs. Dassel, Mr. Boehmer. Per deCarpentier Mr. A. H. L. Baron Melvill v. Carnbee, Mr and Mrs. Maryt, Mr. B. Holtina, Mr. A. Saatman, Mr, W. Cowling, Mr. J. H. Cowling,
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 51 16 BATAVIA. THl^ first class Hotel, patronised bythe ''.relish Community of B;»tavia, and situated in the Centre of the rrost healthy and best residential quarter of the Town, offers a #"<• r ib!e, Wines and Accommodation to Traveller? A runner attends all steamer a d r ,i is spo!<ftr» A'-^K-M- v
      51 words
    • 200 16 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL lioooo.oc* R.-SKRVE FUND I 8.000.000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF tiooooooc PROPPvIETORS i Court op Directors Hon. J. J. BELL-IRVlNG.— Chairman R. M. Gray, Esq Dkflty Chairman C. Beurmank, Esq I A. j. Raymond Esc G. D. Boning, Esq. J R. L. Richardson b>q Gr.
      200 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 494 16 VESSELS IN PORT. Men-of-Wai Flags and Tons Commanders Arrived From Foi, Wbec Plovkr Brit, cruiser 1200 de Horsey Feb. 9 Borneo Station Other Vessels Flags Tons Masters Arrived From Consignees For, VtfiMH) Anveivao Dut. sch., 60 Nacodah April 25 Sinkawang Kirn Hone Batavier Brit. 216 Robertson April 27 Klang Wee
      494 words