The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 28 June 1892

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
  • 18 1 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. WEEKLY MAIL EDITION. --iKI; RrIES TUESDAY, 41i.%j »Bth, 1802. No 2^7.
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  • 193 1 Aftnci mm kt P.ihaiiL- Delinquenctei 401,402 Infant Mortality, n Coi ki Nfv.s. Police Court. Meg*] Kxport-.f nof Arm-. 402 Seizure of Opium n n 1 „410 nankruptc) ouit, t o > In rt Avisf in Co., ii Admiralty Court. finfeffol Diamond Collision, m SI'ORT. Drama. Stanley Opera Co^ M
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 40 1 On the 2191 instant, Blima, the beloved witr of Arthur Whittam, Proprietor of the Hoog Konif Hold, Singapore. English and Australian papers please copy. On Friday, the 14th instant, Elsii Mabbl, ir.t.«md uKhtero( 11. A. Heard, aged io montlis
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    • 14 1 On he 23rd instant, thr wife <>t A. J. Ross, of a son.
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  • 53 1 "KKfCiKP up to |< ki t)\ LOWDOH. j in s i i demand Private credits 6 m > 1 s N documents A m/« > 1 1 On Indi\. Bank demand ..^-'4 OV HOK(JKOV({. Bank demand «%ilis On Jay* Bank demand *77 Private y>d/i i^SovkkkivJvs, (to buy) S(>
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  • 99 1 1 39-25 G mbier. s»*7i Cube No. 1 *&5 u<». do. No. I Pepper, Black (ordinary S'porcl 8.90 do. White, (Fail L/w 14-75 Nvtmecr* '.«»s to th< !l).) Mace(aaiMU) >• 9* v 5 (Amboina). n '^5° Bally Coitee Blacks) -'7-75 l.i, iinall pearl (Fair quality).! 375 do Hake (do.
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  • 894 1 (June 2 1 st.) iHE news received from our represenlaliv in Pahang is important in several respects. It does not locate the whereabouts of the Oimng Kaya, which, up to the present, except for the engagement between the Sultan's men and the belligereiit chief when an advance
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  • 281 1 THE failure of the Sultan's second expedition up the Semantan might and ought to he used to strengthen the hand of the Government. It was reported that His Highness was willing, it he tailed to catch or kill the cx-Orang Kaya, to comf down to Pekan with his
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 25 1 Carlovitz Claret. I tt <>t 12 bottlt> quarts at 93*5° 2| pints at 44.50 per case nut CBBh< D. BRANDT Co., Soil Importers h m.w.f
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    • 58 1 LADIES' SCHOOL. 'PHIS Sc Siool i*» to impart a thorough sound English inn, as taught in Government Schuo s in England Fv :<a M/bjects. French, Music, Dancing, etc. Accommodation for a rsw Boarders. Prl>at lossons n» Kniili^h, etc., ftiven to adult-. For further particulars apply to Mrs. D. J.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 464 1 I V I-i 1 The list mails from Kurope arrived by the I. an, O. steamer Ganges yesterday, the Lomcra.H mails leaving by the Smgha~ //>>'■ on the iMst instant. .Stanley's Opera Company gave a performance of the Nautch Girl" to a large audi.-nce in the Town Hall on the
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  • 358 2 (June 25th. "SAVE us from pur friends!" might well be the present ciry of the unfortunate mining companies of Pahang At the present time. Froqi |uc day they went into the country, some under the Sultan's rule and soim under British protection, to exploit and develope the richest of all.
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  • 586 2 Jin-: Attention i>( those interested in the vital statistics of th»- town is called to Dr DUMBLETON'S notes in the 1 Icilth Report for May vu the excessive infant mortality which prevails. To look upon »t a-* .1 device ft Nature u>r Providence) to prevent undue increase ol
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  • 761 2 SIA M NEWS. {Bangkok Times). \i\: :.m_t |apanc*u engineer, Mr. Ivn/. I'otoki, arrived l>ere foi employment in the Hail, was i Kp,r t nu-nt l.ik«* lie ItiM, i.\li. Hisaki Nobechi) is .1 < I*., ol tlie University ol rokio M. Pa%ie, thenw Minister Resident and Con-Mil-Ui'iici I ..lace,
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  • 598 2 The Stanley Opera Company arrived by the S. S. Elektra this morning from Penang, and will give a performance in the Town Hall this evening. The health of M. de Lanessan, Governor General of Saigon, in said to be slowly improving now that he has left
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  • 116 2 Before the Acting Chief Justice yesterday jhe Official Assignee continued and completed the public examination of Ragonatk Xang. The public examination of the partners in the firm of Kidirt^isak ffoosainsah and Co was continued by the Oltic ial Aftftignee and by Mr. Donaldson^ and fhr- Further hearing was
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  • 131 2 11 The Courteous C/esar." I^^ To mi Editor. Sir, Your correspondent "S have gone a step further with rttnH -R's 7 comments on the receptioi 1 corded to the portion of fJ. H. tiie S h* of Johorr's forces that canie over her- f^ firing practice. He has pointed
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  • 633 2 \<.i>>\*rrnhicni Gmtette, June 17th.) The resignation of \h J. A Champ n nowne, Chief Clerk, Treasury, Larut, ha^ been accepted. Tbc Annual Report or> the State Museum states tbat mi extension ol the Museum uofeby 3M14. has been beam Other itecni of interest aw An anthropological collection cf
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  • 175 2 \ery few people in Singapore tii\<execrated the practice so common antcing the natives of earring big baskets, bamlx** itid other obstacles to the successful navigation of the streets across their shoulders Uamboos oi all lengths, and particularly sharp when freshly cut, .ire the mo?* dangerous of all. but most «>f
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  • 481 3 (Telegraph,) The third ordinary annual meeting o f tn s pany wa. Md«| the nth. M r L. Dalrymple" resided .m«i ihrre were also present Messrs "C p thater, 1 E. Daws Kramer, and J. I, Bell. rv.r, .d,r,,t. r M .n ,,k ro.. Hamltn, R. I.
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  • 620 3 By the Eiektr* 10-day arrived Mr. Alexmder StronaCh Murray, who is to take harge ol the Straits Kusuraoce Com pan i< s here as Secretary. Mr. Wm. Macbeaa, the [>rt-M :ii acting Secretary, leaves shortly for Hongkong. Mr. Crawford I). Kerr t mains in ndon, replacing Mr Murray. 1 lie
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  • 196 3 (Pinang Gazette, June 17th 18th.) It is rumoured that the Government is nbout to institute criminal proceedings against two of the partners in the late firm of Messrs. Brown Co matters connected with their bankruptcy.' and that the case will be transferred tj Singapore tor trial. s
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  • 213 3 SOLVING THE EXCHANGE QUEST ION. Madras, June 3. Mr. Chambers, of Messrs. Binny anci ompany, liankers, in discussing the exchange ques« lion, says that the true remedy t" s to break the triple alliance existing between the Government paper four per cent., silver, and the Council Hills. T<» raise the
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  • 247 3 A rumour was current early this morning 13th) thai there was something amiss with the Chartered Mercantile ol Bank India. London and China, and, in consequence, not only was there 8 iun on the Hank but its notes had been re#U***d
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  • 194 3 It will be remembered lhal a lew months ago we had occasion to comment severely on the conduct of the late Governor ol the Philippines m allowing the Dominican monks to carry on a crusade <>i plunder against th natives ol Calamba, ii. tin province ot LagUlta do
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  • 132 3 In a package of ore samples received at Vancouver, B. C, from Vale, W. P. llarvev, tlie Provincial Assayer. found noroe metal mixed with magnetic iron ore. The sender had no idea what it was and asked for its examination. A test was carefully made and resulted in the discovery
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  • 28 3 M Tilkiritf about literary style, thens fcot> a man noted for his fintsfced sentences. Indeed 1 h he S novelist H i 4 No; he is an ex-«nv:ct.
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  • 1288 3 The S. S. Kaiser leaves for Pahang this afternoon with mails for Pekan. In the Official Gazette appears the name of Lieut. H. F. Gaynor, rt.E., to be Captain on augmentation. D. B. Lockhart, late Connaught Rangers, is remove<l from the list of Reserve of Officers.
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  • 411 3 rhe second r a"ure of the Oriental Bank I orporation at this juncture is undoubt -dly a ye y unfortunate event HI the history of banking i n this colony, (Ceylon) the. effect of which will be by no mean'; confined to local losses
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  • 575 4 There was a large attendance at the Theatre yesterday evening when this Company played a Comic Opera, The Sautch Girl, which had run a year or two ago at the Savoy Theatre la London. The Company is only going through Singapore on the way to China
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  • 324 4 Ihe Legislative Council of Hongkong -it a special meeting has voted a sum of Ks. 10,000 towards the relief of tin- disAdmiral Fournier was amongst the passengers by the mail for Marseilles yesterday, and on leaving the gunboat Aubc yesterday prior to his departure for the Scgkmlte* he received the
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  • 1059 4 (From Our London Correspondent,) May 27th. The silver market has been easier this week owing, chiefly, to weaker Indian exchanges. Yesterday, bars and Mexican dollars were negotiated at 401-161!. and 38 1 5- 1 6d. per ounce. Mr. Miller of the firm of AdaiMOn, Gilfillan Co. is in
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  • 701 4 THE P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. The report vi the Board of Directors states- The movements of the fleet during the period ot this report have been characterised by ihe utmost regularity and by complete immunity from ,vi dent. The contract for carrying out a fortnightly service between Venice, Brindisi
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  • 422 4 (By the Mail.) in the Second Chamber of the States-G the principal matter of debate was the n v vent>an with the Billiion Company, whi c u adopted by sixty-five against fittctn' votes \t' majority was fully convinced of the favoi V conditions on which this agieemcu. was
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  • 73 4 An Austrian „»ctlux] ot impregnating limber w.u» /j.u: cul.irul. known .is the fritter process ...pisis in iwen..^ An iron cap over the thick •ml d the newly.fdled )o^, and applying the s -.1,,. (•on wi;i n! m, c-p.mip. The sap toon cxikW^ it the utfier intl, ainj ts finally followed
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  • 727 4 In the I*. S. Consul General's Court, Yokohama, lias lardy been tri^ a sUndti cisi- involving two merchants who had traded together, and tlie heavy damages of S 15,000 was awarded. The following is the judgment:— his is an action (or libei brought by
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  • 231 5 THE CAMELOT— DIAMOND" COLLISION. In the Admiralty Court this morning before Mr. Collyer, an action and cross action for damages by the steamships Camclot and Diamond for the losses they had respectively sustained in the collision which took place at New Harbour on the Ist instant, were mentioned. Mr
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  • 91 5 During the annual course of shooting 1890-91, the 2nd Derbyshire, Bengal, gained the highest average 168.70. The 2nd Northamptonshire, Singapore, stood «rventh. with an average of 160.XN. Seldom h;»s the harbour of Hongkong n able to boast the presence of' more great ocean ftteameri than yesterday 141b)" enlivened it. There
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  • 272 5 C ENTRAL BORNEO COMPANY An adjourned meeting of this company was held B 2^rd uk. at Winchester House, the Hon. Evelyn Ashley presiding; The chairman reminded the shareholders that the recent annual meeting H committee Appointed to Confer with the directors on the affairs ot tin- company, and the
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  • 334 5 IVnh. May j;t!i. The following particulars have been received respecting the wreck o» the steam yacht Sunbeam.* 1 On March jj& the 'Sunbeam* 1 was lying off an island in Admiralty Gulf, at ihe north of Uie Kimberlcy .Jistrict, when leak w.i^ discovered. Hie vessel was
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  • 837 5 The Spanish mail steamer San I. de Loyola, with mails for Manila, leaves this afternoon. The Mail despatched from Singapore to London, via Marseilles, on the 24th ultimo was delivered on the 21st instant. Major R. S. Watson, r.a the old S.V.A Adjutant, and now As
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  • 284 5 The tenth anniversary and farewell tea meeting of the Sailors' Rest, now closing in favour of the Boustead Institute, was given last evening. About 70 friends comprising sailors, soldiers and warders took tea at 7 o'clock in the upper reading room. The after-mt-etin;; began at 8 p.m.
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  • 276 5 The Consular Report of Mr. C. Prater for Swatow notes that "an epidemic of cholera, much sickness from other causes, a disastrous typhoon, and bad times in the Straits Settlements and elsewhere in the South, were all serious impediments to the vitality of trade and to
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  • 84 5 Mr. J. G. Scheurer, of the Medical Missionary Association, who hopes to go next year as the first medical missionary to Java, has been relating how mission work was begun in that lovely island by two godly ladies, wives of merchants, whose iaithful witness paved the way for the first
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  • 153 5 A Malu oorrespondeat sends the following to a contemporary On Good Friday this place is alive with processions, and the native is on his best behavom :u\d full >i r»-!ii»i ous ::t .\n English visitor was walking quietly alon^ the Strada Ueale \vl j .t precession c;une along, and he
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  • 1142 5 (L, and C. Express.) Three reports, from which we have recently given liberal extracts, will have presented to our readers a good insight into the economic and financial conditions of Netherlands India. We first had the report of Sir George Bon ham on the finances of Netherlands India,
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  • 62 5 file Stanley Opera Com|iany gave .1 variety and minstrel entertainment last I evening in the Town Hail winch was well j attended. Mr. Duriah, a new member ..t 1 the Company, wlio has joined them in Singapore, was w.-ll received. Thr other artistes with the exception ot Miss Denver?, i
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  • 2421 6 A meeting of the Municipal Comrrission was held ye«t»rd-y afternoon, Mr. Gentle presiding. There were aUo present the Hon'ble Major McCallum, Mr. Nohst, Mr. Paterson, the Yon ble Tan Jiak Kirn, Mr. Tay Geok Teat, and Mr. Joaquim. Tlie minj;r> of the previous meetings havipg been read 1
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  • 449 6 Bill's amounting to 53.056-49 were P*«ed or payment, the President remarking that the amount was unusually large because .t me uded the .merest payable on both loans for the half-year ending 3 °ni U appointment of inspector Starling after three months probation, was confirmed, that Officer being reported as
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  • 689 6 {liit Australia.) A disastrous cyclone has swept over the State of Kan- is, in America. A large portion f the tow i of Wellington was wrecked. The l.»cal Opera Ho:i>e, four newspaper office*, a foundry, and four squares of houses wt re destroyed. The casualties
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  • 1240 6 THE OPIUM CRY AT THE COMING ELECTION. E ngl ish man.) The latest English Mail shows thaft the agitation against the opium traffic, instead of we inng ii^li oat, was distinctly on the increase. Pamphlets and leaflets aie bring" distributed broadcast, pub. Yh meetings are boing held, lady lecturers are
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  • 1359 7 ,M v f PJ?^^ at Ordinary Meet- ing held on Wednesday, fch June, Presbnt— The President Alm r. ,1 ft£;r eg «SfSr£t&i B" I Mce.i!^ P c coratn «"cement of c r. X :«1.:r... s .hePrcident states S2E&SJ?™ 8 5 2 =*s' ™<* 8397,005. (3). Referring w
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  • 547 7 V] I M IKS of proi eedings at a Special Meeting on Monday, ijt)) June. iSoa. fa PMBSBNr The President, Alex, (ientlc the Insj.iHior-CirritM.-il of Police, R. W. Maxwell T Sohst; C K. (nine; the IWble Tan liak Kirn A. 1 Oon^ldaon; CMV Paierson.Taj Geok Teat i Joaqunr.
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  • 98 7 \l iiu- anniversary meeting of the Royal Geographical Society on May 23rd the Founder's Royal Medal lor the encourage* ment of geographical science and discovery was presented to Mr. Alfred Russel Wallace, ifl recognition vi the high geographical value of his great \vork<. The Geographical Distribution ot Animals,' 1 Island
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  • 342 7 There will be a golf match on Tuesday next, between sides picked from Married and Single. One round. The Willard Opera Company is at present at Colombo, with most of the old favourites, and is apparently doing good business. The town water-supply wil e cut off
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  • 211 7 The case of Buckley v. Edwards, decided on May 21 by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, on appeal from th< Appeal Court of New Zealand, determines an important constitutional question as to the appointment of judges. Mr. Kdv.- trds was appointed by the
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  • 610 7 Ai the inaugural meeting of the Institute- of Mining and Metallurgy, the President, Air. Geo. Seymour, M. i.e. E. f A. R. S. M mnde the Following remarks on Indian mining A wonderful development of mining industry, unattended it i> true with such momentous results as ..those I have previously
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  • 310 7 •'Brownie" in the China Mail thtu discourses on the present state of the currency. \v.\\ there is little doubt the recent heavy fa! vi silver will entirely revolutionise at no distaiv date, the <vhole system of banking in the East. That tne present system all round is much to be
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  • 277 7 Ine timid folk who pass their liws in Jie attempt 10 give tins slip to setvei gas on one side and impure water on the >: will derive little comfort from the researches of D. Mtgula and Schmelk. The first of these investigators shows that > n
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  • 527 8 M The Courteous Caesar." To tbb Editor. Sir, In reply to your correspondents "S" and "T" I should like with your permission to remind them through your columns that my letter of the 18th instant was not on the subject of Ordnance Store Rules but on the want ot
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  • 423 8 h. bis report tor the month of May. just received by the mail, the Manager at Jalis lays much stress on the serious interference with work at the miriVs, caused by the existing state of affairs in Pa hang, in consequence of which all the woodcutters iupplted by
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  • 1670 8 The interesting paper of Messrs. Hooze, Erkhout, and Van Snndick, on the Coalfields of Malaysia, to which we havealready referred, contains a good description of the Somntran r <>altields, and especially dr-scrihr* mhj Oembiling FiHd, the mo*t importa i We quote from the papvr lih c
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  • 393 8 One i>t thr worthies who were concerned as a confederate with James Clark, a well-known Eurasian character of a doubtful reputation, who was charged some time hack with cheating a Chinaman of some |>i<rs and. the change fora bank note which was never paid, and who together with his aiders
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  • 275 8 H. M. S. Mercury, which is to relieve the Hyacinth, about to proceed shortly to Hongkong, arrived here this morning f rom the China Station, and proceeded to the Wharf. The Mercury is a second class cru*: er of 3,730 ton*, built of steel,
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  • 468 8 A somewhat amusing case was decided recently in ihc JVisi Pritts Court, Manchester, before Mr, Justice Cave anal a special jury, the bone of contention being what is well known in engineering circles as camel hair belting. The plaintiffs, Reddaway and Co., sought lo obtain an
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  • 173 8 PENANG NEWS. {I'inang Gazette, 20th and 2»st.) I l»< Pcrak Races are fixeJ for August 27th and 29th. The gritfins indented for them are to be ponies of a. good class, something like Fairy Queen. N\ c understand also that professionals will be perKnjtted to ride. There will be. amongst
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  • 1221 9 (St. J antes Budget.) Every one has heard before this of the great Burnav tale, which began on Wednesday and lasts O£f 10-m rrow. Ten thousand pipes of P't wme are b,, nv pu bi,<: v sold bvMessrV Southa.d at the London Wool K.h^^ad^ quantity
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  • 476 9 At a recent meeting of the Soochow -Missionaries, Dr. Park read a paper describing Chine* doctors and patients. Jsome ot We points are very curious. Acupuncture is a very common remedy in China. :ho needle is driven into parts of the bod v which may be pierced without
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  • 238 9 (Pi, mug Gasette.) From private sources we learn that a sort of flying column was recently sent from Raub into the JeJai country, with a view of intercepting the eX-Orang Kaya Semantah, wh^ was supposed to be making thai way. The e.\p dition, however, returned without
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  • 255 9 Abstract of traffic earnings for the month ot May, 1892: Hcmds ff Receipts- c. Passengers .v o^ 18 Horses, Carriages and Dogs 231 20 Rxcess fares 10 50 Parcels 189 25 Kxciss Luggpage 7<> 7° Special Trains Total Coaching 5*543 80 Goods 21,953 22 Livestock 96-' 42
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  • 173 9 The total return of visitors to the Raffles Library an d Museum during the week was 782. The prizes tor the one and \wn iV cycle handicaps at the S.*.C sp»'ts :»i% July 6ih and gth have been Cti«weu, m 1 ate now exhibited at Me.-srs.
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  • 648 9 VOLCANIC ERUPTION IN THE CELEBES. Details of a terrible volcanic eruption from Gunong Aroo. a vole-nip on Sanper, which lies in the chain of islands connecting the northern arm of Celebes with Mindanao in the Philippics, have reached here. On the western coa t Sangier is washed by the Celebes
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  • 277 9 Market Tenders. To THtf h OITSR. Sir, The belief entertained by the Munij'p jI M# vsident ihal the prices offered for ili«? KMcoboroUjjh market are very low, i th -i> there had been collusion between ill* tenderers, has prompted me to write ihi letter with a view to Mtisfving
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  • 37 9 ■Mr. Justice Wood, Mr. Harwood, the Acting Attorney-General, and Mr. Rodesse returned by the Sea Belle from Malacca yesterday. The Dutch steamer Bmwemn discharged 100 cases of gunpowder at Tanah Me* ah, consigned to Messrs. Boustead Co.
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  • 503 9 On lh<? nomination of th(* Singapore ChamUei ol Commerce, His Excellency tin Governor lias beon pleased to appoint Mr 'I !i«>mas She 1 ford, C.M.G., to l>u provision, lly, and subject to thf approval of iKi Majesty the Queen, an Unofficial Membei of the Legislative Council u\ the
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  • 1049 10 Though deprived of the Annual Show at Burlington House, the Englishman abroad is kept posted up on matters artistic l»y the illustrated journals. A very large proportion of the pictures exhibited in colour is exhibited to us in engraving, &c, and we, exiled from the Academy,
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  • 1157 10 (From our own Correspondent.) Iho Criminal A*siie* were opened t>etor. ilie Acting Chief Justice on Tuesday, ihe 2i >t instant The Jir^t i ase was that in v liii li tour Klings, Vela in, Senan, Sindrtim, 1 n t i Sevrtian wore charged with causing grievous Juiri and
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  • 415 10 It will be <»:en that a meeting of the creditors of the New Oriental Barking Corporation ail! be held on Wednesday next. Tlie' object of thr meeting, it is not I difficult to infer from Ihe pn>creiiing> that i have taken place in Colombo and other i places, will probably
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  • 1043 10 The Progress Report of the Pre^H of the Municipal Commission for them of May, and dated June 11th, reach i' U late yesterday. The financial position is satisfactory th collections being 8215,^40 for the H months ended May 31*1, 1892, as r^ a j n $215,159 for
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  • 91 11 Foi London vm C» n I ,j, v rorß :(,b,er.. „,r 7 Ko LiverptMil llnfl IV f l|ed i'" t.o Continent raiea ...,v,n,i- about the eaMnmeni Hn I 1, h> freight 27,6. Kor n rate* arc 7/6 .1.1 1 v.;: (anal to u'l per ton of loewt. Bale (.mtnbu
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  • 555 11 Yhe British North Borneo Her mid lot !i:nt ls J Ju t tc The discovery oi gold in Darvel is dealt with in an orial, which v mre -l.ovvu t i., a small parcel cow- ingsomctwoamiah If ouno-s b«»ing the result ol five days work foi
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  • 141 11 PETROLEUM TANK SHIPS I N THE SUEZ CANAL. Mr. J. \V. owtlur, ill reply to Mr. P. Morgan, snid that tinier Article i4©ftheConession to the Sue/ (anal Company of Jan. 5, the Company is empowered to establish re;.ui,s for the passage of ihe Canal andiu adjuncts, and that ihd new
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  • 1687 11 Amongst the passengers by the mail steamer Ganges this morning were Mr Justice and Mrs. GoMoey Ihe Lutin. a French guntxiaJ from Saigon is now in t'«- V and will stay here a few d.iys. The Dutch gunboat r'oro came in trom Edl (Achern) yesterday !,einc/
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  • 507 11 (B. N. B. Herald.) We got under weigh about ii in the tnornu\g going in pairs in small dug-oms and ship's di"gheys armed with a deadly weapon called a Serampang or fish spear with 3 sharp prong* The natives had been employed from to-; fore
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  • 288 11 (May 27th. 5 The Kail of Dv cra ven moved foe a copy of (he motion passed by tne Canadian Hou^e of Commons on April 2 with reference to preferential cade with the United Kingdom. I he resolution, l>e said, was very significant, bunjf a
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  • 333 11 The case against L. O. Jurgens, oi the Royal Railway Department, Bangkok, who was arrested unde- the Fugitive Offenders' Act or a charge of concealment ob property, which was set down for hearing to-day, was again postponed for a week a medical certificate being put in that jurgens was too
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  • 1005 12 Mr. F. G. Somerville had a grievance the like of which may befall any hoimwa'd traveller, and tested his case in law Thi» is the report. In the City of London Court, on the 27th ult., before Commissioner Kerr, the case «>f Somerville v. King was heard. The
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  • 1683 12 The report of the directors states The accounts cover a period of fourteen months for Lond m and fifteen months for Singapore and Kuala Pahang, the Board having dettrmincd as a matter of convenience to carry them up to December JI, 1 891, instead of October
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  • 687 12 Ihe text of the Convention between Great Britain and Holland, defining their re>p»xtivt2 i»ound<aries in Borneo, whicli was sigite< j Itufctfti year, ami ratified on May 1 1 last, U S no,v IP 1 n published. The subject lias long been one wii \vh
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  • 1115 12 (Via Ceylon.) Cairo, June 15. The remnants of Gordon Baker's soldiery who have returned rfere dtx] that there are now no Ki»yptian troops i n toria except four hundred at Wadelai and \h. one thousand have joined Captain J.ugard, wh<> their opinion is enabled to defy any odds
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  • 3125 13 Kuala Lipis, Wednesday, Nth After a trip of three days duration from remerloh per ss. Mnyum M r Rodger aruved at Kuala L.pis this evening about 7; 3op.m the other Rurop-ans with the Resident being Messrs Wood and Town, ley. the fo.mer
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 153 13 Robinson Co. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Outfitters. LADIFS 1 DEPARTMENT. Millinery. Umbrellas untrimmed Hals. Parasols. Dress Material. rancy Articlesi lor Presents. ITie dress- making department is i:; charge of a qualified Assistant. Family Mournm^ mad' ,1 order at ia hour* 1 no' ice. rO\*eS< TailorinK in all its branches. Patent Shoo.
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  • 250 14 THE BANKRUPTCY OF BROWN CO. Prosbci'Tion of Two of thf. Partners. This morning (22nd) at the Police Court, before the Senior Magistrate, Mr. J. K. Birch, on the application of Mr. Wreford, Assistant Official Assignee, warrants were ordered to be issued for the arrest I I awrcnet Coombe Brown and
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  • 60 14 The levcr-ttricken coiuiition 01 the Din•l t.-js In \»c-i! exemplified by ihe fact tha* ia>t year, 1 j t c»i 221 «.ast-s who were trtatcd in the Lumift Hospital, i<>t^ were ca: ol malarial fever; and o\ 400 out* patients a led, 225 Ire similary affected with m.tbri.i. The fever
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  • 1304 14 [Vul Ceylon, i London, June <>th.- The nominal .^^et*« ol i)»e New bank arc £8,250,000, and the liaLilhiea t\ lotighl) estimated ;it £7*250,000. The immediate cause oi the I ank's stoppage was due to ihe st< »dy withdrawal during the past ear ut 1 ,«.»< oiNi <>t Kxed
    1,304 words
  • 216 14 THE PRYE RIVER DOCK PENANG. I c above Dork, situated in Province ellesley ai tl c unoe o( ihc Prye River, has lately been lengthened and deep* ned and is now of thi following dimension* [*ength on the blocks 3JO feet. Breadth ai entrance Depth i>! water on sill .it
    216 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 117 14 Howarth iirskine, Limited, CiyiLi Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders, Bridge and Ship Builders, GENERAL CONTRACTORS. AND TO h'.'hi. M. GOVERNMENT. AGENTS FOR Kobcy, Engineers, England, Engines. P/iumiord. Engineers. England, Pumps. Keddaway, Manufacturers Belting. Camel Hair. Hepburn's Patent Indestructible Valvjs. Vtocking's Fresh Water Condensers. Kaglc Non-Conducting Cement Co.,
      117 words
    • 607 14 ST. ANDREW'S, HOUSE SINGAPORE. THIS is a Boarding House for boys attending the Raffles Institution or other day-schools of the town. It is under the direction of a Committee consisting of the Bishop, the Colonial Chaplain, and five other gentlemen. Applications for admission should be addressed to tic Honorary Secretary,
      607 words
    • 457 14 Ruttonjec Merwanjee Co Indian and Colonial Merchants 22, St. Mary Ax«? t London, E.G. Established 15 years in London. r^argeors orders from Town or Up-country for Europe' and American goods txecuted with promotne< and economy. Consi^nmknts realized and nr ceeds remitted by wire or advances made accord ing to arrangements
      457 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 496 15 Just Arrived. FINEST English Hams about 8-utbs weight. P c P r C 2ccntß P" lb. •.SrJ&C 11 Bacon in pieces of fr< lv* v c Pr i iCC 2 ccnls P er *b. Kobe Smoked FFungus.r -s. v- 1 Pr ;cc 5 o c?nts'each. ,ach kC lr m '3/
      496 words
    • 475 15 ••THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS." AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT to^hJS." 1^ 16^ 01 Papef be Correspondence intended for publication mm* b« nS°r nicd -i y htn r address of the writeT r^T "U- Pubhcation but si .uar.ntee of Communications should be written 0,, om- eof the paper only Rejert.H Manuscripts
      475 words
    • 387 15 nr*HE N^W HARBOUR DOCK J COMPANY, LIMITED. This Company executes Ships' repairs oi all dcs criptions in the most efficient manner, under the superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 Graving Dock. Ltngth 4x5 teet. Depth of Water from 14 feet to 15^ teet. Width at Entrance \2 feet.
      387 words
    • 130 15 $21. FOR twelve monthly instalments of twenty-one dollars you can obtain an INDIAN IRON PIANO. bull Iron Frame. Compass 6^ Octaves. Rivetted telts. The tone is clcliciously vocal, and in the rapid forte passages it has all the decision and brilliam r' that can be desired. These instruments have been
      130 words

  • 475 16 (/-#r the Free Press.) Speech of Mr. Gladstone. Lo?tdon y 20th Junt, /<Sy^ The Rig'ui. Ho «'bic \V K. Gladstone in a recent speech charged the government with r.iisii'j rcliVious issnes and denied that the protestaotl of lister were solidly oppostd t 1 li.>me rule. He also denied
    475 words
  • 64 16 Special Te'egram to the Free Press." 'To Kaya at Budu. Raub, June. 20th, 2-55 j>.tn. Arrived a I Raub from Li pis on Saturday (itfth), without an escort. Unmolested. ITIu Pahang appafently quite quiet. Saw lo Kaya at Budu. where 1 spenl Friday niglit. The tet< jraph
    64 words
  • 53 16 Kaub, i iinc i ;th. 2*20 p.m. Two Raub boats hav< irrived from i.oSok I rua bringing the winding plant, .urr.'ttly dantiigr-d, undoubtedly by the Sultan's follwer* I i.r- Raub Syndicate's .•sic! the l'"uin!i«^ < iHMuaiiy g downs there an- alsA
    53 words
  • 326 16 June 20 Per Speelman from Batavia.— Mr. Botcnheim. Per Malacca, from Teluk Anson. Mi. Dcrry and Mr. Hennessey. Her Chow Phya: from Klang.— Mr. De S u/i. June 11 Per Klektra from Trieste. The Stanley Opera Co., Mr Dlctz, Mr V "-y I Mr. M. O. Scharei'gewil Pcf
    326 words
  • 87 16 l une 21 Pei Sydney: lor Marseilles,— Mr. D. \V. Horst, Mrs. Horst, Mr. 1). Fairtneather, Mr. Hof man and Mr. Hucksath, Mr. Robertsorii Mr. MousleVi Messrs., Mrs. and Mi^s Soesmann, Mr. Hennessey, Mr. Donath, Mr. Timmtrsmann and Mr. Kliy. Kor Colombo* Mr. L. C\ Balfour. June 22:
    87 words
  • 777 16 Giving nationality, unmade, master, :i> «i date cm departure, cat _o. consignee, dati <>( leavin*, destinatti n (wliere known and station in port. X Roads; T.P. T*niong Pagar; b. W.— Borneo Wharf; N M.- New Harbour; 1). -tin d.»:!x S. S!ij>u.i\- T.i'i, Rhit). Q «m. o. l4.
    777 words
  • 461 16 Restitution, Brit, str., Hirkins, for Manila. Nanshan, Brit. str.. Blackburn, f.>r Bangkok. LißFi.i.t, Brit, str., Grant* fur utbuan. Komimgin Emma, Dim. sir., Soomer, for Hemburg. FLINTSHIRE, Brit. str.. McGill, for Snigon. Carolina, !)ut. <tr.. Camittters, for Palembang. GaMGBS, Biit. str.. Altlerton, for |apnn. Jnne -\>. Pidblio, Ger. str,, vissen,
    461 words
  • 116 16 Per Arcadia, from London. June 10. Mr. H. Laugher, C.'apt. Peck, Mi. J. Bain, Lieut. F. \l. B. Hobbs, Mr. Kelso. For Penang, from Urindisi.—Mr. I). H. Wist Per Saldsie, from Marseilles, June v. -Mr. J RuhsoM, Mr. Hinnekindt. Per IhitiuuiitPSw, w l^ondon for Penang, Jum
    116 words
  • 244 16 QuOTATIO*. Cap. Pd. up Shar*s Vai*« Pd Dir H kor>, x S'!;;u Bank. uo% Prem. $10,000,000 %\o 60,*****5 12s I^. tone Pagar Dock. > !?7i Buyers. 1,500,0001,500.000 15.000 10S .00 10 p.c Dcbeniurcs6px. 1 prem. Buyers. 909,500 V* larhom- Dock Co. i3oLastsa»e. 258.000 258,000
    244 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 214 16 Weather Report. tjuuc -26 Taken at Kandang Kerbau Hospital Obsevvatory 0 A. M. p. m. o P M Bat. red. 32 Fah ?n 846 2Q.72.J Temperature H. 8 84.5 Wet Bulb Thermometer... 7^ 77.8 J^'J Dir.otWind S >.W. SAY. Max. Temp, in sli.ide S >.o Mm. do do 735 Max.
      214 words