The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 28 January 1896

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 95 1 January i fc2.*5 8.125 iL»#: .SO. I I2.50 hUk t ordinary S'por*,» •>02._ i« iiiit, Fan J-, -S/" *7*5° v w i^,,- I Ql. M;.,:» H-4...;a..... 96. i i\i«ibo*fU^i 17 ijo -.ucr:a;i e* 13*5° i!.^«i 1 1* an «j !<i 3-7° •t»-. ?jj. k-r :.*'t jo. 375 1 it.
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  • 270 1 /ration— iml Arbitrati 1 4s* i) sin Run M 'd. 19 p Henry of Battenbe t v I; and I irkey, s^* Way Out/ SO I h- ibassy al 'Vv i^. 1 Sil lation, >o Aup al '>;irt. Uori to,> {o, v. S>> I-j"^ Jt Fua lon. 52 Babti
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  • 37 1 Domestic Occurrences. BIRTHS. On December 22nd, 1805, at Burrelton, Coupar Anijus, tho wife of E. M. Lyon, of a daughter. On January 18th, at the Octagonal Bungalow. Kuala Luinpor, the wife of F. Fox, of a daughter.
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  • 68 1 (Corrected up to Januaiy 7 j Han k 4 m/s 2/i| M demand 2/1J Private credits 3 m/s 2/2-1/16 documents 3 m/s j/^i creriits 6 m/s 2/2-3/16 On India. Bank demand 183^ on Hongkong. Bank demand i%pm. On Yokohama. Bank demand i%pm. On Java. Bank demand I^o.^, Private 30
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  • 306 1 Here shall the Press the PtepU't right maintain. Unawtd by influence and unbrjbed by fain; Here patriot Truth her jlorioni precepts dra>\. Pledged to Religion, L«yaltr. and Law. It is a good sign of a disposition, on the part of the United States, to abandon what
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  • 1119 1 The prospect of improved relations with the United States is seriously set back if we are to accept as substantially accurate the outline of the new phase telegraphed to-day. That marvel of indefiniteness, the Monroe Doctrine, is now, we are told, assuming a new and strange shape,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 435 1 The next mail from Europe is due to arrive by the P. O. Mirzapore on the 3rd proximo, with London advices to the roth inst., being followed by the N. G. L. mail s.S P. Heinrich on February 7th, with the English mails of the 13th inst. This mail leaves
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  • 370 2 IN itself, and even more for what of it brings to one tor whom the English people have a sincere affection and high regard. ie death of Prince HENRY of BATTENBERG is a deplorable sequel to what has been to all appearance a brief and bloedless
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  • 178 2 T«ro Suns ot Love make day of human lite, Which el-« iih i!! its pains n;d griefs and deaths Were latn darkness -one, Iht Sun of dawn 'ill-*' bi'tohtem Ihro 1 the Moth< r's t^* r ryes, And warms the child's awakening world and one The later-rising Sun of spousal
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  • 562 2 (Jan. 24U1J IF we art to credit the assertion of a public journal which has been unusually well-informed as to matters bearing on the Eastern questions centering at Constantinople, that which some of us have been steadily contemplating as a probability has become a reality. We refer
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  • 227 2 (Jan. 25th.) The weight of that common sense that been invoked as the safe agency for the settlement of the Venezuela misunderstanding bettveen America and Britain is distinctly beginning to tell, even with President Cleveland and his Secretary of State. The moral condemnation of the American
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  • 130 2 (jan. 2-jin.j WE have heard that there is a rumour that Sir CECIL CLEMENTI Smith, our late Governor, was offered, but declined to accept,, the post of British Ambassador to China lately filled by Sir NICHOLAS O'CONOR, and now bestowed upon Sir CLAUDE MACDONALD. As to
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  • 686 2 f It is as appropriate, as it is pleasant to note, that the Secretary of State for the Colonies publicly signalises the fact that the recent German hostile feeling, towards Britain, built on a misapprehension of facts, as to the course of events in South Africa, is passing
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  • 582 2 The following letter, signed by leading inhabitant of Johannesburg, was sent on Saturday Doc. 28th to Dr. Jameson at Mafekin»- say- the Time* Cape Town correspondent IXar Sir, The position of matters in this State has become so critical that we are assured that, at
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  • 1006 3 Mr. Arnold, of Bangkok, died the other iiv in the General Hospital here, of paralysis. Shanghai shareholders in the New Imuris Co. in liquidation were called upon to pay upon their holdings. They paid i.~544- luu Mr. and Mrs. P. Rkrkmers and party bave proceeded from
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  • 357 3 Hongkong Telegraph.) What has become of the Hongkong branch of the China Association We intend to ask the question in this column daily until we gel an answer. It is certain that no meeting of the Association, as a body, has been called together since the
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  • 109 3 The 2nd North'd Fusiliers will #o into camp at Changi for Field Firing on Tuesday, Feb. 4th, 1896. Details will be published later. An advance party of ten men under a N. C. 0., in which will be included as many Regimental pioneers as can be spared, will
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  • 1231 3 At the Town Hall. In the nature of things it must be only at rare intervals that a musical artist of high European reputation passes round this way and enables us to realise what executive art can do expressed in its highest musical forms. Such an opportunity
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  • 255 3 (Siam Free Press,) The English Government have granted the full concession for the construction of this line to Messrs. Grassi Bros. The line will run from Malacca to Tampin, and in case the government is satisfied with the work an extension will be granted to continue the
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  • 123 3 (From V Extreme Orient,) Paris January 4. The English press is furious over the despatch of Emperor William to President Kruger, which they consider as a national affront. The Standard urges Government to intimate to Germany that England alone possesses rights in the Transvaal. The majority of
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  • Correspondence.
    • 274 4 To the Editor. Dear Sir, At aßout nine o'clock last night, I witnessed a very unusual occurrence in the Town Hall of this place. A real lion w (no doubt of that) got upon the platform of the concert room, and began to play
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  • 248 4 Referring to the term? used by Sir Cecil Smith at the Straits Association Dinner, and by the Westminster Gazette and the Daily Chronicle on the question of the Malay States of the Peninsula, non-pro-tected, the Siam Free Press remarks It would, indeed, be 4
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  • 343 4 The Military Correspondent of the Globe says on this subject The opening of the Norwich Soldiers' and Sailors' Home on Thursday by Lord Wolseley again brings into prominence the subject of soldiers' institutes generally. The only officer I met with who thoroughly understands the ideal institute or club.
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  • 297 4 {from our son Correspondents The vital statistics for the Municipality of the Town and F«rt of Malacca as given in the Health Officer's report for the month of December are certainly remarkable. They shew that, during that month, whilst the number of births was only 29. giving a birth-rate
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  • 556 4 Berore the Honble L. Cox, C. J. and Hon'bles Law and Leach, P. J. The Borneo Co. Ld., v. So Long and Go Tua Ton (Chop Tung Wat). For the appellants, the Borneo Co., Ld., as agents for the Menam Flotilla Company owners of the river steamer Chow
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  • 1204 4 Bangkok, Nov. 6.— People in England seem f he lulled by assurances of the wonderful advances being made by the Siamese Government in all departments of its administration, and lo imagine that, because nothing is being said about it, France has stayed her hand in Siam. The position is,
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  • 327 4 Mr. Edward Atkinson expresses the Mowing views in a paper entitled Jingoes and SflveritM in the North American Vwm% We may regard the parcelling out of barharouor semi-barbarous continents like Africa among the powers of Europe with perfect equanimity, and yet we may regard
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  • 406 4 A Proi i. st. The following extract is taken from long re view in the N.-C. Daily New* of the annual report of the Sttangh&i Branch of the China fatKtation One other special point of grave important •<• if treated in this report. The Hongkong Govern
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  • 28 4 Fron the Comrriet dc Sa;«u>* we team that the expedition orgaoifed by tl GoW Mining Company of the Upper Lm# v l to It.'ivt- Saigon 01 fanuan stl
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  • 883 5 (By the Mail). At en!** revulsion of feeling 01. the subject ol Mr. Cleveland's Mt^ige to Congress was brought about in New Yo k on December 20th h\ v panu v.hich prevailed in Wall-street. The tailing of ,a!ue> and the failure of brokerage h<j-es
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  • 40 5 Joseph Chamberlain, as Secretary of v'u -or the Colonies, is keeping himself «y ii touch with colonial sentiment to preside at th< Queensland* rs' l;: i umentar) banquet to Lord Lamington, wernoi ol QueenMand, at tin H^tel ktttropoie, Whitehall, to-day.
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  • 416 5 THE EXPERIENCES OF THE ROSARY." The past two months have been remarkable for the way in which overdue steamers, chiefly with machinery gone wrong or propelfors lost or boilers broken loose, have turned up long after all hope has been abandoned. The chief cases are those of the Gorsedd, the
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  • 380 5 MORI'. SttUEEZES PIDGIN. A couple of Cantonese gentlemen living in Shanghai, members of a piwerful syndicate whose aim is to tender for the construction of the PekingHankow railway, have received telegraphic notice of the safe arrival at Peking of several of their colleagues who have gone there
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  • 283 5 (Ho ngko ng Telegyap h Mr. E. Jerome Dyer since his return to Australia has been lecturing in Melbourne to a larjje and representative meeting of the Colonists, and giving them the benefit of his recent experiences in Hongkong, China and Japan. He has not confined himself
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  • 643 5 Owing to change of steamers the Chevalier de Kontski proceeds to Bangkok by the S. S. Medusa to-morrow. It is rumoured that next years naval estimates will run to about twenty millions sterling. Cavenagh Bridge was opened for traffic yesterday afternoon, and the Municipality are to
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  • 96 5 We regret to record the death of Capt. Thow, late of the s S. Kongsee, who died at the Beach Hotel yesterday afternoon about four o'clock. The deceased, who was one of the most popular skippers in the Straits, had only been ailing a very short
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  • 695 5 \Frem 9ur otvk Corrtspoudent.} The Netherlands-India Gas Company ir> their application for a concession for lighting Semarang with g£s f have also petitioned for a prolongation of time of their concessions at Batavia and Soerabaya, which -should expire eight years hence. This the Government have refused. The refusal
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  • 100 5 It is notiricd that Acting Chaplain W. P. Hodg kinson took over the duties ot Church of England Chaplain to the Troops at Singapore from Acting Chaplain E. J. Frayling on December 28th, 1895. Route Marching. The 2nd North'd Fusiliers will perform a Time route march on Friday,
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  • 4897 6  -  John Dill Ross. By From London via the Rochers De Naye. r A long and delightful holiday was drawing to its close, and my return to the Far Kast could no longer be delayed, a fact which a sporting friend brought home to me with the
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  • 154 7 The Gazette contains the text of the Frivolous Charges Order." which enables a magistrate to punish the b ringers of frivolous or malicious charges by a fine up to §25 to be paid to the person improperly charged as compensation. Mr. W. D. Barnes is to act as
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  • 244 7 25 Company S. I). R. A. v. S. R. C li This match was played on Saturday. S X C Mr. H. Finck c Hildebrand b Blease 4 VV. Ryan c Hildebrand |b Blease 3 E. Gomes c Ronan b Gavan o J. Chopard b Gavan o C. Valberg
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  • 1957 7 {Hongkong Daily Press,; At the present juncture, when recent events have brought the Transvaal once more into unpleasant prominence, it is interesting to note what a foreign critic says of the South African Republic and its inhabitants. In his recent work "John Bull Co., written
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  • 479 7 Aberdeen has sent many distinguished men to the South, but none whose career brings out in bolder relief the characteristics o! the race than Sir Thomas Sutherland, the great Peninsular and Oriental Shipping Company. Thomas Sutherland came South to fill a junior clerkship in the Company's head-office
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  • 912 8 Attention is drawn to the Pahang Government notice in another column cancelling the Raub concession of the Malay Peninsula Prospecting Company, Ld., a company which was formed in 1887 with a capital of $50,000, divided into. 5,000 shares which are fully paid up. The primary
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  • 859 8 The Bangkok Times comments upon the agreement of England and France in respect to their respective spheres of influence in Further India in a manner which betrays that it has not caught the force of the significant clauses in the telegram. Because the Mekong is to be
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  • 746 8 The time given by the timeball at one o'clock to-day, we are informed, should not be relied on. Capt. Cassens, of the German s.S. Sumatra, reports having spoken the German ship R. C. Rickmers, 26 miles X. W. by f \V. from the One Fathom Bank
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  • 314 8 One hundred and twenty-four horse have arrived by the S.S. Faailka from Australia, the vessel reaching here a>l night and going alongside the Wharf this morning. The horses are reported to b<all in good condition, not a single losoccurring on the passage. Among the horses is the much-talked
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  • 395 8 I can lunch on fowl's wing with a zest, Am partial lo cuts off the breast, But of nil of a bird 1 think on my word Padre hidotttfs the bit I like best. H. M. S. (mmorUUiti t Capt. Ctuchetter, which arrived yesterday, is a iirst rfi»-twin-screw
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  • 18 8 Almost e?»d will stand by \ou to i f ><* l«**»i *»hi!!iiitf it i f muK be your shilling.
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  • 1218 9 Pall Mall Gazette. > Tuesday Morning. -There is a great stir in the katnponfc' (Malay village) to-d»y the racing prahus filing-boats; are gomff to be taken out of their sheds and put into working order for the filing now coming on. I knew yesterday sonvthing was in
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  • 78 9 1 Avenir da Tonkin -.ays We i«) learn that an important indus- >< unibination has been formed in Pans ihe purpose of preventing the orders which the Chinese Government intends placing in Kurope for its industrial and v^ irlikc outfit falling into tht- hands of German houses. These orders amount
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  • Correspondence.
    • 216 9 A Merry Christmas and a Happy New- Year To the Editor. Dear Sir, When I read the letters in your paper about the fines imposed on Christmas cards, I congratulated myself on having had the good sense to take my cards to the Post Office at Kuala Lumpur personally, to
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  • 791 9 A terrible battle has just been fought north of the Tweed. It may be that on this side of the border the amount of energy expended by the combatants may seem out of proportion to the importance of the question at issue but then it has
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  • 55 9 The Tientsin correspondent of the Shanghai Mercury wrote as follows on Christmas Day: Mr. Mandl has just received advices horn Peking saying that his firm's tenders for men-of-war had been accepted, amounting to Vis. 17,000,000. It is said the firm has also filed tenders for men-of-war in Japan. After all
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  • 756 9 Mr. \V. L. Carter, who has been appointed District Officer, Jasin, will leave Penang shortly for Malacca. Transvaal affairs have caused Chartered shares to fall very seriously. From telegraphic information it appears that on the 2nd instant they were quoted at 4/. and they had dropped
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  • 416 9 We are asked to say that to-morrow is the anniversary of the tonsecration of St. Andrew's Cathedral, which took place on January 25th, iB6b and on Sunday the Services, especially the Eucharistic Service at 8 a.m., will be commemorative of the event which gave Singapore both its
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  • 191 9 Head Quarter Office, Singapore, January 24th, 1896. 1 Orderly Officer for the ensuing week Lieut. W. G. St. Clair. Orderly Sergeant for the ensuing week Sergt. Morrison. 2. During Major McCallum's absence from Singapore Capt. R. Dunman will act as Commandant S.V.A. 3. Gunners A.
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  • 49 9 The following telegram has been received ircnr» the Ajutant* General In consequence of the death of H.R.H. Prince Henry of Battenberg, all flags to be hoisted half nv»st hi^h, until further orders." Field Otlicer for the ensuing week —Major T. G. L. H. Armstrong, 2nd Northd. Fas,
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  • 82 9 The Health Committee of the lilasgow Town Council have decided to establish and equip a complete bacteriological department in the sanitary building now undergoing erection. The laboratory will be in charge of an expert in bacteriology. H. M.S. Undaunted was to leave yesterday for Malacca and Singapore. During the stay
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  • 1369 10 Bt a Daughter or To-day. This is the seasdh of the year when my fancy lightly turns to "chiffons." I haunt my dressmaker's; I consign a hoafd of soiled white gloves to the tender mercies of canny Scotch cleaners. Studying the enthralling pages of the ladies' papers, I
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  • 291 10 The jfiji writes an article laudatory of the circumstance that the Mitsu Bishi yard at Nagasaki has taken a contract from the Nippon Yusen Khisha to build one of the six big steamers of 7,500 tons each at a cost of 700,000 yen, which
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  • 354 10 The temporary wooden crosses erected over Hie graves of the soldiers who fell in the Perak war during the fighting in and about Kota Lama have been replaced by granite ones, with the names of the men on them. The Yomiuri states that the late war taught the Japanese Navy
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  • 1233 10 A Dying Man in the Mortuary. An inquest was held at the General Hospital this afternoon, before Dr. Mugliston, the corner, into the circumstances attending the death of one Tan Twee Yang. Dr. Bott, the first, witness called, stated that on the 19th, he received from
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  • 285 10 The annual general meeting of the Ladies' Lawn Tennis Club was held at the Club Pavilion yesterday evening at 5-15 p.m. The committees report was read and the accounts were passed The following committee for 1896 was elected, Mesdames Waddcll, Salzmann, Merewether, Dare and Adams, with
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  • 58 10 The Band of the sth Fusiliers will pla> the following programme in the Botanical Gardens to-morrow night, commencing at o p.m. Quadrille Royal Hu.idiii Coot*.. Overture French Comr.dx ...Kek-r H«-I;i. Sonata Moonlight SvnaTu* Beethoven. Waltz Amoretten Trnut* ....Gim'l. Select on Ma Mi Rosette C'arvll Air de
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  • 198 10 Mr. K. P. Gibbes has passed his Rut! examination in Malay Opinion is divided, the Berlin Post says, as to the expediency of establishing a German coaling station in Eastern Asia. At the present moment contracts an tD existence with the great firm> at Hongkong, Shanghai, Yokohama, and other ports
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  • 118 11 In the telegrams given below, via Rangoon, we have the first inkling of the fatal illness that carried off this unfortunate Prince London, January i ith. The latest advices, from the A. s hanti expeditionary force state that Prince Henry d Battenberg is suffering
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  • 406 11 S:uj{«t> <■• Frm Press, December joth.j A- lias be- n abundantly -.hem-n in these A j'!iib die probability of Russia acquiring an ienCB *>\,er Turkey is a mere matter uf opportunity, 'md expediency. The COrt- .el adhesMM of Russia to the European Con. m r |as been
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  • 288 11 lor Mr. Vermont's eye. A Havana telegram in Vmerican papers says that \merican-owned sugar property in Cuba north (gold] i> jeopardised by •General Maximo Gomez's recent order to destroj every estate whose owner tries to iiaki sugar this winter. Many of the Vm< rican properties on tin; island will
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  • 764 11 The Australian starting machine is now being applied at the Madras Gymkhana races at Guindy. The firm of Somerville and Gunn will be established from the ist prox. as exchange brokers. The partners in it are Mr. F. G. Somerville and Mr. R. J. Gunn, both
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  • 763 11 Sir C. Warren Challenge Shield. Fusiliers v, S. V. A. If anything was wanting to prove the popularity that the Association game has attained amongst all classes of the community, last night's attendance at the final tie for the Shield furnished ample proof. Spectators were lined four deep
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  • 32 11 Yesrerday a Chinaman intending to return to China went on board the S. S. Pakhoi and died during the night. His body has been brought ashore and an inquest will be held.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 229 11 To thi EditorSir, I have, witn your permission, to draw the attention of the Sanitary Board authorities to the filthy, worn-out rickshas plying for hire in Kuala Lumpur. It was my lot to get into a ricksha No. 154, the wheels ot which were so worn
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  • 215 11 The ro ter of Visiting Justices for Malacca is published. The leave of Mr. H. A. Heard, Registrar of Deeds, Penang, is extended till the arrival of the steamer Glenshiels. The British Protectorate of Zanzibar and the Protectorate of British East Africa have adhered to the Postal Union
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  • 265 11 i 7? XT D U U B. N. B. Herald.) Mr. Perry, who has taken charge of the Mission School, has settled down to his work and, what is more, seems to like it. He studied at Oxford and took a b. a., degree at London. A
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  • 130 11 The U.S.S. Detroit has gone to Ainoy to see what the Germans are up t© in that part of the Gorgeous East. The naval correspondent of a home paper says lt is now said to be unlikely that Captain Lang will be allowed by the Cabinet to accept the splendid
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  • 1146 12 E'en as the heading Topics of the Week Doth now, too oft, portend dead languages. Anon. Quicquid agttnt homines nostri est farrago libelli. Juvenal. Que diable all ait -il faire dans cette gattre was everybody's remark when the news came of Prince Henry of Battenberg's death,
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  • 415 12 Though one ot the youngest of Singaporean institutions the Marine Club is a properous and growing concern, and the Marine Club Ball, now one of the most popular social functions of the year, which was held last evening, was as successful as any of its predecessors.
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  • 287 12 From a publication entitled the Downfall of Lobengula," written and contributed to a number of officers who took part in the campaign, as well as Mr. Rider Haggard, Mr. F. C. Selous, and others, the Pinang Gazette derives some details as to the various other members of
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  • 686 12 We really must ask the Bombay Gazette to discriminate. A journal published in Singapore thought fit some weeks ago, on conspicuously small equipment for its topic, to boom a panic about the state of our defences, returning like the dog of the proverb to
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  • 129 12 A challenge of a sporting character ha s been sent by the Tanglin Club to tlir S.V.A. for a series of matches at various games and sports. Nine events have been arranged, which are as follows 1. Tennis Single (Mr. Ainslie, sth F-isi!j^ r <, v. Gunner
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  • 178 12 r{]Fr9m our own Correspondent.) On Monday Tuesday and WedneMiav last i\lr. Garrard the Police Magistrate uas occupied in hearing a charge of murder against Omar bin Aris. On the October Bth last a woman «amed Nokea was found murdered at Titi Petalang near Kuala Klavvang. Jelebu. and Omar bin
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  • 341 12 |ohn Bull lias s«nsin many lnnds, his verj Moo<i and bone, I Young giants with their father's, whom he will ne'er disown Their homes are scattered far and wide, hut o'er our ocenn path, These sturdy scions come in crowds t<> cheer the old man's hearth.
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  • 115 12 The following statistics arc- given in ti.«. Illustrated Ctntrdi Annual The total amount voluntarily contributed in tin British Isles by all sections of Christians in the financial year 1^94, tor promoting foreign missionary work, was i .-> 7 S S7 J This sum has been exceeded once only, ifl iNo,i.
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  • 998 13 THE NORTH BORNEO TELEGRAPH LINE. In the B. X B. Herald of Jan. ist Mr. 0 V Thomas, Superintendent of Telegraphs, gives his report up to November 14th Mr. Thomas has gone across riorr.eo from East to West and is the first European to have traversed some of this country.
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  • 68 13 ISays Petei Lombard in tht Church v-—. ihe late Bishop Hills was the lose of wit in others. One bright Monmorning he was standing talking to Pearson the vicar ot Darlington, when Maughan came up and handed him sovereigns, saying That, my lord, oui yesterday's collection for vcur fund.' the
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  • 1485 13 Mr. R. McEwen Little, of British Xorth Borneo, has been elected a fellow of the Royal Colonial Institute. H. M. S. Immortalite, Capt. Chichester, left port yesterday (Sunday) morning, to join the China Squadron at Hongkong. Mr. \V. Bibby, Manager of the Raub Mines, left for
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  • 454 13 The following reference to the movements of the late Prince Henry of Battenberg shows that the very hot and trying weather was perhaps the real cause of the unfortunate Prince's fatal illness Sir Francis Scott and staff, with Prince Henry of Battenberg and Prince
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  • 276 13 The following is a complete list of the cases included in the calendar up to this morning: Yeo Chin, unlawfully returning from banishment Beh Lai Hut, housebreaking by night Dimitri Orloff, theft as. a servant Tan Leong kidnapping Turnpal, theft in a dwelling Fu Fai Vat. being in
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  • 51 13 The hmfoi the S R. C. Lawn 1 cn nib Tournament, played or* Saturday, between Mr. W A. D'Cru'z, holder, and Mr. E St C. Rappa, the runner up. ended, after some interesting play in two settb all, the fifth sett remaining unfinished The tie will be concluded this ever
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  • 394 14 Dear Charlie, I finds I ain't wrote yer Eer wot seems the dtuce of a time, But, 'ceptin' the doins' at Christmas, There ain't been much reason or rhyme. An' to tell the truth, Charlie, my ancient, There's not much to write about now, But you
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  • 147 14 To-day being the thirty-seventh birthday of the German Emperor and King of Prussia all the German ships and a large number of the other vessels in Harbour were dressed in honour of the occasion, the custemary reception being held at the German Consulate which
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  • 233 14 A cricket match was played on Saturday I t»ii tlu Esplanade between teams repre- seating ihe S.C.C. ami the R. E. The Engineers were the tirsi to bat and declared their innings closed with the scare at 150 for five wickets and the Club following only succeeded in making
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  • 437 14 The Weekly Topicist of the Singapore Free Press in his column on Saturday made these observations on the political situation as concerns the possibility of America bring able to retire from a difficult position over the Venezuelan affair In the Venezuela Commission Cleveland has a back-door to
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  • 182 14 A Ceylon paper says In Sun^ei Ujong, one ot" the four o\ live States in the Straits remaining under native rulers, a quantity ot land has been taken up by a number of Ceylon residents, and it is possible, as their concessions are contiguous to
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  • 176 14 Among tin arrivals from Europe by Ihe mail arts Mr. and Mrs. St. V. B. Down, and Mi. R. W. Duff, Superintendent Pahang Pdicc. Mr. Duff goes to Pahang \ia Klang tu-iuoiiiiw afternoon in the S.S. Amhersf. I }»<* list i»i w Year honours is remarkable for tl.r fact that
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  • 342 14 According to the local papers Mark Twain on one occasion arrived too late for one of his lectures. He apologised, but before the audience wouid let him utter a word it gave him a rousing reception. The great humorist bowed his acknowledgments. The audience cheered
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  • 137 14 (Perak Pioneer Mr. Derry, we hear, is to succeed Mr. A. L. M. Scott as Superintendent of Government Plantations. Mr. O'Shaughnessy, the Irrigation Engineer for Krian, has not yet arrived. He was expected by the end of last year. Mr. F. Weld, the Assistant State Auditor now Acting
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  • 436 14 She is a very modern product. Ot course, yearn ago ladies cycled mostly on tricycles but they represented all told, such a very small body, that they could hardiy be regarded as a class and the few who did venture forth a-wheel were looked upon as very
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  • 109 14 Of Bulgaria the Board of Trade Journal relates that the efforts shown by the Germans to uecure the largest possible market would appear to be crowned with success." This is well within the truth Germany has already given us a handsome beating! tor, whereas in i -SB5 Bulgaria took German
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  • 3359 14 (Via Rangoon.) London, January 12th. Advices have been received that Consul Johnston has captured tad executed the Slave-trader Oiogi after three day* fighting in which the Arabs lost two hundred men. London, January 13th. Captain G. I)c Herri*, Smith, belonging to the Sikh armed polire Force was severely wounded
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 568 15 Malayan Ethnological AND Natural History Collections. 6, Battery Road, Singapore. RESIDENTS of and visitors to Singapore wishing to obtain interesting Ethnological and Nat. History specimens should pay a visit to above collections. Small assorted collections supplied at £5, $10, $15. and upwards, ready packed. Genuine native weapons received for sale
      568 words
    • 209 15 AVER'S Sarsaparilla IS THE GREAT Blood- Purifier, NERVE TONIC, STRENGTH BUILDER. O eral <i< hjlity, w meat arisiug from Impure blood, sUotdd L;ii.' j Ayer's Sarsap<triHa. li gives strengtli tv the weak, an<l builds up ttie system getter ally. By fts i &«m! i^- nuule uourlsbing, sleep Pefw >liii,u. :<
      209 words

  • 275 16 JANUARY 27th, i8gi. OuoTATioif. Capital Paid up Shares Pd. D.% H.^.n.^S'hvKanK. :So prem. $10,000,000 $10,000,000 ***** I** M N ,H,n.,tO t o d :2 7 Sales. 4400,150 jgg£# X $105 Seflcw. (750 £1 BknrC«...a.[«..ASt».tt 2 f Nominal. U2000,0©0 ,£450,96* '99,875 ?oui-«i-.*> £2 h I 2 v> IW«* Pa^r
    275 words
    • 37 16 A Fishery Great Britain and America havt* agreed that each Power shall appoint an arbiter to settle the claims for the seizure of Canadian sealing vessels by America. London, 'January 21st, 1896
      37 words
    • 49 16 A Wholesale Development. A resolution of Committee, extending the scope of the Monroe Doctrine has been reported to the United States Senate. The effect of the proposed enlargement of the principle will be to place the smaller American Powers in absolute subjection to the United Slates.
      49 words
    • 22 16 President Cleveland's Commission has invited Venezuela and Britain to furnish evidence of their respective claims. London, January *2nd lSgto.
      22 words
    • 85 16 H.R.H. Prince Henry ol Battenberg has died of fever contracted in the Ashanti War. [Henry oi Battenbcrg (Prince), son of Prince Alexander ol Hesse and of the Rhino, was born on Oct. 5, 1858, and on July 23, 1885, married H. R. H. the
      85 words
    • 19 16 The Monroe resolution has been ill received and is not likely to pass.
      19 words
    • 27 16 A Russo-Chinese bank has been tormrd at St. Petersburg and it proposes to establish branches in the chief cities of London, January jjrd, 1896.
      27 words
    • 19 16 The Pall Mall Gazette states that Russia and Turkey have concluded an offensive and detensivd treaty.
      19 words
    • 20 16 President Cleveland has pronounced the Monroe resolution to be mischievous and I J London, Janumry jjth, itiyh.
      20 words
    • 15 16 Mr. Secretary Olney has advised Venezuela to reopen parleying with Great Britain.
      15 words
    • 10 16 Johannesburg is still unsettled. London, January 2sth iBq6.
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    • 10 16 The existence of a Kusso- Turkish treaty
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    • 58 16 Prospects of Peace. Fhe Kalian forces have evacuated Makaleh with arms and ammunition. Menelek is treating for peace. On January 15U1 this telegram wa.i published at Rome: General Baratieri ha- telegraphed to Government that his position it Makalcli :s one •>t some difficulty but may improve owing
      58 words
    • 39 16 Britain and Germany. Mr. Chamberlain, speaking at Bir mingham declared tbat tbe signs ot political storm were abating, and that Germany's unexpected and unprovoked hostility to Britain was passing away. London, January 2jtk 1096.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 109 16 SUNGEI UJONG AND JELEBU GYMKHANA CLUB. The Annual Spring Meeting will be held at Seremban on Easter Monday and Tuesday, April 6th and 7th, 18^6. The Programme will include the Sungei Ujong Stakes, a Race for All Horses, value #2,000, and five other open events For further particular;, see programme
      109 words
    • 56 16 Art Photography. ROBT. LENZ Co., STAMFORD KOAD HILL STREET, Guarantee Photographs and Enlargements of t)"- v^ry b'fst (Quality, whether PORTRAITS INTERIORS LANDSCAPES. whilst as tlmy use ihe Collodion-Chloride process their patrons will h^vo the additional satisfaction of posse-;sinj» pirtur- s whk'h will not fade. SPECIAL TERMS for large numbers, S'rtrv
      56 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 603 16 CLEARANCES. January 27* Sri Hong Ann, Brit, str., Rozells, forT. Anson, via ports. Isabella. Brit, str., Hudson, for Muar. Nepra. Brit, str., Morris, for T. Anson, via ports. Zwkena, Brit, str., Nesbitt, for Penang and Rangoon. Tantalus, Brit. str.. Hannah, for Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan. Batavibr, Brit, str., Peters, for
      603 words
    • 1331 16 VhSbM-b IN POkJ Men-of-War iats Ton. Captain Arrived From Consitjn«*t-« Kor. Wfcti Kolls B" 1 ci m 3600 Groome Dec. 22 Sarawak Sr. N. OfHcer Station Peacock Brit, g.b., 735 Laxton Jan. 13 Bangkok Sr. N. Ofticer Other Vessels Aiboiv Brit. 650 Ritchie Jan. 25 Penan^ Borneo Co. VMHERST Brit.
      1,331 words