The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 11 July 1893

Total Pages: 18
17 34 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 99 17 Joo. 18 A ficial Assignee 39 BNRT. l 8 28 21 urn Match, 23 The Psaher and ttu 21 •I Commission, Photographic Sobet) K\l bliion, 26 j ll :ri Sembilan, •es, 20 20 Selan^or News, 23 24 A _:apore, Singapore Lind Co., 1.d.. ns, 26 Topi.-* ct the Day.
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  • 19 17 (Corrictid up to July 10 On I Bank 4 Bank den. -11 Oh HwMtm Soti Bank of E
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  • 5 17 Pcop^r, Black (oti f
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  • Domestic oCCURRENCES.
  • 377 17 Tli ,ai! from Europe is expected Yarra on the th London advices up to the 23rd ult ollowed on the 24th inst. nna bii; ip to the 30th ult. This ir Europe to morrow by the P. Rosetta, being succeeded by iney on the I Commission at tin
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  • 318 17 Mussulman v. Hindoo. (J uly 4th.) Uert 'maintain. 1 unbribed by jain Orion* TcrpM draw. l'leJ«r.i i. -valty. and I^w. There was never a more telling reply to the brood of Padgett, m.i-.'s, who want to see the Indian empire run by natives on Indian Congress lines, and ignore the
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  • 391 17 To-DAY'S telegram gives some furt details as to the cause of the disaster to the Victoria. The movement ordered appears to have been that described by us robable cause last Wednesday when we suggested that "if the squadron were to return on its track the vessels would simultaneously
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  • 368 17 ly 6th.) Thk Municipal Commission at their meeting yesterday discussed the neo (or an enquiry into the discipline and working of the Fire Brigade in general, and particularly on the occasion of the fire in Battery Road on Friday last. Putting the trivial little matter of how and
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  • Page 17 Advertisements

  • 401 18 The Chairman's speech at the meeting of the Straits Insurance Company to-day is pleasant reading. It embodies in a succinct form the principal features of the rtport of the Company, which has already been published in these columns. Mr. SOHST, as usual, confines himself to straight-forward
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  • 671 18 July 7th rks may be made on the present discussion in connection with the ide. As to the Superintendent, now on leave, there appears to be a P. Ow though a brilliant one at that. This is in our opinion a mistake. Mr. Owk man. became a
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  • 568 18 .July E< The Home Rule cause is having a bad time of it, i ol the instinct of selfpreservation o far to cause its atoms, or i; to cohere in the lobbies to make something like the normal majority The ill-matched team are now diver^in. itionalists demanding that
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  • 165 18 TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1893. We have only sufficient space to-day to say that last night there was, in spite of a disappointingly small attendance, a capital performance of the amusing comedy Our Flat at the Town Hall Theatre. The honours of the play were
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  • 804 18 The smouldering rubbish on the site ot the recent tire in Battery Road still continues to give trouble, and this morning it D found necessary to resort to the hosepipe. The working of salvage has now, however, been commenced, and is tched by a crowd of interested nati\ With reference
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  • 972 19 (Madras Ti». tection," which we ri regard to the compensation put forward by a n ii curred during >turbances in th has been made the occasion for a wid< cussion of the merits and demerits of Protecwhere it H impe il reasoi the ot
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  • 259 19 On last Sunday a terrible boating accident happened on the River at Poona, shortly after o'clock in the afternoon, resulting in death by drowning of three young officers of the 7th Hussars, who had come to Poona to attend the garrison class. Th- 1 are* I.ieut.
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  • 170 19 The Hon. Martin „f a small Experimental Garden being estaiiill seven miles from X Piiah. which can be reached in an hour from that place by a good brid. The elevation is 1,500 feet, and the climate pleasant and cool enough for a sanatorium. Roses, geraniums
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  • 31 19 The Band o( the i«t Shropshire Light ry will M.rar.t Au>tin Hotel during dinner on Saturday next and after* in t!i- ads oi the Hotel." This, of cour- -;^ong. \ool fancying
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  • 361 19 H. N. Ms gunbost Sumbawa, which arrived on Sunday evening from Acheen, left yesterday afternoon for Bangkok. The London Lyric Company vvill V to-morrow for Penang by the S. S. Lwdula, opening there on the Bth inst They will probably go over to Deli and play twice
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  • 521 19 The Guvnor." There was a good house last night at the Town Hall, to witness that favourite Comedy. The Guvnor, in which Mr. Henry Kttti has the important char. part of Macclesfield, the deaf boat-builder. Th< adventures of an overcoat g I of misunderstandings that make
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  • 230 19 Bowling averages for the period from Ist January 10 30th June, 1893. MS. M'dns. Run- Wer. Only members who have bowled 50 overs or during the half-year are qualified in the com--1 for the prize for the best average. lintj averages for the period Ist January to
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  • 113 19 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. report for the I have rec» •Mi M d and Co. Ui buil tmenfor ihe company, which appear in the Fleet I.i-t .is the Japan and Caledonia. The first-named will he a lar^f carrying p;i-,~ cargo steamer, while ih» il be the i and
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  • 273 20 of the London .1 Express.) may, perhaps, su^. lor Mi EL Hamilton Hunter's letter in your of th<- ?nd inst., when it is nynarked that Mr. Hu r in the company's employ. Mr. Hunter impugns the total tated in cultivation but Mr. Pryer in his 1
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  • 118 20 Before the Hon'ble J. W. 15 J. w of the it the o-.\ the cargi idea on board the Mr. Ojna! M all with the except mrepresent>n to recover for salva- ndered by tl of the don. nd there were no summons and copy ot iS o f
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  • 641 20 (Translated for the Free Press.) In accordance with a recent decision of the Manila Chamber of Commerce, a telegram has been forwarded to the Minister of the Colonies begging him to approve the proposal set forth by tfoe Governor of the Phillipine Islands with regard to the reopening
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  • 933 20 {London and China Express.) From our own knowledge we can confirm most of what follows, from the special correspondent of the Pall Mall, as to the origin of the Indo-Chinese question: About thirteen years ago, when a number of obscure St. Etienneois began to
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  • 354 20 {From our o ten Correspondent. The circular anno.. lacca Branch ot the sony came out, m lacca would almost sure t The a keen ly in la vera whi< Bank and been no van; 4 the Bank will cau?,ence. I not only lose but moii- ij are now paid
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  • 47 20 INSOLVENCY OF AN EASTERN COMPANY PROMOTOR. I nder a receiving order made on the i ith ult. (rfegor Smith, described as air-road, West Kensintrt on, its have been i, accompanied by the o ed with I'he debtor ■«C > he came for tetttur OU interest in a coal-mining
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  • Page 20 Advertisements

  • 440 21 ion and China Express.) Dear Sir. The French have been long rqat olan of aggression on Siam. In the they began soon aft and even before they had annexed Cambodia. One of their first exptorers was a Lieutenant of the feuille. who was thus described at the
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  • 170 21 The other day Mr. F. G. Penney played a fine innings of 53 for Penang a. chment of the loth, for Lieut, made 67. The latter side made i the Penang Club replied with 144 A you; in a red fez and a pair of now about the lobby ot
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  • 289 21 the German steamer Priok, which arri\ y morning, 1,300 cases of were imported from Hamburg for Singapore. The O. S. S. Co.'s steamer Ranee is now .injong Pa^ar Wharf discharging bales of Bon. .rco for transhipment to im, and is taking in railway materials for Labuan.
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  • 448 21 "Jim the Penman There was a good attendance at the Town Hall theatre last on the occasion of the final performance of the London Lyric Company. The pi ted was Sir Charles Young's highly dramatic piece M Jim the Penman," a story of conspiracy and crime
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  • 778 21 THE PSALTER AND TEMPLE WORSHIP." The fourth of the Rev. G. M. Keith's lectures on Biblical Criticism bor* the above title, and was delivered in the Presbyterian Church last night (sth). Mr Reith said the subject was too wide for more than a brief notice in a single lecture. It
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  • 572 21 The Overland Mail writes thus on the concealment of Lord Herschell's report on the currency question The Government is taking an immense responsibility in proceeding in this s and it can only clear it-t-lf from that responsibility l>y a conspicuous TOTPffTi We should like to st.c aqu asked as to
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  • 108 21 The first Mixed Doubles Competition over the Ladies' Course was brought to a successful conclusion on Saturday last. The following is the result of the last two rounds Semi-final. A. Anthony and Mr. Kerr beat Mis. Peirce (scratched) and Mr. Wolferstan. Mrs. Williams and Mr. L. C.
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  • 107 21 Corps Orders. Quarter Office, Singapore, slh July, 1 1 1. Orderly Officer for ensuing week; 2nd Lieut. M. Fabris. Orderly Sergeant for ensuing week Sergt. Makepeace. 2. A course of drills for Recruits and ptv non -efficients will be held during I of July and Aup
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  • 3219 22 The ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Municipal ion was held in the Board Room, Robinson Road, yesterday afternoon, Mr. Gentle presiding. There were also present the Hon'ble Majo im, the Hon'ble T. Shelford, the Hon'l !<> A. L. Donaldson, Mr. Sohst, Mr. Maxwell, Inspector-General of Police, Mr. Nanson,
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  • 157 22 I here are many in t and Hongto hear thai :r, late captain of the H Cricket Club, and one of the neer Its, is pla>i< rly for Kent I in. In thr m Gloucester he made top s< orr, <>i county, being stumped by M«>ard of Per s. In
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  • 425 23 The sixteenth ordinary general meeting of th irancr Co., Ld., was held in th- noon to-day, Mr. n g- There were also Kaeburn, Lovell and Van der Pals, dire Secretary) E jn (legal adviser) J. Fra=er, Dunman. Lyall Behr and Robertson, c Seong, h Hong Chuan.
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  • 598 23 Among the spectators at yesterday evening's hockey match were H. h Governor, Lady Clementi Smith and Sir Charles Warren. The cattle steamer Darwin arrived last ;iig, with 275 Australian bullocks for the North Australian Butchering Company. The mem billiard table for the S. V. A n
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  • Correspondence.
    • 543 23 T<> thb Editor. Sir, —The scheme propounded in your issue of the sth seems to be open to criticism on the following grounds 1. It does not shew how the Straits Dollar, a mere token, is to be introduced into circulation. It might be used
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  • 295 23 The Times of Ceylon, noticing the sudden death of Lieut. Martin in Perak, offers nipathtesto Mr. J. R. Martin, of Yatta- a Ceylon planter, a brother of the deceased officer. It mentions also that Mr. R. Martin, the Irish song-writer, another of his brothers, i> also a very popular speaker
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  • 1013 23 (Selangur Journal.) The decision arrived at by the n the Golf Club seems the best under a It leaves it open for some time to prow which of the rival courses will prove most suitabfe for the convenience or enthusiasm of the mem: sites have advantages. The hills
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  • Page 23 Advertisements

  • 1936 24 A labyrinth of canals and floating houses, r wilh innumerable rice mills, I st^am launches form together the nu .angkok the Venice of the h is situated about 22 miles up the Mehnam River, and not, as some imagine, on the shores of the Gull
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  • 301 24 By the German steamer Elberfela, leaving un Monday, a collection of wild animals and birds made at Singapore by the late grange and M. Leroy is being shipped to Gmoa tt»r the Zoological Garden cc. The collection comprises a large and a ?mall elephant, four tigers and a cub, a
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  • 481 24 A WORD PHOTOGRAPH OF SINGAPORE. In the -hop of daug Japai. throu. in n as we saw recorded. Our worthy Aud will i cred at ha\ his quasi-military character recognised at last yon the first of December we steamed into the harbour at Singapore, where we were to wait for
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  • 129 24 The Hongkom. Indus M»;rch%nts. A telegraphic correspondence has taken place between the Indian merchants at Hongkong (throu. soon, Sons C 0.,) and the f India,. The Hongkong message to Calcutta was as follows (Hongkong 26th J the V ila. All merchatr kong earnestly urpe s
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  • 113 24 The following appointments arc m in the Medical Department lent on the resignation of Dr ire. Dr. Kerr t<» be Colonial S i'enang, but to continue to .< Dr. Hoad, Colonial mt. Dr. Leask, mg. Dr. Dane to be Dr. J. II cd. Spec ideations are allo yed
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  • 1104 25 irtCfcd French transport Colombo troops TV :i ont and II mt. ton. He I Colonial burgh, on her j tor the lightMalacca. The O. S. S. Cos. steamer Jason, which quar of :he pasTbt I it a number of na; local market. The import of The
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  • 1082 25 We celebrated the wedding day of T. R. H. the Duke of York and Princess May with the customary honours, and added a few dollars to the Straits revenue in the spirits we drank on the inspiring occasion. When H. R. H. the Duchess of York
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  • 536 25 »_-4 The Hongkong Telegraph of the 22nd inst. says At the Kowloon rifle-range yesterday afternoon Inspector Mann made a phenomenal score wt h the magazine rifle, at the 200 yard, ran;e, which is the most difficult for the new weapon. Besides a bull at the lighting shot, he mad: seven
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  • 204 26 Last evening in the Government Analyst's Laboratory at the Raffles School trial was made of some new gasoline lamps, with gasoline from the Royal Netherlands Oil Company's Works at Langkat, of which Messrs. Hooglandt are the local ag The President of the Municipality, Mr. A. Gentle, some of
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  • 322 26 Th<- following is the report for presentation to the shareholder* at the third general meeting to be held on next, 15th July, at noon You rs beg to wait upon you with a Statement of Accounts for the year ending May, 1 There being indications thai
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  • 657 26 It is now about twelve years since the French Tonnage Bounty Act took effect. In 1881 it was shown that there had been a decided falling off in the tonnaee of that country. There had been a decrease of 10 per cent, in about eight years. The
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  • 215 26 Gaaette.) A correspondent writing to Indian Engineering I say, I he expense of Aluminum docs not stand on the I same ground as that of the other dear metals. I i lead and zinc are dear simply because I ncommon. r f or tne rcaion
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  • 900 26 (From a Correspondent.) P London, June Bth 1893. The wrongs of that most distressful country" still, and more than ever, obscure the political horizon in a truly hopeless manner. The battle has been raging fircely over Clause 3 for some days, and )m the fresh amendments which keep
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  • 282 26 THE COMMERCIAL SITUATION AT HONGKONG. {Hongkong Telegraph.) The recommendations of Lord HeradwV's Commission have simply creatsd a revolution financial system of the world. And so far as Hongkong is concerned, the exceedingly curt, not to say discourteous, telegram sent of India yesterday to Messrs. David Sassoon, Sons Co., as representatives
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  • 101 26 A correspondent writes The new Anglican Church at Sepoy Lines has at last been commenced. The groun marked out, and the foundations are being laid. We presume there will be af< ceremony of laying the foundation si before long The site of the new church is
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  • 211 26 Two Chinese servants appeared in ly before Mr. Woodward this morning in answer to a charge of stealing Si. 1 34 from a house, No. 24, Telulc A some time between the 15th and the 17th May last. The case, however, was postponed. The Soerabaya Courant reports that the East
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  • Page 26 Advertisements

  • 1081 27 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY'S EXHIBITION. The Amateur iphic Society's in the S A. V point of view a ct :id socially contnt attracted even more than in forme the hall adapted for purposes of the Societ\ nting the afterre on. The number of exhibits reaching nearly 450, and from a technical
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  • 959 27 A member of Lord Hawke's cricket team was interviewed at home to the following effect The Cl I i rs. W< played three jjames in Ceylon. First of al! we piayed the Colombo Club on November 4th and sth. We were in tlie middle of what are known
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  • 531 27 A (j (orthk Straits S We were glad to in Parliament by Ml Unfortunately ihe question p; prehe might h i grounds for b before the authentic answer was conveni* tory. Mr. fensive treaty of IXI the Achinese, when any interference dipl< ernment would be the fact
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  • 274 27 (Siam Free Press.) A Local merchant has been offered 100 picu Gutta by a gentleman recently arrived from Kelantan. Extraordinary rumours have been in circul i thi iays to the effect that ilu \dmir pected in Bangkok to settle th* Siamese difficulty. The Siam incident, and th- ral
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  • 93 27 Sumatra and Borneo wrap tobacco, in the sale of ioth June, at Jam, fetched very high prio m«o resulted in ler«. which (says the 1.. C. J doubtless Jhave the effect of establishing the industry in the country, and of affording prospects of paying d <>l the companies. It similar
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  • 1333 28 Thr imported on Saturday from Babalan 2.000 cases and 6000 tins petroleum. prize definition of Socialism A combination of efforts and theories tending Itablbb among the whole of mankind, of legal restriction, the greatest possible equality of wealth or misery. H. M.S. Mth Mr. A. R.
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  • 629 28 :ang Gazette.) Club on Tliui Buk r yin rdicled from duly. blv the house "ouster pi been p ho intend com- A meeting of the Committee of the Straits Settlements Association will be held at Messrs. Drew and Napier's Office on Friday next (14th inst.) at 4.30 p.
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  • 109 28 A Cricket match was played on Saturday between teams denominated DissylL v. the Red The following are the res M > 13 Cook c Stevens b Morren 23 I b L. Kd wards irenen c Edwards b Morren Pye cA. P. Talbot b Morren o Gunn I b w
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  • 78 28 gapore Football C To the Editor. Sir, I venture to call the atte those responsible for ball Challenge Cup to I carrying out the intention with reference to the trophy. It was understood that con games were to be played twice in the since the last On the score
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  • 496 28 The Ceylon Examiner says On i that Dr. Thornhiil has been offered an itment as a Colonial Surgeon The SS. Jason, which arrived here from Balavia on the St.!. tine anchorage, o a fatal case of cholera having occurred amon. uropean firemen. The Morayshire (Mow.v Msgow. official No. 73,782, which
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  • 652 29 tratfairs. that will well, >intillen il, to places aCMfiwj v '.t". NtS| has been ado Hed. Mr. Maxwell The and v Gover lor 1894 v an in its the consular In 1890 the local m ported 00 of for the authorities and itf year 9 150,000. Then
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  • 215 29 (Translated for the rree Pn iya recently three wai wen fire for the purpi tainrance money, but the fire was 1 in time and ample proofs were present of the wilful attempt to* burn down the warehouses. Two natives have been arrested who confess they i ployed by
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  • 46 29 H. K. the tiovcrnor appoint Thursday, the 6th m Public Holiday, in honour of tli^ mar of T. R. H. the Duke of York Princess Victoria Mary ol The Daily Graphic lias a pictui nugget of Welsh gold from which Princess May's wedding rin made.
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  • 459 29 r, B. write-, to the Pinanj Gazttte on tlie above stibjct i the question of the Indian rurr present the chief topic of the day, there are no doubt many persons who would ventilate their views and even suggest ti to fall in with llie lot of the
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  • 376 29 The currency crisis in <i States is undoubtedly gathering strength, and the parting of the *tfar dtsl tiling internal bimeta either a gold or ■J. Bui until Congress assembles in September there is not much that is new to be said on the question reton
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  • 419 29 (L. and C. Express.) •h.) Sir R. Temple asked the Under-Socrc-ary for Foreign Affairs whether Her Majesty's nraent ha i ithin the la;t f w days any t information which they could conmunicate to the tiding the nvmmen s o. f the French on tli eko «<r
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  • 94 29 The following letter is published Xi ing, 7th J ulcmcn,— ibe honor to ed fron Ue for t (si«n for any obs that His l cp, certain documents Mr. McLany and l«»r«ard»*d by Mr. I M.I 1 10 tlu; (.--il-jni tl CMBce, in M pttilion t <1
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 47 29 Messrs. l\ittu announ yi their Gallery, 47, 1 June on of Violin-. loncel!o J &c, the Maxw xecuand J. William- S., of -.all, and others, including choice examples of ihe World of Antonius StradiRugeri, l-'erdina; liano, Carlo Ik'rgonzi, G. H. M..^j;ini, Caro\V. Forutcr, ''astian Kloz, and rs.
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  • 3607 30 THK Rl FEE AND THE DOLLAR. Seen on a rainy Sunda The first excitement after the closing of the Indian Minis being over, it will appear ifter all, the value of the Rupee is not quite t by that measure. At minimum value. Perhaps it intended
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  • 413 31 ire Mr. Ji i ty. AChktty v. Officul AssiOKll. For the plaintiff, Mr Naasofl for the M together with Mr. In opening liis case, Mr. Xanson said tion for specific performance of a contract for sale and purchase. The plaintiff, 1 11. Pungakoti Pill baser, and brought his
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 544 31 Robinson Co. SINGAPORE. (Established iB^B.J Ladies' and Gentlemen's Outfitters. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Silk and Satins. Costumes. Miilinery. Umbrellas Untrimmed Hats. Parasols. Dress Mater Laces. Boots and Shoes. Ribbons. H y. Hosiery. Gloves. Underclothing. Velvets. Velvet Us. Velveteens. .pes. Plushes. uzes. Embroidering. Fancy Articles for Presents. The dress-making department is in charge
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  • 249 32 Quotation. Capital Paid up Sham Hongkong S'hai Bink. 104% prem. $10,*****0 $10 000,000 HmjOtn 125 20s 4) nal Bank of C! ma $35% '1 £1,000,000 Founders. $150 Bk. of China, Jap. Straits $2 {£2000,000 £249,***** io<. Founders. £15 Tanjong Pa^ar Dock. $180 Sellers. *****00 1,500,000
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  • 428 32 The Sinking of H. M. S. Victoria London, 3> d July, '#93The collision between H. If. S. Ships toria, and Camperdown was caused by the orders given by Admiral Tryon, which left inadequate room to manoeuvre had the orders been fully executed every pair of ships would have
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 426 32 CLEARANCES. 'fitly 10. Sri Sintamg, Dut. str., IStuhlenbien, for Pontianak. Elbkrfklp, Ger. str., Sa-s, for Colombo, Genoa and Hamburg. ■OKALIS, Brit, str., Heslop, for Muar. Amherst, Brit, str., Girod, for Selang pof Rbsiobnt Halbwyn, Brit, str., Nacodah, for Tringganu and Kelantan. Maha \ajirinhis, Dut. str., Blomberg, for Bangkok. Tei k
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    • 734 32 VESSELS IN PORT. Flags ft Ton. Captain Arrived From Consignees For, When Men-of-War Brit, g.b., Phillips July 10 Batavia Officer Pali 575 McLeod ju Officer Sea Bellb S<x> Murphy June 28 Malacca Other Vessels Am 10 Brit. 108 rod July 8 Selangor Wee I Sclanror, July 10 J$ Fort
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  • 2273 34 t -Td Sunday Lai I Lessons to Learn, I on. md, T'rnor and gn MenU The I Tri 66 The Th( or. 126 The Pen 126 Law ireaker. Law Th. Confess. 1 190 ef Justiceship. 190 The Press on the Exact The The Our A Hongkong Association, 231 The
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