The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 22 May 1894

Total Pages: 16
301 316 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 330 301 CLfS. A 301 301 1 b Strike, .^O2 i i longkong, 302 1 a s, 1 > art, i\.\\ \ssizes, 503,306 l°i 3"5 v the Harrison, 303 5.C.1.1 ihc S.R C, 303 ml s XI, F, li.'s. 314 S.i (..■i >. ompany, Uncohishire 314 HanJicap Play, 314 Sho<»t -T--Seltltme
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  • 75 301 Corrected up to May 21.) On London. r l t:ik 4 ni/s 2/lj demand 2 l l i Private credits 3 m/s 2/2^ documents > ra/s 2/2f credits t> m/s 2/24 On India. Bank demand 2O On Hongkong. Bank demand i%dis. On Yokohama. Bank demand i% dis On Java.
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
  • 388 301 (Mr.y 1 5 th.) Mr. E. H. Bell, Acting Inspector General of Police, sends for publication the following appeal in aid of the funds of the j 11 Destitute Strangers' Aid Society." This object is heartily commended to the benevolent who desire that their charitable contributions be bestowed
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  • 520 301 The Destitute Strangers Aid Society appears to have been started in 1873 under the title of The Strangers Friend Society." The objects of the Society are to give temporary relief to strangers here and to provide them with passages to other places, where they might have a better
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  • 208 301 THE President of the Board of Trade, Mr. A. J. MI'NDELLA, while yet hardly settled in his new chair in the Rosebery Cabinet, has found that his private mercantile interests may be held by the public to influenre his assent to the policy of the Government, in matters ronnected with
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 301 Here shall t'i* Tits* tie People's right maintain Ui awed by influence :ni<l tmbribed by gain; Here patriot ["ruth her glorious precepts draw, Pledged to Helicion. T.ovaltv. and Law.
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  • 795 301 'May 16th.) IN the field of manufacturing enterprise there has been no element so alluring, so tantalising, and so disappointing hitherto, as the problems connected with the attempted introduction of Rhea, Chinese grass, or Ramie, as the plant is variously known, into industry as a textile staple. As
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  • Page 301 Miscellaneous
    • 96 301 Passengers Departed. Ma> 15.— Per Surat for London.— Mr. R. H. rty, Mr. C. E. F. Sanderson, Mr. W. Cowan, Major and Mrs. Wiley. For Brindisi.— Mr. B. H gold, Mr. E. H. Williams, Mr. J. F. Craig. For >i cy.-Mr. A. Dohse. For Colombo.— Mr. Pujjh, Mr. Wall. For
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    • 579 301 THE WEEK. The next mail from Europe is expected to arrive by the M. M. Saghalien tomorrow, with London dates to the* 9th April, being followed by the F. O. SS. Rohilla on the 2<Sth inst., with London advices of the 4th inst. This mail leaves by the M. M
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  • 408 302 (May 17th.) The worst feature about certain trade disputes, of which there is a good example in -the London cab strike reported to-day, is that, while no party to the quarrel, the unoffending public is brought in to endure the bulk of the discomfort, inconvenience and
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  • 863 302 (May iBlh.) The information issued from the Colonial Secretary's Office a few minutes af er publication ol the tree Press yesterday afu-rnooM gives a distinctly reassuring aspect to the case of the epidemic that has caustd so much mortality at Canton and so much alarm at
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  • 230 302 SI AM NEWS. (Ha ngkmk Tim es Lrnrg Sum bom (Khaw Joo Lay), who acted Advocate General during the recent Plira Yot trial, expects to leave here to-morrow for Lang Suan, and thence proceed overland to Rangoon where his father, Ph>a Rariong (Klrivv Sim Kong), is Governor, returning by Chumpon,
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  • 968 302 The Trad of 1893. The annual report of the Marine Depart ment for 1889 shows a total revenue oi $125,272, there being a considerable in crease under the head of Light Dues There has been an increase in the Btunbei and tonnage of vessels having light duet
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  • 32 302 In China, when there is only rfrciiniwU^irf evidence against persons suspected of crme, tht accused is tortured until he confesse-i. Sometime an innocent person will confess, iuH to e» ;<ne toi ture.
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  • 321 303 fnm the War Office Gazette, April ;;th:Ihr N< ■ithamptonshire Regiment— Major T. C. Powlcd to be Lieut. -Co!., Vice W. T. Ellis, placed on h*!f-pay (apt. W. F. Fawcctt to be M^ior vu c T. C. O. Powlett. The Singapore Debating Society meet this v ning
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  • 94 303 Abstract of traffic earnings for the month I April 1894 Heads of Receipts— c. P.t^engers 14,005 52 Season Pickets 212 72 Horses, Carriages and Dogs 107 96 !eK Collections 2 34. Excess Fares 36 50 Parcels 235 20 Exctss Luggage 52 10 Speci Trains... MisceQancoiK* 409 98
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  • 344 303 A report wasm^dr ll»r polire yesterday im»ritipg lhat aß' l! *r<' g' 'd n<^ silverlatcd arti«!rs had K«n stoNn from the Museum, some time between 6 p. m. on the 1 2th inst., and 6 a. m. this morning, and imongst other things a gilt
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  • 674 303 ARRIVAL OF H. E. MAJOR-GENRAL JONES-VAUGH AN. The new General Officer Commanding the Straits Settlements, His Excellency Major-General Jones- Vaughan arrived by the P. and O. mail steamer early this morning, (14th) and landed officially at Johnston's Pier about 7.40 a.m. The Government launch Gwenneth, with the Officer Commanding the
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  • 161 303 The May Assizes were opened this morning before the Chief Justice, when there was, at least in appearance, an unusually large calendar, some 35 cases being set down for trial. This it may be explained is not due to any appreciable increase of criminality on the part of the native
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  • 832 303 Harmston's Royal Circus met with a royal reception on Saturday night, when they gave their opening performance to a bumper house. The large and spacious tent on the Tank Road ground was crammed to overflowing, there being more than a few who could not find seats through lack
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  • Correspondence.
    • 317 303 To the Editor. Sir, One of the u*ua\fanx pas, without which n^Rare Meeting seems possible here, and for which the Race Club Commiltee appears still, notwithstanding their previous experience, entirely and even carelessly unprepared, occurred, as tl Doncarter will probably point out. in the Lincolnshire Plate,
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  • 362 303 H. M. S. Peacock leaves on Thursday for a short cruise along the coast to Port Dickson. Thrre will be no reception at Tyersilt on Friday next, as H. H. the Sultan will be, in Johore. H. M. S. Leander proceeded to the Borneo Wharf yesterday to coal, and is
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  • 1387 304 In the House of Lords, on 19th April, the Earl of Jersey presented a petition from the captain, owners, and crew of the Costa Rica Packet, and explained the circumstances which had made this course desirable. Captain Carpenter, of the Costa Kxca Pmcktt, was a British
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  • 881 304 The fortieth ordinary general meeting of the shareholders ol this Company was held on Wednesday at the C .nnon-street Hotel; Mr. William Paterson in the chair. i The Manager (Mr. Thomas Forrest) having j read the notice calling the meeting, The Chairman
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  • 155 304 The Government Gazette of Selangor notifies that after July ist, 1894, an export duty of i j>rr cent, on the gross value of coffee exports will be levied. 1 We have had smokeless gun-powder, and j now a certain Mr. Sakurai Heikichi, ot j Shinjuku Shin-machi, TeshimaGun, Tokyo, promises lo
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  • 222 304 Mr. Arthur K. Craddock (Corporal, Shanghai Light Horse, and Hon. Secretary Shooting Committee, Shanghai Volunteer Corps) in forwarding the full scores of the Shanghai Inter-Settlement team to Mr. W. G. St. Clair, the Hon. Secretary of the Singapore Rifle Association, writes as folIONVS1 ONVS Whilst regretting
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  • 259 304 Frenchmen Tortured and Killed. Our Paris correspondent telegraphs that M. de Lanessan, Governor of the French possessions in Indo-China, refuses to answer any questions on the subject of the late of three Fie eh prisoners in the hands of the Annamite pirates. M. Koty, a hi^h
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  • 553 304 (Sara wo k Gasst itc.j Sarawak \si> North Borneo The principal object of His Highness's voyage to England was to further his wish to take over from the British North Borneo Company their territories and rights, as, in his opinion, the Company, for their own sake, as well
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  • 603 304 About 3 a. m. on Wednesday an alarm of thieves was raised at the Officers' Quarters, Biakan Mati. It appears that ft hot awakened by a dog harking Found a strong* Chinaman in his room and seised liicn The would-be thief, howev< r, tor*:
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  • 354 304 THE INTER-SETTLEMENT RIFLE MATCH. Thf Shanghai Scorf. The .V.-C. Daily News of the sth inst. gives thr following account of the shooting in the above match at Shanghai The Shanghai team fired yesterday morning, and only succeeded in making a total of ;6o point* against 823 and 817 made by
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  • 1690 305 The Debating Society met last evening, the Hon'hle Mr. Collyer in the Chair, to «!i>cuss the proposition "that it is advisable to introduce the principle of the Referendum int«i the British Political Sysl,rn Mr. A. Knight opened the debate, and defined tl»e referendum as a device
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  • 28 305 Voting Lady Mr. Parsons, what <iid Boaz say when tiist saw Ruth?" Young Man: don't know, unless he asked her not to step on his corn." Life's Calendar.
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  • 800 305 Before Mr. Justice Law. Ellison v. Gazzolo. Mr Justice Law, in giving judgment in this case this morning, said the defence set up was that at the time the alleged agreement was enteied into the defendant was so drunk that he was not aware of what he was
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  • 88 305 During the forthcoming naval manoeuvres of the Chinese fleet in the Gulf of Pechill, Admiral Tiug of the Peiyang fleet will be in chief command, and the number ol vessels taking part in the manoeuvres iv 11 not be less than thirty. Of these, says a Shanghai contemporary, six belong
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  • 422 305 A Kling Coomb skts fire to his wife AFTER CUTTING OFF HER MOSK. On Thursday morning a cruel outrage amounting to an attempts! murder, v\as committed in the district belonging to the Loonchoo Estate, Johore. A Tamil cooly named Ramaswamy, who had arranged with his wife
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  • 365 305 Head Quarter Office. Singapore, 151b Miv, is«m. 1. OrcLrly Officer !ur this and en-urn- week Liettt. Day ies, S.V V Orderly Seigeaut iut iln-» aiid ensuing week Ser^-t. Ormision. 2. In view o\ th»* parade in li"»v»u <>f t Majesty's liiithday, i\\- following; parade wail \.*k*? place
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  • 835 306 The Russian transport Russia, with 733 passengers and emigrants on board, arrived in Singapore this morning en route to Vladivostock from Odessa. The Mail despatched from Singapore to London, via Brindisi, on the 1 8th ultimo, was delivered on the 14th instant. By the Colonial steamer
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  • 385 306 Alarming RumoursCurrbnt To-day iw Town. In connection with a reported outbreak of the pestilential disease, or plague as it is called, in Canton, and the consequent scare in Hongkong, the following telegrams received in Singapore by Messrs. Sarkies and Moses yesterday afternoon from their agent-, Messrs.
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  • 446 306 A team from H \I. S. Leamier has invited the S V. A. to a rifle match at an early date. It vviil piobably be tired on Saturday, tii 20th inst. We are requested by the Official Assignee to stau j lor the convenience of persons concerned, thai the bankruptcy
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  • Correspondence.
    • 256 306 Sir, Referring to a paragraph in your issue of yesterday about the good services of the Rev. Mr. Urch, in connection with the Soldiers' Home, that gentleman having left the Colony, it is now unlikely that he will avail himself of your paper in
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  • 106 306 The specialist appointed to examine the Mergui pearl fishr ric s has left for Australia, alter sending in a final report, which is fairly satisfactory, to the Government of India. The report is now under consideration. In 1892, the case of C. E. Miller, an American, who embezzled funds belonging
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  • 664 306 SI AM NEWS. Ba tig kok Times Mr. Barret, the new U. S. Minister Residt-ni, left Hongkong on the 2nd inst. by the Phra Chont Klao, and is expected in Bangkok abviii Friday evening Moi g Shwe Hlav of Moulmein, wli > has been in Banj»koK tor the la i
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  • 985 306 (To the Editor of the Times of C'vlan.) Sir, I notice in the Singapore Free Press, of t|, r sth instant, under the heading Taking tip atv j in Selangor," a letter of Mr. Talhot, of Nnwar* Eliya, dated March 24th, reprinted from the Timei
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  • 1241 307 "LA DEPOPULATION ET LA QUESTION COLON I ALE" L lndtpt nda net Tonkinoise.) [)unrg the last ten years the ideas of the French public appear to have been completely changed c ihc t-uK «nal que-tion. The Opposition candiria S k»ngei Wl stize up-n Tonkin, which was v |il i t
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  • 492 307 The following is the Manager's report for March August Shaft. Bottom Drive North. The ground during the month has been very hard and bad for blasting, but 1 think we have almost passed through this hard belt, as the ground i& changing, and 1 expect it
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  • 288 307 The merchants and other residents of Singapore who the other day M preed Australian produce at the exhibition in the S. V. A. drill hall, will be interested to know that the home markets are now being exploited as energetically as India and the Far East have been.
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  • 196 307 It is saiil lhat the export from the Bengal collieries to Bombay has increased threefold, and to Madras nearly two-fold, since the year 1890. Moreover, in addition to j the growing trade with other parts of India, Bengal is sending large quantities to Ceylon, Java, and the Straits. About a
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  • 844 307 H. M. S Peacock left Singapore last evening at five o'clock bound westward. The extra P. O S S. Japan came in this morning from Shanghai wilh a clean hill of health. She had on board 472 Chinese coo ie>, 54 of whom cor Penang. After
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  • 240 307 The first great change of programme in this popular show was presented last evening (17th) there being a very fair attendance. The Manager was correct in saying that the change would be a romplele one; not a single repetition was givrn and the turns w^re very interesting, although
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  • 278 307 A remarkable irarriage took place the other day at the Bristol Registry Office, when the bride, a buxom woman of 43, wheeled to the office in a large-sized old-Fashioned perambulator the bridegroom, a cornel y-looUin man of 45, but of such diminutive stature, owing to his
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  • 448 307 The Secretary i»t the Pun join Alining Company, Limited, has received a telegram to the effect during the ntottth ot April the mill ran 24 days, crushing 1,000 tons, giving a yield of 473 ounces. 1 We regret to hear that Capl. Huddle, the Deputy Maste r Attendant, who
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  • Correspondence.
    • 400 308 To the Editor. DEAR Sir, In reference to the report, in your issue of the 16th, of a meeting held at the Soldiers' Home, relative to the presentation of a testimonial to the Rev. W. H. L'rch, and which l( Soldier" took exception to, permit me to say
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  • 249 308 I "!.r Undaunted^ cruiser, was commissioned at Drvonpuit on Tuesday by Capt. J. Halifax, with a complement of 484 officers and men to take place of the Leander t cruiser, on the China Station. No dale has been fixed for the vessel* depasture, but before leaving she will embark a
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  • 343 308 The following is the report ot the directors and the accounts for the half year ended Mar. 31st, 1894. The half-yearly meeting is to be held on May 31st, at noon. Out of the available net profits of $117,122.31 (including $20,415.48 brought forward from the
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  • 368 308 I 11> I t I I V r f 1 L J I ICI 1 12,500 Shares of $100 each $1,250,000 Liabilities. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China 77.590 Simple Loan, Singapore 10,700 Sundry Creditors, Singapore 77« 10 7 Do. Selangor 17.°3° Do. Perak 29,039 Do.
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  • 170 308 Things are really getting serious H. I. H. the pstudo-Czare witch .we know but it seems that a claimant to be his Imperial sire has been puiting himself in evidence in Bengal. We shall have the entire Russian section of the Almanack de Gotha (or at any rate its Apocrypha)
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  • 418 308 Mr. H. Bennertz, of Calcutta, who is at present in Singapore with the object of promoting his new process for the treatment of Ramie, is understood to intend to give shortly an experimental demonstration of his method of treatment, by permission of Mr. Ridley, at the Botanical Gardens. The
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  • 620 308 NaRR*T!VF BY %Bi E V E-W IT\ F SS. The following ac" v it of the closing sc nes of the Brazilian revolution is furnished to Xt liter's Agency by ;m eye-\vitm*ss. who was on board the Ro>al Mail steamer Clyde ai the time: u
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  • 115 308 r (Gazette, May nth, 1894.) An outbreak of rabies existing in Lara! all dogs are ordered to be confined for sii weeks. Those not so confined will b^ destroyed. The rate of postage for parcels is reduced from 8 to 5 cents per Ib. and co:n pulsory registration
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  • 766 308 Cl»urch-£Oing made easy is our on'erprrsing American cousins are endeavouring t;> sovr. Despite the tremendous efforts ol the j^odly postion of the community and the philippic* of t!>e preachers there has always been a sid falling -oft at church services, and a growing; dis:nj!inaiion t >
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  • 872 309 Our old friends the 2nd South Lan-a-hire, (the 82nd) Regiment, now in India, src to move to Kamptee next cold-weather looping season. Ih' endeavours to arrest Carmichael, accused in the Sunday limes* case, iving failed, the warrant has been order--1 t lie held in abeyance, pending
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  • 1561 309 Damages 12,500. Yesterday afternoon a whirlwind accompanied by heavy rain passed over Tanjong Pagar, doing considerable damage to the godowns and property, though fortunately the phenomenon was not attended by any loss of life, and no one was hurt, with the exception of one cooly, who was struck
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  • 146 309 H. E. Major General H.T. JonesVaughan assumed Command of the Troops in the Straits Settlements on the 14th inst. Dr. Simon, P. C. M. 0., resumed his duties on the 15th inst. Mr. R. Craig is recognised as Acting Vice Consul for Sweden and Norway during the absence
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  • 806 309 In that instructive judgment delivered by Mr. Justice Law the other day the public may learn with profit how far the privileges of drunkenness extend. Hitherto '•hot coppers" and unlimited soda-water in the morning made up the ordinary list with some dexterity in the art of
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  • 13 309 The steamer Drummond passed through Singapore from east to \v< st this morning.
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  • 1282 310 THE HAPPENING OF THE EXPECTED. What Things are Com: mo to. Singapore, ist January, 1896. The sterling value of the dollar having now fallen below 1/-, the Military Contribution absorbs almost the whole revenue of the Colony. To meet the overpowering difficulty of tarrying on the (government under these circumstances,
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  • 181 310 Head Quarter Office, Singapore, totn May, 180,4.. 1. The following members of the S.V.A. are appointed a Special Cyclist Sub-division and will We attached tor duty as follows Gunner Lawson A. Sub-division. Lynn D<>. Allen Do. Gunne< N jwioh B. Sub-division. Dis^ Da. Mackenzie Do.
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  • 118 310 The following notification has appeared as a Gazette Extraordinary bearing today's date Information having been received that a contagious disease, namely, bubonic plague, has broken out ?t Hongkong, it is hereby declared by the Goyernor tI.M ihe poil of Hongkong is infected. Under th 6 Regulations
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  • 68 310 With reference to a paragraph in yesterday's issue touching what seemed to be the making over of a part of the old Jail site as a recreation ground for the AngloChinese School, Mr. Kelso now explains to us that there is no acquisition of land, but merely a permission to
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  • 1517 310 (By one I* ho knows him.) [The following sketch of the Amir's Englishman," now Sir Salter Pyne, Kt., c.i.8., is written for the Singapore Free Press by a well-known resident of this Colony, who numbers Sir Salter Pyne among his personal friends. Sir Thomas Salter Pyne
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  • 418 310 Perak spent over $900,000 mi railway* in 1893, $8oo.oo;> of whicii went for doostruction. The percentage of net profit to capital account was 3.64, but taking thr Taipeng-Port Wrld line s -parody 9 34 percent, was rarned. From Mr. Hanson the Resident Engineer* report the lolicming extracts are
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  • 485 311 An alarm of fire was raised yesterday afternoon between three and four o'clock on the premises of Messrs. Huttenbach Bros, at Kallang, at their petroleum godown situated on the riverside close to the Kallang bridge. It appears that two coolies were engaged in soldering leaky tins on
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  • 383 311 It is staled that, possibly owing to the recent hot weather, an unusual number of sharks can be seen at present in the harbour prowling around the vessels lying in the ro»ds. Several of about eighteen feet long have been noticed from H.M.S. Leander y and a good many of
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  • 888 311 The annual report on the Chinese Protectorate commences with a remark that the year has been a remarkably quiet one» no disturbances having occurred which could be ascribed to the influence of Chinese societies. 2. Sporadic attempts are still made, and will always be made where Chinese
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  • 473 312 The Mail despatched from Singapore to London, via Marseilles, on the 24th ultimo, was delivered on the 19th inst. Mr. Parrett of Ortgon, the new U. S. Minister Residei t, has arrived at Bangkok to relieve Dr. Boyd, the Vice ConsulGeneral. A Bangkok paper is informed,
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  • 190 312 A telegram has been received by the Government from the examiners stating that the Queen's Scholarships of £200 a year for four years have been awarded to 1. H. A. Moore Anglo-Chinese School. 2. Koh Leap Teng Kree School, Penang. This is the first occasion on record
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  • 92 312 It is reported at Penaug that the Secretary of State for the Colonies has signified that the sum exacted from the Colony as a military contribution is to he reduced 25 per cent. The Government have no «i formation at all on the subject, so that iheiumoarin
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  • Correspondence.
    • 234 312 TO THI EIHTOR. Sir, With reference to the letter of Fair Play in your last Friday's issue, I think and wish the fair play could go a little further. The American Mission have now had a fairly good innings in the management of the Soldiers'
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  • 533 312 (Selangor Journal.) Our readers will be glad to hear that the Secretary of State for the Colonies has approved of the Selangor Government Railway being extended from Klany to Tanjong Kubu, Klang Straits. Thi- opens up a rare vista first and loremost, a long line of good wharves
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  • 246 312 (May Bth The fiist oi the upsets 1 ween, hi this r;ue is sure to be seen For though Panjang 'l'y kc caught The winner's not bought. By its owner I mean Valley Oueen." 11. To be plain after Staff a 1 hanker, Hut it she is
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  • 265 312 (May ioth.) The tips I gave on Tuesday Were all they should have been, And established me At the top of the tree As a judge of a race-horse keen. So in Race I. I'd advise The punter, if he's wise, To go nap on the rider
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  • 456 312 (May I 2th.) A Set of Choruses. (Adapted (ov Harmouius Punters.; I. Air, tfp Iconics with my little lot Up I come wit! i my little lot Of the ihiid days raice* certs, You'll have found I'm sure In those I gave l»efore (iood investments tor yer
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  • 455 312 ist. 2nd. yd. Unplaced. Tota! Redcap 3 Mattie 2 1 1 Bloodshed 2 1 1 4 Tyke 2 r Staffa 2 2 Pat 2 2 Mainstay 1 21 4 Lardla 1 2 1 Gratitude 1 1 1 Hazeldean 1 1 2 Werite... 1 2 i 4
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  • 264 312 (Sin hi Observer.; Two or three years ago, a 1.-adin.» 1 ><m! ca»it i ist sunk a good few hundreds of pounds in trying to make coal-mining on the west coast pay, Uifl although elaborate testimonials to the virtue o! Lhe fuel were obtained from
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  • 5613 313 Retrospective Racing Notes. \h<> Spring Meeting o f '94 *ifl on g be gemcmbrred as Redcap's meeting, for he mi n all his rac*S like a racehorse, as he is }:< was veiy fit and well and had received a ti, roi pi I) pood
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  • 225 314 A large held of competitors played on Saturday for the usual monthly handicap, and the result ended in a lie between Messrs. I. \i barle and E. J. Nrtiison, which will be played off dining the course of this v i < k The links were in
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  • 148 314 (May 2 ist, 1894.) There has been little change during the past week, homeward tonnage remaining in much the same position. For London, via Canal, 25/- is still named for Bag Goods, 30/- for Bale Gambier, Pepper and measurement. For Liverpool, quotations are unchanged at 30/--for dead-weight and 32/6
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  • 1301 314 Lean and mangy was Damal. Dirty brass rings had corroded his ear-lobes, and elephantiasis had magnified one leg into monstrous contrast with the tenuity of its fellow. His age no man nrght guess, for your Dyak putting on not seldom at 30 the externals of 60 may
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  • 567 314 The half-yearly general meeting of this Club was held on Saturday, May rah Following the usual cu-tom, a place *om* distance outside Singapore *£s chose* and in view of the recent s;^!i of !i >J weather, the airy coolness id flakil ti .'> seemed most suital>le. Thirteen
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  • 202 314 HAMS, CHAMPAGNE, AND LEEK SALAD. K«TR*CTATION AND APOLOGY. The Pinang Gazette goes down "on it* hams rather abruptly in the following With reference to our leading ariticle whici appeared in the issue of the 20th April last, headed Bribery in Pcrak," we desire to unreservedly retract all statements and expressions
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  • 460 315 Great Abatement. The following has been forwarded for publication by the Hon'ble the Colonial Secretary Information has been received fr< m \h n^kong that there have been 130 cases of bubonic plague there during the „t It n days, con fined to the low classes f(!
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  • 760 315 I v <* I-!, piaga ircm the Gr. piegc, "a i i Kr inflicted b> the the dii.valiou indicating i!i<* ancient beiirf as to tho sou: cc, of the Plagwej is a febrile disease, characteused buboes or swelling of the lymphatic glands Latbuncfei and petechiae. Plague prevails «<
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  • 1078 315 At the meeting of the Hongkong Sanitary Board, held on the loth, the following interesting report by Dr. Alex. Rennie, of Canton, bearing upon the epidemic in Canton, which had then made its appearance in the congested Chinese quarters of that colony, was laid on the table.
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  • 381 315 Grant's XI v. Fortnightly Bounders. The ciicket match on tise Esplanade on Saturday uas between an elr-ven captained by Mr. F. 11. Grant and the Fortnightly Bounders, the game resulting in a win for the former by 129 to 75. The scores are Mr. Grant's XI. F. H. Grant
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  • Page 315 Advertisements
    • 464 315 TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION. The Victoria Coffee Estate, Kldat. The Property of the late P. Christian, Esq. *"PHIS Estate, which is situated about 3 m9es of 1 the Port of Kudat, British North Borneo comprises in all 300 acies of the finest coffer land, 100 acres being cleared,
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    • 110 316 London, 14th May, 1X94A bomb pxplosion has occurred in th Rue Kleber in Paris. There were no casualties but only damage to houses. Political Arrests in Russia. Hundreds of persons who are members of a so-called Society of Political Liberty have been arrested simultaneously in
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    • 194 316 London, /j//t A/ay, i#Q4 The Right Hon'ble A.J .ViuiKiella, President of the B.mhl of Trade, has resigned office in order t<> prevenl any appearance of conflict between public and private interests. I A German Squadron in the Forth. A (i rman squadron, including among its officers
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    • 233 316 Hostilities Imminent. Loiid'H. K'ili May. ISO 4. Brazil his broken .»R reLitio 1-; with i'ortu^i! t>»viug to the h irbonring of Admiral 1) t i n 1 an I other insurgents upon th<* P >rtuguesse warships ai Rio de Janeiro. The Liberals and the Lords. Lot: Jen,
      233 words
    • 98 316 London, igth May, 1894. Lord Rosebery has visited POl tsmouih. The Premier's visit is supposed to have reference to the proposed improvement of the defences of Portsmouth, Chatham and Devonport, including the provision of dockage for a large fleet at each place. An enormous grant of money
      98 words
    • 574 316 London, 21st May, 1894. The Russian Government is sending experts to India, Ceylon and China in December to study tea-planting. International Yachting. A match has been arranged between the Vigilant and the Valkyrie to be sailed in EnglUh waters, the best out of three races to win.
      574 words
    • 261 316 Anjer S hipping Report. (Speci <lv rompiicd t»r t lk- Simroho c Free Press [Date of pasting \njer Nationality anH description oi vessel < laplaiu's name here and when sailed. Destination.] May v <irr. bq \Uki'h\ Schoen n iker Savannah Jan. 21 Samarang. .\!.i\ 9. i>ut. str., Sam*R\ng Klein iJ.itivia,
      261 words
    • 120 316 (May 21.) J?" 59.*7 l Gambler 7.45 do. Cube No. 1 1225 do. do. No. 2 950 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) 9.95 do. White. (Fair L/W=s% „1525 Nutmegs 150s to the Ib.) 88. Mace (Banda) 90. Cloves (Amboina) H 26. Bali Coffee (10% Blacks) 40-50 Pengerang Liberian 41.50 Tapioca,
      120 words
  • 336 316 Quotation. Capita! Paid up Shares Pd. D.» Hangkong STiai Bank. 89 prem. |io,oooooo $10,000,000 80.000 *****. Syr National Bank of C ma $35 d^c. £l 000,000 £400, 150 '^oa /8 Bk o China, Jap. Straits $2 S£2 000,000 £249,84.115 '99*75 Founders. £15 25,000 £1,250 1,250
    336 words
  • Page 316 Miscellaneous
    • 1223 316 VESSELS iN PORT. Flags Ton. Captain Arrived From Consignees For, When Men-ot-War LBANDBR Brit. cor.. 4300 Metaxa May 9 Penang Sr. X. Orticer Other Vessels Altair Brit, bq., 400 Mathews Miy 15 MantfUlg rfock Hin S'ir'ni, \y An<;e. 1 Ital. «121 O'leirole May 10 Mew V'orfc HuuenUach Pen^n^, Beng&alis Brit.
      1,223 words