The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 25 July 1893

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 104 1 5° Fra 50 Court News. The Police and the A Malay Feud, er and the Chinas tion against the Official Assignee. The Asms, Chop Tr na Mohamed, The v r Ceylon. nder 30," 57 G 63 viol Opening Ceremony, 58 5' Raub, 51 I N .usances, it on the
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  • 39 1 o July 24 On London. Bank 4 m/s I 6{ demand... Private cred unents 3 m om On IwtU h mand On Honom Bank demand d' s On Ja> ■h d«m:in I inland Rate ij Discount 3 mom
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  • 8 1 1 \l be June
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  • 16 1 Domestic Occurrences. BIRTH. ihru, on the 22n I ILLIAM C\MBRON,Of i SOU. DEAIH. gap** Amy B^l,
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  • Article, Illustration
    575 1 The next mails for Europe are expected to arrive by the N D.I Hdenburg on the 28th inst., with London advices up to the 6th inst being followed by the M 11. *r on the Ist prox., with London dates up to the 7th inst. This mail leaves
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  • 919 1 (July 1 8th.) To-DAY is printed an account of the murder of two Swedish missionaries in China. It becomes dear that this sort of thing is likely to go on. When will the people responsible for the who' nding of mis>ionaries to China, against tin will
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  • 256 1 IT is clear that there is not yet -\u.iablo ;i thoroughly rcli.ibl* account «>t tlie Paknam affair, and Lhe news that Frai directing her representative at Bang claim infringement ot a treaty ia a where M. PAVIE himself is stated to admitted that the French gunboi in
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  • 401 2 Maritime Law." (July 19th.) publish in our correspond* columns a letter on the recent decision of the Chief Justice in the Supreme Court in the case of the Amherst v. the tongkang Chye Seng. In 1 1 at case it v. that vessels registered in Johore are not bound to
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  • 1820 2 (July 21st.) According to the telegram from London, the position at Bangkok has became acute from a diplomatic point of N After having engaged for some time in warfare against Siam for the invasion of the Mekong va! actually a warlike step, and only saved from bloodshed by
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  • 215 3 about in Kinta. rn Sjrdn Tht- tdron, under a from m Lonthat to go to ounces the I al, .1 in respect to three of $2 he off*-: taking ithin the last three month-. The evidence went that tht er had received riage hire, flfcc., had
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  • 30 3 THE MILITARY CONTRIBUTION IN COCHIN CHINA. m publi- the Prothat the French te of the public tinai; Cochinibution. The jua it as that at it would pretence :ig to the
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  • 22 3 THE HONGKONG AND SHANGHAN BANK. the i '1 lh« vrral ia<! to I etc a xpcrience than Mr. >n ace Mr. De
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  • 755 3 f the Methodist Epw n exceptionally busy during ti (ration of t Chun held, all of them well atlended. aland rent ntly made in iiurch iair of cbeerfal building h compar rably with most of the public bu The internal d< do! particularly elaborate, but the colours
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  • 757 3 lu!y. I have j of the murder of the Wickholm and Johans-an, two Swedish missionaries belonging to in an anti-foreign riot at Sungpu >w in a hu'ried note send you the particulars they can beg., present. Sungpu is a mai in the district
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  • 252 3 (Siam Free There are no I now at the of thei ***** b i crew of 'A. M. chieuy wit* board a -id vented fron week through iltn Wedn comra to leave Bangk i the have 1 recent 'liry at the the hold i favount mornii of the
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  • 143 3 The English mail of the 30th June brought from Brindisi to Colombo by the aria, which tranships it atColoml Singapore into the Ravenna, probably due here on Sunday next or earlier. The board tbe Ravenna >ell and child and From Brindisi, and E. H When the two local ice-companies amalgamated
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  • 283 3 Probable Location 01 I.uwkk i Advices are received to-day from the Raub mines. There is nothing of much importance, but good prog: >eing made in opening up the new Raub workings, and the battery is steadily at work on the stuff from the new lode. In No. i level
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  • 506 4 The exchange banks of India stood to i 7 lakhs of rupees by the closing of the mint, on account of silver in transit. The Government promise to consider their case. The Commander-in-Chief has approved of Capt. J. Collinson. Northamptonshire Regiment, being placed at the disposal
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  • 576 4 {From our own Correspondent.} Friday, June 23rd. The appointment of Sir Charles Mitchell to the Governorship of the Straits Settlements appears to have been quite unexpected here, and especially by the members of the Straits Settlements Association Committee, who, however, now that the appointment is made, candidly admit,
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  • 1344 4 il would .Tiber n the ha predicted turned in connt iture. Hut it mu^t be thered it to s» 1 with their <;*n lips. In a I m of the local Government on UcutU, the I he Kidderpore 1 utilized luently arisen in connection with their work- st
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  • 69 5 Correspondence. Maritime Law. TH! To tbs Editor. :enin the Supreme t length in ng- nd the verdict in the i to ellthe side I nly exceptions beii [)h cable, or a v< hree red The li. :rnn but I By the precedent established in -ome of ti with impi. ur
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  • 143 5 the Editor. i^entlem< Mil »n--1 it and for the hot cwell to i the the all modern appliances It compa r of cuisine it is far sup i ior t any Indian hold. I'lie r, e orders J X 1 :it h-lo I'li-m- .'-•> H'-re
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  • 260 5 THE BURNING OF THE "DON JUAN." |uly 7th. New Here on V. y that the Juan had been totally I Holinao. She left l» ulto. for Ainoy and M ty to the nt have been i but it I now ihe Don Juan took in a lot of general She
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  • 552 5 udon and China Express?) It was fitting that the first colonial Insurance Company to purchase a freehold site and ei buildings for its own occupation should celebral unique an event in a proper manner. The St Insurance ompanies, Limited, (Fire and Marine), therefore gave a House-Warming
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  • 61 5 iling became quite an art in ne time ago. A illing to learn here the \n- introduced, presumably by Orientals Two or three ca irred, the last during the Methodist meeting at the Town Hall last night. There should be no great difficulty in tracing it by the olice, but
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  • 130 5 A telegram to The Times from The Frc incident rests upon the statement namites. Material im. induce the Siamese Government to <li-ny that version, although as yet it knows the event on account of the of its occurr< A telegram received on the iSth from
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  • 352 5 A most audacious attempt was ma impose upon the Detective Department ig on information rein and Fairhurst went to Kampong Bharu, t > the house of Id Chinese counterfeiter who had d more than one term of imprisonment, but just bcfoi entered the jlc the precaution to search informer, but
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  • 350 6 van > ioor, arr; raits of Malacca S Uurday evening the entrance to the Gai and the finish will b K.'J that is interul. In i n im n i mg run The British st irthensk lay, has on board 197 lit the lapai which i~<
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  • 72 6 ■i Belle ha mile !r. Cliffr and Duff, who had come d< vent out in the nt laun ■uld pred hut 01 t to the is intent j up tineen abai past nin towed by the launch of the Sea B he river; the S5. Kuanian
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  • 356 6 We give below the names of the team that have been selected to go, if due arrangements can be made, to Ceylon in mber as representative of the Straits Settlements and Native States. The Straits Tkam. i. H. 1 Captain) Perak. Peak. 3. K. (i.
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  • 126 6 TESTIMONY TO THE LATE LIEUT MARTIN. Friends of this officer will be glad to see the following appreciative notice of him in the Soldier: an officer dry Regiment, obtained his fighting jht Rangers. He w :ul man. champion amateur ped, (many of our readers have ii him making the pace
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  • 103 6 unfortunate t occurior by fort i: linjj without seriouy shaken and d and with the large tree immediately behind t on Club, overturning the phaeton, wit! ilt that one of the children ;d on the forehead, am badly bi about the body. The other oc< the carriage. n Cuylenberg and
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  • 415 6 One of the prettiest weddings Singa| has seen for a longtime was that which took place to-day at the Church of the Good Shepherd, between Mr. Theodor K of Singapore, and daughter of M r. Theodor Sohst, the ed head of the German community ai. in the
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  • 71 6 The news given by us yesterday that there had been a disastrous fire in the d Kingdom is to-day suppleme by the information that the fire occurred in the City. Win. Drown Co., Ltd., iesale Stationers of 38-40. St. Mary Axe, have been totally burnt
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  • 174 6 the Assizes yesterday afternoon the against Lim Oh Hoh indicted on a charge of stealing the sum of $1,855, tne moneys of his employer, a Chinese trader in Boat Quay, was concluded, the prisoner utenced to twelve months' impriame afternoon was commenced the case against Tan Kang Chuan, formerly
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  • 302 6 JINRIKISHAS AND THE POLICE. A Test Case. :her difficulties are beit 1 in connection with the new Jinr >rdinance, another t>*st case being brought before Mr. Woodward this rr w to if poss. relations existing in I of the law betw -ha Department and th< now been be superseded, in
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  • 166 6 H. E. the Go\ from his coast trip to Kelantan and Tringganu next Monday (the 24th in>t). now arranged that lie will re re t over urei L'jong places he v. August. The case against Tan Kang Chuan formerly a clerk wit Co.. who was in charge of fo wa
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  • 1695 7 lhat he had IcttOT e* i i ■< :r ,t!)>i' e !roiTi the C oloni il been a; nice with regard to the I med to be shrouded in be suppo-ed to aciounl f r the outbre.ik. One I time v> b*. He hoped, iowcv' of a did
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  • 310 7 Correspondence. The Registration of Medical Practitioners. Editor. Sir,— Much has been r about unqualified medical :iy, and yet no deiinii taken to frame an ordinance for the registration of Medical Practition In England prior to i the Medical Act me d to have been the happy hunting-ground of those posssessed
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  • 369 7 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS ASSOCIATION. The following is the report to the memior the year ending 30th June, 1893. Your Committee beg to present to you their Annual Report and Statement of Accounts or the year ending 30th June, 1893. In February, of the present year nmittee was reconstituted, and several ive
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  • 385 8 Capt. Grier of the interior, from Batavia yesterday, reports having spoken ierman barque Schmidt, of Bremen, in in Rhio Straits bound for Singapore. GeO. King, ihe local agent of the O. Companv. who went to the hills in Ceylon for tit of his health, is returning
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  • 448 8 We reported yesterday a test-case brought hether, now that the control of jinrikshas has been handed over to the Municipality, the Police have the power to proceed against loitering rikisha coolies, or aganist those guilty of street offences. Mr. Woodward reserved his decision till this morning,
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  • 88 8 .jkok mercantile telegrams lay report no change in the 'situation. There has been received by Pigmy, from the rnment From tin Minister. But in rativc ■>n be received; and if nut to hand th; i-ul. M has the all in his own mind no i the real
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  • 14 8 bo is on his aid to be a Hrst irrison team will iiis new
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  • 1019 8 (From a Prophetic Contributor.) Great Fire in Singapore in 1903. (Pre-printed from the Free Press, Ist July, iy< The signal guns went shortly after 7.30 p.m. Long before that the Fire Brigade had been duly alarmed. A large fire was announced, but that did not lead to
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  • 197 8 Not for the first time in hi coat of many colour trouble to somebody or oth< r the owner in esse or the owner in And the Chinaman who on Thursday a: hovered about the bark pr< the Hon'ble A. P. Talbot's house, i greatly
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  • 211 9 COLONIAL TARIFFS 'AND IMPERIAL TRADE. and Trade Tre,. the most- favoured -na: use in In ind the inter Great her commtfl defence, not only in the >reign count- > the case of the Colonies as The jr on to trace the steps by which \ed at their present lias bound
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  • 4 9 par graphic com has
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  • 304 9 reinstated for tht Singapore Free The Civil Government of Manila have subscribed $150 for the relief of the survivors of the Don yuan. A movement has been set on foot to confer the Cruz de beneficencia of the first on the Captain of the San Antonio in recognition
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  • 176 9 (From our own Correspondent.) In the early morning of the 21st we had squall of the squally season now set in and one tongkang the sea wall taking to prevent a longkang going out of throw 0 cargo of fruit. Harbour Department ere engaged it day-break. and that by
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  • 277 9 The carpenter of the steamer Chelydra was sentenced by the Marine Magistrate yesterday to six weeks' imprisonment for refusal of duty. We find that the latest information from the Colonial Secretariat as to the Governor's movements is that H. E. will leave for Sungei Ujong and
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  • 76 9 Leaving Kuala Kuantan on Wednesday, the Governor, accompanied by Major McCallvm, C. M. G., Norton, and Mr. Hugh Clifford. acting British President, proceeded to Kuala Kuantan. Leaving the Sea-Belle at 3 p. bs. he wrnt up the river in a pin towed by the steam launch, and
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  • 554 9 The G< Instrument appointing the Hon'ble A. P. Talbot Acting Governor is published. The leave of the Hon'ble W. E. Maxwell, \tended till the 26th inst. The Hon'ble D. Comrie is granted four months' leave of absence. Th«' rate of exchange for the adjustment of a< counts with
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  • 186 9 The following paragraph from an Indian paper has a bearing upon a rather important local industry in $ingapo- triune awaits the mail who will be able lay down durians in Eugland by the r rating or other process in such a to leave the texture and aroma of
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  • 1511 10 I :ioon His Honour the formally opened the new school premises in Coleman-street, in the Ily throng of the par' and friends of the pupils of the Anglo Chinind by the opening of tb< ment will be placed ■rd accommoda- Inch has for some time 1 hampered their
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  • 225 10 juiy 2isi, 1093. or Teng SC, which ment, this da\ shaw int. I he of great importance to th< arnt upon goods for ne^ ng. The se firm of bang, and I of a large numbc chiefly emplo\ .ean iding and unload On the 16th January a 1
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  • 12 10 ■iow 10 wcnt| o a rabid dog, has ooking in good health.
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  • 203 11 Interim ft. Had John I t bilchell with and Roh I be a some do t l r H e mcd* and tne f. l> cannon reasons, no doubt) he where v played. e for the pleasant H>pinj» lelot' r indoor w ho over to put money
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  • 19 11 im- houses capa°Ut i tnhirco CSt K b the corresp A >t three Being turn
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  • 525 11 Re\r-Admiral A. H. Marhham, iw ,oOD Wok The Devastation has served many commit id abroad, during the last twenty .■cently been thoroughly over- up to date, is likely to ren i idy to take her place in the line-of-battle, if required, for many years ittnn and
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  • 550 11 Full reports of the speeches on the introduction ol the Indian Currency Bills at the Viceregal Council on June 26th are now to hand. Sir David Barbour introduced the bill, in a masterly speech, commencing with the history and use of the precious nntals and money,
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  • 191 11 A dog with a tin pail tied to his tail, remarks a writer in the Marine Journal, >t an unusual sight, but a whale dashing I] buoy to his tail certainly is. That was the spectacle witnessed by the people who went to see the wreck of the yacht intucket
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  • 325 11 Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe is enraged Chronicle, in elaborating an entirel] of the geography of the ge pointing to the existence of a gre it tinent basking in a Europe, Asia and No the icy fetters of the of the ancestry of bii course, the lecturer gave
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  • 304 11 The A r C. Dail A that the step which th ties have announced their intentioi that of making th*» mail companies full tonnage dues after this month iheir steamers coming, inghai have inconvenient community. For more th says our cor pquently nan mail companies, hive been allowed to pay
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  • 654 12 The Fight at Paknam. Capt. Payne's Narrative. Hot Engagement. Mfn from the Pallas" at Bangkok. Scuttling of the J. B. Say" the Siamese. >ats Cleared for Action. Sia' Ready to ram. Capta Intervenes The Fk DMIRAL at Saigon. \r fur Bangkok. sate, Capt. Payne, which arrived ning
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  • 283 12 The the sinking ot J. B entirely different from any it has to be I that t. 1 had a ii war vessel /..< in t „ed the Regulations by omi' 1 at the Customs House, and de-iu-r cargo manifest ;ired i (i) printed
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  • 222 12 Information from a reliable source says that the .statement of the French Admiral beinjj at Koh si-c hang and on board the For/nit is al>r>olutely false. Admiral Humann has been on his flagship the Triomphanlt at Saigon, and when the M. If. Sydney left on Sunday,
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  • 263 12 The Ban Seng Guan, Captain Geary, left Bangr i two on Friday afternoon, at which time the Lutin, the Inconstant and the Comite were lying in the river, th r higher up, but all betwe French >n and the Oriental Hotel. The I ady for action,
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  • 188 12 Telegrams have been n-ceived that the line of action be th regard to the forcii on the 13th the Inconstant and the ComHe is that th< affair must be treated as a inisi; VI. Pavie, having promised thai iould not go up t<> Bangkok, can hardly take
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  • 216 12 THE FRANCO-SIAMESE TREATY OF 1856. The existing "Treaty ol Friends! meice and Navigation between I and Siam vr&S signed at Bangkok on the 15th August, 1856, and was duly ratified there on Treaty fi The plei eluding t the i and The accorJi m. II y entre Sa m ier
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  • 296 12 Arrival o (Siatu i [The curio i :lic paper is «i*ted I but it ot tin* 13th h even 1 1 the 15 the Si t to the on rxmd. >sed to colonial expansion, and tmme, firm on the question of Frr n all parts of the
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  • 2217 13 -d of the ntion had been ca! a tetter wriof June 16 reg ench chined the whole of the Siamese territory east of the Mekong amounting to one-third of the kingdom of whctK- I -ch troopshad invad-d and occup whether it was propo^d to M
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  • 229 13 A wire has been re< s.s.Alboin left Bangkok at noon y< day, so that the Channel is evidently open. It would spfm a- >ho*tgh mati' quieting down, therefore. Bmmgk* 1893. 5 m. {Special to the Press.) Consider French ultimatum accepted by Siam. The above intelligence is fully
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  • 249 13 ws has been received in Singapore to day from Saigon that there has been an engagement, in the vicinity of the Island of Khong, between the French and j troops. The Siamese have been and 300 of them an- »aid to have been killed. The
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  • 32 14 Th. we M.KOK. Through the courtesy of a friend the folrst 1 i (315 p.m.), communicated to us. French Consul has given notice leaves lh July because negotiations 1 ff"
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  • 202 14 tr own Correspondent.) few t he new porch of the >, which was nearly finished, fell down The same evening Mr i i with th and came into collision with the ruins. The nter- ng much tin >r the a dano the 151!) .1 1 to tier husbo
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  • 54 14 I The result is Score. Heap. W. B. > 7y <><> i ter g| 10 88 8 I Jones lid i s 114 \Y. lirsj 8. I. M. Allinsoa 1 J iu. R. Dui 11. R. < 113 |f> .j 1 I 1 97 1. W. Hu i 119
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  • 803 14 The pacific Singaporeans, who swore that the Franco-Siamese affair would pass off without damage to anybody, were taken aback by Reuters telegram last night. The entrance of the French gunboats in the Menam, and the interchange of a few shots from both si<i a Misunderstanding". If.
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  • 400 14 A correspondent is follows to the rrcury some respects lh< the Grosser Kurfursi s r Wilhelm in the tnnel off r* ago, in the Grosser Kurfurst it to the b<>tt on <i. 1 VM i he whole of this terrible occurrence, having been ai work as a diver on the
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  • 170 14 Tin of th' the hold I wind read) said t ledge refrai iy be an offer so soon on. urned tl ,on from she his been engaged in A complete balance ;r cli Bazaar for tioo to d. to f4.117.51. hinaman. without marks the Harbour on
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  • 91 15 A Steamer Captured by Achine 11. LED. noon. that the shore ese pa gers and 21 other Th stean and the nang awe, and I mg Olim is a few 1 outh of point that she emba officers and crrw of the vessel. trom :iid her course
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  • 53 15 The nt ionary of be published on trom M II to Malt ishop Macdougall. 1 A«mc>ni.' the presentation- at the la*t levee %1- n appointment as Colonial Secrt H| r of Johore, ttr n mi to wear the Order vn of Johore. Capt. G.T. H. Boyct, k. n.. on appointment
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  • 29 15 jm our own Correspondent^ <Jon June 30! Sir le of ned con- condition of the asked if n the Contrian<l a largef y. I ular ;rbed .able
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  • 419 15 GHJGJHGJGKJJK Mr. E M Blair, R.E., late of Hongkong, of 25 for Kent against Somerset, and 14 in the match Kent v. Lancashire. Mr Lipscombe, formerly of Sinnounced to have died suddenly at Tunbridge Wells on June 25th. Dr rd Brandstetter will shortey oublish at Lucerne a memoire on The
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  • 1067 15 THE STRAITS MILITARY CONTRIBUTION. !i June mas Sutherin the House of Commor i the r he re that, Contribution of £100,000 annum on the J the annual revenue of the Colony had seriously nvalent to n g' of while the opinion of the I tate of circui 11 in which
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  • 101 15 :icket match was played on R-j>'an-ade on Saturday '->- minat^-d Over 30 v. Under 30 the Juniors closing their inn :h the score at 1 is to fall. The scores were as follow- Under 30. MacClcvky c St. CUir b Delay ard Han J» nkins l> G.irrard Dt-nnys run
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  • 50 15 1 Brownie in the Chins Mail, says That there are rumours to the effect that ihe Chinese are getting scared and talk of aj ing up th<- >n River. That the <*d to the revival of such a rumour, although the Menam is a long way from the Pearl River.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 123 15 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPII AL $10,000,000 RKSi 3,600.000 RESBRVB LIABILITY OF ...$,OOOOOOO PROPRIETORS »i0,000,0u0 Court or Directors. Chairman— H. HOPPIUS, Esq. Depi ty Chairman— C. J. HOLLIDAY. John S. L- Prix. Esq. J. S. ±q. Carl Jantzen, D. R Tuiius Kramer. Esq. Hon. J. Kf.swick. H. H.
      123 words

  • 620 16 Pent*kota, Brit, str., Gavin, for Calcutta via ports. Sri Hong Ann, Brit, str., Rozells, tor Teluk Anson, via ports. Hanoi, Brit, str., Pallett, for Bengkalis and Asahan. Nekrv Brit, str., Armstrong, for Bolongan, via ports. Strathleven, Brit, str., Cormack, for Hongkong and Japan. McAlister,
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  • 31 16 The German Army Bill The Reichstag has passed the Army Bill and ihe Session is now France and Siam The ingkok km been instruct urin. on the gunboat the
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  • 25 16 THE MISSIONARY MURDERS IN CHINA. pedal to the N News A great indignation meet., e» h« r, quested tl»e Consular Body gard to the murder
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  • 53 16 vj. French and Typhum Siam figll! Sir E. Grey on Siam Foreign Offi< crnmrnt has e to prothe British at and that more ships art- read roer. gencv He said that autonomy for Siam was of the gi> India, and that Fi .red that she was no
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  • 45 16 London, tgth July, 1693. In the sion between H. M. Ships Vi Can. down, Captain Hon. Maurice A V, urk«stated tli used to chan^impendir. consented which was too la' esses confirmed the above, adding that Admiral T after the OoKsaofl had tak<-n
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  • 46 16 London, 20th July, /dyj. The Frer an indemnity of three millions (fra besides that to private persons. If this be not granted will declare a blockade; if granted, Fran< upy a fort, or a good an* ige. A reply is req an
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  • 41 16 Lmndt ■^ccreury to a q the House of Coinn. was unaware of the pr )f the French ultimatum to Siam, a; Britain rial arr.! ments. He a!-.- vernment tferio shall return to Paris forthwith and exchange ticabty.
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  • 16 16 se of C turn to v niti< and the evacuation of >ue month.
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  • 15 16 (J« I \mboir»a .mall p*.i 4»« uo. do. do.) 4-35 i- bc do.) I
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 542 16 VESSELS XN PORT. Flags 4 Ton. Captain Arrived From Consignees For, When Mtm-r-f- War e.b., I ii«y 10 Bal er *nds Other Vetkd* H-11. J" Wn l ul >' inhom Dock Pa July 14 Ponu.m.ik Stl >ak, July Hm II uly M«ar, July j ■u Ju;. don P. in.! o.
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    • 201 16 QCKAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY The Company's steamer* are despatched from pool outwards for S'xaits and China and fro l.ondoe every wee* commodation for hrst and third das< paryinga Surgeon and Stewardess. )f Lading are U»ue 1 for .ill I Japan natra, British NorUi Bor- > *m, Malacca and Native State
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    • 36 16 Weather Keport. Taken at Kandang Kerbau Hospital Observatory m. 3P.m.9 r. m. Bar. red. 32 Fah. 9J9* 29.804 2Q.83» .perature o Wet Bulb I'harmometer Ls 7*? Vmi mp. in shade K9.2 do 4.0 ing partially and
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