The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 28 July 1896

Total Pages: 16
49 64 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 304 49 Li- Hung* -Chang's M 53 an, 40 k er) and the Re er > H m X r\~ >• ition I (ball. ill! Si eld rr.i, til i Rcgi 111 il i' tin, I. idei c, S.< C« Batting ei ges 5 5 X t Oil;, >V 55 I
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 29 49 At St. V.idrew s athedr^:, or. July 25th, by "he Nev. W. H. C Dunkerley, R jbkrt Charlton to Maude, daughter of Mr. Frank Woodford of Sepoy Lines
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    • 23 49 Ai arazze l.aly, on the i^th instant, at her Country Villa, Maria Dolor s G*g«.,;n mother of Gaggino Brothers,of Singapore, -^gf- 79«
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  • 667 49 lere si ail the Press the People's right traintiin. by influence and unbribed by gain He patriot Truth her glorious precepts tir^w. Pledged to Religion, Levaltv. ar.d Law. July 2ist.) WHATEVER may be the true intrinsic value of Ll-Huxc commission and powers with re 7 to his tour
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  • 509 49 (July 22nd.) Owing to the general and legitimate interest that the people ot this Colon v must take in the welfare ot the gold mining enterprises in tLi Peninsula, the best known o( which is Raub, we are j^lad today to bave the opportunity of enabling
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  • Page 49 Advertisements
    • 37 49 AMERICAN HARNESS. I', until i o\ ,(j li.iv josl received sliiproent i• < v >< i m, m j American Harness, f which 'h- can guarantee* Pet *a <■ f35 and &j HI i I KNH\« H BROS i j-1
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  • Page 49 Miscellaneous
    • 548 49 THE WEEK. I mail from Europe arrives by the M s s. Saghalien to-day, with London i! i t 1 r f inst. being followed on Aug ist b\ the P. and O. s. s. Roseita with the English ;^a' of the [Oth inst. This mail leaves b} the M
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  • 510 50 July 23rd.) i in re i> one direction in which we have consistently held that the Municipal Hill ight to be amended That is in the arrangement ol the elective representation the ratepayers on the Commission. W hen the present Bill was originally con*tru< I in
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  • 967 50 (July 24th.) IN the policy, or more accurately lack of policy, which is visible in the endeavour of the Government to thrust upon Municipalities the invidious task of regulating the system of burials of the dead, we see once again that tendency of Government to lurk in
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  • 142 50 Thf. political situation at Hongkong is serious. That Colony has a legitimate ground for agitation against a decision conveyed in a despatch of Mr. C'HAMMI RLAIN'S, the substance of which has been telegraphed to-day to the Singapore Free Press. It is therein laid down that Hongkong must
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  • 427 50 (Tuly 25th.) One ot the amendments in the Municipal Ordinance, that with respect to leaving open spaces at the backs of house-, seem s to have been misconstrued in some quarter^ into an attempt to cut off from each building lot a certain space at the rear The
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  • 774 50 (July 27th.) here are other things besides curses that come home to roost, a.- some of the c? :!:t- Methodist Episcopal Mission rousl now be rather painful h aware. \s Art( mi Ward it ;t once, thai bod* ma\ b< c <. i- There is a Krisis
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  • 921 51 I ieat. Rogers, ol H. M. S. Linnet has »rhirteen British men-of-war were at ri Hamilton or. the 22nd ult. ra and lever are reported to be ng heavy mortality in Peking. H E H ing-chang*s son ha- presented mber if valuable scientific -t r Tier.'
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  • 55 51 The Secretary of the Punjom Mining Company has received the following telegram from the Co.'s manager at the mine reporting the result of the cyanide cleanup hird run Ihe cyanide plant ran fifteen days, treating 4 ;o tons of clean tailings, yielding 280 ounces of bullion valued at 1
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  • 59 51 THE ATTACK OF THE RESERVOIR WATCHMAN. Death 01 the Injurkd Man. 1 he watchman on duty at the High Level Service Reservoir on Sunday night, who was assaulted by a number ot Javanese, aimed with sticks, and who was sent to flospital in a precarious condition, died yesterday afternoon about
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  • 127 51 Fhxee Macaus last evening went into a brothel No. kj, Chin Hin Street, rubbed pepper into the eyes of a woman named Low Ah Sim, and stole two hairpins and a pair ol earrings. She raised the alarm, and the keeper of the house called in
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  • 63 51 Last evening about 7-30 a Chinaman reporte i at the Marine Police Station that two were struggling in the water oil the Esplanade. Inspector Collins immediately went oft in a boat and found a Chinaman and a Kling ockeJ arm in arm, both dead, in the
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  • 286 51 It may be remembered that about two years ago Mr. W. G Greig, the well-known exchange broker of Singapore, had a bad accident while driving, the trap overturning in the Orchard Road, causing asevere compound fracture to the bones of Mr. Greig's right foot. The advice
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  • 193 51 i i-: r; \k 'a COMM i i i\ i fr f I Hongkong Telegraph?) Tientsin, July 9th. The Commercial Treaty provided for in the Treaty of Peace signed at Shimonoseki in May, 1895, b) rlung-chanj* and the Japanese Minister of State \ov Foreign Affairs is at
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  • 41 51 THE "GRAFTON AND THE WHALE. During the outward voyage of 11. M. S. Graf ton a somewhat curious incident occurred, when a large whale (about 60 feet long) was caught on the ram of the ship one day out from Colombo.
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  • 334 51 tor the sake ot the continental agricultural labourer, and generally for the future of the proletariat of Europe it is devoutly to be hoped that the danger outlined in the paragraph from a mail paper may remain nothing more than an abstract possibility The yellow wave
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  • 46 51 We understand that it is again proposed to up the Grand Duk [Gilbert and Sullivan; by Singapore ania 1 -..r-. and thai ther^r is a fair prospect o! filling the cast The Hongkong a^r thinking ot putting Alfred Cellier's Dot thy on the stage.
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  • 162 51 \j:. I-.. H. Turner, the vice-president oi the National Cyclists' Union, supplies some interesting particulars to the British tfed J irnal concerning the p-e-e;:t poDi:!ar cra/e. faking the known life of a machine, and ihe number of different hinds each bicycle or trie) :le usual passes through before
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  • 124 51 M ILITARY FOOTBALL. The 1 Sqf;' r.o: .p :t tijr for the Regimental shield prriser.t^ti to the 2v^ Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers bj M;i »r 15iddulph on his retirement trori: the Ist Battalion was concluded last evening at 1 anglin, when F the winning Company fro:r Penang, met D. Company, the
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  • 396 51 The danger of Japanese competition within Australia, which causing uneasiness in some ol the eastern colonies, sinks into insignificance compared with the industrial competition within Japan, with which the fjreat manufacturing countries O; the old world and America arc threatened. The time seems within measurable
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  • 160 51 SERIOUS COMPLICATIONS AT AMOY. British M lrikes >■ Bu »•< Lan bo. The Taikoo riov<; i• < < »ii>. Amuy, July 13. Recei ButterficM and Swire had cause to llai ge 1 tir coolie con. tractor and, as usual with I bin se, Lhe partisans t the man who was
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  • 486 52 ENi OUNTKR WITH I KLKI SABRES. Shanghai, July 4th. Thf Chinese never get the I ght end ol a story though they occasional!) catch hold of tW '/.u Last night we published a reI 1 rt from hinese sou re that two German Officers from Nanking,
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  • 337 52 [Frtm our gmn Correspondent.] The first concert of the newly formed Malacca Choral Society was held in the High School on the 1 8th inst., and the talent exhibited came as a surprise to the audience, which included the elite of Malacca and the hon'ble H. and Mrs. Trotter.
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  • 335 52 The Lkarned Specialist Effects Marvellous Cures at Amoy. {Hongkong Telegraph Amoy, July 12.- Since his arrival at Amo) a few days ago, Dr. Yersin has been experimenting with his plague serum. Up to date he has cured upwards of twenty plague patients. The cures effected
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  • 209 52 From ancouver papers il appears thai the tidal wave which devastated the northern coast of Japan was coincident with a tidal wave which swept along the west coast of Vancouver Island. We arc told lhat 'for- upwards of three hours the waters rushed inland for miles,
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  • 555 52 A writer in a home paper gives some very jjood advice to cyclists on the subject of gearing. "As a rule," he says, the beginner simply orders a 1 bicycle." and takes what he gets without comment. It never enters into his head that the question of
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  • 33 52 ut< j a* t-General Digbv ilarkci. < b., r .Mrs. and M:>- Barker. tl« his personal staff in the on 24th inst, at Liverciif? 1 the post of Governor and r- hiel of Bermuda.
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  • 557 52 (Overland Mail.) Professor Douglas, and the London correspondent of the Manchester Guardian, and other more or less shrewd and well-informed people seem inclined to regard Li Hung Chang's mission as more self-in, posed than authoritative, and the Times affects surprise at the almost royal splendour of
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  • 519 52 in i recent number ot the North American Review an ingenious attempt is made to apply the formula of evolution to the: history oi warfare. The writer, Mr. \N. S. Shales, recognises that combat, in its limited sense oi man meeting man on the battlefield, has
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  • 110 52 It is reported in certain official circles in Paris that the Government intends at an easlv date to send a special diplomatic mission to the King oi Siam Ihe Government is believed to be anxious to retrieve some of the loss-, s incurred as a result of the Mekong agreement
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  • 848 52 H. K. |OWP.TI, IN THi WfVDSOI^MjfcGAZiKI Fir^t tatch your ghar.. \ot alwafl m matter thi**. for the ghar. -wallah wit) i and, being generally an ex-poltceaiafl, c; much of the policeman's fact&y o when wanted. Chain arc, as ihe I c has it. "of —^ood
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  • 164 52 Mr. A Mi' bie bas return* d troi i Atric a, looking tf«-ry w«M foi I\& months ih- r> Hi- pUu em South W: as s j j c i -t 1 correspond n1 o( to be 6ll< I >y Captain I E. Y< band, who has sent in bis
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  • 1321 53 The King Siam was at Soerabaya on the /h inst. it stated in the Shanghai papers that the plan tor building the railroad from Peking to Hankow under native management has fallen to pieces. H S. Ainslie, sth Fusiliers, takes dp a i rickel t^am this
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  • 231 53 The following reference gives the probable Leander crew that beat Yale easily in tin: tirst heat for the Grand Challenge Cup at Henley the other day The make-up of the Leander crew which has just been decided upon bul not yet announced, indicates that efforts will be
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  • 589 53 The following are the S. C. C. batting averages, for the half-year July to December 1895:— Eight Innings and over. No. of Times Highest Tot. Inns. N. O. Score Runs Second XI. Three Innings and over. Means Not Out." The batting averages, for the half-year ending June,
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  • 115 53 Head Quarter Office, Singapore, July 22nd, 1896. I. Orderly Officer for the ensuing week, Capt. \V. G. St. Clair. 11. Gunner J. S. Pemberthy having left the Colony, is struck off the strength of the Corps from date. 111. The following gentlemen, having been duly
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  • 266 53 Says a naval writer in a home paper We hear that two confidential agents of the well-known Elswick firm, Armstrong. Mitchell, and Co., are on their way back to this country from Japan with large and important orders for warship building. Whether the Japanese Government have entrusted
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  • 78 53 Messrs Riley Hargreaves, the pioneers of steel shipbuilding in the East, will shortly launch two more vessels at their shipbuilding yard at Tanjong Rhu. The first, a fairly large steamer of 1.000 tons, to be named the Sane Borneo, built to the order of Ang Lim Thay,
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  • 328 53 We have many societies working in the interests of the soldier and at the recent annual meeting of the Army Temperance Association, Lord Methuen very rightly remarked that, in these days when young men of a superior class in civil life
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  • 309 53 With reference to certain comments made here on a no ball decision by Humphreys the professional umpire in the match Surrey v. Warwickshire," Mr. VV. Turing Mackenzie write? as follows: The umpire's position is sometimes like that of a policeman not a happy one." Some years ago
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  • 204 53 Indian papers mention the death of Lieut. Garnet J. Wolseley, 2nd battalion Derbyshire Regiment, at Ranikhet, ol enteric fever. He was the only son of Major-Gen. Sir George Wolseley, Commanding the Lahore District. In i«8; the Government gravely proproposed to fine all persons $500 who were elected to the Municipal
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  • 1327 54 The Proposed Electrk Installation. In view of the recent discussion by the Brisbane Board of Directors of the Raub Australian Gold Mining Co. of the proposed electric power installation at Raub t and the doubts which were expressed or rather hinted at
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  • 386 54 We recently referred to the approaching scarcity of indiarubber, in view of the increasing demand for the article, particularly by the cycle and kindred industries: and we opined that a fortune awaited the man who would invent a substitute for rubber. Whereupon it was pointed out by
    P.M.G.  -  386 words
  • 161 54 THE S TATUS OF SOLICITOR. An interesting question has arisen in connection with ai> application to be called to the Bar made by a solicitor who has practised in the Colonies, lie was struck oil the Roll in one colony, and several years later was allowed fo pr^etiie in ani
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  • 1860 54 Some Remarks by a Veteran. As one who a score of years ago was as enthusiastic about cycling as the majority of people are at present, i feel entitled to whatever satisfaction is derivable from the sense of having been in advance of one's
    Paul Popper  -  1,860 words
  • 247 54 The average cnur ot decimal coinagi tv abuse our present PjTStCtn, e\lo! Fra c, md hive done with the maiter tor the tine be rig idji ii'jwand then a seno i- -.tucient brings con ictive ability to bear on the <j'icstion. Mi. Goftalwy t m.a., is
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  • 597 55 Ore minute forty five seconds is r.ow the bicycle record for the mile, flying The Bti^ian S. >. Awutrs, Capt. Dulling. arrived in Singapore last evening on her 'n.-rr. Glasgow to Manila. Pi fames C. Ady, formerly ot Rangoon and lalU rly o\ Brixton, has been
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  • 58 55 Colonial Secretary in Couoci tl notice ol motion thai a suiii of $200,000 was vot< *truction ol nt-w barracks and < n <is expended and whereas in >«. >• was voted and the expend ture rr < likely i > amount t<» $206,400 1 be 'i.'it th<
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  • 668 55 The presence of the Tosa Maru in port, says the Times of India (Bombay), is an indication of the kind of competition with which British trade is threatened by Japan. It is of no moment, save that it serves to show the set of the current, that
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  • 183 55 An American professor claims to have made the first chemically-perlect vacuum ever known. His method was to take a tube of the hardest potash gta-s. with an extremely high melting point, and to till it right up with molten giass of a softer kind. Hitting a
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  • 233 55 The Sydney Morning Herald lifts its hands at the list of coal vessels that go astray Twenty-four coal-laden foreignbound ships from Newcastle lost or missing from May, 1880, to the end of last year; 450 men lost, and only forty four saved It is a deplorable record. The fact that
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  • Correspondence.
    • 83 55 To the Editor. Dear Sir, —Referring to the paragraph which appeared under the above heading in your last night's issue and to your Editorial note thereon, I think that the proper decision would be lt wide and run out/ The bowler has not offended against the no
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  • 31 55 The S.Y.A. team to shoot against Seiangot on Saturday will consist of Capts. Dunman and St. Clair, Surg.-Capt. Mugiiston. Sergt. Morrison, Gunners Flanagan and Phillips. Gunner Maw, reserve.
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  • 243 55 ABANDONMENT OF THE ANCHISES." {Rangoon Times, July 10th.) All hopes of mo\ingihe s.s. Anch ises from her dangerous position in the Sittang River have been abandoned. The tug Clive, which went to the assistance of the vessel, returned to Rangoon on Friday having been unable to render any help. It
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  • 535 55 {Perak Pioneer.) \\e hear that a certain well known gentleman ricUfcr who has just taken a holiday will return as a professional jockey. A. sum of $100,000 will be voted, we understand, forrpublic works in the Lower Perak district next year. Coffee planting in Batang Padang goes on
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  • 995 55 Their Interview at Friedrh hsri h. An interesting account is given by the Standard's Berlin correspondent of the interview at Friedrichsruh between Prince Bismarck and Li-Hung-Chang. Both statesmen wore their highest decorations --Li. the famous Yellow Jacket, which only he and his Emperor wear at present
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  • 1226 56 The bride is the Princess Maud Charlotte Mary Victoria, the third and youngest daughter of the Prince and Princess of Wales. She was born on Nov. 26th, 1869, and is therefore nearly twenty-seven years of age. The bridegroom is Karl, (born August 3rd, 1872) second son of
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  • 181 56 (Pinang Gazette, July 20th.) We regret to have to announce the death of Chief Inspector Drum, from congestion of the lungs, which took place at the General Hospital yesterday about noon, after only four days illness. Inspector Drum, who originally belonged to the Metropolitan Police,
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  • 677 56 When the Westinghouse Electric and .Manufacturing Company installed an alternating current electrical power transmission ai Telluride, Colorado, in 1891, says the American) Engineering and Mining Journal, the electrical world was very much interested in the operation, because it was the first plant of its kind that
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  • 135 56 Dr. Wheeler's leave of absence has been extended to Dec. 14th, 1896. Mr. A. L. Ingall is promoted to be District Magistrate, Batang Padang. An Order in Council provides for the protection of public servants from legal proceedings in respect of certain liabilities. No action shall be maintained
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  • 111 56 A Rangoon paper says that the opening of a new station at Pagoda Road for the local trains to call at is a great success, and that Rs. i ,000 was added to the Railway receipts in the first few weeks of the new station being opened, without
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  • 262 56 Considerable discussion Ins taken place in London over a dinner to which member- of the London Missionary Society were entertainer. There was snarling about the extravagant dishes And wines and the programme of popular music. The Daily Chronicle suggests that a more modest repast would have served
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  • 171 56 This will be good news to all accustomed to the rifle, to whom the care of a Lee-Met-ford barrel has been an anxious responsibility. It is stated that the difficulty as to the erosion of the Lee-Metforcl rifle barrels by cordite has been overcome. An alkali mixed with the cleaning
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  • 512 56 H. E. the Governor and Lady Mr. :>'] accompanied by the Hon'ble J. A Swti tenham. Colonial Secretary, Capf Eierh n A.D.C., and Mr. C. Severn, it* evening in the Sea Belle for Mala a at i 5.15 p.m. A lady's bicycle was exports I lacca
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  • 253 56 [I w>- are to believe the fndia» I Eastern Engineer tkougb we do to be inventor in the borselesti* line is to assure oaeseU <>f a r <>' i 1 longevity tO winch the a^e (if tin I y J centenarian is merely chubby boyfc >i I
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  • 0 56
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  • 2275 57 Tmirsday, Ji*ly 23rd, 1896. Present H t the Governor (Sir C. B. Mitchell, g.C.m.g.) The Hon tIM Officer Commanding the Troops Color.*-! R. H. W. Pfottkett, k.a.i fht Her. the Col. Secretary J. A., C.NJ.G.j the AttonMj-GeaenU W. R. O'^r.) *h*z Col. Treasurer E. I-^morger.) •he Auditor-General
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  • 182 57 Hie rumour we [Bangkok Time.-) published la^t evening (16th) to the effect that a fatality had occurred at Koh si-Chang proved only too true. It transpires that captains of several vessels lying a*, the anchorage being shooting on the mainland, and :>ome one tailing sick on the
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  • 447 57 Mr. Walter Wood has an interesting article in the July number of the Pall Mall Sagazittt on The Romance of Regimental Marches," a subject which makes a very entertaining chapter in military folk-lore. Everyone who has seen a march past after a big review knows that the
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  • 705 57 [Pioneer.) Under the above title Mr. George Cathcari Craig, editor of the Australian Army, Navy and Defence Review* discusses in the pages of the April number of the Journal oi the United Service Institution o; India, the force which in the event of trouble Australia
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  • 599 58 With the exception of the heavy rain that interfered with the racing on the first day (Saturday, the 1 8th July) the Sarawak Races passed off in a very pleasant way, the proceedings being enlivened by the presence of H M.S. Porpoise at Kuching and the participation
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  • 148 58 The United Kingdom and Colonial Probates Ordinance 1893 Is made to apply to the British Possessions of British Guiana, Natal. Trinidad, Tasmania. New South Wales, New Zealand, South Australia, Fiji. eh. Gold Coast. Lagos and the Falkland islands. The Penang Turf Club, and the Alor Gajah Club are
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  • 341 58 S. C. C. A Regimental Team. It had been hoped that the Penang contingent would meet the Club last night and great disappointment was felt when it was found they could not do so, through having to leave for Penang in the afternoon. Pan of the first team
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  • 336 58 In noticing the departure oi an old much respected Straits resident, Mr. Whitworth Allen, of Penang. the Pinang (uizctte (21st inst.) says: The steamer Aden, which left this morning for Kurope, carried away among its passengers one of our eldest residents, Mr. Whitworth Allen, who was
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  • 69 58 The Acting Consul-General for Siam, Mr. A. J. Ross, has just received a telegram stating that the King and Queen of Siam and suite will leave Samarang on Tuesday, the 2*th inst., and will arrive here on Friday, the 31st August. Although His Majesty is not
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  • 111 58 Last night about eight o'clock a Chinaman named Xeo Siong, who describes himself as a sampan man, was arrested in Cross-street whilst trying to get change for ten bad Japanese yen. A chinting made the arrest and handed the man over A Chinese-street row occcurred on Friday afternoon about three
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  • 485 58 Mr. A. T. Berrington leaves Kuala Lumpor to-morrow for Perak to take up his duties as Chief Magistrate of that State. The body of a male Chinese was found in the sea off Teluk Ayer this morning. There were no marks of violence on the body.
    Free Press  -  485 words
  • 343 58 The following letter has been received by Mr. F. J. C. Ross from [he Colonial Secretary in answer to the Peoang Bar Memorial Colonial Secretary 's Office, Singapore, [6th July, 1896. Sik, I am directed to inform you that the memorial from the Penang liar, -igr.ed Ly
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  • 397 58 Bombay, July 14. Tlie Indian Maajaa ste^r Canning arrived in harbour ttitf Fi renoon frorSuakim which port she left on J>n 29th. <•> arrived Bt Aden on the "rd install!. On r< Niching Aden the officer <>i the Cann teamed M 1 steamer had been wrecked oil
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  • 444 58 A contributor sends tig th< follow/mi based on a petition address* d :<> t! The Customary land-holders of Malacca km plain that the Icting Collector of Land Rev* i intermeddles with and disposes of their property other than customary land ami usurps an autl ritj which
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  • 46 58 His Excellency the Governor, on bis m parture From the Settlement ot Singapore ha;? been pleased to appoint, by an Instrument under the PwbiiY Seal cf the Coloai the Hon ble I.dwin Bmpson Isennonger, bo be bis Deputy during Ins absence
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  • 70 58 \Vc bear at the suggestion ot (k\ ernmeot, af'.rr a coosultatioo between th< Attorti* -GeneraJ and the If^^l advisers o( the Municipality, it i^ iiit» tided tv propos< ilk inauguration i>l tli<- Municipal Superannuation and Provide nt Fund tr-.tti ihi>t .\i;l'..-{ notice <>! a resolution
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  • 57 58 > twice found I hm mm > dew iin ital > di 9% i he reatmt, i <>, in 1 prevent a fail m i A lads a.j H. w 1 r tails. lln v '>]"■■ >k i d Madame b©« Iti nheti you are bealini Mk c c lad)
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  • 1383 59 RSbi.j-styled Thp Asi,i.u-Chinksk Colleuk. rpent in I )is£ui>e' according to the now fared Key. D. I>. Moore, m.a., Member Royal A :.i'ic Society Malaysia." 1 (Seep. 225, I he Gospel i!! Lands, May, 1806.1 DEAD SIR I take the liberty to give the above title to what
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  • 177 59 I Depi tv Execi iivk Engineer, Waterworks Branch, Bombay Municipality. We an* glad to hear that this appoint- j ment will be offered to Mr. Howard Newton, acting Municipal Engineer, Singapore, who was selected from among many candidates tor the post. It i< a strange coin- idence
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  • 1374 59 E'en as the heading ".Topics of the Week Doth now, too oft, portend dead languages. Anon. I Quicquid ttgunt homines nostri est far rage libelli, Juvenal. Li-Hung-Chang has been defying the douaniers of All Europe by importing a small consignment of munitions of war with him
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  • 512 59 I During the match at Lord's between the Marylebone Club and Cambridge University there occurred an incident the like of which probably never happened before in first-class cricket. Albert TrotJ j sent down a East ball, rather short, which -ot up j suddenly and s'.tu ;i;
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  • Page 59 Advertisements

  • 4308 60 The Marine Court of Enquiry into the circumstances attending the collision on Wednesday last on the Perak river between the S. S. S. Co J s. steamer Neera and Messrs. Woe Bin Cos. s.s. Poh Hin Gidan was opened this morning (23rd inst.), in the Court
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  • 68 61 popular show i> now at Malang. v Soerabaya season was a great success, July i uli a record being made with a >us< worth the performance tg a. gala night for the King ot Siam, stayed all through the programme. King also visited the show at Pasoe- in
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  • 194 61 ppomtment of Captain Syers as CommisoJ the Federated Native States' Police has i a general and widespread feeling of satis■.r. Sc!.i!i;i)r, where it is regarded as a just pet reward ft r arduous and devoted serttending over twenty years. Berringtoa 's many iriends in '.'ing him their congratulations
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  • 714 61 A considerable number of the local police at Nagasaki are suffering from beri-beri. Race-horse owners should be reminded that entries for the Penang Turf Club meeting next month close at noon to-morrow. We hear that Inspector Fiddes, of Penang, has been selected to fill the post
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  • 724 61 In connection with the correspondence regarding the Anglo-Chinese School it may not be out of place at this juncture to recapitulate the history of the School as told by its promoters from time to time. The laying of the foundation stone of the present school building took
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  • 73 61 Major H. P. Knight, r.e., having retoir.ed from 'cave of absence on the 25th instant, the unexpired portion of his leave is hereby cancelled. The Rev. E. P. Hodgkinson, Church of England Chaplain, was placed on the sick list en the 24th instant. It is notified that gun
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  • 41 61 A friend writes from that tine health resort of Ea.-t Java, Knenigan, Cheribon We are at feet above the Town and the breeze that blows over the mom-tain-is delightful, the temperature at noon being >? and at 10 p.m. 68° Fah.
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  • 500 61 The much coveted honour of the Queen's Prize, the great rifle-shooting trophy of the Volunteer year, has been won this year by Lieut. Thomson, of the Queens Edinburgh Rifle Volunteer Brigade (constituting the Volunteer Battalions of the Lothian Regiment or Royal Scots). Lieut. Thomson is and has
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  • 301 61 We regret to hear that a telegram was received from Hongkong on Saturday by the agent of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank in Singapore, announcing the death, at Hongkong, of Mr. R. H. Manners Kerr, a well known and popular member of tinBank
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  • 43 61 \lts?r>. Kiiey Hargreaves Co. launch the 3.3. Sarie Borneo a 1,000 ton boat tomorrow at Tanjong Rhoc at 12 30 p.m. Launches will ieave Johnston's Pier from n-30a.n1. to convey guests. The same firm launch the Banka on Thursday, _at 1-30 p m
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  • 3260 62 (Written for the Singapore Free Press.) XXV. Heat of Bangkok. The Palace. The Late Crown Prince. Wat Phra Keo. Frescoes— Model of Angkor. Hoarded Wealth. The Emerald Image. Buddha's Mother. Prince Devawongse. Wat Chang. Danger of not paying Tithes Gimcrackery. Restoration and Disrepair.— Koh-Si-Chang. Animal Life.
    G.M.  -  3,260 words
  • 187 62 1 iii-. match took place or tin* Kspi.,..: on Saturday, and resulted in an easy b tor PiumptOtt's XI. by 73 runs km th- Rr*d innings. Ihe scores wire K. F. Maxwell b 1. (j. M wugmmn 1* Heaps c I'amby bJ. G. Mactaggari F. I). \l act i^-vait
    187 words
  • 87 62 At tiic Peosag A^sizrs tljcr^ \t \> i ceeding ail important case against <. Ma ij name<l i>> \M« bin Hajee Ifanada, *rbo was charged with trauduiently cm li»h ncstlv iism^ as genuine a forced d<jcu neo 1 i) writ, a cheque of 87,000 on th Chanered Hank, icoowUtg or
    87 words

  • 324 63 Mk. AmsLim's Team v. Singki Ujcmg. This match was played at Seremban on Kridctv and Saturday last and ended in a lrr.w very much in favour of the visitors, irho tvon the toss and went in, scoring 364 lt fore they were dismissed. Rain stopped I r haH an
    324 words
  • 46 63 A Bengali milk seller was this morning, :fore Mr. Blagdeo, fined $100, or in default months 1 rigorous imprisonment for ill g adulterattd milk. He admitted a as conviction The milk on analysis the Municipal Health Officer showed pr cfcnt oi addeJ water.
    46 words
  • 217 63 body ot the Chinaman which was r.u floating in the sea off Tel uk Aver on Saturday has been identified as that of a in who came from Penang about four tys ago, suffering from some complaint or Suicide was his protest the curious case of cheating and forgery
    217 words
  • 86 63 Di rKAT ot -iitKiM. Troops. Another Rimn<. in H< p^h June 19th,— The rising s spreading I hoorfa, North Kiangsu. Tht Magistrate has been captured La the rebels. tentative teport a thai ihe disturbance n t bction fiffbi fur land occtipattor bes nit ing ar 3
    86 words
  • 209 63 S. V. A. r. Selangor. On Saturday, in rather gusty weather, quite against any steadiness on the knee position at 200 yards, the S. V. A. team (6 men) fired a simultaneous match with the Selangor Rifle Association. Besides, most of the men had been doing what little
    209 words
  • 148 63 {Pinang Gazette, 24th July.; We regret to announce the death of Mr. W. Miller, Headmaster of the Government English School, irom typhus and malarial fever, which took place at the General Hospital yesterday after a fortnight's illness. Mr. \V. Miller, after serving his time as
    148 words
  • 229 63 The Princess of Wales' Stakes. The Indian Planter*' Gazette contains news of the result of the above race run on June 2o,th Just as we were going to press we rtceived the news of the resuft of the Princess of Wales' Stakes at Newmarket run over
    229 words
  • 282 63 Korea's Loan from Rlssia. Seoul, July 2. It is currently reported among the Koreans that two million yen out of rive million borrowed from Russia has arrived, and that the balance is shortly expected. The truth of the rumour, however, is doubtful. The Korean System 01 Government.
    282 words
  • 36 63 In the Gentleman Players match, at Lords on July 15th, the former made 268 and 224 tor tour wickets. The Players madr no and 373. Hay ward, the Surrey man. being responsible for 116 not out.
    36 words
  • Page 63 Advertisements
    • 537 63 Notwithstanding the unsettled state of affairs about the Hankow-Peking Railway, it is stated that the Hangyang Iron Works are busily at work turning out materials for the line, which will have Shashi instead of Hankow as its starting point. The Portuguese gun-vessel Diu t Commander de Brito, which arrived here
      537 words
    • 367 63 ST. ANDREW'S HOUSE, SINGAPORE. CT. ANDRFW'S House is a Home where boy* attending tnt Raffles Institution may be boarded, and givei. Christian instruction and training according to tne teaching of the Church of England. It has been established for the convenience of those who come from other Settlements, as we!!
      367 words

    • 41 64 Li Hung-Chang on British and French Trade. At an interview at Paris Li Hung-Chang said that China desired to hold the balance equally between England and France, and that there was a share for both in the trade of South-west China.
      41 words
    • 14 64 The trial of Dr. Jameson and his chief officers has commenced.
      14 words
    • 49 64 There have been renewed murders of Christians in Candia. London, July 21st, 1896. It was noticed recently that the doors ot many (Christians had been marked with a cross it was stated that thi* had been done by the Turks with a view to further massacres.]
      49 words
    • 45 64 Maj.-Gen. Sir Frederick Carrington, with a. strong force, has attacked the Matabele stronghold on the Matoppo Hills. After a fierce resistance the position was carried, sixty ot the enemy being killed. Three of the British force were killed and eleven wounded.
      45 words
    • 21 64 Fighting has been resumed in the vicinity ot Canea, in Candia. British and French warships have arrived
      21 words
    • 16 64 Disturbances are continuing at Canea. British, Austrian, and Italian bluejackets have landed.
      16 words
    • 48 64 rTHE ,»e wedding of H. R. H. Prince Karl of Denmark and H. R. H. Princess Maud of Wales was solemnized yesterday. H M. the Queen withdrew after the ceremony, H. R. H. the Prince of Wales presiding at the wedding breakfast. London, July 23rd, 1896.
      48 words
    • 17 64 Insurrectionary Movement in Macedonia. Two revolutionary band- o! Greeks, numbering altogether four hundred men, have entered Macedonia.
      17 words
    • 54 64 A British Laager Attacked. Major Laing's column operating in the Matoppo Hills has been attacked by the Matabele while in laager. After a hot fight the Matabeles were defeated with a loss of ninety killed. The British loss was four whites and twenty- five mendlies killed.
      54 words
    • 62 64 (Special for Singapore Fret Press,) Hongkong, July 24>h, 189b, 11-25 a-m-In a d<*s*patrh just received by the Gowemoi ol Hongkong from the Secretary of Scate lor the Colonies, Mr. Chamberlain refuses any abatement of the Hongkong Military Contribution, or any recognition of the principle that Municipal
      62 words
    • 31 64 Many European Deaths. The heat at Hongkong is intense, causing frequent cases of sunstroke. Amongst the Europeans inhabitants there have been many fatal attacks of heat apoplexy.
      31 words
    • 12 64 The Irish Land Bill has passed through Committee.
      12 words
    • 31 64 The Goldite Democrats have resolved to huld a convention in September for the purpose of adopting a political platform and of nominating a candidate for the Presidency.
      31 words
    • 15 64 The operations in the Matorro (sic Ma koppo Mills; are regarded as indecisive.
      15 words
    • 56 64 1 l»t Turkish troops are massed before Herakleion, seeking to enter the town. Mie G.^Tnor of Cr-te is opposing that iHeraKV.un ,s suburb of Candia (MegaloK:istro, and was the seaport town of the ancient Unossus or Cnossus, the seat of King Milo, who constructed t famous
      56 words
    • 23 64 Lt Thompson of the Queen's Edinburgh Kifle Volunteer Brigade has xvon the SJueen'i Prize ar Bisl^y
      23 words
  • 54 64 Australia v. M. C. C. The match between Australia and Marylebone was drawn, the latter wanting 60 runs to win, with seven wickets to fall. 1 The previous match was won by the M. C C. by an innings and 18 runs. This is drawn much in favour of
    54 words
  • 22 64 The situation at Crete is becoming worse, the rebels threatening to resume fighting unless their demands are conceded.
    22 words
  • 16 64 The Greek bands in Macedonia have defeated the Turks. London, July 27th, iBg6.
    16 words
  • 205 64 (Specially compiled for the Singapore Free Press.) [Date of passing Anjer Nationality and description of vessel Captain's name Where and when sailed. Destination.! July 15. Dut. str., Gedk Sikemeier Batavia, July 1 s Rotterdam. July 16. Brit. str.. Elton Madras. Batavia. July 16. Btit. str Muttra Ouaill
    205 words
  • 318 64 Capital Paid op bhare* Pd. Ujv Hon^""k- &h?& k ;uo%prem. $10,000,000 $10,000,000 80,000 I*s^l.5 Won, *2 9 £500.000 4400.150 J^^/* i; .ok. $115 Sellers. #75° f Bk. o»' O in Ltd $2* Nominal 199,875 £2. s Dfe re /2 I 1,250 £1 Tanjor.^ Fajf^r ,>,k:s
    318 words
  • 40 64 (COKRECIfcD LP TO July i~ t Hank 4 m/f 2/2; On India. Bank demand par. Ow Yokohama. Hank drmand Private 30 d/i I JS Sovereigns, do buy, |a :v Bank of England Rate 2% Discount 3 rTiOnih.- bills J
    40 words
  • 87 64 Im IJPGamhier... do. C übe No. I P»pper, Stack ordinary S'porej do. White, «r-.. W- 5 i ii Niumegs 1501 U rtw fcwj V Mace vßanda) 9°Cloves (Am Ujr.c, i/ Liberian onet, Tapioca. rawH pssH u^ir q.i.. ;t) j.. do. do. Wr -io. d>.) J.lj do. modi tun
    87 words
  • Page 64 Miscellaneous
    • 438 64 CLEARANCES. Libelle, Brit, str., Grant, for^Labuan. Calypso, Brit, str., Lowry, for Penang and Deli. Secundra, Brit, str., Parsons, for Madras, via ports. Hong Wan, Brit. s"tr.,, Robertson, for Pakan, via ports. Isabella, Brit, str., Hudson, for Muar. Juno, Brit, str., Morris, for Sadon?. Amherst, Brit, str., Shimmen, for T. Anson,
      438 words
    • 846 64 Men-of-War ion. Caotain Arrived ''rum C tM.^-enecs "n, 4N%» Dju Port, g.b., 300 de Brio July 27 Colombo Macau, Ju' y K VV. d. N'landes Dut. cru.. 4.600!)erx July 22 Olehleh MttJH. Consul Dock Rattler Brit. g.b.. 715 Colesworth July 2 Pakhoi Sr. Officer .Maiiou Other Vessels Anoewar Out. sch.
      846 words