The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 13 April 1897

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 337 1 I.KADiNc. Articles. The Late Mr. H. A. O'Brien, 225 The Cretan Agitation from Our Standpoint, 225 The Risks on the Frontier, 226 The Lady Strangford Hospital 226 Greek Funk, 226 The King of Siam, 226 A Guerilla Raid, 226 Covin Nkws. Police Court. Stealing His Own Property. 231 Sff
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  • 81 1 (Corrected up to April 12.) On London. Bank 4 m/* 2/0-7/16 demand 2/0-5/16 Private credits 3 m/s 2/o| documents 3 m/s 2/0-1 1/16 credits 6 m/s 2/0$ On India. Bank demand 161 A On Hongkong. Bank demand dis. On Yokohama. Bank demand prem On Java Bank demand 122$ Private
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  • 2 1
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  • 95 1 On the 15th March, at St. Mary's Church, Woolwich, by the Rev. Chas. Ernest Escreet, M.A., Rector, John Paton Ker, Kinta, Perak, to Florence May, eldest daughter of Captain Templeton, 2nd Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment, Woolwich. On the 7th April, at St. George's, Penang, by the Rev. L. C. Biggs,
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  • Article, Illustration
    62 1 Very suddenly at Holyrood, on the sth instant, Henry Arthur O'Brien, Acting Colonial Treasurer, S.S. Aged 43. On the 23rd March, at Springfield," Kuching, Dr. C. R. Selbie, P.M.0., in his 30th year. Mere shall u.r i'r*--- tbr !'<•<>■,;<• 's < .^..r maintain unwed by influence and uubribed b)
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  • 544 1 (April 6th.) The public of this Colony will be surprised and grieved to hear of the very sudden death of Mr. Henry Arthur O'Brien, a highly capable senior member of the Civil Service, who was just the other day, at the last meeting of
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  • 683 1 (April 7th One of the advantages that dwellers in British possessions abroad possess, in examining and weighing the questions of foreign politics that so increasingly nowadays constitute the chief responsibility of a Ministerial Administration, is that we approach them unhampered by the unworthy bias
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 61 1 GRAND HOTEL JAVA, BATAVIA. "PHl> Hrst ciass Hotel, patronised by the fcUig- hsh Community of Batavia, and situated in 0 t Centre oi the most healthy and best residential q u »ner ot the Town, offers a good Table, Wines hi d Accommodation to Travellers. A runner attends all steamers,
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 545 1 THE WEEK. The next mail trom Europe is expected to arrive by the M. M. S. S. Yarra on the 17th inst with London advices to the 26th ult. She will be followed by the P. &O. S. S. Rohilla on the 26th inst., with the English mails of the
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  • 600 2 (April Bth.) The apprehensions we have from the first expressed as to the ch ef focus of danger being the Tbessalo-Macedonian frontier are emphatically emphasized by the news telegraphed to-day. So immediate is the expectation on the Turkish side of a Greek invasion of Macedonia
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  • 732 2 (April 9th.) THE reflective observer who pitches his j tent for the time being at either entrance of the Suez Canal, must, in s ite of himself, draw a parallel between the Canal and thejj lines of communication of an army on i active service. The
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  • 181 2 (April 10th.) FROM what appears to-day we were not far out in sizing up the blustering promenade of the Greek armies to the Macedonian frontier as a "self-advertis-ing military vaudeville? We remarked on another day that the Hellenic tail would soon curl between the little Greek legs if
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  • 804 2 YESTERDAY it was again the pleasant experience of Singapore to welcome amongst us His Majesty the KING OF Siam as an honoured visitor. On the previous occasion the pleasure of that reception was 1 incidental to the King's trip to and from Batavia. But His Majesty
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  • 263 2 It is to be distinctly noted thai r.o Greek troops took part in the froaiin n mentioned to-day. The force concerned this filibustering invasion o! Ifao consists of a number of irregular teers, many of them Italian* t*d foreigners who ire acting u ide« tion ol a
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  • 184 2 I 'To the Kditor i-t ihe London and l Sir, In a late issue of your pape J,J i c '-iplaceiitly upon the approaching ijesty the King of Siam to Ba*land\ am vure. will be gratifying to both «HS ,n bow* tins" Here hai^v 111 j hi
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  • 1032 3 Captain Alan H. \V. Lowndes, Rifle Brigade, has resigned his appointment as PC to Sir Arthur Havelock, Governor Madra\t a meeting of the Council of the Royal nial Institute held on 9th ult., Sir Cecil lementi Smith, GC.MG., in the chair, Vf r H Warington Smith
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  • 703 3 In order to provide for the large number of troops whom it will be necessary to brin^ to London to line the streets as well as take part in the great Royal procession to St. Paul's on June 22, it has been decided to pitch camps
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  • 116 3 Prospects Good." The local secretary of the Raub-Austra-lian Gold Mining Company, Ltd Singapore, has received the following telegram from Raub sth April, 1897. Rough cleaning up of Battery yielded 3240 oz. Amalgam Estimated quantity *of Stone crushed being 1390 Tons. Prospects good. If the gold in the amalgam
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  • 1086 3 (By the Mail.) The programme of the Russian navy for service in foreign waters during ihe ensuing summer States that in the Far East Russia will be represented by seven modern first-class cruisers, including ihe so-called giant ships Rurik and Russia, seven gunboats, and a few smaller
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  • 146 3 Official notice (says a mail paper) has been received in Paris that the King of Siam contemplates visiting Europe. His journey vull last fifteen monihs, and after having visited Russia, Germany. Austria, Switzerland, and [tali he will stay for a monlh in Paris. Thereat tu ihe
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  • 73 3 The N.-C. Daily Newsoi the ***** March says At a meeting held y sterday ol the Directors of the Imperial Ba«»k ol China. the Power of Attorney to Mr. V. \V. Maitlaud, as At ting Chief Manager, was duly signed. We learn also thai the
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  • 226 3 This famous tioupe of young artistes is now on its way t Singapore by P. O. steamer and will arrive here on Sunday. giving their opening performance on Monday, when Cellier's popular opera 'Dorothy" will be presented. Speaking of the first performance in Colombo a contempor ry savs
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  • 200 3 The Plague in Poona. Poona, 24th March.— The soldiers continued their plague-searching operations to-day. Some j cases were discovered by them in the Cantonment and sent to the In the city Lh^rc were i 4; oses 20 deaths, the total mortality being 34. In the special plague
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  • 207 3 The many Singapore friends of Col. Chard, v.c., who commanded the Royal Engineers here prior to Lt. Col. Bogles arrival, will be sorry to hear that that gallant and popular officer is very ill, and has had to go through a surgical operation whose nature is
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  • 3230 4 Kuala Lumpor. The new offices at Kuala Lumpor which are to be the seat of the Selangor Government were formally opened on Saturday evening (3rd by Mr. F. A. Swettenham, Resident-General of the Federated Malay States, before a large and representative assembly and Selangor is to
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  • 571 4 THK 81/R.M \H-Sl\M-CnINA RAILWAY. (Oth Mr. Schwann asked the Secretary of Mate foi India what action the Government of India had taken, in fulfilment ot the promises given by the Prime Minister on beh ill <>l the Home and Indian Governments to the deputation of
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  • 1650 5 Mr. Hamish MacCunn has finished his new opera M Diarmid," the libretto of which h:is been written by the Marquis of Lome. I In the Navy Estimates appears £45 12s. I jk! for a Paymaster, or Asst. Paymaster, I og Cleik, employed as S. N. O.'s
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  • 671 5 It is with deep regret that wenavetoi^B announce the death of Mr. H. A. O'Brien, fl ActingColonial Treasurer, which took place at his residence, at Holyrood, last evening, j It was known that the deceased had been I in bad health (or some time
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  • 619 5 The funeral of the late Acting Colonial Treasurer, the Hon'ble H. A. O'Brien, took plate yesterday afternoon at Bukit 1 imah Road Cemetery, the cortege leaving Holyrood in time to arrive at its destination at 515 p.m. At that hour a large number of
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  • 214 5 The statistics of the trade of the Colony for the fourth quarter of IS9G, received today, show that, compared with the corresponding quarter of 1895, there has been a falling oft, both in doliar value and in sterling, ihe Latter being augmented by the lower
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  • 106 5 Is a recent lecture in London Dr. Sun Yat Sen, (the Chinaman who was kidnapped and detained in the Chinese Embassy) sketched the history of China and dilated on the abuses practised by the officials. The cruelties practised, and the impositions by which the people were
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  • 1337 6 [All Rights Reserved.] It written iui nnramgmpon i'TFF^wj"^^™ JOHANNICULI NAVALES. They all love Jack." Old Song. Otherwise Naval Johnnies, or Jacks for short. Having a ship ot his own whetein to go sailing over the bounding main, the naval johnny is not so often a passenger as
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  • 232 6 II A New Dbparturibnture." I The Messageries Maritimes, ever solicitous for the welfare of their passengers have decided upon a new departure, according to what appears in a Saigon contemporary. The ever increasing number of lady passengers in an interesting con[dition has rendered absolutely necessary the provision
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  • 175 6 This afternoon, at the Central Police Station, there was sold what is described as ''a very valuable gold sword and scabbard set with 350 carats of brilliants and oth-r diamonds" which had been pledged for §14,000. At the outset there was some little diffi culty
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  • Correspondence.
    • 294 6 To the Editor. Dear Sir, It seems to me that the Committee of the Golf Club is trying to do a very unfair thing towards the members by calling a special general meeting to raise the subscription of the Club to $2. They had their ordinary general
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    • 82 6 CAPT. BYRNE, r.m. l .i. Alive, and Doing Weil. We are very glad to learn that the latest information, of date March 13th, corrobo- j rates the recent contradiction of the private telegram to Portsmouth announcing that Capt. Byrne had succumbed to wounds received in the final attack on Benin.
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    • 207 6 IWe hear privately, through a friend, that the illness from which Col. Chard, R.E., has been suffering is, we regret to find, cancer, ihe serious operation which he has undergone at Edinburgh is complete extirpation of the tongue. We very much fear that this operation is in
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    • 319 6 II Fail's r ,T^ to p'u details of our trade with the, Far hast during February there was a satisfactory I increase last month in th/export of cotton yar^to I uua tifv Th Stra,ls i but J^an took a diminished IKT eS£ reSU, t n S
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  • 572 6 An Important Programmc. Mr. Goschen, the First Lord of the Adm,r a |t has presented to Parliament a highly. interest statement explanatory of the Navy Estimates 1897-8, which amount to a net total of £21,818 as against £21,823,000 in 1896-7. a r through the statement shows
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  • 253 6 II Another tiger has appeared at Knggor, tad he I is reported to have killed and eaten an unfon .mate I old Malay. I A party of Government officials who were playing cricket in the hospital compound at GdpftUg 'he other day narrowly escaped injury by a boa-con-structor
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  • 146 6 Bursting oi a Fl^ Whkll. A curious accident has occurred at the Mgm Jute Mill. From some cause as yet undiscovered, part ol the machinery which had been set off, gaining sped rapidly, finally ran away. Ihe ass.stant Engineer, with great pretence oi mind rushed to the throttle iralvn
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  • 209 7 Loyalist," in Penang, moots this scheme tor raising funds for Diamond Jubilee purposes. The state of the law on public gaming and lotteries forbids its adoption. This is his idea It is the opening of a M Diamond Jubilee Substnpiion. limited to cue dollar per head, with
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  • 731 7 ■be fast lime within the history of British Burma the execution of a military dea'.h m irrant was carried out in the Central Jai! on tl morning ol ihe igth inst. There have been numbers tf ta-e-> throughout India where soldiers sent* need to death
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  • 140 7 1 1 1 Manchester Conner states that in the course anotl er twelve months we are likely to witness rpnsmg development in trade between Great Bj in and Siam. Orders not only for railway aterial, but fur factory machinery, are expected England shortly. It i> worthy of note
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  • 499 7 A Chinaman who was bitten on the leg by an alligator whilst out fishing at Pengerang on the 15th ult died at the General Hospital yesterday. We hear that the X. V. K. s. s. Kinshiu Maru made the passage to Singapore from Hongkong in four
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  • 71 7 Mr. John Anderson, Consul-General for Siam, has received a telegram advising the departure, from Bangkok yesterday, 7th inst., ot His Majesty the King of Siam on board of his yacht the Maha C/iahkri for Singapore, en route for Colombo and Europe. She is therefore due to
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  • 206 7 Yesterday before Mr. Wilkinson, Wee Hin was charged with retaining stolen property, to wit a number plate and license of a jinrikisha. The accused was the registered holder of the license which the Deputy Registrar suspended for ten days for rushing at a passenger. The plate
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  • 648 7 Mr. E. J. Poliard, the advance representative of the Pollard Opera Company, arrived here on Tuesday by the M. M 's Sydney from Colombo. The Company open here on Monday next with Cellier's well known Opera Dorothy." Mr. Pollard can boast of a series of successes
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  • Correspondence.
    • 542 7 to the Editor. Sir, I quite concur in much that is said by Satu Ringgit" in his letter to you. which appears in your issue of esterday. In 1896 the Club had an income ot §70 from entrance fees and $i,B(>o from *übscriptions. It is fair to
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    • 69 7 The Spring Japanese Naval Manoeuvres of the vessels under the commission of the Kure Port Admiralty commenced on the 25th March, and were to continue to the 7th April. All the reserve men were called out. Everything was being conducted upon the basis of the operations
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    • 195 7 The Globe says Very general regret will be felt in musical circles at the announcement of the death after a long illness, of Mr. Berthold Tours. Mr. Tours was a Dutchman by birth and born in Rotterdam in 1838. He studied at Leipzig and Rrussels came
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 138 7 LAND SALES. To-day at Messrs. Crane Bros, some important sales of land were made. Six allotment ot fieehold land facing Singapore River and fronting Gulam My-din-road were withdrawn at 70 cents a foot. Seven lots from the estate of Unku Abdul Majid were then put up for sale and fetched
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  • 3133 8 (Wednesday, April 7th, 1897.) The ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commission was held this afternoon, Mr. W. Egerton presiding. There were also present Mr. Th. Sohst, Mr. Seah Liang Seah, Mr. W. Evans. Hon'ble T. Shelford, c.H-6., Mr. Joaquim and Mr. Moses. Finance. The financial statement showed copper
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  • 670 8 The Capture of Imus. The Manila papers contain long descripuossfj the operations round Imus, culminating n fe capture of the town by the royalist troops. To put the facts briefly, great disappoir.:n en appears to have been felt by the military authorities at the result,
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  • 1005 9 (From our own Correspondent.* On Saturday, the 3rd inst., a bullock cart I arrived in Town from Jebung with two I -oolies who had come as passengers One coolie was extremely ill, and the other I lav dead, the cause of death being pneu- 1 monia. The living man
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  • 82 9 To-morrow, Thursday, H. H. the Sultan of Johore entertains the Hon'ble T. Shelford, C M.G., at tiffin at the Istana, Johore. Upwards of forty gentlemen have been invited to meet the distinguished guest. Mr. Shelford leaves by the Rosetta on Wednesday next, and as the next meeting
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  • 68 9 Corps Orders. Head Quarter Office, Singapore, April 7th, 1897. 1. Orderly Officer for the ensuing week, 2nd Lt. Hilton. Orderly Sergeant for the ensuing week, bergeant 2. The following gentlemen having been duly elected are posted to Sub-divisions as follows. Mr. F. W. Hartley to Fl. Sub.
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  • 181 9 MINING PROSPECTS IN THE LAOS COUN TRY. Favourable accounts reach us (says L'Avenir I du Tonkin) regarding the prospecting work car- I tied out in the neighbourhood of Xienkong, in I the Upper Laos, by M. Isnard, mining engineer. I it is nearly a year since M. Isnard passed through
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  • 431 9 Indiarubber is likely to reach tamine prices before long owing to the evergrowing demand which it is meeting with. Everywhere the native collectors of the wild rubber are killing the trees, and complete exhaustion of the wild supply is only a question of time. Fortunately, rubber cultivation
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  • 736 9 Col. Walker, of the Malay States Guides, arrived by the S.S. Palamcotta from Penang this morning. Ahmed Merican, who was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of {$846-28 in Southbridge Road on the Bth inst., the property of Kanisah Merican, was, on the application
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  • 518 9 Colonial Secretary's Office, Singapore, Bth April, 1897. (To the Editor Singapore Free Press.) S, R> lam directed by the Governor to forward the enclosed copy of a letter addressed to His Excellency by the Chairman of the Lady Strangford Hospital at Port Said, together with a copy of
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  • 233 9 Corps Oroers. i The S V will go into camp at Tanjong Katong on Thursday i sth5 th till Monday 10th inst. Parade at the Drill Hall on I hursday at S p.m. Dress Khaki uniform, Field Caps, gaiters and brown leather boot*, Sun hats to be
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  • 1156 10 THE HON. DATO SHELFORD, c.m.g, s.p.m.j. riighness the Sultan ot Johore yesterday (Bth) entertained the Hon. T. ShelI ford, c.M.c, at tiffin, at the Istana, Johore. I Upwards of forty other guests were invited to meet the distinguished visitor, as this I was to be his last visit to Johore
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  • 593 10 A meeting of the Licensing Justices was I held yesterday afternoon at the Central Police Station, Col. Pennefather, Inspector General of Police, presiding. There were I also present Capt. Boldero, Dr. Mugliston, I Dr. Ellis, and Mr. E. H. Bell, Superinten- I I dent of Police. I The
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  • 2392 10  -  G. Lacy Hillier. BY (By Arrangement, for the Singapore Free Press.) V. On Tyres and Gear-Cases. Ihe question of the accessories with which the modern cycle should be fitted, is one to which ol necessity considerable attention should be given, and in this article I propose to
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  • 1023 11 Bombay, March 22.— About 8 o'clock this morning Dr. Petigrew, medical officer, in company with the Municipal sub-inspectors and a few native soldiers, was perfcrrning a house-to-house visitation to detect cases in a streets called Kaieepoora. The party was met by the members of the Plague
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  • 37 11 Field Officer for the ensuing week Captain F. M. Close, r.a. During the absence of the Major-General Commanding at Penang the Command of the Station will devolve on Lieut. -Colonel J. du T. Bogle, r.e.
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  • 389 11 Tokio, March 23rd. The House of Peers resumed the first reading of the Currency Bill. Marquis Kuroda, the chairman of the Committee on the Bill, stated that the Committee had investigated the Bill very carefully and fully, and ultimately decided to recommend it. The chairman added
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  • 521 11 American papers give details of one of the most horrible bull fights ever witnessed in Mexico. It took place at Durango on February 28th, and the bulls were native mountain animals of the State of Durango. They fought with a ferocity that made the large crowd of
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  • 1282 11 I The Russian Volunteer Fleet steamer Tamboffy homeward bound from Vladivostock, came in this morning. She has on board 720 passengers. The British steamer Kirkdale, of Glasgow, passed through the harbour from E. to W. this morning. Mr. Sbiba Shero, a member of the Japanese Diet,
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  • 181 11 None will gainsay that Dr. Nausea is a lucky man in spite of the circumstance that his fame is closely associated with the unlucky number 13. At a public dinner given to the great explorer at Edinburgh. Professor Geikie asked permission to refer to a few facts
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  • 191 11 Apropos ot the King of Siam 's forthcoming visit to Ceylon en route to England, it i~> interesting to read in the Globe that one of His Majesty's sons is at present at Greenwich preparing for the Navy, and a nephew is a cadet in the
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  • 1801 12 Quicquid agunt homines no stri est farrago libelli. Juvenal. u In history, an additional result is com- monly produced by human actions beyond H that which they aim at and obtain, beyond H that which they immediately recognise and H desire. They gratify their own interest
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  • 1204 12 The Subscription not to bb Raised. The Committee Resign. A New Committee Appointed. A special general meeting of the Golf Club was held in the Pavilion last evening (9th). Mr. W. Grigor Taylor was in the chair and there were present about forty members. The business on
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  • 553 12 That there will be a great rush of diggers frothe Australian colonies to New Guinea during I next few months seems certain, although those I present working there send a warning note against the danger and folly of rushing a country! offers such unparalleled difficulties
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 49 12 The MarquLs and Marchiom ban arc expe< ted by the P. &0 Colombo It was concerning 1 sporting feat ot the Marquis that telegraph operator sent this mi* mo* s^c The Marquis ot Bread Bone has killed five tige.s." Hie teleg r < shouM bav<- referred to "a fine tigre
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  • 2342 13  -  John Dill Ross. By In the Crimea. (Continued.) H The loveliness and charm of the Crimea H which I have endeavoured to outline, even if ever so faintly, disappeared in a single night. To my surprise the morning sue- H reeding a lovely evening broke cold
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  • 188 13 With deep regret H.E. the Governor announces the death, on the 6th inst. of the hon'ble H. A. O'Brien. Authority to file a specification of an invention, for obtaining by an improved method through hydraulic means metals and minerals from the substances with which they are intermixed or
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  • 328 13 The greatest interest is naturally being taken in the Queen's route to, through, and from the City on the occasion of the Jubilee Day. The Chronicle puts in this plea for the Colonial representatives in Victoria-street, whose name itself adds support to the claim Y'ictoria-street, the official
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  • 126 13 As families go the musical Pollard Family, who have now both on the stage and in the general musical trade taken a prominent place in Australia, is by no means an insignificant one. The late Mr. Pollard, who died in Australia, shortly after the last visit of
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  • 150 13 The first part of the annual inspection ot the S. V. A. took place on Saturday, when Major Matthews, R.A., Acting C.R.A. inspected the Corps as to turn out and equipment, and afterwards in Maxim gun drill. There were 86, all told, on parade, including ten recruits.
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  • 323 13 THE REBELLION IN THE PHILIPPINES. iCkina Mail.) Private advices from Manila state that the Spanish Government has suddenly changed their severe policy of repression, and adopted a very conciliatory mode of treatment towards the natives. On the morning of the 29th March they set M liberty Luis R. Yangeo, otherwise
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  • 288 13 The following is the text of Mr. W. YV. Bailey's sealed memorandum (dated 14th Sept., 1894) on certain areas of Klang land which were taken up for coffee planting on behalf of Mr. W. Forsyth and other planters. Some of that is the land which gave
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  • 1381 14 (from ov.r our. Correspondents Batavia, April 2nd. The weather is not always an interesting subject, and the rainfall as given by the observatory here is probably skipped by the majority of your readers interested in Java news. This mail, therefore, the statement of the number of millimeters that have
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  • 269 14 In a cricket match played on Saturday between the S. R. C. and the Royal Engineers, the former won by the narrowmajority of one run. Finck took eight wickets for 21, runs and Lt. YVoodroffe five for 13. Score Lt. A. J. YVoodroffe b Finck 3 Corp. YY'right c
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  • 1515 14 Dr. W. C. Brown and Mrs. Brown arrived in Penang by the Coromandel on the 9th inst. Mr. Blarney, Manager of the Punjom Co.'s mines, has arrived at Hongkong, having been summoned to confer with the directors. The Hon. J. N. Christie, of Ceylon, who has
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  • 1004 15 Visit of H. E. thb Go\ ernor. H The King Lands. Yesterday morning (nth) the Siamese H vessel the Maha Chakkri, Capt. Cumming^ k.n.. arrived at Singapore, accompanied by I the Makut Rajakumar. and anchored in H the Roads. H On board is H.
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  • 160 15 Nearly three week<; ago we mentioned that Lieut. Col. Coker, R.A. had definitely decided not to accept the post of Officer commanding Royal Artillery here. YVe also said that Lt. Col Duo lop, RA had also declined, and remarked that probably the post would go to
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  • 131 15 A friend who is resident in SingaporeH writes to us this morning: "As we knevvH Col. Chard well in Singapore, my wife, whoH is at home, reading about his case in al home paper, wrote a letter of sympathy tol him. The enclosed was the
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  • 98 15 Our Batavia correspondent writes A few weeks ago two Englishmen, Messrs. E. Seabright and Carew obtained permission to travel through Java. On this journey through the Preanger Mr. Edgar [Egbert Seabright took suddenly ill and died at Soekaboemie The body will be embalmed dn(\
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  • 114 15 According to a Tientsin despatch the officer sent by the Viceroy Wang to make a report on Kiaochou, Souti. Shantung, which is intended to be the future great naval station of China, is an expectant Taotai named Wang J&n-pao, head of the Conservation Bureau of the
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  • 125 15 Bombay, April 2. The Plague returns of Bombay to date show 10.650 cases and 9,028 deaths. The returns of yesterday are considerably lower than they have been for many weeks, namely 67 attacks and 52 deaths. The mortality from all causes yesterday was 120. Or. Stncher.
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  • 1202 15 Notes and Anticipations. The Spring Meeting this year promises to be an exceptionally good one, and the arrivals of Disfigured, Culzean, The Skipper and Attachment have added zest to the doings on our course of a morning. By Malua from Progressive, Disfigured (late Maria) comes here with
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 275 15 Pick i no" no m— i tm m ii in inn— rwi— debilitating coiidl ion which warm odl fedpill Ilia will do it. It has done it for thousands. It will do it for vcn. Try it. PREPARED BV OR. J. C. AYCR CO., Lowell. Ban., EL fc A. GOLD
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  • 336 16 Qjotation. Capital Paid op Shares Pd. l>i» Hongkong Shanghai Bank. i6s%prem. $10,000,000 $10,000,000 80,000 125 £i.sf n 8 (i9,970a yr Nanon^i Bank of China %*S £$00,000 £400,150 < 29,955 8 £fi Founders. $100 Sellers. V 75© £1 Bk.of fcjaran Ltd. $2* Nomiaal. J 42,000,000
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    • 53 16 The Attitude of Russia. *< A Blockade Imperative/' The semi-official Journal de St. Petersburg states that the continued aggressive attitude of Greece renders the blockade of the Piraeus imperative. Also, that if Greece rushes into war, the Powers will never allow her to reap the advantages therefrom.
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    • 137 16 Britain's Friendly Offices to Greece. Great Britain is making pacific overtures to Greece to enable a way to be found to remove the present deadlock. It is believed that the blockade of the Piraeus will depend upon Greece's answer. The Attitude of the Powers. The Powers, on
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    • 70 16 The Unpatriotic Opposition. Harcourt Shirks a Trial. Mr. Balfour has refused a day for Sir William Harcourt's motion for an address to the Queen, unless it is intended as a vote of censure on the Government. Sir William Harcourt has ignored the chalBritain, Greece and the Concert.
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    • 27 16 Frontier Hostilities Imminent. Greek Attack Hourly Expected. The whole Turkish Army on the frontier was under arms yesterday, expecting to be attacked any moment.
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    • 107 16 Greek Blood Cooling Down. A fresh note trom the Powers is being treated as of little effect at Athens. Nevertheless the public journals of Greece censure the clamour for war. The Situation in Crete. The Cretan insurgents are massing at The commander of the French warship
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    • 122 16 The Greek Tail Goes Down. It is the opinion in St. Petersburg and elsewhere that Greece is calming down consequent on the unexpected strength of the Turkish troops on the frontier. London, April ioth, iSgy. Greek Raid into Macedonia. Fighting all Friday. Greek bands numbering over 2,000,
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  • 98 16 (April 12.) Tin $34-25 Gambier 6.2< do. Cube No. 1 9-5° Pepper, Black (ordinary S'pore) 13*^ do. White, (Fair L/W-=5% *$> Nutmegs 1 10s to the lb.) °3 Mace (Banda) 75Cloves (Amboina) 17*5° Liberian Coffee 2,s Tapioca, small pearl (Fair quality) 3-7 do. do flake (do. do.) 4-2 do.
    98 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 794 16 G LEAR AN CE S. April 12. Eiffel Tower, Brit, str., Campbell, for Colombo and Port Said. Glenfalloch, Brit, str., Peters, for Hongkong and Amoy. Hyb Lbong, Brit, str., Shepherd, for T. Anson, via ports. Amherst, Brit, str., Nicol, for Klang and T. Anson. Bucephalus, Brit, str., Munro, for Calcutta.
      794 words
    • 981 16 Men-of-War Flags and Tons Commanders Arrived From For, Whe:, Eclaireur Fr. cruiser 1658 Texier April 9 Marseilles Saigon, Iphigenia Brit, cruiser 3600 Dudding Mar. 15 England Isla de Luzon Span, cruiser Baneto April 2 Colombo Manila, Makut Rajakumar Siam gun-boat Guldberg April 11 Bangkok Roads Maha Chahkri Siam cruiser, Cumming
      981 words
    • 104 16 April 6. Per Syd-xey tor Saigon.— Mr. J<-»' Walter. For Hongkong. -Mr. and Mrs. Warret: and infant, Miss Osgood, Miss Howe, Mr- Jannet, Dr. Horsey, Mr. Heap, Mr. R. P. Mack*. For Kobe. Mr. and Miss Rodger. For N okj hama.— -Mrs. A.J. Ross and two infant. Mr. Lennox, Mr.
      104 words