The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 17 April 1894

Total Pages: 19
221 3 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 322 221 !.KAI>IN<; ArtKLKS. Municipal Rt presentation, 2 2 1 Mr. Heaton on the Contribution, 221 Hie Balance" on the Commission, 222 Sir John dorst's Questions, 222 Court News. Police Court. Alleged Cruelty to a Horse, 223 Supreme Court. A Straits Case at Home, 229 Skort. Shooting. The Inter-Colonial Match, 228
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  • 120 221 (April 16.) Tin 39>2r* Gambier 7.95 do. Cube No. 1 12.12| do. do. No. 2 11. Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) 10.10 do. White. (Fair L/W=s% „15 75 Nutmegs 150s to the Ib.) SS. Mace (Banda) 95. Cloves (Amboina) 26. Bali Coffee (10% Blacks) 42 Pengerang Liberian 44 Tapioca, small
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  • 662 221 (April nth.) The question of finding a suitable successor to the Hon'ble A. L. DONALDSON on the Municipal Commission still remains unsettled. We have already expressed the opinion that it was for various reasons extremely desirable that the Chinese community, who bulk so largely within the limits of
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  • 677 221 MR. H EATON ON THE M. C (April uth.) To-day there is printed in another column a letter written by Mr. HENNItCER H EATON, M.P., one of the leading members of the Colonial party, to the Secretary ol State for the Colonies, calling that official's attention to the serious difficulties
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  • Page 221 Advertisements
    • 146 221 EXCHANGE. (CORRECTED UP TO April l(>.) On London. Bank 4 m/s -Z 1 demand 2/1 1 Private credits 3 m/s 2/i| documents 3 m/s 2/1 1 credits 6 m/s 2/2J On India. Bank demand 184 on Hongkong. iljir.k demand i°o Gi>On Java. Bank demand 126 Private 30 d!> I -3
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    • 25 221 t P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTISL. ing Agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange, San Fran cisco, is our authorized agent. This paper kept on file in his office.
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  • Page 221 Miscellaneous
    • 455 221 THE WEEK. The next mail from Europe is expected to arrive by the M. M. SS. Melbourne on the 25th inst., with the English mails ot the 30th ult., being followed by the P. and O. S.S. Ganges on the 30th inst., with London advices to the 6th inst. This
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  • 803 222 As the question of amending the Municipal Ordinance is now on for discussion, we desire to recommend, and not for the first time, a broad change in the method of electing Municipal Commissioners, which we are convinced would practically abolish all the delays, difficulties, hesitations
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  • 224 222 (Apnl_i6lh.) It will be generally agreed that Sir JOHN GORST was well-advised in selecting the form which, as spokesman of the Colonial Party, his question in Parliament assumed on the subject of the Straits military charges. He skilfully asked whether the Under-Secretary of State for the
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  • 159 222 The Penang Lawn Tennis Prizes were presented by Mrs. Gatty on the nth. The list is. CHAMPIONSHIP. W. Gibson. Runner-up. G. E. Cole. Si GLB Hand v\c (Class A). A. S. Anthony. S,m:leHf.m)ic.\p (Class B).— J. M. D'Arcy Symonds. Single Handicap (2nd Prize). J. M. P. Smith. Double Handicap. A.
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  • 596 222 The annual reports of the Land and District Offices in Malacca are published in the Government Gazette. Mr. Blagden speaks of the Land Office, the total revenue of which for 1893 was §970,922, greater than either the revenue of 1892 or 1891. Premium on land amounted
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  • 540 222 A golf innovation is hinted at in this paragraph from a Rangoon paper which novelty has not yet made its way to fhe southern end of the Malay peninsula. Hut if cricket in some parts of the tropics demands a coir matting pitch why should not a golf putting-green be
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  • 543 222 (20th.) Mr. Fowler, in reply to Sir G. Chesney^ said there was no intention on the part of the Government of departing from the arrangements arrived at last year that a portion of the cost of the Opium Commission in India should be borne by
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  • 707 222 The disadvantages under which coM countries are at present suffering, and are likely to suffer still further in the future, as the result of present currency disturbances, were foicibly brought out at the meeting of the China Mutual Steam Navigation Company on 19th inst.
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  • 418 223 Hong-Tjyong-On, the Corean assassin of the political refugee Kim-Ok-Kium, has been arrested in Shanghai. A Hongkong paper states that Dr. A. T. Rime!), who came out from England in the troopship Tamar on Saturday to take up duty as sutgeon in the Naval Hospital, attempted to
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  • 350 223 {From a Correspondent.) The return of Mr. W. Willes Douglas Oil Sunday, with his bride, was made the occasion of much rejoicing at our little Port. The Sappho sailed in with all the flags at Capt Wahl's command displayed, the hunting decking the steamer from stem to
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  • 812 223 (From our rwn Correspondent.) The weather and business engagements have delayed progress in the Lnwn Tennis Tournament; but last week saw the end of it. On Monday Howell and Parry at owe 30 2 met Freer and Kynnersley owe \l5 in the Gentlemen's Doubles. Howell and his partner were
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  • 67 223 There appears to be nothing of any importance in to-day's rise in exchange, which is merely one of the erratic fluctuations that we have* seen not a few of. Mexicans are not procurable at any price, but there is no reason to think there is any special demand for silver
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  • 1 223
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  • 134 223 To the Editor. Sir, I read in your issue of this evening a note on the prospects of the Pahang Corporation, Ltd., giving the output of oxide for March. Prospects and output are correctly stated, hut one sentence in the article is apt to give a wrong
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  • 418 223 Mr. H. Abrams was charged before Mr. J. O. Anthonisz this morning with using gross cruelty to the brown mare YlangYlang on Saturday last, when that animal was taken to the Race Course to be measuied as a galloway. Mr. Claude Sugden said that
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  • 238 223 We hear that the remnant of the Pahang rebel refugees are now at Kuala Tringganu. These include Rahman (the ex-Orang Kaya of Semantan), Mat Kilau, Mahomed Mera, and a few others. It is, perhaps, doubtful whether they will come in, for the reason that it might suit certain high persons
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  • 876 223 Japanese Immigration into Siam and the Malay Peninsula. A visitor of more than ordinary interest, as far as Siam is concerned, arrived in Bangkok on Saturday, by the Gorgon, and took up his abode at the Oriental Hotel. We refer to Mr. Miki Saito, Japanese
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  • 559 224 H. M. S. Impcrieuse, the flagship, which, it is believed, will go home via the Cape, came in last night to await the arrival of the Centurion here, which entered the Now that the usual rate of postage in the Straits Settlements is made three cents
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  • 892 224 Mr. Herbert Sadler, F.R.A.S., has been pointing out the mistake made by mo^t people of speaking of the orang-outang." In the Malay language, he says, orangutang means 'a man in debt" while orang-utan means man of the woods," and refers to the ape in question. This is not quite conclusive.
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  • 84 224 The Pahang Corporation, Limited, received the following cablegram giving the output for January "ln fourteen days twenty-four hours each) 325 tons of stone were crushed, producing 21 tons 6 cwt. of black tin twenty head of stamps working costs, £900." The following is the output for February
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  • 693 224 Pall Mall Gazette" Notes. The Pall Mall Gasette has devoted two 14 Notes" to the question of the Straits Military Contribution, which the colony will scarcely thank them for. The statement reads as follows: A deputation of gentlemen representing" the Straits Settlements is at present in this
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  • 185 224 Sir John Gorst and Mr. Hknnikkk Hbaton for the Straits Settlements. At a meeting of the Colonial Party, held in one of the Committee Rooms of the Mouse of Commons on the 15th March, Sir John Gorst presiding, the Chairman and Mr. Henniker Heaton were deputed to
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  • 46 224 A case of defamation, in conned ion willi a Calcutta journal called the Sunday limes, has been raised against the writer of a certain article, Mr. Cannichael, believed to l»e formerly of Singapore. He pleaded not guilty and the case was adjourned till the 4th April.
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  • 471 224 The statements that, history repeats itself, and, that there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed, have been so often repeated that they havcome to be regarded as not only trite, but also very true. It is almost equally true, also, that everything comes to
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  • 493 224 The debate in the Legislative Cbtltu il of India on the new import duties was very interesting. The real point was whether cotton goods should or should not be subjected to the common import the duty o( 5 per cent. The estimated deficiency in the Budget
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  • 88 224 AH through t'ne northern region <">! European Russia the peasantry appear lo be in a chronic state of poverty. In the liovernments of Archangel, Olonetc, Vologda, iatki, and Perm the situation is daily l>rcoming more and more serious. 1 berc appears to be no silver lining to the dark cloud,
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  • 841 225 The Navy Estimates were issued on the 15th March, with the usual explanatory memorandum, by the I 1 nst Lord of the Admiralty. The net arr.< unl of t! c Estimates is £17,366,100, an inrrtase (»t t I f n;oie than th-: amount voted for the service
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  • 406 225 The Government of Shanghai (writes Puck in the Mercury) is a very goodly dispensation. Our machinery may seem fearful and wonderful to a passer-by, but ihe work it does is undeniably satisfactory— especially when compared with that of other principalities and power-. We need I >ok
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  • 1066 225 In the course of his first speech in the House as Premier, Lord Rosebery referred as follaws to Siam The acute part of the Siamese crisis was over last August, and it hardly seemed worth wh le to resuscitate that transaction for the benefit of Parliament in
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  • 86 225 A cricket matrh is being played to-day on the Esplanade between the Army and the Navy. Through the courtesy of Captain Scott Rogers, R.N., H. M. S. Archer will convey mails to Labuan and Sandakan closing at 10 a.m. to-morrow. Another melancholy evidence of the reduced
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  • 386 225 H. M.S. Centurion; Capt. Poe, which i came in this morning on her way to the China Station, where she is to replace the Imperieuse as flagship, is of the type o\ battleship which finds most favour at present in the eyes of naval nn n.
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  • 236 225 THE IMPERIEUSE." The departure of the Imperieuse from Hongkong is thus described in the Hongkong Telegraph of the 4th The home-ward-bound pennant was hoisted on board 11. M. S. Imperieuse this morning, and amidst the firing ol crackers, the strains of the flagship's band, winch played a lewbars of the
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  • 59 225 The interim report of the Committee for the revision of the Municipal Ordinance was laid on the table of the Commission yesterday. It goesinto the details <A the suggested alterations of the Municipal Ordinance on points which experiem <■ has shown to work badly or to be unworkal !e. !he
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  • 558 225 Consul-General yon Hesse Wartegg and Mdrhe. Minnie Hauk paid a visit to Johore, by invitation of H. H. the Sultan, or Monday morning, They were received by [nchi Kassim, PrivaieSecn t try, on lai <■'-■ and on arrival at the I-tan i re r. rd
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  • 110 225 The Khedive ol Egypt is said to U; ye presented a youn^ Englisliwoman ivith i bracelet of scarabei* set in gold like mosaics, each stone being upwards of j.,q00 years old, and some ot them ltavi«}> lielonged to high priests \u the Pharaol days. The inscriptions on them relate to
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  • 219 225 Information has been received that :inother murder has been committed in Kclantan. The person killed in the install c is Datu Maha Muntri, called in Siamese Luang Bareba, and his death need not i c looked upon with much regret, as be was one of ihe chief obstacles to
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  • 1578 226 MR. HENNIKER HEATON AND THE STRAITS MILITARY CONTRIBUTION. The subjoined correspondence has been forwarded to us for publication by the Hon Secretary of the Singapore Branch of the Straits Settlements Association The Most Hon. The Marquisof Ripon, k.G Secretary of State for the Colonies. My Lord, During my recent visit
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  • 1327 226 (From an Occasional Correspondent-) I was living at the foot of the Raoeng mountain, at the extreme east of Java, when I received a telegram requiring my presence in Sourabaya. My easiest way was to go to Banjoewangie, 40 miles distant, and take the
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  • 679 226 Eight Houses Destroyed: Enormous Damage. (Hongkong Daily Press.) The alarum bells," bespeaking the outbreak of a fire, rang out last night about half-past nine, and the persistency of their clamour only too truly indicated the extent of the conflagration. Not for many years has so serious
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  • 41 226 Mr-. I.angtrv. it is sai<l, Itrivi.i^ no tiling better t') do," is engaged upon a novel. From the title which U already (ini»lied v ami is A Jersey Lily," it is surmised Mrs. Langtry ii> to be her own bcrtNOC
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  • 2851 227 (April nth, 1894.) The ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Muni- 1 cipal Commivsioners was held on Wednesday 1 afternoon, in the Board Rooms, Rob nson Road, Mr. Gentle presiding. There were also present the Hon*bte T. Shelford, Mr. Sohst, Mr. Fraser, 1 Mr. Meyer and Mr A. C.
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  • 866 227 The Mining Manager's report for the four weeks ending 5111 April, 1894, is as follows Mining. Raub Hole Section. No. 1 Level, Soutli End. The slopes below this level are looking veiy well, particularly the Nos. 2, 3 and 4. We are also able to sink
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  • 333 227 The following editorial deliverance i« from the latest London Commerce There is a combination of the severely practical with the sentimental in a proposal to establish, fur Eastern currency purposes, a British dollar. As every child knows or should knovv, the Mexican dollar is the silver coin
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  • 639 227 In its observations on the British Dollar debate in the Singapore Chamber of Commerce the Hongkong Daily Press remarks The agitation f r a British dollar has originated with the Banks and the Banks have no d.nibt been influenced by a keen regard for their own interest*.
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  • 265 228 Let us think ot the military Commissariat rejection of Australian beef for Bangkok beef, the consequent withdrawal of the Australian Butchering Company's t ntcrprise from the Colony, the amount the Colony pays for the maintenance ol ihe Imperial troops, and ihe fact that the irarrison
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  • 106 228 N .1 forgetting her beau. H was '1 man on a football paper who was he i !'._'> to try to write while Daisy fteli 1 ns»e. i ti in hou ol it 1 1 >1 then in >spair. !<■ h> s p Hired forth his j
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  • 518 228 (t is reported on :;•'•>>! authority that S. sJie Thornt< ,1. Registrar ol the Su r me Court at Malacca, has been ap- j nte 1 Al m -Gen< ral of the i.-l md of nt in the W< st Indies. 1 1 this rei rl be true, it will
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  • 220 228 The Russian cruiser Rynda will leave on Thursday for Vladivostock, via Hongkong. The Russian transport Afoskwa, with emigrants from Odessa for Vladivostock, is expected on Wednesday from Colombo. The French cruiser Bayard, the new flagship of Rear Admiral Dupuis on ihe China Station, is expected daily
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  • 139 228 Next Sunday the Portuguese Church of Si [oseph celebrates its titular feast. Th«* Very Revd Father Baptista assis'ed by Fathers de Lima and Soares will officiate at ihe high mass, the music ol which, by Batanin with full orchestral accompaniment, will be rendered by the choir. The day is also
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  • 597 228 DARING EMRACY ON THE CAN TON RIVER. {Hongkong Telegraph.) A piratical outrage of a type which is unfortunately only too well known I>v residents in the ••Gorgeous East," was perpetrated on board the 111 tic passenger Vernier Kusong Sang, ol which Messrs. Rob< rt j ick 6i Co. of Pottinger
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  • 1288 228 {Indian Engineering.) Singapore is an ambitious yet practical Colony, and whether it be on the subject of coast defences or city sanitation, it determines to adopt the best available measures. Actuated by this sensible principle, the Municipality sent its Municipal Engineer on a voyage of investigation
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  • 178 228 Corfs Orders. Head Quarter Office, Singapore, April 12th, I*^4. 1. Orderly Officer f<;r the ensuing w^ek, Lieut. \V. G. St. la;r. Orderly Sergeant t'.^r the ensuing week, Scr-t. \V. Makepeace. Monday, 5. 15 p.m. Maxim Gun -drill. Tuesday, j) tn Maxim Squad«drilt. Wednesday, s-'S p.m. Maxim At
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  • 146 228 J Esplanade ytst< [ay between teams scores v ere Navy. Mr. B. I!. Waters, l.b.w. Coogmn Mr. J. l\ Barton c Sargeaunt bGu ■•>berg I 11. E. "1 i 1 lie in out Mr. P. Pliillipps !> j gan Lt. Olivier not out > Mr. I A P.iwl. tt
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  • 536 228 To-m >rrow, al 2- > p.m., there ail > < full pra< tice i >o f 50 >, an I 600 yls >i I 1 s men who have b :i asked t ■> compe c I>r places in t!i<- Sin tp >re team in the fortU* coming 1 nter
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  • 1004 229 A r iMr Teutonia Club. Last night a private Musikalischer Abend was given at the German Club, the main attraction at which was the rare 1 pportunity thus afforded to ihe members d a numb* r << 1 1 1 r guests of hearing Madame Minni< I!;
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  • 396 229 Lev is v, Logan [2th March. Foreign Judgment Judgment i;y Default Married Woman -English Colony Ari'i.u ability of Exglish Law. This was an action brought to recover a sum of /.j;S alleged to be due upon a judgment obtained in the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements,
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  • 66 229 A certain clique of West End girls in London, says Tit-Bits, have established a Five Foot Nine Club." Every member must be not shorter than three inches under six feet, and several are well over the prescribed limit. They are a.! fair to look upon. All ride in the Park,
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  • 194 229 Says the 'John: Gazette: —In connection with tli'.- revival of the coal trade in this country, the Hochi gives extraordinary news. The Mitsu l>!shi and the Hokkaido Colliery Railway Companies, having managed by private interest to obtain openings for their coals and by severe competition forced the small coal-owners of
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  • 553 229 The following is the Manager's report for February August Shaft. Has been tfepened three feet and fully timbered to bottom, bearers to carry the new Ist plunger pump put in their places, opening «-ets fixed and driving commenced and extended 4 in., oil of drive is
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  • 639 229 Captain Eddie, who is taking the lead in this movement in Penang", had an interview with the Hon. the Resident Councillor on Thursday, placing the matter before him and handing in a list oi 140 gentlemen who have signed their names in support. It is
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  • 406 229 OR AnDRO(cy)cLES IKD TUB LlClti REVISED* A cyclist in the verdant island of Singapore was one nay wending ins way alon^ tlit; Fain penis Road when with a loud pop his pneumatic tyre burst. He was a careful man. :-r^^\ pulling out Ills repairing outfit
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  • 93 229 The ihree French judges appointed to the mixed tribunal which is to re-try Phra Vot are the new Chief [udge of the Court of Appeal at Saigon— M. Ducos 1 successor— and two magistrates one from Saigon and the other trom T uiqutn. A.S the Schwalbe
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  • 198 229 Whether the British supremacy <> r the seas will within the next few years be lost or not is now a problem, says the New York Maritime Register. Great Britain's hold, strong as it is g is not so powerful as it was five years ago. L'hat she
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  • 346 229 A Curious Presentimi st. On Wednesday afternoon (4th a I I gram v. received by M. Hardouin, Consul for France. Pere Schmidt, oi the Patriew Mission briefly sUl i,vr ihai Mr Rudolf tt «bel had been murdered b y one of his servants,
    Siam Observr  -  346 words

  • 776 230 We hear that the S. S. Sherard Osborne left New Zealand yesterday, on her return voyage to Singapore. It is reported that in consequence of the numerous annoyances and insults offered recently to foreigners in Japan, the native police have been given special instructions to be
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  • 267 230 The Vacancies to be Filled By Mr. Tan Jiak. Kirn and The Hon'ble Seah Liang Seah. A very satisfactory way out of the difficulty with regard to Chinese representatives on the Municipal Commission has been found, and is now practically settled. Mr. Tan Jiak Kirn will offer
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  • 109 230 By the P. O. mail steamer Rome, leaving London yesterday, Colonel H. T. Jones- Vaughan, the new general officer commanding in the Straits Settlements, was to have embarked for Singapore. The imperial average price of wheat is this week, says the Chronicle of March 15th., twenty-four shillings and three pence
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  • 340 230 An alteration is made in the scale of charges for pawn-shop licenses in Penang. The Whist Club, Singapore/ and the Eastern Primrose Minstrels, Singapore" are exempted from registration under the Societies Ordinance. By-laws for that part of Malacca which does not fall within the Municipality have been made
    Chronicle  -  340 words
  • 382 230 The German steamer Schwalbe, which was chartered recently by the French Government to run between Saigon and Chantaboon, has now been relieved by one of the Messageries Fluviales steamers. The adjourned case against Benjamin Alfred Wells, who is charged at the instance of the Post Office authorities with forgery, cheating
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  • Page 230 Miscellaneous
    • 804 230 TOPICS OF THE WEEK. Reuter misled his Singapore customers when he telegraphed a few weeks ago a summary of Lord Rosebery's programme. We were informed that his Loidship's little finger was to be thicker than Mr. Gladstone's loins. Home Rule was to be proceeded with. The House of Lords had
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    • 467 230 business it is to keep the roads free from danger to pedestrians. We do know that, whoever they are, they don't. Whene'er we take our walks abroad which is frequently to combine mild exercise with cogitation on the rate of exchange and kindred topics in the gloaming, we me**t a
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  • 1145 231 {Translated for the Free Press.) (Soer. Con rant.) Not too early. In accordance with the (iov't. Gazette {Staatsblad) 1892, No. 223. certain regions in Kediri were indicated wherein nobody, without the consent of tii^ head of the local Government, other I ban native owners of coffee-grounds, tlu-ir assistant
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  • 714 231 Alleged Murdpr of a Spanish Governor. The Hongkong Telegraph contains this account, which is not yet confirmed, ot details of the rebellion in Sooloo which, if the facts be as stated, promises to be a grave affair indeed and one that will require considerable efforts on the
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  • 31 231 It is reported from Penang that the Rev. Father Pee, Vicar of the Church of St. Francis Xavier, is very ii! and that but little hope is entertained o» his recovery.
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  • 336 231 Last evening Mr. J. B. Robertson tied the record score of 39 made some time back by Mr. A. W. Stiven. These gentlemen, therefore, now divide the honours of holding the records of one round and two rounds respectively. A short description of Mr. Robertson's play will be interesting
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  • 437 231 From the Rangoou Times we learn how neatly a prominent Chinese Anti-Opiumist, hitherto a joy to Juggins of Exeter Hall, has scooped his fellow-countrymen in the purchase of the Opium Licenses in Rangoon. The Opium (plus or minus Purity" to suit contingencies) factioneers* here will read the
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  • 169 231 A Saigon correspondent of the Hongkong Daily Press writes as follows Rumours are current that a syndicate from Singapore with English capital intends establishing a business at Tourane (Annam) to develop the trade of that country. May I venture to hint that although the country is universally
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  • 1202 231 The rlon'ble the Chief Justice returned I from Penang this morning by the l\ O. mail steamer Roseltn, Mr. Justice Law remaining in Pcnang fur the present. t,ady Maud Warrender, wife of Commander i}. I. S. Warrender, H. M. S. Centurion i will probably pass through
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  • 430 232 The first c< mpetition for the Challenge Shield for Rifle Shooting presented by Sir Charles Warren closes on the 30th April. This prize, it ma\ be remembered, is open to units of the ri§ftn of approximately equal strength, inclusive ol army, navy and volunteers. Ihe regulations make
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  • 809 232 The Committee are to be congratulated for the excellent cold tiffin provided on Saturday at the Golf Club Pavilion it was in every way a success and the general vote was, that occasional tiffins at the Club Mouse would in more ways than one be beneficial to
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  • 102 232 The Hongkong Telegraph regrets to learn that Mr. K. Robinson, barrister-at-law. and Mr. Francis, Q.C., bolh of that Colon y, aie suffering Irom measles. Mr. E. Robinson, we trust, will be sufficiently recovered by the close of this month to take his usual place in the Hongkong team in the
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  • 54 232 At liic sale of horses and carriages at Abrams' Y.snl, on Monday last, the following were the prices of the horses dispo>edof:— Mayflower i black Australian mare, winner ol two Galloway races at the last met ting. Sold loi 84 1 v Little Dove, bay mare, winner of races in
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  • 180 232 S. C. C. v. R. Navy. The cricket match, S. C. C. v. Navy, played on the Esplanade on Saturday resulted in a draw in favour of the Club, who declared their innings closed with the score at lib and five wickets to fall. Ihe Navy then went in
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  • 767 232 Beer and Winks to be Taxed. The Government Gazette publishes the Ordinances that an* shortly be introduced into the Legislative Council. There is the Ordinance to consolidate' and amend the law for collecting a revenue of excise upon spirituous liquors, fermented liquors and bhang." This is Mr. Collyer's
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  • 83 232 Good weather prevailed during the first day (April 12th), and tin; racing W as excellent, there being exciting finishes in three cases. Mr. Paton Ker role four winrurThe winners, according to a telegram r the Pi nan g Gazette »< re First Race. Hercules, Verdure, Strong hai I
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  • 377 232 Cm i en Disestablish mi n. in \V The Late Kikg 1 .obbvgul Sensation vl Disclosures. The promise given by >ir William ii Leader of the Government in the Hou eof i mons, LhaC Lhe question oi the disestai lisl the Church in Wales should be
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  • 525 232 iijtlij Sir J. Gorst asked the Under Secretary ot State for the Colonies whether his attendon been called to a pledge r\ reference to the military expenditure <-t the Strait Settlements by ihe Chancellor <>; the Kxchequ r in the House of Commons on
    Exchange  -  525 words

  • 3913 233  -  Notes and Anticipations. Durioe the past week all the horses have been doing good steady work, and tbc griffins are coming on very nicely. Unfortunately Mainstay met with an accident last Wednesday which will, I fear, m him in his work for some clays yet,
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  • 1112 234 v Forget-me-not" at the Town Hall. Singapore in an unmistakeable fashion set the stamp of its admiration last evening at the Town Hall on v Forget-me-not" (a play unacted in the town hitherto), and the Company directed by Mrs. Potter and Mr. Bellew and their
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  • 851 234 The production of M. Sardou's comedy 11 Francillon" by Mrs. Potter and Mr. Bellew, assisted by their London Company, at the Town Hall last evening was a conspicuous success. Last night was a military night, the performance being given under the patronage of Colonel Plunkett, R. A Officer Commanding
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  • 767 234 Competition notwithstanding, Mrs. Potter and Mr. Belle w, assisted by their able London Company, succeeded in drawing a full house last evening to witness the production of Zola's Therese. The performance was given under the patronage and in the presence of Lieut. -Colonel Huntley and officers of the
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  • 492 234 In Society." A better audience than that which unassembled at the Town Hall on Saturday night for the fourth performance of th. Company could not have been desired almost every seat being taken, among those present being the Hon'ble W. E. Ifjutwel and Mrs. Maxwell, and Colonel Huntly. 14 In
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  • 132 234 (April loth, 1894.) Homeward tonnage cotuinues only in vn.i'' supply and rates have been fully maintained. For London, via Canal, Bag Good> are stead, at 25/-, Bale Gambier 30 and measurement 32 •>. For Liverpool, the quotation is nominally $0 all round. For the Continent freights are also steady.
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  • 30 234 French Colonies henceforth ar^ to b« under a Minister for the Colonies, instead of an under-seoretary. The Minister w\ have equal powers with tlu* Ministers !< War and for the Navy.
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  • 1118 235 (Hongkong Telegraph.) A correspondent informs us that there have been rumours of very serious trouble in Sooloo, amountng to a determined and well-organised rising of the native* against the Spaniards, who maintain garrison and pretend to exercise autocratic authority in that part of the world. Our
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  • 393 235 Ihe Straits Independent is fairly near the mark in the following on the above question As to whether we shall have Naval Volunteers, Mounted Infantry, or Riflemen, we are of opinion that the latter arm would be the best suited for Penang, especially if a small body
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  • 138 235 A Japanese contemporary says there is a project on foot for the founding of a Siamese language school in Tokyo to publish a journal devoted to social, political, and economic questions in which Japan and Siam are mutually interested to establish a Society that shall investigate agricultural, commercial, and manufacturing
    138 words
  • Page 235 Advertisements
    • 252 235 ST ANDREW'S HOUSE SINGAPORE. THIS is a Boarding House for European and Eurasian Lsoys only, attending Day Schools of the C lony. It is under the direction of a Committee consisting of the Bishop, the Colonial Chaplain, and five other gentlemen. Applications for admission should be addressed to the Honorary
      252 words
    • 242 235 Robinson Co. SINGAPORE. (Established 1858J Ladies' and Gentlemen's Outfitters. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Silk and Satins. Costumes. Millinery. Umbrellas Uotrimmed Hats. Parasols. Dreys Materials. Laces. Boots and Shoes. Ribbons. Haberdashery. Hosiery. Cermets. Gloves. Underclothing. Velvets. Velvettas. Plushes. Gauzes. Fancy Articles for Presents. The dress-making department is in charge of a qualified Assistant.
      242 words
    • 501 235 ftp 'jrfi cT *^j£j^S Pi y f?J lift T \it\~ V*A f s fc'jT FOR COLDS, COUGHS, HOARSENESS, AM' ALL Throat and Lung DISEASES. As ;in emergency m sdicine, b sr:f"'r\:p.rf! fur children, an ever-ready remedy i-» be relied upon ii eases «'f < coiiphs. or<>ii]>. \vli<>«ipinL r -c'>imii. hifiu
      501 words

  • 180 236 (Specially compiled for the Singapore Free Press.) [Date "of passing Anjer Nationality and description of vessel Captain's name Where and when sailed. Destination. April 5. Brit, str., Jordan Clark Batoum, Feb. 18 Mn^apure. April 6. Brit. str.. Bucephalus Hay Australia, Singapore. April 7. Nor. bq., Kkpha Corneluissen
    180 words
  • 600 236 The Canadian Tea Duty. London, 10th April. 1894. An important meeting of tt-a-dtalers have adopted resolutions protesting against the ten per cent, duty on tea imported into Canada from England. A deputation has been appointed to wait upon Sir Charles Tupper. Royal Courtesies at Florence. London, 1 ith
    600 words
  • 442 236 Flags Ton. Captain Arrived From Consignees For, When Leander Bnt. cor., 4300 Metaxa Feb. 25 Hongkong Sr. N. Officer Merapi Dut. g.b., 780, Sickens Mar. 23 Olchleh Out. Con. Gen.Acheen, Peacock Brit, g.b., 755 Saxton Mar. 27 Bangkok Sr. N. Officer Rinda Russ. cor., 35ooKroeger April 5
    442 words
  • 341 236 Quotation. Capital Paid up Shares Pd. Div, Hongkong S'hai B*nk. 93 prem. ex. div. $10,*****0 $10,000,000 80,000 *****s 4yr National Bank of C ma $35 disc. £1,000,000 jUoo, 150 l^' 9 J^ j% Founders. $150 Nominal 750 £i Bk. o r Ch'na, Jap. Straits $2
    341 words
  • Page 236 Advertisements
    • 148 236 XJONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAI $io,or) RESERVE FUND I pM^oo RESERVE LIABILITY OF IO Q V PROPRIETORS 5 $10.000,0,,. Court op Directors. Chairman— H. HOPPIUS, Esq. Dhputy Chairman— C. J. KOLUDAV, K><) S. C. Michaklson, Esq. A. McConachik, Kstj. H. H. Joseph, Esq. J. S. Mostcs, Esq. Hon.
      148 words
  • Page 236 Miscellaneous
    • 45 236 CLEARANCES. Hyd;;\, Brit, stc, McGill, for Bangkok. 1.-'KKiK, Ger., -tr.. Dewc-s, i O r Batavia, Amboina and (ierman New Guinea. H\s lli\ Ci- \n, Brit, str., Smith, for Macassar, i.i port >. R«si n i, i*. knd <>. sir., Hi >\\ c. fcr Hcnokone, Shanghai ai 1 ai
      45 words
    • 597 236 Amhlpst, Brit, str., Shimmen, for Selangor, via ports. Ban Whatt Him, Brit, str., Gray, for Sambas and Pontianak. Neera, Brit, str., Morris, for T. Anson, via ports. Van Diemen, Dut. str., Mertz, for Sourabaya, via ports. Pronto, Ger. str., Bohn, for Saigon. Hanoi, Brit, str., Thow, for Bagan, via ports.
      597 words
    • 390 236 Passengers Arrived. April 9.—Per Bucephalus Miss Emerson, Miss McDonald. Mr. Hay. April 10.— Per A\ S. de Loreio Mr. Win. Whiley. Mr. Carles Moritz. Per Malacca Mr. and Mrs. Plumlie, Dr. Horsey. Mr. McMurray, Mr. Siddons. Per'C/ww Phya Mr. Katz. April 10. Per Prometheus Mr. Ferguson. April ci. Per Isabella
      390 words
    • 190 236 Finlayson, Mr. C. Kelman, Hon'ble (i. S. Murray and Mrs. Murray, Mr. Abram^. April 16. Per Relloua for Havre— A. t." der Schuyt. Esq. For Hamburg. Miss Emma Kuhanke. For Port Said. f\ Morit/, K->q. April 17.- Per Rosetta for Yokohama. Mr Rock, Mr. Payne, Mr. Cartvvright. lor Hor^kong. Mr.
      190 words

  • Unknown
    • 1228 1 FANCY DRESS BALL AT KUALA LUMPOR. (From a Correspondent.) On the evening of the 12th inst. was held one of the biggest social events that ever took place in Selangor, the grand Fancy Dress Dance in celebration of the iotn anniversary of the Selangor Club. Tor weeks and weeks ahead
      1,228 words
    • 94 1 Abstract of traffic earnings for the month of March 1894 Heads of Receipts— c. Passengers H>47 2 l 6 Season Tickets 15 8 Horses, Carriages and Dogs 121 gS Telegraph Collections 2 72 Excess Fares 53 32 Parcels 245 3S Kxcess Luggage 7 1 5^ Special Trains...
      94 words
    • 125 1 A correspondent writing of Mr. Leslie Thornton's promotion to St. Vincent, sa y S In Malacca we shall miss a good, careful, thoroughly efficient and painstaking Registrar, and a genial popular man." With reference to this vacancy it would be only fair and reasonable on the part of Government to
      125 words
    • 117 1 Comparisons are odious, but the following figuies taken from the weekly returns of the British Registrar-General for the second week in March may prove interesting, if not instructive, taken in connection with the death-rate of Singapore, which was 2Q-93 per mille per annum during the month of February Birkenhead 207
      117 words
    • 669 1 For last night's performance at the Town Hall by the Brown-Potter Company three essentials to success had been secured— a comedy generally recognised as classical professional artists specially fitted by nature and art to play the principal roles and amateurs to fill up the gaps in
      669 words
    • 232 1 A collision occurred at Shanghai on the 6th inst. between the M. M. mail steamer Oxus and the Glenavoh, in the fairway of the river between the Woosung lighthouse and Woosung creek. The Oxus was being re-moored, when the Glenavon, which was outward bound, struck her starboard bow anchor, thus
      232 words
    • 355 1 The tenth annual report of lh*- Sclasgor Government Railway shows that during the year 1893 two extension, were opened, Serendab, 466 miles, and Pudoh, r.83 miles. The latter carries the large number of 1400 passengers per day. and is intended to go seven miles further, to Sun:-:
      355 words
    • 43 1 Another agreeable beverage has been added to the stock of drinks manufactured by the Dispensary Aerated Water W orks in the shape of brewed ginger beer in glass bottles. It will be found to be well "up and to possess the requisite stingo.
      43 words
    • 65 1 (Corrected up to April 17.) On London. Bank 4 m/s demand 2/0; Private credits 3 m/s s/li documents 3 m/s 2 l l credits 6 m/s 2/2 On India. Bank demand ls3 On Hongkong. Bank demand 2/0 On Java. Bank demand 1 2 4 Private 30 d/s 129 Sovereigns,
      65 words
    • 119 1 (April 17.) Tin J**s Gambier t» 7-95 do. Cube No. 1 I 2« do. do. No. 2 >• Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) 10.25 do. White, (Fair L/W=s% „15 75 Nutmegs 150s to the tb.) „88. Mace (Banda) 95Cloves (Amboina) 26. Bali Coffee (10% Blacks) 42 Pengerang Liberian -+4 Tapioca,
      119 words
    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 93 1 CLEARANCES. i4 />/-// 16, Wf.nnington Hai.l, B:if. str., H<meu.)id, lot Marseilles and Liverpool. Normansah, l>ul. sclu, Nacod^h, Eorßandiermassin. Apt il '7 Ban Whatt Scon. Rrit. sir., Ddmage, for Bi!!--ton and Pontianak. Java. P. and O. sir., TUIa/d, for rVnanK Mid I .ondoiu Be kg kalis, Brit, str., Fripp.tor Pakmbang. I
        93 words
    • 316 2 Th vi Loid R :ON has at last acceded to ihe Malan a railway s< heme, of which no information has been accessible to the public except what has from time to time appeared in the Singapore Free Press— means that Mr. GRASS!, who is now
      316 words
    • 1152 2 Ol k contemporary, in yesterday dis- j cussing the Municipal vacancy, has very obviously gone astray in his facts, ami in one particular instance has gone out of his way to offend again>t good taste. While as yet the Central ward was vacant and the two Chinese gentlemen, now about
      1,152 words
    • Article, Illustration
      10 2 <V.r.\>-! by Here patr y Pie Isedto Re ovaltv. I-aw.
      10 words
    • 823 2 A Descriptive Dictionary of British Malaya. By N. B. Dennys, Ph. D M author of the Folklore of China, etc. London London and China Telegraph Office, 79, Gracechurch Street, E. C. 1894. Some handy work of reference dealing with the geography and topography, races
      823 words
    • 103 2 Now that Mr. R. W. Maxwell. Inspector General of Police, has left for Europe, the duties of his offices have been taken over by Mr. Bell, Mr. Nevvland meanwhile doing duty as Acting-Superintendent. This morning, before Mr. Anthonisz, a Malay was charged with receiving stolen property, to wit a bicycle,
      103 words
    • 737 2 When the report and accounts of th Straits Fire Insurance Co. reached Shanghai from Singapore, with an effusion that appeared in a local paper recommend in liquidation, the spirits of the Shangh? shareholders was stirred within them. meeting was held on April 4'h at \\V
      737 words
    • 187 2 During the year 1*0,3, 28c, 754 pikuls f>l tin and tin-ore were exported from ScUogor the duty amounting to 51.051.54.!. Of the total, t he Straits Trading Company tool The Hongkong Daily Press hears that the Hon. (j. T. M. O'Brien, Colonial Secre* tarv of Hongkong, has been ordered a
      187 words
    • 1244 3 {From a Correspondent.) On the of the 12th inst. was held one of the biggest social events that ever took place in Selangor, the grand Fancy Dress Dance in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Selangor Club. For weeks and weeks ahead we
      1,244 words
    • 90 3 Abstract of traffic earnings fur the month of March 1894 Heads of Receipts c. Passengers 14,472 1 6 Season Tickets 15 8 Horses, Carriages and Doys 121 <)S Telegraph Collections 2 72 Excess Fares 53 32 Parcels 245 38 Excess Luggage 71 56 Special Trains... Miscellaneous... 361
      90 words
    • 241 3 A correspondent writing of Mr. Leslie Thornton's promotion to St. Vincent, says In Malacca we shall miss a good, careful, thoroughly efficient and painstaking Registrar, and a genial popular man." With reference to this vacancy it would be only fair and reasonable on the part of Government to recommend to
      241 words
    • 668 3 For last night's performance at the Town Hall by the Brown-Potter Company three essentials to success had been secured a comedy generally recognised as classical professional artists specially fitted by nature and art to play the principal roles and amateurs to fill up the gaps in
      668 words
    • 235 3 A collision occurred at Shanghai on the 6th inst. between the M. M. mail steamer Oxus and the Glenavon, in the fairway ot the river between the Woosung lighthouse and Woosung creek. The Oxus was being re-moored, when the Glenavon, which was outward bound, struck her starboard bow anchor, thus
      235 words
    • 351 3 The tenth annual report of the Selangor Government Railway shows that during the year 1893 two extensions wen: opened, Serendah, 466 miles, and Pisdoh, i.S;, miles. The latter carries the large Dumber of 1,400 passengers per day. and is intended to go seven miles further, to Sungei
      351 words
    • 43 3 Another agreeable beverage lias bee added to the stock of drinks manufacture by the Dispensary Aerated Water VV tirks in the shape of brewed ginger beer in gU«* bottles. It will be found to be well "ap and to possess the requisite "stingo.
      43 words
    • 65 3 (Corrected up to April 17.) On London. Bank 4 m/s 1 demand -/O H Private credits 3 m/s 2/1 documents 3 m/s 2 i 4 credits 6 m/s 2/2 On India. Bank demand 1 On Hongkong. Bank demand i°o bis On Java. Bank demand i--l Private 30 d/s 1
      65 words
    • 116 3 (April 17.) lill Gambler •> 7°5 do. Cube No. 1 ,> 12. do. do. No. 2 11. Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) 10.2 do. White, (Fair L/W=s% 1575 Nutmegs 150s to the 1b.),...., 83. Mace (Banda) OSCloves (Amboina) 20. Bali Cotfee (10% Blacks) 42 Pengerang Liberian -U Tapioca, small pearl
      116 words
    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 93 3 CLEARANCES. Wfaninihon Hail, Brit, str., li mewo»d, Marseilles and Liverpool I N'okmvnsui, Dut. sell., For \'>t j Ban Whatt Soon. Writ. -:r., Ddm igc, For Bill 1 t< »n ;md Pontianak. Jay%, P. and O. *tr., Tillard, For Pefiau^ a Bekgkalis, Krit. str., Frippjor Palembang. 1 leworth, Brit, str Gar»o
        93 words