The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 7 April 1896

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 277 1 I\ D I N > A■ 1 1 LX v fheSitu >;on, jck) cI- iblea in Matabel and, _»oo Affiance and Egypt, 209 nl .1 marts for the ..p-.*, 210 < I < ir^oe-, a'ld AufeOCra v. 210 S iprenic ourt. R. Lambert and Co. v. Prince Alex. Court.
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  • 58 1 (Corrected up to April _>.) On London. demand -/-> Private credits 3 m/s 2/2-15/16 documents 3 m/s -/j On India. Bank demand lS^ On Hongkong. Bank demand i s> on Yokohama. Hank demand *%P nB iianlc demand 8 35 l*rivate 30 d/s i3 s i Sovereigns, (to buy) f9»
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  • 13 1 Domestic Occurrence. DEATH. At River Valley Road, on the 31st ultimo, Thomas Aspinall.
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  • 467 1 The mail from Europe arrived by the M.M. S. s. Sydney this morning, with London advices to the 13th ult., being followed by the P. and O. S.S. Ravenna on the 1 2th inst., with the English mail of the 20th ult. This mail leaves by the M.M.
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  • 92 1 Tin te^S Gambier r 7»7° do. Cube No. i 12.10 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) 10.55 Jo. White, (Fair L/W=s% 17.75 Nutmegs Is°s t0 the lb 9*Mace (Banda) 9<>Cloves (Amboina) I7o° Lfoerian Coffee 1 40. Tapioca, small pearl (Fair quality) 3-55 do. do. flake (do. do.) M 3-5° do. medium
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 1 n?rcshall the Press tuc People's rig f maintain. 1 vw, y influence and iinbrjbed bj gain Mere pk.::'. ,x 'i'r^::. her glorious precepts «i:-v.-, I 'Irdicea to Religion. Loyalty. *:-.ii Law.
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  • 247 1 'March 31st). Mr. Curzon'S tone, in referring lo the political situation in America and in South Africa, is of fairly good omen, although the terms he uses prove thai the position of affairs continues to be not other than serious. As to the Transvaal much comment is necessarily
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  • 386 1 H. E. Ll-HUNG-CHANG, the Chinese Minister Plenipotentiary to Russia, on the occasion of the coronation of Czar in May next, is expected by the M. M. mail steamer Sydney on Tuesday uext on his way to Europe. Ll-HUNG-CHANG is attended by a suite of lifty -three persons all told,
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  • 327 1 The Troubles in Matabeleland. (April ist). In one sense it is perhaps a fortunate thing- for the future of Rhodesia that the Chartered Company's administration is practically superseded by the Colonial Office, and that Sir EDWARD GREY is taking up the reins of government. The danger of native insurrection against
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  • 538 1 There can be no (question about the tone of the telegram of to-day which defines French policy as to the question o Egypt. That policy is to use the moral and material weight of the Kusso-I r .■nch Alliance, supported by what influence Turkey can
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  • 842 2 (April 4 th;. Two point* al the meeting of the Legisitiv. Council on Thursday call fur brief cammed IV Council discussed the lueetioa ol the carriage oi petroleum as asdeckcargc and by the casting vote of the Governor decided that no petroleum should be carried on
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  • 184 2 (April 2nd). The significance of to-day's telegram respecting South Africa will not fail to be apprehended. What we wrote yesterday is to-day borne out precisely. We .-aid There is but one thins: to do the Cape and Natal must move up what help they can." Five
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  • 784 2 We are pleased to hear that the Pahang Corporation, is still continuing to do well in the matter of turning out tin on Thursday we noted »ver a thousand pikul down by" the Gyvipie and also in the prospects of stone. The Corporation is the oldest of
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  • 53 2 Taiping, 2nd April, s-30p.n1. In the cricket matcli Perak has made i(#4 for t wickets. Birch 17 Voules ...13 McKen/ie.. 40 Watson 20 Talbot \o Sangster i< Grenier o N orris t) not out Weld 17 D. M. Brown took 4 wicket* for 21 rum r\d Perkins
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  • 28 2 The Korean Government is reported to have decided to dispatch Mm Yoag-kwan as special Ambassador to Russia to represent the King at the < oronation r >f the Tsar.
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  • 636 2 Toekok Djohan Joins thr Rfkki s. KOTTA RaDJA IK DaNuF.P rein* orclmfnts hurried on. Anxiety at Batavia. %JFrom our o~j.pi Correspond**.} Batavia, ist April [gg6. This week has brought very grave new* from Atjeh, and there has been much auivity in Military Cirrles. It appear;, that Toekoe
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  • 189 2 Speaking of the proposed increase Dl the milling power at Raub a- well «S the suggested introduction ot* electric powvr installation lor pumping haula*»t light" insr, traction and $o on. the Pefak onei says So far the mine has ml) pud including t*«sixpence no.v proposed to be distributed dividends
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  • 444 3 Amongst the passengers leaving by the mail to-morrow are Dr. and Mrs. Tripp, and Mr.. Mr>. and Miss Kerr. H E. Li Hung Chang received a great reception on Saturday, 14th inst, upon his arrival in Shanghai. The veteran is reported to be in very good
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  • 318 3 Probably no one has found the time or inclination to wade through a bundle of hypothetical reasoning issued by Mr. Hiittenbach the other day on the subject ol exports and imports, tor we live in a practical age, and life is too short to meddle with futilities of the type
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  • 344 3 {Finding by the President of the Mnnicipml Commissioners.) I find, that shortly afttr 10 p.m. on Monday, March 9th, a firet>roke out in a room in the Lane numbered 13 Raffles Place, at the back of Messrs. Sarkies and Moses' Office. The room was used
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  • 328 3 (Dundee Weekly News.) Tl»e Rev. S. S. Walker, m.a., who is at present missionary assistant in Free St. John's Church, has just received a unanimous call to the pastorate of the Singapore Presbyttrian Church, under the North London Presbytery. This he has accepted, and he will
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  • 341 3 Kr«m a Foreign Point of View. When one pronounces the name of England, immediately, says IJlndo-Chine Frangaise, we think of the Navy. The United Kingdom appears under the guise of a fleet or an immense squadron, just as we may figure Germany under the form of a
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  • 551 3 The Secretary of the Punjom Mining Co., Ltd., has received the following cable from the Manager at the Mine: 'The output for March will probably be 600 oz.' We hear (says the Hongkong Telegraph) that the authorities at Canton having heard that over half a million dollars have
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  • 172 3 The Tournament for the Chess Championship in connection with the Recreation Club, commenced on March 3rd, was concluded last night. Eighteen players entered, but 16 actually competed out of the sixteen two retired during the course of the Tournament and their unplayed games were scored
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  • 484 3 The Sfrino Meeting., (Special Telegram to the Singapore Free Press.) The following are the results of Saturday's races at Kuala Luiftpor. The Resident's Cup. Value $150. Presented by the Acting British Resident, with $250 added by the Club. For 1895 subscription Griffins. Weight as per scale for
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  • 442 3 (L, and C. Express,) Some time back I wrote to you about Lhe halfformed intention of uniting the office of Shcriti and Deputy- Registrar at Penang and its extreme inadvisability. This has not been done but in the Estimates for 1 896 the remark is made that
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  • 1169 4 {V lndependance Tonhinoise.) Now th^t the terms and conditions of the Anglo-French agreement in respect of Siam and the buffer state are known, we can take stock of the new situation created by that agreement, and we are perforce compelled to recognise that French diplomacy has once
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  • 588 4 Before the Hon'ble L. Cox, C J. G K. Lambert Co. v. Prince Alexander FSARV. Judgment was given in this action yesterday. The Chief Justice said Lambert Co., photographers, claim §()oo balance of account for photographs supplied to defendant. It is admitted that the plaintiffs have delivered a
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  • 419 4 Regulation of Traffic on Cavenagh Bridge. VVSV KDlTuK. Sik,— On the 29th May, 1^95, certain bylaws were passed by the Municipal Commissioners of Singapore for the regulation of traffic on Cavenagh Bridge, by which (1) any cart, wagon, truck or lorry drawn or propelled by man or beast was
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  • 384 4 The Secretary of the Punjom Mining Company, Limited, received the usual report on work done during the month of February, 189b, from the Manager at the Mines. The material passage is this 1 am pleased to be able to tell yju that our prospects are more encouraging-
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  • 650 4 H. M. S. Undaunted is now at Y anchorage in the roads. The War Department is pushing a hf ad the defences of London. The Perak-Penang Easter matH. finally off. The Penang Englishmen propose to <<<-„ a Si George's Rail on April 23rd. From Manila is
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  • 1123 5 Thl Cihrtkhkd (!oyPA\v's C\si;. An important article appears in the March number of the AYr Review. It is headed the Fate of South Africa," and is written by Mr. Rutherfoord Harris, who says I h.ive lived fourteen years in Africa, and during seven I have acted
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  • 751 5 Mr. C. D. Bowen has been appointed District Officer, Port Dickson and Mr. C. \V. Parr, Assistant District Magistrate, Setaipa. The profit on government cattle for lS 94*5 in Lpper Perak was $50/ -02. The annual report on the Museum contains the following. Mr. I H. Hill
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  • 257 5 Announcement is now made that this talented violinist will give concerts in the Town Hall on Monday and Tuesday next, April 6th and 7th. Ovide Musin is recognised as one of the iirst violin players in the world. Mdme. Musin is a soprano with a voice of uncommon
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  • 1288 5 Mr. Tomlinson. flrk at the army and n.wy storks. An Amusing Law Suit. The Times of India by the last mail contains a report of the proceedings in the Municipal Corporation regarding the vote of a gratuity of Rs. 10,066.16 to be given to Mr. Tomlinson, which was
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  • 157 5 One of the Indian orchids ha^ been lost, i'vpi: pedium Fairieanum is one of the prettiest of the ladies' slipper" variety of this wondrously varied and beautiful order of plants. It was introduced to cultivation in England in 1557, three or fou plants having turned up, unnamed, and
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  • 572 5 A Great Raging Success. The 'Frisco Call of 12th ultimo almost runs int peetrv over the Australian starting- machine. I says The Australian starting gate is .1 1 success. Such was the unanimous opinion o: every one that say? the start in the fourth rao at
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  • 265 6 We regret .to announce the death of Mr. T. Aspinall, Superintending Engineer of the Straits Ice Co., Ld., which took place at the Ice-works yesterday afternoon at 3-30 p.m., death being due to a carbuncle. A Yorkshireman by birth, the deceased, after a long service
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  • 157 6 A Suggestion. Xow that it has been decided to abolish the firing of alarm guns on the occurrence < f a fire, a friend interested in fires suggests that in the morning a signal should be hoisted showing that a fire has occurred C vernight. It is presumed
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  • 530 6 A Pknang On n ion. The Straits Independent in the course of an article on the above case, observes as follows A number of medical men were examined, all oi whom testified to the fact that 162 bottles of morphia was not an excessive quantity of morphia
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  • 396 6 The suggestion made by Mr. J. P. Joacjuim at the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners on May ist last year that the Board "should commemorate the services of the late Mr. J. Macßitchie by a memorial tablet in some conspicuous part in Singapore has now been
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  • 399 6 •«Mrs. \V. H. Smith is a lady whose journalistic talent has made her widely known throughout the Far East, the Japan Gazette having been under her guidance son\*s years a^o. She is now a resident of Shanghai, and is devoting her time largely to painting, her work
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  • 136 6 The Fren< h Minister Scores Again. I (Special to Hongkong Telegraph.) Shanghai, March 24th. Telegraphic advices from Peking are to the effect that, yielding to extreme pressure, the Emperor Ivv/ang-su has caused orders to be sent to the Governor of the province 01 Kwangsi thai arrangements must
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  • 556 6 Briefly summarised, the leading proposals as set forth in the First Lord's statement explanatory of the Navy Estimates for 1896-97, are as follows Net Estimates for the year £21,823,000 Expenditure on new construction &7»3Bs>°°° Number of officers and men 93»75 O Three docks, instead of one, to
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  • 397 6 A feature of our naval defence to which we called attention a few weeks ago was emphasised by Sir John Colomb in the course of a recent debate. The navy which the United Kingdom builds and arms and mans defends the commerce not only of
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  • 1433 6 Capt. Anderson, the Acting Colonial Engineer, was sworn in as a member of thf Legislative Council this afternoon. We acknowledge the receipt of the reports of the Singapore and Fenang Chambers of Commerce for 1895. The Honbie W. R. Collyer. tU Attorney-General, arrived by the Govern.
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  • 94 7 At the Legislative Council this afternoon, there were laid on the table two papers by the Hon. Mr. Huttenbach on the Trade Returns. The Colonial Secretary gave notice that he would move that a select committee of three be appointed to investigate the issues raised therein and
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  • 65 7 A strong detachment of the S. V. A. will go into camp at Tanjong Katong this afternoon, leaving Johnston's Pier at 5-15 p.m., by the launch Gwenneth. The camp will break up on Tuesday morning. We are asked to say that for the convenience
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  • 56 7 Vessels arriving from Hainan will be subject to nine days quarantine. Mr. H. A. O'Brien's leave is extended for six months from Ap. 26th. Mr. A. F. Bo wen is appointed Acting Assistant Auditor-General, Singapore. The name of the hoirble J. A. Swettenham, c.M.Cx., is added to the
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  • 134 7 A driving competition will take place on Friday, April 3rd at 4 p.m. The Conditions arc as follows: Post-entries up to 5.30 p.m. Competitors to drive from the sth tee. There will be two prizes one presented by a member, for the best aggregate in five
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  • 159 7 The new system of death registration within Municipal limits came into force today, with a view of testing the accuracy of the Police returns, which now form the basis of the Registrar General's returns. Yesterday Superintendent Bell had an interview with Dr. Jansz and the Hon'ble Dr. Lim
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  • 178 7 We might mention that a circular is in preparation for issue to the community in support of the public performances of this band. Subscriptions of any amount will be welcomed, but a very good arrangement has been come to between the Committee and the Manager of
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  • 87 7 Those X'mas Cards once more. To the Editor. Sir, One of my friends wrote to the Secretary, General Post Office, London, that he had declined to accept and to pay is. 3d. for a packet containing Photos addressed to him from Selangor, because it was stamped closed against inspection."
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  • 110 7 I To n?i Editor. Sir, I have found that some person j has been using my name and has obtainI ed some subscriptions for our Mission, which have never reached me. Will you J allow me to caution the public, and to state that no one is authorized
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  • 132 7 J 1 his paragraph shows how the wind was blowing in Egypt, even before the decision j to send an expedition to Dongola was come to. The present expedition has apparently only accelerated the contemplated action by some seven or eight months Private advices of an
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  • 90 7 Paris, March 28. Despite the opposition of the Russian and French Representatives at Cairo the Commission decided to vote the expenses of the j Dongola expedition from the Reserve Fund of the I Caisse de la Dctte. I Paris, March 28.— After a long and animated debate the
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  • 326 7 I [A Padre in P.irtibus cautions us to beware j of pronouncing the name of this island as Sellybec>." Vide Singapore Free Press, 28th March, There was a young maid of Celebes Who married a. parson named Jabez, Of five years as his wife She bestowed on him several
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  • 935 7 The following is the despatch of the Secretary of State for the Colonies to Governor Sir C. B. H. Mitchell G.C.M.G.:Downing Street, January 29th, 1896. Sir, 1 have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your despatches No. 454 of November Bth last, and No. 463
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  • 1751 8 A budget of reports, despatches, &c, was laid before the Legislative Council this afternoon which it is impossible to deal with in detail. Appended are some extracts. Forest Land in Province Wellksley. Mr. Ridley reports on the forest land in Province Wellesley, which he visited in November last.
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  • 859 8 {Fr*v our tarn Correspondent.} March 26th, 189b. The weather during the past fortnight has been excessively warm, with occasional very heavy showers of rain. Reports reached Batavia early in the month from Atjeh that a reconnoitring party of 70 men, under the command of a Captain and two
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  • 523 8 The statement is made in Australian papers that some torpedo boats have been conveyed from Si. Petersburg to the Black Sea for the Volunteer Fleet. They arc to be manned by officers and sailors belong, ing to the Russian Imperial Navy. In connection with the death
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  • 313 8 Se iti n_i(* r To i< run. f Among the visitors toSelangor foi tkn R.^'were Mrs. Dare, Mrs. SalinmiMi, llr. and Mrs \Varr;ick. Major Pearse, Captain W. L. Warren Royal Anillery, Captain H. I. Tnlbof, Acting Commandant. Perak Sikhs, Lieut. LA i liawson, Northumberland Fusiliers, Mi W J.
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  • 4197 9 Thursday April jnd, 1596 PRKSENT H. h r- Goven (Sir C. B. Mitchell. G.c.M.r;.) Tit tic:., rrr >:iic«;r Commanding the Troops Yin Hoc v Cj! Secretary I. A. Swetteohan r M.6. Attocacy-G— etaJ [W, R. Colly? r.; the .'>•-•:■.: .-r-Genpr^i H. T u*t» r. Act. rig Colonial Engineer
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  • 1432 10 E'en as the heading Topics «f the Week Doth now, too oft, portend dead languages. Anon. Quicquid tgunt htmines nestri est farrag* libelli. Juvenal. We are sorry for Italy, heartily sorry. As to their Abyssinian venture, although the moral compulsion to see it through is overwhelming,
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  • 1172 10 An exposition on the importance ot a sufficient supply of wholesome water to a community would be somewhat out of date now. The iirst point a health officer considers is the purity and sufficiency of the supply of nature's tluid, and few governments are bold enough to
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  • 862 11 The Moki iha Prosecution. Dlah Mr Editor, Now that "the ilfaged illegal dealing in morphia" case settled] I trusl you will grant me a small n in rour raluable paper to make a n remarks on the sane. Chandu," ac>r |g to the ordinance, means any pret'.ii' n oi
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  • 842 11 V:a Ceylon,) Washington, March 23. —The Senate have recommitted the resolution in favour of American intfrvention in Tuba. London, March 24.— Telegrams from Yokohama state that rebels have atta< ked the Japanese troops neat Fusan, and that ;ifter continuous fighting the rebels were repulsed. Several Japanese have been murdered
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  • 87 11 Ji i. Viet: i-i Hung Chang, the Envo) who is tc represent the Emperor of China at the roronation of the Czar, will arrive hen b\ LYench mail early to-morrow mornin" fiV Excellency wriil be received m lan'iino at Johnston's Pier by a guard „i ho uri
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  • 689 11 Kuala Lumpor Waterworks will be formally opened on Saturday, April i ith. The Sarawak yacht Zahora, from Glasgow, arrived here yesterday on her way to Sarawak. This morning a match was commenced on the Esplanade between the S.C.C. and the sth Fusiliers. We hear that Messrs.
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  • 863 11 M. Ovidc Musin, the celebrated violinist, and his talented wife arrived in Singapore from Manila yesterday by the s.s. E/cano, bringing with them the highest testimonials and the most flattering notices from all the papers in America, China and Japan. They are also accompanied by M. ScharL
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  • 1472 12 One of the best doubles seen on the Ksplanade for some years was that played last night (30th) innhe final of the Profession Pairs, Law 1., Braddell and Elliot v. Army 1., Ainslie and Parsons. The former have proved so often victorious that they have
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  • 417 12 On Thursday evening a large detachment of the S. V. A. went into Camp at Tanjong Katong, the officers being Capt. Dunman, Acting Commandant, Capts. St. Clair and Barker, Lieuts. Merewether, Derrick and Sisson. The detachment soon settled down in Camp, the usual after
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  • 403 12 S C C CiAr^isns This match was concluded on Saturday, and resulted in a win for the Club by [9 runs, the S. C. C. making 102 in their first innings against 0,3 compiled by the Garrison. This is the iirst titne in lour years that the Garrison have
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  • 227 12 The venerable Chevalier de Kontski, the Court Pianist to the Emperor of Germany, has returned to Singapore, highly delighted with his tour in Java, which has been, he declares, a succession of triumphs. lie is quite in love with the country, one long beautiful garden he
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  • 2239 12 (Written for the Singapore Fret Pr t VII. Macassar Roads. British Popuu. noN. Relics ok the Pvst.— Ngcleci of the Dead. New Year Cblesration Bugis Architecilre. The Govb* nor. Taxes. Country walks.— Ditch life. Dutch food. Prospects 01 EsCAPE. Sunday was true to its name, and
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  • 421 13 The meeting of the Sungei Ijong and Jelebu Race Club takes place on April 6th and 7th, Easter Monday and Tuesday. The events and entries are. 1. An Optional Selling Race for all ponies 14 chands and under, weight as per scale, for 1^.2 ponies (14 hands
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  • 142 13 April Monthly Handicap. The following are the scores made on Saturday Ist 2nd H'cap. Tot. J. D. Macintosh 55 53 22 86 A. Mackay 49 46 8 87 J. C. D. Jones 47 54 12 89 A. W. Stiven 41 47 4-1 89 J. \V. B. McLaren
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  • 114 13 British Ncrth Borneo Trade has improved 19 per cent, in 1595 as compared with 1894 the figures are as follows 1895. 1894. Increase. Imports... $1,962,550 1,098,543 263,806 Exports 1,663,906 1.329,060 334,830 Volume 3,626,256 3,027.610 598,646 Where are the police?" was the enquiry in Orchard Road on Saturday.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 453 13 GRAND HOTEL JAVA, BATAVIA. THIS first class Hotel, patronised by the English Community of Batavia, and situated m the Centre of the most healthy and best residential quarter of the Town, oilers a good Table-, Wines and Accommodation to Travellers. A runner attends all steamers, and English is spoken. L.
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    • 193 13 Frames Mouldings 80 different patterns. ROBT. LENZ CO., CORNER OF STAMFORD ROAD HILL STREET. G. R. Lambert Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS By Special Appointment to H. M. THE KING OF SIAM AND H. H.THE SULTAN OF JOHORE. Business Hours. On week dav^ from 7.^0 a. m. to 5 p. m. On Sundays
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 247 14 KELLY WALSH, L™ iMI CLEARANCE SALE PREVIOUS TO STOCK-TAKING. The following are offered at half price TENNIS RACQUETS. A large selection of NOVELS JUVENILE BOOKS including back volumes of BOYS OWN ANNUAL, GIRLS OWN ANNUAL BOYS. PICTURES, handsomely framed. A large selection of FANCY GOODS. ALSO, A Selection oi I'WPETERIES,
      247 words
    • 528 14 PURE BLOOD Is tlie swrci «f prt fiealtk. Ayer's Sarsaparilla (Makes Pan Meet. Strengthens the Hews, f Sharpens the Appetite, < Removes that Tired Feeling, and takes Life Worth Living. X *^^\%M '^w x Sufferers /!wf^tritSa\ tion, general /QT^mm* X* debility, skin Y*jfiyiSttgAll^y<y meat arising 3etQw T^^^tyr from impure blood,
      528 words
    • 657 14 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA. TION CO.. LIMITED. TO PENANG, RANGOON U CALCUT I A, One of the Company's steamers is intended v leave Taujong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by tht abovt steamers at through rates to all ports in India n <i Ceylon aiso to
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  • 913 15 The Spring Meeting will be held on the -?6th, 28th 30th May. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY, Tuesday, May 26th. First Race. The Maiden Plate.— Value $250. A Race for Maiden Horses Weight as per scale (lost 91b.) An allowance of 71b. to horses entered for Races No. 4
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 957 15 UONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL ..............$10,000,000 RESERVr FUND 5.750,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF > JtoaeoMO PROPRIETORS I 410,000,000 Court or Directors. A. McCOXACHIE. Esy Chairmaw. S. C MKHAKLSFN 1 Kso-— Deputy Ch Altai aw. T>- 'i> n. I. P.vll Irving. J. Kramkk, Es<j. IS DodWlll. E*q. 0. R. Sassoon,"
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    • 555 15 POWELL Co.; Singapore. FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS. The following notices are taken from the Singapore Press. The Hongkong 8c Shakohai Bank. A handsome carved teak screen, nearly 80 feet long and six feet high, with cast iron grills bearing the monogram cf the Bank in gilt letters, marks off the Cashier's department
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    • 628 15 The Singapore Free Press AND Mercantile Advertiser. Cable Address,— Advertiser Singapore, Telephone Number. No. 61. Published at 39, Change Alley, Singapore. THE leading English Newspaper in the Straits Settlements Johore, the Protected Native States of Perak, Selan gor, Sungei Ujong, Pahang, the Negri Sembilan; British North Borneo; Sarawak. Netherlands Indies,
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  • 43 16 t Foreign Affairs. Mr. (i. Curzon. Undersecretary of State for Foreign 'Affairs, stated that the situation in South Africa and America still required vigilance and careful steering, but that the Government was hopeful of weathering the storm. London, March 31st, 189b.
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  • 49 16 Declines to Go Ashore. Reception Not Accepted. Hongkong, March 31st, 1896, 12-45 m. His Excellency Viceroy Li-Hung-Chang refuses to land here from the French mail. The garrison was paraded in readiness for a. demonstration, but had to be dismissed.
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  • 52 16 ANTI-FOREIGN MOVEMENT AT CANTON. 'Special to Singapore Free Press,) Hongkong. March 31st, 1896. Fhe public pfaces ©f Canton are covered with placards urging the Chinese to attack Shamun, and offering a hundred dollars for each foreign head. 111-will has arisen over the matter of boat regulations. Foreigners ar<: blamed tor
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  • 36 16 The Dervishes .v- preparing to resist the Egyptian advance. Change of French Foreign Ministers. M. Berthelot, ihc French Minister for Foreign Affairs Ins resigned and M. Bourgeois has been app jinted his successor.
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  • 45 16 A Native Revolt Apprehended. The position at Buluwayo is serious, a general rising bo ing feared. Comm inications southward arc threatened, an<l Ihe d^tendcrs in Buluwayo are short o! .trms and have only a month's supplies. Matabeleland has plenty of arms.
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  • 25 16 The Crisis in Rhodesia. The Chartered Company has asked the British Government to send five hundred troops from the Cape to reinforce Bulu-
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  • 44 16 Attitude Towards the British Occupation of Egypt. Vf. Rfntircrenis has stated in the ScnatßJ that thy agreement witn vvks never more cntnplete or more cordial and that Russia would firmly support France in tjfie Egyptian question. f London, April Ist, iSgo.
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  • 18 16 The Chinese loan has been largely covered in London and Berlin. London, April 2nd, isgb.
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  • 36 16 It is stated that the Government will send five thousand men to the Cape as soon as possible to be ready for any emergency. The telegraph line Co Buluwayo has broken down.
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  • 21 16 1 he material for a narrow gauge railway i from Suakim to Tembak is being prepared at Woolwich.
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  • 22 16 The Chartered Company is raising 500 men at Ma f eking to succour Buluvvayo. London, April 3rd, ISO 6.
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  • 29 16 After an excited debate in the French Chamber on the Egyptian question a vote of confidence in the Government was adopted by a majority of 96.
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  • 52 16 ITm Times states that the despatch of Mr. Chamberlain to President Kruger is nendly but firm, and insist, on redress Jor the Uitlanders 1 grievances. It affirms Ureat Britain s right to interfere and requesta a reply to the invitattpn to visit bngland. London^ \pr :>
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  • 43 16 A vote of no Confidence. 1 be French Senate ha- passed a vote of «rant of confidence in the foreign policy ot the Government and has deferred voting tne Madagascar credit. The Cabinet is resolved, however to remain in office.
    43 words
  • 36 16 A Commercial Treaty. Commercial and consular treaties between Germany and Japan have been signed at Berlin. It is understood that extra-territoriality has not been wholly abolished. Germany imports obtain numerous reductions in tariffs.
    36 words
  • 37 16 The Defence of Kassala. An Italian Success. j The Italian garrison at Kassala made I a sortie to aid an outpost and defeated five thousand Dervishes with heavy loss. The Italian loss was slight.
    37 words
  • 96 16 1 I Dervish Movement against Akasheh. The Dervishes have advanced within Anjer Shipping Report. (Specially compiled for the Singapore Free Press.) [Date of passing Anjer Nationality and description of vessel Captain's name Where and when sailed. Destination. 1 Mar. 25. Brit, bq., Launberga McDougall New York, Dec.
    96 words
  • 382 16 Mar. 50.— Ptr Stettin Mr. Becker, Mr. Beiler, Mr. Fcchner, Mr. Kunzmann, Capt. and Mrs. Reimers, Mr. H. Wolff, Mr. Ploem, Mr. H. Ploem, Miss Ploem, Mr Betz, Mr. Herklot/. Mr. Binternagel, Mr. Hert/er, Mr. Kleime. Mar. 31.— Per Calypso Mr. London, Mr. Lowe, Mr. Van Sledeen, Mr.
    382 words
  • 17 16 Mar. 31. Per Rosetta from Hongkong.-— Mr. Beckiey. From Shanghai. Mr. J. Kirby.
    17 words
  • 65 16 April I. Per Rosetta for London. Mr. and Mrs. Selfe, Mr. George, Sergeant Beattie, Inspector Maxwell Mrs. Morris and two children, Mr. R. \V. Lamberton, Mr. fi. 1.. Tcding van Berlcliong, Mr. and Mrs. Deen, Mr. W. McGregor Smith, Dr. and Mrs; Tripp, Mr. W. P. K. N«wlands,
    65 words
  • 172 16 Per Ernest Simons April 7. For Marseilles. Mr., Mine and Mdle rle Bure, Mmc Hinnekindt, Hon'ble T. C. Bogaardt, Capt. and Miss de Vere Creighron, Mr. R. H. B^auchamp, M. f Mmc i Cloud and two children. Per Kaisavi-Hind \pul [5 -For Europe.— Mr. and Mrs. Stephen-;, family
    172 words
  • 548 16 I April o. Chkang Hock Kian, Brit, sir., Kunath, (or Penang. Sri Hong Ann, Brit, str., Rozelfs, forT. Anson, via ports. i Hkbf., But. str., Roberts, for Penang and Deli. I Amara, Brit, str., Smilh, for Bangkok. Neera, Brit, str., Myles. for T. Anson, via ports. Kirkdale, Brit, str.,
    548 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 983 16 SHARE LIST, APRIL tth, 1896. 1 p,,, taiick Capital Paid up Shares Pd. Ou Hongk«.,,g/v: S'.w: h.nk. :85%prenu $10,000,000 $10,000,000 80,000 125^1.5^, National Bank of CVfw 527 Sales. 39^5 c ffi rou h. $105 tellers. 75° Bk.of Cr t.h. J*n ,X:S;r.,s $24 N'omin*!. x 2 000,000 j^4so.9°^ "99.875 ((«-> Foon.iei;
      983 words