The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 13 October 1896

Total Pages: 16
225 240 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • Domestic Occurrences. BIRTHS.
    • 42 225 On the Bfh8 fh instant, at Singapore, the wife of I H. F. Post on, E.E. Tel. Co., ot a son. At the Raffles Hotel, Singapore, on the Sth i 1 instant, the wife of A. Bkrnard, of Deli, of a daughter.
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    • 57 225 On the 1 2th Sept., at St. Columba's Scottish National Church, Punt -street, S.W., by the Rev. I Donald Macleod, 0.n., assisted by the Rev. Robert Workman, p,.i>., John' Spottiswoode j Purvis, Captain oyal Engineers, son of the late John Murray Purvis, of Singapore, to ElizaBETH, second daughter of
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  • 319 225 Lf^ Article^. Russia's Policy v\ !i 3, 225 Phc Fens on in Europe, 225 ,i::d Cuba, 226 R tsebery Res gns, 220 The Tripk Joint Vote, 226 rhe Late A pof Canterbury, 226 Supreme Co-;r:. ihc Bronzewing Dispute, 229 ihe AbscondingChetty, 238 P Courts L GraveCharg! aga istaSikh, 2^l
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  • 56 225 :0 .,r, .a. >A ac; 11.12| do. it. vV- -i% 15.60 Nutr.r IV 9*Mace t'.an-i 96. Cloves (A.nbouwaj 17-5° Liberian 1 otfee 330° I rapioca. small H"ai. ;t r, n 360 do. '.A Ido lo.) 360 j Jo. •> Fair JO.) 3©5 Copra »i.ih\, 5-6s do. 'A.- il. 5-''A
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  • 62 225 (Corrected up 10 October 12.) On London. rank 4 ni/s J/! demand -/>i Private credits 3 m/s 2/1-9/16 dov:uu;ents3 m/^ credits 6 m/s a/1-1 116 ON India. Bank demand '7 s 1 )n Hongkong. Bank demand i jrt'm >n Yokohama. 841B 41 fv:; J prca N A\ A. aav
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  • 482 225 (Oct 6th.) THINGS are not only coming to !\u.->ia a- a reward for her astute policy of vvaiting they are positively rushing to fall into j her lap. Which was, of course, foreseen as the quite certain result. Every indica- tion points to the probability of Europe
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  • 608 225 ATRE ONE tbing that we think to be clearly brought out by the successive phases of the European tour of the Tsar of Russia is the high-strung political tension in which the continent lies to-day. Whether from its <Treat and unbroken territorial extent, its vast and
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  • Page 225 Advertisements
  • Page 225 Miscellaneous
    • 361 225 The next mail from Europe is expected I to arrive by the N.D.L. S.s. Preussen on the 15th in^t., with London advices to the 2 1st ult., being followed by the M.M. s.s. Et-fiest Simons on tltc joth inst., with the English mail oi the 25th ult. This mail leaves
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  • 652 226 (Oct. Bth.) THE fortunes of Spain are indeed in a bad way. Reverses of the national arms are bound to occur occasionally in Lhc case oi any country's history, no matter what the efficiency and power of its war resources. But the especial point of today's news
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  • 382 226 LORD ROSEBI RY'S resignation was his j necessary rejoinder to Mr. GLADSTONE'S new campaign of agitation and Sir WilWAM HARCOURT'S open support of Mr. Gladstone. Tie tact that the Liberal party especially had rallied to the Antilurkisli public meetings and that the policy of British interference, enunciated ■n
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  • 377 226 The situation in the East of Europe, difficult though it be. is materially alleviated by the fact that the British Government has been at last able to secure the cooperation of Russia and France in applying diplomatic pressure on Turkey. That, be it noted, need not imply
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  • 388 226 Oct. I -'I IHE CI mch ol England has ft< ri v a neavy .t-ia iuite unexpected loss i ti e death of its revere I Primate the most Reverend Edward White BENSON, Archbishop of Canterbury. His death indeed was dramatically sudden. Attending, perhaps taking part
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  • Correspondence.
    • 494 226 I o i c di roa. Sir, In giving an account of the recenl Gymkhana Meeting at Kuala Lumpor m t'ne Selangor Journal of Oct. ;nc. The Man in the Lai. ang refers as follows tc the lotteries held on three of the races "Great was the
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  • 60 226 Abstract of traffic earnings for the i. of September, E896 Hen dt 0 f Reie; rt Passengers j- Season rickets i Horses, Carriages and Dogs Telegraph Collection* Sp»r<_;;)! [Yams Miscellaneous Live Stuck i Miscellaneo Total Goods \2 2 irai (I 1 s 61 responding mont) Decrease 1
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  • 333 226 A Dumber oi experts and otd inter ested in the textile industries toe other day to th ex i ri -j the Ramie Syndu ate, 1 Staines. For the i un ose wit j deinoiisir-.tiop.iji the new method ing with ran ie, or China
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  • 63 226 A FUSILIE OFF ICER ARRESTED IN FRANCE V n v y 's telegram from Are Ihe Englishman stated to b< B Army Officer, v\ ivas arrested S was Captain Pil r I l N land i r :j-:M' rs. Inquiries showed that be was ivat< ding tii< 1 rice irres
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  • 233 226 A circular forwarded to shar >ldei follows .—The acco mts to June 3a ches have been Fai adjusted 1 1 1 D are new able to ue lie meeting lield on Kpril n last. Tie balance kH« < 4 on I t, 1895 fixed
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  • 24 226 POPULAR ORCH ESTRAL CONCERT. Majesty's long reigu days for Europe, will pia) n acd soii^s will be given bi M Mrs Dowley Mr Duncnai
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  • 210 227 1) jring his^stay in Siam the Saltan of rrenggantl has been visiting Bangpain. he Siamese gunboat Ytrng Yot. Com in lei Backe, left at daylight this morng \>x Bangkok. i here irerc no .-a^e- oi cholera in the r a: Police Division to-day, two cases y
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  • 57 227 he extract which we quoted yesterday I ihe und C. Express stated that ihe Kherson, and ihe /\/'\f! were ►rtly expected to arrive at Odessa. oth j issed through Singapore in the -in Ding <>\ September. Ihe Kherson 1 yet come out here, as exhaustive erinn
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  • 13 227 LI HUNG CH \NG 1 sj oj Ch with H. E. Li j
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  • 136 227 [From Manila Papers.) On tlie 2r,th ultimo at 7 a.m. four of the leading rebels were shot at Luneta. A detachment from the Regiment and of the Police attacked and dispersed a number of rebels at the village of Cainta, who had co:ne> down from the Mountains
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  • 1096 227 fsai European toui has revived public inter st n it issia doings ir the Far East. The S \y T i has obtained from Mr. A. Gee, an Eng ish engineer ot great experience, who was, I uni itely in the service of a Russian
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  • 428 227 A carious trick was played upon a- local doctor yesterday, who worked unconciously into the hands of a cute Baba thief v\- i t h amusing results. It appears that a Baba Chinaman yesterday morning went to a certain bakery in Havclock Road and
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  • 489 227 Its In'ili ence on the 0< ban Route. The great railway enterprise that is to provide a completed thoroughfare across Siberia in the last year of this century, iqoo, may not do as much as many may be fearing to divert traffic from the great ocean route
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  • 249 227 OEM'M'CH 01 FROOPS FROM CWTOX. (China Mail, 28 Sept.} On Saturday a Chinese gbnboat arrived in the harbour from Canton with about two hundred braves on board in charge of one officer. The troops were transferred to the Douglas Steamship Company's steamer Hailoong, which left jesterday
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  • 111 227 Phe Star t torpedo-boat destr r, ias bee aunched from the He I "i v I I Palm v ip- building and Iron C pany, Limited. The ssd is ihe first of eight ol" the same class which are I being bulk by the Varr firm f r
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  • 325 227 Some further details oi this accident, whi< h was announce d in a special telegram to the Singa,i oreFrei Press on Wednesday last, are given in the Hongk >ng papers. The locality about which there was some doubt i> now given as Rarracouta Bay, instead of Fish
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  • 107 227 While the Municipal < ommissioners and i contracting firms arc squabbling ever the introduction oi electricity into Calcutta, the traipany, which has hitherto been treated as i! il irere oi scant account in th< matter, is perking up its head. Mr. Coates Niven notifies that the
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  • 105 227 Leave of absence has been granted to 2nd Lieutenant F. X Braithwaite, 2nd North 'd Fusiliers, from 6th to 25th October, [896, on private The services ol Lieutenani I" S. Dawsoo 2nd North'd. Fusiliers, having been pla ed temporarily ai the disposal o( His Ex elle»cy the Governor
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  • 87 227 ■>ir George White, Cominander-in < hie( in India, ha- had a nasty accident at Simla. While mounting bis horse at Snowdon, the animal, being very fresh, sprah^ forward and slipping back fell and rolled over toe chief, kicking bim in the fac* as ii rose. Sir George re tived a
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  • 295 228 The Police after His Lordship. v He waited for the Moon." We take this from the China Mail ot the 28th inst. Excitihg Advenuke oj the Chief Justice. lost on the hillside. On Saturday evening considerable alarm was occasioned amongst the household of hiei Justice Carrington
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  • 807 228 (Hongkong Telegraph Correspondent.) Sandakan, September 18th. News of the tobacco crops continues very satisfactory all along the coast, and the health of the coolies on the estates has greatly i improved. The new London Borneo Co.'s experiment on a r;ver on the West Coast has been entirely
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  • 538 228 The statistical summary of vessels totally lost, condemned, &c, issued by Lloyd's Register, shows that during the year 1895 the gross reduction in the effective mercantile marine of the world amounted to 1,237 vessels of 806,278 tons, excluding all vessels of less than 100
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  • 354 228 The account given by the Rev. E. H. Hubbard of the state of affairs in I'ganda when he lately left the Protectorate clearly proves that the natives are still the most progressive people in Central Africa. Feeling secure at last, they are addressing all their energies to developing
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  • 150 228 It is announced from the Hague that Col. van Vliet, Commander-in-Chitf of the Dutch forces at Aijeh, has been superseded by Lieut. -Ccl. Buger, formerly professor of the Military School at The Ha^ue. In 1892 Lieut. -Col. Buger was appointed to the command of the
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  • 93 228 What is said to be the biggest thermometei in all the world has bee^i placed in the front of tne Pulitzer Building, i/i the Park Row. New Yoik. The extreme leng/i of the frame 15ft. ana its width 10m rhylength of the glass tube and bulb is
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  • 142 228 St. Josephs C. C. v. S. R. C. This match was played on the Esplanade A. Wheatley c Dennison b Finck 4 J. S. Mendoza b Finck o H. D. Jansz c Nissen b Valberg 13 M. Fernandez b Finck l H. E. Valberg c Falls b Oehlers B
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  • 146 228 "THE GiRLS THEY LEFT BEHIND THEM." A remarkable scene was witnessed at Hounslow Railway Station on the departure of the 4th Hussars to Southampton en route for India. A detachment of 400 men in full marching order, and under the command of Colonel Ramsey, proceeded from Hounslow Barracks to the
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  • 167 228 Impassioned philippics are all the vogue in the United States Senate, and one of the fiercest orators is Senator Ben Tillman of whom (says an exchange) a good story is told. When Tillman was making his famous Jtirade against Cleveland, an old lady who sat in the
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  • 71 228 Paris Oct. i. —Signor Sornielli and M. Hanotaux have signed a new Treaty having for its object the regulation of commercial relations between Italy and Tunis. In this Treaty Italy renounces the capitulations in exchange for the minimum French tariK for her products entering in Tunis. Paris. Oct.
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  • 275 228 At the Hongkong Police Court, on the 28th ult., Joseph Keller was charged with the manslaughter of Arthur Connor. Both men were employed on the steamship Radlcy. and on the voyage from Singapore Connor died. During the day he had hurt his head and was unable to work, 2nd it
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  • 756 228 The Mining Managers report (of tin four weeks ending the 30th Septetnbet 1896, is as follows t. Rav.b H :e, A'r 2 Shaji South. i■. tion still continue^ to look \er_\ \\r.\. r intermediate drive, going south, we through the main ore chute and bave I about 20ft. in
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  • 52 228 The, General Manager of the E and C. Tel. Co.. courteously lniur-r, that from service teJegrami be U-;^n^ i there ha- beer, a violent .gale tbrougl the West of England, causing considj ra damage to telegraph lines, &c. Thb wil explain possible delay with
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  • 44 228 Mr J. G. Jkfactaggart last night beat I Tanglin Club rCCoH at BowllOg. IT* lowing is his score. No. 2 A!l*-\ i i i 4 !<j I fottd Ibe previous rw »fd «rai s <'i ilw ii^ j by Mr. Macuggart.
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  • 39 228 The Hongkong [nsdtortioo al Engineer i and Shipbuilder- beld ibeir tot making j concert tor the season. The concert poo was nicely aiuminated witi: c4ectrictty i -j ecial ieatnrc being the alfcnipept m I trlcctrw light to the piano
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  • 596 229 The Autocar has at la~t reached Bangkok. H. K. Thya Surisak, Minister of Agriill irCj having received one. Mr Naylor, a Bangkok advocate, is -aid > have received instructions to proceed to Singapore in connection with the Jnchdune >peal. a fancy dress ball at Viceregal Lodge,
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  • 2307 229 Before Sir L. Cox, C. J. A Racehorse Transaction. The case of Seah Kng Keat v. H Abrams was commenced before the Chief j Justice this morning. This was a claim for §1,400. the price of the bay mare li Bronzewing," alleged to have been sold I and
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  • 349 229 Two cases of suspected measles were reported this morning as occurring at Orchard Road Police Station. Three cases ol cholera were reported to the Police to-day as oa urring al 40 Upper Cross-Street, and two in Rochore district. l\\o n; jvv wing "1 the Central School, Taipeng Perak was opened
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  • 2830 230 (Written tor tne Singapore Free Press.) IX. To Xikko. A Noble Fly-catcher. Humbling effects of Greatness. Arrival at Xikko. Scenery. FireGods A.\'i> Insurance. Cheap Religion. The Great Shinto Temple. Fees Courtyard's an d A\xex c s Shin i o Prie 1 s. ASacred Danseuse. Interior 01
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  • 115 230 H. E the Governor I las eveni bcar-i H M.S./ >/>< Capt. i II; .on for Labuao a:.c Sandakan He 'was a companied by Mr. C. Severn Pi > cretary and Mr. W C Suier Cti 1 avii Johnston s Pier at 4-45 the Govern* 1
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  • 192 230 RAILWAY ENTERPRISE IN SI AM It is announced that Prim i Vara the consent of the King, is tc take from Mr Westenholz for a fair concession for constructing the rai Petchaburi o:\ the wrest c Mist ol Lh< Gu of Slam Thtr line liich :-:<'-.. with capital is estimated
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  • 299 230 S AIGON CUSTOMS. rhe new regulations tor the Cus and Harbour fees Saigon, rr.av be -<-■ v the Master Attendant's Office Singaj n and the Following extract of b letter h H. B. Ms. Consul at Saigon ma\ hi terest to Shipmasters and others u Sei tines for trivial errors.
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  • 758 231 H. X ITs. Koningin Wilhelmina der nicy lander, Captain Derx. left the road? early this mdrniog for Muntok. In well-informed circles in Zanzibar the belief prevails that the late Sultan was assassinated, probably by means of poison. »n!v one case of cholera, discovered ittei death at
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  • 42 231 According to the Figaro the probable successor of Prince Lobanoff is Count Kapniste, at present Director of Eastern Affairs in the Russian Ministry for Foreign j Affairs, and not Count Kapnist, who i> j Russian Ambassador in Vienna. m
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  • 187 231 (Perak Pioneer.) T-.e -ervice is so short-handed that H. E. ihe i H:gh Commissioner has requisitioned the Secretary of State by telegram to send three more cadets for Perak in addition to the two already applied I for. H. K. the High Commissioner when visiting the States o
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  • 471 231 f Pioneer.) fhe British garrison in India are naturally much interested in the shooting -power of the rifle, particularly no\v that bullet has been invented which i>as stopping as well as ranging powers. It will, therefore, be welcome news to officers and men alike that so
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  • 320 231 PAST EUR ISM IN INDIA. Even ihe anti-vivisectionists can hardly k)!»k iskancc at the success *>t the movement for the otabliFhment of a Pasteur Institute in India. fhere is «t certain anomaly, it is true, in the support given r <» the movement by the Government ol India. But circumstances
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  • 438 231 i z~T^zr~ A Lady's Plea. To the Editor. Sir, I have a new frock for the coming i race meeting. It is no use describing it now in detail, as you will see me in it later on, so suffice it to say that it is a thing of
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  • 103 231 A Sikh in the employ of the Municipality* who was engaged to drill the Fire Brigade, and who was formerly in the local Police Force, was arrested yesterday on a charge ot indecent assault Prisoner lived in one ot the rooms below the Inspectors' quarters
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  • 398 231 The annual reports of the St. Nicholas 5 Society and St. Nicholas' House show that both institutions are doing useful work. A I resume of the objects of the Society says It was originally started in 180.3 as an effort to assist practically orphan b >ys,
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  • 65 231 Bombay is to have a history ol its local self-government, on which Mr. Barrow, the retiring municipal secretary, is said to have been engaged for some years past. It is to l#rf published in tour volumes, of 500 pages each, and tlir,' set is roughly estimated to i cost about
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  • 105 231 Corps Orders. Head Quarter Ort!ce. Singapore. Oct. 6th. 1 896. 1. Orderly O*ticer for ensuing reek. 2nd Lieut* Hilton Order!)' Sergeant for ensuing week. Serge— t Benjarleld. 2. (runner L. A. M. Johnston resumes his former rank as Sergeant or A. Sub-division. 3. Gunner Budd has been
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  • 308 231 From St rs k r i o Mikisi er During the Tsar's tour ot Europe, Prince Knilkoff. his Majesty's Minister of Ways o Communication, will be travelling offi :ially through the United States ct America. He will probably meet the Emperor in England before returning to
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  • 549 231 L'Hl \!I N i 61 THE CoMi'KTHIO\ WITH L A. SfC ASH I RE. c have heard much of the spinning side oi tli«s cotton industry which has grown up with such phenorrn nal rapidity in Japan during recent y ai>, and very
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  • 30 231 fhe morti lily ret mis I r the veck end d 0. V I show the rati i be 49 4'» per mille. 26 11 fiolcra, md 36 from f^ver.
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  • 2303 232 [Wednesday, Oct. 7, 1896.) 'The ord:nar\ fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held this afternoon in the Board Rooms, Robinson Road. Mr. Gentle presiding. There were also present Col. Pennefather, Mr. Sohst, Mr. Tan Jiak Kirn, Mr. G. T. Hare, the Hon bte i > l eiford
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  • 982 232 The Polk of Secre< To be able to describe with accuracy and vigour a life and death struggle between two men is no easy task. To do the same for two bodies oi men fighting in a limited area requires most careful observation, profound memory and a
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  • 167 232 'I *pat< I from 5 .ondon via Marst lies i>n th< Rtl was delivered on lh< jrd instanl making i( m si) in t i hui b< v ing to a homi t ontemporai j i oota example is being set at ul bwark < the aisles ol the fine
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  • 632 233 President Kruger, Oom Paul celebrates bis seventy-first birthday to-mor-row having b-en born Oct. 10th, 1825. I he I elegraph steamer Recorder arrived yesterda) afternoon from Madras via Pea ing and anchored in the Roads Durii hristmas week a combined Cricket Hockey and Rugb) Football team will
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  • 124 233 Bombay, September 2%. Regarding the plague scare, whilst the Bombay Gazette and others take a more optimistic view of 1 things, the Times of India, in a leading article, says, so far a- it has been abe to gather from numerous enquiries, the fever h
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  • 254 233 A MEM' S" SOLILOQUY. A tendency to roam And lo expl< i all m known things That is m} boj at home. A ;U nt step that makes me ump (To find it 3 o\\ n< i near-j A tendency, ah, to explore. That is my boy out here. A
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  • 407 233 MURDEROUS ATTACK UPON CAPT. ROSS OF THE s.s. PEGU. I c are sorry to hear that Car. lain Ross, or th( steamer Pegu, was stabbed by an Achinese in Edie at about ten o'clock on Krida} morning last. k appear^ that while Captain Ross was walking from the landing place
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  • 164 233 THE WORKING OF THE INDIAN MINTS. The resolution or the working of the Mints published in the Finan Gazette. During th< year 1895-6 the net imports o: gold were 322,623 ounces against 89,970 lunces exported the preI vious year nofi Id was coined at the Mints dur ing the year,
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  • 1784 233 'THE PASSPORT Ai the Town Hall. Last ni^ht. tor the benefit of St. \irholas Home, there was presented to the Singapore public that amusing three-act comedy 'The Passport" by Messrs. B. C. Stephenson and \V. Yardley, the whole caste being composed of Singapore dramatic amateur.-, under the experienced
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  • 707 234 \From our own Correspondent.*} Until Sunday last the weather in Malacca had been very dry, and few birds were to be seer, on the sniping grounds. Since that time rain has fallen almost daily, and birds are comparatively plentiful, though they cannot be yet said to abound. Lieuts. A.
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  • 245 234 I ■I"/ a Rangoon.) Constantinople, Sept. 27. The Sultan has sent an autograph letter to Emperor William. The Sultan, in reply to the address from the Armenians, has granted them permission to elect a new Patriarch. London, Sept. 2(> The foreign press generally disapprove ol Mr. Gladstone's Liverpool speech
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  • 60 234 Mork Expensive Smokes. A telegram published in the Diario de Manila of the 30th tilt, states that a decree has been issued in Madrid establishing customs dues on all cigars imported into or exported from the Philippines. The proceeds of the tax will be devoted
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  • 211 234 {Herald, Oct. Ist.) News has been received that the first lot of j Koyah tobacco sold for f. 2 05 and the 2nd lot at f.1.55, the average price of the whole crop bein^ I f. 1.64 per kilo. This is <*ood news. Count Skorzewski, who arrived
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  • 841 234 How curiously phases of history repeat themselves may be seen by considering the relative positions, about this time last year, of Mr. Gladstone, Loid Rosebery, Lord Salisbury, and the Liberal party to the matter uf th Armenians agitation and the contemplated diplomatic action ot Britain. France and
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  • 201 234 j The first account of the sad death of Captain I-ang and three seamen was not quite correct in the details. The Captain, an officer of marines, a midshipman, and six men were returning from a fishing expedition near Grossevitcha, which is
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  • 242 234 Writing about the Milsu Bishi Shipbuilding yard at Nagasaki, a corropondeui of the Koku- J mm says the works consist of a machine-shop at Akunoura, a dock and ship-building yard at Tategami and a dock at Kosuge. Since the \fitsu Bishi bought those establishments in 1*94, 1
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  • 454 234 A suggested preventive for leech biles, which are very troublesome to jungle- wallahs, i^ equal parts of ketosme and lvi iUinc lubbed on the legs ;*nd Feet betoie [jutting on the y> ies li i-s announced that Colonel van \'liei, Commander-in-Chief of the Dut< h forces af Acheen, has been
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  • 263 234 Sir Robert Hart, on behalf of the Tsun^i Vamen, has fully admitted Messrs. Fergu%ssoCo/s right to the foreshore at Chefoo approp',;,?ed by the Chinese and sold to a tujiim firm thus fully acknowledging the justice of Sir Cli rfc Mac Donald's demand for compensation. Robert has
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  • 337 234 1 '•>: extension oi the Burmese system w.iv-5 to llu .iiin se and Siamese frontiers ctMitc.- inucii benefit on liuti-h trade i. ri),idv beyon 1 are greatly improved. Al! tra who Nave wade acquaintance with i; <-• prono i wee Lhem utterly unfa For c* man
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  • 287 234 A military friend sends the fol cutting i: »:vi a orkshire paper, as !>•• >. interest to liis comrades mi th<- v arms I lie service M friend is iieiilter a I t>l ium* feaf soldier, 1 can assure you, \>w a true I:>j and an athlete.
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  • 42 234 ket m.iK li I lii annu i i bH mreen P•■ seei ii-- i mb i I r idea v. be t i played bri d u.'be up cr •< i I j1 1 il l ni '/4■' J. I i I|#lH 2
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  • 1560 235 The Strait- Steamship Company's vessels Jinn and Sappho are loading a large :onsignment of railway material to be used presumably in the extension of the railway from Klang to Kuala Klan^ Lad) Mitchell leaves ir. the Sea Belle this afternoon at five o'clock for Tan long
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  • 1258 235 E'en as the heading Topics of the Week Doth now, too oft, portend dead languages. Anon. Quicquid agn ni homines nostri est farrago libelli The 'Liberal" party is almost Hibernior Hibernh It competes with the Irish i Parliamentary Party in being the Party of Disruption. When
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  • 612 235 THE REBELLION IN THE PHILIPPINES. Very meagre details are to be gleaned ot the state of attains in the vicinity of Manila, but from j what we have learned it would appear that the i rebellion is practically at a standstill. The rebels having secured for themselves -j strong position
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  • 35 235 An Englishman in Amenta once remarked tp a native, 'I notice )ou American^ uun speak j grammatical English ir^ttad of saying is w>u Jo 'Where am 1 at you augfat to My Where my at
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  • 991 236 Minutes of a General Meeting held at the Selangor Club on Saturday, 26th September, 189 ft, a 10-30 a.m. Present: Messrs. E. V. Carey (Chairman), j < Meikle, Lake, 'Members of Committee), H. j H Utenbacii, Greig, Shepherd. Inch, F. A. Toyn- bee, J. D. Toynbee, R.
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  • 78 236 blc James A. Swettenham, ls i: r;' '■■''■'1 Deputy Governor dur--8 c irom the Colony of H. E <.- vecnor. i;! x I" t"g« foi the fourth quar 2s. -i. to the dollar. ]lf '••>' a R< sed Education Code ;i> i |J epared U) the Inspector oi
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  • 291 236 A company has been formed in Saigon to com- j mence immediately the exploration of the tin mines in the Kammoon district, which, it appears, are of great richness. The bed of tin ore occupies a surface of considerable extent, which has already partly
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  • 776 236 k was only a few years ago. writes an ex-attache in the New York Trib im while I was on my way up the coast from Hongkong to Shanghai, on board one oi the big Peninsula and Oriental steamers, that we ran right through a fleet
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  • 180 236 Important decrees having reference lo ihe disposal oi the property ot rebels liave be< n published in Lhe Manila Gazette, Briefly stated the decrees set forth I. —The g< ads ot all rebel; i esidina he Philip- > pines or in other countries will! be confiscated il.
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  • 1476 236 (Globe,) If there is one thing in which the Americans excel more than another, it is in their capacity to tell a plain, straightforward story without exaggeration or garnish. Had he lived in our own timesjesting Pilate would have had no need to
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  • 325 236 The S mil iry < iongi <■ »s has i I ings at Newcastle, which we \**d t on a pariel v ol siibj© Ls full of p radical points, says a \Y;:.: r Myth's U etui* I h cannot !j (> adequately dea I
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  • 288 236 i ou linve heard •»n m. end j! npt .ang <;! Lhc ';< loi eal rTOSSI i iHtch i l| I for a day h !ir wa-> a< c i n l< >\ i! Marine: and Mi 1 tnple. W -o i*ery Lhat the Nar
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  • 130 236 Gazette, OcX. I Sf Ot i ili !1- g !M\ ''J ■i ,t Lentbanjg in Bi uneif iv--.^ i Omai to find ■> against -i repetition >>i Hie ooen< ti i do t h and as dismii led f ro A most inforiunate i i Kon'tile lv
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  • 425 237 Mr Mo->-Blundell had an audience on the stl inst with the King of Siam The Hon'bk J. A. Swettenham. CM G., returned by the Sea Belle from Malacca thi.-> morning. I he Selaogoi yacht Esmeralda came in on Saturday from Klan^, and goes to the Shpwaj
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  • 83 237 A FUSILER OFFICER GOES TO SIAM. Some surprise has been occasioned by the announcement that Lieut. Stanley S. lower ot the 2nd Batt. Northumberland J Fusiliers, has been appointed by theSiam- esu Government curator of the Museum oi \alural History at Bangkok. Lieut. Flower as not been hitherto known as
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  • 175 237 The hearing of the charge against Sourajin, an usher in the Magistrates i ourt, who was charged with forging an ndorsement to a cheque, was concluded Saturday One M. de Silva was charged kvith criminal breach of trust while em- loved in the Gaol, and one
    175 words
  • 193 237 A two-headed tortoise is figured and described in Science, This strange little pair of Siamese twins was found wild in a swamp near the West River, New Ha\en, and was reared :n captivity. It possessed only one set of legs and one tail, but two fully-developed
    193 words
  • 355 237 The two days match between these teams vvai? concluded on Saturciav. the game undine/ in a level draw 167 against ji~ for four wickets by the Juniors, the Seniors having had 11s for four wickets. The I scores were Over 30. A. J. I. each c Newman b Plumpton
    355 words
  • 1001 237 JELEBU MINING AND TRADING Co. Ltd. I Rbtokt 01 the Directors. Gentlmkn, Your directors beg to submit a f statement of the company's accounts for the period from February 13th 1896. to August 9th, 189 A being the first half of the eighth year of the comI pany's existence by
    1,001 words
  • 1025 237 The Bubonic Plague. Precautions in Calcutta. Calcutta, Sept. 26. At a meeting of the General Committee of the Corporal ion yestetday evenirg, the officiating Chairrran laid on the table a reply received from the Bombay Municipal Conm i-« sioner in answer to his telegram. The General Committee sanctioned
    1,025 words
  • 57 237 A Kl'mg syce was arrested in Middle Road on Saturday for driving o\cr a rikisha and puller. Fortunate!\ the man iras ret very seriously injured. Pour ca^tr of cholera were reported the Police this morning, one io Fayul Roaa, one in Wayang Street, ere in the fowl market at Clyde
    57 words

  • 1026 238 Before Sir L. Cox, C. J. The Absconding. Chitty. Jjclgment was given this morning in the matter of the application to set aside the interim receiving order and the receiving order made against the Chitty tirm of Moona Roona Kana, in which tire point was raised as to
    1,026 words
  • 2790 238 Notes From the Course. It began to rain heavily at 3.30 a.m. this morning and at gun fire it was still coming down, consequently we had an extra half j hum in bed, getting down about 6 o'clock. rhe horses soon got to work, Abrams
    2,790 words

  • 1446 239 -0 1. j Pi I..— ilue 1250. ARa A Howanci horses er.tered f< >* rmediate Ra n,. An allowance oi -It to r horses entered for Races No. 4 and or v this day. Entrance $10.- -Distai C. Cl ia Soc i tan's The Mai o r;
    1,446 words
  • 274 239 As education and the special manner of j its conduct has greatly occupied the minds of the Chinese community lately this press cutting may he of interest Dr. Barbour of Edinburgh, who takes so deep an interest in the Foreign Mission Work of the English Presbyterian
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  • 268 239 Vanished Below the Sea. According to a Reuters telegram The island of Juan Fernandez, off the coast of Chili, is reported to have disappeared beneath the sea during a violent earthquake." Even- reader of Defoe's famous story one of the classics of the English language will feel
    268 words
  • Page 239 Advertisements
    • 57 239 TpfrHS r:r-t class Hut;:, patronised b the Kn^- C ommunity ol Batavia, and situated in Lhe Centre i f the nf.«>st h< althy a:ic best residential Quarter of lhe Fown, offers a good Table, Wines j and Accommodation to Fravellers. A rui tier attends all steamers, and English is spoken.
      57 words
    • 563 239 PURE BLOOD Is the source of good health. 1 Ayer's Sarsaparilla Makes Pure Blood, Strengthens the Nerves, Sharpens the Appetite, Removes that Tired Feeling, and Makes Life Worth Uwnm ><TTCn&V Sufferers is v v! D^C^»\ tion, general ijf^^J^^r^^ Crom impuvi AVER'S SARSAPARILLA Coid Medals at the World's Great Exposit 1
      563 words

    • 24 240 The Tsar and the Tsaritsa have arrived at Cherbourg, where they were welcomed by President Faure and the French Ministers.
      24 words
    • 51 240 The English press, in discussing the visit of the Tsar to England, emphasize the fact that, whatever may be the political outcome of the visit, the Tsar will have learned that the pro-Armenian movement in Britain is genuine and wholly foreign to political
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    • 38 240 In a public speech Sir William Harcourt favoured the idea of an entente with Russia in respect of the whole Eastern question, and the abrogation of the Cyprus convention. London, October 6th% iB(j6.
      38 words
    • 175 240 During the visit of the Tsar and Tsaritsa to Par:- it is estimated that there were thr^e million visitors to the city. There was brilliant weather and no hitch to mar the enthusiasm, which was of the most intense kind. The Tsar was much gratified. President
      175 words
    • 72 240 Lord Roseberv in a letter to the Liberal kvhip, (Mr. T. E. Ellis, M P.) resigns his leadership oi the Liberal party. In this communication h<* declares hi> n.-ison in j these terms I find myselt in apparent iifference with the mass of Liberals on
      72 words
    • 75 240 Repeated Defeats of the Spanish Troops. The Spaniards have sustained three sharp reverses in Cuba. Retur of British Squadron. M. S. .V-. George has ben-! ordered bn k to Zanzibar from Cape Town, and a naval reinforcement will also be sent thither from the Mediterranean squadron. The
      75 words
    • 43 240 Combined Action of Britain, France and Russia. Great Britain, Russia and France have agreed upon the immediate despatch of a vigorous note to the Porle demanding the adoption ot reforms which shall secure the safety of the Armenians.
      43 words
    • 33 240 Immense Loss. The town of Guayaquil, Ecuador, South \merica, lias been almost destroyed by a lire, which was the work of an incendiary. The damage is estimated at £6,000,000.
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    • 79 240 Hostile Attitude of Germany. British Naval Movements. H. M. Cruiser Gibraltar has been detached from the Mediterranean squadron to proceed to Zanzibar, where the situation is ronsidered to be serious owing to the hostile; attitude of Germany I he Cub, altar, which was formerly commanded In- «»ur nil friend
      79 words
    • 27 240 > W il lain H arc our! is generally desig•arr" «i| the Libeial Party in succ< xsio 1 L'ml Rosebery. 1 Hardly »or»li lelegraphinn self-evident.
      27 words
    • 14 240 1 ">^clwn, Pirst Lord of the V ■.rd--!-d four more new
      14 words
    • 20 240 Sir Herbert Kitchener, the Sirdar, and his chief officers have returned to Cairo. London, October ioth, 1896.
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  • 92 240 Man-of- War's Boat Capsized. Admiral's Secretary Drowned. (Special to Singapore Free Press.) Hongkong, Oct. ioth, 1896. A boat belonging to H. M. S. Grafton has capsized [at] Sivootch [Bay?] Mr. Henry J. Troughton, Admiral Oxley's Secretary, has been drowned. [Another possible reading is that the boat had
    92 words
  • 70 240 Perak v. Lt. Leach's Team. Taipeng, Oci. roth. Yesterday's play resulted in Perak securing 28 runs for no wicket, when rain stopped play for the day. This is in the match between a Perak Eleven and an Eleven captained by Lt. Leach, which include^ Mr. K. A. Swettenham, Capt.
    70 words
  • 439 240 Fatal Illness in Hawarden Church. The Archbishop of Canterbury was seized with a tit of apoplexy in Hawarden Church and carried into the Rectory, where he expired in a few minutes. The Ah hbishop was the guest <>1 Mr. j Gladstone, who himself
    439 words
  • 13 240 The Tsar and Tsaritsa of Russia have gone to Darmstadt.
    13 words
  • 67 240 Lord Rosebery, in the course of a speech at Edinburgh, said that he felt unable to sacrifice the interests of his country to his personal ambition, and he had therefore I resigned. He said he would fight tooth and nail I against atiy isolated intervention on the
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  • 63 240 THE PERAK CRICKET MATCH. Lt. Leach's XI. v. Perak. Taipeng, Get lotli, 1896. Batting for Perak Pox made 73 anc then retired V r oules scored 25 R. Me Kenzie 71 A. H. [rigaM 37 0 Marks noi out 10 Curtis, not out 5 extras 17 it! the
    63 words
  • 122 240 anjer Shipping Report. (Specially compiled for the Singapore Free Press. [Date of passing Anjer Nationality and dcs cription of vessel Captain's name Where anc "hen sailed. Destination.] Sep. 29. Ned. s.s. Burgbmekster im\ Tex Hubert Amsterdam, Aug. 22 Batavia. Sep. 30. \ed. s.s. Prinz Alexani>kf Ourve hand;
    122 words
  • 277 240 rluw Capitol Paid up Boom r«. vu t H| t k 9O%prem. *»oooooon Hoo** f iv r Rk. n-'..' an Ltd $2i NomwM. s> f% "*?>. <l fV ~f ere '2 2 s Tanjofki! Pav&i *3»> Buyers. |i SMMMO iMta* d< D«Jbenturc« <S% 2«i
    277 words
  • Page 240 Miscellaneous
    • 1268 240 Vr_ r i. a IW PO R I I h lags Ton. Captain /irnved From Cooatgpgtt* kj*. j i Albingia Ger. 1190 Witt Oct. 10 Moji Mansfield Anocmar Dut. sch. bo Beng Chow Oct. 3 Sinkawang Keng Hong Sinka 1 I Ashley Brit. 1500 Webber Oct. Q Moji Pat. Simons
      1,268 words