The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 24 December 1894

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 225 1 Lt\D!SG Articles. Why the Delay, 385 No Field for Plunder, 385 An Example from Ceylon, 38^ China Prone, 386 Not Sport, 386 The Ficnch in S?am, 386 Paris and Its Blackmailers, 386 Unconstitutional Contributions, 386 Conn News. Police curt. The Tnnglin Burglaries, 388,392 Suprerre Court. A Cotninission Wanted, 389
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  • 69 1 (Corrected up to December 22 On London. Bank 4 m/s 2/0} demand 1 1 11 l Private credits 3 m/s 2/0 J M documents 3 m/s 2/oi credits 6 m/s 2/o| Bank demand 185 On Hongkong. Bank demand ij%pre. On Yokohama. Bank demand par. On Java. Bank demand 1.20
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  • 97 1 Confectioner and Vienna Baker. No. o Victoria Street, (next the Convent. Jut>t received direct from Vienna a large quantity of beauiilul toys, bon-bons, crackers, sweets for dessert 6cc, nil contained in fancy boxes of unique design and sold at moderate prices. The patronage of ihe public is cordially
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  • 448 1 Why the Delay. (December 18th.) Great objection is being taken at the delay in forwarding Lord Ripon's despatch, seeing that the outlines of the decision were made known long before its nominal date. Reuter, as far back as the 22nd of August, named £80,000 as the figure of the reduction,
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  • 368 1 We would ask our colleagues of tl»e local press at this time not to weaken the case of the Colony in their efforts, made probably with the best intentions, to present the Native States revenues as a field for Military Exaction enterprise. Such an idea is,
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  • 855 1 Nothing could be more opportune as regards the present crisis in our Colonial affairs, than the debate that has taken place in the Ceylon Legislative Council on the very same question. It presents to us the remarkable spectacle of an unofficial member of Council, Mr. W.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 123 1 Welsbach Lamp. is the latest perfection in Gas-lighting. It may be screwed on to any ordinary gas fitting and is easy to manage. The light obtained by it is SUPERIOR TO ELECTRIC LIGHT AT ONE SIXTH THE COST. Half as much Gas Twice as much light. With 70 less Heat
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 409 1 THE WEEK. The next mail from Europe is expected to arrive by the M. M. S.S. Melbourne on the 2nd January, with English mails to the 7th Dec, being followed by 'the P. &O. S.S. Rosetta on the 7th inst., with London dates to the 14th December. This mail leaves
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  • 521 2 (December 20th.) As to the attitude of the Chinese Government ia reference to the Japanese invasion we have had communicated to us through what may be held a specially wellififormed channel direct information of an important character. It is stated that after anxious consideration the Chinese Government have
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  • 648 2 The tie in the Warren Shield Competition, played yesterday evening between the S.V.A. and R.A. (II) teams, came, very regrettably, to a lame and impotent conclusion. It is conceded that the S.V.A. team were a stronger team, and the course of play, np till the ma,tch prematurely ended,
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  • 442 2 (December 21st.) Eighteen months ago we pointed out that the French action in pushing forward the Annamese frontier to the River Mekong was a step which could not be anything but temporary, as a river frontier was the most unsatisfactory of all possible frontiers. That is
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  • 402 2 Paris is badly afflicted just now with a spy mania, and naturally suspicion of all and everybody has resulted in counterspying investigations that really have uncovered not a few bad cases of the kind, coupled with many instances* of systematic journalistic chantage a worse evil°if possible
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  • 429 2 OUR contemporary, still being under the impression that it would be constitutional to require the Sultan of Perak and the Sultan of Selangor in Council to hand over a percentage of the State revenue for the maintenance of British troops at Singapore, or, otherwise, in relief of the
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  • 651 3 It is said that cholera is raging to a great extent in Chantaboon. The insurance offices at Shanghai, owing to the frequent cases of incendiarism, have offered a reward of $500 for information to secure conviction. Depositors in the Government Savings Banks are requested to send
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  • 818 3 We have just discovered a passage in a work of recognised authority which bears out our view us to the real position of the Native States under Imperial protection in regard to sharing in Imperial defence. That volume is "Our Indian Protectorate,' 1 by Mr.
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  • 383 3 Re Batavia Notes. To the Editor. Dear Sir, When reading the "Batavia notes from Your Correspondent in last night's paper, 1 regretted to see the unsympathetic tone and unfriendly feeling shown towards my countrymen, and the sneering remarks made upon the reception of a battalion which returned after a
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  • 92 3 Under the patronage ot H.E. the Governor and Lady Mitchell it is proposed to hold a Fancy Fair in August next year. The proceeds will go to a Building Fund which is being started for a St. Nicholas Home for girls, a similar Institution to the St.
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  • 184 3 r Singapore v, Perak. Singapore v. Penaxg. me Cricket Teams for the trip to the Northern Settlement and Perak left this afternoon at four o'clock, in the 8.1.5. N. Co.'s S.S. Secundra. The teams are thus composed Lieut. Harington Lieut. Harington Lieut. Guggisberg Lieut. Guggisberg Lieut. Davies
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  • 177 3 New York, November 14. The British bark Kate F. Troop, Captain Smith, which arrived today from Singapore, brought safely to port the the captain and crew of the Italian bark Torquato of Castalmar, abandoned at sea November 7th in a sinking condition. Captain Tranpani of ihe
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  • 574 3 {Hongkong Daily Press,) When the fine Mutual liner Kintuck was on her way out to China the trip before last, she sighted Her Majesty's double-funnelled cruiser Leander in the Straits of Malacca right ahead, and evidently bound to Singapore, as she was herself. The
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  • 386 3 THE BRITISH SQUADRON IN THE NORTH. The [ndo-Chiita Co.'s steamer I'aku is leaving Hongkong tor the North with stores and ammuniuon for the British Fleet. She v\ ill convey about Soo tons of ammunition, stores for six months, and four months' provisions for the FleetThere is, therefore, very little likelihood
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  • 145 3 Another match w,?s played in the first round of the competition for the Warren Challenge Shield last evening, on the S. R. C. ground. The competing teams were the R. A. L and the Lincolns I. and the result as frequently of late was a draw, neither
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  • 1413 4 In that interesting work, China and her Neighbours, recently published, the author writes We are indebted to Mr. Maura for the information that, as long ago as 1854 there appeared in Singapore a Christian Mandarin of Portuguese descent, who represented to the French Consul that he had
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  • 302 4 r Arrest or Supposed Bukglar. i his mousing a Chinaman called upon Mr. Wispau^r of the Medical Hall and wished to have certain wounds on his right arm, right leg. and shoulder dressed. Mr Wispauer thought they looked suspiciously like those which Mr. E. M. Lyon believed
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  • 390 4 A ROMANCE OF COMPANY LIFE." Tuf. Welsh AC h Light Earns a Fortune. The Incandescent Gas light is now a familiar object in Singapore, but it is not so long ago that as an enterprise* the Company working this patent was known to be in difficulties. There has been within
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  • 1407 4 {China Mail Correspondent.) This morning (20th) General Yamaji rode out with a few officers westward along: the way we had been yesterday. He assured us there was nothing to be done to-day beyond inspecting the position, as the siege guns were not
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  • 386 4 Tin Man of the World is responsible for tht following cricket yarn •"I was,' the Barrister related, 'playing in a cricket match at Mote Park, Maidstone, and wa* fielding out in the position assigned to long l e g. Suddenly a man in at the wickets hit a
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  • 496 4 (Special to Ho;:gkjng Daily Press,) The San Miguel g«jdowns were destroyed by fire yesterday afternoon. The los-cs of the i >v ranee Companies are estimated at 5 120,000. [The San Miguel godowns are in the San Miguel district of Manila with the Pasqg rivei in
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  • 1536 5 The Hon'ble Dr. Brown* is eipected to be a passenger by the next P. O. mail. He will pass through Singapore on his way to China. A telegram from Spain to the Philippines reports that a million pesetas of the indemnity due from Tangiers has been
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  • 843 5 (From our own Correspondent.") Continued good news concerning the Malacca Railway is received and it is now more probable than ever that it will be' made. When speaking of the suggested closing of the Forest Department in Malacca, it was stated that if the land now used as an
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  • 846 5 Before the Chief Justice, the Hon'ble Lionel Cox. Moona Rana Lana Ramasamy Chitty r. Ravena Mana Shoona Veerappa Chitty and others trading as Ravena Mana Shoona Koopen Chitty. In connection with this suit Mr. Donaldson (instructed by Mr. Rogers) this morning asked that a Commission of Inquiry should
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  • 1022 6 E'en as the heading At the Tiffin Table Doth meaningly portend intentional frivolity. Junior. Vt satpe summa ingenia in occulto latent, Plaut. v It has, I believe, been remarked/ 1 said the 0.D.M., that Charity covers a multitude of sins. In an instance I met yester-'
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  • 341 6 THE MILITARY EXACTION, AND THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS ASSOCIATION. (L. and C, Express.) The latest papers from Singapore give in extenso the debate upon the Military Contribution, which took place in the Legislative Council on < >ct. 20 last. The Unofficial, and especially the Hon. Mr Shelford, denounced, in no measure/!
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  • 295 6 A special meeting of the Sporting Club will take place on Friday next at the Singapore Exchange, when, amongst other business, the resolution recently passed raising the subscription from $10 to $15 per annum, will be brought forward for confirmation. We now learn that it is
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  • 1135 6 (By, the Mail.) A correspondent writing to an evening contemporary on the subject of quick-firing guns for the navy says We know very little about the battle of Yalu for certain, and although the Japanese assert that the quick-firing eun won them the fight, it yet
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  • 514 6 The Thames Valley Inundated. (By the Mail. Never within the memory of the oldest inhabitant has such a serious flood been experienced in the Thames Valley as that which during the past week has devasted the riverside towns and country between Teddington and Oxford. From Windsor Castle
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  • 455 6 The Bukit Mas New Venture, about which we published a short paragraph on the iah, i> not the property of the recently registered Bukit Mas Mining Co. Ltd. The Bukit Mas New Venture is an adjoining conce-sion belonging to the Fame Mr. I. Audis who
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  • 931 7 We are glad to learn that the recent Convent Fancy Bazaar at the Town Hall was a financial success, and that the Orphan fund will much benefit by it. The administration of the Messageries Maritimes has decided to pay an interim dividend of 10 francs per
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  • 515 7 S. V. A. V. R. A. (2nd team.) These teams met last night in the semifinal of the above competition and the result was a victory for the Volunteers by 3 goals to nil. It is to be regretted that that the R. A. showed
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  • 1937 7 The Singapore Sporting Club. TO THE EDITOVL Sir, Referring to your paragraph in yesterday's paper about the special meeting of the Sporting Club which will be held on Friday next at 5 p.m., in the Singapore Exchange, to confirm the Revised Rules of the Club as passed at the
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  • 3356 8 Wednesday, 19th December, 1894. The ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held this afternoon in the Board Room, Mr. Gentle presiding. There were also present the Hon'ble T. Shelford, the Hon'ble Seah Liang Seah, Mr. Bell, Acting Inspector General of Police, Mr. W. Nanson, Mr. J.
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  • 917 8 The Officials Support the Unofficials. (Ceylon Observer.) We must at once express our gratification with ihe substance and tone of several of the speeches, notably those of Mr. Mitchell, Sir John Grinlinton' Mr. Walker, the Treasurer and H. E. the Lieut.Governor. H. E. the Major-General, too,
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  • 165 8 The Chinaman who was arrested tiie other day as be was leaving the Medical Hall on suspicion of being the burglar wliu recently entered Mr. E. M. Lyon s bouse and met with such a warm reception, has now been proved to the satisfaction of the Police
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  • 1253 9 Dr. Wheeler, of Perak, who was recently operated on for empyema, is reported to be doing satisfactorily, and his medical advisers appear confident of his recovery. As the tennis and billiard matches beween Perak and Singapore have fallen through, the Singapore visitors will now leave Taiping
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  • 1195 9 ARRIVAL OF THE ORESTES." The S.S. Orestes, Capt. Pulford, which arrived from Liverpool this morning, is one of the new Holt's steamers, the first of six which are to be added to the Company's fleet. Her dimensions are, length 390 feet, breadth moulded 47 feet, depth 29 4 feet and
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  • 1037 9 The Government of India has been considering its Forest Administration, and has passed a resolution as to the policy to be adopted, which contains matter worth consideration by those who have the control of the policy to be followed in the Native States. The cry has often been
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  • 1810 10 His Excellency, Sir Charles Mitchell, accompanied by the A. D. C, Capt. Herbert, left Tanjong Kling, Malacca, at 7 a.m. on Friday, October 14th, travelling in the ordinary Malay pony cart of the country, with two servants and a small quantity
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  • 327 10 Another Mission. The move in the direction of Eastern markets by the recent Government is already bearing good fruit. Not only has a fair business resulted, but it has developed an enterprising 1 and self reliant spirit amongst our manufacturers and exporters that everyone must highly
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  • 311 10 There is a good deal of substance in the contention of a wiry old boy in Yorkshire, who can siill walk 40 or 50 miles a day, that the young man of the period does not take nearly enough pedestrian exercise. This is more especially the case
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  • 267 10 The following letter speaks for itself Amoy Consulate, Dec. loth, 1594. Sir, I have the honour to inform your that on the night of the Bth I received a telegram from you stating that there was a rumour that plague had broken out at Amoy. 1
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  • 51 10 PERAK SINGAPORE. [By Telegram.) Taiping, 1.30 p. m. Singapore is playing Perak twelve a-side. Singapore has made 117 for ten wickets. The chief scores are Lieut. Harrington 46 Lieut. Howley... Sergeant Nealon 12 R. McKenzie has taken four wickets for 35, Dr. Fox three for 51.
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  • 662 10 Field Officer for the ensuing week CaDtain G. B. Me Andrew, 2nd Line. Reg-t. On Monday, Tuesday and WednesdftV the 24th, 25th and 26th instant, the Head Quarter Office will be closed, except for business" of an urgent nature. m The final stage of the bowling match, Tanglin
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  • 775 11 The Right Rev. Bishop Hose accompanied by Mrs. Hose arrived from Sarawak by the Rajah Brooke yesterday. The meeting of the Committee of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, which was arranged for last evening was postponed until the 2nd January next. Mr. G. P. Owen and
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  • 1939 11 E'en as the heading Topics of the Week Doth now, too oft, portend dead languages. Avow. Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli. Juvenal. You, Mr. Editor, have been silent over a certain "Topic of the Week." The Topicist's duty is to supplement that omission. The
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  • 387 11 H. M. S. Gibraltar, Ca|*t. M .cLeod, came in last evening from P lsitt«#uih via Colombo, en route for Hoii^k n^ Siie goes to strengthen the British Squadron in Chinese waters, and carrie> r* lief crews for ships on the China Station. She le-ft
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  • 249 11 According to notice given privately Mr. J. Fraser will move the following resolution in connection with the rejection of Supplemental Budget No. 3 of 1894, at the special meeting of the Municipal Commission to be held on the 27th inst. That whereas it appears from the letter
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  • 3257 12 Special Meeting. Rate op Subscription NOT to be Raised. t A special meeting of the members of the Singapore Sporting Club was held in the Exchange last evening. There were present Messrs. Cuthbertson, Somerville, Saunders, Adams, Elliot, Derrick, Joaquim, Reid, Cashin, Latham, G. Paterson, J. W. MacLaren,
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  • 216 12 An Eccentric Lord and an AsVOtttStttt* Hou r. liobart, \ov. 19. Probably the most remarkable theatrical entertainment ever seen in the Southern Hemisphere was given to-night at the Theatre Royal when the Karl of Yarmouth, assisted by a company of local amateurs,
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  • 109 12 Up till the time of going U> press no telegram has arrived. From a private telegram from one of the Singapore team to a member of the S. C. C. we find that at 5.10 p.m. with, say 35 minutes to play, the Singapore 44 twelve" were
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  • 1025 13 (Englishman.) British readers may be pardoned a certain feeling of satisfaction in the destructive criticism to which the French Colonial Budget has been subjested by the Politique Colonial?. The journal in question, usually very moderate in tone, records in the first place a strong protest against the
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  • 1578 13 The observant Hindoo, on his return home from England, described billiards to his countrymen as a game in which one man struck a ball with a stick and said Hard lines/ and then another man, striking another ball with a similar stick, said D n." How
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  • 1140 13 The possible attack by the Japanese on the Chinese. city of Che-Foo brings into prominence that pretty treaty port and summer resort. CheFoo or Chi-fu, as it is spelled on some of the maps, is the name bestowed by Europeans upon the city of Ytn-Tai. It is delightfully
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  • 69 13 Singapore v. Malacca. A team of ihe S. C. C. is journeying to Malacca this evening by the Sappho, to play Malacca during the Christmas Holidays, some of the team returning on Wednesday morning, some on Thursday. The following /ire going: J. J. H. Orman, N. J. Stabb, Dcs
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  • 201 13 Additional rules are published under the Prisons Ordinance. Certain offences are made punishable by the Superintendent with fine of §5, and the rules further enact that if in the opinion of the Superintendent the punishment is deemed insufficient, the offence may be reported to tin,- Colonial Secretary. The
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  • 614 14 AN INEFFECTIVE WRIGGLE BY THE UNOFFICIALS. Upon the vote of $396,000 for Military Expenditure being considered in Finance Committee of the Hongkong Legislative Council on the 14th inst. Mr. Chater said I should like to have a little informafion on this subject. I think the matter
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  • 417 14 A very enjoyable little concert was given last night at the Tanglin Regimental Theatre. Most of the well known amateurs assi:>u d and every item was received with quite boisterous anthusiasm. Mrs. Salzmann sang in her delightfully sympathetic manner, each of her songs being enthusiastically encored. A
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  • 184 14 f From The Shanghai Mercury.) VIGOROUS MEASURES TO RESTORE INTERNAL ORDER IN KOKEA. Yokohama, 14th December. A telegram from Soul, dated the 3rd instant, slated that Count Inouye is taking vigorous measures to restore internal order. The Taiwonkqn resigns his positions as Government Adviser. There have also
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  • 863 14 Via Ceylon.) London, December 6th. A Chinese gold loan, amount to a million and a quarter sterling, and bearing interest at the rate of four and a half per cent., is about to be issued in London. Ihe minimum price of subscription is fixed at ninetyfour. Lond >n, December
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  • 1557 14 MINUTES of proceedings of tlte Municipal Commissioners at an ordinary meeting held oji Wednesday, the sih of December, 1894. Present The President, Alex. Gentle; the Acting Inspector-General of Police, E. H. Bell W. Nanson; G. T. Hare the Hon'ble Seah Leang Seah; the Hon'ble T. Shelford, c m.g.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 61 14 ST. ANDREW'S HOUSE SINGAPORE HPHIS is a Boarding Hous«l- for European A and Eurasian Boys onl\\ attending Day Schools of the Colony. It is under the direction of a Committee consisting of the Bishop, the Colonial Chaplain, and five other gentlemen. Applications for admission should be addressed to the Honorary
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 568 15 The Best Dressing jk AVER S J3L ha|r [ll VIGOR ■=?^s ißg&'H Prevents the hair from (ggigjS^^j becoming tnin, faded. Me. It cures itching humors, and keeps Uwscalp cool, moist, and healthy. The base of Avers Hair Vigor is a refined and delicate fluid which does not soil or become
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    • 390 15 ART PHOTOGRAPHY. THE NEW PHOTO STUDIO NOW OPEN. Sittings from 7 a. m. till 5 p. m. OUT-DOOR PHOTO WORK OF Houses, Groups and Horses, UNDERTAKEN AT MODERATE CHARGES. Robert Lenz Cie. corner of Hill Street and Stamford Road. Nov. 28. 5.1 G. R. Lambert Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS, By Special Appointment
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    • 421 15 Fraser Cumming. Officks Exchange Buildings. Sawmills:— Johore Bharu. Brickworks Sirangoon and Balesiier. Timber Merchants. PRIME HARD- WOOD ,cut by our own men in the best districts, and steam sawn to any size. WORKED TIMBERS. Flooring Boards, accurately planed tongued and grooved, by the best machinery, under the superintendence of an
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    • 676 15 The Singapore Free Press AMD Mercantile Advertiser. Cable Address, Advertiser, Singapore, Telephone Number.— No. 61. Published at 39, Change Alley, Singapore. THE hading English Newspaper in the Straits Settlements Johore the Protected Native States of Perak, Selan gor, Sungei Ujong, Pahang, the Negri Sembilan; British North Borneo; Sarawak; Netherlands Indies,
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  • 428 16 France and Madagascar. London, 18th December, 18Q4. The Queen of Madagascar has intimated her unreserved acceptance of the conditions under which the French would probably demand the armed occupation of the capital, Antananarivo, until the execution of the treaty. Parliament. The Opposition vehemently resents the proroguing of Parliament
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  • 800 16 December 22, Oopacr, Brit, str., De la Perrclle, for Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan. Lady Lokgdkn, Brit, str., Angus, for Klangand T. Anson. Saj-pho, Brit, str., Wahl, for Klang, via ports. Ruby, Brit, str., D'Cruze, forMuntok and Palembant?. Lawanu, Ger. str., Formis, for Hongkong and Japan. Bkngkalis, Brit, str., Marshall,
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  • 326 16 Quotation. Capital Paid up Shares Pd. Div, Hongkong S'hai Bank. O2 prem. $10,000,000 $10,000,000 80,000 125/1 4 yr. National Bank of China $21 £500,000 £400,150 iJJ^^ Founders. Nominal l Bk. of China, Jap. Straits Nominal. (£2,000,000 £450,968 199,87s £2.5. Founders. £5 2 S° Tanjong Pa^ar
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  • 379 16 Flags Ton. Captain Arrived From Consignees For, When Men-of-War Gibraltar Brit, cr., 240S MacLeod Dec. 21 Portsmouth Sr. N. OiTber W. 0., Other Vessels Algoma Biit. iBq2 White Dec. 12 Barry Dock Pat. Simons Liverpool, Jan. 3 Amhkrst Hi it. 108 Shim men Pec. 22 Klang- Wee
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 58 16 GRAND HOTEL JAVA, BATAVIA. T^HIS first class Hotel, patronised by the Eng- hsh Community of Batavia, and situated -iw Centre i the most healthy and best residential p.iarter of the Town, offers a j*ood Table, Wines *oa Accommodation to Travellers. A runner attends all steamers, and English is spoken. h
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    • 155 16 Singapore Straits AERATED WATER Co/s MINERAL AND AERATED WATERS over THE EAST KOR THEIR EXCELLENCE PURITY. Patronised by the PRINCIPAL CLUBS, HOTELS and RESIDENTS in SINGAPORE and at the OUTPORTS. PROPRIETORS: J. FRASER and D. C. NEAVE. PRODUCE. I December 22.) I'm 3^-25 > lamc-iw 8.55 do. Cube No. 1
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    • 276 16 J. M. LYON&CO., MILLWRIGHTS. Civil Mechanical Engineers, iron founders and ship builders Machine Shop Shipbuilding Yard, Albion Engine Works, Beach Road. office sale-room. Opposite the General Post Office. Makers of Light Draught Steamers and Launches, Improved Cattle Powers and Windmills, Lyon's Patent Rice Mills, Colonial Wood Working Machinery, Lyon's Stlf
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