The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 14 April 1896

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 209 1 Australian Team at Colombo, 234 P ibGc Schools v. the Re<=t, 210 I he O; :de Musin Concert Company, 2-»3 1 Dl ::tf Competition, Sepoy Line-, 12?, \til Doubles Hand-cap, ftilcari. Long Elephant Stalk, 2 2t Municipal Commission, 2\o H. E.s Ruling un a Point or Order, 233 j
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  • 64 1 (Corrected up to April 13.) demand 2/2 Private credits 3 m/a 3/2-15/16 documents 3 m/a j/j credits 6 m/s 3/3- 1 1 6 On India. Bank demand 1 S 5 On Hongkong. Baak demand <Ks. On Yokohama. Bank demand i P 2r On Java. Bank demand 135 Private 30
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 14 1 the 6th instant, Ihe wife of Mr. Btows, abet Signal Station, erf daughter.
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    • 48 1 < Bank. Mt. Eluabelh, on th« «th inst., s fttinl drtUjjht nof Jo!»n C. Niven. 11 Ihe 1 ;r March, at Oien ade, Bllefdale-f »i. itead, N.W, William Mulbollawd, late Kapore. I.i or. ihe 1 iih instant, H, W. C. r\- TBHBuacn, Agent MetheriandTrad- S c»*ty Singapore.
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  • 434 1 (April 7th). The hdn'ble Mr. Bogaardt goes home by the French mail to-day on six months' leave. The hon'ble i Jr. Brown has already rfonc and the hon'blc Mr. Vermont has his passage beo'icd to leave by the Pekin on May 13th. The Legislative Council will
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  • 259 1 THE people of Italy will be glad to hear of a g3llcn: feat performed by the slender garrison of beleaguered Kassala. OSMAN DIGNA, we presume, is at the head of the Dervish force thai is now understood to have besieged that place, and the plight of
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  • 199 1 Th: Colony to-day is deprived of one of its most honoured and most dignified figures by the lamented death of the venerable prelate who was the head of the Roma^ Catholic community to the Straits Settlements and the Native Spates. liv purity of character, courtliness of demeanour, and
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  • 210 1 The state of flux in which tii'j European balance of power now finds itself is signalised once more by the announcement made in to-day's telegram. German;. Samson-iike, had grasped the two pillars of the Dual Alliance and the TiipU Alliance and was making the European political
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 613 1 THE WEEK. The »ext mail from Europe is expected to arrive by the M.M. mail S.S. Natal on the iSth inst., with London datc3 to the 27th u!t., being followed by the P. and O. s.s. Miraapore on the j6th inst., with the English mail ot the 3rd inst. This
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  • 573 2 K.\< n successive telegram from Rhodesia shows how acutely critical the position has become in that territory. Beginning with numerous separate attacks on stray white men scattered over the land in their pioeering or mining work, murdering and Qutilating them singly and in small groups, :he
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  • 1643 2 The Asian.) It is not to be said that then- is no game in Rajah Brooke's Bornean Kingdom. Scientific works enumerate two spr,( es of deer, and the natives tell of a third, beside-; the roebuck termed kijang, and three species ol mouse deer ii anyone had
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  • 864 2 RUSSIA I N THE FAR EAST. In a series of articles on The Nati i i's Awakening the Morning Fosf in considering the posit!on of Russia, writes:— Russia is to find a .varm harbour in the Pacific. For what purpose r It cannot be an outlet for Russian trade, ior
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  • 669 2 ARMY ESTIMATES FOR THE FAR EAST. The following are the various vote* F« v,. East in the Army Estimates tor lBg6*9j 1 to the Colony Straits Slj tlemfvtv Establishment on which the wtmi Ba>ed. Garrison Artillery Two ntni|HiHM Engineers: Haifa company, six ofti 1 men. Infantry One battalion, i v
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  • 138 2 Perak will soon *<<h*- to the froi regards the qualit) <■'. fust ice administering to pf j>'« there A the Land Offii em 'I atpii tA an agreement in Singapon v I taku here, where the nocftftiitty -.i the law' pronounced, on idered thai tin < committed
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  • 566 3 Fbc Prince ol Wales is not going to to the i oror.ation of the Czar. i asc ol small-pox was reported in ir Ro id Ibis morning. I. Hidoo, 00 arrival this morning, disbarg< '1 into lighters 93 ion- ol explosives harbour A forthcoming marriage announced
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  • 9 3 I ORPS > Dl S. > rtcr Oi
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  • 446 3 Iwo Russian men-of-war entered the harbour this morning, though they were expected several days earlier, coming in from Odt-s-a via Colombo, bound to the China station. The Dim it riDon s k 0 i, Cap t itthoefftj has been out East before, but this is the
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  • 292 3 S. C. C. sth Fusiliers. This match was played on the Esplanade yesterday, and resulted in favour of the Club. The Fusiliers were the first to bat, and were dismissed tor 43 (Capt. Hawkins iq). the S. C. C. putting together 14S for nine wickets and declaring their innings
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  • 1023 3 His Excellency Grand Secretary Li Hung Chang. Minister Plenipotentiary tv Russia, arrived in Singapore this morning by the M. M. S.S. Ernest Simons y bound for Moscow in order to be present at the Coronation of the Czar in May next. It was expected that
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  • 172 3 {From our ywn Correspondent His Highness the Sultan entertained a large party of Malay and English g?n tlemen at dinner on Sunday night at the lstana. johore. The occasion was that o a farewell to Capt. E. de Vere Creighton. Commandant of the Forces, who sails ir in this
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  • 72 3 coolie living in Wayaog Strc reports to the Police »hat last night be was going home along Newbridge Roto, wben he saw a number of Macau men fighting He -iM not speak to the men, bat one of them s iddenly turned upon h:rr. anc I stabbed bin; with a
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  • 615 3 (To Lhe Editor of the London and Ch nm Express.) Slß,— On Any;. 7 last I wrote you follows T!i despalch ol the \farqui<> ol Etipon to Sii Claries Mitcheil, dated June 28 last, on the sub* ject »iJ the Strdits Military Contribution, deserve: serious consideration,
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  • 959 4 THE OVIDE MUSIN CONCERT COMPANY. The mifsical event to which we can best compare the appearance of the Musin Concert Company in Singapore is that of Mdme Amy Sberwin and her company several years ago. Apart from the fact that the latter contained two more artists. it may be said
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  • 603 4 {Front our own Ccrrespoudtut^ When the Jury found Omar bin Aris guilty of murder, Mr. Groom, his counsel, moved for an arrest of judgment on the grounds That the Act or Ordinance under which Omar \va< tried had not been stated in the indictment or committal (2) That the
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  • 540 4 The Russian cruisers Rurik and Dimitri Donskoi \v\\\ remain here till Monday. A Calcutta telegram says that Mark Twain (Mr. S. L. Clemens) has sold the copy-right of his forthcoming work for £10,000. An intoxicated Fusilier yesterday chose the bed of the river near Kampong Saigon
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  • 156 4 The driving competition last Friday was won by Mr. A. W. Stiven, whose longest drive was 210 yards. He also won the prize for the best aggregate. Madame Brandt and Mr. A. J. Woodrofte. R E. t won the mixed doubles handicap. The scores were Madame
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  • 52 4 Par:.-, .March 20. M. Dcr^.Llot. ha resigned, alleginfif ill<-health a»d family affairs for Etep. M. Bo:.:ro-eois has taken over control of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and will be replaced M. Sarricn a 5 Minister of the [nterior. General l)c<ld± has embarked Toulon for iwCc-Chiv.r., (where I.e. will
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  • 28 4 The G.O.C. hai been pleased to grant ieav< absence to Major K. C. Wace, d.5.0., R.A., from April 2ir.t to Jr.r.c L-rrr, 1896, >n private iftairs.
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  • 678 4 On the ijth alt. news havittg bee* ccived in Singapore by G, P. <». t h rogue elephant had been doing >rri 0 damage to various gambier estates nur] ;i having killed two Chinamen in the vicinit of Kota Tinggi, Johore, Capt. b- o j sth
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  • 68 4 The Orders of the Day for to-morrcw Council meeting include Motions by the Colonial Serreta; v i Mi. H; I tenbach's Trade Returns; Indian l:r,r..:^r;;!io:' and Teluk Aycr Sea Wail. Mi. Huttenbacn a question on P< tuinc HarLoui. 'l>.e Petroleufn B.!i, committee. Second Readings of Suitor Dcpc
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  • 117 4 Ti.esc arc tome paniculen o; tn. i. L v Sarawak Vacht The yacht ha« been special lj His Highness by M« ;v Lebnitc bO.. bJ Xi h~ew, aid i a thin|( -i btautf ihou^l sibly not be a jpy for «.-■.< r. :h< Ealooi dec and
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  • 187 5 i —Optional selling R t c for ail Mr. I Weld's Boshrat, ;.6. M-. fir iddoti 5 MacGregor, 8 7. r hakts' Plati Selling Rv l>: tl M: F. Cecil i,; iiM.)- 3 KE>ii»tNJ K« Sunjjri U jong Subscrip- i ii \i Zenda, la.ll. tM. ug> as X
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  • 302 5 been made of a rob- i Si ing hill of jewellery >' box was broken open g Moi and the property, ngto u>\bt >ther, stolen. There porting the matter to r polii irl iow making enquiries irted as having occurred Middle X I, i shop belonging to an
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  • 101 5 Mr. VV« S. Gilbert and Sii 3 rraed I w the first time on ri dree with boundles enthusiasm, inj abounding in witticisms, ,1- md I m vs :xqui H dr ses, and a •nigh perfect :nl rrprctation be ufficient lo success M U Oyl Carte
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  • 234 5 Ihr Ambassador from the Emperor of Chi&a, H. E. Li Hung Chang, remained during the afternoon of yesterday at the bouse ol the Chinese Consul, after leavir.g Government House. In the evening be drove out to Bendemeer. Serangoon Road, the residence of Mr. Seah Liang Scab,
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  • 322 5 THE NEW JAPAN-EURPOE STEAMERS. Hie Japan papers contain a long a rcouut of the despatch of the first of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha's boats on the new line Japan to Europe, on the Bth inst. The Tosa Mani was originally the /s/am and was built at Belfast as a cargo
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  • 296 5 *From our oivti Correspondents Information lias come Into town this morning of a double murder at Kesang. It is said that a man and his wife have been killed and a police Sergeant wounded, but no other particulars are available. The Tennis Tournament, which was un- duly prolonged, was
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  • 798 5 We hear that the tin crushing battery at Bundi in Kemaman is now going, and that prospects are very encouraging. A Chinaman was arrested in Hokien Street last evening for snatching two gold hair pins from a woman's head. hen arrested he had only one of
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  • 305 5 {from our owu C r responding By the British India* Co.'s steamer India. Lord and Lady Lamington and stafi passed through here last week en route for Queensland. Owing to Lady Lamington being such a bad sailor the party lef; the steamer here and went overland by train
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  • 585 5 Rough Cleax-up; The Local Secretary or the Raub Australian Gold Mining Company, Ltd., Sing 3 pore, has received the following telegram fnm Raub, dated p.m. April ;th, [896 \{Rough cleaning up tf Battery yielded \/j() 03. Amalgam, v. v/ quantity I atone crushed being r ,-/-7/ Tons. Prospects remain
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  • 3817 6 (Afrit Snr. 1 896.) At the ordinary general meeting of the Municipal Commission there were present Messrs. A. Gentle (President),* M. Meyer, G. C. Mose-, T. .Shelford, c.m.g., Tan Jiak Kirn, Scan Liang* Seahj Mr. G. T. Hare and Th« SohsL Financial Statement. Balanc *n April Bth current
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  • 41 6 was i:..i- ordcra tc Ulk< <> f n tO UIC til M statii 111 at the U rraii ;.t: v tha« •vr^ 1 rex ecrd bail am ay oil and on*mi »siou as rclid »>: ci Lei ..i v.ii H. H kf 1
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  • 1578 7 IBeloft A i;: f the K-\t ol a letter read i the meeting ot tbe Municipal Commis- yesterday] having an important trine on Ui storage 01 petroleum with- fown Limits. Read with the discus- D appearing in oor report ol the meetit furnishes an example ol the
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  • 122 7 The Seremban Race Meeting appears to have been a -rent success, visitors speaking highly of the hospitality of the Sungei Ujong and Jelebu people, who more than justified their well known name in this respect. The racing In many of \h -i events was excellent, but perhaps flu
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  • 851 7 I Plxtract from Postmaster-General's Report for 1895.1 The lighting of the General Post Office at night is so bad that it is v/ith difficulty the Clerks can set; to do their work. A proposal to introduce patent incandescent gas-burners was rejected on the score if expense.
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  • 752 7 The Hongkong rases of plague include a Mrs. Josephs and two children, and the children of Mr. and Mrs. Gidlev. The Secretary of the Punjom Mining Co.. Limited, has received a wire from the Manager at the Mine stating that the cyanidoperations were started on die
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  • 2040 8  -  John Dill Ross By XI. Via St. Petersburg and Moscow. The attractions of St. Petersburg are so many that it will be necessary to merely name a few of them The Neva i- s in itself of well nigh inexhaustible interesi it is a fine river
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  • 661 8 The Banishment Extension Bill was read I a second time before Council yesterday. I It gives the very desirable power to pre- vent persons who have been lawfully ban- ished from Jbhore and the Native States residing in the Colony. It is perhaps as well, however, to
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  • 699 8 TERRIBLE TRAGEDY AT PENANG. Fatal Illness of Mrs. P. D, Stephens The Bereaved Husband Shoots H 1m self Spe< ia: to Singaport I li. reply to a telegram from thh to Penang requesting i onftrtc rumours of a traged) at that pla ing to the deaths ot Mi and Mrs
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  • 3310 9 Thursday Aprii <,th, 1896. l <;A>r;. ,'S C. B. Mitchell, gx.ii.gO Officei Commanding lh< Troops < j ra autghan. R< ident Councilk c < Pc mg it of the last meeting were r Burk nsham moved that the words otion I --iri^ made th t r the paper.-*
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  • 79 9 The Russian Admiral having ivired lown u> Sirigaporc from Nagasaki, th<. cruisers Rurik &ad Dimitri Don ?■<■ will probabh leave on Sunday moroing foi ladivostock and may even leave so early as Saturday evening. Om o\ the officers on board t!i< Runk is a son of Capt De Livton will
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  • 600 10 The ninth 4'jstralian eleven arrived at Colombo on April 2nd and played against XVIII. of Ceylon, beating them by 179 for six wickets to 97. ' particulars are given of the team One of our representative managed to catch the Captain before his departure to
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  • 364 10 A circular despatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies contains the supplementary convention to the treaty of 1894 between Great Britain and Japan. An appendix contains the tariffs now chargeable upon Bruish goods imported into Japan, which arc subject to triennial adjustment. The tariff
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  • 1189 10 We deeply regret to announce the death of the Right Rev. E. Gasnier Roman Catholic Bishop of Malacca, and officiating Roman Catholic Chaplain to the troops, Singapore, which sad event took place at the General Hospital tiiis morning at io-i.s am., in the presence of the
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  • 52 10 Paris, A piil 1. 'Ihe Russian press states that France can count on the vigorous support of Russia on the Dongola question. M. Saurrien has been named Minister of the Interior. The interpellations in ihe Chamber and Senate on the foreign policy of France have been adjourned until
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  • 73 10 VU: G. O. C. has been pleased to authorise the issu<Fot a money allowance in lieu of passage to Major T. K. Compton, 2nd Northamptonshire Regiment, and to Lieutenant F. G. Guggisberg, R, b., who are proceeding to England. Field Officer for the ensuing week Captain W. L.
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  • 465 10 [f what a correspondent writes to the Ceylon Observer has any substantive truth coffer in many places has seen its best days. But it that be so the views can only be encouraging for the Straits, for here coffee was never mor^ flourishing and j healthy.
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  • 690 10 A Chinaman named Yang Ah Cbir m found dead at Siglap yesterday. H~ s.ipposed to have died of beri*bcfi. Election with the theft of a child- tricj belonging to Mr. J. B. Robertson The despatched from Singapore t t London. *M Brindisi. or. he i
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  • 1589 11 BK en as the heading Topics sf the Week Dotl now, too oft, portend dead languages. ,j fuidmgmtthe :o>tri est farrago libelli, Acheen again th^ scene ot serious troubles Men may come and men may it cf< nnyson's Brook, the Acheen t> "i foi ever. It
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  • 168 11 Presence of Mind. To rat Editor. Sir, There was an incident at the funeral ol the much lamented Bishop Gasnier yesterday morning which I think will bear mentioning. Just as the heavy ccftin was being mover] towards the grave, a support of the table, or the trestles or whatever
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  • 50 11 The Native States join. I he Chamber oi Commerce has received a letter from Government informing it that the Confederated Native States had expressed a desire to join in the guarantee of the proposed Government Note Issue, and that the Government had acceded to that desire.
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  • 103 11 General Vetter arrived at Kota Radja on ihe 7th, and a Council of War was immediately held. The troops were landed the same evening. Bulletin from the Deli Courant Kola Radja. April Bth. General Deykerhoff, the Governor ot Acheen, has resigned. Colonel Hemfoord has been appointed
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  • 188 11 Uthough the chiefs of the Castle and Union Lines respectively sit on opposite sides of House ol Commons, their views on our naval expansion and improvement very properly coinci ie. Interviewed the other day on the question, Sir Donald Currie said "ln my judgment,
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  • 257 11 Mr. R. P. Gibbcs has been granted leave of absence for fifteen months. Mr. F. J. Hallifax has been appointed acting D. 0., Nibong Tebal. Mr. R N. Bland. Collector of Land Revenue, Singapore, reported his return from leave on the 7th inst. Mr. R. f. Wilkinson assumed
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  • 668 11 A gentleman, whose brother teaches in a Government school in Japan, has sent the following genuine schoolboy's composition to a New York paper 11 7HF WHALE. The whale live in the sen and ocean of ail the country. Ho is a large and strong in among
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  • 188 11 Sir H. Low, in presiding over the sixth annual general meeting, held at Camion street rtofcei, stated that the company's funds were steadily employed during the year [895. «nd thr improvetnenl in the rate of exchange which took place during its course, although not sufficient to
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  • 177 11 The Times Bangkok correspondent unite! -Jiid' i date Fob. 2: A general registration of China men ha^ been conducted t>\ the commandant <y thiC military post at Chantabun much on the saxm lines as that In Bangkok, anfi nine r />ou papa have been issued* by which nearly all
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  • 686 12 Capt. R. H. Isacke, sth Fusiliers, is proceeding for Home on leave by the mail on Wednesday. Sir Claude Macdonald will dine with the members of the China Association at Shanghai. The Russian men-of-war Rurik and Dimitri Donskoi left for Vladivostock yesterday morning about 7-30. The
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  • 367 12 Mr. Wisfaubr's Hot'se Burnt Down Residents in Tanglin noticed last night, shortly after nine o'clock, a column of smoke and a glare in the direction of the Club. It proved to be caused by the burning of Villa Bavaria, the house of Mr. Wispauer, of the Medical
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  • 451 12 The concluding portion of the annual inspection of the Singapore Volunteer Artillery was held by Lt. Col. Plunkctt, R.A., on Saturday (irth). On the previous Saturday, while in Camp at Tanjong Katong, the Corps manned th<* fort and were examined in the working cl the
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  • 671 12 {Pinang Gazette April loth. It is seldom that a more painful duty has ever fallen to the lot of an editor limn to place on record the details of the terrible tragedy that tuok place at Ginger this morning. Among the entire commuiiitv there is
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  • 315 12 I i On tiie sth instant there was an exceptionlly large number of cases <>t plajjue reported at Hongkong. Between noon on Friday and noon on Saturday eighteen cases of bubonic plague were reported to t lie Sanitary Board. This is the highest number reached this
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  • 364 12 (freir our oxv-~ C< ■> e>fvtidcHl.) Tfce complimentary dinner give Rawson Ker, Ksq., the ex Hon. Secrettrj of Johore Club, by the Members, wan h*M on Saturday at the Club house. 1 Sore were present many friend? and m smbets from Singapore, as well as a larg- v.ul representative
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  • 406 12 {f/\i, or I ot-r, ?>*;.) Since last writing, the newt from \'j- is very meagre, ami Is contained m thi following < <- lei? rams Kotla Radja, April ;r i Last night passed quietly. The Unions from Padan^ have arrived and '.•> cr 1 listributed on the line. Kotta
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  • 8158 13 Written for the Siugmpom Fret Press.) VIII iAi.oK.— Rives Scenery. Bugis Vices. Casuistry, Tm Dutch and thi B» h ER-CENTRAUSATION. DUTCH 01 iNioh t>> thb Transvaal rah>. La\ct ages %no Illustrations. GlobeROl i.'N 1 A L'AMERICAINE. .a'.oc is a small Bugis village on the left or
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  • 126 15 The death is announced, on March 1 8th, of Mr. William Mulholland, formerly o! Singapore, and manager of the Borne* Co. here. Mr. Mulholland came out to the east in 1852 and went to Batavia. Five or mx years later he came to Singapore and
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  • 70 15 W e regrrt to hear of the painfully sudden death of Mr. H. W. van Cattenburch, the Agent of the Netherlands Trading Society here lor ten )earb, which took place at Marseilles on the nth inst. Mr. van Cattenburch left here in the Oceanien on
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  • 234 15 Messrs. Aylesburyand Gibson have deposited survey fee-- for two blocks of coffee land G4O acres e.'tcii in t'.ie Matang district. Mr. Bow en takes advantage of his periodical visits to the schools in the district of Selama to impress upon the boys the necessity of learning to cultivate
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  • 110 15 The Rivkb Steam rr Pekin B\i>i.^ Damaged. Cli in a Ma il Telegra ni ,J Shanghai, April 3. This morning the British steamer Pekin (Capt. Downie) inbound to Shanghai from Ningpo and the Norwegian steamer Normandy, outward bound, collided ofi the Public Garden^. The Pekin was the
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  • 225 15 A Korean Embassy to Russia. Seoul, March 22nd. Ming Yei-kwan, who ha«been appointed Special Envoy to Russia, will be accompanied by three other well-known Koreans. Wei-mai-wbi and the Indemnity. Tokio, March 2.^rd. It is rumoured that the Chinese Government has proposed to Baron Hayasbi, the [apanese Minister at Peking,
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  • 59 15 The Secretary of the Punjom Mining Co., Ld., has received the following telegram from the Manager at the Mint, being the result of the March clean-up. The mill ran 2$ days, crushing ioo toh-. yielding 535 ounces of smelted goici. Twenty-three tons of concentrates wen! calcined, yielding 120
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  • 181 15 Plblic Schools v. The Rest. This match, commenced on the Esplanade on Friday, was concluded on Saturday, resulting in a win for the Rest by 23 runs. The scores were Thf Rest. F. G. Guggisberg c Stevens b Mactaggart 0 H. Pearson t Remold b Woodrbffe 2 T. P.
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  • 375 15 M. Collin de Plancy, French ConsulGeneral at Shanghai, has left Marseilles for his post. H. M. S. Porpoise with Karl Spencer on board, left Nagasaki on March 24th, tor Sasebo, to afford the Earl an opportunity to inspect the Government dock-yard etc., Professor Loisette, of memory fame, is reported to
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  • 153 15 The Orders of the Day for Thursday next are Colonial Secretary's Motion (Vole to complete the unfinished Sea Wall at Telok Ayer Reclamation, Singapore). Colonial Secretary's Motion (Resolution ior a Commission of Enquiry m, to Petroleum Depots). Defence Contribution (Biil "to appropriate a percentage of seventeen and-a-half per
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 385 15 THER E ARE NO OTHE R P ILLS AVER'S PJILLS; I \IA. V i.». npHIS first class Hotel, patronised b) th< Eng -L [ish Cominunit} Batavia, and siluated in the Centre of tl c most healthy and best residential quarter of the Town, offers a good Table, Wines and Accommodation
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  • 18 16 The Massacres in Matabeleland. The Times states that the Matabele have massacred, altogether, two hundred whites.
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  • 31 16 ft is not expected that President Cleveland will act upon that resolution of the American Senate, respecting Cuban belligerency, which revived the resentment of Spain.
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  • 47 16 At Washington the House of Representatives by a large majority has approved of the report of the mixed committee in favour of the resolution of the Senate urging the Government to recognise the Cuban insurgents as belligerents. London, April Jth, iBg6.
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  • 27 16 Gifford's Harse have engaged the Matabele, who made three fierce onslaughts before they were finally repulsed, <\ hundred being killed. More fighting Is expected.
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  • 38 16 On tliH 3rd inst. the Italian garrison of Kassala attackecj and partially captured the Dervish forts at Tucruf. General Baldissera has since ordered the garrison to evacuate Kassala and retire on Agordat. Lcndo?z, April 8th y /Bgb.
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  • 12 16 The Dervishes hhra r ippeared at Lamanieb, near Suakin.
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  • 20 16 The Italian !os- at Kassala was ten officers and three hundred men. London, April g(h 1896.
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  • 88 16 Steamers in Difficulty. (Sor-cial to tl»'- Singapore Free Press.) ■*•*>- Hongkong, April 9th'. i An excessive fog has prevailed for three days. The N. G. Lloyds S.S. Sacksen has noa arrived. The Ocampo ran ashore to the easjt of Hongkong, but has now arrived.
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  • 30 16 Gifford's party have returned to Buluwayo. They were hotly engaged twenty miles northwards when the force sent to their relief reached them. London, April mth, iso 6.
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  • 15 16 The Land Reformers have been committed for trial on a charge of treason.
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  • 40 16 A French communique announces that Lord Dufferin has returned to Paris and that parleying about Egyptian matters has been resumed. Sixteen more British officers are starting at or:ce for Egypt. London, April 1 ith t jSo6,
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  • 24 16 King Humbert, attended by the Marquis -of Rudini and i3aron Sennoneta, has arrived at Venice to meet the Emperor of Germany.
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  • 22 16 Stevant's column which recently arrived at Kassala with supplies has been ordered -to remain ther^ as a temporary measure.
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  • 24 16 Italy and Germany. Kia- Humbert of Italy and the Emperor William of Germany have had a most cor«iin! meeting at Venice.
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  • 107 16 A Transport Column Surrounded by Matabele. They Cut Their Way Through. Relieved Just in Time. Heavy Matabele Losses. Critical Position at Buluwayo. The whole Matabele nation has risen in revolt. The transport service to Buluwayo has collapsed, the Matabele having attacked and surrounded a force of
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  • 251 16 April 6. Per Banjcrmassin Gapt. Gardner, Mr. Nicholas. April 7. Per Habarovsk six officers, 412 soldiers, eight women, three children and twelve passengers. Per live Liang Mr. and Mrs. Anthonisz, Mr. Schaap. April 8. Per Sappho Messrs. Abrams. Jeffrey, Catto, Busson and Kraser. April 9.— Per Sultan Mr.
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  • 111 16 April 7. Per Sydney from Marseilles.— Mr. G. Bergendalt. Mr. Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Simons, Mr. and Mrs. Bonhotc, Mr. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Bland, Mr. J. Meyster, Mr. Mr. A. R. Jackson, Mr. Vogler. From Colombo. Mrs. Cecil Shrager, Mr, Alb. Jhophru,
    111 words
  • 85 16 April 7. Per Ernest Simons for Marseilles. Mrs. Hinnckindt, Hon'ble T« C. Bogaardt, Mr. Jose die Erenas, Capt. and Miss F. de Vere Creighton, Mr., Mmc and Mdle de Bure, M., Mmc Clonet, Mr. Van Schmid, Major NL L. Pearse, Mr. Wotilers, Mr. R. H. Beauchamp, Mr. VV.
    85 words
  • 169 16 April 15. —Per Kaisar-i- Hind For London. Inspector Dixon, Mrs. Angus, Mr. A. J. MacDonald, Rev. Archdeacon Perham, Major and Mrs. Compton. For Colombo. Miss E. E. Roger. For Bombay. Mr. 1.. A. Fernandez. For Jsmailia.-— Mr. A. Bindoulae. April 12. Per Ravenna for Hongkong.— Lt. James, r.n..
    169 words
  • 335 16 APRIL 13th, X 896. ...tatiok. Ca^tid PMmp Sharw Pd. D*, Hong*.*-.** S'lia. Hi.nk. 186 prem. $10,000,000 $10,000,000 80,000 125 £1.5*1, Nation;! B;mk of i 27 Sales. 44<KM5° 29,955 ■#1 X,,. $105 Sellers. {75© 4» Bk.otO na 1?* Stmf« $2* Notniml. £2.000,000 £450,968 199,87s £ft* Kcun.i-r- »2 I
    335 words
  • 631 16 April 13. Kongseb, Brit, str., Olsen, for Sourabaya, via ports. Neera, Brit, str., Myles, for T. Anson, via ports. Pakak, Brit, str., Bruce, for Pakan, via ports. Sri Hong Ann, Brit, str., Rozelis, forT. Anson, via ports. C. Apcar, Brit, str., Olifent, for Penaog andf'al. cutta. Chbang Hock Kian,
    631 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 65 16 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. 'PHE public are informed that the address of the A Society's Inspector, Mr. E. F. Paglar, is at the Old Gaol site, Brass Bassa Road. AH persons wishing to report any cases of cruelly which may come under their notice are requested
      65 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 553 16 vi\ i> 1- i N fu X 4 Men-of-War Kiags Ton. Captain Arrived From Consignees cor, Whei. yEoLUs Brit, or., 3600 Groome Mar. 19 Penang Sr. N. Oflficer Station Blommbndal Dut. sur., 176 Ten Cate Mar. 19 Karimon Neth. Cons. Karimon, M. van Carnbee Dut. sur., 176 Planten Mar. 13
      553 words