The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 7 May 1895

Total Pages: 16
273 288 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
  • 15 273 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. THIRD SERIES. TUESDAY. MAY 7*h, 1895. No. 406
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 20 273 On Sunday, the sth instant, at Rose Cottage 15, Killiney Road, the wife uf J. Br\g», of a daughter.
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    • 40 273 At the Presbyterian uirch, Penang, on the 26th inst., by the Revd. VV. Murray, m a., assisted by the Revd. George M. Reith, m a., Frrderick •Gladstone Somerville, »o Jessie, eldest daughter of the late David Comrie, M.L.c. 1
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    • 30 273 On the 30th April, Antonio d'Almriua. The remains will be conveyed from the Cathedral Church of The Good Shepherd to the Cemeery for interment at 5 p. m. to-morrow.
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  • 413 273 A Constitutional Conflict at Hongkong. (April 30th.) Here sh«Ul the Press tlir People's right maintain, l.'nawed by influence and unbribed by gain; lere patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw, i'led^e 1 to Religion, Loyalty, and Law. A serious crisis has arisen at Hongkong between the Sanitary Board and the Government
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  • 420 273 Day by day the interest thickens in the Far East, and none the less because symptoms are appearing that the common policy declared to have been arrived at between Russia, Germany and France is not to outlast the time needed for the fuller comprehension
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  • 782 273 In another quarter an effort has been made to stave off an application from the new FVio Club for the use of -a portion of the Race Course for the purposes of the game, on the ground that permission has been given by the Sporting
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  • Page 273 Advertisements
    • 213 273 CONTENTS. i Articles. 1 mstituti >nal Conflict at Hongkong-, 273 j v-.v Eastern Crisis, 273 Wjlk -'73 < and Japan, 274 ihe Fat East Crisis, 274 \i issia Satisfied, 274 ■••r News* p.; c Court. r pture <rf Intending Burglars, 275 hefi front a F)rawer, 278 Pk Inter-Settlement Rift^Match, 275,282,285
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  • Page 273 Miscellaneous
    • 576 273 THE WEEK. The mail from Europe arrives by the M. M. s. s. Oceanien to-day with London dates to the 12th ult., being followed by the P. and O. s. s. Ravenna on the 13th inst., with English mails to the 19th ult. But newspapers bearing date April 12th arrived
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  • 598 274 It should assist the public of this Colony to realise the efforts being made by Russia to reinforce her military power at Vladivostock if they come to comprehend that each of the Russian Volunteer Fleet steamers, whose appearances at Tanjong Pagar have been so frequent already this
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  • 555 274 We are convinced that the situation in the Far East is, at the moment, far more grave than anything implied in the whole course of the China-Japan war. That struggle, whatever its event, was at least waged between purely Asiatic powers, and European powers
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  • 380 274 To-day we have important news by special telegram from Hongkong respecting the final ratification of the Treaty of Peace between Japan and China. As tothe ratification itself there now seems to be no shadow of doubt whatever. Japan has not pushed her terms so far as
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  • 605 274 We have been permitted to follows from a private letter writt visitor to PekingtoairiwuUt Singapore.-- l P**nt lr I was at a dinner the other day f ed by an indignation meeting On ln p mosa question. The guests N r English, with one
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  • 195 274 Officers Garrison z>. Tasglin i-' This match was played on the E^-t^ on Saturday, and resulted in a win for I Officers of the Garrison. The were Officers Garrison. Lieut H. E. B. Leach b Mactaggart Lieut. H, S. Ainslie c Caddeil b Mact.uga Lieut. S. M. Binny b
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  • Page 274 Miscellaneous
    • 138 274 With more tonnage In vie\\ homeward rates have declined, and are now barely steady at quotations. For London, via Canal, 20/- is quoted for Bag Goods, and 25/- for Bale Gambier and P« ppcrs. Clean measurement 25 (a/ -;,6. Por Liverpool, via Canal, 27/6 30/- all round may be quoted.
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  • 1198 275 The Malacca Municipality advertise for n overseer at a salary of |6o a^monlh. Th#»Kin*of-Sfew, having'been advised h,s doctors to take a sea-trip ifor tbc SJS of his health, will start shortly ior C^edown the .Malay cost. i^ongst Ibe passengers leaving by the V to m0 rrow
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  • 66 275 At the special meeting of the Municipal Commission this afternoon Mr. Gentle, the President, paid a warm tribute to the memory of the late Mr. Macßitchie, and a special resolution, seconded by Mr. Seah Liang Seah, and supported by Mr. J. P. Joaquim was passed. Mr.
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  • 169 275 At the last moment the dies for the new British dollar were somewhat delayed, but they were definitely despatched for Bombay per P. and O. steamer Khedive on 4th inst. They will be due in Bombay about the end of the month, and before May is closed
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  • 769 275 An old Singapore resident writes to us I should like to make a few remarks on the discussion in Parliament on 29th ult. Messrs. Hanbury, SirG. Baden.Powell and Henniker Heaton are deserving of our best thanks, but Sir Charles Dilke was utterly wrong, and showed little
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  • 176 275 The Hongkong team is now in practice for the Inter-Settlement match. The Singapore team will fire on Saturday, May 4th. There have been great difficulties in getting the men together this year, and the team is minus the assistance of several of those who fired on
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  • 586 275 iFrom 014 r own Correspondent.) April 27th, 1895. The annual vestry meeting of the parishioners of Christ Church was held on Wednesday and Thursday last, at which there were present, the Hon. E. C. Hill, Resident Councillor, the Colonial Chaplain, and Messrs. Westerhout, Howell, Jarrett and Copley. At the
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  • 252 275 Early this morning Inspector Maxwell, who was on rounds in Beach Road, observed flames rising in direction of the Convent. He at once proceeded in that direction and found house No. 602, North Bridge Road, otherwise the Singapore Bazaar/ 1 occupied by Mr. A. Launay,
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  • 1018 276 At the Central Criminal Court on 3rd inst., belore Mr. Justice Collins, the Marquis of Queensberry was charged with having published malicious and defamatory libels concerning Mr. Oscar Wilde, He pleaded not guilty, and aUo that the libel was true, and that its publication
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  • 119 276 Panic AMONG thj' Nativbs. ?,000 Native and 16 Ei rofean Deaths. i Special wire to th&Siam Free Press Battambong, April 2;;.— M. Roland ha* arrived !:ere, and presented his credential to the Governor. He will proceed almost immediately to Siemrap. Gibbon and Srniies survey party are here,
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  • 2603 276 (Times.) When the report ot supply was taken in the House of Commons on 29th ult., Mr. Hanbury drew attention to the very heavy contribution for military purposes which had been imposed on the Ssraits Settlements. He points out that Ceylon, with 1,650 troops, paid £80,000
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  • 171 276 We understand thai the 1 of the Kedah-Ser.ggcra railway pressing favourably, the engineer being Mi. Wilson of Swan Lr.d M*d The Rajah cf Kedab and the X Senjzoora have bee:, appointed Siamese Government to act ill it of leases to the railway DW»| WJ will avoid the
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  • 617 277 Major -General Blackhas arrived at Hongktl)g to relieve Lieut. General Barker. Captain Menzell, from Maliwan, is now p^oaog. He reports that the affairs of •he company are prospering under the managers sent up from Singapore. apprchendec of shrimps.' to use a jnce coined by a Supreme
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  • 192 277 The mine manager's report for March, 1895, contains these passages The quantity of ore nrii.ed is 994 tons, made up as follows Upper Slopes 560 tons. August Shaft 119 South of August Shaft 33 „10 cwt. Mill Gully 46 Kladi Tunnel 235 w Milling. This wis carried on during
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  • 671 277 The Batu (iajah correspondent ot the Pinang Gazette says: The Chinese miners are seriously discussing the new labour regulations, It is stated that they are likely to be d^astrous to employer?. It is reported that several mines not of a paying character will close. The output of tin will be
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  • 120 277 The business community of the Colony will be glad to hear, we believe, that Mr. Noel Trotter, who has so often acted as Pastmaster-General. to the public satisfaction, has been confirmed by the Secretary of State in the substantive appointment. This recognition of Mr. Trotter's meritorious past services
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  • 428 277 Appointments. Mr. R. D. Hewett, District Magistrate, Kinta Mr. H. Vane, Auditor Mr. F. Talbot, Auditor Sungei Ujong Mr. F. J. B. Dykes, Demarcation Officer, Kinta. Mr. R. G. Watson's leave has been extended till Sept. 3rd, Mr. M. Gray has been granted fifteen months leave. A
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  • 388 277 Mr. Cosmo Paterson was nominated to-day for the Municipal vacancy in Rochore ward caused by the resignation of Mr. j. Fraser, his proposer being Mr. Warraik, seconded by Mr. Gan Eng Seng. We must give up all effort to be good unutterably good, story-bookily good." General h Booth— who appears
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  • 692 277 At the annual meeting of the Hongkong Chamber of Commerce ihe above subject was thus alluded to, a resolution that legislation should be framed to prohibit chopping" dollars being afterwards unanimously carried Mr. Jackson Mr. Chairman and gentlemen, there has been a short
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  • Correspondence.
    • 133 277 TO THE IIDITOR. Sir, In your issue of yesterday date (the 30th April) you published an account of the annual vestry meet'rvg c" t:.e parishioners of Christ Church. Malacca, wherein the Chaplain is stated to have been willing to undertake that whenever he officiated at the Holy Communion
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  • 195 277 The pearl fishery of Ceylon appears to be a thing of the past. for the present. Capt. Donnan, the Inspector, ha? just been all over the banks and 1 i n d > the old bt ds of oysters exhausted and apparently little promise of any new deposits of spawn
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  • 2444 278 A special meeting of the Municipal Commission was held in the Board Room yesterday afternoon, Mr. Gentle presiding. There were also present Mr. Seah Liang Seah, Mr. G. T. Hare, Mr. J. P. Joaquim and Mr. Moses. The President, in thanking the four gentlemen who had attended that
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  • 433 278 {Hongkong Daily Press.) We lean from a source which we believe to he absolutely reliable, but which, for various reasons, we cannot divulge, that the outbreak of plague at Macao is much more serious than has been given out, and that the average number of deaths
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  • 814 278 The S. S. Queen Victoria, Capt. Guthr* which arrived from Glasgow yeswda landed 2,000 kegs of gunpowder and cases of detonators for Singapore The nominations for the vacancy h tk Rochore Ward close to-day, only one JT. of Mr. Cosmo Paterson, having been r ceived. The
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  • 1003 279 This morning before Mr. Lemon, Lim Choon Seng, trading as Yong Lee Seng in Orchard Road, answered to a summons charging him that on the 22nd April he had in h* s possession 572 bottles of spirituous liquor upon which no duty had been paid. Mr. T.
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  • 771 279 From the nature of the present difficulty at Hongkong, connected with the overriding of the Sanitary Board by the Government on the question of the status of the Officer of Health and the resulting resignations of the unofficial members of the Sanitary Board, these
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  • 729 279 {Brisbane Courier,) The sudden rise of Japan from a mere group of peaceful islands into a Power of the first rank, with high naval and military prestige, and her leap from an humble position into that of the dominant Power in
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  • 367 279 For several months past it has been generaily kntwn that Russia, in keeping with the action of several other foreign powers interested in the Far Fast, had decided to increase her naval and military forces, in order to be prepared for any
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  • 355 279 There has been a correspondence on the recent gun explosion at Woosung in the Shanghai papers, and the following letter clearly explains the nature of the disaster The description of the guns mounted at Woosung and Kiangyin given by your correspondent of this morning, is not
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  • 625 279 H. N. M's gunboat Flores, Lieut. Commander Seret, arrived here irom lJjam>ie to-day, and after coaling will leave for Acheen. M. Hermite will have to see to his laurels. The Americans have also discovered uses for electrolysed sea-water, the discoverer, Mr. A. E. Woolf, terming his disinfectant and universal cure
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  • 2388 280  -  John Dill Ross .SIDELIGHTS ON THI DISCIPLINE OF TUB TROOPS EMPLOYED BY FRANCE IN* HER COLONIAL CONttUESTS. By (Chambers Journal.) Biribi, a word unknown to most Englishmen, is one ot dread to the whole French army. Biribi represents to the French soldier a long term of dangerous foreign strvice,
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  • 405 280 The third tit-s for Mr. Collyer's Prize; haw resulted in some very dose play. Dr. Croucher beat Lieut. Corrie (receiving is) by 3up and ito play. Lieut. Guggisberg and Hon'ble K. Birch, Mr. Cadell (receiving 10) and Mr. Vade both played a dead heat, whilst Lieut.
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  • 218 280 Mr. Chamberlain, in the course of a speech at Birmingham last week, said "It is believed that I am rather favourable to the Bankruptcy Act, too partial as a parent. That is an entire mistake. I regard the Bankruptcy Act very much as Mark Twain regarded his first-born
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  • 701 280 The abattoirs produced a reven $3,290 during the month of March Chief Justice Bonser, of Ceylon expected to arrive there on the ;th v* The Philharmonic Choir meets aca* practice on Monday next. Mr. Taylor from Cyprus, succeeds lr J. A. Swettenham, our new Colonial s
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  • 323 281 ,»\tes* Appeals: May 2nd, 1895. 8 0 re t he Hon'ble Lionel Cox, C.J. K:m Yion Appellant) t. Tok Vi Tarn Chi'f Justice delivered judgment 5 an appeal from a conviction by Police Magistrate, Singapore, of Kirn Teoh. who was sentenced to tooths' imprisonment for theft. The round
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  • 2698 281 I c Chiei Justice said. In this case I Bg A Woo app!ir-> for a rult? calling I Mr Egerton, Senior Magistrate, to ause why a mandamus should not 1 lirecting him to grant a summons a rtain information laid before Rim. .ng AW xi
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  • 276 281 {From ov.y own Co;- respondent.) The Committee of the Selangor Club on Saturday evening last presented their half-yearly statement of accounts to the members at a genera! meeting held in the reading-room. About 50 of the members attended. The Vice President, Mr. Berrington, placed the report before the meeting,
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  • 116 281 A Luang" t^hrabang correspondent of the Courrier d 1 Haiphong writes Is this foolery about using the Mekong as a commercial route to be kept up much linger? Have we not yet finished with this fantastic invention, destined onl}' to show the hardihood and determination
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  • 37 281 The C?ylon Observer alludes to the last issue of Straits Produce as M this lively and entertaining publication from the Straits." It adds Tho various local topics arc well hit off in letter press and sketches." J
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  • 153 282 Mr. Buckley has received by the German mail to-day a letter from Colombo dated the 24th of April. It says The Pekin brought us here safely early this morning (Wednesday), and we transhipped into ihe Oceania at 10 o'clock. We Jeave lor
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  • 604 282 As far as the Singapore team is concerned this match will be fired to-morrow on the Balestier rifle range, and it is requested that range officers, umpires and the members of the Singapore team be at the range pavilion at 2.30 p. m. For the sake
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  • 744 282 The Willard Opera Co. are at present giving entertainments in Colombo. The Mail despatched from Singapore to London, via Marseilles, on the 9th ultimo will be delhrered to-day. The Pinang Gazette says A fleet of eight pearling schooners are anchored in front of the Esplanade. The
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  • 154 282 The Governor *vith the approval of the Secretary of State has made the following appointments Mr. J. K. Qirch to be ist Magistrate, Singapore. Mr. H. A. O'Brien to be ist Magistrate, Penang. Mr. H. B. N. C. Trotter to be Postmaster General, Straits Settlements. Mr. L. E.
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  • 579 282 Last night was a record in Singapore, insomuch as four teams of Association Football Players were trying conclusions at the same time. The Cricket Club ground was occupied by the Club and the first team of the Northumberland Fusiliers, and the Recreation Club ground by the second team of
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  • 59 282 The Queensland Civil Service in the organisation cf Saturday afternoon socials have given practical shape to an idea which is good enough to be plagiarised, the second of which recently took the form of a trip in the Government steamer Lucindam to the Pile Lighthouse. The party on board were
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  • Correspondence.
    • 686 282 Servavt^^^ To the Editor. t^« DEAR Sir,—With reference b l vants nuisance, in my opinion tk peans arc a great deal to blame will take on boys who leave their 1 without any letter of rem*. J*** In my case I had a boy SSTS4^ end of
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  • 100 282 A friend from Jolion. writes is an abnormal ftfttOOQt D< s<^ and dysentery among the coolh ed on estates iit Jolicrc. luis M due to the continued wet weat Jbe Captain ol toe Arm* was left in Hongkong Hospito»» his \xssc! at Singapore. left Bangkok to Bntcb load Chang on
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  • Page 282 Advertisements

  • 1219 283 By S%muel Johnsom. PtacfaJ in W bachelor eyrie somewhere > the Thames and the Strand, it oc*l*Tto me one day to seek out a larger ;J V7-er suite of rooms more in accor"with the general style of the Man danCe siUaDore°who is notoriously a very
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  • 82 283 I Mr. Collyer's Prize. The third ties were completed last evening by Lieut. Guggisberg (who played on this occasion his record round of 41 strokes), beating Hon'ble I. K. Birch by 3 up and 2 to play, and by H. Vade beating I \V. Cadell by
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  • 348 283 The following is the Committee's report tor the year 1894: I. During the year 423 officers and seamen made use of the Home. The average number of the preceding five years was 574. There has been only one small shipwrecked crew this year, whereas there were
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  • 79 283 The N. C. Daily News says the Shanghai Taotai has appointed several officers familiar with the Japanese language to j watch Japanese arriving at that port. The i reason for this step is stated to bu on account of the large numbers of Japanese who have lately entered Shanghai, but
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  • 1283 283 E'en as the heading Topics of the Week Doth now, too oft, portend dead languages. Anon. Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli. Juvenal. We have got used to Colonial Office ways. We are aware that when a little financial difficulty between the Mother Country and
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  • 377 283 AN ALLEGED SECRET TREATY BETWEEN RUSSIA AND CHINA. Some time ago we hinted that the official sent from China to St. Petersburg, nominally as the bearer of special congratulations and presents to the new Emperor of Russia on the occasion of his accession and marriage, had up his sleeve a
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  • 43 283 Amongst the passengers iro:\\ Bangkok by the S.s. Gorgon this morning were Mr. A. H. Bagnall and Mr. G, H, Day, both of Mr. Murray Campbell's statf. Both are going home, tfie former on a well-earned furlough and the latter on sick leave.
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  • 1428 284 {By a NeW'Comcr,) Business Ah, I thoughtfully nibble the end of my pen at the very look of the word. It represents such mysteries to me even in the way of book-keeping and ledgers that I am afraid 1 stand confessed as one of the weaker (or softer,
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  • 459 284 {From our won Correspondents It is not often that one hears of Chetties being robbed, but on Thursday night or Friday morning some persons took adi vantage of the squall of wind and rain I which we had to enter one of the houses occupied by the Chetties in
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  • 695 284 SELANGOR PLANTERS ASSOCIATION. Minutes of a General Meeting held at the Selar.gor Club on 27th April, 1895. Present Mr. E. V. Carey (Chairman), Mr. F. M. Porcher (Hon. Sec). Messrs. T. Gibson, C. Meikle and E. B. Skinner, Committee Members. Messrs. Hurth, Forsyth, C. Gordon Glassford, R. C. Meikle, R.
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  • 232 284 Although the performance at the Town Hall on Saturday evening had its good i points it was not all that could have been desired by the audience. It i- true that I Mrs. Ward is a pleasing vocalist, and a skilful pianist, that Eric Ward is a
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  • 1616 284 H E. Major-General j One v C.8., leaves by the M. M ss n Japan on Wednesday. •> Mr. van der Pals is amon^t A sengers leaving by the Oxu f Gr I on Tuesday. h r i- Mr. W. C. Bibby and |f f p
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  • 564 285 This morning an interesting presentation took place at the offices of the Straits Insurance Co., when Mr. A. S. Murray presented Messrs. Sellars, Shearer, Xaismith and Payne with cheques amounting to 8500 on behalf of the various companies interested in the insurance of the S.s. Nam Yong,
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  • 117 285 A native banker of Peshawur has offered Government the sum of Rs. .5.000 towards the expenses of the Chitral expedition. This toKen of loyalty, the Lahore paper says, indicates, not only public spirit, but a complete absence ol vindictiveness on tbe part of the banker, who has case for alleged
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  • 74 285 j To Rajah, the important Chief of the Jelai District, came down to Singapore on Sunday and has had an inter- view this afternoon with the Colonial SecI retary on various matters concerning his position. He had been visiting Fekan in connection fvitli the marriage of
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  • 200 285 I >*-.-« ■Mr Stoddart's team has called at Colom- ho on the way home. There are only j three amateurs who have stayed behind in the Colonies," viz Messrs. Maclaren, j Gay and Ford. Mr. Maclaren is coming on in the Orizaba, due a fortnight later at Colombo, and Mr.
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  • 1257 285 is 95 It is now seven years ago since the I institution of the important annual rifle I match between Shanghai, Hongkong and Singapore, the original proposal to esta- blish the match having emanated from I Singapore with its first public suggestion in the columns of this
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  • 102 285 I 200 yds« yds. 'Hjit L.h. i otul. i 2. SerjjL-Major Fraser, sth FusiKers.. *****44—29 *****54—29 42J4.532— i 8i Scrgt., sth Fusiliers *****54— 3 1 4455 2 43~ 27 5324^5"—24 B2 4. Bandmaster Wallace, cih Fu-»i! ers *****4*— 3° *****54—^7 3J*****— H Sl I 5. Gunner Lawscn,
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  • 3449 286 Notes from the Course. (April 30th.) Wall was first out on Golden Horn with Katoomba (Mr. Brooke up), followed by Dalian on Barnie and Fiddes on Mattie. The first two did slow work Barnie was sent along the last two furlongs, and there is no
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  • 100 286 Our Ratavia correspondent Antes A challenge has been received trcm Singapore Golf Club by its relation >n Battvia to send up a team during X■£ week, when Hongkong, Colombo, ana ij Native States are likely to be represeoi j The reply is that there is every
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  • 1068 287 chanchai. April 29th.-Informatk>n just receiv- Jpekine is to the effect that Great Britain »A iron* CRI o r. notl fied her intention to support Japan against «r*nnsterous demands that the former Russia s prcpu^ctv p we r should abandon all claims to territory on jl mainland of
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  • 146 287 We hear on good authority that the project of a Singapore Railway," which has been in contemplation for a good while by one local syndicate, as well as of another syndicate which took up the scheme under the impression it had been dropped, was before the Governor
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  • 148 287 Monthly Medal Handicap. The following is the result of Saturday's 1. H. \V. Vade 40 44 84 2. J. W. B. Maclaren 47 50 10 87 3T. E. Earle 53 46 9 90 C. \V. Alexander 58 44 12 90 Lt. Hardcastle 54 St> 14 90 6.
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  • 314 287 The General Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st December, 1894, show that, after providing for bad and doubtful debts, the net profits, including £16,293 17s. 1 id. brought forward from last year, amount to 1 30,001 2s.
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  • 309 287 Those of our readers interested in the Straits and Hongkong Military Contributions will also be interested in the following question by Mr. Henniker Heaton, which was to be asked in the House of Commons on 9th inst., but which at the request of the Under Secretary of
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  • 387 287 4 The worst has, alas come about and the dreaded foe is within our grates. During the past 48 hours three Chinese have died suddenly of bubonic P'^gu 6 a "d were promptly removed to the Kennedytown mortuary. One of the cases in question was discovered
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  • 505 287 The Hongkong Arms Ordinance says that no person shall carry arms without a license, except naval, military and civil officers of the Crown or any other foreign power; and volunteers, justices ot the peace, special or common jurors and those exempt by law from serving on a jury and district
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  • Page 287 Advertisements
    • 527 287 AVER'S Cherry Pectoral HAS NO EQUAL Foil THE ItAPID CUKE OF Golds, Coughs, Influenza, and SORE THROAT. It will relieve the most dis/r^^^ iiii^^^V tressins cough, f\Jf ftj^ H** V^\ fl c d memf m -^oky*- 1 Inane, loosen (•(CHERRY I* l«»e Phlegm. I JLa > g^tf>o- a f:m<l induce
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    • 681 288 Capture of Shcr Afzul. Khan Dir has capiured Sher Afzul and has delivered him to the British. The Joint Protest Against Japan. It is stated to be incorrect that tl>e Japanese have replied to the joint protest of Fiance, Germany and Russia. Insurrection in Formosa. The Chinese
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    • 25 288 Umra Khan a Prisoner. I mra Khan and his brother are prisoners of war in the hands of the Afghans at Asmar.
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    • 16 288 Viceroy Li Hung-chang. The Emperor has summoned Viceroy Li Hung-chang to Ptkin.
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    • 38 288 The Indemnity to be Paid. Nicaragua agrees to pay the indemnity j within a fortnight of the evacuation of Cor- into, and Great Britain has accepted this, provided payment is guaranteed. London, 3rd May, isqj.
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    • 50 288 Question. Rumoured Imminent Settlement. 1 he Debuts learns that Japan has offered io surrender the L^aotung Peninsula with the exception of Port Arthur, receiving an equivalent yet to be fixed. 4^ettlcmert I ol Ihe question appears i ram in eft i London* May 4th, i<fyj. f
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    • 120 288 Count Kalnoky, the Austrian Chancellor and Minfcter for Foreign Affairs, has resigned in consequence of strictures passed on him by the Hungarian premier, Dr. Wekerle, regarding the meddling o\ the PapaJ Nuncio. Disorder in Formosa. The Black Flags in Formosa having become turbulent, British and German marines
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    • 35 288 Russia Satisfied. (Special to the Free Press.) Hongkong, May 4th. The treaty of peace between Japan and China has been ratified at Peking, and Russia has expressed herself satisfied. k. IM4
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  • 107 288 I May 6.) rin .-j Gambia S* 1 do. Tune No. i r'2^2do. do. No. 2 rf 4u Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore)" f O 7< <L. Wh,, fc (FairL/W^^j Nutmegs i 150 a to the ib.).... Qr Mace (Baiida) g6. Coves (Atnboiiia) 2 2* Überiaii C^ottee j.* Pengeranji Libenan
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  • 325 288 Quotation. Capital Paid up Sharei P<L Honckong S'hai Bank. 190 prem. $10,000,000 $10,000,000 ***** t,' r National Bank of China $18 / 9.97<>a Founders. Nominal Sl? 55 f ,f C 7 *>* Bit. of China, Jap. h Straits Nominal. $£2 000,000 £450,968 199,87 c f
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  • Page 288 Miscellaneous
    • 414 288 CLEARANCES. May 6. Isabella, Brit, str., Hudson, for Muar. Nerra. Brit, str., Morris, for T. Anson, via ports. Strath barn, Hrit. str., Splatt, for New York. Glkngarry, Brit, str, Ferguson, for Penang, London and Amsterdam. Nam Yong, Brit, str., Hector, fjr Hongkong and Amoy. Hebe, Brit, str., Jnkster, for Deli.
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    • 1203 288 VESSELS IN PORT. Flags Ton. Captain Arrived From Consignees For ww Mcn-ot-War bto Mercury Brit, cr., 3733 Fawkes Aprit S Bangkok Sr. X. Officer N Bor-eo Other Vessels AGAMEMNON Brit. 1491 Sleeves May 6 Liverpool Mansfield japan May Ajax Brit. 1447 Goodwin May 6 Anv>y Mansfield London] May Amherst Brit.
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