The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 2 January 1894

Total Pages: 16
433 448 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 147 433 The Opium Communion 457 CootSSS*™ I lddislS a rC I carn,n 8^ «7 Police? Court. Chinese and Cnste Prejudice, -fort #43 ricket. Dom? tS Golfers at Ca,cua "445,446 The S. V. A. Smoking Concert, JJJ Dinner lo the Penan*? Teams .OCBLNbWS, 442 TV- I r 1 The Loss of
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  • 87 433 P(CoRRBCTBn up to December 70 1 h I O"* 11 On London. Bank 4 m/s 2 -,a demand 2 1 Private credits 3 ro/5...... 33J doo.ments 3 m i_„. J."" 14* jfj credits cms 24 J It On India. 4i J J Bank demand ,g, i v On Hongkong^
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  • 154 433 (December -50.) I Tin 8 Gambier 66^ l n do. Cube No.i...""Z.!!."!"!" 11?^ l-i do. do. No. 2 0 tc a lt Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) gjfi? Qn Jo. White. (Fair L/W= P 5 Nutmegs 150s to the lb.) 83. 0V Mace (Banda) N Cloves (Amboina) jg H p^fr
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  • Domestic Occurences.
    • 7 433 rfidfcg? ll,lli^ l feof H.G. Millar,
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    • 27 433 On Nov. 27th at the P:rish Church, Windsor. BerksJby the 1 Rev. W. L. Whitlock, lamb. iHovrsoNotlWnhead to Mary McMillan, eldest daughter of Frederkk Mar«___»ll n__.i_„
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    • 59 433 «i omtr.ipore, on the 30th Hecember, 1801 VICTOS FbAMCM Jeron, lUi dea ,lv loved son oi Bonnet Ed ward and Fanny d'Aranjo, a^ed 0 years and 3 months. At i 10- 5 Queen Street, < 1 the morning of the 30th December, Albbmt Matthbws Pbstaba, 1 shei in the
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  • 2379 433 The Singapore Free Press. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1893. THE YEAR 1893. MetC «hal the Pmi lb* People's right maintain. I naweil Lv influence and unbribed by gain] Here patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw, l'ieil_;ed to Religion. Loyalty. and Law. The continuous downfall of silver, its lowest point on record
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  • Page 433 Advertisements
    • 87 433 A Nt LO-FRENCH COLLEGE FOR LA.' P T v leaner Linden Hale. Llapham Road I.ond'^J^. Principals: Misses Le Boutillier, lf a LI IGH class education for Gentlemen's d.- w |Witers. Preparation for all Examinations. "V- e a' attention paid to languages, music and pi aCUn Kical development. Spacious accommodation anc
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    • 36 433 Al essrs. C. FAY RE Co. nave engaged a first ■^1 class confectioner an pastry cook Irom Paris, who has arrived per \;it M. M. mail Xatal. TW O well marked SUmMHW Apply RAWPIsiI^TOTKL. 1
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  • Page 433 Miscellaneous
    • 501 433 THE WEEK. l 'll next mails Iror Europe are ex,K ___l l arrivo U >' l »e M.M. ss. Q,ca"'<'>|l»n_orrow, with London advices up to 'jP^B^ 1 December, be ng followed by the I'■ fpflp s s Ma hen on the Nth inst .'with 1 jftMJniails the Iyd December. This
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  • 939 434 In domestic politics the most important event of the year has been the chancre in the Governorship. It was known early in this year that Sir Cecil Smith was entirely averse to any suggestion that he should be continued in his appointment as Governor for a further term
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  • 681 434 The financial ear just closed ha ibeen one of great atrjiety to business mcd and looking back ov;r the troublous tit r^s of 1893 we have eason to congratulae the mercantile conm unity on the maimer in which they hav^ weathered the storm The financial troub-'s in
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  • 729 434 In shipping circles the complaint this year is the same as last, low rates of freight ruling both to and from the East. At scarcely any period during the year indeed have rates touched a level satisfactory to owners, and their difficulties have been still further enhanced by the
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  • 620 434 ■DCbe year has been an exceedingly tr\ |_x for the public companies in the Sir tits, 1 1 the result to too many has been wind1' .-up The Tanjong Pagar Land Co. has ■Ge this, and the heavy liability of >y, W)" share has told severely ou local hub?,
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  • 699 435 For the first time in the history of the Colony has its Chief Justice died in harness at his post, and the terribly sudden death of Sir Elliot C. Bovill has been one of the tragically memorable events in the annals of the Straits Settlements. Though Sir Elliot Bovill
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  • 748 435 Of the work accomplished by the Municipality during the the year it may be said tbat much has been accomplished both by way of actual achievement and perhaps more by way i.t preparation. The New Town Market has been practically completed and will be ready for opening very shortly,
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  • 211 435 The various local Associations and Clubs have, in their various lines, been as usual busy. The Straits Settlements Association finds its record chiefly under the head of Military Contribution. Early in the year its Committee was brought up to strength and its work may be said to have
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  • 1023 435 In the domain of sport there has been, as usual, the greatest activity, always exceptional in such a place as Singapore, where the climate allows every sport to be carried on without intermission all the year round. The Sporting Club held its two annual race meetings, Mr. Lavino's Werite
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  • 130 435 Among the distinguished visitors to Singapore first place must be given to H. I. IL Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, who landed here on the 6th April in the course of a tour round the world in the Austrian cruiser Kaiser in Elizabeth. The Archduke also visited Johore for
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  • 1193 435 1 he development ot tlu* means of communication by railways and roads, the low rate of exchange and the high price of tin and coffee have all conduced to make 1893 a red letter year for Selangor. Operations have been extended in the old mining centres of Rawang, Serendah,
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  • 620 436 Last year it was our duty to remark that the history of Pahang for 1 89 J was resumed in the history of the disturbances. It is a much more agreeable duty to say that this year Pahang is happy enough to have almost no history, outside of the
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  • 469 436 Of Perak. the mighty Silver State of the North, the records available to us in the south are less full. The export of tin for the first eleven months of the current year exceeds by 10,000 pikuls the whole of the year 1892^ export. That of itself is an
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  • 700 436 Although not a matter of internal history the interests of Singapore are so closely bound up in the freedom from interruption of its trade with Bangkok that the quarrel between France and Siam became, for a time, a subject of direct and serious concern to Singapore merchants.
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  • 334 436 The Obituary for the year includes the names of the following -Mr. G. A. Anthony, Advocate, Penang, on New Year's Day Mrs. Russell of Selangor, killed by a carriage accident Mr. W. Davison, Curator of the Raffles Museum Sir Benson Maxwell, the first Chief Justice of the Straits and
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  • 65 436 We cannot close this necessarily imperfect sketch of the. year's history without the expression of a hope lhat tor the Colony at large, and for each and all of us. the year that is about to open upon us in what appears* to be a gloomy dawn, when it
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  • 902 436 V EST RR DAY we pointed out what would be the sole constitutional lines on which the Colony could properly ever t a kf^upon itself any additional duties towards selfdefence from what are obviously remote indirect, and highly hypothetical risks Whatever the Colony might ever do
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  • 270 437 (December 28th.) IF the remarkable sentiments which some portion of the Penang public have during tin: past year entertained for Singapore be considered it will, we think, be acknowledged that the visit of the Penang cricketers and golfers assumes an aspect of enlarged importance. It will be generally
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  • 1013 437 (December 29th.) THOSE of the intelligent public in India and elsewhere abroad who have paid much attention to the workings of the peculiar people that run tbe anti-opium agitation, must bave felt frequently impatient, not to say occasionally irritated, at the pertinacity with which the
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  • 1443 437 {Daily Chronicle.) v We're ruined with Chinese cheap labour." 'That seems to be the cry on the west coast. The Chinaman Yur.g, Li, Fung, Fu, et id omne genus, cooks, washes, sews, fetches and cat lies, glides about everywhere, clean, silent, noiseless, grinning, cheap, always
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  • 420 438 Two Austrian men-of-war are expected in Singapore shortly, the Fasana from Europe, and the Saida from Australia, via Sarawak. Mr. J. R. Cuthbcrtson and Mr. A. A. Swan h ive returned to Singapore Irom their recent trip up to Kaub, much pleased with their visit. It
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  • 329 438 THE LOSS OF THE CARL FRIEDERICH." With reference to the loss of the German ship Carl Friederich on the Leuconia Keel lately, the attempt made by Mr. A. Casev, late mate of the Ranee, to salve her, and the comments in a local paper thereanent, a mem ber ol the
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  • 413 438 Christmas was celebrated in the usual way at St. Andrew's Cathedral. At midnight, on Christmas eve, the Cathedral bells rang out a merry peal, and ere the sun vvas up the bells had summoned many to Holy Communion. At eight o'clock there vvas a high celebration
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  • 414 438 There vvas no work done at the Police Courts to-day, the usua) arrangements being made only to postpone cases to the next sitting of the Court, Mr. Anthonisz being the only Magistrate in attendance. An old Singaporean writes as follows M Deporting the Chinese for gambling is a grave error
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  • 997 438 It would have been thought that any one who had the assurance to hazard views about the nature of civilian co-operation in military defence in this Colony would have at least been at the pains to acquire even a trifling elementary acquaintance with the subject.
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  • 635 438 WANTED A GYMKHANA GROUND. One of the hopeful signs with regard to the youth of the Colony is the interest that is being shown in athletic sports and held games by those horn in the Colony. As football players the Babas are coming 1 «*> well to the front. Those
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  • 518 439 'The Marine Club Ball has been definitely fixed for Friday, the 19th January. The homeward bound P. and O. mail steamer Rosetta which was to have left at (> o'clock this morning had her departure deferred until noon to-day, in order to take in some additional
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  • 111 439 The Sultan of Kedah has received a telegram from Bangkok intimating that H. If. the King of Siam purposes at the end of this month to leave Bangkok and take a cruise along the coast of the Western Siamese States in the Peninsula. 'The object of
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  • 160 439 (Ceylon Observer 16th Dec.) A fairly largely al tended and representative meeting of those interested in the circular recently published in the (i,izttte and containing the proposals of the Secretary ot States with reference to a compensation lor depreciation of the rupee was Jit-Id
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  • 707 439 Correspondence. Labuan and "Demos." To the Editor. Sir, I notice in your weekly issue of November 21st a letter or communication under the heading of "Labuan Notes" signed M Demos," on which, with your permission, I would make a few remarks. Demos premises that "in proportion as the trade of
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  • 425 439 A very determined attempt is to be made shortly to develop and exploit the pearl fisheries in the Mergui Archipelago. They are now rented lor Rs. 30,000 a year, a circumstance which in itself indicates that they possess a considerable value. But as it is quite
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  • 644 439 The following is the Mining Manager's Report for the four weeks ending 22nd Mining. Raub Hole Section. Xo. 1 Level South. Stoping over the back of this level is still being continued, with two faces on a lode about 2 feet thick. We are now working some distance up
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  • 260 439 With respect to the work of the delimitation of the Buffer State on the Mekong, the Siam Observer believes that a considerable time will elapse before any very satisfactory progress can be made with tbis business. That journal remarks As a matter ©f fact the whole
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  • 1249 439 (Sarawak Gaeette.J Civilizing the Dyaks," a cutting from the Eondon Globe, which we publish below, fairly entitles the writer to the historic kettle. One of the Rajah's lieutenants," who is said to have given such valuable information to the writer of the yarn, should be proud to
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  • 3928 440 In the Court of Appeal, before the Master of the Rolls and Ix>rds |ustices Lopes and Kay, the case of Mighell v. the Sultan of Johore was commenced on 27th ult. It was an action by Miss Mighell against the Sultan of Johore for breach
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  • 700 440 (Pinang Gazette.) The opening up of the Peninsula by means of railways has been dwelt upon by us from time to time at considerable length, and the advantages to be derived from such works have now been prel'y generally admitted. The expensive policy of running shoit lines from the
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  • 352 440 (Times of Ceylon.) Government propose to ask the sanction of the Legislative Council for the raising of a loan of £1,000,000 sterling on account of the proposed harbour improvements, the railways, and other public works in the Island. Rather more than half this sum will be required
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  • 540 441 Penang v. Singapore. Arrival of the Penang Team. There had been at first fears that the late arrival of the outward P. O. mail, by which the Penang team expected to come to Singapore, would upset all the arrangements that had been made for the entertainment of
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  • 4480 441 The match began this morning (26th) in as perfect ticket weather as could bed- sired, good light, a < 00l breese, and occasion d clouds tempering the glare. At 11 a.m. Talbot for Singapore won the to^s and sent in McClosky and Guggisberg to lead ult the innings. Penney
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  • 2132 442 I^ast evening (271)1) in the Singapore Club the members of the visiting teams, cricket, lawn tennis and gold players, were entertained at dinner in the Singapore Club by the Committees of the Singapore Cricket and Golf Clubs. There were about j 45 persons present, Mr.
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  • 406 442 The play for the championship of Malaya yesterday resulted in a decisive victory for Singapore, the first three players being members of the Singapore team. There was a large attendance of spectators and members of the Club, and amongst those who were seen wielding clubs on the
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  • 150 442 Pen ano v. Singapore. Of these inter-settlement matches Singapore has won four matches, and Penang has won three up till now. The following are the results 1884.— Singapore lost. Singapore 130,53; Penang 74 and no for seven wickets. 1885. Singapore won against Perak and Penang by an
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  • 320 442 (Bangkok Times.) The French fortifications at Chantaboon are completed. Large quantities of patent fuel were landed from the Schwalbe at Point Samit on her last trip up herefrom Singapore with the Kuropean mail. The fuel, it is stated, is sored in a large shed under the custody of
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  • 499 443 The Dutch steamer Ophir, which came in yesterday afternoon, was placed in quarantine, the master, Capt- Preussuer reporting that one of the crew had been put ashore at Bengkalis suffering from smallpox. Messrs Camper and Nicholson, of Gosport. have built on the order of the Sultan
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  • 337 443 (To the Editor of the London and China Express.) Sir, I observe in the London and China Telegraph a paragraph stating that Mr. Stole has obtained from lhe Netherlands Government a concession ol Bulan Bay, in the Island of I .attain, which, it is all- t^cd
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  • 986 443 STRAITS PRODUCE." This Colony has never failed to insist upon one characteristic, necessary to be borne in mind in order that its true place and function in the Far East should be duly understood. This Colony has been hitherto, to all intents and purposes, a non-productive Colony. It receives with
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  • 1240 443 At the Town Hall. The lower Town Hall vvas crowded to its utmost capacity last evening (27th) by the Sunday School children of St. Andrew's Cathedral, to witness the performance of a now well-established fixture, one looked forward to with delightful anticipations during the year and enjoyed
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  • 86 443 Mr. G. F. Bird bas been giante 1 t'nee months' leave. Hawkers are forbidden to ascend the Bernam River beyond Lubok S dak. Haji Sleman, Orang K&ya Laks&man i, Raja di Laut, Member of the Perak State Council, died at Teluk Anson on the 13th His Highness the
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  • 147 443 (Gazette, Dec. 22nd, 1893 After January Ist, 1894, the export duty on Bernam tin will be (13 per bhara. The Selangor Estimates for 1K94 are published. These are some of the figures: I'.XI'KNDI TURK. Estimati i) Revenuk. Among the votes for works are Water-supply (4th vote) Si 16,000
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  • 180 443 m m lhe S. S. Purnea leaves at 4 p. in. today for Penang and Calcutta with the returning Penang cricket team. They are assured of a hearty welcome home. The Official Assignee in Bankruptcy, Mr. T. H. Kershaw, expects to i><- in Sin gapore by the yd of January.
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  • 235 444 Yesterday, St. John's Day, there was held at the Freemason's Hall, Coleman St., the annual installation meeting and banquet of Lodge Zetland in the East, No. 508. The Lodge was called to meet at 5.30 p.m under the W. M., Wor. Bro Allen, there being a large gathering of
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  • 878 444 As a part of tbe entertainment provided for the Penang Cricket team, a Smoker was given last night in the Tanglin Club, kindly lent to the S. V A. Committee for the occasion. The nominal hour for beginning vvas t) i p in but
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  • 155 444 Ihe mail despatched from Singapore to London, via Brindisi, on the 2Sth ultimo was delivered on the 2 ,tb instant. The Australian Register says that Mr. Alfred Holt, shipowner of Liverpool, chief of the great Blue Funnel line, proposes to run a special line of steamers between A f'-vv days
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  • 294 444 1 he Rio de Janeiro Gazeta de Noticias has excited tbe ire of our Gallic contemporary the Progres de Saigon because, after living in Paris, amicably with the Frenchmen, for two years, the Brazilian journalist returned to his home and wrote unflatteringly of their national character
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  • 757 444 A seaman belonging to H. M. S. Severn last night contrived to fall from the window of the Oriental Hotel after closing time. He vvas picked up, suffering from a fractured leg. The condition of the Esplanade rendered football almost an impossibility, and the Rugby game,
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  • 199 444 Through the kindness of the ladies and gentlemen who interest themselves in the welfare of Chinese girls, the inmates of the Chinese Girls Home at Kandang Kerbau were last night entertained with a Christmas tree and treat. The proceedings consisted of a hymn sung in Chinese; a
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  • 286 444 (Calcutta Statesman.) The fortnightly article in the Times on IndianAffairs" is always more or less interesting, and sometimes contains information of real value on Indian questions. The article of 13th November is largely occupied with a eulogy of Mr. J. G. Scott (Shway Yoe), a proposoi his
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  • 440 444 Some astonishment his been caused, says the Journal dcs Debats, at the nomination of Rear-Admiral Dupuis to the command of the naval division in the Far East, to replace Rear- Admiral Humann, whose time expires on Feb 3 next The usual commission for a Rear-Admiral is two years, but Rear-Admiral
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  • 786 445 THE STRAITS GOLFERS at the CALCUTTA GOLF TOURNAMENT. Championship. Singapore, second Penang, fifth. (By Special Telegram.) The following telegram was despatched from Calcutta on the 28th instant, (yesterday) at 7.38 p. m Championship Brown fifth, Robertson second. Latter tied best score [at] Dumdum. Straits beat Nagpur by two up and
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  • 49 445 < It is understood that after all the transfer of the* Colonial Treasurer at Hongkong, the Hon. N. G. Mitchell Innes, to another Colony is not to be insisted upon, and that some arrangement has been come lo whereby he will continue to hold official position i:. that Colon v.
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  • 1910 445 Mr. Howard's Evidence. At the 13th sitting in Calcutta the following evidence, dealing with the Calcutta opium trade to this Colony and China, was given by Mr. H. S. Howard, of the firm of Messrs. David Sassoon and Co. The following is an abstract of his statement
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  • 1478 445 (Saturday Review.) Rajah Brooke finds that the zeal of the collector is eating him up. Many species of fauna and flora which used to abound in Sarawak are threatened with extinction, and he has issued an order, while it is yet time, excluding all the race.
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  • 193 445 Under the satirical heading Arranging for Evacuation," the Siam Observer says that recent arrrivals from Chantaboon report lhat several additional buildings are being put up there by the troops, as though more men were coming. The same paper states that advices from Paris have been received to ihe effect that
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  • 1744 446 The U. S. warship Baltimore arrived at Hongkong from Singapore on the 22nd inst. The French gunboat Aspic returned to Bangkok from Hatien on the 23rd with li. Pavie. The Netherlands-India Government steamer Pelikaan, Captain \V Kuiper, arrived here this morning from Deli. Mr. E. C.
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  • 1080 446 A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon, Mr. Gentle presiding. There were also present the Hon'ble T. Shelford, Mr. Sohst, Mr. Nanson and Mr. Meyer. The President regretted that he had to call a meeting before the end of ihe year, but the Commissioners
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  • 619 446 THE STRAITS GOLFERS at the CALCUTTA GOLF TOURNAMENT. The Straits Victorious over Bombay. The public will be pleased to learn that the golf representatives of this Colony, Mr. Lavvrie Brown of Penang, and Mr. J. B. Robertson of Singapore, still continue to achieve highly creditable successes in the royal and
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  • 166 446 A correspondent writes: At the Koval Engineers' Mess a very pleasant concert was held on Boxing Night, at which a good number of visitors were present. Several very good songs were given by C. S. M Gardner, Q. M. S Rtclcetta, Sergt. Gibson, and Corpis. Creeth,
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  • 940 447 The invasion and the victories of the Penang team are the only topics we discuss as we slowly convalesce from our festivities. To our astonishment, the Penang m«n were not overburdened with their grievances, struck no tragic attitudes such as folding their arms, looking out of
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  • 439 447 The Years Output. The. following telegram has just been received from Raub by the local Secretary, the Raub Australian Gold Mining Company Ltd., Singapore Raub 430 p. m., 29th Dec. 1893. Crushing finished, f,fjo Tons stone realized 1 ,01 5 oz. smelted gold. Resumed sinking Bukit Roman. This
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  • 354 447 Mr. A.S. Annaud.the agent of the National Bible Society of Scotland for North China, in a recent account of a journey to the forbidden city of Hunan, writes as follow s > il iviitig sold all my bo >ks, I asked the soldiers to me to the ancient sue uf
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  • 25 447 A lady was recently described by a rival as having "organs of hearing which were unfoitunatcly large for ears and not large enough for wings."
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  • 405 447 His Excellency the Acting Governor has appointed the following committee for the management of the Raffles Library and Museum during the year 1894: The Hon'ble the Colonial Secretary, the Hon'ble H.A. O'Brien, Mr. H.N. Ridley, Mr. R.W. Hullett, the Rev. G.M. Reith, Mr. VV. Nanson, and Mr. W.
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  • 433 447 The following letter by Mr. T. H. Kershaw appears in the last number of the Law Journal S»r, One ofyourlcadinganiclcsin to-day's issue refers to some remarks ot Mr. Justice Williams, which, as you truly observe, will be of interest to official receivers in bankruptcy. 1
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  • 214 447 Before Mr. Anthonisz this afternoon the further hearing of the charge ol mischief by fire preferred against Gob Svvi Teck, Assan and Bah Chi by seltiu'* fire lo Messrs. Hooglandt Co.'s gtxtown was postponed until Wednesday next. In a recent interview, on behalf of the Sydney Telegraph, with Count de
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  • Page 447 Advertisements
    • 219 447 THE BEST Ayer's Sarsapari I la Prepared t»y I>r. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Cure 3 others, will cure you if"" IJeware of aheap Imitation*. Th<; name Ayer's Sarsaparilla h prominent on the wrapper, ami is blown iv the glasa of each of our bottles. The Singapore Dispensary, Ltd., General
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  • 646 448 Another Matabele Attack. London, 25th December, 1803. Later despatches from Buluvvayo state that Major Forbes had repelled a fierce attack, but vvas compelled owing to lack of rations to retreat from the Shangani river, having had to abandon gun carriages, &c. The horses had arrived safely at Inyati.
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  • 354 448 3oth, 1893. Quotation. Capital Paid up Shares Pd Div, Hongkong S'hai B^nk. ioo prem. $10,*****0 $10,000,000 80,000 125 20s 4 yr. National Bank of Crina $35 disc. £i,ooo,oo« /400 ico 1Q.97 0A *>t o 29,9550 £8 Founders. $150 Nominal o t Bk. of China, Jap. *t Straits
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  • Page 448 Advertisements
    • 77 448 GRESHAM HOUSE, 1 8, Battery Road. Mrs. ROOKE IS NOW SHOWING NEW DRESS MATERIALS French CrepAns in Various Shades for Day and Evening Wear. Black Silk Dress Nets, Black cV I olouted Surah Silks, Fancy Dre*s Sateens, Ribbons, Faille, Shot, Satin fancy, Black Silk Sunshades. Ladies White a: d Printed
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    • 106 448 ST. ANDREW'S HOUSE SINGAPORE. is a Boarding House for European A and Eurasian Boys only, attending Day Schools of the Colony. It is under the direction of a Committee consisting of the Bishop, the Colonial Chaplain, and live other gentlemen. Applications for admission should be addressed to the Honorary Secretary,
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  • Page 448 Miscellaneous
    • 642 448 CLEARANCES. December jo. A. Apcar. Brit, str., Hansen, for Hongkong. Ski Hong Ann, Brit, str., Rozells, for T. Anson, via ports. Sappho, Brit, str., Wahl, for Malacca and Klang. Ganymede, Dut. str., Odink, for Deli and Pangkalan Brandan. Turbo. Brit, str., Townsend, for Hongkong and Bangkok. Teheran, P. and O.
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    • 643 448 Flags Ton. Captain Arrived From Consignees For, When Men-ot-War Pallas Brit. 2575 MacLeod Nov. 24 Rhio Straits Sr. N. Officer Pigmy Brit, cru., 755 Phillips Dec. 22 Klang Sr. N. Officer Severn Brit, cru., 4050 Hendercon Dec. 2 Hongkong Sr. N. Officer Other Vessels Arthur Head Brit. 1886 Lennard Dec.
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    • 209 448 Anjer Shipping Report. (Specially compiled for tltC Singapore Free PresO, [Date of passing Anjer Nationality and description of vessel Captain's name Where and when sailed. Destination.] Dec. 14. Nor. bq C. Tobias Floystad Algoa Bay Nov. 4 Padang. Dec. 18. Amer. ship., John Cijrrieu Laurence; Hongkong, Dec. 2 New York.
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