The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 13 March 1894

Total Pages: 16
141 156 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 237 141 Court ol Appeal. The Fishinv Stakes Appeal, 144 L.';;.e r. Geist, 144 Solicitors 1 KightS and Registrar's Duties 144 Politt* Court, A Poisonous Coffee Application, 148 Mischief by Fire. 150 Sj»mr r. Racing. XK 11 >*' j v Arms Navy, 145 S.C.C. r. Navy, 145 M usic« Singapore Philharmonic
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  • 39 141 (CORRBCTBD UP TO Mardi I On London. Pr»vaie credits ro/s Us* Inoi-i Bank demand dis. UN J^V, Private 30 <i, s 1.28 So'SßßitiN>, lut duvi *99* rtanK o\ England Kate 2 1. *s«;ounl months bills lf% O >, U >
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  • 20 141 Domestic Occurrence. BIRTH. At Greenbank, Chancery Lane, 01 the iitl» in>t., the wife of Ja.mks CAMMING, ol a daughter. J
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  • Article, Illustration
    1340 141 I Irre 1 tl <• f rr~« t' r>^ I*eople slat maintain, V.'n.i\\e.i b\ influence find unbribed oy gain Here patrurt T: nth her precepts .!mw, rinliTfii w> Relitrion. Loyalty. ami Law. (March oih j THERE was printed last Thursday the full text of a letter from the Secretary
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  • Page 141 Advertisements
    • 50 141 EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES. Manufactured by F. Fioravanti, Port Said. Sole Agents for the Straits. T"*HE undersigned h«s been appointed Sole Agent fur l he Straits oi the-e well- known, delic^Ceiy flav€>ured K^\pti*<n Cigarettes. A trial unl frhow their excellence. G. BETTANIN, Rc-yal Hair Diebsir!^ Saloon, Raffl s Pi;ice. M x\\ 10.
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  • Page 141 Miscellaneous
    • 75 141 Weather Report. t Marcli n.j TaAtfr. at Kandang Kerbau Hospital Observatory y. am. 3r. m. 9p. red. 32 Fah 2^77° 29-^3* Temperaiufe *S S Si. 2 7»> Wet Bulb Thermometer 7 4 77 s 7 n D»r. jfWiml N.W. N.W. Calm. #M.<. sluml* s K.i nfali in 24
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    • 584 141 The next mail Iron: Kurope is expected to arrive on the isth inst. by the M. M. S. S. Salazie with English mails of Feb. i6th., being followed by the P. O. S. S. Thames on the 19th inst., wi'h London dales to the 23rd uh. This mail leares by
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  • 1040 142 fo seriously criticize the Anti-Opium Agita ion is now rendered quite unnecessary, by the -accumulated mass <>f overwin lining evidence to the contrary. The rep< rt ol the Opium Commission when is? 1, and accessible to the press of Great Britain, will enable any journalist to deal
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  • 514 142 (March Sth.J It is interesting to note that this century was begun about six years before the career of one of England's ablest Prime Ministers, William Pitt, came to a close, and just about mi many years befure the close oi the century the yel comparatively young
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  • 460 142 (March 9th.) Mf. REDMOND lias not been long in proclaiming that his small group of Parnellites expect nothing from Lord ROSEBERY. The present Premier as well as the whole of the mongrel park that ran at Mr. GLADSTONF.'s heels, partly in the fear of their master and parti}'
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  • 142 142 (March loth fo DAY there appears a joint letter Iron, the managers of the local Banks to the Chairman ot the Chamber of Commerce on the subject of the expediency, or rather the proved necessity, of now introducing a British Doliar into the currency of the Far
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  • 677 142 I (March 12th.) Attention in Hongkong i« atpresei being directed to a tnovement lor amalgamation of the professions of Bar- rister and Solicitor, and curious the scheme is said to have originated I from so conservative a smuv^ I c as the j legal practitioners themselves thou<rl
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  • 758 143 H.MS Peacock returned from Penang this morning. Oil taking up her station at the man of. war anchorage this morning H M.S. Severn ex -I ai>iM-.l salutes with the Chinese flagship, Ting Yuen. A splendid \v<\\\ was given by the Dislrii t Grand Lodge of Hongkong
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  • 415 143 The entries for the open races at the Suugei Ujong meeting are as follows Ist Race. H.ird Times, Gloriana, Grand Duke. 2nd Race. Pai rne^-an, Alagappa, Giand Duke, Richard, Moonstone, Fir>t Dawn. 3rd Race. Pnrme an. Donovan, K. C. 8., j Golden Hope, Richard, Mo >nstone. The
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  • 620 143 i/• i nanciul IVezcs. It wav rather a pit\ that, in 1 1 i r opposition to R ij oh Brooke's proposal, some ol the shareholders should have suggested that His Highness was mspired by sordid motives in making llie offer. Nothing in the career ol the
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  • 48 143 According to the Shanghai Mercury of the 23rd in>t., a petition, signed by the ofhvti> and men ol the Foreign i'olice i Fore*? in Shanghai, was to be >eiu into the Municipal Council <<\\ the following <ia\, asking for an increase ol pa\ in consequence, i the low exchange.
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  • 1531 143 A meeting »f the Penang Chamber of Commerce was held on the 27th uit to consider Mr. Lee's proposition regarding a British Dollar, of which we give below an abbreviated account from the Pinang Gazette report. Mr. J. Gibson, the Chairman, in calling upon Mr. Lee to
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  • 782 143 The letter of which a portion is printed below tvas written by a brother •■<[ a. la Iv n-Mdinor |n tins Colony, tvho volunteered from Natal t »r service in Matabeleland. It is da!r<l at Buluwayo just after the disastrous affairs on the Sliangani river which
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  • 177 143 A proposal has been brought under the notice of the Speaker by a member of the House of Commons suggesting that a network of wire shall be stretched before all parts of the House of Commons oytn to strangers, with the object of averting any attempt such as that made
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  • 828 144 (Translated for the Free Press.) Messrs. Knowles and Company, Batavia, stopped payment a few days ago liabilities about a million guilders. Mr. Eyssel, editor of the Soerabaia Courant, has been sentenced by the Court of Justice at Soerabaya to one month's imprisonment, for printing and publishing libels on
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  • 3915 144 Before the Cliief Justice, Mr. Justice Gatty and Mr. Justice Law. The Fishing Stakes Appeal. The Chief Justice, in giving judgment, said This is an appeal f r om a judgmervfcof the Magistrate of Police, Singapore, dated 4th October, iB»i>, by which the appellant wassentenced to a
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  • 156 144 Senhor Horta da Costa, Hie new Governor ot Macau, is a [»asj>en^er by the Dr. Haviland's report on the Raffles Library and Museum extends to dcmwmoW* able len^ili and untains some trenchant criticisms '»n the institution. A history of the Library, now in its fiftieth year, is given by i
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  • 1613 145 The Englishman hears from Japan that although the Committee's report U not vet out. it is known that a majority is in favour ol adopting a £o!d standard. The opposing side is, however, well supported, as ii ran point to tl" largely increasing exports which are
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  • 41 145 The Scottish and Oriental S.S. <>. have ordered from the Fairtield Building Co on the Clyde, a large cargo and passenger steamer to replace the Phra Nang, which foundered a couple ol yeats ago, while on a voyage troiw Sourabaya to Hongkong
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  • 1204 145 Under the presidency of the Rev. J. A. B. Cook a meeting was he'd last night \6th), in the Town Hall in the Anti-Opium and Purity" interests. There were present ab«»ut 2<) soldit-rs and sailors, 40 ladies. 60 <>r 70 Chinese, a lew Eurasians and Hindoos and about
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  • 209 145 In consequence of the continued drought the S.C.C. Committee have decided to close the ground entirely to all engagements. Therefore the Rugby football match, lite Club the Navy, fixed for Friday, will not be played, unless there be rain in the meanwhile. A very slight shower Ml this
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  • 279 145 Army Navy. A very hot game was played on ihe Recreation Club Ground yesterday betwc* n the above sides resulting in an easy win by the Navy, who outclassed the Army ;<t all points of the game. The Navy for**ar<i* w**re especially strong in the scrum and in
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  • 15 145 Messrs. Boustcad Co. have been pointed local agents of the Mercantile U ink at i'cnang.
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  • 962 146 In the Indian Engineering a correspondent signing Rangoomte writes v^ry hopefully of the Shone system of drainage and Mr.' Macßitchie. We sincerely hope that the sanguine estimates of a glowing success contained in the appended letter may be realised Th« Shone System of Drainage for Singapore. Si
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  • 145 146 The AVrm Observer shakes its head over currency troubles in this wise It is indeed tantalising to the Britisher, after a lengthy experience of ihe useful little shilling at home to come cut aid have to deal with a great cart-wheel like the Mexican or Japanese coin, which acrobatically jumps
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  • 450 146 (Hongkong Daily Press.) The proposal of the Shanghai Branch of the China Association that a delegation should be sent to England from the Far East to enlighten the home public on the silver question and the danger threatening Biiiish trade owing to the appreciation of gold should
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  • 250 146 SOME MORE HONESTY." Another Bogus Ami Opium Petition and Bogus "Opium Wreck." Some ot the evidence given at Bombay on the if>th Feb. before the Opium Commission is subjoined. Comment on the wav the Anti-Opium trick is being worked has long bren unnecessary and as we have often had to
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  • 342 146 If the peculiarly good people who (n--deavoured with small success last night to lecture the public and ihe Chinese on ihr evils of opium are not impervious to hinl>, and not unwilling to devote their energies to the removal of real rather than imaginary evils, the following suggestions to temperance
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  • 1493 146 H. M. S. Peacock left yesterday afternoon at two o'clock for Bangkok with naval stores for H. M. S. Linnet, By the P. O. mail steamer Rosetta yesterday morning His Honour Mr. Justice Gatty returned to Penang and Mr. J. N. van der Beck, the clerk
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  • 1515 147 The Rev. G. M. Reitli. in the Presbyterian Church, last evening, gave the last hu? one of a series of lectures on Biblical Criticism, his subject being the Book of Revelation, which he said was probably *?r-stinrd to be a standing puz;:k In mankind. A good
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  • 231 147 We are requested by the Honorary Secretary of the Flower Show Committee to say that, owing to the repairs going 011 at the Town Hall, ihe date for hohiing ihc Show has been postponed till l!ir md of May or beginning of June, the exact date will
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  • 496 147 At a recent meeting of the Lower House of Convocation at Westminster, t!ie Dean of St. Paul's in the chair, Archdeacon Sinclair moved That whereas the Form of Piay^r for the Accession of the Sovereign has fa'len largely into disuse, and whereas such an o<c;i->i<->n of thanksgiving tor National
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  • 108 147 EXCHANGE THE NATIVE STATES SERVICES. Ihe Perak Commiliee lo discuss Hie fall i exchange and its effects t>n the salai ies nl i.tric-rs ia lhe service have cabled a lew days a«<i to the Secretary of tate tor ihe olonies lo the flfect that, owing to the dolhr having fallen
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  • 327 147 A recent Ca'cutta telegram mentions an unfortunate casualty at Benares resulting in th<- death of a soldier in tin* battalion which is, according t<> latest accounts, presently to come to Singapore Calcuita Feb. 10.— A lament bie accident ccii red at ihe riiV* range at Ben ires \e-tr-r--tlay morning when
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  • 640 147 (Kuhlow's Trade Review.) A copy of a memorial has b^en sent us by our native correspondent at Peking which according io information received must have been in the hands of the Emperor quite a few months back but which, s<> lar, has not yet been
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  • 320 147 fSiam Observer.) The overhead wire for the extension of the «*!> < trie tramway system having now arrived, we learn that it is probable that, within the next three wcHc*, electric cars will be running between Bangkcil in and the City gate, wliilst the whole line w II
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  • 153 147 To do evil that good may come is a recognised casuistic principle. In Penang you can't raffle a griffin, or have a sweep on the scores in a cricket match without incurring all the pains and penalties of the Public Gaming-Hou>es Ordinance, lint there exists some power of pontifical dispensation
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  • 1136 148 At t l^e last meeting of the Currency Association at the Bengal Chamber of Commerce on the Bth ult.. the F'resident (Mr. J. A. Anderson) said that >.iM before leaving home in November he enquired the late President of the Association, whether lie thought
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  • 1827 148 Rangoon Gazette.) Tin ores are only known as yet fo occur in any very promising quantity in the Maliwun subdivision of the Mergui district of Lower Burma, where the mines form a portion of the great stanniferous b*-lt stretching a'ong the granitic backbone of \\m Malay peninsula
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  • 134 148 (March 7th, 1894.) Homeward rates have been fully maintained during the last week, and quotations are steady as below. For London, via Canal, 25/- is the rate for Bag Goods, 27/6 fur Bale Gambier and 30/- for clean measurement. For Liverpool, the rate is nominally 27/6 for dead-weight and
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  • 525 148 A telegram has been received from Kuala Lumpor announcing the death of the wife of Mr. H. D. Richards, who was formerly in Singapore. Some 30 of the newly arrived griffins < x S.S. Darius have now been subscribed for, and the drawing is fixed to
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  • 1037 148 An alarm of lire w;hs raised i\\\< morning shortly before tw o'clock in Circular Road, the back part of X>. 2 being discovered to be in Sanies. Ihe Kire Brigade, under tlvir en^r^etic Superintendent, Mr I .ibriv, were quickly on the spot, and tin ir efforts to
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  • Correspondence.
    • 164 149 V<> thl Editor. Sir, I do not know anything personally of the Chinese doctor who spoke on Tuesday night's meeting; but since Dr. Lim Boon Keng lias objected to opium revenue, I imagine that h^ will see the propriety of at once repaying to the Gov- eminent the
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  • 785 149 aicutta, It b. 2^« special general meeting ol the Bengal Chamber oi Commerce was held this afternoon to discuss the Currency Q'lestion. Mr. Robert Steel opened the proceedings in a lonjj speech, in the course of which he described ihe situation which
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  • 55 149 We understand that a brother of the I Jistinguishetl Scottish composer, Hamisb McCunn, who stands in the front rank with Dr. A. C Mackenzie, has come to Singapore to join one of the principal Colonel Huntlv and Officers of the Lincolnshire Regiment are At Home tomorrow afternoon on the occasion
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  • 651 149 Report i or January 1894. August Shaft. We have not nude lhat propress that I had hoped for, as we \ve:e unfortunate I when blasting the holes, to break air pumps on two occasions; this caused us some delay. We have lengthened the shaft 2 preparat
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  • 234 149 The Pali Mall Gazette has invited the British public to s« lect the most pathetic line or couplet known in poetic literature. <>r tite pathos sublime, Enshi ined in rhyme, They may ransack their Moxons, who will. There's a line ol moie woe, We a
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  • 185 149 I The Pinang Gazette of the 6th inst., says: H. E. Sir C. B. H. Mitchell came down the Hill this (Tuesday) morning, having been up at the Government Bungalow since Saturday evening. At 10-45 a m tne Governor, accompanied by j the Hon. the Resident
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  • 828 149 (Contributed to Pinang Gazette.) Mr. Lee's proposal to coin anothf r silver dolhr was duly laid before a me&fng" of ihe Penan j Chamber oi Commerce rind apparently from the published reports accepted by all present thereat i as a satisfactory proposal. 1i: c isujated items who considered
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  • 201 149 For the race meeting ot the Suogei Ujong and [elebu Gymkhana Club at Easter, tlie following are the entries and handicaps fur the open events on the first day. Mr. Geo. fait lias done the handicapping. Great attention is being paid to afford accommodation and amusement for
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  • 1238 150 SATU RDAY, MARCH 10, 1894. Mr. T. F. Hough, who sustained a compound fra«ture of the right leg in the rate for ihr Champions at the recent Hongkong rare meeting, is now by latest accounts progressing very favourably. In a (Ticket match between Hongkong Civl Service and the Hongkong Cricket
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  • 428 150 Last night this Society wave what purported \i> be on" of its private Musical r venings, but really proved to be a private concert on a faiilv considerable scale, the chorus and a large section of the Society's orchestra assisting in the entertainment. Admission was, as customary
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  • 230 150 Mr. A. Michie, formerly editor of the Chinese Times, and Miss Michie arrived this morning from Rangoon per S s. AV/budda, en route to China, which Mr. Michie is revisiting for a short while. A private meeting of shareholders in ihe Punjom Mining Company, Limited, was to have been held
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  • 645 150 Yesterday afternoon, on the Recreation Club end of the Esplanade, there took place the return Rugby match, between the S. C. C. and the powerful naval combination which has already scored against their local antagonists. The verdict came out the same way again, the Navy threequarters being, as
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  • 329 150 An extraordinary general meeting o f u i shareholders of the above Company u^, held in the Exchange Rooms at noon today Cioth.) There were present, Mr J. IV Joaquim (Chairman), Mr. J. Anderson. Mr. I"i,j--layson and Mr A. Reid, Directors Messrs. I A.
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  • 65 150 The leave of Mr. F. V'ehre. Registrar of the Supreme Court, Singapore, lui> been extended tor six mouths tr<»m March i Mr. J. Blair has resumed duties at Singapore as an examiner iur Certificates a> Master and Male, under Section to of th» j Indian Act, No. I
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  • 362 150 1 lie Siamtrse do not appear i<; Uilce life very seriously. In spite or the recent partition o4 their country ami evartion ot a heavy m >iu\ I indemnity by brance* tfte Bangkok Tim->s stow that ther..* was v > lack ot gaiety cm ihtj occasion of the
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  • 176 150 T!ie silver wedding of llurir Majesties tin* kinprror and K'ii|)i>>s <>t Japan \\:\< celebrated by ;d! lo\al Japanese yesterday, an«l amongst other evidence* of wh.u whs i£ointr forward tli«' Mi sui Busman Kaisha closed tlinr offices ;i!l d\y yesterday in lionour of the event. Mutsu-hite, Uit? rrij/n- iiionarcli, \va- liurn
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  • 1165 151 Lord R/isrbery is the pet of the British Public. Politically, he is a statesman whose reputation has been made in advance he i* famous for what he is expect-t-d to «lo rather than for what he has done. He is one <>t those lucky gentlemen who
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  • 1531 151 {The following letter has been communicated to us for publication.} C harteied Hank of India Australia and China. Singapore, 27th February, 1894. The Chairman ot the Committee of the Chamber ot Commerce. Sir, -We have the honour to bring- to your notice the
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  • 1063 151 The following is the 91 h in the se»ies t,l articles I on the above subject contributed to the Hongkong 1 Daily Press. We live and we learn, but at (lie same tirr.e it 1* I difficult at once (o educate oneself up to the belli 1 that cheapness
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  • 132 151 Far from checking the speculation hi silve r, says the Englishman, ar> Government no doubt anticipated, the announcement of its decision not to impose an imj>ort duty, it seems, has had exactly the Opposite effect :at any rate for the moment. The Bazar now argues that this declaration implies the
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  • 4456 152 I {Sheffield Daih Telegraph.} My Hear Rambler,— l have f ftrn premised to rile to you on my travels, and let your readers know I < w the world jogs on in places other than IHe Wes« Riding and, now nt l;«st finding myself within seventy
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  • 177 153 The Selan^or Journal has the following exchange quotation i/ i i i i i H.N M.'s turret ram Koning der Nederntden t Capt. Engelbrecht, returned to \cheen on Saturday after docking and epairing at lanjong ragar. V\ itfa ielerenc€ to tlie rumour at i inner. g
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  • 667 153 MILITARY AT HLETIC SPORTS AT TANGLIN. S turdav the Lincolnshire Regiment A thl t Sports on the cricket I the Barracks, than winch there no place so well adapted, from pectatora point oi view for holding i titifw*. !he general arrange:is w< ffii ntly carried out under s ip vision
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  • 479 153 Interview on Pbnano Affairs. A party of Penang gentlemen, including the Hon. \V. C. Brown, m.d., and Messrs. I). Logan, A. G. Wright, and f. Gibson, waited upon His Excellency the Governor on Tuesday afternoon, for the purpose of bringing to his notice such matters ot
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  • 368 153 It is now understood that H. M. S. Cent u non will in all probability not reach Singapore before tin- 10th of April, as she I will likely stop at one or two places en route, with a stay of four days or so at Malta. There will however be
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  • 1842 153 The ordinary general meeting of the Pengerang Planting Co. was held to-day at noon in Ihe Exchange Buildings, the Hon'ble G. S. Murray presiding. There were also present Messrs. Bailey, J. S Hutton, S K. Carr, E. J. Nanson, Bromhead Matthews, J. Fraser, Muhlinghaus, C. Sugden, Ranch
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  • 477 154 'Hi* annual repon on tl»e working of the Singapore Land Office is published in the la-t dovt rn!iirt Gazette. Ihe total n--\'nut- d ri\.<! was $74,661, an increase of about \\w thousand dollars no that ot the \n errtlnw t-iir. J'here were no sah s »i
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  • 694 154 THE POLITICAL ASPECT OF THE ANTI-OPIUM AGITATION. Mr. !<i\ fit-C.irn.ic i~ ;<>) Indian Civilian of V> \^.-.tts' standing, and for the last iS] years lias been in charge <! ihe naif Opnun Agency. The fact hi> f < i i official must nol be over-l-.»iv.(i w]r:\ hi* e\idence is weighed
    Madras Times  -  694 words
  • 1006 154 "J. H. M. R.", under which array of I initials will be recognised the humorous and observant critic who wrote in these columns the series of papers entitled People in a Native State,'' makes this commentary upon Sir Charles Warren's recommendation that every European in the Colony
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  • 1929 154 Sir,— lt may be of interest to look into some of the further arguments which can be urged in addition to those mentioned in the recent report of the Special Committee of the Hongkong Ge-i- eral Chamber of Commerce in favour of the coinage of a
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  • 353 154 A P. O. STEAMER OVERDUE. Subjoined is a telegram frutn Aden to the Indian papers Aden. March 12 v p.m.— H. M. S. Pige** and the P. an. l O. stt-.unri G&ttges liave static 1 in search ot lite ami gte&mei Ramc, mrbicli !<•'' ttombayun 24th February- siid i» now
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  • 31 154 The M.M. Company *s Steamer Salazu left Colombo at 4 p.m. on tfie <;t!i itis4 and may in; exotrctifil here on 1 Iwrsday next tut: 1 sth in>t at tins iiglu.
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  • 470 155  -  Anti Cant The following letter has been written to the Pioneer in reply to a letter from M A Yankee Missionary" who, among other insinuations, cast imputations upon the Roman Catholic Clergy in India and the i hiy liirir statements as to the futiity ol the Anti-Opium
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  • 315 155 kl S. >-.;. C >mma ider Fi< i I, left homeward bound, at midnight on L. i M.r one ol I lie bes! educa- w i >-<4tas r •!> i! >! v ever n in i Oxford I*. and a man ul M^h I i o f < > s
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  • 1158 155 Th* evidence given before the Opium Commi--sion in Bombay the other day by Mr. Slater, the Manager of the Oriental Life Assurance Company, w^s in some ways the most interesting yet recorded. Mr. Slater has had to look at this opium question horn a business point of
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  • 163 155 The number ol working days of the year, it would seem, varies considerably in the various countries ol the world. According to statistics recently published in Berlin, we learn that out of the 365 days of the year the Russians work 267 days, the English 278, ihe Spaniards 290, the
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  • 335 155 Is England's ocean carrying trail? suffering', like so much of her other commercial business, from foreign competition A circular just issued by a firm connected with the shipowning interests sets forth some facts which certainly seem to bear lhat ominous meaning. Between 1870 and 1880 the
    The Globe  -  335 words
  • 519 155 We have heard the m ian of the railway c >m panics over their looses incurred in the loliy of ih coalowners actio i, and now (write-, a correspondent) the t ir-re idling eft* :cts ot the great coal war are coming home to uslromthe H
    Chronicle  -  519 words
  • 399 155 Descanting upon the iunetal ceremonies of tli<- East, an article in the Pall Mall Gazette concludes Asia is the graveyard of countless millions. Asia is ihe h >me or m my many distinct racts, all of which have different banal customs. All more or less interesting. The Parsis who rank
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  • 576 155 I here's a ivonderfu' < .<* w>.\ ■> >» going ro md, itHecting all the evidence it. can, About a pint t ii it always a- v en«found fl mi ish in i his t{. idu tan; I 1 banishes -t ii w i*r\ <•- t
    Papaver  -  576 words
  • Page 155 Advertisements
    • 310 155 nlCn d m /JL HAIR :> -1 I>r< V( ''it^ the hair from 0 1 f:^- v ,r r> j becomiug thin. Eaded, I^,,'.:^-'-^"...--;-^ j «*fd gray, «tr 3SRSssi"'ii^-'-^r rO J viry.and M .^'.•-.•V-V.V r ,.-.-;^:-A-I»r.-MTVf.s A >i^^' i^ rich'jT ;j;r- —^SaM U ri;u)C*', i:^°- iig "'r^ and color ""^fl
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    • 108 156 London. f>th March, '804. Lonl Rosebery takes the offices of tbe l-'ir-t L:»r 1 of th** Treasury and Lord Prehident of th^ Council. Lord Kimberley is S,-« r.-!,,;v <>f State for Foreign Affairs. .Mr J«.h:i M«>r!<y having declined flu* office I St-cretary ol State for India, it has
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    • 165 156 London, March, tSg^f. Sir William Vernon Harrourt becomes L-atirr of t}«- Uous*i ol Commons, remainas Chancellor uf the Excliequt-r. Mr. 'i. II Fowl" r hl^ accepted Lhe office ot S rrrtarv <>! State for India. Mr. Shavv |,f-urr succeed Mr. Fowler ns President I t|.r Lo< al Government
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    • 57 156 London, gth March /Soj. Lord Tweedinoulh Ins been appointed Loni Privy Seal wiih a seat in the Cabinet. r Defection of the Parnellites. Pamellitt manifesto has been issued declaring that Mr. Gladstone's resignation i^ Hw outcome ol h scheme to shelve Hoiiu* Rule, and that the Pitrnrlhte
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    • 68 156 Mr. dlatlstor.c is cluing well. The British Minister to Persia. London. 1 2 tli March, fSo4. Sir llnm Mortimer Durand has been appointed Ministt r at Teheran. T Sit \Ior» i<ner Dura ml, who has so successful I v < .^i i it<l *iv tie lale tins
      68 words
    • 198 156 London, 10th March, 1804. L'»r«l Reay has been appointed I inlr-r Sr-crt* t irv for India, and Mr. (j. \V. K. Ru>seli I mlrr Secretary for Home Affairs. Hamn Urrty was Governor c^t Bombay 1885 90. Mr. CJ. \V. K. RusSell, whose age is jut 4.1, rej»reses.ted
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  • 507 156 Sri Bandjer, Brit, str., Lovins, for Bandjermassim via ports. Tai Yick, Ger. str., Emke. for Saigon. Maach 9. Perse, Brit, str., Palleit, for Pontianak. Lightning, Brit, str., Spence, tor Hon^kon^. Mandarin, Brit, str., Raison, for Penang and Jeddah. Conch, Brit, str., Moses, for Penang, Colombo and Hamburg 1 Hkbf, Bnt.
    507 words
  • 309 156 Quotation. Capital Paid up Shares Pd. Div, Hangkong S'hai Bmk. 93 prem. ex. div. $10,*****0 $10,000,000 80,000 *****s V r. National Bank of C ma $35 disc. £1.000,000 JJJJ^ £g Founders. $150 Nominal 750 1 Bk.of China, Jap. Straits $2 S£* ooo.ono £149,***** ioo*7' 25/
    309 words
  • 114 156 I Match i-'.) 1... ijuumtHtgi 7 >o d«». ul»e So. i .jo. 4a. No. 2 P^ppr, Black (ordinary S'poie) uc. While, (Pair L/W«»s3t l ■SS* Nutmeg 150s 10 tlie 10.) t Mace (tianda) rioves (Ainboina; I Bali f'iitfee 10% Wmdkmj Pen^eraiiii l.ibei*ian l at*.** «tfutu pearl (.I* air 4do.
    114 words
  • Page 156 Advertisements
  • Page 156 Miscellaneous
    • 171 156 |>i imm), Brit, str., Wilkinson, for Honokon^r, Sh t n l; t l a»»d Japan. r^f>»<\. Krit. si"., Morn-, for P. \nson, via ports. H a\'»i. tint str., Thow, tor Bern* kalis aiv) Batman. S i lliiNi; A\\, Hrit. sir., Ru2ells, lor Selan^or, via po* 's. IOKD Brit, str., (ieor«je,
      171 words
    • 343 156 Passengers Arrived. Mar. ".—Per Glenavon Miss Judd. Mr. I Younjf, Mr. Moffat. Per Malacca Mr. Lemon. Mir 7.- Pc« Hebe Mr. Pierra, Mr. van dcr Stadt, Mr. Nyhoff. Per Maria 'Valeric Vlr. Hirden, Prof HoiTmann, Mr. Hirnmelreich. Mar. 7. Per Malta Vajirunhis Mr. RodriJJW»\S. Per D'irins Mr. Phillips, Mr. }on»
      343 words
    • 829 156 VESSELS IN FORT. Flags Ton. Captain Arrived From Consignees For, Whm Men-^t-War Alacrity Brit. des. boat, de Lisle Mar. 10 P. Weld Sr. X. Ottrf-r Chimg Yuen Chin, gun -boat, K. Poh Chin Mar. 3 Hongkong Chinese Cons. rf*kong, M.n. King Yuen Chin, cruiser, L. Y'njjSing Mar. 3 Kfloniikong Chinese
      829 words