The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 23 January 1894

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 77 1 Domestic Occurrences. BIRTH. Un the iOth instant, at Taipeng, the wife of E. W. Birch, Esq., of a daughter. DEATHS. On Saturday, the 13th January, 181)4. at his residence, Belvidtre, Josk i>' Almuda, in his 82nd year. On the 1 8th instant, at St. Thomas' Walk. Mathilda, the wife of
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  • 334 1 I.X \MIN(. Al< Til L»- S. French Moderation! Providence, The Sir;»it -> Dmner, The Sanitary Scheme. ->« Sanria, 34 Court Nku s. Police (Curt. Bevare of the Vidders," 35 Gang Robbery at Tanah Merah, X Strange Coincidence, 4c Supreme ouit. Sport. Cyclint*. Mile Road Kit <•. >. Cricket. Band
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  • 105 1 'January 22 G^^.:;:;::;:;;:::::::;:;;;;;;;;;;;: f->> do. Cube No. 1 do. do. No. 2 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) 87Jo. Wh.te. (FairUW=T,%{ l6^ Nulme^s 150s 10 the \b.) g^ Mace (Band*) Cloves AinL)<.)iua; I Bali Coltee (10% Blacks') JJ Pengeranj^ Überian f.-p.o sm^H pearl (Ka.r qimiViVV odo. do. flake (do. do.) 4,--do.
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  • 846 1 French "Moderation. (January 16th.) li'-rr shiii' the r rp ,s t) r People's riglit niaintain Unawtd \>\ (nSiMMet ;<inl unbriktd by gain llrrv p:»tr",t IVuth her glorio'K prccrpt- <lr;iw, IMrdirfd to Religion. I.ovaltv. and Law. There is, we have good reason to believe, a growing tendency, not only in Saigon,
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  • 435 1 (January i ;th V\ E fear our correspondent Fmther of a Fatuity is stranded on the great and mtr^i table difficulty of food versus |>"}»nlatior." which has exercised in my winds sii MALTHUS A "nominal" salary imgltt to lorbid the luxury of "an ever-gr<»v ing family" and even the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 73 1 EVERYONE HERE SWEARS by it I EVERYONE HERE SWEARS by it' I late Mr. Walter Knaggs, who lor many ><-.n i a i-, a resident of Singapore, wrote. v All 1 v tnend^ h«-re swear by Antec/ema.' An^» /«ma is a grand outward remedy lor insect b 11«• prickly heat,
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 404 1 THE WEEK. The next mail from Ifbme is expected to arrive by the M. M. S.S. Sydney on the 31st inst., with London dates up to the sth inst., being followed by the P. and O. Ss. Rosetta on the sth February. This mail leaves by the P. and O.
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  • 619 2 The Straits Dinner. (January i8th.) IT is true that the Colony has fallen on evil (lavs ot late, from- causes not of its own making, and certainly not to be charged entirely to a sour-faced Destiny. And so now it affords the people <>f this Colony a very sensible degree
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  • 1147 2 What might in truth be termed a Municipal "State Paper of epoch-making importance lias just been presented to the Municipal Commission by Mr. MACUITCHIE the Municipal Engineer. This is nothing less than a comprehensive scheme for an improved system of sanitation for Singapore. And as
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  • 538 2 (January 2 2nd.) I Hi: two items tliat have been served up to us per t,eleg r am ot laic with the sit diest iteration hive been anarchist manifestations and the downfall of foreign cabinet*. Ministiies rise only to fall before they have settled to their portfolios, and it
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  • 603 2 The Acting Governor left Singapore on Wednesday evening, the loth instant, in the Sea Belle for a short visit to Malacca, Negi i Setnbilan, Sungei Ujong and Penang. He was accompanied by the Private Secretary (Mr. Charleton Maxwell) only. Malacca was reached at daylight on Thursday
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  • 1576 3 Amongst the passengers arriving by the French mail steamer Yarra to-day from Yokohama was the Rev. VV.H.B. Urch. A Chines*! compradore of an important Hongkong enterprise has M melted away into the infinite azure of the past." So has a sum of over $5,000. In. mat
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  • 759 3 Under the heading The British Army HazelP s Annual gives the following paragraph on v Contributions in aid The amounts chargtd on contributing colonies towards the expense of their defence are Natal, £\^>o Mauritius, £30,750 raised f^om £30.0^0 Hongkong. £40,000; Straits Settlements 100.000 Ceylon, £72,500 raised from
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  • 1113 3 The Attention of the Singapore Muni< ipality is directed to what seems to be a new and revolutionary departure in the treatment of town sewage. Messrs. Howarlh and Erskine and Co. might well direct the attention of their electrical department to the subject of treating sewage
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  • 496 4 As an instance of the facilities for travel afforded by what has already been accomplished in the way of opening up the Peninsula the following statement by a gentleman who left Singapore by the mail on Wednesday last, at eight o'clock, in the morning, may
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  • 370 4 The very ii.Uit Icis .1 flavour of sunny Spain, and its purpU- vineyard* And tlv lubs ranks is the proper uame tubs areused for washing not for wine, tlmu^ii Mine is ustd by the ignorant for washing down ranged round the room of Mfs*r* Gosling's front parlour
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  • 998 4 We are enabled to add some further particulars of the founder of this old Singapore family, supplementary to those in the obituary notice of Mr. Jose D'Almeida which appeared in yesterday's issue. The following is taken from Mr Buckley's Anecdotal History of Singapore for the year 1827 Among
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  • 156 4 M And still with a voick of Dollarous PITCH." {Song of the Shirt. Hood.) I think of all thou art to me Just worth a measly two-and-three," And dream of what thou oughtst to be A mighty four-and-two." Coulds't thou but equal three-and-six," I would
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  • 258 4 {China papers.) Admiral Sir K. Fremantle, we understand, pro- poses to leave for Singapore in the hnpeneuse on I 15th February next. A week's stay will be made in Singapore. He will then proceed t<» Malacca, Perak, Selangor and Penaitg on board the Alacrity. He is expected lo
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  • 352 4 The f< >«•»«■; > oti* i»as boen submitted to the Opium Commission by the Kija of Bhinga, c.s.i. So mvd i .«1u.t1.l i \itl< nee has been already given regarding t.»«- ny of the drug* that there is hardly anything fiesh lefi f.»r me to add.
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  • 186 4 An important concession (S<%ys the SsMm Free ss) has l»ecn granted to Mr. Cohen of a large tr ni coal-bearing country in the neighb uirhood i <i (iliirbi, in the Siamese Malay States north of Penang. The wealth of this coal- bearing district his long been
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  • 544 4 The English mail of the 29th December is being brought on from Colombo by thr P. &O. steamer Ravenna, which is due here on the 22nd instant. The Ravenna transhipped at Colombo from the Parramatta the following passengers from London for Singapore, Miss Cooke, Miss. J.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 273 4 i\> THf IIDtTOB. Sir, —The recent deaths of some comparatively young men and 'hose who \\<r.still in their prime* most forcibly bring to mind the reflection, what late avails the widows and orphans for whom no provision is ever made > However sad and distasteful the
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  • 291 5 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Debating Society was held last evening in the Town Hall, Mr. Knight presiding. There were some seventeen members present, and for a business meeting a very enjoyable evening was spent. The President stated that since last meeting the Committee had
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  • 269 5 ALLEGED MURDER IN KE LA NT AN. The Stam Free Press, in its issue of the I 2th inst says A rumour has reached Bangkok to the effect that Iwo Europeans have been killed No details are given, but it is said that one of the men is named Simon,
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  • 216 5 THE FRENCH AT CHAN TABOON. A Bangkok paper reiers thus to the Frenches showing lymptomn of settling down at Uwtntaboon m coutrvention of •he treaty engagement The rumour that th* Fit in hare making I >.iliu^ ti';n at Chant.«tkMMi is true in A few hundred t«»n^ \%ill be kept there
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  • 73 5 (By One of Them.") 1 he following is the series of papers appearing at intervals I. Thk British Resident, [Nov. 4th.] 11. The District Officer, [Nov. 20th.] 111. The Chinese To WE. AY [Dec. 2nd.] IV. The Malay Policeman, [Dec. 12th.] V. The Gentlemen in
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  • 1915 5 Forbear to judge for we are sinners all. Henry VI. Act Sc. 2. With a ru-tle, a wobble and a giggle she shuffles by on foot, or reclining in a 'rikisha vouchsafes a passing smile to unregenerate man. Like all the rest of us the little
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  • 914 5 A Native Gentleman," in the Lahore paper, wr riles While the Opium Question is being hotly discussed in th«: papers, a small party oi utd J tti might be silting lound a chiragh. ana a Jit lad ju^t passed hs Upper Primary examma* lion, who i>>
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  • 1271 6 By John Hollingshiad. Blessed is the nation that can carry on business with oyster-shelU. By oyster- shells, I do not mean to build grottoes with, like the vulgar little boys at the street corner, but oyster-shells as circulating medium. The oyster-shell, as a coin, would have this valuable
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  • 641 6 Arc you a cricketer? inquired Mr. Wardle. Are you, Sir inquired Mr. Snodgrass. Pickwick Papers. Scene i. A Secretariat. Anywhere about miles from the Native States. Dramatis Persokje. A Secretary: A and B, applicants for employment. A Tamby. [Enter A.] S. Good morning"! Mr. A,
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  • 119 6 H AVAS TELEGRAMS. r( "ta Bangkok.) The French Elections. The Socialist Revolt in Italy. President Peixoto Resigns. Vaillant, the Bomb-thrower, to be Guillotined. January yili.— Trench tied ions of senators continue. Eighty-nine have been elected of the Left, and five of the Right. The Left have gained eight MJ ts.
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  • 796 6 The Politique Coloniale publishes a letter from If. Ifclacey, Commercal Agent" at Luang Phrabang, describing the evacuation of that city. The letter, it appears, was read by M. Deloncle before a reunion of the colonial party. Luang Phrabang, Sept. 27th, 1893. On the 25th, at
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  • 136 6 Ihe directors, instead of convening the usual half-) early meeting, have issued to the shareholders a circular, in which they say You may have seen by the public Press that certain negotiations have been set on foot by the Rajah ul Sarawak, with a view
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  • 759 6 The value of the property left by the late Sir Andrew Clark, M.D., is stated to amount to £203,969. Mr. Geist, of Bangkok, has gained a verdict in a libel case against the Siam Free Press. $600 damages. Lieut. R. G. Merriman R.A., D.S O who
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  • 6715 7 (A. and C. Express) The annual dinner of the Straits Settlements Association, which, as we briefly announced in our last isvue, took place on 13th inst. at the Grand Hotel, Charing Cross, was One of the most successful gathering! of the kind that have yet been
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  • 2127 8 Wednesday, Jan. 17th, 1894. Present. Messrs. A. Gentle (President), Moses, Meyer, Nanson, Wr.iy, and the Hon'bles A. L. Donaldson and T. Shellord, c.m.g. The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed, 1 hk President said Mr. So!»»t would be unable to attend that day,
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  • 585 8 The Alleged Murders in Kelantan. to the Editor. Sir, With reference to the alleged murders at Kelantan reported in your issue of yesterday, the 17th, (as quoted from a Bangkok paper) 1 beg to inform you that there is no foundation in the rumour whatever, as I have only
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  • 222 8 (St. James's Gazette.) The best friends of tl*c London County Council will not contend that the string of questions nbout the Fire Brigade Committee wa< quite satisfactorily disposed of at the List meeting. Tlier»is no discontent in ihe foree only a good deal of irritation."
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  • 71 9 I he Austrian man-of-war Saida arrived Ist evening from Kudat en route to Ceyion. exchanging the usual salutes with Fort Canning. The following gentlemen have been i xa mined at lYnang under the Language Bonus Scheme In Cantonese, Messrs. J. K. Bruce, W. Kvans and F.
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  • 52 9 Whene'er I take my drivt-s abroad Troops of led horse I see, And though I never whip at them 1 hey al~Ji'n\± kic* at me. O Council! when \ou Legislate Do I hi*- i"ir prayer attend, And in some deadly dull debate 1 i- t it ten
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  • 128 9 i;\m>. 10th Rkgt. v. K. E. is match was played <>n the 18th inst. on the Esplanade resulting in an easy >FJ for the Band. The following are on Brady \> Guggisberg < 1 .»^.iii (juggisberg \t Crsisj I )oli \> lirown irk Guggisberg l> raig jN mli c
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  • 398 9 Fin- following arrangements have been made for the torthcoming contests between the Penang Recreation Chib, and the Singapore Recreation Club, at the beginnnii; tif next month. The visitors will I' ive P« nang lither on the 29th or jist of tlii- month, arriving
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  • 1804 9  -  KELPIE Tpif. Jinrikisha Man and His Vehicle. I. There is, perhaps, no more roundly abused man than the jinrikisha coolie, the human horse as he has been called. The subject of police and departmental regulations of formidable length, his erratic treatment of his vulgar vehicle and
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  • 712 9 {From our own Correspondent.) As the absolute necessity for technical education has only within the last few years been acknowledged in England, it was a little surprising to hear Tenglcu Suleiman, the Resident of Muar, when on a visit to Malacca lately recommending it for Malays. When discussing the
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  • 1955 10 PfcOfPSCT of Working *t Considerable Profit. The sixth ordinary general meeting of the Pahang Corporation, Limited, took place on the 20th December at Winchester House, Mr. R. A. Pontifex (the Chairman) presiding. The Secretary (Mr. Arthur Giffard) read ihe notice calling the meeting. The Chairman said: Paring the
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  • 1480 10 The annual general meeting- of this Company I reconstructed from the Punjom and Sunghie Dua Semantan Co., Limited) was held at Hongkong on the I2th inst., Mr. J. Orange presiding. The Secretary read the noiice of meeting. The Chairman said Gentlemen, the report and balance
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  • 725 10 A private telegram has been received from India this morning to the effect that the Indian Government have definitely decided not to place an import duty on silver. It was suspected, in view of the inability of the Government to sell their Council Bills, that
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  • 580 10 A public meeting was held last evening in the Exchange Rooms to consider the desirability of holding a Flower Show this year. The attendance as usual was not large, and amongst those present were Mr. C. Stringer, Mr. J. P. Joaquim, Mr. St. V. B. Down,
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  • 751 11 Mr. William Bibby, of Raub, and Mr. Lewis Fraser, of Tras, leave; for Klang this afternoon per S. S. Sappho. We regret to notice the announcement, in the Penang papers, of the death of Mrs. McClosky, wife of Dr. McClosky, lately Colonial Surgeon, Province Wellesley. Mr.
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  • 512 11 Among the social institutions of Singapore, the Marine Club has been making rapid strides during the two years it has been formed. Not only is it a financial success not only does it furnish a haven of rest for the mercantile officer, when in port; but
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  • 420 11 (Slimwi Gazette The financial condition ol ihe c mntry, though the year's accounts are as yn iu< cnplcte, remains st< ady\ but the revenue will be slightly less than that of the piectMtmg year, and it is more than probable that with the exceptionally low price «4
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  • 1351 11 An ancient landmark of Singapore was removed when Mr. Jose d'Almeida was carried to Bukit Timali Cemetery on Sunday last. His death, following so soon after that of his wife, added to the general regret and intensified public sympathy with his family. The ranks of those
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  • 58 11 We [Pinang Gazette) learn that His Excellency the Acting Governor dot*s not intend lo make any appointments until the arrival of HU Kxcellenoy the Governor. As Mr. Vermont's term of office has expired, and as Dr. Brown's nomination is not yet confirmed, the Settlement of Penang
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  • 219 11 Cori'.s Orders. Head Quarter Office, Singapore, January 18th, 1894. 1. Orderly Officer, for ensuing week f ieut Merewether. Orderly N.C.O. for ensuing week* Corporal Fry. 2. Parades: Monday 5.15 p.m.— ;.inch R.M.L. Gun-drill. Wednesday, 5.15 p.m. Do. Thursday, 5.15 p.m. o Friday, £15 p.m.— 7-inch R.M.1.. Gun-drill
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  • 2072 12 Approaching Completion. In riew of the increasing population of Singapore and tin: rapidly growing demands which are being made upon the existing water supply, the now all but completed extensions to the Impounding Ke«>eivoir in Thomson Koad may be looked upon not only as a timely
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  • 353 12 {Communicated Report) The annual general meeting of the Malay Peninsula Prospecting Company, Limited, was held at the registered office No. }A, Rattles Place, yesterday, 19th Jan. at noon. There were present Messrs. Anderson (in the chair), Gentle, and Reid. directors, and Mr. Gunn, Secretary,
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  • 115 12 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, P'eb, sth 6th and 7th will he observed as public and bank holidays in honour of the anniversary of the founding of the Settlement of Singapore, and the Chinese New Year. Municipal reports for Singapore and Penang are published, and the Municipal Budget for
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  • 720 12 We append an account (from the Asian. sth Jan.) of the play in some of the minor golf matches in the Calcutta Tournament in which the two Straits representatives Messrs. J. B. Robertson and L. C. Brown took part Calcutta Golf Club. A scratch match
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  • 226 12 The annual general meeting of the members was held last evening, tor the transaction of the usual business-. The n» w ortict-bearers are Committke. Mesdames Stringer, Lovcll,W««H. dell, Salzmann and Dare. Hon. S»;c. Mr. St. V. H.Down. Hon. Trkas. Hon'blc VP.Talb t It was decided to
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  • 1598 13 A Rugby football match has been arranged to be played on Wednesday, the 24th inst.| between the S.C.C and a team of Engineers, Artillery and Navy. The total returns of Chinese Immigration and Immigration into SelangOf for the year 1893 show that 49,111 went into the
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  • 359 13 In reference to a recent attempt made in London to depreciate this enterprise Mr. \V. Samwell writes as follows to the Pinang Gazette Having lately arrived in Singapore from a lengthy sojourn in Siamese lands, and prospected a long strip of Siamese Malaya from a long way
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  • 241 13 I I>!,'t( > .l For tli' re* I V On Saturday, 14th J inuary. sonic members o( a spoiling were <>ut alter deer near IJ.iLini One ol iht? members accidentally shot a native who died shodly afterwards. Mr. A. B J. I^r i n s has
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  • 406 13 "A Shareholder" writes as follows to i he editor of the Daily Press Though the Chairman's ruling at Ihc meeti \sj of the Company held on the \j\h inst. was against the preference shares being entitled to cumulative preferential dividends at the rate of 12
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  • 799 13 {By 1 eUfrram.) The fir>t flay of the rVnang Races was held yesterday. The following are the results i. The Maidbm Plate. Mr. A. S. B.ixend^le's Hard limes io.o i Mr. Sironach's Plunger to a Mr. M. N. Merican's L'nicorn 100 Stirg Maj. O'Sulli van's Boniface 1.00 Mr.
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  • 3076 14 THE AMATEUR GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT AT CALCUTTA. Hy the Kutsang yestrrdav morning Mr. J. B. Robrrtsnn. the Captain of the Singapore (iolf Club, and a representative of thr Straits al tlir Calcutta Amateur Golf Championship Tournament, returned to Singapore from hi* vi^it t<> India. There w**r<* a few golferi down
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  • 1120 14 {From our own Corr *spondent.) Sandakan, January 13th, 1894. What we are generally pleased to call our rainy season in this part of Borneo commence with October and lasts to about the middle of February. Up to the seventh of this month the season was an unusually
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  • 166 14 Hie January Assizes w ere commenced to day before the Chief Justice, the calendar, not sin unduly long one, comprising some eleven case*, the mo^t notorious being the one against Gfth Sui Teck, Assan and Tio Kirn Wat, indicted on a charge ol mischief by tire, and of
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  • 287 15 A naval correspondent writes: A very successful concert was given on board H. M. S. Archer on Saturday evening. The guests included a number of naval and military officers from H. M. ships in Harbour and the Garrison. The platform, which had been erected
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  • 524 15 A cricket match was played on t!i Esplanade on Saturday brtween a iriM Selangor eleven and a team captained -n Mi ook, resulting in an rany vie* on :<>. (hi- former. 'I lit- Bc*or«*9 arc Mr. Cook's XI. S^t. Bet-don b Uennys F. S. Brown c Morren b Dennys
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 400 15 Robinson CoSINGAPORE. (Established 1858.; Ladies' and Gentlemen's Outfitters. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Silk and Satins. Costumes. Millinery. Umbrellas Untrimmed Hats. Parasols. Dress Materials. I^aces. Boots and Shoes. Ribbons. Haberdashery. Hosiery. Corsets. Gloves. Underclothing. Velvets. Velvettas. Velveteens. Crapes. Plushes. Gauzes. Embroidering. Fancy Articles for Presents. The dress-making department is in charge of a
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    • 527 15 EXTRA SEC" I GINGER ALE. in corked bottles similar to the famous Belfast productions. Extract from London letter: We have received your samples of Extra Sec. Ginger Ale, which arrived in splendid condition bright, sparkling, and sound. We had them «arefully examined by experts, and it is considered hn excellent
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    • 244 15 Teak! Teak!! Teak!!! The undersigned, having been ••ppointed Sole Agents here for P. B. SMITH, ITimber Merchant, Bangkok, are now in a position to >up;)ly*a!l sizes of TEAK WOOD PLANKS, TEAK WOOD LOGS. e^liave just received about 1 tons of ist Class Siam Teak Logs. 10" to 2\" square x
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  • 347 16 Quotation. Capital Paid up Shares Pd. Div, Hongkoag S'hai B*nk. loo^prem. $10,*****0 $10,000,000 80,000 *****s yr. National Bank of O ma $35 disc. £i,ooo,oo« jUoo,i 5 o 2^ 7 f 8 Fouoders. $150 Nominal 750 £1 Bk. of China, Jap. Straits $2 {£2.000,000 £249,843 5
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    • 65 16 London. i<>th J unitary, 1894. The House of Lords has read the Parish f OUOCIII Bill a first time. The Tumults in Italy. Much disorder has occurred at Leghorn an.i all the shops have been closed. It is »>*-lievrd that the disorders at Leghorn. Carrara, and
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    • 117 16 London, tjih K J<min7r\\ 1894Continued serious conflict! between the Anarchists and the troops are reported from Italy. There has been a pitched fettle between the parties near Mas>a. many being Killed and wounded. Massa (population about 20,000; is on the .i-t i c («ulf <*t (n>n,;t
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    • 222 16 Gold Bonds for .^50,000,000. London, §Sth [7tuimi r, /ftyj. The Secretary to the Tn*;isurv, Mr, Cariinle, invites tenders for fifty millions. in five per cent t« n year bonds, for gold. and redeemable in coin. A state of siege has been proclaimed in "Massa-C an ara. Illness of
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    • 205 16 London, i2>ui Jmnumry s 1^94. The St-rvian Cabinet has resigned. Hie Servian Cabinet hftl bsted about seven weeks only. It succeeded the- Ministry of Dr. Dollies and was constituted in the first week of fjecember as follows Premier, Minister ol Foreign AttVir-. Minister o» War, and Minister
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 37 16 K. A. J CHOTIRMALL Co., E BOMBAY MERCHANTS, DIKECT AND SPECIAL IMPORTERS Chinese- fir Japanese Silk Goods an 1 Curios, ftc.j ftc. r .i fi 51 J, t, s Ho« 1 .1. x x Jin. 2.
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    • 48 16 PRAKKE Co. Have just received a fresh shipment of their first class Dutch Cow Butter in tins of 1 lb $0.70 in tins of 2 lb $1.30. The best natural Butter in the Market. Also in stock English Hay and Cal- cutta Hay for I Cows and Horses.
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 592 16 CLEARANCES. Jajtuary 21. Wi'otan, Ger. str., Ott, for Penang. Tf LLrs, Nor. str.. Amundsen, for Saigon. 1-Ai.i.onoN Hall, Brit, str., Kilvert, for Olehleh, Marseilles, Amsterdam and Hamburg. Neer\, Hrit. str., Morris, for Selangor, via po r ts. Amhkrst, Brit, str., Shimmen, for Selangor, via poris. T")k(. aki'KXTikr, l)ut. str., Peters,
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    • 1082 16 VESSELS IN PORT. Flags Ton. Captain Arrived From Consignees For, When ARCHER Brit. g.b. 1770 Rogers Jan. V Hongkong Sr. N. Officer PEACOCK Brit, g.b., 755 Caxton Jan. 15 Hongkong Sr. X. Officer Pigmy Brit, cru., 755 Phillips Dec. 22 Klang Sr. N. Officer Saida Aust. M.of-warSachs Jan. 18 Kudat
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