The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 11 December 1894

Total Pages: 18
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 272 1 The SoldieiV H< n?e Again, 354 I Burglary in Devonshire Road, 355 Warm Times for Vagrants. 558 The Pirate> of Penzance, Golf. I Sepoy Lines Club, 158 Mr. Stivtn's Departure for Calcutta, Inter-Settlement Golt, 363 President's Prize, 365 Warren Challenge Shield. '1 he Latest Arrangements. 358 Cricket. Christmas Cricket
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  • 69 1 (Correctkd up to December 10.) Bank 4 m/s 2/0 I n demand 2/ Private creaks 3 m/s 2/o| documents 3 m/s 2/0J credits 6 m/s 2/0 On India. Bank demand 185! On Hongkong. Bank demand i|%par. On Yokohama. Bank demand par. On Java. Bank demand 1.20 Private 30 d^
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 40 1 On December 7th, Beatrice, wife of the Revd. W. H. C. Dunkerley, Colonial Chaplain, Malacca, •f a daughter. On the 10th December, 1894, at 6, Upper Wilkie Koad, Singapore, the wife of John P. Joaquim, Barrister-at-Law, of a daughter.
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    • 25 1 On Monday, the loth of December instant, at Gaylan^, Charlotte Augusta, the beloved wife of Mr. E. L. Seth. Aged 21 years. R.I. P.
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  • Article, Illustration
    428 1 Here shall the Press the I'enp!e'« maintain, Unawed by influence and iinbribed by gain j Here patriot Truth her glorionn preveptn drkw, f'ledeed to Religion. Loraltv. and Law. December 4th.) Japan is now approaching a distinctly critical moment. Her military and naval successes have been, for such
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  • 399 1 (December sth.) To judge by the context the telegram sent out to-day is based on a wire from a Correspondent at Chefoo. It is not clear why the foreigners at Chefoo should be putting themselves at the trouble of preparing for the defence of that treaty port against any
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  • 637 1 (December 6th.) THERE is one feature in connection with the expected proclamation on the passport system alleged to have been recently in vojrue with the Chinese Consul to which in these days of military exactions and depleted exchequers the Government might not unprofitably to themselves give attention
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 56 1 GRAND HOTEL JAVA, BATAVIA. TPHIS first dass Hotel, patronised by the Eng- Hsh Community of Baiavia, and situated in the Centre i the- must healthy and best residential puartei ut the Town, offers a j^ijoil Table, Wines, and Accommodation lo Travellers. A runner attend:* all steamers, and English is J.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 569 1 THE WEEK. The next mails from Europe are expected to arrive by the N. G. L. S.S. Gera on the 13th inst., with London dates to the 19th ult., being followed by the M. M. S.S. Natal on the 19th inst., with English mails to the 23rd ult. This mail
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  • 371 2 (December 7111.) ii U with regret, minified with other feelings, lhat we hear that the R' j v. Mr. SHARPI has had to dissociate himself from the Committee which is now managing in a sense the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home. We had thought that the wholesome
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  • 265 2 (December Bth.) IT is greatly to be feared that a dark page of history is repeating itself. The bare outlines that have already reached us by wire concerning the atrocities recently committed in Armenia have beeen now confirmed. To all appearance, if these outlines are borne out in
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  • 1191 2 (December ioth.) I i Lord RIPON at List has removed the silken glove uf sophistical procrastination and in his Despatch <»n i he Military Contribution, which appears in this issue, has I thrown his iron gaunth t into the arena of I coutroversy, as a challenge to this Colony.
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  • 1180 2 AUSTRALIA— BE READY! In a peace-loving and hard-working group of colonies like our own, the public is apt to think that Australia is beyond the sphere of the world's politics and the dread of foreign attack, invasion, or aggression. There can be no doubt about there being; a secret- offensive
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  • 1547 3 Among other passengers from Singapore by the mail to-day is Mr. G. H. Homan, who is leaving the Straits Insurance Co. More Royalty on wheels The King of Spain is learning to ride a bicycle with the assistance of two attendants. The Victorian deficit for the
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  • 433 3 The Chinese "Pirates" and "Ruth." Last night, at a late hour, an impucient burglary was carried out at Mr. Salzmaon's residence in Devonshire Road. Mr. Doyie, who also lives there, had returned from Mr. Buckley's house and had not long turned in, but was fast asleep
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  • 474 3 The Lieut. Governor of Cochin China has made certain alterations in the regulations for light, buoy, wharf, police and anchorage dues. The new resolution bears date Oct. 3rd, 1894, and a translation gives the following principal clauses A tax of ,'0 Dollar cents per net registered ton
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  • 46 3 A great demand having exhausted the of copies of the Free Press containing the criticisms of the Pirate^ of Penzance Performances, arrangements have been made to keep the type standing, and «\t the conclusion o( the performances all t :e criticisms will be printed together.
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  • 434 3 A very curious incident happened on Sunday afternoon which will no doubt have received ere now the due attention of the military authorities, as it involved the inadvertent admission into one of the Singapore forts of a party of four German residents of Singapore. It
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  • 486 3 A telegram has been received from Raub, dated Dec. 3rd, 4 p.m., announcing The Rough Clean-up of the battery yielded 950 uz of amalgam, the estimated quantity of stone crushed beiiig 4f>o tons The battery is only working twelve houis a day on account of bad weather. I
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  • 1277 4 A special general meeting of the Sporting Club was held last evening in the Exchange Rooms, Mr. Cuthbertson presiding. There were also present Lieut. Bryan, and Messrs J. Macßitchie, A. S. Murray, C. Sugden, A. W. Stiven, 'C. Si ringer, J. Miller. W. A. Cadell, E. M.
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  • 1176 4 (From <i Correspondent.') It is now lour years ago since the Scotchmen of Selangor, in the goodness of their hearts, invited their fellow Britishers to partake of a sumptuous dinner in the Court House at Kuala Lumpur, in honour of St. Andrew of blessed memory.
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  • 83 4 In connection with the wreck of the Wairarapa, when so many passengers lost their lives, it is stated in an Australian paper that Mrs. Williams, of Auckland, who had two daughters on the Wairarapa, one being drowned, had a singular dream on the fatal Sunday night. She thought she saw
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  • 1240 4 Early in the present month the Representatives of the Treaty Powers in Peking were officially informed by Prince Kung, the new President of the Tsungh' Yamen, that the Emperor desired to receive the Foreign Ministers in Audience in celebrtion of the sixtieth
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  • 1870 5 Hahrowjng Details. w.s Li-es Lost. Sydney exchanges to hand are full of the nppnlling shipping disaster which occurred on the Great Birrier Island, an island a few hours Steaming from Auckland (N. Z.) The Sydney Morning Her mid t to which we are indebted for
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  • 503 5 (From our own Correspondent. j Crocodiles are becoming numerous and very bold on the shore near Malacca. On the 9th November one about 7 ft. long was asleep on the beach, about 10 yds. from the Banda Hilir Road, and the following day one was on the stones near
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  • 64 5 From Ceylon papers to hand to-day it is apparent that the Military Contribution question of that Colony is beginning to take up much public attention. The press are unanimous in advocating a firm attitude, and all the circumstances point to the conclusion that an opportunity is approaching for bringing about
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  • 772 5 Mr. Rutter, one of the S. C. C. eleven, who left Singapore a short time ago for Ceylon, was to play for the Colombo Club in a match there the other day. Play for the President's Cup of the Singapore Golf Club will take place on
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  • 1309 5 A cricket match between teams representing the above Clubs will in all probability take placr at Malacca during th«? Christmas Holidays. The Eastern Agent of the New York Life Insurance Co., Mr A. van Piema, has returned to Sii gapore from Sumatra. We
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  • 245 6 We hear that the Rev. A. F. Sharpe is cither about to resign, or has actually resigned, his place upon the committee of the Soldiers' and Sailor.-' Home. There appears to be some impression that this :»tep has been taken in consequence of Mr. Sharpe's finding himstif unable to sanction
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  • 1684 6 E'en as the heading At the Tiffin Table Doth meaningly portend intentional frivolity. Junior. Ut saepe summa ingenia in occulto latent. Plaut. Some men have luck," remarked Per Pro, "in the matter of leave. Look at old Down for instance he's gone home again." "I'm not
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  • 82 6 Garrison v. Doctors. This match was played on Dec. 4UI, and won by Garrison by 9 holes. Hinde made an excellent round of 40, his play all round being of a very high class Gar r isoji. Doctors. Sgt. Capt. Hinde a.m.s. 4 Dr. Fowlie Lt.
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  • 79 6 The following are the latest ofTicia arrangements for playing off the ties on this competition i. R.E. v. R.A. 11. on Friday the 7th at 5 p.m on Recreation ground. 2.— S.V.A. v. Winner of (R.E. and R.A. 11. on Dec. 14th. 3. Lincoln. I. v. R.A.
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  • 202 6 The Ceylon Independent says <l Our Singapore correspondent writes us to th< effect that Major Knollys, c M.G., ou: G. P. has been offered the InspectorGeneralship of the Straits Police Force. It is not. however, known whether he ha> accepted it or not." No
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  • 399 6 Commenting on Mr. O'Conor's report on the Trade of India 1893 94, tlie Ceylc Observer says During 1 last season, out of a lon^ list of countrk to which Indian rice is shipped, Ceylon sur.cithird with no less si quantity than 3.911,000 cut. while the Straits
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  • 131 6 Detective Inspector Morris vesterda) paid ao official visit to a liouse in fanjoog Pagar Road and arrested .1 number <-i bad characters, thirteea m< n in ail. togetm with Lhe occupier <<t the bouse, 1 li-.-j. appeared before the Magistrate this morning, the occupier oi the !uuis<- on a <
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  • 397 7 The Indian police constable, who was wounded in the recent armed attack on a >hop in Hongkong, has died from the effects of his injuries. Ihe whole of the British Fleet, with the exception of one or two vessels detailed to b^erve the movements of the
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  • 365 7 As the result of a search made by the Detectives la>t night a set of pony harness in good condition, supposed to be stolen properly, was found in a house in Tan lye Place. The Police are now looking for an owner. A large quantity of other articles were found
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  • Correspondences.
    • 371 7 To th» Editor. Sir, A large amount of correspondence has taken place regarding the above Institute, but little good has been done for the benefit of those for whom the Institute was originally intended by the kind friends who subscribed for its erection. The use
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    • 310 7 Tc the Editor. Sir. The householders of Tangflin Kechil have been troubled lately with nocturnal visitors of a very bold type. A few days ago Killiney Mess was robbed on two occasions; Mr. Ganno's house in Lloyd Road was broken into and some jewellery stolen two nights
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    • 528 7 The following Paper was laid before the Legislative Council this afternoon by Command of His Excellency the Governor Downing Street, 27th October, 1894. Sir,— l had the honour to inform you by telegraph on the 13th instant that the proposal to com a British Dollar at the
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  • 101 7 A military correspondent sends this item A guessing competition has been held amongst the Members of the Army Temperance Association, 2nd Lincolnshire Regiment, for the following questions 1. How many Gallons of Tea were sold at the Bar from January ist to October 31st, 1894? 2. How many Buttered Rolls
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  • 238 7 His Excellency the Governor, with Lady Mitchell, Miss Saunders, Capt. Herbert and Mr. Claude Severn, leave for Malacca in the Seabellc on Monday next. The Governor, accompanied by Capt. Herbert, A. D. C. goes overland to the Negri Sembilan, via Tarn pin, and thence to Seremban, joining
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  • 152 7 Why do cats fall on their feet This question has puzzled countless generations, and may have had something to do with the sacred reputation which the feline race enjoyed in Ancient-Egypt. At present the problem is being discussed in sober fashion by the French Academy of Sciences, and M. Marey
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  • 227 7 Early this morning Mr. E. M. Lyon, who lives in Lloyd Road, was awakened by the noise of a burglar attempting to force an entrance into his room. Sending Mrs. Lyon away into another room, he waited in the passage for the robber, taking with him
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  • 282 7 The Rawang tiger is apparently still going strong. Another victim fell to bis prowess on the ist inst., at the gtli milestone on the Kwala Lumpor Road. It is presumed that the same animal is responsible for the sixteen men who have been killed. The State of Selangor must be
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  • 322 7 The S. C. C. team for Penang and the Singapore team for Perak are nearly, though not quite, definitely settled. It is hoped that J. G. Mactaggart may yet be able to go but that appears to be very uncertain. At present the composition of the
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  • 763 8 The ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commission was held this afternoon in the Board Room, Robinson Road, Mr. Gentle presiding. There were also present the Hon'ble T. Shelford, the Hon'ble Seah Liang Seah, Mr. Hell, Inspector General of Police, Mr. \V. Nanson, Mr. Tan Jiak Kirn, Mr.
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  • 4667 8 Hjtli November, 1894. Sir, Having object! 1 as a Commissioner to the payment of exchange compensation by the Municipal Commissioners of the town oi Singapore to Municipal officers when the Supplemental Budget !\o. v oi 1894 was submitted to the Commissioners, J wish, now that the Supplemental Budget U .submitted
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  • 196 9 The- K. I. M. S. Warren Hastings, Commander H. A. Street, came In this morning from Calcutta en route »o Hongkong. Sin- has on board the ist battalion of the Riflr Brigade foi Hongkong. The following is a list ot the officers: Lieut-Col. St. Paul, Major Pemberton,
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  • 131 9 THE INSPECTOR-GENERALSHIP OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS POLICE. We have it on the best authority that Major Knoilys, C M.C, of Ceylon has declined the appointment of Inspector-Gcr.-eral of Police in this Colony. We hear, however, that another likely man for the poM is considered to be Capt. Edmund Fortescue, now
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  • 25 9 I Ffom the Master At«ndaot's Office it otified that the jights at Fulau Angsa and Kuala Selangor ar» reported not to t>< wot Ling satisfactorily.
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  • 733 9 The Governor in Council has framed rules under the Marine Courts of Inquiry Ordinance, for the conduct of such inquiries. The Secretary of State's despatch on the Military Contribution will be laid before the Council at the meeting on Monday. Regulations under the Women and Girls
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  • 320 9 He Evades Precautions, but not the Police. Some of the burglars who have lately had such a merry time of it in Tanglin Kechil came to grief this morning, being smartly captured by the detective officers almost red-handed. Last night the house No. I, Devonshire Road,
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  • 444 9 Corps Orders. Head Quarter Oftice, Singapore, 7th December, 1594. 1. Orderly Officer for ensuing week Lieut. C. J. Davies. Orderly N.C.O. for ensuing week Corpoial Fry. 2. Gunner J. Kemp from the Reserve is posted to B" Sub-division. Gunner J. Wilkie having been duly clotted is posted
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  • Correspondence.
    • 354 9 To the Editor. Sir, When I read the letter in your issue of the 6th headed M Wanted the Police," I did not think for a moment that I should feel it incumbent on me to reply to such, but events have since occurred which render it
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    • 184 9 Civil Procedure Ordinance Amendment Bill." To the Editor. Sir, In moving the second reading of the above Bill, the Acting AttorneyGeneral intimated that he would a.-k to add in Committee a clause by which one of the present methods of selling lanci under a Writ of Execution, viz under a
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  • 248 9 Private information has been received in Singapore that Admiral Fretnantle vvith the British squadron are at Shanghai. The fleet is anchored oil Woosung. There arcalso several men-of-war of other European powers there. Tips movement may post»ibly be due to I expected complications with the Chinese population at
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  • 3357 10 Thursday, December 6th, 1894. Present H. E. the Governor (Sir C. B. Mitchell, k.c m.g.) The Hon. the Aciing Col. Secretary (A. P. T^lbot the Ac g. Attorney-General (T.H. Ker- the Actgf. Col. Treasurer K. B^rch.) T. Shelford, c.m.g. T. C. Bo^aardt. The Hon. tl c Officer Commanding
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  • 226 11 On the second reading of this Bill Mr. Bogaardt pointed out that Section 4 provided for placing vessels arriving at any port in the Colony with cattle in quarantine. In committee be would have to move that it be struck out. Mr. Shelford said the object
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  • 457 11 < From our own Correspondent.') Mis Excellency the Governor and Lady Mitchell are expected in Malacca on Wednesday next. The Governor will go to the Ne^ri Sembilan, whilst Lady Mitchell stays at Tanjong Klint;, when Sir Charles and Lack* Mitchell no to Penang, calling in at Selangor on the
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  • 53 11 eld Officer for the ensuing week Captain 11. Dußuisson, 2nd Line. Regt Signalling. Brigade Practice will take place as fallows —Friday, ***** insU, By day); Friday, ttsl insU, (Bj night) Monday, 31st inst., (Mannin£ Defences). Government House Guard will bedisconlimied fro« Monday, Ihe 101 l instant, and until
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  • 719 11 Capt. Shimmen of the S. S. Amherst reports that last night, whilst on his way to Singapore from Klang, a Chinawoman jumped overboard and was drowned. The death is announced on Nov. sth, in his 83rd year, of »he Rev. William Chalmers, D.D., principal of the
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  • 564 11 The Opium and Liquors Ordinances are ordered 10 come into force on [an. i>t 1895. The Chief Police Officer in each Settlement is appointed the Excise Licensing Officer, under both Ordinances. Mr. H. C. Nasan is temporarily recognised as Consul-General for China at Singapore pending the arrival of
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  • 49 11 {Gazette, Dtc. ibt.) A serious onslaught by the Kyans on the Dyaks working on the Baram river resulted in thirteen deaths. The parties are now reported to be quieted down. The high pressure reservoir of the Kuching Waterworks is now completed. Pipes have not yet been laid.
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  • 182 11 Sungei Ujong v. H. M. S. Swift. The above match was played on the Seremban Cricket ground on the sth, and resulted in a win for the home team. Capt. McAlpiue and Lt. Wrey played well tor the Navy, and Messrs. Dun man. Trotter and IJatliurst made the runs
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  • 632 11 The adjourned special genera! meeting of the Sporting Club called to consider the revised rules (65 to 129 inclusive) was held in the Exchange Rooms last evening, Mr. Cuthbertson presiding. There were also present Mr. C. Sugden, Mr. Stiven, Mr \V. Egerton, Mr. J. Macßitchie, Mr. W.
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  • 187 11 The arrangements tor sending down a Singapore golf team to Penang, to take part In the Christmas matches were completed last night. The four players who are to represent Singapore are Messrs. \V. G. Greig, H. Yade, P. P. Langdon, R.A., and i\ A Gillespie. These players go
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  • 1537 12 E'en as the heading v Topics of the Week Doth now, too oft, poriend dead languages. ANON. Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago lihelli. Juvenal. We have been in a Penzantic mood all the wtek. (This is a hapax legontenon, but let not the ra?.h etymologist
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  • 85 12 Lt.-Col. B. Ileygate, A. S. C, has been appointed D. A. A. G., Southeastern District, in consequence of the appointment of Lt.-Col. E. Grattan as D. A. A. G., Malta. The mail i^uii for the arrival of the Van a went just before six o'clock la-t evening, the letters being
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  • Correspondence.
    • 366 12 To THE EDITORr SIR, Permit me to correct the errors relating to questions of fact concerning the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, as they occur in "Soldier's" communication of Thursday last. i. He says The use of the Institute has fallen off a lot, particularly of
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  • 586 12 i From f if Singapore Correspondent 0/ the L. (///</ C. Express*) Some time ago a correspondent alluded to the dissatisfaction amongst the Kuropean community at the fury system in the Straits, more particularly mi the northern portion of the Colony; Province Wellesley, for example. Men
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  • 45 12 A marriage has been arranged between Mr. Sydney Loyd Bucknall, second son of Mr. James Loyd Bucknall, of Larigley Court, Beckenham, Kent, and Dorothy Barbara, only daughter ot the late Sir Thomas Sidgreaves, Chief Justice of the Straits Settlements, and Lady Sidgreaves, of 241, Cromwell-road.
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  • 841 12 MORE COMPENSATION ALLOWANCE. The Subordinate Branch Ask For It. The text of the memorial presented by the Subordinate Branch of the Straits Settlements Civil Service to H. E. the Governor sets forth That the effect o f the continued depreciation of t lie dollar as regards imported and lochl articfec
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  • 267 12 The Chinese war administration <Jj not, like Major-General Stanley, kuow precisely what is meant by Commissariat." It men are to be sent forward to their death, the least thing an fedmtriftg DWt* try can do, is to see that they have not to endure the preliminary misery ol fatigue on
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  • 441 13 (To the Editor of the London and China Express.) Sir, The Treasury, the War, and the Colonial Offices have of late reduced the military contribution, exacted from the Straits Settlements, from 100,000 to £80,000, and the said Colony should, of course, be grateful. We know that
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  • 247 13 That enterprising firm of hotel-keepers Messrs. Sarkies Bros, have now practically completed an addition to their hotel of thirty suites ot rooms. The new building is L shaped, of two stories, and great attention has been paid to providing ample light, ventilation and comfort Each room, iBx 1
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  • 179 13 A Shanghai telegram received at Tokyo from Shanghai states that, after an investigation of the facts, the French Government have come to the opinion tha* the action of the Japanese in connection with the arrests on the Sydney was justified. Shanghai telegrams are, however, notoriously untrustworthy, says the Kobe Clironiclc,
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  • 178 13 The Imperial German Mail Steamer Gera having left Colombo on the 9th instant at 6 a. m. may be expected to arrive here on the 14th instant. Last evening Detective Inspector Morris arrested a Chinaman at 107, Soulhbridge Road, in the act of counterfeiting Straits currency.
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  • 146 13 (Gazette Notifications) The Rev. F. W. Haines, B. A., is appointed Inspector of Schools. Passed Junior Officers, who have shown proficiency in a native language, and whose service has been consistently satisfactory, will, three years after the date of passing, be entitled to draw 81, $00 salary per annum.
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  • 1142 13 President's Prize. The competition for the above prize was played on Saturday. The afternoon did not at first look promising for at about 3 o'clock rain came down in torrents, but it cleared aw^ay in sufficient time to allow competitors to go the two rounds/ The ground
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  • 204 13 Probables v. N. C. O.s and Garrison. The Cricket match between the Penang Probables and the N. Co.'s and Men of the Garrison, commenced on Friday, was continued on Saturday and resulted in a severe defeat for the Military. A local record of 177 runs, was established for the
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  • Correspondence.
    • 913 13 To the Editor. Sir, In reply to Mr. Munson's letter of Saturday last I would like a fe<v more words on the subject, after which I shall leave it in other hands. A Good Soldiers* Institute in Singapore would be a great boom to Military Men,
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    • 55 13 Sir, The young cilf that bleated for his mother in so objectionable a manner on Saturday night at the performance of the Pirates is, I regret to hear, believed to be a juvenile military officer. With that word the usual definition rust in this
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  • 1967 14 THE DESPATCH OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE ON THE MILITARY CONTRIBUTION. A Paper laid this afternoon before the Legislative Council by Command of His Excellency the Governor Downing Street. 6th Nov. 1594. Sir, I am now in a position to inform you of the decision of Her Majesty's Government as
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  • 1431 14 Fifth Performance. On Saturday night the Town Hall Theatre was completely filled by the largest audience that has yet witnessed a performance of the Pirates, a number of these present being only able to get standing room. The result has quite justified the management in arranging
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  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 1913 15 Fleet Crvisebs. The new cruisers, two of which are lo be laid down next year, are to be termed fleet cruisers." They will, subject to alterations, as the deM^-is n r t -^ress, be 240 ft. long and 40ft. broad, and at a mean draught of i6ft. will
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  • 1815 15 f Globe Naval Correspondent The China Station, in spite of its great distanct from home, is a favourite one with the o\]\ er^ and men of our Navy. In importance and strength it sands only second to the Mediterranean, and its Commander-in-Chief is more
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  • 135 15 coth, [894.) Homeward rates continue verystca^3 r tonn^i^e being still in only moderate r; Mpp!v. For London, via Canal, Bag Goods are <]vote«! at 25/-, Hale Gambier, Pepper and measurement 30/-. lor Uiverpoo!, via Canal, quotations Arc n.mnna!ly 27/6 for dead-weight, and 30, For light height, and measurement. For
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 273 15 for' colds, COUGHS, HOARSENESS, AM) ALL Throat and Lung DISEASES. As nn emergency inedlcln*. a (tafef^aivl f<>r rkildren, ::n ever-ready remedy t<> he iviioij upon in cases of colds, p<»njrUs, rroofi. whooping-cough, influenza, and ;i!l diseafw^ of Hie throat ii;<l hitigs., Ayer*i ('in n recteral has no equal in phartnacy.
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    • 94 16 THE JAPANESE TERMS OF PEACE. London, 4th December, 1894. It is stated at Yokohama that if the war be now concluded Japan will accept an indemnity of §400,000,000 (yen) and the cession of the territory now occupied. Otherwise the demands will' be far larger. She will grant
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    • 151 16 London, sth December, 18Q4. A telegram to the Times states that the foreigners of Chefoo are preparing for the defence of that place. It is reported that the Japanese are preparing for further attacks and that their transports are moving westward. Anti-French Feeling in Egypt. London, 6th
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    • 196 16 Despatches from Marshal Yamagata report various skirmishes in Manchuria between Japanese scouting parties, who met large bodies of Chinese forces, and are now returning to Antung, the head quarters of the Yaloo Army. The Emperor of Germany and Peace. The Emperor William of Germany in J is
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    • 218 16 H Overtures for Peace. eported from New York that China I as decided to send a special ambassador X'j PokiOj full) empowered to negotiate \jr peace. The Armenian Atrocities. The -Times confirms the rq.><rt of frightful massacres and atrocities in Armenia and demands a searching inquiry
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    • 576 16 December 10. An eh, Sar. str.* Mathie. for Sibu and Sarawak. Isabella, Brit, str., Hudson, for Muar. Hanoi, Brit, str., Thow, for Bengkalis and Bagan. Kian Yang, Brit, str., Nacodah, fonMuar. Neera, Brit, str., Morris, for T. Anson, via ports. Am H erst, Brit, str., Shim men, for Klang,
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  • 118 16 (December io.> Garnbier 8.4> do. Cuue No. i 1241 do. do. No. 2 to $0 Pepper, Black (orJ.iviry Spore) 10 ;< do. White, [Fair L/W-»S% 1 18 -> Nutmegs lsw to i.i>f Ib.j 9*". Mace (Banda; 95 Cloves (Ainboma) 20. Bali Coffee (io£ Biacks) 4-. Pengerang Überian 41. r^.p:o:
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 58 16 ST. ANDREW'S HOUSE SINGAPORE r is a Boarding House for Europ^ar J- and Eurasian Boys only, attendi:^ Day Schools of the Colony. It is under the direction of a Committee consisting of the Bishop, the Colonial Chaplain, and five other gentlemen. Applications for admission should b addressed to the Honorary
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1205 16 SHARE LIST, D E CEM BE R ioth, 1894. Quotation. Capital Paid up Shares Pd. Div, Hongkong Stiai Bank. 92 prcm. $10,000,000 $10,000,000 80,000 12s £1 *yr National Bank of China $21 *500,000 K^g/I Founders. Nominal /75° l Bk. of China, Jap. Straps Nominal. f £450,968 199,875 £2.5. Founders. £s
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    • 97 16 Anjer Shipping Report. (Specially compiled for the Singapore Free PfiffJ. [Date of passing Anjer Nationality and description of vessel Captain's name Where Rnd when sailed. Destination, j Nov. 29. Brit, bq., Montgomery Castle McLean Karang Antoe, Nov. 29 Cadi/., i.e. Nov. 20. Brit, ship, Timandra Kcrr Mar!' Nov. 14 New
      97 words

  • 1824 16 This morning before Mr Lemon, Mr. D. Donaldson surrendered to Ins bail on the charge that or. or aboi:t the 24th July. 1894. at Singapore, he did Jorge two document- purporting to be receipts lor $00 and $75 respectively payable to him by the
    1,824 words
  • 85 16 iYl< me. ue weazen is a passenger from Odessa to Singapore by the Russian volunteer fleet steamer Kostro7na i which has already Uft for the Far East. Th photographers of the Paris Observatory have just finished for the Academy ol Sciences the clearest view ever secured ol the moon. They
    85 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 608 16 To the Editor. Sir, It is much regretted that the Rev. Mr. Sharpe should (on principle) be compelled to resign his position as committee man cf the Home. It is hoped that the reasons of his resignation will be fully dealt with by the committee
      608 words
  • 94 16 To i '>'.:. Edi i or. Dear Sir, Allow me to thank y< ur correspondents for their advice on the above subject. I i*,-;\y however that the pineapple leaf treatment would be too exn< nsive over a large area, and fancy that unless the ants can
    94 words
  • 329 16 A Football Match was played h*- re on Saturday between the Raffles Cub Eleven and the Johore Football Gob. Johore won the to^s ami chose the thady part ot the Held. From the Icick-oflF till halt time neither side scored, but tlic Johore team showed to gn.jj advantage and
    329 words
  • 72 16 (Corrected up ro I December 1 1 On London. Bank 4. m/s demand I r iv cite credits in documents 3 m credits 6 m 2. (in!.-, Bank demand r- On 1 lox< <k »ng. Ban k demand On V'ok mama. 1 Li i\ < demand t On lava.
    72 words
  • 92 16 G^;:";";:::::::;:;;:':.:::;:;::;:;;;;;;:;. no. C aoe No. 1 j do. do. No. 2 Pef r, Black (or«,i in do. White, [Fa Nutmegs 150s to J Mace [Ba ida 95 Cloves Ainboin; Bali Coffee [10% Black Pengerang Liberian \i Tapioca, ;i ill pc 4. do. do. fiaucc [do. do. do. do. do.
    92 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 136 16 -->«._< CLEARANCES. December r. Ml. Blister, Brit. str M Cornwall, t r Bangkok. C. Ho^k Ki\N, 1 5 1 it. str., Kunath, for Am \ia poi is. Rio, Ger. sir., Davidson, for P« nang. Aglaia, Ger. str Peterson, for Hongkong and [apa n. Normandie, Nor. sir., Berg, for Sam a
      136 words
    • 167 16 W f > 7\ t '"1 I I 1..(..I tnber TaL-:. at Kandang Kerbau ;\i ital Db rvatorj 9. a >: 91 Bar. re^. 32 Fi 2 1 29.84 2 rernperature 74 Wet Bulb 1 lerraometer... 72 p Dir. oi Win I N N Max. Temj shade Mm. do do
      167 words

  • 1099 16 Here »baH t'-.e Press the Pete's right maintain, Cnaued bj influence and unbribed by g* r> II patriot Truth h*r glorious precepts «ir. V.c fc T ro f'eKcion. Loraltr. and Law. In what way can this Colony best chal- j len^e the monstrous doctrine that, indeoendent
    1,099 words
  • 479 16 Batavia, jth Dec, [894. There is very little news to chronicle i y this mail. The weath r has been rainy of !:-.i<: and It would ai pear that before in.- end ol this month the wet season will have thoroughly set in. [ts :i general wish that
    479 words
  • 1026 16 The Secretary of the Punjom Mining Co. Limited, has received a telegram from Mr. Blarney, reading Have struck the Lode, Mill Gully. Are 3 ft. into it. Have not yet got to the footwali. The Lode runs North and South. Think it is worth 1 oz. per ton. Consider
    1,026 words
  • 536 16 Last evening, about nine o'clock, a mi der was apparently committed In cole blood by several unknown .Cantones thieves in a shop house Xo. 161 Kewbrid^e Road, the victim being a ma of about 45 years of age. i: wa> |a§t seen abeut 8 o'clock by his son-in-iav. who lived
    536 words