The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 1 May 1894

Total Pages: 17
253 266 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 172 253 LMX6 Al<l It l> s. Sir C. Diikc and the Contribution, 2^l < hurch Disestablishment, 2^" Kau Hro-. Aing Hing Si v., 260 Police Court. Mysterious Disappearance of a Klim» 26a Stort, Ac. *O4 Messrs. Vade and Daunt s Prize, 2^4 Shooting. rhe Inter-Settlement Match, 256,258 Drama. I'he Potter-
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  • 48 253 (Corrected up to April 30.) On London. l '<^ 4 w/s 2/1J documents 3 m/s 2/1 credits (> m/s 2 2 On India. i ink demand i> s >n Hongkong. 1 ank demand ...par. Sovereigns, v io buy] $9.60 Bank of England Kate 2% -.***** 3 months bills 1-3/16%
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  • 121 253 1 J 39« 2 5 Garobiet 7.65 do. Cube Nc 1 12. do. da No. 2 11 12^ Pspper, Black (ordinary Spore) 9.87! do. White, (Fair l«rN= ss s% 1550 Nutmegs 150s to ihe !b.) Mace (BandaJ 90 I jves (Amboina) M >. Htli Coffee (10% Biacks) 4! Pengerang
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  • Domestic Occurcences.
    • 60 253 On the 26th March, at Elm House, Hythe Kent, the wife of Captain Jasper Graham Maynb, of a daughter (C (are Mary Josephine). On the 27th instant, at Breeze Hill, Kampong Bahru, the wife of W. B. Haffbndem of a daui»rTter. At St. Domii it's, Mount Sophia, on the
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    • 39 253 At the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Shanghai, on the nth April, by the Rev. H. C. Hodges M.A., Henry Allan Ritchie, Agent, P. &O.S. N. Co to Kdmkk Alice, eldest daughter of the late George Watson Coutts, of Shanghai.
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    • 19 253 At Tyersall, at sa.m.on 26th April, Laura, the beloved wife of A. E. Greening. A^,ed 27. Deeply regntted.
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  • 648 253 (April 25th.) We notice that Sir CHARLES DILKE, who took a prominent part in the last meeeting of the Colonial Party, claims to have been not correctly reported by the Pall Mall Gazette. What he did say was that the Colonies ought to
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 253 Heres!m! the IVes* tl««- I Vople's right maintain. V. naucil ;,v influence atul 11 ü bribed l>y ijain Wvxe patriot Taith her glorious precepts draw, I'leiiiTfi) to Relieion. [.ovaltv. atid Law.
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  • 825 253 (April 27th.) Disestablishment of churches is not with the present Adm i nisi ration an md in itself at this moment, whatever it may once have been. It is merely a mean* to an end, that end being the satisfaction of Lord ROSEBKRV'S aim, namely, the convincing
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  • Page 253 Advertisements
    • 24 253 T P FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTISa-' ing Agept, 21 Merchants' Exchange. San F i.ncisco, is our authorized a^ent. This kept o:: t;le m his office.
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    • 89 253 EVERYONE HERE SWEARS by it! EVERYONE HERE SWEARS by it The late Mr. Walter Knaggs, who for many years was a resident of Singapore, wrote. All my friends liere swear by Anteczema.' 11 Anteczenia is a grand outward remedy for insect bites, prickly heat, eczema, Dhobie itch and all tropical
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  • Page 253 Miscellaneous
    • 391 253 THE WEEK The next mail from Europe is expected to arrive by the N. G. L. s. S Preussen on the 3rd inst with London advices to the (>th April, being succeeded by the M. M. s.s Oceanien on the 9th inst with London dates to the 16th ult. This
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  • 673 254 (April 28th.) While it is for our leading men who are unofficial members ot Council to settle with their consciences and ultimately with the people of the Colony how far they are rightly discharging their trust in regard to their relations with the Executive in and out
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  • 206 254 (April 30th.) The Hon'ble W. E. Maxwell, Colonia 1 Secretary, was occupied during Saturd ly and yesterday on a tour of general inspection in the island. Mr. Maxwell started at 7 o'clock on Saturday morning by launch for Tanah Merah Besar, from which place he drove
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  • 169 254 Mi:s rs. Vade and Hunt's Prize. Results of Saturdays Play. Semi-Final. Fowlie, conceding astroke lo Elcum, beat him by 2 up. Jones beat MuglUton, playing level, by 1 up. Final Fowlie beat Jones, who received a stroke. The final proved very interesting for the fust half of
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  • 31 254 It is interesting to know that Mr. On Chongj Sydney's Chinese interpreter, has a family of 22 children. How many wives Oil is the happy husband of is left tj conjecture.
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  • 408 254 The Final of the Profession Pairs. Some excellent play was witnessed on the Esplanade last night (24th) in the S. C. C. Lawn Tennis Tournament, when Law, Braddell Elliot, met Civil Service 1., Egerton Merewether, in the of the Profession Pairs. The strength of
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  • 1035 254 IV/fINUTES of proceedings of the Municipal Commissioners at an ordinary meeting hr !<| on Wednesday, the itth April, 1894.. Prfsf.nt: 1 he President, Alex. Gentle .I Sohst ilie Hon'ble 1. Shelford, c.m.c, |oh* Fraser Manasseh Meyer; A. C. Moses. Ah<knt The Inspector-General of Pottos X \V. Maxwell; W.
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  • Page 254 Advertisements
    • 167 254 NOW READY: PRICE $i. People in a Native State, BY j. 11. M. ROBSON. A Reprint of the Series of Articles appearing in the Singapore Free Press. Neatly bound in Paper; 64 pp. FOR SALE AT Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Singapore. Messrs. John Little Co., Singapore, and The "Singapore Free
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    • 31 254 PHOTOGRAPHIC. ViEWS O^ SINGAPORK A sei i<_s of 24 of the prettiest views, in an ALFiI" M PRICE 1.50. Messrs. Ann Lock Co. Geok Th\i I o. Jan. 2. m.w t.
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  • 400 255 A libel action has been commenced .gainst the Daily Advertiser, for an article appearing some time ago headed the social cancer." Capt. J.I Carter, formerly in Singaj >re with the Northamptonshire Regt (58 h and recently in the Army Pay Department ar Hongkong, passes through by
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  • 321 255 Mowing is the report presented to the Meet ng ol Shareholders held at the Offices ot the j fkmpany, Shanghai, on 24th April In presenting to the Shareholders the annexed >tatement of the business transacted sincetherestruction of the Company, the Directots trust ii v
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  • 1065 255 In its "Chronicle" of April 14th. 1894, the Soerabaya Courant handles at some length the recent action of the Colonial Government in withdrawing from sale on its own account Ihe book by Dr. Snouck Hurgronje about Atjeh. A writer in the Indische Gids in its last
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  • 329 255 "WHINING v. "COMBINING." As it is notorious that Penang, or more correctly the loudest section of Penang wire-pullers, have for about two years past deliberately seceded from the Colony's agitation against the Military Contribution, and practically endeavoured to thwart that in every way, chiefly by thrusting an alleged Penang grievance
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  • 276 255 The funeral of Dr. F. Aubrey Thomas, at Plymouth, recently gave rise lo a -(cue. Recently be joined the Roman Catholic Church. As he had been prominent Freemason and an officer of th-- psoviiu c of Devon, a large number of Freemasons attended the funeral, which was ol a public
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  • 972 255 The following is the Director's Report for the period from 12th August, 1893, to 6th February, 180,4, being the second half of the fifth year of the Company's existence by the Chinese Calender The total number of mines at work on the 6th February
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  • 289 256 From the last Hongkong papers received we learn that the Hongkong team will probably fire on Saturday, the 28th. In yesterday's comments on the shooting of the Singapore team it was remarked that Si 7 could not be expected to win, although Hongkong won last year with
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  • 341 256 The last appearance of Mrs. Potter and Mr. Bellew at *he Town Hall yesterday evening attracted a good audience, the performance being given under the patronage and in the presence of Capt. Count Metaxa, R.N., and the officers of H. M. <'ii|s in port. The
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  • 60 256 Mr. P. Owen, Superintendent Singapore Fire Brigade, is at present attached for duty to the Metropolitan Fire Brigade in London. As there are, on an average, fifteen calls every twenty-four hours within th<- Metropolitan district, including trivial or false alarms, there will be plenty ol opportunity given to G. P
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  • 122 256 In accordance with "anlient custom" L >dge St. George last night saw installed as Worshipful Master for the coming year Bro, Evan Ormiston. The ceremonies were impressively performed, a lacge number of P. M.s and Brethren being present. I he following is the list of Officers appointed VV.M. VV.
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  • 1004 256 A Matabele Chief's Account. A London paper has been favoured by Mr. T. F. Chappe with the following extracts from a letter dated Buluwavo, January 25, written by his nephew, Mr. Paul Lafitte Chappe, who held the position of interpreter to the forces during ihe Matabele
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  • 195 256 A planter correspondent sends a Coiomh* paper what he describes as "a tip lor the Ceylon Government" in the shape of a New Zealand penny postage and revenue stamp on the back or gummed side of which is an advertisenn nt announcing that a certain
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  • 953 256 Mr. G. H. Cammiade, in the course of a letter to the Madras Times, makes these observations There is no room to suppose that we have seen the worst as regards the divergence of the two values of the Rupee, and also as regards the
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  • 172 256 VOLUN TEERS AND JURY SERVICE. Ihe Globe observes ih i ili; promised House i Commons Committee on the Volunteer service it appears from Air. Campbell Bancierman's speech, is simply to be on the edification of Lhe various Acts under which lhe force has been raised and maintained a \d there
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  • 36 256 1 1. M.5. Pallas, which arrived at Hong- j kong on the i6th instant, was to leave on I 1-nciay, 20th, for England, having been ordered home, although her commission w ill not expire until June.
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  • 845 256 Lt.-Col. W. T. Kllis, Northamptonshire Regt completes on Apiil I lour years' service in command of the 2nd Rn and will then be placed on half-pay, being succeeded by Major T. C. O. Powlett, second in command of the rst Rn j According to Lbc Naval
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  • 1805 257 Thb Income Tax is not Favoured. At the usual meeting of the Singapore Debating Society last evening the subject for debate was That at the present time an income tax should be introduced into this Colony." The proposer of the motion, Mr. Song <)n^ Siang, read a
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  • 234 257 Loss of Sixty Lives. (Special Telegram to the Singapore Free Press.' 1 Penang, April 25th. On Tuesday at 12-30 a.m. near Tanjong Hantu, the Ngapoota collided with the Ktvanglung and sank in five minutes. Two of her boats were stove in a third boat containing forty-eight passengers
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  • 577 257 We hear that Mr. and Mrs. Willes Douglas had an awkward accident the other day while out driving near Port Dickson. The horse bolted, both Mr. and Mrs. Douglas being thrown out of the trap and considerably shaken and bruised. The Nineteenth Century for April will contain an article by
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  • 623 257 The Establishment. Garrison Artillery One company, consisting of 246 of all ranks. Engineers One company and-a-half. consisting of si* officers and 80 men. Infantry One battalion, consisting of 1,0 2 of all ranks. Army Service Corps Six. Colonial Corps One company ot Local Artillery,
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  • 402 257 A communication, dated Jan. 17, Ims been received at the Board of Trade from the Actm.» Colonial Secretary of Singapore, transmitting copy of a review of thi kerosene oil trade in that colony for the year 1893. From this review it appeal s that the
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  • 1746 258 Pro Bono Publico" writes on the iibove subject to the Hongkong Daily J y ress Sir,— l read with interest the paragraphs on this subject which were published in your issues of ihe 22nd and 23rd ultimo. The comments of the
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  • 446 258 1 894Hongkong beats Singapore by six Points. The following telegram was received last night by the Hon. Secretary. Singapore Rifle Association Hongkong, 24th April, 8.35 p.m. To St. Clair, Singapore. Hongkong 522. As will be seen Hongkong's 823 is better than Singapore's 81 7 by six
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  • 1348 258 H. N. Ms. Merapi, Captain Rovers, returned yesterday to Acheen, after repairing at Tanjong Pagar. The Pahang Corporation tin-mining operations at Kuantan continue to progress favourably, everything pointing to a steady and gradually improving return. The other day a matter of 170 ounces or thereby of
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  • 260 258 A Public RxscuTfov. I lie sentence oi death passed on PrivateO'llara, of Lhe Kc^itriCTi!, who murdered two u\>v,cotnmissioned otiicers and m undid a third at Ahmcdahad recently, has been confirmed i>\ lip Conunamtcr-in-Cltief. He vII be brought tv Poo .i. and publicly hanged on rite general |*a
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  • 891 259 Arrival of Mr. Bibby. By the Sappho there anived this morning from Klang Mr. William Bibby, Niine Manager at Raul>. with the gold results of the latent crushing. This is contained in three ingots weighing respectively 23 }oz., 1 g dwts. 228 oz ami 208 oz 10 dwts
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  • 34 259 A man who is l<»-»t to all shame and decency —an aband ined woman. A woman who has teen c i iefl) deserted by hef husband is an aband< n< d wi man.- -Inn.
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  • 1534 259 (Wednesday, April 25th, 1894.) The ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commission was held on Wednesday afternoon, in the Board Rooms, Robinson Road, Mr. Gentle pre^iJintf. There were also present ihe Hon'bleT. Shelford, the Hon'bieSiah LiongSiah, Mr. Bell, Acting Inspector-General of Police, Mr. J. Fraser, Mr. Meyer and
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  • 483 259 [From our nvn Correspondent.) Tuesday, 3 30 p. m. The gun at the Fort, announcing the departure of H. E's. special train from Kiang, was fired exactly at 2.30 p. m. during a heavy shower, which, however, fortumately cleared off before the train reached Kuala Lumpur
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  • 99 259 A lire that occurred in a Japanese village the oilier day had a mot curious origin, if j the story as told in an exchange from that famous land of fable is to be relied on. It appears that the relatives of a man who j had been buried in
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  • 794 259 (Via Australia.) London, March 30. The experiment made by the London Dock Company to dischar^r the meat cargoes direct into free^incr stores has nrovrr? rr*rr\. pletely successful. The Nairnshire's cargo of New Zealand mutton has been discharged in two days and a half, and the
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  • 334 259 The greatest leap in the dark ever mide by horse and rider, From which the latter survived ■> tell the tale, \v;is (says the Live Stock 'Journal tlvjt made by a young officer, afterwards known as M 3 jor- General \Y. Vurke Moore. It look place on
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  • 2224 260 Lieutenant-General Sir Andrew Clarke, g.cmg, c b., c i.e. (Colonies and India.) Paradox as it sounds, the most successful executive statesmanship is probably that of which the world at large knows the least. No one who has been at the pains to unearth and
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  • 914 260 {Hongkong Telegraph.) The fiasco caused by the Hongkong Government in connection with tlie seizure of 250 taels of opium by the Hongkong, Canton and Macao Steamboat Company's preventive officer, Mr. J. H. Logan, on the sth June, 1893 resulting in a dead 10->s to the Treasury
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  • 633 260 Of all the measures that could be devt cd lot raising the means of paying the heavy .\lilu !y Contribution with which we are saddled and keep up the Government machinery of the Colony in Hie face of an always increasing expenditure and a decreasing income, the
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  • 546 260 Kay* Brothers vs. Ainu HotK 5c CO. This was an action to recover damages for thr non-acceptance <>f a cargo of Aden salt en the b»«. Tannadice. Hie plaintiffs had s;ld to the defendants the said cargo of s%lt on the ist March, i s o,v
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  • 42 260 Jinriki>l»a drawers in Kyoto ai; I ll* iu>tii«.l propose a iK nuiiib r.iiioii l Llic LOiiKt ruction ot the r*il«*ay fri#« i city to Nara, .111 I against ihe iiamxav i ruslitmi, on the ground Uiilllku iiHia:u» Of livrliluud will be lost.
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  • 1426 261 i Translated ff* the Singapore Free Press.") A correspondent in Batavia writes to the Soerabaya Con rant and says, amongst other things One hears talk every day ol juggles in the higher mercantile world her€ ol sych a character as to make one's }i lir stand on
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  • 295 261 The following announcements appear in the War Office Gazette Col. R. Upther, D.5.0., from Lieutenant-Colo-nel half pay, to be a Colonel to command the sth (the Northhumberland Fusiliers) and 68th (the Durham Light Infantry) Regimental districts, vice Co\ C. E. Hope, who U about to vacate that appointment. Piince of
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  • 814 261 The mail steamer Ganges left Colombo at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, the 25th inst and may be expected here on Tuesday next. A Moslem Recreation Club has been formed at Penang. About sixty names are j down on the list as members, and there is a
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  • 429 261 Election ok Mr. Jiak Kirn. The election to fill the Municipal vacancy occurring in the Central ward took place today at the Municipal Offices, Robinson Road. As only one nomination, that of Mr. Tan Jiak Kirn (propo-ed by the Hon'ble T. Shelford, and seconded by Mr. Lee
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  • 1273 261 On the above subject the Siam Observer quotes Sir Harry Prenderira-', who wrote recently, in the Asiatic Quarterly French colonial policy appeals to the imagination it proposes to found colonies for the glory of God, for the protection of the Church, tor the glory of France,
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  • 1127 262 A notice of General Strange's recently published book, Gunner Jingo's Jubilee, quotes one or two stirring incidents of the Mutiny, in one of which the Lincolnshire regiment will take a very particular interest: By far the most interesting chapters of General Strange's curiously interesting book are those
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  • 43 262 Japan is gradually ridding itself of its surplus population, Mexico and the Australian colonies being the fields most favoured by emigrants. It is said that within the next three years no fewer than 100,000 Japanese labourers will be sent to the former country.
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  • 1031 262 France's colonial possessions cost so much and the bill is so willingly paid that the trifling addition to this expenditure involved in the creation of a Ministerial headship of the department seems too trifling for serious consideration. What is significant and important, especially in the eyes
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  • 489 262 Better late than never. A Kentucky paper, the Sentinel Democrat, states that Mrs. Aslop of McLean county, Ky., a few weeks ago gave birth to a fine baby girl Mrs. Aslop is sixty-four years of age and this is the first child born of a wedlock
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  • 142 262 1 he following, an extra I from Lite Cki tian Patriot, Madras, of 29th ultimo, it< 1 not make anybody uneasy 14 Rudolf Fa!i>. the well-known t \stton mer, has now definitely fixed 1 r,h of ember [899 as a reliable date for the end of Lhe world. In a
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  • 158 262 Certain orders in Council fixing tfie rates to be paid by the holders of customary land in Malacca for seven years ending Jan. ist, 1895, arc extended for a further year. Mr. H. H. Gompertz. passed cad-t. ba« been appointed to act as second assistant Protector of Chinese,
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  • 1144 263 Che sara, sara. When Mr. Gladstone disestablished the Irish Church, his op- ponents foresaw the axe laid at the root of other trees, by the Grand old Woodcutter, j Events have fulfilled their prophecies, for the red ring is painted on the Church in Wales by
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  • 369 263 Last evening, on the Esplanade, was commenced what it was hoped would be a particularly interesting tennis match, the final tie in the Championship, Braddell, an old time holder of the blue ribbon, meeting. Egerton, who has been playing remarkably well in this tournament. The ground after
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  • 147 263 < The Annual General Meeting of the Singapore Philharmonic Society is postponed to Monday the 7th May. Notice is 1 given of the alteration in the rules respectI ing a quorum, the number proposed beSay s the San Francisco Call: We may soon see coal from Japan a regular ship-
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  • 1252 263 A Burglary Campaign. hTHE Malacca Railway. (.From our own Correspondent,} Have we got the Singapore Safe liiirglary Syndicate iii Malacca? It would seem j like it. as on Saturday night last the storeroom of the Pauper Hospital at Durian Daun was broken open, and a quantity of j pure
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  • 113 263 The Perse this morning brought down 641 pikuls of tin oxide from the Paltang Corporation mines at Kuantan, this representing the output for a portion of March and part of April. The value, roughly speaking, is $16,000. The E. E. A. C. Telegraph Co's steamer Recorder, Capt. Brereton, anchored in
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  • 276 263 Our Indo-China journal, Le Mekong, alter abusing his colleague of the Progres for Kteilitijg ins war-cry of Protect Sinn, or Annex her," proceeds Siam lias made a tool oi us, and we have n> alternative but to re-open hostilities. No more half-measures we must bombard Bangkok anJ hoist
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  • 105 263 I (April loth, 1594.) Tonnage remains in much the same position, and tliere has been little change in freights borne* ward since last wet k. For London, via Can.d, j^j- is the rate for Bag (ioods still, 30/- for Bale Gambler raJ j measurement. For Liverpool, via Canal, ,o
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  • 1387 264 SPRIXG MEETING, i8 94 The Spring Race Meeting will be held on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, May the Bth, 10th and 12th. The following are the events and entries Tuesday, May 8 th. The Muden Plate.— Value $250. A Race for Maiden Horses. First Class to carry
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  • 165 264 Mr. John Nevil Maskelyne, the accomplished latter day magician, has just given to publicity, under ihe tile of Flats and Sharps" a complete revelation of the secrets ot cheating at games of chance and skill, his conclusion being that gambling of every kind is essentially dishonest and a bet sin"!
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  • 2119 264 Its Connexion with Postal Revenues. Times.) A circular despatch issued from the Colonial Office sets forth that Lord Ripon's attention has been called to the practice of issuing surcharged postage stamps, and to the temptations which it affords to postmasters and treasurers and other public officers of making
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  • 314 264 According to the American law, all the Chinese resident in the United States must register or leave the country. It is hardly necessary to add lhi t there are considerable difficulties in the way o, enforcing this law. For instance, on the Pacific coast the Chinese form so
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  • 46 264 Among the passengers leaving to-day per Hecuba for Bangkok is Mr. Micliie, Junr. of t h«r Chinese Customs Service, ivlio lias been visiting this Colony and J.i\a on b half of his department. He will return i Hongkong, visiting Saigon and Haiphong c n re ute.
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  • 848 265 1 he S s. Batavitr, Capt. Flak, this mornig, on arrival, reported having sighted the Vnierican ship J.S. M F. [Granite State, rtsmouth, X. H.) in lat. i 25'S and ng. n»* jo'K. fhc Pinang Gazette hears that the Deli sident has put the pre.^s laws
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  • 128 265 The first service held in St. Matthew's Church, Sepoy Lines, took place last evening, at 8 p.m.,. the Venerable Archdeacon Perham and Rev. A. F. Sharp officiating. There was an attendance of nearly thirty, mostly residents in the neighbourhood. Mr. H. Laugher presided at the harmonium, and
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  • 187 265 A cricket match, S.C.C. v. Guggisberg's eleven, was played on the Esplanade on Saturday, and the latter being the first to bat closed their innings with their score at 123 and one wicket to fall. The S.C.C. made 65 for six wickets The scores are Guggisberg's XL Lieut. Sargeaunt
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  • 408 265 (Translated for the Free Press.) A small fire occurred recently in the newly erected theatre, but it was promptly extinguished without much damage being tloiie. On the arrival of the S s. .Y. s*. ilc Loreto, the Customs officer noticed that one ol the passenger's appearance seemed rather
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  • 38 265 The Committee ot the Singapore Sporting Club held a meeting at noun to-day in the Exchange Rooms, to consider the question oi certain informal or irregular entries of horses made for even is at the approaching Spring Meeting.
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  • 1195 265 "Kwang-Tung" asci "Ngapoota Sink." j Serious Loss oi Life. Narrow Escape ot Capt. Witt. {Pinang Gazette, 25th April.) Taiping, 25th April, 10.5 a.m. Furtlier information taken to Teluk Anson by the s. s. Betsy says that the Kwang Tung has also sunk in shallow water north
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  • 799 265 The Collision- of f Tanjong Hantu. Further Details. Captain Xnz, of the s. s. Taw Tong, who arrived here yesterday from Teluk Alison, reports that a few hours after he left Pangkor on Tuesday night, he met the tongkang which picked up some of the crew and passengers of the
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  • 243 265 Instructions have been received to proceed with the detailed survey of the Ma-lacca-Pulo Sebang Railway, and Mr. Graves, who is at present in Singapore arranging about a survey staff, will return to Malacca about Lhe cud ol the week t > commence that work. It is lK*lieved
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  • 7236 266 Notes and Anticipations. The printer's devil has been treating me very badly, he will call the favourite for the Griffins Race Ballarat instead of Baccarat, though why he insists on doing so lam sure Ido not know. At any rate he has cost me a
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  • 273 267 We hear that the Mercury has gone 10 Labuan in charge of Captain Armstrong to bring up the Carl Friedencli, the sailing ship that was abandoned thereabouts months ago. A Kling servant, named Lalahima, employed by^Mr. E. E. Plumacher, was charged before Mr. Anthonisz this morning with stealing gold scarf-pin,
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  • 88 267 Messrs. Vade and Daunts Prize. Results of $th ties played last evening. Dr. Fowlie, receiving 2 strokes, beat J.Et. Robertson by 1 up. Elcum, conceding 3 strokes, lieat Xanso^ by 3 up an 2 lo play. Jones, beat T. E. Earle, playing level by one up. Mugliston,
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  • Page 267 Advertisements
    • 159 267 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL *i0,000,r~.0 RESERVE FUND f 4,200,0c0 RESERVE LIABILITY OF > tiooooooo PROPRIETORS 10,000,000 Court of Directors. Chairman— H. HOPPIUS, Esq. Deputy Chairman— C. j. HOLLIDAV, E f S. C. Michaelson, Esq. A. McConachie, Ksq. H. H. Joseph, Esq. J. S. Moses, Esq. Hon. J.
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  • 356 268 Quotation. Capital Paid up Shares Pd. Div, Hengkong S'hai Bink. 89 ?rem. $10,*****0 $10,000,000 8o f ooo ***** syr National Bank of C ma $35 disc. £1,000,000 £400,150 29^53 £g Founders. $150 Nominal 75° l Bk of China, Jap. Straits $2 £2 000,000 £249-843*5 199*75
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  • 433 268 Flags Ton. Captain Arrived From Consignees For, W'ae-i Men-oi-War Peacock Brit, g.b., 755 Saxton Mar. 2j Bangkok Sr. N. Officer Other Vessels Batavier Brit. 216 Flak April ,}o Kobe Wee Bin Kolie, May 1 Bengkalis Biit. 90 Fripp April 29 Palembang Wee lim P'bang, Ma\ 1 Billiton
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  • 691 268 The Emperor of Germany. London, 24th April, 1894. The Emperor William of Germany has been appointed Honorary Colonel of the Ist Royal Dragoons, and is thus the first foreign sovereign on the British Army list. TThe previous Hon. Colonel of the Ist Royals was Lt. General F. Marshall,
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  • Page 268 Advertisements
    • 97 268 G. R. Lambert Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS, Gresham House, Battery Road, and i 36, Orchard Road. Studios open from 7 a.m., to 5 p.m., on weekdays. from 7 a.m., to noon on Sundays. Appointments should be made if possible. S PEC I A LIT V. Enlargements, even from the most faded pictures.
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    • 52 268 RILEY, i HARGREAVES CO. IN STOCK. Steam Frame Saws. j Rack Saw Benches. Rope Feed Plain Saw Benches. Steam and Hand Winches. Oil, Gambier Cotton Presses. i Steam Hand Pumps. Steam Launches Vessels, New Second hand. RILEY, HARGREAVES 6c £0., 1 t's I'm *r I* SiiiiMi ilding Yard ...Kampong Martir
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  • Page 268 Miscellaneous
    • 775 268 CLEARANCES. April 30. Hecuba, Brit, str., Lyons, for Bangkok. Pronto, Ger. str., Bohn, for Saigon. Isabella, Brit, str., Hudson, for Muar. LUBBCK, Ger. str., Storm, for Ponlianak. Amhbrst, Brit, str., Shimmen, for Selangor, via ports. Nekra. Brit, str., Morris, for T. Anson, via ports. Van DjbmeNj Dm. str., Mertz, fur
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    • 238 268 Passengers Arrived. April 23. Per Ranee Capt. and Mrs. Becston, Mr. frotler, Mr. L. IJ.l J Bueren, Mr. Kedenburir, Mr. HorstDrd, Mr. Dodd, Capt. FYohlich, Capt. Kasten, Mr. Roberts. April 24. Per Hebe Mr. an 1 Mrs. Speltie. Mr. [penbur^, Mr. de Bruyn. Per Malacca Mr. and Mrs. Malet, Mr.
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    • 626 266 Of the present movement to parochialise the yet United Kingdom the foraentors may be quite sure that, once rashly begun, it will not be easy, nor reasonable, to stop it What is claimed for one local section will soon be claimed for another, and every |ittk
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    • Article, Illustration
      25 266 awed hv t iei r ..:.,i rtfe bed i.> n ll*w patriot Iml hct glorious prr pp* PMscd to ReHgfa fjoyattr. an 4 f aw.
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    • 434 266 Excitement ran high this morning in Latnangkang, a small Chinese village about 10 miles below Kota Tinggi, Johore, owing to a piratical raid on the Opium Farmer's premises there. So far as can be learnt a party of between _>o and 30 Bugis and Chinese, strangers
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    • 139 266 [Gazette^ April 27th.) Changes in the Districts of Officers are Mr. Aldwonh to Ulu Langat Mr. J. H. M. Robson to Klang Mr. H. M. Hatchell to Ulu Selangor and Mr. C. N. Maxwell to Kuala Kubu. Mr. Alfred Beck and Edward Spinks have been appointed inspectors in
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    • 141 266 We have received a postcard bearing the following announcement With the April number (Midwinter Fair Number) the editorial and business control of the Overland Monthly will be assumed by Rounsevelle Wildman, iate United States Consul at Singapore, and at Barmen, Germany, and United States World's Fair Commissioner
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    • 883 266 Mr. A. Chapman, Hon. Secy. Hongkong I Rifle Association, in forwarding the certified scores of the Hongkong team to Mr. j \V. G. St. Clair, Hon. Secy., Singapore Rifle Association, says We only beat you by the narrow mar--1 gin of six points, and congratulate
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    • 871 266 Thb Honckong Score. {Chuia Mail, 241 h April.) Jin- Hongkong team Bred oil at the riHe range at Kowloon this afternoon iri the annual Inter-p<irr Kifie Match with Singapore and Shanghai. N \va- somewhat unfortunate that the team had u> shoot to-day, as they were deprived of
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    • 55 266 Mr. Henniker Heaton, M. P., lias received «i letter from the ex-Sultan Abdullah of Pcrak, stating that he is about to visit England under certain conditions laid down by the Marquess of Ripon, Secretary of State for the Colonies. l\>* trill leave th« Seychelles, where he
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    • 144 266 At a conference of representatives of the Town Council and Chambers ot Commerce in the midland districts ot Scotland, held in Edinburgh on 2nd inst., resolutions were adopted in favour of the construction of a canal connecting the Forth and the Clyde, and a Committee was adopted to obtain information,
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