The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 24 April 1894

Total Pages: 16
237 252 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 68 237 (Corrected i*p to April 25.) On London. Hank 4 m/s 2/1 1 demand 2 l Private credits 3 m/s 2/I.^ documents 3 m/s 2/lf credits 6 m/s 2/1; On India. lVmk demand |8^ On Hongkong. l*ank demand par. On Java. Bank demand 1.27 Private 30 d/s 1 .3 1
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  • 119 237 ( 230 Tib 39.25 Gambit-? M 7.95 do. Cube No. 1 1250 do. do. No. 2 11.25 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) 10. do. While, (Fair L/W=s£ J 1575 Nutmegs 150s to the Ib.) 88. Mace (Banda) 95. Cloves (Amboina) 26. Bali Coiiee {10% Blacks) 42 Pengerang Liberian 44 Tapioca,
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 17 237 On the 23rd instant, at 73, Prinsep Street, the wife of Paul Galstaun, ot a son.
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    • 38 237 At the Peak Hospital, Hon^konj?, on the 10th April, 1894, K. A. Niven, of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. Aged 25. Johm Martin Little, on the 18th inst., at Bonnington House, Blackheath London, formerly of Singapore.—By Cable.
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  • 462 237 The mail from Europe arrived by the M. M. S.S. Melbourne to-day, with London advices to the 30th ult. This will be followed by the P. and O S.S. Ganges on the 30th inst., with London dates of the 6th inst. The homeward mail leaves by the M.
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 237 Here shall the Press the People's rig'it maintain Unawed by influence ami unbribed by j^aln Here patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw. Pledged to Religion. Loyalty. and Law.
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  • 312 237 (April 17th.) That Loid Ripon has at last acceded to the Malacca railway scheme, of which no information has been accessible to the public except what has from time to time appeared in the Singapore Free Press means that Mr. GRASSI, who is now at home
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  • 1428 237 Our contemporary, in yesterday discussing the Municipal vacancy, has very obviously gone astray in his facts, and in one particular instance has gone out of his way to offend against good taste. While as yet the Central ward was vacant and the two Chinese gentlemen, now about
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  • Page 237 Advertisements
    • 260 237 CONTEXTS. Lkading Artulks. Malacca Railway Scheme, 2^7 The Municipal Vacancy, 2^7 Imperialism, 238 Registration of Partner>hips, 238 Sir C. Dilke and the Contribution, 238 Swaziland, 238 A Grecian Earthquake, 238 Sport. Tennis. The S.C.C. Tournament, 250 Racing. Notes and Anticipations, 250 Shooting. Inter-Settlement Rifle Match, 244. Golf. Messrs. Vade and
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    • 132 237 A GIRLS' SCHOOL. A SCHOOL for Knglish-speaking girls will be opened under the auspicesof the METHODIST Mission, on Tuesday, May ist at 10 a.m. I or the present the School will meet in the house recently purchased from Dr. Howell and heretofore known as View Place,'" No. 4, Mount Sophia.
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  • 740 238 Imperialism. (April 19th How far empire is compatible with a broadening and deepening of the imperial power into a pure democracy of the modern type is a question that many now alive may live to see in part, if not entirely, solved. The imperialism of old Rome did not admit
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  • 276 238 To-DAY the Singapore Chamber of Commerce passed a resolution asking the Government to pass a Bill for the Registration of partnerships. It is known that too" frequently Asiatic firms, and particularly Chinese firms, open business in this Colony with the name of some well-known man as partner.
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  • 580 238 THE public of this Colony will have noticed I hat on the occasion when the Colonial Party of the House of Commons determined to take up the cause of our military Contribution, one prominent and influential member of that body dissociated
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  • 305 238 Swaziland. (April 21st.) In the growing unwillingness of the Swazi nation to bear the protection of the South African Republic th re may lie possibilities that might easily end in the entire disappearance of the Transvaal as an independent Boer State. The Swazis are, evrn in a closer decree than
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  • 427 238 A Grecian Earthquake. (April 23rd.} THE district affected by the earthquake reporced by telegram to-day is the caster* shore of the mainland of Greece Ivin^ alon«r the strait known in ancient as tl.r Kuripus, separating the island of Kulmim, (>r Negropont, from Greece. There i- no part of Europe
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  • 839 239 TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1894. A Descriptive Dictionary of British Malaya. By N. B. Dennys, Ph D., author of the Folklore of China, etc. London London and China Telegraph Office, 79, Gracechurch Street, E. C. 1894. Some handy work of reference dealing with the geography
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  • 103 239 \"ow that Mr. R. W. Maxwell, Inspector General of Police, has left for Europe, the duties of his offices have been taken over by Mr. Bell, Mr. Newland meanwhile doing duty, as Acting-Superintendent. This morning, before Mr. Anthonisz, a Malay was charged with receiving stolen property, to wit a bicycle,
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  • 750 239 When the report and accounts of the Straits Fire Insurance Co. reached Shanghai from Singapore, with an effusion that appeared in a local paper recommending liquidation, the spirits of the Shanghai shareholders was stirred within them. A meeting was held on April 4th at which
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  • 193 239 During the year IMJ3, 281,754 pikuls of 1 tin and tin-ore were exported from Selangor the duty amounting to §1,081,842. Of the total, the Straits Trading Company took The Hongkong Daily Press hears that the Hon. G. T. M. O'Brien, Colonial Secretary of Hongkong, has been oidered a I change
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  • 1232 239 {From a Correspondent.) On the evening of the 12th inst. was held one of the biggest social events that ever took place in Selangor, the grand Fancy Dress Dance in celebration of the loth anniversary of the Selangor Club. For weeks and weeks ahead
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  • 99 239 Abstract of traffic earnings for the month of March 1894 Heads of Receipts .5 c I Passengers 14,472 16 Season Pickets 15 8 Horses, Carriages and Dogs 121 g$ Telegraph Collections 2 ~> Excess Eares 53 32 Parcels 245 38 Excess Luggage 71 Jj6 Special Trains Miscellaneous
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  • 249 239 A correspondent writing of Mr. Leslie Thornton's promotion to St. Vincent, says In Malacca we shall miss a good, careful, thoroughly efficient and painstaking Registrar, and a genial popular man.' With reference to this vacancy it would be only fair and reasonable on the part of Government to recommend to
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  • 1161 240 The Sitim Free Press, referring to a proposal to start a gymnastic society at Bangkok, offers a suggestion of a volunteer force as an alternative or. rather, a iurtiu-r development of the idea But the point is lliis that neither British. German or other foreign subjects could
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  • 250 240 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1894. Appended is a short description of the new waterworks now under process of construction '1 he scheme provides for a supply of [00,000 gallons per diem. The source from which the supply is derived is the River Sungkei, the intake being situated at
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  • 112 240 Via Bangkok.) April 7th. M. de Lanessan has arrived in Franc?. He was warmly received, and declared that Tonkin was prosperous and the situation good. lie lv. expected in Paris to-morrow. April Bth. M. de Lanessan arrived to day in Paris. He was awaited by a large gathering
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  • 1507 240 SI AM NEWS. (Ba ngkok Papers.) Louis Bertuzzi, an Austrian subject, accused of murdering a Burman named Moung Nantee at Chantahoon on the }ist of January last, was pat upon his trial on Wednesday morning, at the Austrian Court, on a chargeof mansl lughter. Mr. K. Wiede, Austrian Consul, presided,
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  • 364 240 The returns of imports and exports for the fourth quarter of 1893 are now published. For the sake of comparison the total values have been converted into sterling for the fourth quarter of 1892 at 2/0J and 2Jj[h for 1893, but it is noted that* comparison in sterling
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  • 354 240 At the close of seventeen years 1 service under H. the Sultan of Johore, Dato Howard Bentley has been lately made the recipient of many marks of appreciation fro cV{ne cbmmmVly at Johore. On the 15th inst. a {fcljwell tiffin was given him in the Johore Club by tne
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  • 1422 241 {prom our own Correspondent.) Bangkok, April 13th, 1894. The fact that the New Year had passed without any changes in the Siamese administration is remarked as significant, not only by European observers, but by the rank and file ot Native critics, who begin to take more interest every
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  • 261 241 There is a notice of the Rev. Mr. Lamont's new book, Bright Celestials, in the Colonies and India, which runs thus: This is a novel novel with a vengeance. It is also one with a purpose. If the purpose had been kept a little more in the background it would
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  • 176 241 The Army Estimates for the financial year 1894 5 were issued on 14th inst., and the estimates, with the Ordnance Factories vote, amount to 8,081,000, increase £278,100. The total number of effectives (including India) or January 1, iSg4, was 219,400, being 2,301 in excess of the establishment. The recruiting for
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  • 1385 241 A Srinagar correspondent, writing on March 22nd, relates the following extraordinary adventure with a leopard lmmense excitement has just been created in Srinagar, of all places, concerning as extraordinary a wild beast adventure as has ever been heard of. Srinagar, a big civilized town
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  • 352 241 The tenth annual report of the Selangor Government Railway shows that during the year 1893 two extensions were opened, Serendah, 466 miles, and Pudoh, 1.83 miles. The latter carries the large number of 1,400 passengers pt-r day, an I is intended to <*o seven miles further, to
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  • 856 241 Now that the United States have adopted the met re and the kilogram as their standards of weight and length, in conformity with Continental practice, Kngland can hardly afford to stand out in the coid much longer. The Americans have not gone so far as to abolish
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  • 310 242 From an authoritative source we have now full confirmation of the recent murder of the politically most important cbiel in the State of Kelantan. The precise date is not absolutely certain, but the crime seems to have been committed about the Bth or
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  • 460 242 A special general meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held at 12 30 to-day, the business being t) receive the report of the Sub-Commitlee on the Registration of Partnerships and to pass a resolution on the subject. The following were present Messrs. Katz, Craig, Moir,
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  • 2886 242 Below we print the draft of the bill as amended by the Committee. The report 01 the Committee explains the reasons for alterations. Thus, with regard to making the Municipal assessment of the premises occupied a criterion of whether a firm should or should not be registered, the Committee say
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  • 81 242 Mr. Micks, advance agent of Harmslon's Circus, arrived to-day per s.S. S/rsa. Ihe Circus is at present at Colombo, and will come on direct to Singapore, opening on or about the ***** inst. The show has been doing immense business la In >, and is stronger than ever in its
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  • 514 243 First Crushing 1894. 700 Oi nces Gold from 1,100 Tons Stone. The following telegram has been rereive«l by the Loral Secretary, the Raub Australian Gold Mining Company, Ltd., fr<»m Mr. William Bibby, Mine Manager at Raub Raub, 19th April, 1894. C rustling finished: ijoo tons stone realized 700
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  • 110 243 The way of the Wai-Seng lottery pro-ir-oter is not exactly an easy one in Singapore, but so long as profits are in view he is determined nut to forsake Singapore altogether. One gang still persist, in spite Of obstacles to exploit Singapore, and they would appear to have made Penang
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  • 164 243 Tizzoniand Cantina have published (Deutsch. AW. Zeit.) reports d experiments on the cure o fcydrophobia after actual outbreak. They found tr-at an alcoholic precipitate from the serum ot buphly immunised animals not onijr caused protection ot iheorganism against rabies but possessed this action in such a high
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  • 934 243 {National Observer.) Most unquestionably Lancashire, from purely selfish motives, has coerced the British Government and the latter has hastened to put the screw upon Calcutta in her turn. Now, India being subject to Pailiamentary control, the Viceroy had no choice save to obey, and the
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  • 1427 243 The Swimming Club intend to take advantage of a full tide on Sunday mid-day to have a full muster of members for bathing. Tiffin will be provided afterwards (1 p.m.), and possibly a photograph taken of those present (and clothed). Arrangements have been made for a
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  • 157 243 Information has been received in SingaI pore by private cable of the death, on the j 18th inst, of Mr. John Martin Little, senior partner and founder of the firm of John I Little and Co., at Bonnington House, Blackheath, London. The deceased, who
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  • 412 244 RPtopLB in a Native State: By J. H. M. Robsoh. printed from the Singapore Free Press.) he many kinds of Native States' produce in the market, literature is never quoted in the reports. Literature being a plant which grows in the most unpromising soils, provided there be a supply
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  • 390 244 The recruiting for the Army last year was moderately satisfactory, judging Irom the report of the Inspector-General issued recently. There were nearly 6,464 recruits fewer than in 1892, but at the recent new year the ranks were fuller than at the new year of 1893. The quality of many of
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  • 507 244 The margin of time within which this annual match is fired this year is the fortnight beginning Saturday, 21st April (tomorrow), and ending Saturday, sth May, both days inclusive. As one of the Singapore team, Capt. R Dunman, S.V A., whose services are too valuable
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  • 305 244 The following telegram has been received this morning from Mr. Arthur Chapman, Secretary, Hongkong Rifle Association Hongkong, 20th April, 10.40 a.m. To St. C/air, Singapore. Shanghai agree dates. Chapman. A correspondent writes to a Madias paper: To those interested in questions of natural history the following is worth making a
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  • 1012 244 (Madras limes.) One of the most interesting territories of the present time, and undoubtedly one of the mos* promising of ihe spheres of British influence, is the Malay Peninsula. It is interesting because it is just passing from a stage of speculative and adventurous pioneering
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  • 102 244 President Cleveland now has a mounted policeman to follow his carriage when he goes out for a drive. This, says the S. F. Examiner, has never been done before in the history of the Government. Persia has decided no longer to coin mint for the public. The import of silver
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  • 599 244 (Straits Independent.) Judging from the latest news to hand, there seems to be s. fair probability that a reduction will shortly be made in the Military Contribution which this Colony now pays to the Mother Country. For this boon, admitting that it will be granted
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  • 319 244 Mt. Morgan, last year, treated 163.000 tons stone for 1 19,800 oz. of gold. Queensland has turned out nine and a quarter million ozs. of gold, valued at 32 millions. The Straits Independent, in agreeing with our suggestion that the three cent, postage stamp should be available as a receipt
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  • 356 245 The Russian ironclad frigate Vladimir Monomach is expected here from Cronstadt to reinforce the Pacific Squadron, and the recently relieved flagship Admiral Korniloff 15 also expected here from Vladivostock for Cronstadt. An ingenious schoolboy has perpetrated a beautiful translation from the Fiench. Asked what the English
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  • 166 245 Mysterious Proceedings. irly tins morning a small tire was found have broken out at a house iO Rorhore ad. With Ihe reel from Beach Road the fire was put out. and the guns never went at all. i he lower part of the house was used
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  • 310 245 hi connection with the Perak Races a I a i ping correspondent ot the Pinang Gazette writes (Jar Spring Race Meeting has been a great sue ess, even iKe weather having done i t ?-> best to -i-^t out enjo) ment being brilliant, except for MM heavy thunder-storm on
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  • 1428 245 More valueless rubbish from Reuter. Mr. Balfour's amendment for a Scotch Grand Committee has been rejected." This is the telegram as received. What can Singaporeans make of it, when they knew beforehand that Mr. Balfour opposed the Grand Committee for Scottish affairs less than three weeks
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  • 98 245 To-day the Directors of the Jelebu Mining and Trading Coy. Ltd. approved the accounts for the last half year, subject to final audit. The report will be issued in a few days. The Directors will recommend a div idend of ten per cent,
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  • 110 245 The Hon'ble W. E. Maxwell has been appointed the Deputy of the Governor during His Excellency's absence on a visit to the Native States of Selangor, Sungei Ujong and Jelebu. Mr. E. H. Bell has been appointed to act temporarily as Inspector General of Police, S. S and
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  • 33 245 Messrs. Paterscm Simons Co., Agents of the Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ltd., have received a telegram from the head office intimating that an interim bonus of 20% has been declared for 1893.
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  • 838 245 These portions of the President's Report for March are of general interest The Fu.l in Exchange. The Overseers of the r.>ad coolies petitioned tor higher wages, on the ground, that being all Madras men, they can no longer procure their family remittances in rupee< at a rate
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  • 169 245 A special London telegram to the Morning Pox/, dated 3rd 01 April, is as ioilows The startling development in European politics, for which I prepared you, has taken place so swifty and with such unostentation, that only the keenest observers realize the exact position. To-day the Triple Alliance is practically
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  • 296 246 (From a Correspondent.) Great preparations are being made for %he reception of the Governor, who is expected to arrive at Kuala Lumpur next Saturday at 4 p.m. Bamboo triumphal arches are being erected over all the bridges and in the principal streets through which H.p]. will pass on
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  • 327 246 Last evening, (20th) in the Town Hall, Mrs. Potter and Mr. Bel lew, assisted by their London Company and several military amateurs, gave a very successful performance ot the evergreen corned v lk David Garrick," not only from a dramatic point ot view but also from a numerical
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  • 171 246 One circumstance may be noted in respect to the large profits realised by Japanese mills as opposed to Lancashire ones, i says the Daily Herald, and that is the effect of the Factory Laws and of Labour 1 Unions in England. Free Irom the incubus which these impose on the
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  • 1827 246 Surgeon-Major John L. Poynder, of Sambalpur, writes as follows to the Pioneer on the above aspect of the commonest domestic medicine in India. On this question it shduld be remembered that over 250,000,000 of natives of India are out of reach of medical men. That estimate
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  • 390 246 {Adelaide Observer, March 17.) With a good process of wet treatment for the extraction of fine gold there is no doubt any auriferous reef will now be much more valuable than it has ever been before. We are glad to notice from the annual
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  • 35 246 Mr. C. O. Blagden, District Officer. Malacca, is about to take a years leave. Mr. Blagden has not been in very good health for some time, and a change is recommended by his medical adviier.
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  • 898 246 The following notice to mariners ha* been issued Salat Sinki, Western Approach to the Net* Harbour, Singapore. On the loth of May. 1894. the Light-ship m \h Ajar Shoal will be replaced by a temporary I ,<r| n vessel shewing two vertical bright lights ten feel apart visible
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  • 800 247 }I. E. the Governor is in Kuala Lumpor to-day. The Mail despatched from Singapore to .ondon, via Marseilles, on the 27th ultimo, was delivered on the 20th inst. i here is a tip for Singapore hotels in be following news for gastronomes gentleman walking down the
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  • 878 247 Tapioca Plwters and Land Tenure. {From our ozvn Correspondent.) The Sea Belle, with H. E. Sir C. B. H. Mitchell and party on board, arrived in the Roads on Thursday morning. It had been announced that H. E. would land at 7 a. m., and precisely
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  • 1486 247 INTER-SETTLEMENT RIFLE MATCH 1894. This year is the fifth of the Inter-Colo-nial or Inter-Settlement Rifle Match between Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai. It has always been a little difficult to hit on the exact name for this contest. Hongkong is a Crown Colony, Shanghai is a Municipal commune, and Singapore is
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  • 453 248 Annual Inspection. The annual inspection of the Singapore Volunteer Artillery took place on Saturday last (2 ist), at Fort Fullerton, the Corps being inspected by Col. Flunkett, R.A., Officer Commanding the Troops. Parade was called for three o'clock, and the men fell in 53 strong, the officers
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  • 274 248 To the Editor of the Selangor journal. Sir, In your la^t issue of the 'Journal you suggest that I should organise a Volunteer Corps in Selangor. If a sufficient number of names are sent in to r.-.e, I shall have great pleasure in doing so.
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  • 115 248 Messrs. Vade and Dauxt's Prize, i lie following is the result of Saturday's play ist Ties. Bra m mal playing Zimmer level beat him by i up. T, E. Earle conceding Greene a stroke heat him by 2 up and 1 to play. Stringer receiving 2 strokes
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  • 439 248 LA TOSCA." The Brown-Potter Company presented before a good audience on Saturday night Victorien Sardou's tragedy "La Tosca," played for the first time in Singapore, we believe. The scene of the play is Rome and the time the opening of the present century. Floria Tosca is a Roman Singer whose
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  • 332 248 The following telegrams to the Asian contain particulars of late racing events: The Liverpool Spring Cup of Soosovs.. entrance 5 soys. each nomination with 10 soys. additional for each horse unless declared, and 9 soys. each extra for starters; second to receive 50 soys. from the plate a handicap
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  • 50 248 1 here is another brand of whisky in tiie Singapore market introduced by Messrs Wafford Co. it is the Clans Blend from Ross Mackenzie Co., which firm is not one of distillers, but of blenders, purchasing enormous quantities of Scotland's favourite beverage to be mixed and matured to suit tastes.
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  • 633 248 Regarding the mission of Private White, formerly of the West Surrey Regiment, to point out where he and a comrade buried King Theebaw's regalia, which it is alleged they stole from the Palace at Mandalay, the Madras Mail has the following At the time of his formal
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  • 432 248 (Si am Observer.) Evidence of the increasing interest in Siam felt by the more advanced section of the Japanese, which we noted in reference to the visit of Mr. Saito last week, is strengthened by the arrival of Mr. Manjiro Inagaki, from Singapore, on Wednesday. Mr. Inagaki,
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  • 62 248 Last evening there was to have been an j evening service at the new Church of St. Mathew, Sepoy Lines. But little difficulties occurred which showed some want of pre-arrangement. The key could not be got til! late, and then no lamps were available. So the service did not come
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  • 673 248 For last night's performance at the Town Hall by the Brown-Potter Company three essentials to success had been secured a comedy generally recognised as classical professional artists specially fitted by nature and art to play the principal roles and amateurs to fill up the gaps in
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  • 156 248 (April 23rd, 1 *<)+.) There has been little change in tin.- position during the last week. Homeward tonnage continues only in moderate supply, and freights have, in consequence, been fully maintained. For London, via Canal, Bag (mods are quoted at 25-, Rale (iambier at 30/- attddean measurement 30 vi
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  • 3230 249 (Fro*; a>i ex-Ceyhm Colonist.) I ast ytstt you published some very interesting letten by Mr! W. Walker (of Messrs. Walker Brothers, London descriptive of his travels in < .\tV« :a. The accompanying article was sent I I im t i \ht- Westminster Gazette
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  • 440 249 >-• Many old Edinburgh Academicals" in the East will read with regret the following obituary notice Carmichael. At No. 9, Saxe-Coburg Place, Edinburgh, on February 25th, James Carmfchael, for many years Classical Master in Edinburgh Academy. It was only a few days ago that, in the Cricket Pavilion here the
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  • 39 249 Amongst the passengers arriving by the s S. Lightning from Penang is Mr. Teow Tiauw Liat, Chinese Vice Consul at Penang, who comes here to meet the Chinese Minster Kueng, on his way to Europe by the French mail.
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  • 235 249 The Paris correspondent of the Daily Ckrom le telegraphs that the diminution of the population of France continues to be the subject of comment. Several remedies have been suggested, includi i£ that of freedom Irom taxation for prolific families, with money recompenses to the parents. M.
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  • 627 249 The great Manchester canal, which creates a seaport in the heart of England, has (says the Australasian) fired the engineering and commercial imagination of the world, and at a hundred points, all remote from each other, great schemes are simultaneously emerging which promise to alter
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  • 240 249 The Printer's Devil is at home everyj where, as the following pair oi paragraphs j will show Aflcr all, says the Brief there is nothing' SO i refreshing as a printer's eiTor. It is frequently the most readable thing 1 in a publication. Only the (ther day a colonial journal,
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  • 2442 250 Notes and Anticipations. The Derby horses are all beginning to look very fit, and even though we are not likely to have a large field, we shall have a good race if they all keep well. Camillus appears to be wonderfully fit and goes very
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  • 250 250 The gross addition of steam tonnage during the year 1893 has been, accordingto Lloyd's Statistical Tables, 660,340 tons and, of sailing tonnage, 136,076 tons or, in all, 796,416 tons. Over 95 per cent, of this addition consists of new vessels, all which (with two small exceptions) have been
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  • 354 250 Mr. Geo. Brown, H. B. M.'s Consul at Kiukiang, in his report sent to the Foreign Office, and published this year, makes the following remarks on opium-smoking Much has been said lately of the evils of the opium-smoking habit. It may not be inopportune, therefore, for
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  • 29 250 The Chinese Times has lived and died in vain. A Bangkok paper says A Mr. Michie is here from China. He intend- j writing a book on Siam." I
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  • 661 250 A very interesting paper, contributed by Sir B Richardson, has recently appeared in Longman's Magazine on this subject. In writing as he does the great physican, as he himself declares, wishes to be very just, neither a pessimist nor alarmist on one side, nor optimist nor apologist on
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  • 297 250 Ihe following appear^ in the Mercury of the inst "The oil-tank steame Ilex an ived outside Woosuog this afternoon. She is so deeply laden that their is no change of her getting across the bar uutil she has been relieved of some of het cargo, so the struggle with the
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  • 63 250 TT^HIS is a Boarding House for Kuropean A and Eurasian Boys only, attending Day Schools of the Colony. It is under the direction of a Committee consisting of the Bishop, the Colonial Chaplain, and live other gentlemen. Applications for admission should be addressed to the Honorary
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  • 946 251 The first of the events of the S. C. C. Tennis Tournament to be brought to a oodosion was the "A Class Single Handicap, which was won last night (20th) :,v Egcrton, who defeated Muir somewhat rasily hy ft 1.6 4. Both the players were
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  • 873 251 Selangor Journal*) His Excellency Sit C. B. H. Mitchell, k.< .m <;., f Governor and Commander-in-Chiof, Straits Settlements, accompanied by Lady Mitchell, will arrive in Kuala Lumpur to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon at about .j o'clock. A signal gun will be fired from the Fort lure when the train li
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  • Page 251 Advertisements
    • 32 251 PHOTOGRAPHIC. VIEWS OF SINGAPORE A series of 24 of the prettiest view-, in an ALBUM PRICE 1.50. 1 Messrs. Ann Loi k Co. Ac Geok Teat ie Co. I Jan. 2. m.w.f.
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    • 425 251 NOW READY: PRICE $1. People in a Native State, BY J. H. M. ROBSON. A Reprint of ibe Series of Articles appeaririT; in the Singapore Free Press. Neatly bound in Paper 64 pp. 3 FOR SALE AT i Messrs. Kell" id Walsh, Singapore. M!'. rs. Jo -i i LiUle Co.,
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    • 362 251 JUST PUBLISHED, NEW REVISED EDITION English Malry Vocabulary, BY Price S3. T O HE H D 0 V JOHN LITTLE Co., Singapore. April 14. EVERYONE HERE SWEARS by it EVERYONE HERE SWEARS by it! The late Mr. \V?!ler Knaggs, who for many years was a resident of Singapore, wrote. "All
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  • 190 252 Weather in Britain. London, ijth April, 1894. There have been favourable rains in Britain. France and Egypt. The French Press has assumed an acrimonious tone in the allusions to the rhange in the Egyptian Ministry. The hope 4^ expressed that Nubar Pasha will avoid subservience to Britain. The
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  • 39 252 London, 18 th April, 1894. The House of Commons have adopted the increases in the beer and spirit duties. The Press generally approves of the Budget, but the Scotch and Irish are displeased with the spirit duty.
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  • 740 252 London, iqfh April, fsgj. (n the House of Commons Colonel Nolan's Bill for the repeal of the Coercion Act (1887) has been read a second time, the Government supporting the measure. The Criminal Law and Procedure (Ireland) Act, '87, which is commonly spoken of
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  • 406 252 The Brazilian Civil War. Naval Engagement. An Ironclad Torpedoed. London, 20th April, 1894. The rebel ironclad Aquidaban, with the remnants of the Brazilian insurgents on board, was sunk by a torpedo after a fierce engagement with the Government fleet. The Aquidaban, which was built in 1885, at a cost of
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  • 342 252 Lotidon. 21st April, rogj. It is announced that the Czarewitch of Russia is betrothed to the Princess Alix of Hesse. The Princess Alix of He«se, who was born on June 6th, 18 2, is a grarxiaughter of H.M. the Queen, and fourth daughter of the late
    342 words
  • 363 252 Quotation. Capital Paid up Shares Pd. Div, Hengkong S'hai Bink. 93 prem. ex. div. $10,*****0 $10,000,000 80,000 *****^ yr. National Bank of China $15 disc. £1,000,000 £400,150 U^JJi /5 2 9 955 8 Founders. $150 Nominal 750 £l Bk. of China, Jap. Straits $2 {£2000,000
    363 words
  • 399 252 Flags Ton. Captain Arrived From Consignees For, When Men-ot-War Leander Brit, cor., 4^oo Metaxa Feb. 25 Hongkong Sr. N. Officer Merapi Dut. g.b., 780. Sickens Mar. 23 Olchleh Dut. Con. Gen.Achten, Peacock Brit, g.b,, 755 Saxton War. 27 Bangkok Sr. N. Officer Other Vessels Afghan Brit. 1430
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  • Page 252 Miscellaneous
    • 47 252 Passengers Departing. April 18. Per Rohilla for London. Mr. and Mr-. E. H. French, Hon. Dato Howard Hen! ley, apt. Colonna, Mr. John Winter, Capt. and Mrs. Picard. For Brindisi. Capt. de Krieger. For Penang. Mrs. Anderson, Mi-s Johnston, Mibs A. Johnston, Mr-.. Davidson, Mr. and Mrs.
      47 words
    • 388 252 Passengers Arrived. April 17. Per Siak Mr. and Mrs. Johannes. Per Penang: Mr. Marshall. April 18. Per Australind Capt. and Mrs. Craig. Miss 1 uckev, Mr. F. H. Koenitz, Mr. Maxwell, Mr. A. \i Hall, Mr. Cumming, Mr. A. Rice, Mr. W. West. Per Hecnte Mr. and Mrs. McClure, I)r.
      388 words
    • 350 252 Sappho, Brit, str., Wahl, for Klang iia ports. Wing Sam;, Brit, str., St. C roix, fur Penang tnd Calcutta. RiJBY, Brit, sir., D'Cru/e, for Muntok and Palembang. Giang Ann, Brit, str., Follett, for Samarang, \i.. ports. Rwjkrm vssin, Dut. str., Kramer, for Sandakap via ports. Sri Hokg Ann, Brit, str.,
      350 words