The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 16 November 1897

Total Pages: 16
305 320 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 182 305 'pi w x T\ t t O Returning from Banishment. 310 A Cambodian Court Lady in Court, 314 IS.C.C (2nd Xl.) v. Garrison (and XI), $<>j Stra. 1 v. Shanghai 300 Straits v. Hongkong, 316 The Straits Cricket Team, 31 j Mr. Frank Lincoln's Entert .inment, ifi The Inter-
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 66 305 On the nth instant, at the Presbyterian Church, Singapore, by the Rev. S. Stephen Walker, m.a., Lawrence Webster, Superintendent, Eastern Kxtension Telegraph Co., Singapore, to Jessie Hunter, only daughter of James Bennie, Glasgow. At St. George's Church, Penang, on the 6th instant, by the Rev. H. C. Henham, Acting
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    • 35 305 On the 13th instant, at Hongkong, Melecio Joaquim Vierra Ribeiro, of Macau. Aged 58 years. Deeply regretted. At Singapore, on the 9th instant, Hadji Nor, for forty years the faithful servant of McAlister Co.
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 305 Hrr- shall the Press the People's right maintain, LJnawed by influence and unbribed by gain; Here patriot Truth her glorious precept* draw, PleduM to Religion, Loyalty, and Law.
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  • 658 305 (Nov. ioth,) To-DAV we are enabled to give the tentative scheme, sketched out by a special Sub-Committee of the Committee of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce, which has been the result of a commission to enquire into the local currency with the view of calling the
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  • 258 305 We heartily congratulate the Straits team on winning their double event in such splendid style. There were some headshakings about the non-inclusion of men who should have gone, but, taking it all round, the team that went up was just about as good as any team that might
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  • 142 305 There will be general approval of the quite conciliatory yet firm tone adopted by Lord Salisbury at the Guildhall Banquet in reference to our various frontier questions in Africa. That there must be a limit somewhere to continuous concession is certain, but the danger really lies
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  • 150 305 THE private bill called tbe "Singapore Town Hall Ordinance 1897. which has been drafted by Mr. J. P. Joaolim has come before Legislative Council this The preamble recites the" circumstance- under which the Municipality, in view of the erection of a Memorial Town Hall, propose to
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  • Page 305 Advertisements
    • 162 305 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER CAPITAL £800,000 RESERVE LIABILITY ra OF PROPRIETORS £800,000 RESE'-VE FUND £375,000 t Singapore Branch. Bank of England. fc.K.^. V National Bank of Scotland. j The ClTl Bank, Ltd. EKEST ON FIXED DEPOSITS. For :2 months 3|)fe per annum. 1.
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    • 34 305 NOTICE. j i HTHK Japanese Commercial Museum is open to 1 the public daily from <j a.m. to 5 p.m., at 1 Mo, 1, Raffles Place. I'pper Floor, late Messrs. Katz Bros, premises. j
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  • Page 305 Miscellaneous
    • 499 305 THE WEEK. 1 The mail trom Europe, with London advices to the 22nd ult., arrived by the M. M. S.S. Salazie this morning. She will be followed by the P. O. S.S Mirzapore on Saturday, with the English mails of the 29th ult. This mail leaves by the M. M.
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  • 801 306 Singapore Wins the Rifle Match. (Nov. 12 th) It is with much satisfaction that we hear to-day lhat the marksmen of Singapore have carried off the honours of the annual rifle matt h against H ongkong and Shanghai. The Singapore team fired first on the 30th October, making 934 points,
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  • 599 306 Russia and Turkey. (Nov. 15th.) We cannot refrain from expressing satisfaction at noting the statement made in to-day's telegram concerning the relations between Russia and Turkey. It has for long, in fact ever since 1877, Deen sufficiently apparent that Turkey as a result of the Russo-Turkish war lay in a
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  • 1450 306 The Chambbr of Commerce Scheme. Hongkong Opinions. {Hongtong Daily Press, Nov. 6.) The Committee of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce appointed to consider the currency question have arrived at a wise decision in recommending the adoption of the gold standard and the degradation of the dollar to
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  • 532 306 While at practice at the Assoj 4tio-i Id Kowloon this afternoon, Mr. I). McLennan has, for several years, been a member of the li kong team in the [nterport Kific M.uoie-, the splendid score of :o*ovei the 200, ,5 X) yards, thus equalling h> total ma-J-j
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  • 74 306 Capt. C W. C. Knox. k.h bas bee* granted one month's leave ot abs» -ncc. An amateur dramatic performance in 9MM of the Tanglin Chun h Hoafe will be |iv< n on Xov. 25th and 27th in the Town Ha "A Bad Penny" and "The Crimson Si
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  • 729 307 Lieut. Tozer, Northumberland Fusiliers, has been promoted to be Captain Mr. Marriott left by the Sultan yesterday afternoon, to relieve Mr. Hallifax as 1 District Officer at Alor Gajah, Malacca Trie prize tor the Penang Derby i- to be increased to Si. 000. Three other races
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  • 71 307 1 The S.C.C. (2nd XI.) played the Garrison (2nd XI.) on the S.R.C* ground yesterday, the former winning by 31 runs on the first innings. The Club scored 78 and 63, against the Garrison 47 and 36 for six wickets. Benjafield (28) and Masterton (25) were highest scorers for
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  • 73 307 A respectable Chinaman named Tan Kirn Chuan was walking along Newbridgeroad on Monday at half past two, carrying a bag of money on his shoulder, when three Chinamen attacked him from behind. Two held his hand? and neck and the third snatched the bag of money. The latter
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  • 59 307 The Jumping competition at this popular show was won by Mr. Holley's Random, ridden by Mr. F. Holley, who cleared 4ft. loin. To-night is the benefit of the popular Robert Love, and a particularly good programme has been arranged. The last matinee will be given on Saturday, the
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  • 171 307 We regret to hear most unfavourable accounts of the health of apt. John Blair, the former popular and weil known Manager of the Tanjong Pagar D~»ck Company. He has been ill now for a consisiderable time and his ailment has proved to be that terrible thing, cancer
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  • 380 307 Manila papers just to hand give appalling details of the disastrous typhoon that has devastated the islands of Samar and Leyte on the 12th ultimo. According to the director of the Manila observatory it was the most severe within memory. The vortex entered the
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  • 15 307 m The Spanish steamer San Ignacio dd Loyola j-asseii through yesterday from Barcelona to Manila.
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  • 691 307 ARRIVAL OF THE S.S. MOYUNE." The Mutual s.s. Moyune, Capt. Kemp, which left Cebu in the Philippines on September 30th for Singapore, and which struck an uncharted rock while passing through the Sulu Seas, arrived in Singapore under her own steam yesterday morning about ten o'clock. When the Moyune left
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  • 97 307 We understand that in consequence of the distribution, during the performance of Harmston's Circus on the Tank Road ground last evening, of a gold watch and a sum of §25 to the holders of certain numbers held by members of the audience, 1 both Malays, the Police
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  • 136 307 In connection with the proposal to use I the Esplanade in Singapore for the erection of the New Town Hall, and the rights of the two Clubs who use it, it may be mentioned that Clubs who use the Maidan in Calcutta are only permitted to eiect tent?, and now,
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  • 575 307 Shanghai's Score— B6o. By a telegram received yesterday we are informed that the Shanghai team has fired, on Monday, in the annual match and has* scored an aggregate of S6O. This is an unusually low score for a team such as should be available at
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  • 288 307 WRECK OF THE S S. KOSTROMA." fhe following report is --upphed by Captain O'Neill, of the Bibby Une steamer Staffordshire t !u j Ceyiuti Independent regarding the wreck ol the Russian Vol uu< i i steamer Kostroma "At midnight on the 14th instant, Lat. 22*13 Long. 37*34 K. tve observed
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  • 110 307 Dr. T. Hill Jamieson. who bas received his medical training at Edinburgh University, has arrived per S 5. Canton, to assist Dr. Murray Robertson. Dr. Jamtesoa is a son of the late Mr I Hill Jamieson, MA once Librarian of the Advocate's Library in Edinburgh, and well-known in literary circles
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  • 4188 308 The following is the report of the SubCommittee appointed by the Committee of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce to enquire into the local Currency with the view of calling the attention of Government to the question of converting the Straits Currency to a Gold Standard." Singapore, 6th
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  • 263 308 The press ot Saigon has often tri< i rain* ly to find fault with the Post Office il Singapore. An instance has been brought I I our notice which shows how the Post Office is carried on at Saigon. A letter dated Saigon, roth September, 1*97 iddretsed to Monsieur 14K,
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  • 740 309 The Spanish mail steamer Elcano left Manila on Tuesday forenoon, and is due here on the morning of Monday, the 15th instant. The h. E. Telegraph Company advises by circular, that owing to the interruption of one of the Malta-Alexandria cables, the outward traffic from London
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  • 728 309 Warren Shield. 38 Company R. A. v. S. C. C. This match was played last evening between the above teams, who drew the first match in the competition last Thursday. The S. C. C. defending the Sea End kicked off soon after five o'clock, and immediately opened an attack
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  • 68 309 1 lie Local Secretary the Raub Australian Gold Mining Company, Ltd., Singapore, has received the following telegram from Raub, dated 5 p.m., November 10: Crushing finished. 2,450 tons stone realised 1,750 oz. smelted f^otd. This is a result for the two months' milling, of 1 4^ dvvts. per
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  • 26 309 The MM. steamer Salazie left Colombo at i a.m. to-day the (nth inst./, and may be expected here on Monday the 15th inst.. about 5 p.m.
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  • 130 309 Straits v. Shanghai. Straits fist Innings.) C. Glassford b Mann 15 G. V. Curtis c Wallace b Mann 33 G. P. Stevens c Farbridge b Lanning ig T. R. Hubback run out 12 R. M. McKenzie c Cumming b Mann 0 Capt. Talbot b Mann 6 F. \V.
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  • 253 309 At this afternoon's meeting of Legislative Council, three new bills were introduced and read a first time. The Widows and Orphans Pensions Extension Bill extends the provisions of the Ordinances to sergeants in the police force. As these officers on attaining the rank of sergeant are entitled to
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  • 56 309 Dismissal of Mr. Osmund. We {China Mail) understand that a telegram has been received from the Secretary of State authorising the dismissal of Mr. C. Osmund, chief clerk in the Registrar General's Department. Mr. Osmund was suspended at the time the bribery scandal was brought before
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  • 292 309 This clever and versatile humorist is with Singapore once again, having arrived to-day by British India steamer Loodiana from Penang. These seven }ears have passed lightly over Frank Lincoln. The same genial smile and twinkling eye, the same cheery laugh, with perhaps just a thought more convexity
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  • 245 309 The Governor uro the MuvicirAJLfTT« H.E. the Governor this morning at Government House met the Municipal Commissioners in conference on the subject of the Government water supply a: ibe granting of the summit of P< ari s Hill lor the proposed new high level reservoir. A? a
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  • 226 309 Last evening a concert was given in the Boustead Institute under the. auspices ot the Church of England Temperance Society, there being a large attendance and the programme proving very successful. Madame Agassiz gave a pianoforte solo Alia Turca," which was well received, Mr. \V Phillips
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  • 208 309 Pictorial 1 Singapore We have received from the Straits Times three sheets representing the results of Mr. Wellesley Parker's visit to Singapore. They arc appalling productions. It would be difficult to conceive anything more execrably vulgar. They carry us back to the time, many years ago, when
    Japan Mail  -  208 words
  • 93 309 Emmerson's Tiffin. Billiard and Reading Rooms have been sold by Mr. A. Lewis to a gentleman from Australia, but the change of proprietorship is not to be effected till the beginning of next year The N. D. L. steamer Bayer n from Bremen, with the outward German mail ot the
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  • 1090 310 A Circus Manager Fined $100. This morning before Mr. O'Sullivan Mr R. Love, the popular manager and proprietor of Harmston's Circus, appeared in answer to an instanter summons charging him that on or about November 9th, at Singapore, he assisted in carrying on a public lottery in
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  • 267 310 A very pretty wedding took place at the Presbyterian Church yesterday afternoon the union of Mr. Lawrence Webster of I the Telegraph Company here, and Miss j Bennie, daughter of Mr. James Bennie, of I Glasgow. Miss Bennie arrived by last English mail, accompanied by her brother, Mr.
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  • 137 310 An advance detachment of the S. V. A. went into Camp at Tanjong Katong yesterday afternoon, where they settled down comfortably in very fine weather. There was 8 inch gun-diill this morning, and to-morrow morning the S.V.A. take some part in the mobilisation operations
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  • 111 310 THE "ALFRED AUSTIN" PLAGIARISM. The Star of the 16th October says The clever verses burlesquing the Poet Laureate's Jubilee which were published in The Star of the 13th August last, were sent to us anonymously, and we supposed them to be original. We now find that they were copied from
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  • 35 310 m S JjjJMr. P. F. Wise, ot Borneo, has arrived t, here on his return from leave. j. Dr. VVellford, of Selangor, is in Singa- g pore en route to Australia on a visit. tl
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  • 582 310 Two hundred and fifty municipal sum mons cases yesterday for failing to compb with cleansing or white-washing notices. The ratio per mille of deaths last weel was 42.32, there being 168 deaths, forty five being due to fever and 32 to beri-beri The cargo ex Moyune
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  • 36 310 j Yesterday and to-day, the eight Chinese and a woman, charged with gang robbery it Mr Nathan's bungalow on Oct. 29th lave been before the Magistrates. The :ase is still proceeding.
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  • 63 310 Koh Chye, a man who was banished last lanuary for being connected with the rikisha ;trike, was yesterday found in the town hy Vfr. Hooper. He was at once arrested, fhe only possible punishment under the Ordinance is imprisonment for life, and the act that he prefers
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  • 743 310 Warren Shield. 25 Company R.A. v. E. Company R.B. The above teams met yesterday evening on the Recreation Club ground. The R.A. won the toss, and defended the sea end. i. the R.B. defending the Cathedral end. Lieut. Harrison led off for the Rifles but the R.A. obtained possession
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  • 104 310 Tan Xi Chuan. who wa^ ordered to be deported for his share in the posting of the recent seditions posters, left for Bangkok yesterday by the s. s Gorgon. Tanjong Malim. on the border* ol Set langor and Perak, is going ahead, with the neighbouring district of Slim. Very large
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  • 1237 311 Re L. J. Chatkr. The public examination of Lazarus Josephus Chater commenced yesterday before the Acting Chief Justice, the hon'ble R. Collyer. Examined by Mr. J. O. Anthonisz, the Official Assignee, the debtor said he carried on business as L. J. Chater Co., as varni-h and disinfectant maker,
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  • 752 311 THE INTER-COLONIAL RIFLE MATCH— 1897. Victory for Singapore. Singapore -934. Hongkong 916. Shanghai 860. A special telegram was received last night from the Hongkong correspondent of the Singapore Free Press giving the individual aggregate scores made by the members of the Hongkong team in the 'inter-Colonial Rifle Match for 1897.
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  • 130 311 934— (+18) 916 The match for 1897 having now been decided we repeat the full table of scores made since the foundation of the match: i 8 Hongkong 774; Shanghai 819; Singapore 777. (Shanghai won.) 1890 No match. 1891 Hongkong: 867 Shanghai 830; Singapore 744. (Hongkong ik on.) 1892 Hongkong
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  • 1078 311 Thursday, November nth, 1897. Present H. E. the Governor (Sir C. B. Mitchell, g.c.m.g.) .1 the Officer Commanding the Troops (Lt.-Col. and Brevet-Col Bogle. i< e.J The Hon. the Acting Col. Secretary \C. W. S. Kynnersley.) the Acting Attorney-General t.T. de M. Braddell.) the Actg. Col. Treasurer (F.
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  • 56 311 The Sultan of Pahang returned to hi= State by the s.s. Perdana's last trip. H. H. called to pay his respects to the Governor last Sunday. r^ was seen% off by the Tunku Besar, tnW Dato Mentri, and by Dato Hole. The ex-Sultan Abdullah of Perak also came to say
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  • 213 312 All communications should be addressed Chess, Singapore Free Press." The Singapore Chess Club meets in the Town Hall every evening during the week, except Sundays, from 5 p.m. till 7 p.m., and on Saturdays from 8-30 p.m. 1 Solutions to Problems 3 and 4 will appear next
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  • 496 312 This opening, which is gradually advancing in lavour in different parts ot the world, is of interest iii view of the rapidly growing use of the P-Q4 opening, not merely in important professional tourneys, where large sums are at stake, but in club matches and even
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  • 299 312 The following splendidly played game between W. Gunston and C. J. Lambert won the brilliancy prize in Class 1. at the recent meeting of the Southern Counties Chess Union, at Clifton, Game No. 10. White Gunston. Black Lambert. 1 P-K4 P-QB3 14 B-Kt3 P K5 (f) 2
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  • 189 312 Brilliancy in Play. A question often arises as to how farbrilliant combinations are foreseen. A writer in the Sunday States has remarked that a won game may be brilliant, and yet its combinations unsound. Among great players brilliancy is the slow and logical outcome of a series of
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  • 206 312 When first those gaudy supplements Were flaunted in the Public's eyes, The Muse within me struggled hard To make me jeer and criticize But though she did her level best To humour her I never dreamt I thought that ham and eggs,' were far Beneath
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  • 91 312 The Society for the Promotion ot Female Education in the East has at last found a successor to the late Miss Cook, who, it will be remembered, for many years filfed the position of Directress to the Chinese Girls School here. Miss Gage Brown arrived from England by the last
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  • 615 312 Major-General Jones-Vaughan returns to Singapore by the next P. O. mail. The Japanese battleship Yashima left for Japan, via Hongkong, this morning at seven o'clock. See Sir Charles Dilke on the Singapore Military Contribution. We have already proved him wrong, but he is not yet convinced.
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  • 224 312 Early this morning the detachment S.V.A. that slept in camp the previous night took part, by request, in the operations connected with to-day's mobilisation of the gairison, and in cooperation with a party of the Rifle Brigade under Capt. Bethune. The artillery defence was in charge
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  • 716 312 {From our own Correspondent.) It is strange how little we [Batavia Nieuwsb/ad) hear of mine working, etc., in the possessions outside of Java. We learn now that in Koetei they are very busy in exploring rich petroleum springs. A couple of months ago there was only one European, the
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  • 70 312 ■»m An arrangement has been made between the French Government and the Compagnie Generale Transatlantic^, by which the latter undertakes to construct new mail boats for the service between Home and New ork, to maintain a speed <>1 not lrs*» than 22 knots. The agreement i> now awaiting the ratification
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  • 1712 313 By John Dill Ross. Indo-China. XXXII. Nothing can be finer (on paper) than the :egislative machinery of this country. In!eed. no one can elaborate a Constitution setter than a Frenchman, or shew greater ngenuity in evading the laws ot his own ievising. As in all countries
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  • 73 313 Mr. Dennison, the senior boarding officer of the Marine Department, arrived by the Loodiana this morning on return from his leave in Madras. As there is believed to be a possibility of the garrison manning the defences on Saturday morning, we are asked to say that, irs order to co-operate,
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  • 1710 313 Before the Acting Chief Justice the hearing of the suit of Andrew Busk v. Tan Poh Tong and Ho Yang Peng was resumed this morning. Mr. R. Lambert, who was called on be half of the plaintiff, stated that he was in partnership with Mr. Mayer,
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  • 123 313 'Looker-on' writes in the Japan Gazette. It is not that the Scots are less hospitable than of yore, nor that kilts are less picturesque, but the V'okohama community has now attained such dimensions that to invite practically all adults in the Settlement has become a pecuniary, as
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  • 1462 314 Quicquid agunt homines nostn est farrago libelli. JUVINAL. Our American cousins sorely lack dignity in many of their transactions. The question now oofr f recently before the Supreme Court at Washington in regard to the new Customs Act is an illustration of this. Nobody disputes the
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  • 181 314 Indian papers to hand record the death (announced by us the other day) ot Lieut. the Hon. H Cavendish, of the Third Battalion of the Rifle Brigade, who succumbed to dysentery at Rawal Pindi. The Hon. H. Cavendish was son and heir
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  • 51 314 A novel tug-of-war is reported from Passir Etam. Several Chinese coolies pulled against one crocodile. The rope, which consisted o( Goh Ah Thean. gave way just below one of the Chinaman's knees, and the victorious reptile retired to the river witl a foot and the lower part ot a human
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  • 629 314 During the terrible cyclone that devastated the provinces of Samar and Leyte, totally destroying the country town of the latter, it is worthy of mention that the gaol containing 1 1 1 prisoners was completely washed away by the hurricane wave, the prisoners saving themselves as best they
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  • 89 314 The Japanese Government will, it is stated, for the present, store all the silver yen obtained in exchange for gold coins in its vaults, and by and by they will re-mint it into subsidiary coins when the silver bullion now in hand is exhausted. It is
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  • 185 314 Messrs. Volkart Brothers, who have been appointed agents at Colombo for the Royal Dutch Oil Company in Sumatra, have received the first shipment of Sumatra kerosene oil by the s. s. Decinia. The s. S. Decitna will land 1 0,000 cases here, and will then proceed to
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  • 578 314 The Philippine Rebellion shows no signs of decreasing. Although the Manila papers are very reticent on the movements of thf troops, still the)' occasionally give reportof skirmishes, and engagements with the rebels in which the !atter are always reported to be beaten with heavy loss, onU to
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  • 41 314 Mr. P. J. Sproule is appointed a Magistrate for Penang. With reference to the Ordinance tor the incorporation of the Resident General of the Federated Malay States Mr. \V. H Treacher, C.m.g., is appointed to act If Resident General.
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  • 126 314 A CAMBODIAN COURT LADY IN COURT. It will be remembered that about a month ago, a Cambodian woman named Devan who is said to be highly connected, was charged with the theft of a considerable quantity of jewel!' rv belonging to the l\ i g Having followed no Arab to
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  • 44 314 Capt. I H. Dcs Yoeux Wilkinson, D SX) the Rifle Brigade is promoted to be major, vice F. S. Rnikr-! deceased Major W. (i. \ia.->\ k rw A.\).L. to Sir Cecil Smith at Singapore is appointed to be bngade*aiajor for K< ral Art ill<*r\
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  • 2118 315 [All Rights Reserved. THE RIGHT HON. SIR C. W. DILKE, BART., If. p. 111. THE DEFENCK OF INDIA. There are a good many Radicals in the House of Commons and in the constituents who are inclined to think that what they call the forward Indian
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  • 43 315 A iour-oared race will take place shortly between a Civil Service crew and a private crew captained by the Secretary. Regular practice will be resumed on Tuesdays and Fridays, when a member of the Committee will attend to arrange crews.
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  • 369 315 A court-martial was held at Hongkong- on the sth instant, on board the Victor Emanuel, to enquire into a charge against Montague A. Pento/d, assistant paymaster of H.M.S. Number, of misappropriating public money to the extent of about The Court was composed of Captain Clarke, H.M.S. Undaunted
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  • 295 315 Tin and gambier, opium and rice arc down a point to-day. Exchange is up. The match trade of Swatow is now monopolised entirely by Japanese imports. Telegraphic communication with Formosa is entirely interrupted, the cables from Foochow and from Japan being both broken. The P. O.
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  • 501 315 A Question or Custom. Judgment was given this morning in the Supreme Court by the Acting Chief Justice in the case of Meyer Bros. v. M. M. Noordin Co., an action for breach of contract and damages in respect of a rice transaction The Acting Chief Justice
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  • 2868 316 Straits Settlements v, Hongkong. (Hongkong Daily Press.) The 1897 Hongkong cricket week commenced yesterday morning, when the representatives of the Straits Settlements opposed the Hongkong team. Happily the weather was, contrary perhaps to expectations, fine, although there was not very much sun during the day. The preparations
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  • 336 316 S. C. C. v. Civil Service. This match, played on the Esplanade on Friday and Saturday, resulted in a win for the Club. The scores were R. T. Reid b Valberg 3 E. S. Ezekiel b Wolferstan 3 V. D. Parsons c Anthony b Wolferstan o Capt. Parsons b
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  • 105 316 H. N. M. S Koningin Wilhelmina was I undocked on Saturday. This morning H. N. M's surveying ship Blommendal and the S.S. Jason were docked The s S. St. Nintan is due from Hongkong to-day, the Maria Rick me rs from Bangkok to-morrow and the O.S.S. Achilles from Penang on
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  • 477 316 On Saturday atternoon the chief work done was Maxim-gun practice on the sea front at a drifting barrel target. This *ac carried out at a range of over eight hundred yards, and there were nine bullet holes through the red flag when the target ira examined. There
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  • Page 316 Advertisements
    • 240 316 Raffles Hotel. PATRONIZED by Royalty, Nobility and Distinguished Personages, including H. R. H. Prince Damrong. H. R. H. Prince Sevaster. His Grace The Duke of Ne //castle. The Right Hon'bleThe Carl 01 Eysa'i Major General Sir Henry Coilef, K,C.B Sir Francis Boileau, Bar Sii John James William Henry ir pence
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  • 657 317 Rarely indeed has Singapore had thegood fortune to see and hear an entertainer of Mr. t rank Lincoln's capabilities, and the large and expectant gathering at the Town Hall on Saturday evening bore ample testimony to the public appreciation of this fact. An inimitable mimic, a good
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  • 419 317 It is a high compliment to the Straits i cricket team that it is now being asked I to meet a joint team picked from the best crickete of Hongkong and Shanghai. rhis interesting match, a fitting culmina- tion to the tour, was begun on Saturday
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  • 95 317 Sir W. E. Maxwell's Expedition Reported to have been Engaged. Sir VV. E. Maxwell, the Governor of the Gold Coast, who left Accra for Kumasi and the hinterland on July 26, has not yet returned. The objects of the expedition are entirely unknown to the public, but
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  • 103 317 The ties in the Warren Shield Football Competition will be played as under. S.C.C. v. I. Co. Rifle Brigade, S.C.C. ground, Thursday, Now iBt!i. A. Co. R He Brigade v. R. E., on the S. R. C. ground, at the same time and date. Lt.-Col. Pennefather and Capt. Lavvson arrived
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  • 336 317 Years a^o I have often seen and laughed wth Fred Maccabe, and Claude Duval, and have had the humorous methods of Arteuus Ward and Mark Twain described to me frequently enough to enable me to absorb onie idea of their powers, but I do not think that there
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  • 1997 317 (Via Australia.J London, October 15.— The shipbuilders and the boilermakers, by their executives, have agreed to a compromise. I he boilermakers have agreed to revert to the agreement of 1892, conditionally upon the working hours now in force, namely eight hours a day be ing continued. Many of the
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  • 1134 317 The Frontier War Advance of General Lockhart's Divisions. Bombay, Oct. 29.— General Sir Wm. Lock hart with the first and second division moved yesterday to Ghundaki, clearing the heignts on both flanks. The casualties were two privates wounded. A Reconnaissance was made at ihe foot ot the Sampagha
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  • Page 317 Advertisements
    • 45 317 Calvert's Carbolated Creosote. Non-poisonous, Antiseptic, Disinfectant. Destroys all Microbes. A few crops in the bath act like a tonic Perfectly harmless. Has a pleasant odour. Commands a large sale all over the world Once tried always used. Wholesale Agents, PATERSON, SIMONS Co. Nov iq v.c.
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  • 1333 318 The V. C. In connection with the death of Lieutenant R. T. Greaves, 2nd Battalion Lancashire Fusiliers, in the fighting near Landikai on August 17, when horse bolted and carried him among the enemy, a somewhat heated controversy has been raging as to the possibility of bestowing
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  • 80 318 (Corrected up to November 15.) On London. Bank 4 m/s I lI A demand 1 1 IT'^1 T Private credits 3 m/s ...i/nj documents 3 m/s I l ll fv f credits 6 m/s [/u| On India. Bank demand 148 On Hongkong. Bank demand i% prem On Yokohama. Bank
    80 words
  • 96 318 (November 15.) Tin $37-37-2 Gambier 5.90 do. Cube No. 1 9.12^ Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) 19. do. White, (FairL/W=s%) ..36 Nutmegs nos to the lb.) 78. Mace (Banda) 75. Cloves (Amboina) 17.50 Liberian Coffee 24. Tapioca, small pearl (Fair quality) 3.75 do. do flake (do. do.) 3.00 do. medium
    96 words
  • 151 318 (Specially compiled for the Singapore Free Press.) [Date of passing Anjer Nationality and description of vessel Captain's name Where and when sailed. Destination.! Nov. 4. Ger. ship, Wandsbek Lorenzen Probolingo Oct. 21 Azores, f.o. Nov. 4. Ital. ship, Saturn in a Fanny Chiozza Oct. 23 Samarang, Oct.
    151 words
  • Page 318 Advertisements
    • 211 318 TJONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $i0,000,00c RESERVE FUND f 7,000,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF > PROPRIETORS J ♦10,000,000 Court or Directors. St. C. MICHAELSEN, Esq.— Chairman. Hon. J. J. Bell Irving. Deputy Chairman. C. Beurmann, Esq. A. J. Raymond, Esq. G. D. Boning, Esq. R. L. Richardson, Esq. G.
      211 words
    • 238 318 Katz Bros., LIMITED HAVE JUST RECEIVED THEIR NKW CHRISTMAS CARDS IN EXQUISITE DESIGNS Hand painted on Ivory, Each Card in Separate Box ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT oi New Inkstands, Covered Russia Leather Most Suitable for Traveller^. The New Call Bell, for Hangir on the Wall Electric Bells with Cards, in
      238 words

    • 160 319 hour Lgyptian gunboats reconnoitred to within seventy miles of Khartoum, shelling the new forts at Metemmeh both in going and coming. The latter replied, doing trifling damage Spain and Cuba. The Spanish Cabinet has approved draft decrees granting to the inhabitants of Cuba and Porto Rico the
      160 words
    • 87 319 The sensation of Paris is the suicide of M. Dreyfus, (cousin ot Capt. Dreyfus, the oiricer who was condemned to penal servitude for revealing state secrets.) with The motive for the suicide is a mystery Cricket in Australia. Stoddart's Eleven made 250 and Victoria 243 in
      87 words
    • 246 319 v. Hongkong. A Victory for the Straits. An Innings and 79 runs. We now give the full results of the first match in the Hongkong Cricket Week, in which the Strait, team met Hongkong. (The score of the first six Straits wickets was given in Monday's
      246 words
    • 206 319 Tenders for the sale of India Council Bills have been suspended by the Secretary of State for a further minimum period of four weeks. Cricket in Australia. The Victorian team made 247 in their second innings. Mr. Stoddart's English team won the match by two wickets. L
      206 words
    • 104 320 Two Officers Killed. A reconnoitring force under General Westmacott has been attacked while retiring. The casualties include the following:— Killed. Second Lieut. John Tannoch Waddell, (ist Batt. Northamptonshire Regiment). Second Lieut. Andrew Herbert Macintire, (ist Northamptonshire) and sixteen men of the same battalion. Lieutenant G. A. Trent,
      104 words
    • 76 320 At the election at Liverpool to replace Mr. Bigham M. P. Q. C, appointed a Judge, Mr. McArthur, Unionist, polled 271 1 votes to 2657 for Mr. Rea, the Radical candidate. The Nile Expedition. The Nile expedition is said to be seriously crippling all Egyptian departments. West Africa.
      76 words
    • 41 320 Reuters Correspondent has reached Suakim from Berber. France and Britain. The Niger Difficulty. The French comments on Lord Salisbury's speech are very moderate and emphasise the desire for a friendly agreement on the Niger. London, November rjth, iBgy.
      41 words
    • 54 320 Hongkong Beats Shanghai r\ 1 I m Q r* Iv» otrn *\J w w Llm Ck Ivll 1 Hongkong, Nov. uth, 1897. In the cricket match between Hongkong and Shanghai, the latter made 173 and 189. Hongkong won the match by one wicket, making 162 and
      54 words
    • 214 320 Round the World Cyclists. Safely at Chungking. Hongkong, Nov. 12th, 1M97. Messrs Lunn. Lowe and Foster the round-the-world cyclists, have arrived at Chungking safely, after a difficult journey overland from Bhamo, through Yunnan and Szechuen. They carried their bicycles mostly, or were carried in chairs. All are in
      214 words
    • 130 320 Kussian Interdicts Turkey from Naval Construction. Russia has informed the Porte that if any portion of the Greek War Indemnity i* employed on armaments, she will demand the arrears of the Russo-Turkish War Indemnity. It is believed Russia's object is to prevent the reconstruction of the
      130 words
  • Page 319 Advertisements
    • 288 319 Kelly Walsh, Ltd. Christmas and New Year Cards. A I.ARGE ASSORTMENT Of E English Cards ing a selection of choice hand-painted ones. Japanese md Painted Cards. KELLY* WALSH'S Special series of Singapore Cards l-or sending to home friends. Ten varieties 40 cts. each Set of ten 54.00 Kelly Walsh, L-td.
      288 words
    • 438 319 CEMENTIGHT! CEMENTIGHT CEMENTIGHT!!! A New Non-Conducting and Waterproof Paint. ORDINARY CEMENTIGHT, Guaranteed to reduce the temperature on Galvanized iron roofing from 9° to I2 C Fahrenheit. It can be advantageously used in impeding filtration of water in reservoirs, and to protect any surface from the direct action of fire, rain
      438 words
    • 664 319 XTp Office. Collycr Quay. Qj Wharves. New Harbour. O STEAM NAVIGATION Co. Steam for CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, INDIA, AUSTRALIA, ADEN, EGYPT, MARSEILLES, GIBRALTAR, MALTA BRINDISI, VENICE, PLYMOUTH, AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports, also for China Coast, and San Francisco via
      664 words

  • 217 320 An Extra Match. Straits v. Hongkong and Shanghai. (By Wire.) Hongkong, Nov. 13th. An extra match has been commenced, the Straits playing Hongkong and Shanghai combined. Batting first, the Straits made 381 runs. The match will be continued on Monday. Score Straits. C. Glassford c Cox b
    217 words
  • 300 320 Quotation. Capital Paid up Shares Pd. Div Hongkong Shanghai Bank. 177 prern. $10,000,000 $10,000,000 80,000 135 £usift. ("9.970 A National Bank of China J23 j£500,000 £400,150 < 29,95 5 b £< founders. |2O V 75° 3k. of China Japan, Ltd. $2* Nominal. J £2,000,000 £450,96*
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  • Page 320 Advertisements
  • Page 320 Miscellaneous
    • 523 320 *m-.-m4 CLEARANCES. November 15. Hye Lbong, Brit, str., Shepherd, for T. Anson, via ports. Hong Wax, Brit, sir., Sellars, for Pakan, via ports. Pakan, Brit, str., Scott, forMuar. Amherst, Brit, str., Rozells, for Klang and T. Anson. Libelle, Brit, str., Grant, for Labuan. Byculla, Brit, str., Sheldrick, for Amherst, f.o.
      523 words
    • 1228 320 VESSELS IN PORT. Men-of-Wai Flags and Tons Commanders Arrived From For, When Blommendal Dut. surveying vessel, 295 Navdinten Nov. 10 Rhio Edi Dut. gun boat 234 Heuneguin Nov. 13 Rhio K. W.d. Ne'landen Dut. cruiser 4600 Feith Nov. 5 Batavia Plover Brit, gun boat 755 de Horsey Nov. 6 Malacca
      1,228 words