The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 20 October 1896

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 34 1 On the 171 h instant at 126, Victoria Street. Singapore, Mrs. JOFI c of a son. At Ashestiel," Abbotsford Kstate, on the 17th inst., the wife of J.\s. H. Drysdalr, of a son.
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    • 47 1 On the 17th instant, at the Cathedral of The Good Shepherd, by His Lordship Bishop Bourdon, assisted by the Very Reverend Canon Delouette. William Robkrt, eldest son of VV. R. Rowland. Esq., of Vienna, to Martha, daughter of the late Colonel-Brigadier Adolf Henggeler, of Landquart, Switzerland.
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  • 357 1 The condition of Her Majesty's Opposition is only to be described by the word k< sorry." The raison d'etre of the party, admitting its claim to be a party, was its advocacy of Home Rule. As a practical policy that has been dropped, and we
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  • 422 1 (Oct. 4 th.] A Shanghai paper, the China Gazette. is enabled, apparently from certain special information to which it claims to have access, to put a new aspect upon the recent much-condemned policy of the Telegraph Cable Companies to raise their through rates from the Far East.
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  • 746 1 The German mail papers are very mixed reading. Hut the matter that should attract most carnal observation is the mass of reports ol public meetings, resolutions, press articles, and letters to editors bearing on the anti-Tui kish agitation. Many of these references, though inspired by indignation, fairly
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 563 1 Lx n 1 n A RTICI k>. The Rupture in the Opposition 241 he Cable Companies, 24: a .c Armenian Agitation, 241 The Plague ai Bombay, 242 Italy and England in Africa, 242 i'he Revised Education Code 242 The Federation Durbar, 242 Ct>i m Nsws. h «preme Court. The Absconding
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    • 138 1 j E V E-S I G H T. MR. N. F>AZARI"S, Oculist-Optician ol London and Calcutta, may be consulted for SPEC TACLES. at RAFFLES HOTEL, Room No. 54) FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. A jJteat proportion of cataracts, and diseases affecting those advancing in lite, occur to those having some
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    • 28 1 Htc shall the Press the People's rght maintain, Unawcd by influence nnd unbribed by gain; Ff-Tf patriot Truth her ylorio;-; precepts draw, Pledged to Religion. T.ovaltv. and Law.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 395 1 THE WEEK. Mails from Europe to the 25th ult. arrived by the M. M. S. s. Ernest Simons yesterday. She will be followed by the P. and O. s. S. Ravenna on the 25th inst., with London advices to the 2nd inst. This mail leaves by the M. M. S.S.
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  • 601 2 (Oct. i6th.) To-day's nesvs about the Kassala arrangement between Britain and Italy indicates the correctness oi the. view that holds that our Government lias in its mind a distinct and practical policy as regards i Egypt and the Nile. The Khalifa, whose j authority and
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  • 117 2 BOMBAY advices to hand are lull of the plague. Interviews with medical men tours of inspection, and discussions by public bodies occupy much space, and there is no doubt but that the city is greatly exercised over this unlucky outbreak. What it may imply can be
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  • 727 2 (Uct. 17th.) FOR many years the Government of the Straits have been anxious or at least have pretended anxiety to improve the education of the Colony. It is no light task to decide upon the best way to deal, education" ally, with the school population, consisting as
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  • 690 2 (Oct. igth.) The presence in Singapore to-day o( Mr.* F. A SWETTENHAM, Resident-General ot the Federated Malay States, makes it appropriate that we should take thi oppor- tunity of bringing forward a proposal resi peeling the formal celebration of the re- cenciv effected Federation. In t>rder to
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  • 152 2 SrLEVOID rRM i I ft. [n the fifat luter-port in ttch practice compi I I i held this afternoon loth at ECowtoon over t!v 2 500 and r Jj3 yard ranges, Mr. \V. Macdmtald 1 headed the !.st with a ma^iiitieent total <>; points, :nc! udm^
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  • 268 2 FRENCH FACTORY DESTROYED AT HOIHOW. A month or IWO a^o, our hioihow cor; dent gav<- us a description of the French a! factory that ".ad been started at this rtain in i and com:r.e:idc.i our French neighbours f<w enterprise, which is bci.i^ copied by*(i i firm ai one o4 ihe
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  • 159 2 THE PROVINCE WELESLEY FLOODS. I A correspondent WtkbeM tv the The terrible fiood burst the H ind Hid the country foi mile- at mid< j >' r> without the slighted \;n\,-.n, and -<>■' overseers and maintenance ;:ui irrowlj i with thf,*ir live-. The water •»i '!n- rivet W&* P 1
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  • 1660 3 All the property of the Negri Sembilan Syndicate (now winding up) was handed over to Lok Yew on August 12th. The S. A and the Stafr Sergeants \n ill lire for the Warren Shield for Rifleshooting on Tuesday, the 20th inst., at >.. jo am on
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  • 755 3 The Gondoliers. Last night at the Town Hall the Willard Opera Co. played this pretty opera by Gilbert and Sullivan, and had a moderately good attendance. Everything went very smoothly, and both principals and the perhaps somewhat limited chorus kept the action going with an admirable
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  • 703 3 Batavia, 2nd October, 1896. With regard to the increased "working of the Lamongan, the Resident of Probolingo, under date 19th September, sends the following advice Large masses of a share being continually thrown out and are lifted high up intc the air, making an impenetrable curtain
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  • 79 3 The initials F. A. S. are already prcttv familiar to Native States officials. The abbreviation for the Federated Malay States is to be uF.M. S The twr, are fairly ?imilar when written as they should be. considering the part Mr. F A Swettenham has played in the formation of the
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  • 448 4 Mr. Harvey Chevallier thus writes of the Cherubang Mines in his report for the month of August Having heard indirectly of the sickness amongst the Europeans and coolies atCherubang, I left for hat place with Mr. Fenton Hill on the 22nd the dresser in charge of
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  • 73 4 Ihe other day there wa» picked up by a private in the Fusiliers a bottle floating close to the bead) at Taniong Katongr. On ihi^ being opened a scrap ot paper was found, bearing in Spanish, and written almost illegibly in pencil, words to this effect
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  • 45 4 I Mr. E.L.M. Edwards is appointed Assistt Commissioner of Police. Mr. Eric A. Dickson is appointed a Junior Officer, and arrived in the Stale on the 26th ult. A resi fence for the Re^Hent General, F.M.^ is to i)- erected at Kuala Lumpor.
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  • 91 4 I. Ihe chartered transport Cephalonia (Canard Line), which brings out the Ist Battalion sth Fusiliers to Gibraltar and ihm the West Yorkshire Regiment from Gibraltar l<>r Hongkong, will pass through Singapore on Novembt 1 4th. She will all her- a^ in on tin return journey,
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  • 204 4 Damages 01 £3,500 »or Nkgliobn* c. An action of general importance to sanitary authorities throughout the kingdom was concluded at the Birmingham Assizes on the sth August before Mr. Justice Collins and a special jury. Ihe executors 0] the late Mr. T. H. Smith, who
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  • 317 4 (L, and C Express.) A recent issue of the Singapore Free Press has a leader on Siam and French Chauvinism, and quotes an article from the Saigon paper, Le Mekong^ blowing the war trumpet in hysterical strains. The danger therein pointed out is one which has
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  • 170 4 The Edgar, first-class cruiser, arrived at Plymouth on Sept. 11, after an eventful three years' service abroad. In March 1893 she was < ommissioned at Devonport and, proceeding, to the Mediterranean, was present when ihe Campe down sunk the Victoria off Tripoli. When the war kroke out between
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  • 250 4 THE CHINESE 5 PER CENT. GOLD LOAN. The subscriptions for the new Chinese l-'ive per Cent. Gold Loan were received (in 1 5? Ii ins!.. I nit the issue was not covered by the pul.lnj applications, the recent sudden rise in the Ra k rate and in the value ot
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  • 425 4 The battleship Illustrious was floated out of dock at Chatham on Sept. 17th, in the presence of a large and distinguished assemblage. The ship was named in ihe orthodox fashion by Lady Bedford, wtte of Rear-Admiral Sir Frederick 1 Be(ho r <l, second Sea Lord of the Admiralty.
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  • 713 4 HOW THE PHILIPPINES ESCAPED A JAPANESE INVASION. The Mainicki prints an interesting account of the career of Harada Magohichiro, who about three centuries ago plotted to annex the Philippines to Japan. The early life and career in Japan of this warrior are shrouded
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  • 274 4 St. Petersburg, Sept. 17. A telegram from VVJadiwohiock announces that the expedition lor the expioraiion of Kamtchatka under MM. Bogdanovi cli and Lemiakin ha-> made a thorough j survey of the district between Chumikan and A\an, discovering some rich goldfields of consti detable extent. Gold of remarkably good
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  • 900 4 When the late Marquis Tso Tsung-tang f c f j ed the Foochow arsenal, naval shipyard, < schools in the early part of the sixties, shortly after the subjugation of the Taiping rebels, and M< <,- Giquel and D'Aiguebelle (ex -officers of the FiverVictorious
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  • 59 4 I iv in M tli Punjoin Mmii i j i r > tbc foil w iog abl< the tnin< tfivni^ 'm rc*uH »f t li f s>bcr clean j lb< «nM m« >s crush ia^ il5 tons ot ore yiPlaiO|jsj of smelted gold Fife) < Oll> ot
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  • 768 5 The Hongkong papers are labouring under the impression that Mr. H. B. Lethbridge, the Superintendent of the Victoria Gaol, is to be transferred to Singapore, but on making inquiries we are informed that the local Government has no information on the subject. Yesterday a Chinaman named
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  • 252 5 The Lady Slavbt. Another very fair audience was present last night to witness the Willard Co.'s production of The Lady Slavey, and as we anticipated got a lot of amusement therefrom. It seems unfair to squabble with Mr. Hall (The Bailiff) after the way he worked
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  • 366 5 Yesterday evening witnessed the completion of the competition for the prizes for mixed foursomes (match play) presented by Madame Brandt. No less than 17 pairs entered for the prize, and the competition was most keenly sustained to the very last. The linal tie was played olf
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  • 193 5 October 3rd. It is now officially declared to be bubonic plague, though not of the severest form. A large number of people are leaving Bombay. The plague lias attacked the servant of a European, living at Grant Buildings, Bombay. October 2nd. I lie plague is slightly
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  • 59 5 The new ten-head battery for the Cherubang gold mine arrived the other da >v in the sS. Japan and will be conveyed to Kuala l J ahang by the S. Perduua. Ihe battery is constructed b* the well-known firm of Fraser and Chalmers, London and New York; it is
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  • 1244 5 Perak v, Lieut. Leach's XI. (From our Special Co-respondent.) This match which had been looked forward to by Perak with much interest, as it was the first match of importance engaged in by Perak since so many of its famed eleven had gone south on promotion, was played in
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  • 309 5 F OOTBALL. PERAK v. L)ET. STH FUSIXIBRS, PSMAKG. This match was played on Saturday last at 5 p>m.. the cricket match being stopped early to admit ot several of the cricketers taking part in the game. Perak won the toss, and elected to defend the Fort goal. They soon ran
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  • 70 5 Paris <> t. 6. Phe yacht oi iheOcai arrived w Cherb mYg harbourat 2 p.m M after a rough voyage, and was escorted by the Frciw h -•< udron nb« ha-I proceeded 'n> meet the Imperial parly. 1 zar landed amidst a scene ol X' r( 4t WHha-
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  • 343 6 Exports Increased: Imports Diminished. The returns of imports and exports for the quarter ended June 30th, 1896, are now issued. The appended tables show the general results as compared with the corresponding quarter last year. Imports (exclusive of Treasure.} 2nd Or. 1895 2nd Or. 1596. Singapore $*****»»2 832.*****9
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  • 153 6 A naval correspondent writes to the Globe A Sjooddeal has been written about the spread of disease among British troops in India; and the Portsmouth correspondent of the Naval and Military Record has been drawing attention to the same unsavoury subject in the Navy. He writes,
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  • 87 6 In promulgating your cogitations, or articulating your superficial sentimentalities and philosophical or psychological observations, beware of platitudinous ponderosity. Let your conversational communications possess a clarified concise, ress, a compact comprehensible consistency. Let your extemporaneous descantings and unpremeditated expatiations have intelligibility without bombast. Shun Double entendre and pestiferous
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  • 120 6 A rather curious thing happened at a Melbourne steeplechase the other day. The horse Which was to win came down and flung his rder, who, without exhibiting any .motion gathered up himself and his kit, m< unted again w?thoul t.tedless delay, and won the event amid
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  • 73 6 A recent funeral near Skibbereen was interrupted by a fatal accident of a somewhat curious character. One of the bearers of the coffin, a stonemason, named Sullivan, had his hat blown oft by a gust of wind. Bein^ relieved of his burden he ran after the
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  • 746 6 (China Mail.) Advices from Manila continue to improve, and j t^e improvement has been emphasized by the arrival of the first instalment of a thousand troops j from Spain. Business was reviving as a consequence of the increased confidence. By this time other two thousand
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  • 47 6 Preparations for the Czar. Paris, Oct. 4. The influx of foreigners to Paris is enormous the principal business houses are beginning to decorate. MM. Brisson, President of the Chamber, and Loubet have left Paris to join President Faure at ri t* v \~\rw 1 t*<*y
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  • 78 6 The Rangoon Municipality has experimented with 130 feet of wooden pavement in the busiest part of Merchant Street. The first cot lias been heavy Rs. O.coo it is said but the work has been substantially done, and is- expected to last fifteen years. It it hot
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  • 36 6 A Chinaman who was driving a bullock cait along Newbridge Road yesterday accidentally fell off the shaft, one of the v heels pacing ever his body. He was taken to Hospital; where he has died.
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  • 1229 6 The British steamer Strathord arrived at Taku Bar (Tientsin) on the 24th ultimo with 6,000 tons of railway materials. Mr. Blagden to-day fined a Chinaman §2 or five days for stealing four fowl eggs in Orchard Road yesterday. Admiral McClure, of Weihaiwei fame, has taken unto
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  • 110 6 Head < )Ari7ier Ottice. Singapore, O t. i^ 1 IoQP Order!) Officer for the Wiring week. I K. M. Merewether. Orderly Sergeant for the ensuing mttk Morrison. Bombardier reverts 10 the rank of GiW ncr at his own leque-t. Gunner W.I kike promoted BO ti.e ram
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  • 833 7 Before Sir L. Cox, c.j. The Absconding Chbtty Case. This morning before the Chief Justice, Mr. Fort said his Lordship would remember that this case stood over from Monday last, so far as concerned the dismissal of the petition and the setting aside of the interim receiving order.
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  • 211 7 An important sale of town lands took place this afternoon at the office of Messrs. Powell and Co., when fifteen lots of land lying between the Singapore and Straits Printing Office and the New Town Market were offered for sale. There was a fair attendance, but
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  • 322 7 In the Windsor Magazine for September we read of the late Archbishop His grace is an. early riser. He once mentionI ed to me in conversation that ».e began his day at 6.30. The first hour of the day is set aside for devotional study.
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  • 153 7 I Kobe, September 29th.— Yesterday Marquis Hachisuka, the President of the House of Peers, intimated his willingness to accept the portfolio for Education in the Cabinet, which therefore is now I fully formed, the offices being allotted as follows Count Matsu^ata Minister President and Minister for
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  • 111 7 I he Clyde was never in a more Hounshing condition.. For the financial year ending in June last i the revenue of the Clyde Navigation Trust was the largest on record, being over or £,"51,000 more than last year. The surplus is '£49,000, the largest on record. The
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  • 121 7 It is stated that at Gibraltar the exca--1 vation for one of the dry docks is so ad I vanced that the new slanting roadway by the side leading to the future main entrance of the dockyard will be used at the disembarkation of the Ist
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  • 2063 7 The Eastern Question. London, September 21. Abdul Hamid has issued instructions countermanding the order of the Porte expelling Armenians from Constantinople, and limiting further arrests to those who are known to be actual criminals. The Sultan has replied to the Ambassadors of the Great Powers, who
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  • 68 7 A Seattle despatch )f the 4th September saVr; Commander John Stark Newell, commander of the Unite I States armoured 1 cru ;^-r Detroit^ is dea from anaemic coni dition of the blood. < apt NeweJl's illne»»« was cor traded whi!e odergoing privations \w connection with his lab >urs as repre^en--1
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  • 823 8 THE FINANCIAL POSITION OF CHINA. The London correspondent of the Manchester Guardian writes —I hear that during the past summer the Chinese capital has been full of foreign agents desirous of pressing their wares and their schemes of development on the Chinese Government. They beset the Legations, seeking from their
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  • 275 8 Precautions against its introduction into Colombo. The Mayor of Colombo has taken steps to prevent the introduction of the Bubonic plague into Colombo. On Monday last he summoned Dr. Drieberg, the Sanitary Officer. Mr. Pigott, Acting Superintendent of Works, the Inspectors of the I wards
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  • 973 8 Two well-known sportsmen bagged on Sunday in the Province ninety-six couple of snipe between tftern,' which is believed to be, so far, a record bag. It is stated at Penang that Donovan has gone lame, and is not likely to go to Singapore. Triton and Mr.
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  • 143 8 Drains and Death-rates. Considerable interest (says the Chronicle) will doubtless be aroused amongst sanitary inspectors and Municipal administrators by a novel kind of competition which is to be settled early next year under a scheme for giving effect to a certain provision in the will of
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  • 175 8 Readers of newspapers at the Antipodes and in the Far East naturally concentrate their attention on the cablegrams transmitted from the centres of the West, but as an exchange remarks the intelligence conveyed is apt to suffer in the transmission. A brief cable to New Zealand
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  • 49 8 Field Officer for the ensuing week Captain P. S. Wilkinson, 2nd X T orth'd. Fusiliers. Gun practice will take place at fort Serapong and Berala Battery on Monday, the 19th inst., and at Fort Teregeh on Friday, the 2 }rd inst., commencing at 9 a.m. each day.
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  • 201 8 On the 22nd ult., a European named Lloyd, employed as a driver on the East Indian Railway, j met with a accident which, but for his presence ol mind, would certainly have proved fatal. He was on duty on the engine of No. 96 down goods train,
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  • 83 8 1 Extensive flooding has taken place in the northern district ot Province Wellesley, the bund on the left bank of the Muda River having been breached. On Thursday afternoon the river swept away fifu yards of the bund and covered the adja. j cent paddy
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  • 36 8 i This popular company anrou^.te^ its t«ro j last performances. Charlie's Aunt being 1 given this evening preceded by a concert and to-morrow night the v Shop Girl. The company leaves on Monday.
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  • 474 8 The Hongkong Telegraph says After Li Hung-chang had "done' Rus*a, France and Germany it appears that he thought the chances of reaching his ovvr. home in North China sufficiently good to dispense will, the historical coffin he earned with him from China in the French Mail liner
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  • 277 8 The military correspondent of the Globt writes To refer again to a somewhat disagreeable I^ject, but one of the very highest importance to the I efficiency and health of the soldier in India, an Indian medical officer writes as follows Eleven years ago, when the now repealed C I>. Ait
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  • 529 9 {From a Correspondent.) 9th October, 1 896. The free utterances of the Judicial Commissioner of the Federated Malay States at the recent trial of a murder case at Kuala Lumpur, regarding his approval of lawyers appearing in cases in his Honour's Court, have been hailed with the utmost
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  • 822 9 Pon lar Orchestral Concert;. In point of numbers attending, the de- sigr.ation "popular" was quite deserved in connection with the concert given last night by the Orchestral Section of the Singapore Philharmonic Society in the j Town Hall. There was a great demand j for the best
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  • 254 9 An American writer on tea and coftee some time ago put forward the daring theory that coftee. drinking is the hall-mark ot the highest degree of civilization. Tea-drinkers he placed half a century behind the van. More recently a French philosopher gave it as his conclusion that
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  • 54 9 1 One case of cholt-ra was reported to tht- Police to-day a? occurring in Fisher Street. A disturbance occurred at the Sailors j Home last evening, which resulted in three i European seamen bring arrested. Twenty-eight gambler- appeared before Mr. Saun tiers yesterday and were fined in 1 sum> ranging
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  • 87 9 Mr. R. O'Shaughnessy haAbeen appointed Resident Engineer, ifnan Irrigation Works. Mr. V. Hill's leave has been extended to Jan. 27th, and Mr. Brian Gaynor's to April 28th. The resignation of Mr. F. de Mornay. Magistrate, Larut, has been accepted. Four acres of land in Taipeng have been
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  • 387 9 The Menagerie Freaks. From another column it will be seen that Harmston's Circus, which arrived from Batavia this morning by the S.S. G. G. van Lansberge. reopens for a short season to-morrow night. The whole show has been down in Java where it has won golden guildern. rather
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  • 476 9 Extraordinary Arrangements. How the Railway is Guarded. Most extraordinary arrangements are being made in connection with the Czar's visit to the Queen. The train regulation?;, for instance, are much more stringent than in the case of theOueen's journeys between Scotland and England. A pilot engine will leave
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  • 203 9 According to the eighth issue of the Mining Manual, by Mr. Walter K. Skinner, the world's gold production for 1895 was the largest of recent years, the total output amounting to 10,219, 1580 Z., as against 9,540,10^/. in 1894, show rig an increase of 0/9,0570z., with
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  • 206 9 A Ceylon paper thus refers to the death of Mr. Home, of Cherubang News received from Australia by the Oceana brings the intelligence that Mr. Harry \V. Home, a son of the old well-known Colombo auctioneer, died in the Malay Peninsula on the 31st
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  • 133 9 Heat and drought have it appears delayed further military operations in Acheen, and have favoured an outbreak of cholera among the troops. Strict measures have however been taken against the spread of the disease. A few months before, a lar^e number of villages and posts Held by garrisons wen
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  • 415 9 It seems that the Tsar is nearly as much a Macgregor of Perthshire as the Empress Eugenic is a Kirkpatrick of Clostburn, Dumfriesshire. Says a home paper The coming of the Czar brings to mind a strange story which found its way into tie Press 42
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  • 702 10 The receipt of %10 from Albion towards the Meyer Testimonial Fund is acknowledged with thanks. Only one case of cholera, discovered after death, has been reported in the past twenty four hours. The Mail despatched from Singapore to London via Marseilles, on the 22nd ultimo was,
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  • 1020 10 E'en as the heading "Topics of the Week Doth now, too oft, portend dead languages. Anon. Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli. Ci-escit eundo. Most people know the scientific round game of Russian Scandal A social party is formed into a ring, and one person
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  • 104 10 Sir William Harcourt and Mr. As^uith are at present silting like the Two Kings of Brentford on one slool and smelling together at ihe one nosegay of party leadership. It is a case of Tweedledum and Tweedlcdee, but liarcourt has tlie pas. Asquith must wait a bit. The British public
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  • 154 10 The Singapore Sporting Club might be a little more picturesque than it is. For instance to-night's sacred ri'es at the Taugltn Club when the man at the wheel acts as th<Hio[h Priest of the Goddess Fo'tuna. 1 b«*re was a time when things were otherwise thin now. A Gorgeous Caledonian,
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  • 261 10 Pfiiley's celebrated success Charley's Aunt" is a merry trifle, brigir ar.<! lij*iis, vyiiicfi vyetit gaily from st^rt to itni-h :i i -Jj-a Town Hall last everting, when, owing to the' adverse weather, the Willard Company played to a fair audience only. The performance was preceded by
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  • 208 10 We (China Gazette) have been shown a private ietter from an authentic source to the effect that General Sung and the officials at Port Arthur are in an intense state of excitement over the quite unexpected arrival (on the 17th September), overland from Manchuria, via Kinehow,
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  • 1027 10 Shanghai, September 24th.— To all^ people vfa, careful'y watch the omens in the sky the impres. sion that the present calm in the political atmophere of the Far Kast is soon likely to undergo violent change is daily becoming stronger, as tl* forerunners of an
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  • 2213 11 (Contributed.' Some few months ago an article and leader appeared in the Singapore Free Press calling attention to the conditions under which English Education in this Colony was carried on, and suggesting certain means by which this education might be improved, and the work rendered less
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  • 385 11 On the ist instant several prisoners arrived from Camarines, amongst whom were three priests. In the encounter with the rebels at Tananan (Batangas) Captain Blanco and two others were killed and five soldiers wounded. By a decree dated the 30th of September, the Governor-Gene-ral of the Philippines
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  • 117 11 A fee of $i per mensem is to be charged for every licence for an auto-car. Mr. J. M. Lyon has filed the specification for a patent for improvements in pulping machinery for coffee. Mr. A. F. Talbot's leave has been extended to Mar. 22nd. and Mr. \V.
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  • 182 11 ONE REASON FOR REBELL ON. A Spanish military officer of high rank in the Philippines, who, by the way, told us the pretty little story concerning the Governor-General's wife and the diamond necklaces which recently appeared in these columns, stated that although he had been some three years in the
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  • 221 11 Bombay, October 6th.— The Health Officer states the plague m Mandvie Bunder is near!} stamped out. Only one case has occurred within the last twenty-four hours. Cases, however, are occurring elsewhere in Bombay and the segregation of patients is decided upon. Egypt has imposed quarantine
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  • 228 11 It would not be surprising if all the trades fkw to arms against the bicyclists the great wheel movement is creating a profound change in manners and customs. It certainly saves outlay on luxuries; it begets a dcnocratic indifference to the stucco and starch iacades and
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  • 132 11 Immense tanks have been constructed at Kiel, Wilhemshaven, and LJantzic respectively, to contain liquid fuel for the service of the German Navy. Kach will contain about 200.000 gallons of mineral oil. A clever arrest was effected by PC. 155 in Neil Road yesterday. He noticed a bullock cart passing with
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  • 1529 12 1 he salary of the Principal Civil Medical Officer, Straits Settlements, is to be increased to $7,200 per annum next year. Advices have been received in Hongkong to the effect that the new Treaty Port of "Shahs: has been opened to trade. The Yamashiro Maru, the
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  • 297 12 The Shop Girl. On Saturday the Willard Opera Company finished their season here with The Shop Girl to a fairly filled house. There is an unsatisfactoriness about this invertebrate Musical Comedy," which is heightened by the way the Willards hack it about until it becomes a
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  • 511 12 A crowded tent bespoke the popularity of Harmston's circus on Saturday night, the opening performance, notwithstanding counter-attractions elsewhere, proving a great success, financially and otherwise. It goes without saying that no expense has been spared in bringing the c ircus up to date new costumes have been acquired,
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  • 108 12 We (Penang Gazette) understand that the energetic Captain of the Penang Cricket Club has not yet given up all hope of bein^ able to get up a team to go to Singapore this Xmas. Any members of the Penang Cricket Club who are desirous of
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  • 208 12 I H \in <>i th». British Conm i. i Hi- i\. if'tOHl tvr <>>■// ("ori't sf-ondt „7.. Baiavia, 16th October, v,t. Mr. S. K. Lankester, British Consul a; Batavia, and partner in the firm of Messr:Maclaine Watson and Co., died during tin night of the 13th in-4. after
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  • 150 12 I hr j b>*. nnaW> o! Revenue and r <- ;:<! Lure for the Singau*»r«- MuuiciiMlity !<>■ iS»)j ar.- pttblislied in I" inlay- GtizetU I ii< lol towing >hous thr \w tin beadei. Of the services exclusive «>i csteiu in tnents £48,000 it. t.h»* com ri button
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  • 112 12 The Queen has appointed Cat* I Dialer, Esq., aud J. J Bell-Irving I 1 be Unofficial Members oi ih- I- tlvt C')i:p>; th<^ Colony ->t Hongkong I".v- owners of the Blue Pnnael lie issued a ircular t<i the rf« 1 1 th it rft«* January j-t n< xt bey ilo
    112 words

  • 6478 13 Notes from The Course. This morning we were attacked because when writing about Leihcol's chance for the Maiden Plate we said the stable were on to a man, and were told we were doing tnis from a selfish motive, in order to serve him up
    6,478 words

  • 241 14 A terrible tragedy occurred in Orcha:. Road last night. A Chinaman, his wile and two sons, aged 17 and 15 respective!;. lived happily enough in a hut in a swamj just below Dr. Galloway's hou^\ tod I \on to the side of the road near Claymore. I\h
    241 words
  • 143 14 On Saturday at tbc Cathedra! oi tfal Good Shepherd the marriage took place Dl Mr. \V K. Rowland, ot Vienna, managing partner ot Berenthian I inggi estate, wegf Sembilan. to Miss Martha Heaggeler, Oi Zurich. Switzerland The ceremony was performed by His Lordship Bishop Bour don. assisted
    143 words
  • 17 14 Id an international cricket match at Philadelphia between Canada and United Statt^. Canada wen tf) .v rums
    17 words

  • 421 15 Dia rio de Ma n ila Manila, October Ist.— The arrival of the reinforcements from Spain is being telegraphed all over the Islands and is causing all waverers to declare their loyalty and love for the powers that oe. They are all Espanoles now A
    421 words
  • 317 15 S,C. C. Garrison. Fhe S.C.C. 2nd XI. played the Garrison 2nd XI. on the Recreation Club ground un Saturday, the gamr ending in a draw, i the Garrison making 106 in their first innings against 6] by the S.C.C. for six wickets. Ihe scurt;> were: Garrison. J ;e. Richardson
    317 words
  • 135 15 SEL ANGOR NOTES 1 >-. I! r:/, District Surgeon, ha** resigned ll service, owing, we are sorry to hear, 10 very serious domestic afflictions at home, A pulpit desk, of carved wood, and an altar sk, in brass, both ol them ot handsome design in i excellent execution, Have been
    135 words
  • 293 15 It is singular that the very part of the world which has been long associated by its name with gold makes next to no show in the present eager search for that metal. Yet it certainly exists in the hinterland of the Gold Coast that fact has
    293 words
  • 513 15 A RUSSIAN PORT ON THE ATLANTIC. A correspondent writes to the Times: "The j I long-tixed determination oi the Russian Government to have a port on the open sea has at last touiid a new vent, and, if the author of the scheme is not egregiously at fault, Europe is
    513 words
  • 163 15 I I he Corporation has voted a lakh of rupees for i measures io extirpate the disease. October 7. At Bombay yesterday, eighteen I deaths took place, and the outlook is more serious, as several of the deaths occurred in other parts ot the town.
    163 words
  • 199 15 Thk Match Recommenced. Shanghai, 13th October.— Japan, first innings, 115. Lucas 53. The shanghai Cricket Club at the close of the day's play had made 65 for four wickets. Moule 47 not out. The match between the Shanghai Cricket Club and an eleven from Japan was
    199 words
  • 70 15 The entries for the Autumn Race Meeting are highly satisfactory, numbering 1,120, for which Tls. 6,420 have been paid into the Jockey Club's Race Fund. Foi the principal events the entries are as follows Criterions (1 mile) 18 entries. Maidens mile) 46 St. Leger (if mile) 54
    70 words
  • 904 15 {Via Ceylon.) London, October 9. Mr. M. Bhownuggree has sailed for India to study questions likely to arise during the ensuing session of Parliament. It is understood that the position in regard to 1 the Zanzibar affair is regarded as serious, owing to the hostile attitude assumed by Germany
    904 words
  • 95 15 The two lieutenants of H. M. S. Rattier, now in Hongkong Naval Hospital with low fever, are repoited to be speedily recovering. Before Capt. Craufurd this morning a Greek fireman on board the S.S. Arthur I Head was sentenced to one week's rigorous imprisonment for disobedience to lawful orders. At
    95 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 461 15 I Cure DYSPEPSIA, I Cure BILIOUSNESS, I Cure CONSTIPATION, I Cure SICK HEADACHE. Are Purely Vegetable, Are Sugar Coated, Are Mild but Effective. Good for the Stomach, Good lor the Liver, Good tor the Bowels. THERE ARE WO OTHER PILLS SO COOP AS AVER'S PILLS. Highest Awards at the World's
      461 words

  • 1082 16 The Disruption in the Radical Party. Asquith v. Harcourt The Times says that owing to Lord Rosebery suggesting Mr. Asquith as leader of the Liberal Party, and to a certain opposition to Sir William Harcourt, the situation is somewhat complicated. The return of Mr. Gladstone has been seriously
    1,082 words
  • 241 16 (Corrected up to October ig.) On London. Bank 4 m/s 2/i| demand 2J\\ Private credits 3 m/s 2/1-13/ 1 6 documents 3 m/s 2/1 1 credits 6 m/s 2/2 On India. Bank demand 178 On Hongkong. Bank demand 1 prem On Yokohama. Bank demand prem On Java. Bank demand
    241 words
  • 349 16 mtotation. Capital Paid up Shires Pd. O»» Hongkong S'hai B*. k 190 prem. $10,000,000 $lo f OOO,Ooo 80.000 «2 5 £i. z jr National K*nk of China ?2 9 iS» 44'>o. 150 V JJ^JJ jf* -r 15 Sellers. ""> £1 8.<.0 9 v: an Ltd
    349 words
  • 600 16 Flags Ton. Captain Arrived From Consignees to:, Whci Albingia Ger. 1190 Witt Oct. 10 Moji Man held Arthur He^d Brit. 18S7 Lennard Oct. 17 Moji M. B. Kaisha Ashley Brit. 1500 Webber Oct. 9 Moji Pat. SimonBanjermassin Brit. 261 Reese July 21 Deli Mansfield Dei;. Oa. Bantam
    600 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 539 16 CLEARANCES. Sishak, Brit, str., Jones., for Hongkong* v lt v October ig. and Amoy. Lady Longden, Brit, str., Angus, for Pahang and Hydra, Bnt. str., WcGiU, for Bangia>«. Tring^anu. Sri Hong Ann Bri;. str., Ko.e.U tor \fm i Hong Wan, Brit, str., Buxton, for Pakan via via ports. ports# Kokgsek,
      539 words