The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 30 January 1894

Total Pages: 16
49 64 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 296 49 L.i d It U Thomson Road Murder Case, 51 l uri< us Partnership Action, 58 Police <<urt. I Supposed Murder in Bukit Timah Road, 57 1 hie Kampong Glam Coincidence, 57 Crk ket. Hie Visit to Selapgor, 51 Orticers of the Gairison r. R.E., S5 j Gahagan's XL v.
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  • 60 49 LoßibiiKi' uf to January 2<) On London. Bank 4 m s .2 3* demand 22£ Private credits 3m 's 23! Hnrnmeril* 3 m s 2 3^ credits oai 5... .24 v Inr> f Bank demand 1% dis. Private 30 ds 1.4^» SovfcßfclGNS, (i<> r»uv 1 v8(jo hank ot England
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  • Domestic Occurrence.
    • 73 49 On the 23rd instant, at St. Francis Xavier's Church, Malacca, by the Rev. P. Damais, Hkxry James Dorall, of the Perak Service, to Miss Mary Louise, the eldest daughter of R. J. Shepherdson, Esq. On Tuesday, the 23rd instant, at St. Andrew's Cathedral, by the Venerable Archdeacon J. Perhani.
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    • 26 49 On the 2ist Dec, at 27, Bedford-Gardens, Kensington. Walter Chambers, d.d., late Bishop of Labuan and Sarawak and the Straits Settlements, a^ed 69 r ears.
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  • 516 49 The next mail from Europe is expected to arrive by the M. M. SS. Sydney^ tomorrow (Wednesday), being followed by the P. and O. S.S. Rosetta on the sth proximo. This mail leaves to-day by the M. M. ss. Natal, being succeeded by Ihe P. and O. S.S.
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 49 Mere shail the Pr<es? t: r People's right maintain, .iwr.i t>v influence nnbribed by gain Il'-rr patriot Truth lifr j_'lorio\is precepts draw, Pledeed to Religion, I.ovaltv. and Law.
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  • 428 49 (January 23rd.) THE Silver Market is again entirely demoralised and panic prices prevail. 3ojd is the nominal quotation, a drop of a penny j in the last few days. The cause thereof is tht; decKned policy ol the Indian Govern in< nl noi to imp>>x j an
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  • 649 49 (January 24th.) In addition to the sanitation question which will presently occupy much of the attention of the Municipal Commissioners there is another matter that is of importance as affecting not only the sanitary condition of the town but its amenity as a place of residence. Singapore is
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  • 974 49 (January 26th Thai was very grave news indeed that reached us yesterday. Even the most casual observer of what goes oo in the outside world must have been struck by the serious possibilities underlying the fact that ABBAS, Khedive of Egypt, had suddenly come to what was
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  • Page 49 Advertisements

  • 819 50 I The Straits Independent in its issue of I the 24th inst. discusses the question of the under-manning of coasting vessels. It will be remembered lhat some months ago a j movement was inaugurated by some English mates, having for its object the securing of
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  • 1673 50 OPENING OF THE NEW GOLF CLUB HOUSE. Thanks to the friendly help of the Sporting Club Committee the Singapore Golf Club, which is a sort of off-shoot of that organization, has at last been enabled to enter into full possession of a habitation of its own. This marked step in
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  • 556 51 The new Chief Justice of Ceylon is considered by the London Echo to be M a man of great ability and sufficient tact, and he will do lull justice to his appointment. Amen. H. M- S. Archer leaves to-day for Penang, and through the courtesy oi
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  • 260 51 At a recent night mobilisation of the troops at Hongkong, the Hongkong Volunteer Artillery took part. On the detaclimenl forming up after landing on a wharf at Kowloon, two of the members slenuini! too far back in the darkness went ovei lh« edge ol the pier into deep water. One
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  • 124 51 It is communicated to us by the Acting Colonial Secretary that from information received by the mail it is almost certain that Sir C. Mitchell will not stay in Ceylon, as he proposed to do at one time, but will come on direct by the Sydney, arriving
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  • 80 51 Mr. Maxwell Approves the Chamber's Selection of Or. Brown. Although no official announcement has yet been made we are informed that in pursuance of the latest communication of the Chairman of the Penang Chamber of Commerce, HE. the Acting Governor approves of the nomination of Dr. W.
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  • 334 51 After the manner of their kind, and in accordance with the traditions of their caste, the worshippers at the Temple in Tank Road last evening celebrated the Tai-pusum festival with great pomp and display, calling on all such as were willing to attend to assist by their presence.
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  • 760 51 From what is known at present the possible Singapore team for Selangor, subject to contingencies of leave, &c, is pretty much as follows i. Lieut. Guggisberg, RE. 7. F. O. B. Dennys. 8. A. P. Talbot. 9 J. Cook. 10. A. J. McClosky. 11. Dr.
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  • 260 51 It is not wise for every Chinese towkay in Singapore to revisit his Happy Fatherland. One gentleman, who may be wellknown to some Chinese residents here, has till next autumn to repent of his unfortunate nostalgia; that is, unless some clemency is shown in his case. The circumstances, given in
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  • 129 51 A half-yearly general meeting of the Marine Club was held last evening, under the Presidency of Mr. R. Allan, to receive the accounts for the past half year. The balance sheet shows gross profits amounting to $1*559 for the half-year, which is to be devoted to writing forty
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  • 672 51 The troopship Himalaya, Capt. Cluchester, arrived this morning and went to the Borneo Whaif, having on board military drafts (or Singapore and Hongkong. According to the published itinerary the Himalaya was timed to leave Devonport on the EOth December for Portsmouth em route to
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  • 639 52 THE CENTURION." The Centur: n is rapidly approaching comple tion at Portsmouth, and it is said that her gun trials will tak»- place early in January next. The turrets, which are of steel, have been supplied byMessrs Whitworth and Co., and are altogether a fresh departure in I eavy gun
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  • 531 52 Penan still seems to be waging its own war as to the inattention given to its affairs by the central Government at Singapore. They are now again brought before the public in a book by Mr. McLarty, and in a rather flippant critique by his opponent, Mr. August
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  • 1288 52 The Standard says Small as is the population of the Malay States, the situation of this region, nearly midway between India and our Australian colonies, and its great mineral wealth give it special .mportance, while additional interest attaches to it ust now in view of the proximity
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  • 679 52 The Nagasaki Rising Sun of the 3<d inst. has the following significant paragraph On Sunday afternoon last Mr. \V. G. Lake was arrested by the U. S. Marshal, on a warrant issued by the Consul, and is now imprisoned in the Japanese jail at Shin-daiku-machi. The reason
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  • 455 52 Another correspondent writes to the Editor of the Daily Press as follows Sir,— "A Shareholder" who writes in your issue of this morning must be a very greedy person. He ignores the fact that each preference share in the old Company was of a p^r
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  • 671 52 Last mail brought the proposition made before the Legislative Council at Singapore by Mr. \Yrmont, one of the unofficial Penang members, for the issue by (.iovernmenl ot notes ;is currency. The pressure felt on the Treasury of the Strafe at the present time his no doubt
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  • 591 53 Chief Police Inspector Porteous left this morning by the mail for Penang. Inspector Fairhurst also left by the Ganges on home leave. The homeward and outward Spanish mail steamers San Ignacio de Loyla and Buenos Aires are due here next week. The Buenos Aires temporarily replaces
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  • 204 53 In connection with the Bank of China, Japan and the Straits, the A r C. Daily News says a rather curious state of affairs has come to pass in some instances. As is well known, a good many foreign sharelioUleis dUpo-ed <>f their shares to Chinese, Uiil in soiiir casfs
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  • 286 53 Portugal versus Macao England versus the Straits Settlements. If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, Portugal can at least excuse her treatment of Macao by pointing out that Britain is following in her footsteps in her treatment of this Colony. Mr. Hippisley, Commissioner of Chinese Imperial
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  • 284 53 In the course of an article recapitulating all the facts, the Hongkong Daily Press concludes thus Apart from the personal question the interest in the case lies in the formal declaration of limitation of the rights and authority of the Chamber of Commerce in the matter, and
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  • 258 53 It is proposed to hold a Garrison Gymkhana on the Race Course on the afternoon of Saturday, the ioth February. The mounted events will be open to Officers of the Garrison and of the Navy, and members of the Singapore Sporting Club. The other events will be open
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  • 98 53 The M. M. steamer Sydney, with the French mail of the sth January, is due at Colombo to-morrow afternoon, and she will leave again on Friday forenoon and is due at Singapore on Wednesday. The Sydney brings from Marseilles for Singapore H. E. Sir Charles Mitchell, K.C.M.G., Lady Mitchell, Miss
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  • Correspondence.
    • 887 53 To the Editor. Sir, Through not being a subscriber to that always interesting monthly the British North Borneo Herald, did not notice until lately that my few paragraphs in your esteemed journal, anent this little island, had had the honour of being noticed by the talented
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  • 713 53 A painful case of suicide occurred in the Masonic Club to-day about noon, when Capt. McNeill, lately of the SS. Hanoi, took away his own life by means of a revolver. The deceased who was fairly well known io Singapore as a quiet, respectable man,
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  • 95 53 A warrant was issued yesterday l»y the Supreme Court for the arrest o! one J ,mtrs Charles Mitchell, a trustee under the will of the late Jeffries Clarke. He was arrested this morning. The Sing Po defamation case was roieluded yesterday afternoon, before Mr. Woodward, when the defendant was fitted
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  • 3080 54 No. 111. Singapore. (Sheffield Daily Telegraph, Dec. 27.) A great deal h:is been said about the beauty of the entrance to Singapore Harbour, which is approached through a series of bright little islands covered with emerald-green bush, but it is a mistake to suppose that this
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  • 554 54 With reference to the apparently approaching surrender of Rahman and Si Rasu, (the rebel chiefs formerly officially known as the Orang Kaya Pahlawau of Semantan, and To Gajah) the latest news from Pekan is that, though they liave not cume in, that event is shortly exacted.
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  • 411 54 It would seen^ that the Welsbach incandescent gas light is to have at least one rival that runs it hard as regards that special feature of the light, the incandescent mantle. The Times says Illumination on the incandescent system by means ot ordinary coal gas is effected
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  • 557 55 The s. s. Billiton arrived this morning from P. Bra nd in with a cargo of kerosine oil consigned to the S. S. S. Co. consisting of 4,461 cases and 8,169 tins. A cas« of small-pox having occurred on board the s. s. Hydra on her
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  • 455 55 This contest, three rounds or 54 holes, has at last been concluded, and Capt. Dumbleton, RE who began the third round 1 up. has won against Dr Lowson. If Captain 1 iinblrton is coming home this way, and time allows, many members of the Golf Club
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  • 1252 55 The crushed Man from Jaffna has turned. A Mainagar retorts upon the writer of the series of papers People in A Native State" as follows, omitting sundry paragraphs of less relevancy it was with mingled feelings, of surprise and amusement that I read the article headed
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  • 651 55 ITS COINAGE RECOMMENDED BY THR SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF THE HONGKONG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. The following report by the Special Committee appointed by the Chamber of Commerce to consider the expediency of coining a British dollar has been forwarded to the Hongkong papers for
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  • 275 55 Portions of the monthly progress r fi. ts. for December last, which are of in'er^ are appended Zymotic Diseases. Four cases of Small-pix were reported during ll»e month one .;tter Lite deaths of the patient in this case a protection *q has been ordered against the householder One
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  • 291 55 It will be remembered that in ihc middle of last year a civil case was trird In the Admiralty division of the Suj>f< tn<? ««uit between the tongkang Chye Sen/* ai«d th«* SS Amlicrst. It was then derided I>\ Mr. Chief Justice Boi
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  • 185 55 OIMCKRS 1 (i\KRIS;'N V, R. This match w.i- [tlaved on l!v* [<ecr< ation Club Ground on J.m *****. l >\>i. Hinde took all 'eu wickets of Kb. Uu 27 runs, another record [*ci form <* hoc. flic scores art- appended Offickrs of Garrison. Surgeon On a. Hinde: b Craig;
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  • 81 55 A report was made to the Police yesterday afternoon by Mr.J.C. Davies, tbc \riUtt, that he had been robbed between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. yesterday of a silver watch, a seal bearing the initials L. i) and .1 gold chain, valued at about $180, a his house, Spottiswoode, Tanjong
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  • 5355 56 p\\*t annual general meeting of the Singypore Chamber of Commerce was held today at no<>n, in the Exchange Rooms, the Hun'ble T. Shelford (Chairman) presiding. There were also present, the Hon'ble T. C. Rogaardt, ihc Hon'ble G. S. Murray, Mr. Ander-on, Ml F. daig, Mr. J. Miller,
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  • 445 57 THE NEW GOVERNOR. A telegram has been received from Ceylon to the effect that Sir Charles Mitchell will come on by the French mail arriving here on Wednesday next, the 31st instant. m m A new panoramic view of Singapore, showing all the details of the
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  • 802 57 THE TRANS-PENINSULAR RAILWAY. The Si am Free Press comments on the remarks which lately appeared in these columns with reference to the proposed railway from Kedah to Singgora. It ridicules the desire of the promoters for a guarantee of 4 per cent, on their capital, which must be £400,000 or
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  • 1057 57 The annual general meeting of the members of this Society was held last evening in iheir Rooms, Hill Street, the President, tlir Hon'ble A. L Donaldson in the chair. There was a fair attendance of members. The business was to pass the accounts and elect fresh
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  • 228 58 It is proposed to hold a gymkhana meeting on the Race-course on Saturday, February ioth, commencing at 4 p.m. when an interesting programme will be gone through a:- follows 1. Scurry Race, 3 fui longs. Ladies nomination, lor all horses, excluding tfrst, second and third births, and
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  • 706 58 When any of the anti-opium agitators come down this way, there will be a great many things to explain which will probably remain unexplained. This, for instance, which reminds us of the recently printed letter written out to India by an anti-opium leader to friends asking
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  • 217 58 The Police are now engaged in investigating another case of robbery at the Raffles Hoiel, the victim on this occasion being Major VVyley, ol the 10th (Lincolnshire) Regiment, who arrived on Tuesday by the troop hip Himalay. The Major before landing engaged a boy formerly employed by
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  • 427 58 The Jinrikisha Man and his Vehicle. 11. Remarkable as the registration returns are seen to be on comparing the number of jinrikishas with the number of gharries for the last six or seven years, the discrepancy can easily be shown to be even greater than would
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  • 1110 58 At the time of the formation of the newHackney Carriage and Jiniikisha Department there were 3.991 licensed jinrikishas divided out amongst 378 reputed owners, and there were, it may also be noted, no less than 300 number plates missing. The real significance of this is appreciated only when it is
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  • 220 58 Ft a ngkok Tim e< Phra Yo!, the officer ivito w;is in charge f ?'><» Siamese troops ;<t Kitetijg O»ek »vln.n Inspector Grosgurin w,h killed t!.«.i c, reached Bangkok six class a o; and Lv ri_; Waron^, who Look part in the affair at T«O»tf CWeng Kam,
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  • 583 59 Mr. H. E. Lamb has won the gold medal presented by the Viceroy to the Calcutta Golf Club. At the Tanglin Club "Cinderella" last night a number of Austrian, Dutch, and German naval officers weie present. The Right Rev. Bishop Hose, who returned to Singapore yesterday,
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  • 151 59 Anglo-Colonial in the Colonies and India writes At the hearing of a burglary case in Trinidad the other day Mr. Justice Nathan summed op against the accused but, much to the judge's astonishment, the jury, without any hesitation, and apparently without leaving the box, acquitted the prisoner. Judge Nathan, addressing
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  • 1417 59 The annual general meeting of the members of the Singapore Sporting Club was held in the Exchange Rooms last evening (26th), Mr. A. VV. Stiven in the chair. There were also present Messrs. J. R. Cuthbertson, S. R. Carr, J. Mac Ritchie, \V. Egerton, E. M. Mere
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  • 298 59 On the nomination of the Penang Chamher of Commerce, H. E. the Acting Governor has been pleased to appoint Dr. VV. C. Brown, subject to the approval of Her Majesty, an unofficial member of the Legislative Council. Mr. Percy Frederick Mount castle has been recognised as Vice-Consul for
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  • 404 59 The charge against Wi Ah Seng, a coolie formerly in the employ of Messrs. Riley Hargreaves and Co., of stealing goods from the godown to the value of $682.15 came on for hearing before Mr. Anthonisz yesterday afternoon, Mr. Buckley appearing on behalf of the prisoner, an! Mr.
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  • 263 59 At noon to-day in the Imperial German Consulate, Mr. 11. Eschke, Uie consul, held a reception of German residents in honour, of the birthday oi the Emperor William ot Germany. A lar<*e number of J O Germans and other foreign residents attended who were greeted oh
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  • 126 59 THE NAVY AND THE GLADSTONE GANG. The following letter appears in the Morning Post Sir, Will you allow me to point "out that 43 Nationalists, sitting for Iri^h constituencies, voted against Lord George; Hamilton's motion for strengthening the Navy. As the Government majority was only 36, it follows that the
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  • 2937 60 Distribution of Prizes. The annual distribution of prizes to the pupils of this institution took place last •vening, in the presence of a targe number of parents of the scholars and friends. H. E. Mr. W. E. Maxwell, C.M.G., presided. He was accompanied by Mrs. Maxwell. Mr. Charlton
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  • 160 60 It is understood th;-it when the new Governor arrives on Wednesday, H. E the Acting Governor will proceed in the Gwenneth from Johnston's Pier to the Borneo Wharf to meet Sir Chatles and Lady Mitchell. The launch will return wilh the Governor and party to
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  • 645 60 (Pi nan g Gazette, 25th Jan.) The following Keuter's telegram, which we published on the Iph, has now had time to be considered Mr. Sydney C. Buxton, Under Secretary for the Colonies, has stated in the Hou^e of Commons that Lord Kipon considers a Royal Commission
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  • 1153 61 We had sharpened our sharpest quill, we had sought our most venomous and corrosive ink. we had drawn the cork of our drie>t humour (red seal extra sec) to tvrit<- pleasant things for the largest circulation in Asia (with trifling exceptions), but we were forestalled by
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  • 296 61 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY. Corps Orders. Head Ouaiter Office, Singapore, January 2(nh, 1894. i. Orderly Officer, for ensuing week: Capt. R. Dunman. Orderly N.C.O. for ensuing week: Corporal Batty. 2 Parades: Monday, 5.15 p.m. 7-inch R.M.L. Gun-drill. Wednesday, 5.15 p.m. Do. Thursday, 5.15 p.m. Do. Friday, 5.15 p.m. Do. Wednesday, 9
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  • 217 61 (Si am Observer.) According to telegraphic information the French Chamber have formally ratified or rather sanctioned the ratification of the Treaty signed by Prince Devawongse and M. de Yilers last October. From that it may be inferred that no possible grounds for complaint, as to the way in
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  • 698 61 Bishop Thoburn was amongst the passengers arriving from Calcutta by the S. S. Catherine Apcar this morning. Mr. Capper, as Acting First Magistrate, looks after Penang during the absence of the Resident Councillor on tour in H. M. A private letter from Bangkok declares with reference
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  • Correspondence.
    • 800 61 l*O THE P'pjrOß. DEAR Sir. I find from your report of the general meeting of th^ Sporting Clubs I did not express myself clearly. I did not intend to convey the idea that there were only two gentlemen riders who could sit in the saddle. It is
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  • 1613 62 The Jinrikisha Man and his Vehicle. HI. Considering the coolie's life under the four aspects of work, eating, recreation and sleeping, it must be pronounced to be eminently unsatisfactory in every way Compared with the monotonous labour of the coolie, both mechanical and severe, the exertions
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  • 97 62 The scores in the Profession Pairs are as follows 1. Merchants I. Stiven Allinson 47 2. Aimy I. Hinde Bryan 49 Army II. Capt. Barter Dr. Dick 49 4. Broke s. Greitf Duninan 51 Pharmacy McKay Gillespie 51 6. Medicine— Or. Kerr Dr. Mugliston 53 7. Merchant IV. Hilton
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  • 1692 62 (Pioneer.} On Thursday, 28th December, the Golf Club entertained the visitors at a banquet and the local players had then an excellent opportunity of becoming- acquainted with their guests. After the magnificent silver championship cup, which the Amateur Golf Champion holds for a year,
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  • 158 62 The cricket match on the Esplanade on Saturday took place between (jahagan's eleven and (he Selasgor Probables, th** game result ing in a draw in favour of the latter. Going in first they put together 136 for seven wickets, declaring their innings closed at 147. Gahagan's eleven made 94
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  • 311 62 A very successful confer! was giv< r at the Soldiers' Home on Saturday evening, the entertainment being entirely provided by soldiers and sailors. The concert ua^ given in honour of the ladies and gentlemen who had from time to time taken part in the concerts during the
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  • 1153 63 {Ceylon Observer,) We give prominence to the following contribution, though we by no means subscribe to all the >iews advanced (Communicated.) We recently gave publicity to the views of two correspondents who mooted the possible desirabil I] the one ot assimilating coinage throughout the whole of the British
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  • 219 63 The following Government Gazette extraordinary is issued to-day The following arrangements for the reception ot His Excellency Sir Charles Bullen Hugh Mitchell, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, on his arrival' are published for general information. The
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  • 137 63 (January 24th, 1894.) The freight market is not quite so strong, tonnage being in rather fuller supply and carg» not over plentiful. For London, via Canal, Bag Goods have bee-* engaged at 22/6 per ton, and Bale (>ambier is quoted now at 27/6. For Liverpool, via Canal, rates are
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  • Page 63 Advertisements
    • 257 63 EVERYONE HERE SWEARS by it EVERYONE HERE SWEARS by it The late Mr. Walter Knaggs, who for many years was a resident of Singapore, wrote. All my friends here swear by Anteczema.' ••Anteczema" is a grand outward remedy for insect bites, prickly heat, eczema, Dhobie itch and all tropical skin
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    • 346 63 XJONGKONG AND SHANGHAI Xi BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPII AL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND 3,900,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 t.«^««« PROPRIETORS j I °»o°o,ooo Court op Uirbctors. Chairman— H. HOPPIUS, Esq. Deputy Chairman C. J. HOLLIDAtf, Esq. Carl Jantzen, Esq. A. McConachir, Esq. H. H. Joseph, Esq. J. S. Moses, Esq. Hon.
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    • 301 63 THE BEST £Wk BLOOD ft Purifier J|^ AND TONiC Ayer'sSarsaparlHa Prepare I by Dr. .1. <". Ay«r v\. Co.. LoweM. Cures others, will rare you &i?*" Beware of cheap Imitation*. Tin; naui« Ayer's Sarsjaparill" in prominent on the wrap|»er, HTt-i is Jl-iwri iv the glass of each of our 1
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  • 113 64 Lord Kimberley Better. London, 23rd January^ /Sgj. Lord Kimberley has recovered from his dangerous illness. Jabez Balfour Arrested. Jabez Haltoiir, the chief mover in the Liberator Building Society frauds, has been arrested in Argentina. A detective is bringing him home to England. The American Tariff. At Washington the
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  • 211 64 A Crisis Imminent. London, J^tli January, I^o4. Much indignation is ielt in Egyptian and British military circJts at Cairo, owing to the criticism oh the troops and British officers by the Khedive, while on tour on t lie Nile. A serious crisis is feared. Lord Rose be
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  • 224 64 London, 27th January. 1804 1 lit- I !<>;]-, ot LonLs lias read the Paiish Councils f>i I a second t»mr. The Egyptian Crisis. The Khedive Yields. The KWd i»f E^vpi has published an order praising Ihe array and the English and Egyptian officers. He consents t<i
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  • 658 64 January jg. Amhekst, Bril. *tr., Shimraen, for Selangor, via ports. Nkera Brit, str., Morris, for Selan^or, via ports Kias Yang, Brit, str., Nacodah, for Muai Ski Sistang. Dut. str., Muhlenbicn, tor Pontianak. Sumatra, Ger. str., Zachariae, for Asahan and Deli. GIAHG Ann, Brit, sir., Follett, for Sam.ra,^, via ports.
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  • 104 64 January 29 Oambier O#QO do. Cube No. 1 v.60 do. do. No. 2 i[. i Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) 8 do. White. (Fair L/W==s%) „1550 Nuinicj<s 150b to List: ib.) ft| 85 Mace (Bandaj n 100 Cloves (Amboina) i 8 rtali rnJfee (i«% Blacks) Norn Pen<rerai»£» Liberian 1? |.m>-
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  • 320 64 SHA RE LIST, JANUARY 29th, 1894. Quotation. Capital Paid up Shares PA Div, Hongkong S'hai Bink. ioo prem. $10,*****0 $10,000,000 80,000 125 20s I jr. National Bank of China $35 disc. /i.000.00* 10 <97 0A *jj Founders. $150 Nominal f Bk. of China, Jap. fc Straits $2 Ij 2 000,000
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  • Page 64 Advertisements
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  • Page 64 Miscellaneous
    • 1112 64 VESSELS IN PORT. t Ma^s A: Ton. Captain Arrived From Consignees For, When AS^'.' Aus.jr.b M io 7 oAdamvoie Jan. 22 CoUmbo Ann. Consul d%Uvi<i |m X.. I) S4 >o Kn-elorecht lan. 23 Qlehleh Dat. Consul Oiehleh Mar peacock Brit b., 755 Caxion Jan. 15 Hon^konc Sr. N (inicer
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