The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 15 May 1894

Total Pages: 17
285 1 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 210 285 I >• \oisg Articlfs. Mr. Rodger and Pahang, 285 Hongkong and Representation, 286 Postage Stamp Revenue, #> 286 An Immoral Consideration, 285 At 207 An Important Decision, 2 gl Municipal Commission, joj Shooting. The Warren Challenge Shield, 204,280 Orama. Theatricals at Tanglin Club, 202 Notes and Anticipations, 207 The
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  • 71 285 (CORRKCTED UP TO May 12.) On London. Bank 4 n/s 2/ij demand 2/1J Private credits 3 m/s 2/ 1 documents 3 m/s -/'I credits 6 m/s 2/jJ On India. Bank demand 193 On Hongkong. Uank demand dis. On Yokohama. Eiank demand dis. On Java. Bank demand 1.28 i 'ri\
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  • 119 285 May v.) V n I 4<>.j^-?5 Gambier 7.65 do. Cube No. 1 1250 do. do. So. 2 11-35 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) 10. do. White, (Fair L/W-=5% „15 5.. Nutmegs 150s to the Ib.) 90. Mace (Banda) 90 Cloves (Ainboina) 26. Bali Coffee (io£ Blacks) 4» iNiigu ing Liherian
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  • 43 285 Domestic Occurrence. MARRIAGES. At St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore, on May 7th, by the Yen. Archdeacon Perham, Albert Edward, second son of the late Thomas Austin, Esq., of Plymouth, to Mary Herberta, third daughter of the late John Valentine Esq., j.p., of Ludlow, Shropshire.
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  • 1169 285 Here thai! the Prett tt«r People's right maintain. Unawed by influence and unbribed by gain Here patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw. Pledged to Religion. Laval tv. and I^w. Today appears a letter on the subject of certain criticisms that appeared in our contemporary
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  • 239 285 Wiiii reference to-day's telegram ft i:\uy be mentioned that Wadelai is a little below the outfall of the Nile from tlir Albert Nyanza. Uganda is the- region Iving between the two Nyanzas. It is evident that Major Owen's actici is iidd by the Foreign Office
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  • Page 285 Advertisements
    • 16 285 for sale. KONY, < ihan v, and Harness, Price 00. Apj !> 10 Mr. A. L. STF.W ART.
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    • 92 285 G. R. Lambert Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS, GRESHAM HOUSE, BATTERY ROAD, AND 106 ORCHARD ROAD. II AYE "JUST UNPACKED 3 Sherv's Patent Hand Cameras, pl^ie, c < mplete, specially constructed for the tropics. A LARGE \SSOKTM£V] (»l SOLID BOUND ALBUMS. 1 OR Portraits and Views. hU r ir-AmvMS. MORASTANDING c\ FANCI FRAMES.
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  • Page 285 Miscellaneous
    • 417 285 THE WEEK. The next mail from Europe is expected to arrive by the M. M. s. S. Saghalien on the 23rd inst., with London advices to the 27th ult., being followed by the P. and O. S. S. Rohilla on the 28th inst., with London dates to the 4th inst.
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  • 283 286 Hongkong and Representation. (May 12) THERE is given to-d ly the full text of a petition to the House of Commons from a lar^e number of the inhabitants of Hongkong". who are British subjects, praying for reform in the constitution of the Legislative Council of that Colony. Bearing in mind
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  • 312 286 In the annexed press refm ncr thrre is ruough to make our Colonial Treasurer's mouth water .is he thinks of his ill-furnish-ed coffers and of those ghastly quarterly cheques for a quarter of a millinn doll is each that he is compelled to send to the courteous
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  • 514 286 There are satisfactory symptoms that j the explosion of the Exeter Hall fetish that j ha^ been achieved by the Opium Commission is about to produce the victory of hard common sens<. over faddish foolishness in another direction. The object for which a European army is maintained in
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  • 379 286 Ilarmslon's Circus is about to open in Singapore, and Mr. Bob Love is the mana<n r. Some men in Singapore fancy themselves at billiards. The connection be Iween these two propositions may not be sr It-evident at first sight, but afler reading ti.e foil wing it
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  • 1693 286 CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM IN HONGKONG. i Proposed Modification of the Constitution i of the Legislative Council. Text of the Public Petition. The following is the petition to the House of Commons respecting the constitution of the Legisla- tive Council now bein^ circulated for signature To the Honourable the Commons oi the
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  • 496 286 Merry Hampton, a sporting corre.«> pondeut of the Times of Ceylon, makes these observations upon the cas^ oi Cavanagh, the jockey The Indian Planters' (nizette, 1 notice, hto belted Cavanagh over the question of \\\i gmui to him of his licence to ride and irai i in j 1 >;r»
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  • 163 286 I -:»r ii»r iii «s arc lv liani <>i tic j»ir.iii«.. nltich attacked Lamangkangon tl« ist t«.-i It appears that after their repuN* th t<» >k refuge in the man^row sfe'attip* i on ii*' mvit sid'-, nrul emerged the FolUm*j in^; <la\ ;tt a point KOfBC
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  • 688 287 The Amrer intends, it is said, to sell the monopoly of the opium traffic in Afghanistan by contract, and to prohibit its sale by ordinary dealeis, as has been the practice biih< rto. Connection with Hongkong by means of tbc 1( i native cable, via Lal>uan,
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  • 726 287 A> the Hoo'ble T. C. Bogaardt was being '.riven to town this morning a very awkward collision occurred between his palanquin gharry ami a carriage belonging to Mr J. M. Lyon, The latter vehicle enf favoured to cross Mr. Bogaardt's palan- tin towards the bridge
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  • 220 287 A large amount of bankruptcy business was disposed of yesterday by Mr. Justice Law. In the case of Lim Guat Co., chop "Chiatjoo," a receiving order was made, on the application of Mr. Buckley, who stated that an interim receiving order had already been made. In the case of
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  • 205 287 The adjourned annual general meeting of the members of the -ingapore Philharmonic Society was held at the Raffles School last evening (7th), Mr. \V. G St. Clair, President, in the chair, about forty members being present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed The
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  • 76 287 Mr. S. H. Rowe, Official Representative of the Government of Victoria, has issued invitation notices to a number of leading Singapore residents, including officials, merchants, &c, that, with a view to the introduction of Victorian products into the Straits Settlements, samples thereof will be displayed on
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  • 494 287 It appears that a paragraph that appeared in the Singapore Free Press some two months ago on the need of a new map of shipping signals has had the result of setting more than uiie at the task supplying this undoubtedly felt want. There has been submitted for
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  • 510 287 Correspondence. Mr. J. P. Rodger. To thb EditorSir, —A leading article of the 30th A|»rif in the Straits Time*, on the return of Mr. Rodger to Pahang, som^ of that gentleman's friends think not only to exceed the bounds of good tast^ in criticising an absentee, but 10 be calculated
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  • 198 287 Engineers— Home and Local. I To the Editor. Sir, In reference to the article in la.^t night's issue on the respective valors ol Home and Local Engineers' certificates j (signed v Another Applicant'), where he states that the examination at Home i* much easier than here he speaks inadvisedly or
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  • 153 287 j a The festive Bullfrog was croaking his hoarse challenge to the Tyke when walking over the scratched Common aX Monte Curio. The Sultan, A' that Friendless Plunger filled with Golden Hope that lie might be favoured with g<n <i Fortunm {Bar-sells) either at Roulette, Baccarat or
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  • 1910 288 In the small buff coloured building at the end of the southern retaining wall of Singapore river are carried on observations for the regulation of Singapore time of a delicacy of which few people are aware, but of considerable importance to the shipping community. That a time-ball
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  • 723 288 {From Dutch and Batavian papers.) A writer in the Utrecht (Holland) Dagblad gives the following as truly English One of our townsmen visited England, Ireland and Scotland in the past month, and at Liverpooj he took a fi*st class ticket for Belfast via Preston As is well
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  • 155 288 Of tlj^ making of new tyre«i f»>r i*y< l< s «>t the pneumatic and rubber species there is apparently no end. We learn from i!i< Paper Trades Journal that paper lyn-s will form the nc^xt devclopmeiH in cycle cons I ruction. We are assured that paper. besides 1)j-mi</ only one-haH
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  • 620 288 Chief Justice Heinrich Geffcken, the editor <, v Emperor Frederick's Memoirs and Diary," ar ,j an accomplished writer on historical subject* contributes to the Muychener Nachrich ten, Muni h' the following comment on England's position -J The great British Empire is entirely a colon one: it is comparatively
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  • 122 288 Head Quarter Office Singapore, May Bth, 18^4 1. The following Itave pa^> F«m prametion the rank of Sergeant. Corporal Ormiston. Bombr. Hilton. Gunner Kill in. Suier. N.nvtou. rench. 2. The following promotion wtU talks pUi l with etTect from the 7th in>t. Corporal Ormiston to be A.
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  • 293 288 THE HONGKONG-SINGAPORE CABLES. Yhe following telegrams (dated Haylfcli relative to tiir opening of the alternati\' cable between Hongkong and Singapore, via Labuan, have been sent us tor ptibli* j Hun From Sir 'John Fender, CMmirman Ecstem Extension Telegraph Co. To tlie President Chamber of Commerce. Sing;* pore. Please accept my
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  • 1546 289 To com me morale General Booth's jubilee an "entrance" will be made this s ar of the Salvation Arm} into Japan and Mr. Jackson M r. ot !<i'o\ Hargreaves, Singapore, has proceeded to Bangkok, inflection wi'h a scheme for establishda water and ice factory «>:i the
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  • 352 289 THE VICTORIAN TRADE COMMISSION To-day at noon in ihe I> i ill Hall, i lie exhibition «>! Victorian products was opened in thr presence of a fair gathering of merchants and others, Mr. Kovve presiding. A large iaUi-- l»;td been ananged down the centre oi the hali, md amongst ihe
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  • 155 289 it is understood that the competition for the Warren Challenge Shield for musketry has resulted in a win tor F Company, ioth Lincolnshire Regiment, which is one of the neau CfOHTien cunrpamtcs in Singapore, The S.V.A. tram are next, losing first place by only one point,
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  • 419 289 Sonic correspondence has recently taken place in The Times with regard to the protection, in case of war, of the new trade line and new submarine cable to be established between Canada aud Australasia, which really raises the ijenerai question (it Colonial Contributions lo the Imperial
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  • 1161 289 I hat big sailing ship tiie Somali has \\iv\ an adventurous pa^ag** from Hongkong to .S.i:i Francisco. American papers give tlti* account i he So hidii, > ->i<-ii with rice and lea, Bailed Hongkong on N wember v\ l>>r San KiancifeCO charge of Captain Hannay.
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  • 74 289 I The Crown agents for the Coloaies, on bchall <<i ihr Government ol Ceylon, in\it<. tenders f«»r an issue of £500,000 I lir< 1 per Cent. I«^ ribed stock, i>; i n^ Liv first I Instalment <<i loan u( £1,000,009. iim: c< ;••>< ki^ secured on Lbe general rcveorcii and
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  • 1772 290 REVIEWS AND L ITERARY NOTES. A Descriptive Dictionary of British Malaya. By N. B. Dennys, Ph.D., author of the Folklore of China," &c. London and China Telegraph Office, 1894. This new and important work may safely be classed among the most valuable bwoks of reference published ifl connection with the
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  • 54 290 Yesterday afternoon a Chinese small boy, some Rye years ol age, whilst playing in the tiv<: footway in some of the narrow streets of China town, upset a coffee vendor's stock in trade with unpleasant results to himself. He was removed to the hospital badly scalded, but is now reported
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  • 298 290 The le^al literature of the Straits Settlements increases apace and its growth is, to a great extent, due to Mr. Kysche, the Sheriff of Singapore and a barrister of Lincoln's Inn. Sotne time ago we noted the is^uc of Mr. Kysche's fourth volume of Law Reports,
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  • 296 290 With regard to the details of our trade with the Far Kast there was a falling-oil last month in the export of cotton yarn to Chi'»a amounting to about 200,000 lbs., but Japan and the S' raits Settlem nts each show fair increTse^. For the
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  • 1135 290 (To the Editor of the London and China Express.) Sir,— lf your readers in the Far East will refer to the Financial News of April 4 they will find a li-t of the Vice- Presidents, Executive Council, and London Committee of the Bimetallic League, including members of
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  • 733 290 Mr. E. F. Edlir., Barrister, joins the firm of Messrs. Drew and Napier from to-day. Col. Wilbraham, who is well-known to Singapore, is one of the promoters of a banquet to be given shortly to Sir Tliorru* Mcllwrailh in London. In place of Mr. [learn, Hie
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  • 2661 291 I Wednesday. May Qth.) i, o-dinai v formigh'Jy meeting of the Muni- „n ti'i-'t'iii was I.eld this afternoon in the J j^,, n Robinson Road, Mr. presid- j liter* -ire also prvstnt the Hon'ble T. 1 r< i. the Hoik'Llc Siah Liang Siah, Mr. Bell, Inrsr-ecior-General of Pence,
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  • 1811 291 North Borneo cents, which are certified by Messrs. Heal n an I Sons of the Birmingham Mint !<) be equal in weight and value to tho^e of the Straits Settlements, i-iz., 144 Grains of copper, wen- fir-.l issued in 1884 and the la-t supply was received
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  • 296 291 Mr. Macßitchie, the Municipal Engineer, returned by the Sappho from Klang thi* morning. A mem for the Straits Shanghai is apparently ♦as paralytic in the matters of money and muscular energy as Hongkong There also the usual athletic sports have huncr fire, and will not eventuate until autum n. Hongkong
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  • 949 292 RUSSIA IN THE MEDITERRANEAN (Daily Graphic.) After the usual series of official and semi-official denials that nothing of the sort was in contemplation, the Russians have quietly established a warbase, refitting establishment, and safe anchorage for their new Mediterranean Squadron in the port oJ Poros, off the eastern coast of
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  • 255 292 As an instance of the obstacles which t »reign medical missionarits find thrown in their way when treating various cases, cuing to the supercilious dread of the C hinese to operations involving loss ol limb < r organ, the following extract from a recent Missionary report is given by the
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  • 953 292 The lessons of courage and good temper taught by bodily exercise are so many and so complex ''says the National Observer that the headmaster of Haile>bury College needs no excuse for lecturing on Recreation from a pulpit. Vet it is none the le-s amazing (and admirable)
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  • 161 292 She pronounced, in sounding platitude; Her universal gratitude For men of every latitude From the tropics to the pole*!, She felt a consanguinity, A sisterly affinity, A kii.d of kith-and-kinily, For all thcae foreiern souls. For Caledonian Highlanders] For brutal Soui'i Sea Islander-. For wet and
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  • 881 292 A RUSSIAN SKETCH. The following sketch of the Amir of Afghanistan is translated trom the Xovoe Vremva by Captain J. Chapman, Bombay Staff Corps, and appears in the Pioneer Sir Mortimer Durand, British Envoy Extraordinary, has been lately received with great pomp and solemnity by Abdurrahman Khnn, Amir
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  • 176 292 Last night at the Tanglin Club, there was given a private theatrical performance in aid of the building fund of St. Andrews' House. While there is an expressed arrangement that entertainments at the Tanglin Club are not open to public criticism, it is at least
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  • 1228 292 Dr. M. F. Simon, the P. C. M. O is due to arrive here on the Sutlej on Monda) next. An American preacher invites question i to be handed to him on Sundays, and uwill answer them from ihe pulpit. One of the servants al the
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  • 508 293 An Important Decision. This morning the Chief Justice delivered judgment on the construction of section c"> 28 of the Bankruptcy Ordinance which is probably the most important derision on that section since the judgment of Sir hdward O'Mallev in the case t-f Frederick Poeies* The present case was that
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  • 480 293 (From The Man on the Lawn.") There were many striking costumes at yesterday's races. The following were among the most conspicuous. H. I. H. the Cz. wore none of the insignia of his rank, with the exception of a single pearl in the left far.
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  • 322 293 Mr. Hamilton Hunter has been appointed Honorary Corresponding Secretary of the Royal Colonial Institute tor Fiji. The old Ajax lightship was yesterday replaced by the new Ajax, formerly named the Rent ban. We are requested to announce that Lady Mitchell will hold a Reception on Thursday, 17th May. There will
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  • 1100 293 Before the Chief Justice, the Hon'ble Mr. Cox. Am Immoral Consideration. The Chief Justice this morning gave judgment in the case of Ahvena Ravena Mana Aroomoogan Chetty v. Lim Ah Hang, Ah Gee and Chop Lee Watt. He said this was an action to recover the sum of
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  • 906 293 TV/T INU lES of proceedings of the Municipal *>**• Commissioners at an ordinary meeting held on Wednesday, the 25th April, ISO 4. Present: The President, A'ex. Gentle; the Acting Inspector-General of Police. E. H. Bell; the Hon'ble Seah Leanjr Seah, m.l.c. the Hou'ble T. Shelford, c.M.(i., m.l.c. J.
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  • 700 294 FIRST DAY.—May 8th t 1894. Steward.—Judge.—Lieut. Col. H. C Huntly (roth Regimen!). Time-Kf.epkr.—Jas. Orah/im, Ksq. Handicappers —C. Sugden, Ksq., W. Kgerton, E-q.and Capt. Dewar (10th Regiment). Starters—W.Egerton, Rsq andj D. Saunders, Esq. Clerk of the Course.— C. Sudden, g Sq Clerks of the Scales.—Hon. Major MrCallum, r.e.,
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  • 3208 294 The racing yesterday was goo*!, and we had a capital afternoon's sport. As 1 anticipated in my Monday's notes, we had several upsets Ihe Tyke, StalTa and Gratitude being the only favourites who got home during the afternoon. But the going was anything b»»t good and this
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  • 7454 295 Students ot public form backed the vsii.mis yesterday as Redcap, Pal, and Muttie ail won ag.iin, hut not i-ne of them >tai td favourite, which shows what the •yu'-iit ihou^hi of the handicaps. Werite jn \a^ runuiug in the Dciby was generally oiokt vi on as a
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  • 341 296 (Translated for the Frree Press. With reference to the purchase In Lli« Municipality of a complete and cKpeii sive fire extinguish iog apparatus (costing $14,000), now that Mich material lias arrived, the Manila press begin to dwell upon the important factor in all fires, viz a sufficient supply
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  • 69 296 i inc. v, li -i i. a.i\ s Iwes <ju i.m v 111 K'l 'jUt'l ,i« L*S(NII -l< 'Jourtt:l -i neu is»urc*tttetil GctM! in i Sf o i j i ;i i ,v- 1 1 !j- v Uttitljj t i ID > I ||< !a i i 'l' 111 '.lit
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  • 3856 297 Notes and Anticipations 1 he Races begin to-day, so besides the i uestions How is Inchi Minah going'" and Who is to win The Griffin Race," which iiuf been asked a hundred times in the ist tea days, everybody who has time to ;tk this
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  • 838 298 First Competition, 1894. It will be remembered that Sir Charles Warren, the first General Officer Com--rnanding the Straits Settlements, just be►ore his departure from the Colony, made an handsome gift of a series of Challenge Shields for the encouragement of rifleshootin" and various sports. The
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  • 386 298 Mr. Frank A. Swettenham, CMC, British Resident of Perak, leaves by the Perak yacht Mena this afternoon. Another shipment of oxide of tin, 444 pikuls, came down from the Pahang Corporation Mines at Kuantan by the Perse yesterday. The S.S. Mount Tabor, from Glasgow. came in
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  • 598 298 JAPAN AND SI AM. {k'obe Herald.) It is evident that Japan is willing to renew her old-time relationship to Siam. Whispersof various kinds have been afloat for some time, colonization schemes have bt-eu mooted, and it is known that Japa nese now in Siam have sent letters recommending the country
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  • 1259 298 Your Topicist is suffering in mind, body, and estate. A penetrating public will at once spot the cause thereof. It is almost unnecessary to say that his feelings are due to incidents assot iated with his attendance at the Race Meeting of the S. S. C.
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  • 673 298 London, April 17.— The tire in the Cobur^ Palace has been subdued. The amount ot damage done is not great. Two hundred thousand colliers in the State o! Pennsylvania intend going out upon strike 0:1 Saturday next. They demand an increase 0! to per cent,
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  • 1477 299 THE NEW GOLF. (National Observer.) i title might sUgg* B lne change of spirit which come i»< r t?ie game l u hands of thos c vhom Mr. Thomas Mackay calls, wiih scant re- ii Monstrous Rejhnent ol the Englishry.' I Iced, it is past denial that the 'monstrous re-
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  • 171 299 May i |thi s* s m■ Homeward tonnage remains only in moderate s-.ipplv. au\ fn ighls are steady at the rates given j Kor London, via Canal, 25/- is still asked lor I Bno Goods, 30/- for Bale Gambier and Pepper 1 and 32 6 for clean m 'asnrement.
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  • Page 299 Advertisements
    • 240 299 THEEASTERN EXTENSION AUSTRALASIA CHINA TELEGRAPH CO., Ltd. Owing to the continued depreci ilion in the value of the Dollar ana the consequent loss to the Company in resistances o! Out-payments to other Telegraph Administrations, the cm irges io- Felegrams f i om Singapore, Penan g and Malacca will be increased
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    • 465 299 NOW READY: PRICE $i. People in a Native State, I BY J. H. M. ROBSOX. A Reprint of Lhe Scries of Articles ap- u< aring in the Singapore Free Press. Neatly bound in Paper 64 pp. FOR SALE AT Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Singapore. Messrs. John Little Co., Singapore, and
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    • 285 299 ST ANDREW'S HOUSE SINGAPORE. 'T^HIS is a Boarding House for European i- and Eurasian Boys only, attending Day Schools of the Colony. It is under {he direction of a Committee consisting of the Bishop, the Colonial Chaplain, and five other gentlemen. Applications for admission should be addressed to the Honorary
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    • 104 300 London, Bth May, /594. The trooping service will henceforth be conducted from Southampton instead of from Portsmouth. Explosion of Cordite at Waltham. There has been an explosion at the Royal Cordite Factory at Waltham by which many persons were killed and injured, and much damage done. TByapreviou>
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    • 72 300 London, gth May, 1804. Sir E. Grey, Under Secretary ot State kor Foreign Affairs, has stated in the House of Commons that Major Owen had reached Wadelai on the 4th of February, and that lie had there hoisted the British flag. In so doing lie had acted
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    • 55 300 London, 10th May, 1894. In the Two Thousand Guinea Stakes the following were the placed horses Press Repression in Berlin. The editors of five Berlin newspapers 4iave been imprisoned, two to five months, and others heavily fined for accusing the police of exceeding their duty in dispersing
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    • 78 300 I. end on, nth May, 1894. The House of Commons rejected the notion for the rejection of the Budget, I which Wcib read a second time, the ma- 'oritv in favour being 32S to J94. The Mouse of Commons has adjourned till May 1 MSt. The Liberal Party.
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    • 107 300 London > 12th May iBi>4. At the last moment In fore the Budget division, tiiti dissentient Ministerialists j fielded to the pressure of the Whips and oled for the Budget. The Times ob- j serves that it is evident the Budget is to be the chief business
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  • 355 300 Quotation. Capital Paid up Shares Pd. Div, Hangkong S'hai B-mfc 89 prem. $10,000,000 $10,000,000 80,000 *****s 4yr N.,tW.n B-inkof C ma $.^5 disc. £1,000,000 £400,150 f g Bk. of China, Jap. fe Straits $2 S £2,000,000 £249,843 1 5 199.875 2c/ Founder*. £i". I 25,000
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  • Page 300 Advertisements
    • 364 300 For London, via Marseilles, The Glen Line Steamer GLEN GYLE, 2,244 tons, Captain K. J. Gasson, due hereabout the 27th inst.i has splendid accommodation for passengers. The steamer carries a Surgeon and a Stewardess. Apply to BOUSTF.AD Co.— Agents. May 12. 27.5 Fraser Cumming. Oi'JfK ks Exchange Buildings. Sv\v
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    • 85 300 j «m in wmw mmammmm€mmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmm^mmmmmmmmm For Hongkong. T! c Mavigazione Generate [taliana Steamer HI SAG SO, j 1,499 tonsreg., apt. Togkasso, having left" Bombay on the iSt :i instant, may be expected tt» arrive here on the 19th inst en route for tie above port. For freight and passage apply
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    • 194 300 For Derby, Pearling Grounds. Broome, fc.iuiiuujiuii, vjadcuy iic narvon), Shark 5 Bay, Geraldton (Champion Bay) Fremantle. The Ocean Steamship Co.'s Steamer SALAD IX, 1,408 tons, Captain Johnsen, has arrived and i« I intended to sail for the above Western Australia! Ports on Wednesday, the 16th inst.. at 4 p.m. For
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  • Page 300 Miscellaneous
    • 311 300 May 1 'I\ian Yasg, Hrit. sir Nacodah,for Djambie. j :>ri Honu Ann', Brit, str., Rozells, for Malacca j and Klang. Poa Ann*, Brit, str., Mop pet t, for Sulu, via ports. Brit, str.. Cave, for Calcutta, via ports. Hebe, Brit, str., Inkster, for Dell. Sappho, Brit, str., Wahl, for Klang
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    • 205 300 Secundra, Brit, sir., Paison, Madras, via ports. Par an, Brit, str., Biuce, for Pakan, via ports. Sri Sintang, Out. str., Muhlenbien, for Pontianak. Rajah Brooke, Sar. str., Joyce, for Sarawak. N. S. DE Loreto, Span, str., Luzarraga, for Manila. Isabella, Brit, str., Hudson, for Muar. Oceainen, Fr. str., Schmitz, for
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    • 605 300 VESSELS IN PORT. Flags Ton. Captain Arrived From Consignees For, When Men-ot-War Leander Brit, cor., 4300 Metaxa May 9 Penang Sr. N. Officer Peacock Brit, g.b., 755 Saxton Mar. 27 Bangkok Sr. N. Officer Other Vessels Belmont Brit, bq., 1415 Ladd May 10 Samarang Boustead New York, Krn\ Ger. bq
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    • 314 1 From the War Office Gazette, April -th 1 he Nt'rthampton>hire Regiment Major T. C. 0 Powlett to be Lieut.-Col., Vice \V. T. Ellis, I j on half-pay Capt. W. F. Fawcett to be i fo v ,,e I O. Powlett. j !be Singapore Debating Society meet
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    • 88 1 SELANGOR GOVERNMENT RAILWAY. Abstract of traffic earnings for the month oJ April 1894 Heads of Receipt* c. Passengers 14*905 5Season Pickets 21 j ;j Hor>es, Carriages and Dogs 107 «»6 Telegraph Collections 2 34 Excess Fares 36 59 Parcels 235 _'O Excess Luggage 52 10 Special Trains... Miscellaneous 400 nS
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    • 348 1 A report was made to the police yesterday ntorniog that a number of gold and silverplated articles had been stolen from the Museum, some time between 6 p. m. on the 1 2th inbt., and 6a. m. this morning, and amongst other things a gilt and
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    • 684 1 ARRIVAL OF H. E. MAJOR-GENERAL JONES-VAUGHAN. The new General Officer Commanding the Straits Settlements, His Excellency Major-General Jones-Vaughan arrived by the P. and O. mail steamer early this morning, (14th) and landed officially at Johnston's Pier about 7.40 a.m. The Government launch Gwenneth, with the Officer Commanding the Troops, Colon
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    • 167 1 The May Assizes were opened this raorn- ing before the Chief Justice, when there was, at least in appearance, an unusually large calendar, some 35 cases being set down for trial. This it may be explained 1 is not due to any appreciable increase of criminality on the part of
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    • 635 1 Harmston's Royal Circus met with a royal reception on Saturday night, when they gave their opening performance to a bumper house. The large and spacious tent on the Tank Road ground was crammed to overflowing, there being more than a few who could not find seats through lack
      635 words
    • 196 1 A telegram was received just before the mail left England by Messrs. Eider, Dempster and Co., of Liverpool, stating that Colonel Cardew, the new Governor of Sierra Leone, lias been stopped at Coongiab by the French and the Konnohs, who threatened to kill him. Col. F. Cardew, who was Officer
      196 words
    • Correspondence.
      • 324 1 To the Editor. Sir, One of the usual faux pas, •rithout which no Race Meeting seem> possible here, and for which the Race Club Committee appears still, notwithstanding \b* \t previous experience, entirely and even carelessly unprepared, occurred, as Doncarter will probably point out. in the
        324 words
    • 264 1 H. M. S. Peacock leaves on Thursday for a short cruise along the coast to Port Dickson. There will br no reception at !\<r-tii on Friday next, as 11. 11. the Sultan will ')>• in Johore. H. M. S. Leander proceeded to the Borneo Wharf yesterday to coal, and i*
      264 words
    • 70 1 (Corrected up to May 15.) On London. Bank 4 m/s 2/iJ demand 2/1 J Private credits 3 m/s 2/1 J documents 3 m/s 2/1; credits 6 m/s 2/2 J On India. Bank demand 194 On Hongkong. Bank demand i%clU On Yokohama. Bank demand dis. On Java. Rank demand x
      70 words