The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 5 February 1895

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 18 1 Domestic Occurrence. DEATH. At Eskbank House, at 3 «i. in. t)iis morning Amalia, beloved wife of Gino Pertilb.
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  • 114 1 (February 4.) Tin 3575 Gambier 8.55 do. Cube No. 1 1250 do. do. No. 2 11.40 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) c.55-60 <io. White. (Fair L/\V=5%) „1875 Nutmegs 150s to the Ib.) 91. Mace (Banda) 96. Cloves (Amboina) 22. Überian Coftee 46. Pengerang Libenan 41. Tapioca, small pearl (Fair quality)
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  • 836 1 January 30th. It was just the other day that in connection with a press reference to the 11 neutrality of Shanghai it was mentioned in these columns that one of the leading motives for the concentration of British naval strength in the Far East
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  • 773 1 A D earth OF Silver Coins. (January 31st.) That is a good rule which says that Governments, under present circumstances, shall not enter into commercial transactions of a competitive, or even mildly speculative nature. Levy toll on commerce they may and do, sometimes to a di>astrous extent, but they are
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 405 1 i c v ar and the Trealy Port^. 65 i part) Silver Coins, 65 n\ jj in the Shantung Peninsula, 60 i (js of the Elbe, 66 On >' i >o iy c .tr«i Captured, 00 *n "nt Peril of iiriti-i) Capital, <>«» rjj c p.:. at Wei-hai-wei, <>6 Pc
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    • 44 1 The Australian Butchery, Batavia. ARK always prepared to supply ships at Batavia with daily and 5-ea stocks of prime fresh AUSTRALIAN Beef at the sam c price as Native Beef. Orders maybe s»ent to the Company director through Shin Chandlers. Nov o. 0.2.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 401 1 THE WEEK. The next mail from Europe is expected to arrive by the German mail on the Bth inst, with London dates to the 14th inst, being followed by the M. M. S. S. Sydney on the 13th inst, with English mails of the 1 8th inst. This mail leaves
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  • 497 2 News from the seat of war at Wtri-hai-wci distinctly increases in interest. The Chinese >quadrt-n lliere has at last shown itself outride the protection of the (Oils, and is stated to have "driven oil" the Japanese fleet. Nothing is said as to the relative
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  • 177 2 The Loss of the Elbe.' THERE can he but Little doubt, it is to be feared, but that the unfortunate steamer Elbe^ sunk by collision with a collirr in the North Sea, is one of the North German Lloyd's Transatlantic liners. The l«»ss <»f life is great, three hundred being
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  • 956 2 (February ist.) Many things are at present making for the success of the appeal to t lie public in England that this Colony is now about to push home in a practical way. A good beginning has been made by resignation of office on the part of so
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  • 569 2 (February 2nd.) FHE Chinese are most disappointing people in this war. Just when they had been, on their own showing, prepared to hold out any time against a siege, ;i\ul had made— so they or their friends said— every arrangement to make it hot for the Japanese at
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  • 436 2 1 hose who have come to i i n L tat capital is a mere devottrcr of label ijf be invited to look at fttl exam]>!; ttl a picture where labour is a mere d mft* of capital. Labour always work- for I plus
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  • 331 3 February 4th/ P\ 's telegram contradicts the news C si r lay in so far as concerns the gecl escape oi the Chinese fleet from the forts protecting which fit and apparently the town itself having >;- nto Japanese hands with a mere ia show ol
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  • 157 3 Before Mr. Justice Collyer Respondent v. Tan Chan Appellant. an, Tan Cha Bow and Lira Jen v before Mr. Egerton on Jan. ■i threatening Lim Lek with his person' on Dec. i<>th, and mont-d to show cause why they i enter into a bond with sufficient to keep
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  • 1446 3 The Peking and Tientsin Times of the 29th ultimo says it is stated that the Empress- Dowager has left the Pal«ce with her Court, but it seems not to be known where she has gone. Scarcely a day passes without disagreeable encounters between the Chinese soldiers
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  • 285 3 A Wonderful Shot. The North-China Daily News issued as an Extra on the 15th instaiU, the following special telegram 1 Wei-ha-wei, 14th January, 3.30 p.m. 1 A Japanese man-of-war was hit to-day by a 24 cm. shell from the North Fort at a distance of 12,000 metres,
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  • 275 3 According to a Rauang correspondent the man-eater has been at it again, and on Friday he carried off two more men within 100 yards of the main road. The first of these was a Malay who, En company with another man, was cutting wood close to his
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  • 217 3 On the announcement that the Hon'bie W. E. Maxwell had been promoted to be Governor of the Gold Coast, and in consequence of the .approaching departure of Mrs. Maxwell it was suggested that it would be a very appropriate and graceful compliment to Mrs. Maxwell
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  • 237 3 The Straits National iootbai! Association held their annual athletic sports in Teluk Aver Street yesterday, commencing at 10 a. m with sports fcr natives and others, flat races, hurdle races, jumping competitions, tugs of-war, putting the shot greasy pole, &c. In the afternoon the sports proper were held,
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  • 99 3 Early this morning Johanna A. C. B(anham. who lives at 93, Victoria Street, wa> disturbed by t\vc Celestial intruders, and on getting cp to what was the matte* she saw oi:e ran with a knife in bis \.z:.<\ She immediately raiaed an a!^r:i^, and the Chinamen jumped over the verandah,
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  • 2880 4 RESIGNATION Ol THE CMArRMAN*. The adjourned meeting of the Punjom Mining Co., Limited, was held at noon on (the 2 1st instant), at Hongkong. J here was a large attendance of Shareholders. The chair was occupied by Mr. James Orange, Chairman of the Company. The Chairman—
    China Mail  -  2,880 words
  • 234 4 Despite the various attempts made by some <>; ihe newspapers to discredit ihe slatement that special police protection was being afforded the infant son of the Duke I r i <J Duchess <>! York, Morning declares that it is in a position \o reaffirm its accuracy.
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  • 121 4 The following is the report ot the Committee tor ihe year ended Dee. 31st The Committee of the Boustead Institute for Seamen b*g to submit their Report for ihe year ending December, iS>);. The Institute continues to fulfil ihe object for which it founded, ami is proving
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  • 520 4 ihe inaian circus are continuing their performances at Tank Road, and last night an entire change ot programme was given. Noteworthy items in that programme were the double horizontal bar act, the double globe, the Hying trapeze, ami jockey riding, ihe management announces two more nights only. Accouiing to an
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  • 553 4 Mr. W. T. Wrench, late of the R a ftU Institution, has been appointed Assist Inspector of Schools in Perak. Information has been received m U to the effect that upwards of j/V nese soldiers have suffered from f- v in .Manchuria. Mr. W egg
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  • 201 4 I lie Sclangor cricket and taotb ill tea**, with several other Selangor visitors to Singapore, left this morning at 8 a.m bf the s. s. Esmeralda. A numbrr ut lie cricketing and Football playing members ot Ihe S. C. C. ivenl down to «cc t
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  • 878 5 KSAfti 01 the Sultan > Accession. vRKMOXIES AND FESTIVITIES. (JBVjm our VW* Correspond^.} Johore, 29th January. fo-c > Tuesday), being the 34th annirv ofl H. H. the Sultan's accession to Throne, is kept asa I)U^1 )U^' C holiday. 5r rC j icings began last night, when all Government steamers
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  • 254 5 The weekly contribution <l At the Tiffin Table" is not forthcoming to-day, presumably in consequence of the Chinese New Year Holidays and the visit of the Selangor Teams. It is to be hoped our friends have not been v Under the T.T." The Times in its review of Travel in
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  • 481 5 Early in February, and probably on Wednesday next, the Oth prox the Chartered Bank are to be put in possession of the handsome and commanding block ot buildings in Battery Road which have been erected by Messrs. Swan and MacLaren on the site of the premises
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  • 935 5 AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERY. Remarkable Fragmknt of a Manuscript Found in an Old Spectacle Case. To tub Editor. Sir, That history repeats itself is generally admitted but perhaps never has so remarkable a coincidence been found as that which will appear on comparing the enclosed document with certain events which
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  • 40 5 In accordance with instructions received from the War Oitice, an examination for the promotion of Surgeon -Captains to the rank ci Surgeon-Major will be held at the Station Hospital, Tanglin, on the 4th and s th February 1895.
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  • 110 5 Lieut.-Col. B. Heygate, Army Service Corps, relieves Lieut.-Col. E. Grattan as deputy-assistant adjutant-general. SouthEastern District, Dover. The E. subdivision (Cyclists; of the S. V. A. are shortly to commence their recruits course of musketry, under the instruction of Col. Sgt. Sydenham of the Lincolns. We now
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  • 650 5 Prudes on the Prowl. Last evening Hicks's Orioles gave their opening performance in the Town Hall where there was a good attendance, amongst the audience being two of the. heads of police, more on duty than on pleasure bent. The name and fame of the Living Pictures, which
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  • 4150 6 (Wednesday, January 30th, 1895.) The ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Muni* cipal Commission \v«is held in the Board Rooms, Robinson Road, yesterday afternoon, Mr Grn»le presiding. There were also present Mr. T. Shelford, Mr. Bell, Acting Inspector General of Police, Mr. G. T. Hare, Mr. \V. Nanson, Mr.
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  • 383 7 Johore, 30th Jan. T fotfritSca in connection with the arv of H H. the Sultan's accession again to day (Wednesday). \t 10 a. w« lhe sailin S races commenced I the various events were well cont a full complement of boats being "ti tor each race H. H. Ungku
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  • 387 7 (U* i^ v mi First Days Racikg. Th- KiXTA Grind Ann la].. Value $200. A hurdle race for al! Galloways is and under, pony scale fur weight and [xniftkj Distance i.. niles over 7 flights oi Mr. Ogihrie •.a. g. Romano Mr. P. Ker. At( i;h\
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  • 524 7 The White Star Pacific Liner Oceanic will be down thys way in a couple of months, homeward bound. The Hou'ble. C. W. S. Kynnersley has been appointed by the Secretary of State to be Resident Councillor of Malacca. The meeting of the Marine Club announced for
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  • 209 7 The Straits (and other) Shipping Signals complied by Mr. B. E. D'Aranjo (of the Master Attendant's office) have arrived by the S. s. Gerda, and will be issued to subscribers to-morrow. The sheet is correctly described as a gem of lithographic art." The colours are clear and
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  • 85 7 In connection with the operations in Shanghai for the wrecking of the Straits Insurance Company, we learn that a circular has been issued, on behalf of the Shanghai Committee, asking for shareholders who desire to co operate with that Committee to communicate with Messrs. Drew and
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  • 97 7 Corps Orders. Head Quarter Office, By Hon. Major H. E. McCallum, r.e., c.m.g., Commandant S.V.A. Singapore, 31st January. 1895. I. Orderly Officer for ensuing week: 2nd Lieut. Merewether. Orderly Sergeant for ensuing week Sergt. Batty. 2. Parades Sunday, 6.30 a.m. Firing Exercises for Cyclists only at the
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  • 306 7 {From a Candid Friend.) Golfers in Singapore! You may one day find yourselves defendants in the Supreme Court through your beloved game. One of these days some one may invoke the majesty of the law to decide whether a golfer incurs any liability who, in playing his
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  • 188 7 This company gave their second performance in the Town Hall last night, the programme being the same as on Wednesday. There was not a very large attendance, due perhaps to the counterattraction of the fire at Tanjong Rhu, but what the audience lacked in numbers it made
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  • 44 7 The German cruiser Irene left this morning at seven o'clock for China, her destination being understood to be Che too. 11. E. the Governor leaves for Penang on Monday next, the 4th inst. It is expected he will be away for a rye nth.
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  • 875 7 (Times of Ceylon, 15th Jan.) It is evident from a perusil of the Singapore paper that the feeling of the community there on this s ubject is very strong, and the stand likely to be made against the unjust exactions of the Secretary of State very
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  • 78 7 Mr. T. C. Bogaardt has been elected a Director of the Straits Insurance Company, Limited. The China Gazette says it has reason u> believe that the mission of the Hon. J. \V Foster, the America;! Secretary of State to China, is more immediately in connection with the proposed new Imperial
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    • 154 8 It had been announced that our Selangor friends would arrive at 3 p. m. As a matter of fact, however, the Esmeralda got into the Roads before noon, and shortly afterwards the teams landed, much to the disappointment of the many Singapore m^-n who would have
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    • 1037 8 Much interest attaches to this match a« it is ihe third played between Sclangor and Singapore, the former team having already won both matches. The first victory was scored by Selangor, playing IB Singapore in i-SB<y, by the narrow majority of one run. The second, a yenr
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    • 872 8 First Innings.) Although on the whole the fielding of Singapore had been good, yet the thr< j e ©r four chances missed, o;>e oi which in the slips should have disposed of Dunman when he had made about 10, were really responsible for the Selangor total amounting to so
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    • 957 8 At 5.^0 p.m. Singapore entered on m second innings, there being a quarter of r»n hour left for play. Grant and Mactaggait went in to face Bellamy and Perera. With the score at 5 Mactaggart was well caught at point by Neubronner off Perera (5-1-3), McCloskv being the
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    • 660 8 Second Innings. j When, close on 3 p.m. on Tuesday after* noon, Selangor went in for their second innings the Singapore aggregate ivas 288, the <ir^t effort amounting to i<>; tad the second innings to 185. Agatast tliit» tbe Selan gor team liad 201, leaving the latter s,J' j
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  • 302 9 Sel mgor and Singapore teams together at the Singapoie Club last ':i. 28th] the President of the Club the c M jor McCailunn in the chair !esi«lts the Selangor ltu sts the company, in all, included thr members <>f the N < C Committee, the Tanglin Club Comtt c
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  • 1056 9 Association Football Match. ■B€ expectation in Singapore was fairly lI that whatever the result of the 1 game there would only be one (ing to the Football Match and that the C, would come out winners. Singa»na were on uood terms with themat averting defeat in the
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  • 390 9 Times of Ceylon, January 14th.) Resignation of the unofficial members of council; of the justices 01 tub peace; AND 01 THE MEMBERS <) THE i LIISESE ADV IS'JRY BOARD. The reply o£ the unofficial community at Singapore to the despatch of Lord Ripon, intimating
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  • 343 9 The L. C. Express, in its summary for )S<j.} lias this Hie Military Contribution has constituted the most exciting feature in Straits politics dining the year. The Home Government fulfilled their promise of reduction by fixing it at £So,ooo For 18^4, and £90,000 for 1805, but
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  • 66 9 I A special issue of the l J erak Gazette contains an Order in Council repealing and i re-enacting a measure for the Protection j oi Women and G i rls In a lew weeks H. H. the Sultan of Pahang and Tungku Mahmud will come to Johore in connection
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  • 875 9 Canrobert, Francois-Certain, Marshal of France and a Senator, was born June 7,1809, of a good family, not in Brittany, as has frequently been stated, but at St. Cere, in the department of the Lot. He entered the military school at St. Cyr in 1826, and having
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  • 90 9 How the Gallant Major Kept T\li.y. We understand that by a mistake in the deduction of the handicap in the first round of the Ladies' Golf match for the Governor's Bangle, a gallant Major's affinity, who would have won the tie in that round, was
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  • 111 9 i The cricket match next Saturday is Right Half Mattery (S. V. A.) v. Left Half I Battery. We are informed that the European employees of the Chartered Dank were yes- terday macKi happy by a bonus of jo %on their annual salary. "This is the third time their successful
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  • 1909 10 150 Houses Destroyed. Damages 250,0#0. One of the largest fires that have occurred here for many years occupied the attention of Singapore yesterday afternoon. About two o'clock a fire occurred in a small attap-roofed shop-house at Tanjong Rhu, almost immediately opposite Messrs. Riley Hargreaves' new Shipbuilding
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  • 116 10 It is stated, but we decline to vouch for it, that the American Mission people who ran about town yesterday, inflamed by their own mental living pictures," are circulating a subscription list to provide garments for (a) The limbs "of the Philharmonic pianos. (b The sheer limbs at Tanjong Pagar.
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  • 772 10 OPENING TOR YOUNG PLANNERS COFIEE COCOA COCOXLT AND TEA CEYLON SURPASSED GOOD LABOUR. The following letter from Mr. H. Walker, B. N. Borneo, to Mr. \V. D. Gibbon of Ceylon appears in the Times of Ceylon My dear Gibbon,— We are going on slowly here, but
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  • 769 10 The Chcttics have issued invitations f Or their annual Tai-poosum festival on the 7th and Bth inst. The S. S. Carmarthenshire arrived th? morning from London. She has on board 50 tons of gunpowder for Hongkong •The American cruiser Detroit sailed from Cadiz in December en
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  • 843 11 (from iW oven Correspondents Ihe European population of Malacca 2s fairly scattered during the Chinese \V A Year holidays, some being at Tanjong gog, one at Singapore, three (Messrs. ant Freer, and Firmstone) ascending \U Opbir, and another was at Tampoi. \H Ophil was safely and comparatively -tfv ascended,
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  • 1789 11 E'en as tli€ heading Topics of the Week Doth now, too oft, portend dead languages. Anon. Quicquid agitnt homines nostri est farrago I i be Hi. Juvexal. It has been a week we shall take a considerable time to recover from. Not being in the way
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  • 702 11 The Daily Chronicle of Lhe 4th Jan. having before it the recent debate in the Legislative Council o! Ceylon, which was in the nature of an anticipatory protest against any future raising «C the Contribution (believed to be imminent), puts the case before the
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  • 334 12 "The Living Pictures.' Hicks's Oriole Company again performed to a full house in the Town Hall last evening, the entertainment concluding with what was billed as A Dream of Beauty," a series of very successful living pictures." The first half of the programme opened with a sprightly
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  • 426 12 THE LAND REGULATIONS OF SELANGOR. The Singapore papers just to hand are full of the questions brought up by the Committee oi the Selangor Planters' Association with reference to the Land Regulations of the State, which seem to Le in an extraordinary condition. What the planters really require is security
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  • 191 12 We (Times of Ceylon) are pleased to notice that the chief leader in the London Daily Chronicle of January 4th is devoted to a consideration of the Military Contribution question as it effects Ctv lon. The article reviews the present position and
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  • 1018 12 The voyage 01 the "Guy Masnering." A correspondent has supplied to tht Hongkong Telegraph an account of how the Guy Mannering carried £700.000 of munitions of war from Hamburg to Woosung. The British steamer GufiMajinering, 2,482 tons, left Hamburg on the 30th September with a full cargo of
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  • 563 12 In connection with the attempt which was recently made to wreck the Straits Insurance Co., Lt, it may be stated that the Board of Directors have made investigations as to the precise nature of the negotiations which took place between M?Pve and the Commercial Union Assurant'e
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  • 289 12 The Russian Volunteer Fleet cruisers will (says a Times Odessa telegram) begin running between Odessa and Vladivostock unusually early this year, and instead of four or live being sent, as formerly, with troops, guns, ammunition, and other warlike material, it seems from the orders from the Government which have arrived
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  • 1042 12 In the November number of Longman's M a y sine, which contains a very pretty little storvV' Mrs. Parr called He and She/ 1 as well as tl beginning of Miss Dorothea Gerards's new ser^ An Arranged Marriage," there is reprinted S Benjamin Richardson's
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  • 1172 13 in r hand writers have amongst themselves Irc'end which t he >' seem t0 have d re*s«d up an old story for their own especial be- young reporter, so the legend runs, was writhe sermon of an eminent divine, and c words Moses was an austere
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  • 719 13 Brisba Conner.) Fhe London Spectator, commenting on Sir T. Sutherland's address as President ol the Institute oi Marine Engineers, lakes a line which opens a large field for reflection. It points to the shrinkage of the earth's dimensions arising from our increasing and accelerating facilities for
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  • 277 13 The wig question at our colonial bar was settled two or three years ago. In South Australia it is only when the thermometer goes up high enough that the legal pro- j fession abandon their ways of winged- I ness In Adelaide the other day, owing to the extreme heat,
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  • 1074 13 (Straits May. Journal.) It is several years since a railway was projected which should unite Prye with Perak. The original undertaking has been dead and buried for some time and it is unnecessary now to particularize if. But in its place another scheme has been brought
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  • 123 13 The Penang Civil Service Supply Association has been exempted from registration under the Societies Ordinance. The Hon'ble C. W. S. Kynnersley has been appointed Resident Councillor of Mr. J. A. Harwood's leave has been extended till March 1 8th. At the meeting of the C j>ard of Licensing
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  • 317 13 Lhe "I niversity Correspondent,** having olfercd a prize for the best collection of hosiers,"* it ;s able this week to print a wonderful batch. Mere are a f e v from the history section The Constitutions ofChrendon were a 'eto* regulations by which Henry 11. Increased th-2 standing army. I'heir
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  • 417 13 Early on Sunday morning a fire occurred at No. 216. South bridge Road, on premises occupied by one 1 1 0 1 1 Chok Hin as a Chinese pickle and preserve factory. In the absence of the ptincipat, who has been away in China duriiiT the last six
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  • 505 14 The mail steamer Rohilla left Penang at 1 1 p. m. Sunday, ami is due at Singapore, on Tuesday morning. H. E. the Governor and Lady Mitchell leave for Perak to-morrow afternoon in the Sea Belle, where they will make a short stay, proceeding afterwards to
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  • 223 14 The result of play on Saturday for the Monthly Medal Handicap is appended, from which it will be s^en that the Hon. Sec, Mr. MacLaren, is the fortunate player Ist. 2nd. H cap. Tot. 1. J. W. B. Mncl.-iren 46 12 8=; 2. K. H. Padday 54
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  • 412 14 We understand that arrangements have been made to proceed with the immediate construction of this line, the preliminary surveys having now been for some time completed. Messrs. Swan and MacLaren despatch Mr. Wilson, one of their staff, (who is that firm's representative at Penang) to-morrow by the
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  • 538 14 {Pioneer) li is pointed out to us that it is not. at all improbable that this Government will have to reconcile- itself to a diminished royalty on the tin output unless something happens oi which at present there are no signs. To give a couple, only, uf examples
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  • 1276 14 Before the Hon'ble W..R. Collyer. Vienna Moona Vccrappa Chitty v. Cheah Choo Yew and Gan Ngoh Bee. Mr. Justice Collyer gave judgment this morning in this case, which was a claim on a contract under sea! for a sum of 548.700 as liquidated damages, and which occupied four
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  • Correspondence.
    • 326 14 Holy Cross Houh Yigi! of the Blessed St. Wereburw ivulgo Sat. Feb. 2, 1895 To thf Editor. Sir, During my meditations on t! piety and good works of the sweet kngk Saxon saint, whom Holy Church commands us to venerate, and imitate 'her faith, it occurred to me
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  • 207 14 Re Staehclin and Stahlknecht, c.. pti Hagens. In the Supreme Court Mr. Justice Lolly* this morning granted \\\> discharge b Adolf Hagens, a partner in the firm Staehelin and Stahlknecht, in banking) It will be remembered that on tfic loti ult. Mr. Fort, in the absence of tlte
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  • 44 14 Mr. (itrorgti Dean, Mis* Elm* (> and Mr. Cecil Raleigh, who w* through Singapore to join Bat< i O Gradys Company in i\rl W possibly arrange nitli llic :..-^>- amateurs for the producti« n {A date play Lhe New 805 nc**ei on the beards in Sinsapore.
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  • 742 15 Two lives Lost. The s s Carmarthenshire came into port Saturday and went to the gunpowder anchorage to discharge 50 tons of ex*ves She then went to the Borneo a Taniong Pagar about 11 a.m. and ocnced discharging cargo from all Work ceased on Saturday, and
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  • 1906 15 The Mandarin Charter Party Case. Before theVlon'ble W. R. Collyer. Mr. Napier moved tbis morning (17th ult.) that judgment in the action Alsagoff and Co. v. Raison and another should be set aside or, in the alternative, that the name of tbe Whiteleaf Steamship Company, Ld should be
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  • 140 15 February 4th, 1895.) Homeward tonnage, for the United Kingdom in particular, is in fairly good supply, but there has becu hardly .my change in freights since last week For London, via Canal, 25 quoted for B.>£ Goods, 27/6 for Bile Gambier ;;p.d Peppers, an J 30/- 27/6 for dean
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 309 15 AVER'S Cherry Pectoral HAS NO EQUAL, Colds, Coughs, Influenza, and SORE THROAT. j£\^^ ammm *i£d\ trewiiifc eoogh, I I CHERRY 1 I'»»« Phlegm, |^A^> S f.iinl ijuluce refchc pulmonary trouliles to whidi the young are so liable, there is no otlxT remedy so elleetive as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral HIGHEST AWARDS
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    • 98 16 London, 29th January, 1895. Naval Operations Against Teng-Chow. The Japanese bombarded Teng-chow on the 18th and 19th. The fleet afterwards went to Yungtcheng. The British Dollar. The Ttmes expects that the issue of the British dollar for the Tar East will be a great success. French Vote
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    • 116 16 Londoiu jof/i January, i#qj. The Position at Wei-ha-wei. A telegram from Yokohama reports that there are twenty-five warships within the I:arbour of Wei-hai-wei. A telegram from the Times correspondent at Shanghai states that the foreign fleets have prevented the Japanese from Attacking the Chefoo forts. The New
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    • 235 16 London, jist January^ 1895* r The partisans of M. Peixoto are daily trading the streets of Rio de Janeiro and the troops have been called out. The situation is serious. The Attack on Wei-Hai-Wei. The correspondent of the Times at Shanghai telegraphs that the Chinese fleet at
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    • 101 16 London, Ist February, iSgj. The Japanese infantry have captured the eastern fort of Wei-hai-wei. The Elbe Disaster. The totnl number of persons drowned in the sinking of the N. I>. L. SS. Elbe, collision with a. collier in ihe North Sea, is 374 The Funeral of
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  • 161 16 Wti-I Wei Las ecn take 1 London, 4th February 1595. The Chinese Fleet still in Wei-hai-wei. The statement that the Chinese fleet have left Wei-hai-wei is incorrect. The forts on the island of Liu-Kung-Tau are still unsubdued. Peace Negotiations Broken Off. On Friday a Yokohama despatch states that
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  • 517 16 Carmarthenshire Brit, str., Richards, for Hongkong and Shanghai. Lubcck, Ger. str., Storm, for Pontianak. Hanoi, Brit, str., Thow, for Bengkalis and Bagan. Will o'thk Wisp, Brit, str., Cameron, for Telok Anson, via ports. Jatara, Dut. str., Honthoff, for Macassar, via ports. Van Diemen, Dut. str., Metz, for Sourabaya, via
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1381 16 I SHARK LIST, FEBRUARY 4th t f«95- Quotation. Capital Paid up Shares Pd. fc*, Hongko-f&S'haißank. 125 fttm. $io,oo»,ooo $10,000,000 80,000 135 R National Bank of China $2i *$00,000 J^,^* Founders. Nominal £1 Bk of China, Jap. Straits Nominal J £2,000,000 £450,968- 199,875 s Founders. m f 2 sO £1 Tanjong
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