The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 4 July 1893

Total Pages: 18
1 2 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 15 1 id Appeal, I s wtv Mik~ Se!.i r on Brief 1 Hen Cm ii
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
  • 296 1 There v. Hall on v Com; rsion of I of the most am 3 of modern I aturday inance it may be that the Londoi unLs mark i the I' the To Mr. much s, and aiso by o has leaniii rally young Catt< mole is
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  • 397 1 -va'ty. and Law. (June 2»tti.) legram brief but dramatic outline of the circumstances attending the disaster to the Victoria. The forma ild appear to have been promin of line ahead, and the particular evolution may have ifnpli n e jf the two 1: blingtl i i bottom
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  • 191 1 Europe arrived to.vhich brouglu London advices up to the 3 from home being I I ill be folio jth inst. I the ball ball i I jli<?n the turable t s a London Lyric Co. during the week j have series of -tul dramatic \>- ime m Sliobe,"
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  • 2 1 4p*4S
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  • 2 1 DASF
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  • 301 2 The annual report of the Negri Sembii m the last of the' 1 h nounted to and the a balance to the good of? 1 it attention is called b\ the important <pium the farm, a ;>port id could not pay his 1 ailed for meant to
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  • 10 2 od run uj> to Pal t! fo make up for
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  • 702 2 The Rupee and thb Dollar. seen on a rainy Sun Jay. The first excitement after the closing of the Indian Mints being over, it will appear that, after all, the value of the Rupee is not quite fixed as yet by that measure. At least not
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  • 718 2 Tobacco property is evidently going up m the market. The Deli Tobacco Company offered 250 shares of fl. 1,000 each and eight and a half million guilders were subscribed, so that applicants will receive but 2 per cent, of their tenders. Two murderers for whom active
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  • 518 2 At the inquest which was held on the body of Private Martin, of the 2n colnshire, yesterday, a verdict of accidental drowning was returned. Evidence given by Privates Allwright and To^ from which it appeared that the jumped into the sea from the Pier an shortly afterwards
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  • 91 2 Information has been received from the Italian Post Office to the effect that all kets containing bound books of a able value are subject m duty. In order to avoid inconvenience, h packets should m future be sent to Italy exclusively by Parcel Post. The S. S. York, left Kutchinotzu
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  • 261 3 iFrom our nun Correspondent.) It be railirvey d moun been 00l and a W but the the t and the mu> but ue mor< short comings are manifitural. under these nveniencire felt the at Klang. It s only one wharf but the vay De\> at work, and no
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  • 176 3 prominent Native States crick -I do not myself think there is be gained by discussing pos- lits team lon m the n for instance, itted H. L. Talbot) only the truth of what I n favour mcd, but I rule, are not en Th. tion.
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  • 77 3 igkok Times.) Mr thy of the Royal Survey Depart* th. the fact that— should the worst come to the wot enough rice to last five n appear eeL it the time where sh< ni^ht. The st. day event lowardi Iwiilwncy, I'nt sh ul n'ltinue that polic\' eh has
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  • 122 3 ■te, June I Mr V L, S G. R!, has W,» tJMrftei i..umW iravr. The Government roua oi affording to I ijr within the State an ding their tlitv, all Britnallv enter thrir names m a book to be k'pt by >r the icquisition of lie purpotleiiiu- the
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  • 971 3 THE LOSS OF THE VICTORIA. What Ramming Means. In the famous pamphlet How I took H. M.S. Majestic action," the author m his preface states that the M really the Victoria. This battle incident describes that ship inflicting ihe fate upon an enemy that she has now herself unfortunately
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  • 406 3 Healtl made it his duty to report m stro upon a certain serious aspect health, that has long been a scandal to the lative interference which has thrown Id of its protection and sanction over the propagation of an exceptionally form of disea>e. >
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  • 121 3 The S. tor the Colonies having telegraphed t I that the Secret.v .r has nin^ j to his duties m mail to retume I with the ik Sikhs. Lieui \l I (table death has left th<' ' Sikl nplement It is, perha thai li enuir m and it is not
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  • 517 4 ment prevailed m morning over the progr Rumours were curiction to be Indian Government m con\ith the closing of the Mints !i the of the What that report hut we do know that the Ind i>. 41L or 15 rupees to th< We iv fimt
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  • 621 4 {From $ur own Correspondent^ The Malacca Assizes were opened bethe Chief Justice (Mr. Bonser) on Tuesday the 20th. There were two magistrates' appeal In the first, Deya Singh appealed ag.ii ntence of a fine of $roo or m default six m imple imprisonment, m that be, the said Deya
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  • 59 4 friends will be glad to see that Dr. 11 M. Ellis, formerly of the Caro. 1 from tl t r to the t which be was Lord Gillford will also be I junior lieutenant on board th< ws, ladroo. The St .i" lam has sanciioncd the construction of the irria.
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  • 905 4 Mr. R. \V. Maxwell, the InspectorGeneral of Police, has reported on the Police Force of the Colony tor 1892. On the whole it cannot be said to b encouraging, as to the efficiency of the fogenerally. Mr. Maxwell has a good word to say for most
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  • 374 4 The ill-luck which has of late doggci eft< hose interested m maintaining efficiently the Singapo was apparent last night i The heavy rain m the early part evening no doubt deterred mam would otherwise have been present, i gentlemen only turned up, Mr. J. Graham was voted
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  • 95 4 The N. L. steamer left Hl kong on the 2<>th may be expected mail for Europe will probably close on th day. The Chinese C ment House m v to the Governor a by the Emperor of Chin thanks of His for the assistance given, under cellency's au- rds the
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  • 692 5 Pal Us m am had ll's of thr Imi Fp git r milita and pu gun there, and was also hoisting on board other guns, be! ported b\ B. Say f Th< nconstant .t tha than a d An absconding se d with minal bread oodward
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  • 53 5 Hongkong Telegraph (20th) says ye go t 1 pro-s we 1 rcceiv. d m 1 1 illy declarat the moment no g the report, it ni i m town ii. had _;kok art' wtthot rumcur i by the d 18 men at i floored «u> nation to
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  • 107 5 rs 1 Association. To the Editor. Dear Sir, As one of the persons charged by Mr. Hill as being premature v suming that he h 1 any op; tion to the scheme for starting a SelangOf Planters' on, I have onlj that Mr. Hill distinctly told me on more
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  • 339 5 The Colonial steamer Sen Belie came m this morning from Malacca, bringing with her the Chief Justice Mr. J. \V. Mrs. B Llld maid, l> Bolt and Mr RodeWe alluded yesterday to a case m Police Magistrates Court m which one Arnashallum Ch< t >!ainaiit, and the witnesses on his
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  • 284 5 There are many who have travelled to and from the Far East with that fine old V R. Seaton, of the SS. Thames, ho will feel an anxi<> <-st wl i that Mi son. a promising ung man, Mr. \V. R. Seaton, was an nt
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  • 33 5 il is about your neighbour-, loaictimtl you will undeniably interesting. I man I wonder why these are called th buns Second ditto I'm *-ure, unless it is because they're hard b yourself with.
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  • 212 5 (Before the Chief Justice, Mr. J. \V. B The Co Mr. Xanson this morning mention* the Chief Justice that the order of the Court of m the appeal had been drafted, but that t a difference of opinion betsolicitors for the Camclot and for the Diamond with n
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  • 210 5 {Translated/or the Free Press.) Th- sblad received a special telegram reporting that on the first of June there was a fight between the Balinese and Lombok people. The Balinese attacked, but they were repulsed with a loss of 300 killed. The Lombok people wco armed with repeating rifles,
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  • 270 5 The official report from Acheen, from May 26th to the Bth of June, mentions thai the Achinese appear not to have tired on the forts at all during this period. They fired only once on parlies working withi'i and without the circle of forts and, although at long
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  • 30 5 mule would rather h< It bray than listen to any other mv od many people are made like hinj. idnm, tb.. tared W h,u i i c you I married
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  • 681 6 A farther tall has taken place m chan. v. The dollar has fallen to nth bill while the 1 I inds at 1.90 to the dollar or 1 ill transactions. Silver ;4>.d. per \\Y mentioi y that the banks That is rtber information l< to probably a
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  • 975 6 Mr, v >i the Indian Currency ciation, and formerly President of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce. The object of the As- upon the British Parliament up m the Government of India the absolute dard for the cur- thing comes from the s for the more th
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  • 286 6 Influenza and sore throat have been very prevalent m Singapore lately, and appear to have afflicted one m every three of the people one meets about. When this kind of thing happens m America they ta blaming the daily weather reports for it. is what is called A real Spring
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  • 335 6 The Straits Independent urges the adopif some more stringent and trustworthy em of certification of death, as at present the way lies open to the use of criminal practices to cause death with but little fear of detection. It says To have the cause of death properly certified
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  • 466 6 Another Nativpondent writes no knows the < Straits, and who saw the ma' day betw nngor an like to give you n team to represent m iheir matches m Ceylon. I would suggt and they are as follows Hind \nthony. r—Ch ,ronner, and C. (i
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  • 116 6 {Government G The following- appointments have been made.— Mr. C. C. Scutt, A ro f Mines, Batang Padang. Mr H to the District nta Mr. A. L. Xi to the District Magistrate. Krian. Dr. Sheppard goes on leave, during which time Dr. Wr act as State Surgeon, and
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  • 60 6 be Hongkong Telegraph since the capture of Captain Thorn .amese or Laos on the bank >ng. the French colonial j been working itself up to a t of excitement, and demanding officer be not at one should be blown to b It now appears I rnment ordered the s long
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  • 1869 7 (London and China F\ re o the Bl iimmerce ano point rops of most been nonr. such as lea the 1 on about the same I he preced Importers have also reason to b< been good and money pie advan ope prevented excev mom h> ot iM\«' T>
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  • 208 7 a RangMH.) <>lh J une. Owing to the continued drought m France the Francli Chamber have ■>n oats and hay, and reduced the duties by one half on narlc\ London, 16th June Lord Rosebery, re; i m ihe H wit!) t lion of <li>[)u' the French and Si
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  • 632 7 The dollar down to 2/4^ (much the lowest on record) business at an entire stand>ti rupee at 1.80. The classes at the Raffles Institution were closed from noon to-day for the midsummer vacation. Tli ms that Mr. E. C. Hart*- i- to Sim late Mr. Paulas
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  • 150 8 The chief point m Mr, Bibby's last monthly report is the information that he is now stoping out the reef m the south end of the 62 ft. level He has two new working faces at the No. 2 air shaft, and two more at the rise he has
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  • 259 8 The a s. Ruhv, w hit h got aground on the 25th inst. o Tanjong Kalian and I t'lar, ar: m port yesterday from Palemba I no damage by lent and d a temporary dela There was a good attendance and fairly good prii >^d yesterday at the aucof the
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  • 57 8 is called the unification of i the Comptes rendus ographic de Paris the vi ied over th rt of Europe on th. intermeridional spaces (proeaux), and much sooner than c« appear hundred From our of \[)iil the hour of Central Europe (o; Ivancc of that of (j been
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  • 130 8 A case of some considerable local importance has just been decided at Murree. the plaintiff Vhiteaway and Liidlaw's Age he defendant the owner uf the house m which their goods were stored during the winter. which was for compens i age done to these goods, was r«
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  • 1123 8 NlOBE" After an extended tour m China and Japan the above Company, which is certainly about the strongest dramatically that we have ever seen round this way, has returned to Singapore, and is giving a short season of performances before proceeding to Burma and India. The
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  • 434 8 Last night the London Lyric Company appeared m an original 3-act Farce by Ralph Lum ley entitled Aunt Jack." This piece is said to have had a great success at home, but as far as could be judged last night, and making all possible allowan for the narrow
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  • 34 8 pt Joon, master of the Dutch steamer G. G. London, reports that the S. S. Ruby stranded on Banka Island between Tanjong Kalian and Tanjong Ular on the 15th inst. She required no assistance.
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  • 50 8 The girl who rmrries for money usually has a s that n% trouble coll Who fill our gr.. x tempi ranee orator and a back > at spolte vp So ne folk> n before tl ey are hatched, b c the I rice of the pro i rg% they are
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  • 562 8 RAU B Mr. Bibby's report for the four weeks ending 23rd June, I left Raub f the gold from the I the inded the gold to t where I found everything had been going well during my absence. Man R auh I: Hie Main Drive going south has been <
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  • 407 8 THE ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE OF HONGKONG ON ARRESTING PASSENGERS FOR DEBT. Yesterday morning, 2 yd, while a small case wa« proceeding m the Summary Jurisdict before Mr. E. J. Ackroyd, Acting Chief J_ Mr. Holmes entered and, apolog lordship for interrupting the hearing of the applied for a warrant on
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  • 57 9 >clangor Plan' .'Timing 1 the m hut desired to be a memb-r n behalf, and not as representing Mr. H The Chairman glad to see from the Singa that Mr. Hill 1 >ciaand he that t i ul!y 1 the val tlement w Mr. H for the
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  • 1158 9 Some surprise was expressed by t 1 who went to the t to see tl it the absence of to enq t that a !>een sent m the way d m age, was that the matter would be th at the next meeting of next Wednesday, II be ically over.
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  • 116 9 The N. D. L. steamer Braunschweig arrived yesterday afternoon from Bremen with the German mail of the sth June, and left at noon to-day for Hongkong and Shanghai. It looks as if the silver pendulum had begun to swing the other way already. The debased metal
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  • 33 9 Mr. \Y Kvans acts as Assistant Proof Chinese, Penang, and Mr. G. T. it Protector of Chin re. The Colonial Probates Act 1892 has brought into operation m the Straits Settlemei
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  • 88 9 The Bank To Withdraw. A circular has been i magcr of the Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd., m Malacca to all clients to the effect that the Directors of the Bank having decided to close the branch at Malacca on July 31st., it will be necessary for them
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  • 355 9 Information down by the Hecuba today is to the effect that the Siamese naval authorities were about to sink two vessels m the channel of the Meinam so as to block navigation, and it ii even stated, though this is doubtful, that one vessel has been air-
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  • 1013 9 The Russian steamer Yaroslavl arrived at 10 a.m. to-day from Vladivostock, Nagasaki and Hankow and will leave for !u-r coaling. She has on board for Odessa 22b sailors from Vladivostock and 4857 tons tea from Hankow. It may occur to many minds that it is curious that ihc tire m
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  • 1857 10 M iED. Damages $190,000. -t night there occurred a fire which for extent of d the rapidity and fierceand the threatening nature of t reak towards the surrounding pi '1 any that has taken place m Singapore for many The whole of the block of
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  • 756 10 No dearth of »*xcitement thi but i Mi Of stimulating wrek began with the -ter, affecting the whole Empir**, c> v the depreol the Indian <i >v«>rnment's tin ing the silver q and ended m a local conflagration, which was a magnificent sight for dtsii i
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  • Correspondence.
    • 469 11 To THI hDiTORDear Sir R< to the S Fre< a- that at ha called on the British Minister to warn the Siam Free Press to be more dim the tone of its articles and iddle from tli ,japer m which it mildly kes to itself tl
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  • 74 11 The Naval corr it of the Daily In the event of the outbreak of hostilities with France has m C<x i the gunboats E*4o Can made, Jacq ie and Lion, bestdr bulk At!t)i. i !i»>c" 't h md ;ire lli<; ir<>in !i i nphante (fla^ rtxijtant. the i J the
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  • 718 11 First Day. It was unfortunate that the first day of the Raffles Schools Athletic Sports should i to be carried out m such unfavoura i!her yesterday. The school ground, always heavy and rough tor running, was quite a quagmire m some parts, and greatly militated against the
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  • 66 11 \ind that there was a large lance of members of the Singapore evening last night. The occurrence of the great fire at had the of keeping away two <>r three gentlehad places m the programme, .dthe arrival of others coi quentl) the programme had at a mome to be altered
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  • 675 11 Kuhlow's Trade Review gives a pretty full resumi of an address on the subject of i "Gasworks as Lighting, Heating and Power Centries, delivered by Hc-rr W. OechelI hiiuser before the Prussian So< i<-ty for the Promotion of Inck-stry. Interesting as the whole paper is we can only
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  • 69 11 There is another Chief Justiceship m the market. Sir David Chalmers of British Guiana has definitely determined to retire, after 24 years service at the Gold Coast Colony, Sierra Leone, and British Guiana. The salary of the Guiana appointment is £2. 500, but before Lord Ripon fills up the appointment
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  • 101 11 One day, when business ran down low, Deep gloom sat on a merchant's brow, And dark as midnight was the flow Of thoughts revolving rapidly. That merchant saw a dreadful sight, By fancy's dim and lurid light He thought he saw the bailiff right Among his stock
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  • 98 11 A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held to-day at 42 Mr. (icntle presiding, the business of thing being ;der the applications for tht Superintendent of SlaughterOn tlit- motion of Mr. Xanson, Mr Praser, it was decided "1 hat Mr. Park, of Bombay, and Mr, r, of
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  • 153 11 The Hon'ble H. Trotter i this morning from Malacca where he has been on audit businr H. M. S. Pallas, which urday morning from the Anamba Islands, went to the Borneo wharf to coal, ai at 5 the same afternoon for Bangkok. Her hurried departure was
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  • 1196 11 THE FRENCH "MISSION SCIENTIDIQUE IN JOHORE." Dr. Lapique, accompanied by Dr. Letellier and Lieut. Lelanlier, !< yacht Semiramis, n«»vv lying m Singapore harbour, early on Wednesday morning Johore. 1 h joined by M. Villeroi of the French Consulate and drove over to Kranji. One of H. H.s steam launches awaited
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  • 287 12 Despite the threatening weather on Saturday, and the heavy rains during the rarlier part of the day, circumstances which were anything but favourable to racing, the 20 miles' open road handicap proved a mo-t successful fixture, the result fully justifying the determination of the Cycling Club Committee to
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  • 118 12 GO LF. The monthly medal handicap of the Singapore Golf Club on Saturday resulted as r Ist round 3.5. --4 1 md 344.4.7.3.') 41 82 m 2nd. Heap. Total. U Robertson ..41 41 82 J.W. tionser. 51 50 16 85 hr Ken4. A. 44 49 6 87 5. X
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  • 163 12 Hongk that will atu m t the intei all promot. Ihat ibntor I p- that ihe muniiy will be arked to lend their Support to one or two >r i'ui'ire, and we Narn 'loat immediately. posal i^ iai ambitioubeing nothing k*S than Lbe
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  • 69 12 Lieutenant Otto Ehlers, the well known ,-naii explorer lias left Japan tor Haw.v ng Tokio, Mr. Ehlers was r<<l audience and presented by His Majesty the Mikado w ith a pair ol beautiful Arita v iri ng the Imp rial i. The traveller intends to pay a visit to California
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  • 186 12 On the 13th June a cricket match was piayed between a Kobe team and a team from H.M.S. Porpoise which was won by the former, who went m first and having scored 219 for the loss of two wi<. declared their innings closed. The Porpoise score totalled
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  • 95 12 The B. N Borneo Official Gazette for June Ist, notifies the following Customs Tariff for Sandakan and Darvel Bay I )uty on billian sleepers of 50 cents ptr ton. Import Duty on silt of 50 cents p< r pikul. •> H Chinese tobacco of $5 per 70
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  • 157 12 A Cabinet Meeting Called. A sum of i.000.000 dots., m gold, has been engaged for export to the Gmtinent to-morrow, says a Times telegram, dated June 2, as well as 500,000 do total export for this week 6,500,000 dols. This account has been largely drawn from
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  • 161 12 The Attempt at Secrecy. In connection with the remarks which we have been mak I few days as to the of J. rd Hers- <-, the following I'imes Calcutta correspondent, published to-day (3d,) is intere-t--ing: A very s'rong feeling prevails that the Governed take R the
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  • 100 12 m ihe Com i' ;ion^ko! t, it did the claim ol Mr. (Jrahaai Stewart against Mr. Saville Smith really a ;t of the disil of the former g to take supported Ml Smith m ihe coarse be look, and the I \i\\v Smith, of the Lyric Company, thank the Acting
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  • 459 12 Before the Hon'li Jul; 93. Mr I he com m catea: t% of the Supr From the a Sal a/ Mr. x said n^er acting m rase and told him to takeaway. The clerk him t notices, as Mr. N on the record. I threw the papers at
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  • 23 12 The P» gkok Wmes >rt of the hree days •c m l»een quite the n. and uiU i altho ruptu
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  • 8 12 T! yesterwy n Hongkong, and with the hon
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  • 190 13 (Bangkok Times.) Preparations are going forward here and at Bang pa-In for th I.R.H. the Elismheth o C*y t on nded with ■not scrioos comosotaces. c driving alow the Sa Captain Kirby i woerd, a wheel sadd >ff, and t a aevere shak .y was attended I Jem.
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  • 214 13 gunboat Sumbawa arrived here cen, and proceed probably to-morrow to Bangkok. .c following telegram has been received by the Governor from the British Consul at Bangkok, and is forwarded to us for publication, nk on the abreast the light caving a clear from the light -ship to a of abou
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  • 55 13 Ceylon.) I lime. ;s on foot to form a ben the native Loc n immense glut uf mt the wholesale k on to avoid the cost of forag- cc m consequence of the The dearth of water Com- imediso as of the June Serious Socialist riots m favour
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  • 708 13  -  N. A. Register {Via Australia.) l une 4. An infernal machine was dis--1 m the precincts of the Dublin Law Courts to-day. The clockwork was out of order and prevented tin- explosion. The machine bore them"- Remember Judge Murphy. The Agents-General for Victoria and
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 449 13 Robinson Co. SINGAPORE. (Established 1858.J Ladies' and Gentlemen's Outfitters. DIES' DEPARTMENT. Silk and Satins. Costumes. Millinery. Umbrellas Untrimmed Hats. Parasols. Dress Materials. Laces. Boots and Shoes. Ribbons. Haberdashery. Hosiery. Corsets. Gloves. Underclothing. Veiv Velvettas. Velveteens. Crapes. Plushes. uzes. Embroidering. Fancy Articles for Presents. The dress-making department is m chaise of
      449 words
    • 515 13 WDRINK^E Tin: Singapore and Straits AERATED WATER Co.'s AERATEDWATERS FOR PURITY AND GENERAL EXCELLENCE, THEY STAND UNRIVALLED IN THE EAST. Office and Factory: 100, ROBINSON ROAD, SINGAPORE. JOHN FRASER, i p ronr j_ fo D. C. NEAVE,( Proprietor*. ESTABLISHED 1814 JOHN HADDON Co. Wholesale and Export Stationers, AND Colonial and
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  • 790 14 Thb premises of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining the Town of Singaport. Steam tram-cars rvn at short intervals carrying passem and goods from Wharf to destinations at iow rates. The Wharf extends to one mile and a quarter and uided by
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 615 14 ST. ANDREW'S HOUSE, SINGAPORE. THIS is a Boarding House for European and Eurasian Boys only, attending Day Schools of the Colony. It is under the direction of a Committee consisting of the Bishop, the Colonia Chaplain, and five other gentlemen. Applications for admission should be addressed to the Honorary Secretary
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    • 38 14 KELLY WALSH, Ld JIST RECEIVEDA NEW SI PP I. V 01--1 Wills' "Three Castles" Cigarettes. PRICES. In Air-tight Tin*-, each containing 50, $0.50 or, 10 Tins for $450 In Tins of 500, V; 5 1 KELLY WALSH, Ld.
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    • 327 14 ASK PRAKKE Co. FOR Dutch Butter: the best m the Market. In lib. 2lb. tins. TABLE CLARETS Pure unadulterated wines. MEDOC SUPERIEUR. ST. JULIEN MEDOC. The celebrated DUTCH GIN, m stone bottles. A liqueur m itself. COGNAC Three Stars Crown Brand. OLD SCOTCH MIDLOTHIAN WHISKY. First-class provisions of all kinds,
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    • 493 14 Trie Singapore Free Press Mercantile Advertiser. Cable A Tkli Published at 20a, Collyer Quay, Singapore. '"THE I A Protgor, Sut Sembilfl! atra. Also Japan, Far East genera A dai!\ m., with a week at noon each homeward mail, recommended as m \cept for subs pecial feature is made of full
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 428 15 NOTICE. THE FRENCH BAKERY. 38a, Victoria Street, Bm the ii v ore ie following service 1. Serangoon Road, to the third mile-stone. 2. Kampong Bahru, do. do. 3. Taru 4. Upper Tanglin, 5. Bukit Timah Road, do. do. •vly organised service.) Order. pp., L. BEAU LI I June 13- M
      428 words
    • 291 15 ROYAL "PSYCHO" CYCLES. >-— 4 RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT. ALL THE LATEST, DESIGNS. The Ladies' Psycho" Safety, (Prettiest and most Graceful Safety m the World.) PNEUMATIC CUSHION TYRE ROADSTERS RACERS. Thr ines have won more races m thr Straits during the past twelve months than all other makes combined. It is
      291 words
    • 173 15 DAWSONS' P ERFECT I ON Old Scotch Whisky. $9.50 A CASE, WITH PASS. T. L. GOSLING Co. BATTERY ROAD. June 17. Andrew Usher Co. OLD VATTED GLENLIVET WHISKY. Rmjistkreo. Gold Medal, Gold Medal. London, 1873. ilcutta, 1884. EDINBURGH, •SPECIAL RESERVE.' White Label and Capsule. OLD VATTED," Red Label and Gold
      173 words
    • 170 15 The Singapore and Straits Printing Office, Robinson Street, Singapore. Commercial and Artistic Printers, BOOKBINDERS. STATION EliS. LIT ***** l AT HERS and ACCOUNT BOOK 3IANVFACTI HERS This Office which devotes thb whole of its eneboie9 to JOB PRINTING, BOOKBINDING, fee 18 THE Most Replete Printing Office IN THE STKAITS SETTLEMENTS
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  • 449 16 The Loss of H. M. S. "Victoria" London, 26th June. /Sgj. total number drowned m the Victed to be four hundred and twenty-two The collision occurred at fi\ k in the afternoon. H. M the Queen has postponed the state ball, and I I lermany, Italy and America
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  • 1629 16 Pr> moti.-n n Ku;.la 1 :-npor Th' Th. Im Ix> am, Th^BalbM oi |ohvre. I IfcMCi St I i'L' n ne Ball. Sarawak New-, The lanStear Curious ll— ntnrk R Perak Museum Notes, orce m th on on the s. s. Langkai. Firt re Road,
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 65 16 cLtAKANChS. 7« p*ge, for Lon I ivre and London. ne.havon ports. sa. itia-»-n and 'k and PalemI i k. Croix, for Pri«— and >r Havre .ind H ISABELLA, But. sir., Hudson, for 1 Sri h tor Teluk S\m I or, Brit, tr., Nacodah, for Banjul via ports Nacodah. IraMm .-lantan.
      65 words
    • 384 16 Anjkr SHIPPING Report. tally compiled for the Singapore Free Press), Anjer; Nationality and description name Where and when sailed nation.] ID StOMM 1 Lon--1 Imlbert ->;. Brit sh., Cro« cotland lew York, Feb. 27 I 17. Swed. b«j. A' m* Holmberg Fort E hi April -'4 BaOfk vk<or; Kennedy; New
      384 words
    • 626 16 VESSELS IN PORT. Flags ft Ton. Captain Arrived From Consignees For. When Men-of-War Pallad Brit, cr., 2575 Mcl^od July I A. Island Sr. N. O fficer Dut. g.b., "u-i Souman July 2 Olehlth .en. I lii-LLB 00 Murphy June 28 Malacca Other Vessels Ger. 772 Bendixen ugon Brit, eh., 75
      626 words

  • 893 2 Summar\ I .id Sunday I-a< Lessons to Learn, P O nan The 66 Th Pt O The Press on the Fjcaction, The Out ide, A Hongkong Association, Th Crown Colony Hoi AC 249 Our Que irhament. I m pen. Vmendme 281 rwv>rth or Penang, 281 ue, 281 A Royal
    893 words