The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 25 May 1897

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 422 1 The Futility of Greek Tactics. (May 1 8th.) Premising that the laudatory accounts of the behaviour of the Greeks at or near Philipiada and Gribovo unmistakably come from a source associated with the Greek forces, there need be no difficulty in believing that they fought with determination before being driven
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  • 362 1 If there be any truth in what we are told to-day as to the accepted theory regarding the prosecution of a policy by Germany, independently of the Concert, in the matter of the Greco-Turkish difficulty, it furnishes but one proof of the correctness of
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  • 648 1 The rapid rate at which the recently universal Japanese yen has been ousted by the British dollar from the Bombay mint must have been a matter of general observation within the past two 01 three weeks. As to the actual amounts of issue the figures are
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 362 1 CONTENTS. Le vniN<. Art iclls. Futility of Greek Tactics, 321 The Conceit and the Peace Conditions, 321 Exit Yen Enter Dollar, 321 The Armistice, 322 The Art of M Retiring," 321 The Community and the Memorial, 322 Hysteria and the Navy, 322 The Medium Armament Proposals, 322 America and Cuba.
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    • 55 1 G. R. Lambert Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS. Have now received and offer for Sale o* Eastman's Bromide Paper Platinotype Paper llford's Empress \ND Extra Rapid Dry Plates Walker Wainwright's Instantaneous and drop shutter dry plates in all English sizes. ALSO A CONSIGNMENT OF Ilford Plates In Continental Sizes. All Photographic Chemicals, Mounts,
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 474 1 The next mail from Europe is expected to arrive by the N. D. L. S. S. Preussen on the 26th inst., with English mails to the Ist inst. She will be followed by the M. M. S. s. Oceanicn on June Ist, with London advices to the 7th inst. This
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  • 327 2 The Armistice (May 19th.) Everybody will be relieved to see that in deference to the repeated representations of the Ambassadors at Constantinople the Sultan has finally agreed to order the Turkish commander in the field to stop hostilities for the present. The action of the Ambassadors became at last markedly
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  • 190 2 Incidentally it is to be noted that the Greeks have not been able to make up their minds to stand at the place they had selected for positively their last stand. The first real genuine no-mistake-about-it-this time stand was to have been at Pharsala, after the
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  • 1498 2 The air wants clearing in reference to possible discussion over the great occasion we are about to celebrate, and over the plan we decide on for perpetuating to future generations the great fact of our own sense of loyalty to our beloved Sovereign,
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  • 564 2 Hysteria and the Navy. (May 2 1 st.) We print in another column, a lettei addressed by an anonymous female to certain officers of the British fleet, imploring them as if they also were women, to set sentiment above duty. Furenz iuid femina possit Happily the services art as yet
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  • 1418 2 To DAY we publish all the material portions of an important correspondence on the subject of certain armament changes in the Singapore defences. In regard to this question the chief difficulty in the way of the public participating in the discu»-;on is the want of technical
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  • 606 3 America and Cuba (May 22nd.) IT is idle to ignore the undoubted dangers to peace that lie in the attitude of American politicians and a large proportion of the American public towards the situation in Cuba. It is not by any means the first time that the recognition of Cuban
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  • 358 3 A special general meeting of the members of the Sporting Cluu was held in the Members' stand at the Race course at 6-30 this morning, Mr. C. Sugden, President, in the chair. There were also present ex Sultan Abdullah ot Perak, Mr. J. R. Cuthbertson, Mr. W.
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  • 792 3 {Prom our own Correspondent} Batavia, May 14th, 1897. The weather has been terribly close for the past ten days, hotter than usual for this season of the year, and there has been no rain. The Soerabaia Handclsblad lean;- from Pasoeraean that cholera ha? not yet disappeared there although ther
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  • 427 4 The Queen will spend her seventy-eighth birthday in Scotland, where she goes next Friday (21st inst.) A Singhalese named Tabanasamy was yesterday fined $5 by Mr. Marriott, on the prosecution of Inspector Bateman, for manufacturing fireworks without a license. A fine of ?I5 was imposed on
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  • 92 4 THE PENANG-GIAXG SENG" COLLISION. Charges Against the Native Crew. This morning, before the 3rd Magistrate, a Serang, a quartermaster and five members of the crew of the S.s. Penang were charged that on the 28th ult. they committed a wilful breach of duty by refusing to do a lawful act
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  • 138 4 Yesterday before Mr. Wilkinson, Ching Ah Kong and Ching Hien were committed for trial on a charge of culpable homicide not amounting to murder, by causing the death of one Lim Ah Keang on April 12th. The accused were engaged in loading timber when they knocked
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  • 107 4 Monday, May 24th, is appointed as the day on which Her Majesty's birthday will be celebrated in this Colony. The Military Offices will be closed on that and the following day, except for urgent business. Ihe R. A. will lire a Royal Salute at noon, and the
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  • 391 4 At the Assizes this morning, betore Mr. Justice Leach, Alexander Mitchell, a Eurasian, was charged with cheating Mr. T. P. Robinson, of Messrs. Katz Bros., by falsely pretending on January 27th that the Committee of the Eurasian Subscription Dance would pay for a suit of dress clothes,
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  • 256 4 The B. I. steamer Vadala arrived from Australia on Sunday laden with considerably over 3,000 tons of coal for the use of its Company's steamers. The steamer Aflsa Craig, with coals from Cardiff for Manila touched here and had her bunkers replenished before resuming her voyage yesterday. The
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  • 71 4 We note that the total quantity of coal exported from Moji for Hongkong, Shanghai, Bombay, Chefoo, Singapore and Chemulpo, from the Ist to the 17th of April, was 27,425 tons, which is said to be a decrease of 50 per cent, upon the average quantity. The coal sent
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  • 127 4 Foochow, May i. The telegraphed news last week of the death by drowning of the Rev. James S. Collins, of the C.M.S., has we regret to say been confirmed. The sad occurrence took place on Tuesday, the 20th April. According to the account received he
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  • 1157 4 IFrom our tun Correspondents April 29th. The cholera still makes its appearance here and there in Mid and East Java. According to the Soerabaia Courant a lady who on Sunday evening was quite well and took a drive, was attacked by the dread disease, and died the following morning.
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  • 546 4 Sense and money, with these rwu. n Slowed if you ain't a lucky swain When a silly little Power, short of Money, without Arms Chucks the gauntlet at another owning both It is sad, but scarce surprising-, if they're 1 eked along the line, And we say that they
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  • 1651 5 (By An Eastern Traveller.) A very curious phenomenon of modern times i s the wilful blindness of the British public to that ncaiculable, apparently ever-varying, but in reality most constant, factor in European diplomacy, Russia. Who liberated the Balkan States Russia. Who poses
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  • 1062 5 With characteristic energy Mr. E. VV. Birch, the acting Resident of Negri Sembilan, is visiting all parts of his residency. At the beginning of April he went down to Malacca to confer with Mr. Haughton on the Opium question, which ought to be settled in a manner advantageous
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  • 394 5 ff Fair Sporting Criticism. Try the Editor. Dear Sir, That the remarks of Fairplay in your paper of yesterday regarding Xanthos' uncalled-for criticism on the Carrington House stable with special reference to Ballater are quite to the point, will be endorsed by many of your readers. Xanthos may be
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  • 440 5 Communication is now restored over the Saigon- Bangkok line. Mr. M. Inagaki, the Japanese Minister to Siam, has arrived in Singapore by the Miike Maru. He will shortly be leaving for Bangkok. Two milk sellers were each fined §10, or ten days imprisonment in default, by
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  • 102 5 The following is the account of the fire given by Havas Agency Paris, May 6. A tire broke out at the l Bazaar deCharite,in which one hundred and fifteen persons were burned to death, and in which sixty persons, including the Duchess d'Alencon, Countess Carayon Latour, and
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  • 216 5 fPerak Pioneer.; A tiger who had carried off two bullocks a few days ago at Pantei Besar, Ulu Kurau, fella victim to the gun of a Malay named Jawoh and brought him the reward ot 525 which was paid by the Police on the 13th instant. Kuala Kangsar
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  • 867 6 All Rights Reserved. THE GENUS PASSENGER. (Written for the Singapore Free Press.) Omnium Gatherum. IX. Where is now the merry party I remember, long ago The longest voyage has an end, and the pleasantest companionships lead to partings. When dawns that tearful day, the shadows of discord flee away, and
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  • 232 6 The Capital Attacked. Many Killed and Wounded. (Special to Hongkong Telegraph.) Taipeh, May ioth. About 700 rebels made a desperate attack on Twatutia (the capital of Formosa and the seat of Government) at 3 a.m. on the Bth instant. The city was defended by soldiers and
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  • 783 6 The following correspondence has passed between the Chambers of Commerce at Singapore and Hongkong on the question of registration of Chinese trade marks Chamber of Commerce, Singapore, 3rd April 1897. Dear Sir, The Committee have been cailed upon by the Government to consider the policy
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  • 329 6 His Imperial Highness Prince Arisugawa, who has been appointed to represent the Japanese Emperor at the Jubilee celebrations in London, is a passenger by the French mail steamer Yang Tsc. He is one of the Kuge or nobles attached to the Mikado's Court as distinguished from the
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  • 620 6 The report of the Commissioner of Police. F.M.S., for 1896 contains interesting remarks on the Police Force, which, during the year, has been disconnected from the Guides. Mr. Syers points out that the pay of the police is lower than that of the Guides, and he says
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  • 656 6 (From Kobe Chronicle.) Australia and the Exclusion qy Asiatics Tokio, April 28th. The latest advice to th( Foreign Office states that in Australia the agitatiot for exclusion of Asiatics is very active. A propose' has been made to send representatives to London on the occasion of the celebration
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  • 379 6 EXC HANGE FLUCTUATIONS. The subjoined table, showing the fluctuation- I sterling exchange from 1892 to the present dat< may prove of interest to our reader- [fifty* rt* Hongkong Telegraph.) The figures given are tht quotations for the first of each month of the respective years. During the past five ptftfl
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  • 106 7 The New Members. (Special to the Daily Press.) Shanghai, nth May. The election for the New Municipal Council took place today Ihe following were elected Messrs. Hurkill, Fearon, Prentice, Welch, Hewett, Hykes. Anderson, Rohde, and Wilkinson. On the sth inst., Liv Taotai had a long
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  • 185 7 Zulu women are in -ome respects at least in advance of their civilised sisters. According to Mas Colenso, interviewed by Sarah Tooley in the HmwumiUurum, they have i sort of leap-year urangement which permits t girl to make the proposal o! marriage. It is managed
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  • 273 7 A Frisii h Version oi British Polici. The French Chamber had under discussion a project recently to set aside a sum oi f 250,000 for the payment of expenses occasioned by the epidemic of plague in India M Francois Deloncle interposed to show he negligence of
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  • 261 7 Ihe Secretary of the Hongkong Chamber of Commerce has received the folio wing letter from the Secretary of the Leith Chamber of Commerce on the question of the Hongkong Light Dues Dear Sir, I beg to acknowledge receipt of your avour of 2Sth January with enclosed prints with
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  • 427 7 The Hon'ble J. M. B. Vermont arrived by the s. S. Nerbudda from Penang this morning to attend the meeting of the Legislative Council this afternoon. Mr. E. L. Brockman, (Acting Assistant Colonial Secretary) who has not been very well of late, has gone on leave
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  • 96 7 The Armament of Singapore. At the meeting of the Legislative Council this afternoon the Colonial Secretary gave notice that at the next meeting of Council he would move that Whereas it is expedient that certain additions and alterations in the armament should be made for the better defence
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  • 178 7 ARRIVAL OF THE S.S. CANTON." The Compagnie Xationale steamer Canton, which stranded and sank on January 2<)th whilst on the return voyage from Haiphong to Saigon, just after leaving Tourane. came in last evening and went into dock at Tanjong Pagar for temporary affairs. She struck a rock, which caused
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  • 550 7 Vocal and Instrumental Concert. Last night a Vocal and Instrumental Concert was given by members of the Society, under Mr. E. Salzmann's direction, before a numerous audience among whom were Lady Mitchell and party, including Mr. and Mrs. Grevilie. The first part of the programme consisted of
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  • 243 7 A fine night and the change of programme attracted a full house to Harmston's last evening, and the audience rose to the occasion in enthusiasm, expressing great pleasure at each new feature. Among the more attractive items on the programme were Mdlle. Schaidelle on the aerial trapeze, a
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  • 105 7 Corps Orders. Head Quarter Office, Singapore, May 20th, 1897. 1. Orderly Officer for the ensuing week, 2nd Lieut. F. Hilton. 2. Mr. A. S. Stewart having been duly elected is posted as a Gunner to B. Sub-division. 3. Gr. VV. B. Sutherland is granted 6 months leave
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  • 461 7 The report of the Marine Department contains many details connected with the trade of the Colony. The return of vessels visiting the port during the year shows that 9,416 vessels of 8,673,249 tons arrived at or departed from Singapore, an increase of 545 vessels and 1,110,471 tons.
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  • 324 7 A World-Wide Dominion. At the beginning of the century there were not more than 20 millions of people in the whole world who spoke English. In 1891, 160 million people spoke seven European languages English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. The populations
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  • 3717 8 Thb Permanent Mbmorial Scheme. A special meeting of the Diamond Jubilee Committee was held in the Council Chamber last evening (19th), His Excellency Maj. Gen. Jones-Vaughan in the chair. There were also present the hon'blesC. W. S. Kynnersley, G. S. Murray, F. G. Penney, E. C. Hill,
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  • 2196 9 (Wednesday, May 19th, 1897.) A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held this afternoon to pass bye-laws, Mr. W. Egerton presiding. There were also present Mr. Th. Sohst, Mr. Seah Liang Seah, Mr. Tan Jiak Kirn, Mr. W. Evans, Mr. \V. Nanson, Mr. J. P. Joaquim, Mr.
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  • 420 9 A correspondent, Lucus a non Lucendo. who is evident!)* in a sarcastic vein, writes I would suggest as a fitting Jubilee memorial the lighting of the town of Singapore at night. The present system of trusting to the somewhat precarious illumination ot the rikLsha lamps is not suited
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  • 235 9 Owing to the early arrival of the P. O. S.S. Rosetta, which is due here on Saturday, having left Colombo at 4 a.m. on the 17th inst, it is just possible, paradoxical as it may sound, that the mails may be delayed. It has always been customary,
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  • 319 9 There is a capital portrait of Sir Henry Keppel, ''Father of the Fleet,' in the current number of Black and White. Telegrams to and from China are being heavily delayed to-day, owing to vi »icui storms and lightning at Hongkong, interfering with signalling. We are asked
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  • 152 9 (Haias.) Paris May 8. The Due d'Aumale died at Zuceo, Sicily, of apoplexy attributed to a shock on receiving the news of the death of the Duchess d'Alcn^on. Telegrams expressing condolence continue to How in from all parts of the world. The Emperor William has sent a
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  • 340 9 Reviewing a cookery bjpok by Edward Spencer, the Dwarf of Blood Capt. Xewnham Davies of the Buffs (3rd East Kent), which regiment left here in the Spring of 1887— writes thus in the Sporting Times To reminis, if I may be permitted. I was quartered for some half-dozen
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  • 1197 10 Thursday, May 20th, 18Q7. Present H. E. the Governor (Sir C. B. MitcheU. 0.c.m.g.) The Hon. the Acting Col. Secretary (C. W. S. Kynnersley.) the Actg. Auditor-General (E. C. Hill.) n the Actg. Col. Treasurer (F. G. Penney.) the Acting Colonial Engineer (Major F. J. Anderson, r.e.) the
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  • 293 10 Though a good many well-boomed ventures have proved failures, there are concessions held by foreigners in Siam, which yield a good return and which have an assured future. The Bandon coal fields are, in the opinion of the syndicate that holds the concession, certain to become
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  • 213 10 The Russian Volunteer Fleet steamer Vladimir, from Odessa to Vladivostock, should arrive here on Monday next. The Rajah of Sarawak's steam yacht Zahora was docked at New Harbour a few days ago. It is about six months since she was last docked in the same place. The S.S.
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  • 2222 10 The New Medium Armament. Correspondence was laid on the table of the Council yesterday having reference to the armament of the Singapore Forts, and the demand made on the Colony for £23,760 for alterations to the Forts necessitated by the replacing of the 7 in. 6J ton
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  • 653 11 The following letter was sent to all the officers commanding British warships in Cretan waters, addressed to each by name and under a separate cover. Sir, I implore you, as you love the sacred name of honour and freedom, to spare us the eternal disgrace of having
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  • 88 11 A tramway inspector at Bangkok was shut at and wounded on the 14th inst. by a syce on a passing carriage. Dr. Hays went in pursuit in his own carriage, and apprehended the assailant of the wounded man. A Bangkok paper states that "The arrested man
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  • 141 11 The following from the H;iu, is verbatim et iieratim, a West of Scotland school boy's Essay ok Bides and Tncles Tricles and Bicles is ar\ common, ladie- i;o on them as well as gentleman, the ladie^ go the Bicles as well as the 1 ricle^. Bicies are not
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  • 105 11 We understand that active negotiations are in i 1 Rresa in Peking respecting two separate and tistinct foreign loans, one for 1 Is. iou,o<>o,ooo to •»> ult the Jap..r.e>e indemnity and the other for I >^.2o,uoo,otHj. for railway development and state purposes* Mr. Thump-on, the former correspondestl
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  • 473 11 A Chinese cabinet-maker has been fined £5 in Melbourne, for starting work before the legal hour. H.M.S Iphigenia went alongside the Borneo Wharf this morning to coal preparatory to leaving for Labuan. A Chinese krani who was entrusted with sums of §584 and $320 by Toh
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  • 418 11 (Hongkong 1 clc graph In our issue of the 10 li instant we announced that the Portuguese Govt nment has ordained that Macao shall henceforth br a free port, that all the dues previously charged on foreign-built vessels and on Chinese junks visiting the port
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  • 1190 11 Quicquid agunt homines nostnest farrago libelli* Juvenal. Each successive mail brings news from the Transvaal sweeter and sweeter to the taste of the patriotic. The last is sweeter than ever. It is proposed to introduce a bill in the Volksraad to authorise the sending tor Mrs.
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  • 382 11 Judgment was given in this important case by Mr. Justice Leach this morning at noon. Tunku Mahmoud, as administrator of the estate of Sultan Ali Iskander Shah claimed a declaration that certain lands at Kampong Glam. about 56 acres in extent, were vested in him and
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  • 82 11 In accordance with the acquisition of hand for Public Purpose Ordinance, a notice is published with reference to land necessary for widening Boat Quay. Dr. T. S. Kerr returned from leave on the Bth inst. Mr. H. Muir is appointed Chiet Engineer of the Sea Belle. Mr. J.
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  • 2708 12  -  John Dill Ross By Constantinople (Continued.) XII. Constantine knew remarkably well what he was about when he proposed to make Constantinople the capital of his vast empire. Much is being continually written about the unrivalled advantages of the wonderful city by the waters of the Bosporus
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  • 497 12 iFrom 9uy own Correspondent^ The Members of the Chinese Lawn Tennis Club celebrated the fourth anniversary of the establishment of the Cluh and the second of its removal to Heeren Street by holding athletic sports on the 9th hist, to witness which the European residents were invited. Unfortunately the
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  • 54 12 A NOBLE GIFT BY AX AMERICAN. (Havas.) Paris, May 14. The Comtesse Castellanc /?<< Gould, daughter of the American millionaire railway King,' has given one million francs for ihc construction of a special building to be devoted to charitable works. The new building will be constructed on the site of
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  • 279 12 The following extract from a sketch of the p •>s'cal geography of Brazil, lately published, g res a fair idea of the importance of rubber cul tivation as a widely spreading industry Amongst the immense stores of valuable vegetable productions of this great forest, the ndiarubber figures
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  • 1557 13 Owing to the very large amount of rain which fell yesterday, the Clerk of the Course was only able to open the inside track, (NO/3) this morning. The "going" was very bad and really fast work was altogether out of the question. Almost veryone took advantage
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  • 574 13 This afternoon in the Second Magistrate's Court Adolphe Kunke was charged with criminal misappropriation of property in respect of $3,200 on Feb. Ist; of §1,300; and of $600 on April sth. Also in respect to 123 brilliants, and 12 sovereigns. Mr. Bromhead Matthews and Mr. Sisson appeared
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  • 95 13 The traffic on this Siamese Railway is said to be fully up to, and even beyond, expectations. It seems that the third is the favourite class, the first class comes next, and the second is a very bad third in public favour. The traffic is especially heavy
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  • 834 13 The surmise that interesting developments might shortly be expected on the western side of the Red Sea has met with prompt fulfilment. The despatch of a British Mission to the Emperor Menelik confirms all that has been paid regarding the changed disposition of the Negus
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 157 13 S. S. P. 0. PUBLICATIONS. THE SINGAPORE and STRAITS DIRECTORY for 1897,—Price, $5 per copy; post free to Native States. £5.40. THE SINGAPORE and STRAITS ROUGH DIARY for 1897— Price, $1.20 per copy; post free to Native States, §1.50. THE TRAVELLER'S MALAY PRONOUNCING HAND-BOO K— sth EditionIndispensable to newcomers to
      157 words
    • 159 13 tTONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $i0,000,00c RESERVE FUND 6,500,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF f, OQ ooooo PROPRIETORS j IKWO.OOO Court op Directors. St. C. MICHAELSEN, Esq.— Chairman. Hon. J. J. Bell Irving.— Deputy Chairman. C. Beurmann, Esq. A. J. Raymond, Esq. G. D. Boning, Esq. R. L. Richardson, Esq.
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    • 22 13 POSADA WINE COMPANY Wine, Spirit, Cigar Tobacco Merchant Wholesale and Retail 4, Battery Road, Singapore. "nion Street, J enang Aug. 20. 20.8.97
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 449 14 Beautiful eyes grow dull and dim As the swift years steal away. Beautiful, willowy forms so slim Lose fairness with every day. But she still is queen and hath charms to spare Who wears youth's coronal beautiful hair Ayer's <+ Hair Vigor will preserve your hair* and thus preserve your
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    • 388 14 NOBEL'S 1 10 Explosives Co., Ltd. MANUFACTURERS OF DYNAMITE GELIGNITE GELATINE DYNAMITE BLASTING GELATINE DETONATORS. TRADE MARK— THISTLE BRAND Exporters of All kinds of SAFETY FUZE ELECTRIC BLASTING APPARATUS. The above Explosives, being all manufactured in Great Britain, are made to pass the high standard of purity and safety tests
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    • 544 14 Singapore Sporting Club. A Special Day's Racing WILL BE HELD ON Saturday, June 26th, 1X97. PROGRAMME Race No. 1. The Sultan's Cup. Presented by H.H. The Sultan of Johore. A Handicap for Horses entered for the Grand Stand Cup or Intermediate Stakes at the May Meeting. Distance, 1 mile and
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    • 354 14 Robinson Co. Children's Boots and Shoes in all sizes. Tan Leather Lace Boots. Tan Leather Strap Shoes. Tan Leather one bar Shoes. Tan Leather Oxford Lace Shoes. Black Leather Oxford Lace Shoe-. Black Levant Strap Shoes. Patent Leather Strap Shoes. White Kid Shoes. April 10 r M*i Singapore Sporting Club,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 212 15 Pureßlood is the source of good health. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Makes pure blood, strengthens the nerves, sharpens the appetite, removes that tired feeling, and makes life worth living. Thousands of people have testified to the healing virtue of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Their lett ers come in every post. There's no attempt at
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    • 158 15 RILEY, HARGREAVES Co. SOLE AGENTS FOR Royal Psycho Cycles FOR LADIES GENTLEMEN BY Starley Brothers Coventry. (By Special Royal Warrant of Appointment) MAKERS TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. A Large Consignment of High Grade Cycles Roadsters, Light Roadsters, Racers and Ladies' 1897 Patterns, HAVE JUST BEEN UNPACKED \V HX L
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    • 724 15 Xf O Office. Collyer Quay. OS Wharves. New Harbour. O STEAM NAVIGATION Co. Steam for CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, INDIA, AUSTRALIA, ADEN, EGYPT, MARSEILLES, GIBRALTAR, MALTA, BRINDISI, VENICE, PLYMOUTH, AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports, also for China Coast, and San Francisco
      724 words
    • 510 15 The Singapore Free Press AND Mercantile Advertiser. Cable Addrsss,— Advertiser, Singapore. Tbliphoni Number.— No. 61. Published at 39, Change Alley, Singapore. THE leading English Newspaper in tbe Straits Settlements Johore, the Protected Native States of Perak, Selangor, Sungei Ujong, Pahang, the Negri Sembilan; British North Borneo; Sarawak, Netherlands Indies, Java
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  • 129 16 The American Senate. The election of a Democratic Senator for Florida places the Republicans in a minority of one. This circumstance, it is believed, will have an important effect on President McKinley's tariff proposals. The Fighting in Epirus. In the recent engagements near Philipiada it is reported that
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  • 312 16 Quotation. Capital Paid op Shares Pd. Uit Hongkong Shanghai Bank. 173 prem. $10,000,000 $10,000,000 80,000 135 t i n f»9,970A £6 National Bank of China 124 4500,000 4400,150 {29,9558 Fo»ir>riers. $100 Sellers. C 750 £1 Bk. of China Japan Ltd. $2f Nominal, i£ a, 000,
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  • 37 16 THE GRECO-TURKISH WAR. Fighting at Domoko. Greeks Retreat to the Mountains. After a day's righting, the Greeks have abandoned Domoko and have retreated to the Othrys mountains. Peace Negotiations. A Strong Note by the Embassies. Germany Dissents.
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  • 74 16 The Embassies at Constantinople drafted a Note on Sunday virtually ignoring the Porte's demands and repeating a request for an armistice, adding that the Powers cannot see Greece crushed. Germany declined to sign this Note, and thereupon fresh parleying ensued. The Sultan has ordered Edhem
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  • 121 16 rThe Peace Negotiations. The Armistice. Ihe suspension of hostilities between Turkey and Greece is due to a direct appeal by the Tsar to the Sultan. The Concert and the Conditions of Peace. The Powers are conferring before replying to the Turkish Note. Germany is now prepared to
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  • 104 16 The Peace Negotiations. The Porte is willing to negotiate with regard to the demands it made for the cession of Thessaly, and with regard to the amount of the indemnity, but insists, absolutely, on the abolition of all capitulations. It is believed at Constantinople that a definite
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  • 94 16 The Armistice. An armistice of seventeen days has been concluded as regards Thessaly and Epirus. The 1 ruth About Domoko. Greek Army Utterly Routed Flight to Thermopylae. It transpires that the Turkish pursuit of the Greeks from Domoko led to a complete rout of the whole Greek
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  • 28 16 Rebels recognised as Belligerents. The United States Senate at Washington has passed a resolution to recognise the Cubans as belligerents. London, May 22nd, 189 J.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 682 16 THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LTD. Shipwrights, Engineers Iron and Brass Founders, Wharfingers,, &c. Graving Docks up to 500 feet in length and Wharf frontage one mile and a quarter. Sheers Wharf 350 feet in length, Boiler and Masting Sheers worked by steam. Extensive range of Godowns and Coal sheds.
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 51 16 Passengers by the Mail. Per Ckelydra from Hongkong.— Mr. L. A. M. Johnstone and Mr. R. F. Gntierez. m Passengers Left. May 18. Per Yang-Tse for Marseilles.— Mr, Manuel das Neves, Mr. Harold Everett, Mr. Thomson, Mr. H. Shaw, Mr. J. Mayer, Mr. and Mrs. Hefti. For Colombo. Mr. H.
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    • 1137 16 Men-of-War Flags and Tons Commanders Arrived From For. W>?Pi&ue Brit, cruiser 3450 Corry May 13 Sarawak State Other Vessels Flags Tons Masters Arrived From Consignees For. WheAgamemnon Dut. 1505 Steeves May 21 Batavia Mansfield Liverpool, Ma v Amherst Brit. 108 Carroll May 22 T. Anson Wee Bin T. Anson, May
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