The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 22 September 1891

Total Pages: 16
173 188 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 241 173 E ui:v. Articles. Will there be wori "Official Letters" or Answers JA I peer's Kvidencc W Ktcfu'ness of Missions 111 Court News. 174 Court The Sang Borv Case ,<> averting the Emigration Ordinance 181 Sfort. S.C.C.«S. R. C. '.md the World lcniv.s lournament ,-Z ,C--11 107 \ulumn Meeting ,gj
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  • 57 173 RRB< TKD IP TO SeI'TEMBER 21.) On London. Bank 4 m 1 3 2] demand 3 2 Private credits 6 m/s 3 3s doi wments 6 m s 3 3| r3m's 33i On India. Bank demand 224^ On Hongkong. Bank demand 1% di>. On Java. Btnk demand 196 Private
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  • 99 173 (September 21.) 32-87* uambitr N 6.25 do tube No. V......... 9-35 do do. \o. 2 79* UUck (ordinary Spore) h.JO >>• White, (Fair L/W— s% „20. I*"** 110s tothelb.) 88. lianda) 9'Vmboina) 1 7 2 5 Coffee (10% Blacks) m 25.50 nail pearl (Kair quality).. 39° 10. Hake (do.
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 95 173 At No. 166 Queen Street, on the 18th instant Bn i y sh V Ce ,K r IT" 5 agCd IO >' ears and 7 month" copy B rneO and Siam W« P^se On the 19th inst., at his residence, West KenBkC;,? the 1 year of his T.ES s
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  • 1093 173 Here thai! the Preit the People* rijht maintain. Unawed by influence and ttnbribed by gain Here patriot Truth her jlorioui precepts draw. Pledged to Religion. Loyalty, and Law. (September 16th). In the event it will probably'Jprove that the sensational telegram of to-day is built upon a
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  • Page 173 Advertisements
    • 43 173 ca stern Mortgage Agency Company, Limited. Ithori1 thoris ED Capital 41,-000,250. BfcD 600,250. S^f van^ made upon Mortgage of Freeholds, CV 5 and other approved secu-it»< s. lu nicipal and other public Loans, ne&ond issued upon the London Market. PATERSON SIMONS Co., Agents.
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    • 173 173 Ruttonjee Merwanjee Co., Indian and Colonial Merchants, 22, St. Mary Axk, London, K.C. Established 15 years in London. Large or small orders from Town or Up-country for Kuroplan and American goods executed with promotness and economy. Consignments realized and proceeds remitted by wire or advances made according to arrangements Letters,
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  • Page 173 Miscellaneous
    • 268 173 The Wekk. The mail from Europe dated Aug. was brought by the P. O. s.s. Rohilla which arrived here on Sunday last. The homeward mail is carried by the P. O. S s. Alalua leaving to-morrow. Ihe N. G. L. Steamer Bayem having Cft Colombo on the 20th instant at
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  • 1011 174 (September 17th). THE Singapore public who are at the trouble to read the periodical reports of Municipal proceedings will find some stuff for reflection in the account, presented in this issue, of the transactions at yesterday's meeting. The speaker whose views will meet with most approval
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  • 1199 174 (September 1 8th) The conviction of Mang Boey and his subordinate accomplice, on a charge of blackmailing one Lv Chow, a nephew of the recently banished Lv Thien, justifies everything that has been said in these columns as to the dangers lurking beneath the working of the Banishment
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  • 924 174 peptember 21st). While \t is not so much the proselyt' zeal of the English and American tant Missionaries as that of their Ri Catholic colleagues that is to beh*M countable for the present angry f ee r China against missions in particular a foreigners in general,
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  • 1437 175 It has been prophesied that the business H centre of Singapore, within the next five H years. will be considerably west of where it now. The Teluk Ayer Reclamation H iurni^Hcs the space necessary for new H iowns and offices which the increasing of the place requires, despite
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  • 21 175 I The «;Bth Northamptonshire Regiment remain in the Straits till the end of fe 9 2, and then go home. I
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  • 532 175 Lady dementi and Miss Smith arrived by the S. S. Wing Sang this morning at 8 o'clock. Bishop Hose also was a passenger by the same steamer. Both the steam launches Josephine Af. Charlotte and Constance are advertised for sale by Messrs. Powell Co. as they
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  • 378 175 (Times of Ceylon, 3rd Sept.) During the brief stay of Sir J. Frederick Dick* son in Colombo, quite a large number of native chiefs have journeyed to Elie House to see him, some having come all the way down from Kandy for the purpose. It
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  • 355 175 While the Straits Independent is, persuaded that it would be of service to the Malay Protected States to have a more elaborate system of law administration, it makes some sound and sensible observations on the necessity of preserving the integrity of the status of these Malay States.
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  • 279 175 The following is the report for presentation to the shareholders at the twenty Jifth ordinary meeting, to be held at Hong* kong, on Thursday, the 1 7th September, 1891. The Directors have now the pleasure to lay before the Shareholders a statement of the Company's
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  • 975 176 By a Converted Sceptic. Sequah speaks." Such is the announcement that meets the eye daily in the local press. Sequah speaks." In proclaiming his presence in our midst in these terms, Sequah errs through excessive modesty. Sequah does more thn speak. He does that which from time immemorial has
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  • Correspondence.
    • 157 176 To THE KDITOR. DEAR Sir,—ln reply to •'lnquirer's" letter in your issue of 14th inst. I. I would refer him to the present Rule 36—which says The top weight in selling races shall not exceed 11 st. 7 lb." 2. —Why the members who attended
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  • 565 176 H.N.Ms. turretship Koning der Nederlanden, Captain F. J. Stokhuyzen, arrived here from Acheen this morning, and will dock at Tanjong Pagar. The usual salutes were exchanged on the arrival of the ship. The general management of the E. E. A. and C. Telegraph Co. will from
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  • 1039 176 The members of the above society met last night to discuss the question whether the Protected Native States should be annexed. The Right Rev. Bishop Gasnier was in the chair. After a lively discussion the proposition was negatived only by the aid of the chairman's casting
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  • Correspondence.
    • 177 176 The Mount Ophir Gold Mining Syndicate. Co tub Editor. Dear Sir,—Referring to the para{Y appearing in your issue of the i-tl about Messrs' Barry Coy., of C Managing Agents of the Du'mra Gold P^ 1 pecting Syndicate Limited having moned an extraordinary meeting Shareholders (which meeting Was held on the
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  • 440 176 Sept. 16th before Sir E. L. O'Malley, C. The Sang Boev Cask. Sang Boey and Teo Kit were charged under sections of the Penal Code with committing extortion and with criminally in. timidating Loo Chow, the nephew of the man Lv Thien who was banished, on the 13th
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  • 139 176 We are informed on good authority NM tfte Bentong Tin Mining Company Arranged to part with four square of their tin concession, iituated Perting Valley, to a London syndicate sisting of a number of strong nam is provided that, should the experi deputed report favourably on the Bj property,
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  • 95 177 m > The V? Wn 7 enn J S Tourna mcnt commen on lhursday the ist October Fnt r tl on Saturday the 26th September mitece events to be played off are fhe Championship W"-S,ngles, A Class -Singles, B Class. J^r Double Handicap.
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  • 375 177 in*V X Yen, a well known native pastor, N .C. VMM as follows:— Soon re s in Wuhtt, I asked our Mission's n there tor details, and his answer, m< j Xtractl from his journal, was in H llows. bi j to end
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  • 231 177 notes have vinu occ.i.M'^nal I n Malacca^i a i acca has I following appli^Hnendation. I wiiirh is itsown ra^^H ,g Is I ileman with these I ise me when I troubHf^^e to i n( ji a I have the intention to enTjj so a CO mpreI er of metal and
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  • 963 177 a blu°vf c ap P ear to be anxious to abolish our opium revenue and so render alo"^ f °P ium chea P and universal among the natives, will do well to consider aWni; a* Sa r e i g norant P oli^y effects when applied t
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  • 159 177 S. C. C. v. S. R. C. The encounter last evening between a moderate S. C. C. football team and an eleven of the S. R. C, under Association rules, resulted in a good game, and a most interesting one for the spectators. L T p to half time
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  • 1879 177 Hongkong Telegraph Correspondent.) What with Lord Lamington's proposal in the House of Lords respecting a collective guarantee l Treaty Powers for the territorial integrity of .Siam, and Lord Salisbury's expression of opinion in reply thereto to the e&9Ct that he did not believe the autonomy of Siam was
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  • 296 177 The Netherlands Indian Telephone Company have declared a dividend of nine and a Ijalf per cent. Sixty-six thousand eight hundred guilders is the highest offer for the Opium Farm of Batavia, Krawang and Lampongs. News has been received that on Baron de Horn's estate Bavaria" at Deli three
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  • 154 177 This afternoon at Tcluk Ayer three lots of land in the block adjoining Finlayson Green were sold by auction by Messrs. Powell Co. Lot I. Abutting on Robinson Road and facing Finlayson Green, consists of 8,230 sq. ft. Bought by the Singapore Land Company for §14,814, being
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  • 4239 178 By Otto Wachs Major (retired.) (Deutsche Rundschau). It is to be hoped that, for the sake of those interested in the question of imperial defence and the union existing between us and our Colonies, the interesting paper dealing wijh the Canadian Pacific Railway
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  • 377 179 ilu the KJ.itor of tlie London and China Express.) Die Jackson case seems to have given you qualm* as to its effects in Singapore. I rtain no such apprehensions, if common sense lowed to have fair play. England and its Government do not war against
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  • 213 179 which Were q C 5-° Certain s^ctur e s upon s£ P i? SSed ln letters to th Papers upon Sequah's method of operating on £uSK p f ients> to the B Xt when^h ment t C Uld have its fu and hand? .1 I" WaS
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  • 1137 179 Yesterday afternoon several gentletT^'T d f Wn tO New H^bour Dock Srlt V a r deCtric motor A short stretch of l,ne was fitted with an overhead conductor from the dynamos used in the electric light, whence the current passed to another motor fixed to
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  • 425 179 {Hongkong Daily Press.) The suggestion advanced by a Straits contemporary that the increased charge for the military contribution should be met by the imposition of tonnage dues is one which should not be allowed to pass without protest. The Pinang Gazette admits the jusli<:e
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  • 53 179 There is a hint of more troubles in the dog-killing business. Mr. Abas junior was arrested this morning on a warrant charged with attempting to shoot one Tambi, a Municipal dog-killer, while engaged in his duty. The case came before Mr. Woodward and was remanded till 24th inst. Mr. Drew
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  • 3193 179 Sept. i6th 1891. Present Mr. A. Gentle (President), Messrs. Miller and Hooper, Hon'bles Tan Jiak Kirn and Major McCallum. Absent Messrs. Sohst, Crane, Beng Wan, Eng Keng, and Kiccard. The minutes were read and confirmed, The President stated that Mr. Eng Keng was unable to be present on
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  • 99 180 Abstract of Traffic earnings for the month of August, 1891 Heads of Receipts c. Passengers 3,730 05 Horses, Carriages and Dogs 46 40 Excels fares 69 16 Pare* Is 43 99 Excess Luggage 149 67 Special Trains 50 00 Total Coaching 4,089 27 ♦Goods 21,405 10 LiveStock
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  • 157 180 The Ceylon Times makes these observations with regard to the Colonial Secretary of this Colony Sir Fredetick Dickson, able rmn as he undoubtedly is, di>es not appear to have hit it off very successfully with the good people of the Straits, which is the more remarkable inasmuch as there is
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  • 1448 180 The hearing of the Sang Boey case again occupied the attention of the Chief Justice, the Hon. E. L. O'Malley, at the Supreme Court this morning. Mr. Donaldson opening his statement for the defence on hehalf of Sang Boey. Addressing the Jury he begged them to put all
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  • 467 180 (Pinang Gazette.) Mr. F. M. Mccarty has resigned his s^at on the Municipal Council, as will be seen from an advertisement and letter attached, which appear in our advertisement columns. Many of our render, will learn with regret of his decision, which, however, is but to be expected
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  • 321 181 Wit h the *ang Boey case yesterday the l^ixes ended It will he "renembe ed ha in one murder case (Mr. Logan for the CfcDce) the jury disagreed and were dis r har „a. Smcethen a nolle p roscqui has IbtH-n entered. There seems to be
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  • 662 181 fhe following is the Mining Manager's Report for the fortnight ending ioth September, 1 89 1 Gentlemenj, I have the honour to report the y is y»e progress made with the works at Aline, fo« the fortnight ending above date. Hoik (North End). Work has been con- VI to
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  • 528 181 Gv^khiS"^ n u MeCtin Of the Selangor Tuesdat l < WaS he d Monda y an <* '-mpu? ISV1 S V 4lhand 's th at Kuala sdoTw V "y s ««essfu! two days sciiinLff 1 foiiowing the L First Day. mass PS &c M,.s,i,™ y g£ w:S3s.i
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  • 217 181 The adjourned case against Capt. Seepers, mastrr of the Dutch Steamer Siak who was charged that on or about the 24th August, oft Pulo Batom he did abet a number of Indian coolies to depart from the Settlement in contravention of Sec: ion 33 of Ordinance
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  • 47 181 Two men in the Government suppression of Rabies Department were charged this morning with extortion, or rather bribery. At Selitar they demanded 75 cents from a Chinawoman and got marked money that Mr. Wade, the Superintendent, had left for them. Pour and six weeks rigorous imprisonment, respectively.
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  • 1086 181 The failure of The World to beat up a football team against Scotland last week caused much jubilation amongst the sawnies and their exaltation found vent in a dead language but The World is hugely delighted to see that Scotch Latin is inferior to Scotch football.
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  • 2284 181 {Continued), An old Singaporean continues his reminiscences of hib connection with the British navy during the China War.] My first interview with three of the most prominent men in the fleet occurred in this way It was off the Rugged Islands at the mouth of
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  • 1510 182 The following are portions of the President's Progress Report for August The falling off in Taxes [$881.35] is accounted for by there being fewer cattle carts registered this year than at the corresponding period last year, the numbers being 1661 as against 1882. A good deal of
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  • 503 182 On Jan. Ist 1890 the Expenditure of the Colony in arrears was $19,217.28; on Jan. Ist iSqi it was $686,296, but $585,262 of this was the Military Contribution. The Balance at the Credit of the Colony was Jan. Ist '90 Jan. ist'9l $1,541,102 1,223.447.
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  • 255 182 The Parsee cricketers of Bombay have done a big thing in again beating the local cricketing talent that proved too much for the Madras team. These comments appear in Indian and Ceylon Papers The defeat of the Bombay Gymkhana by the Farsees, for the second time, will be a very
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  • 987 182 The total return of visitors to the R a ffl c Library and Museum during the week was 1,167. Tongkin coal seems now to be just com ing into practical use in steamships accord ing to these paragraphs from a Hon^o paper 5 We hear that
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  • 419 183 Proposed lhristmas Races. special general meeting of the Singapore Sporting Club was held last evening j^th- Exchange Rooms, M r C. G. Pat presiding. There were also present Messrs. Jones, J. Paton Ker, Stiver,, Koebn. 1 regarthen, Dennys, Simons, Vade D Donaldson, Powell, Sugden, Latham' plunn.
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  • 163 183 l i inang Gazette.) The case of Messrs. Tennent Co., against Ifcetrkrani, Ha-him Nina Merican, has been postponed f >r hearing until next week. New Prye Hiver Dock Cos. ordinary halfyearly meeting will be held in the Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday next, the 23rd inst., the Directors
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  • 224 183 POSAL TO EXPEL MR. FRASER SMITH. An xtraordinary general meeting of the Hongkong Jockey Club was held on thr afternoon of Sept. nth at the City Hall tor the purpose of dealing with a proposal to expel Mr. R. Fraser Smith from the Club. 11 P. Ryric,
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  • 717 183 in Rr P xT rU V° n Of Arms Ammution, &c, in British North Borneo is prohibited for a IT°^° MX months fr °m October ist. Under the Societies Ordinance the Marine Club, the Hindoo Association and 1 lanjong F agar Football Association TK XCmpt frOm re K
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  • 202 183 Corps Orders. Singapore, 19th September, 1891. 1. Orderly Officer for the ensuing week, 2nd. Lieut. A. M. Keith. Orderly Sergeant for the ensuing week, ber^eant Fabi is. 2. Parades Monday, 5 15*.*— 7" R..M.L.Gun-drilL Tuesday. 515 p.m.— Max.m Gun-dnll. Thursday, 5.15 P.M.-Squad drill. 9 p.m. -Lecture "The
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  • Correspondence.
    • 521 183 To the Editor. Sir, —A paragraph appeared in your columns a few weeks ago, quoted from the Dutch papers, to the effect that in a short time a large number of Chinese coolies would be paid off from the Sumatra Tobacco Estates, and according to
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  • 778 183 {Fr«m our own Correspondent.} A meeting of the Malacca Club was held in the* Club Room on Wednesday, to receivt* the report of the Committee appointed to take steps for securing a Billiard Table for the Club. The report stated that the Resident Councillor had sanctioned the necessary alterations
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  • 1060 183 {Gazette> Sept. nth 1891.) Mr. H. E. Beatson, Assistant Surveyor, lias been granted ten months leave of absence. The red light at Bagan Pasir, Kuala Bernam, has been replaced by a white fixed dioptric light visible at a distance of 5 miles. The Malay land-owners in Krian are
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  • 3038 184 TIIK SI LTAN Off JOIIOKE CROWNS THE HEIR PRESUMPTIVE. THE (EREMONIES AM) THE I WUL'KT. NOBILITY PRESENT. HVMOROI'S PHASES. (Echoes.) Tinted States Consulate, Singapore, May 31, 1891. My Dear Kchoes Something like a month ago His Highness, the Sultan of Johore, returned from Europe, where
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  • 196 184 In a "Master and Servant" case at Hongkong the Magistrate was decisive as to the duties of China boys. The facts arc thus given in a Hongkong paper All the young bloods of the town will be delighted to learn that it is now permissible to 11 spank a refractory
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  • 828 184 The Selangor Government Gazett fies the appointment of Mr. C R r not as Chief Inspector of the Posts and^ 0 graphs Department; the extended l'^* for two months (till Dec. 14th) o f \i c E. Maxwell, C. M. G. and the dism i Mr.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 137 187 S!R -Some feeling in the Consular boJv has been caused by the reproduction i(1 the Singapore Free Press of a semipersonal letter ot mine that was printed in Jnv own country. The criticism it has called forth is in my estimation based on a very natural misconception.
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  • 306 187 remarks of the China Mail on a itcent notorioui bankruptcy case in Hongkong, show that Hongkong and Singapore ire po and kettle in the more umbrageous i share business proof of the rottenness of the Hongkor: market could be wished than the eviJ( given in the Rustomjee bankruptcy.
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  • 248 187 p m A capital entertainment was given on Saturday night at Tanglin Barracks by the Lily Variety Troupe." Lt. C. F. Mould, R.E., formerly stationin Singapore, has now been promoted to the rank of Captain. The Cycling Club had a pleasant moonlight run on Saturday night, to which eleven members
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  • 120 187 1 he watch between members representln X s < otland and the World was concluded n s *tuiday last, the former winning by holes. The following is the score, the rts uk of the two rounds J*- A <»illLspie, -f i v. Major Rich, R. A. Maclcay, v. Mr.
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  • 3532 187 and He T be nOt a f€W in Singapore thL I L Cre Wh wi read with some|hing like consternation the last report of the Directors of the Gold Fields oi Sam as fco X nC time S ld here as S by Mr Co StrCn
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  • 80 187 The Hongkong Daily Press says "We hear that the present regiment stationed here, the ist A. S. Highlanders, will return home about the end of the year.'' statement is quite true, stud Singapore therefore will nut have thdt regtuurnt as ita infantry garrison as was previously given
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  • 525 188 (For the Free Press.") Russia and Turkey. London, September 14, 1891. There are fresh reports of an alarming nature from a German source that Russia is preparing to seize Constantinople. It is also reported that the Turkish ambassadors at London and St. Petersburg have both been summoned to
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  • 298 188 SEPTEMBER 21st, i^gi. 3 Quotation. Cap. Pd. up Shares Value rd. lv« v H'k«ng S'hai Bank. 174 Prem. Sellers. 7,500,000 7, 500,01x3 60,*****5 125 New Oriental Bank. 545 Sellers. 2,000,000 £567,100 67,100 50 50 Tanjon^ Pagar Dock. $185 Sellers. 1.500,000 1,500,000 15,000 100 100 i*> p-<--u<> Debentir s6p.c.
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  • Page 188 Advertisements
    • 146 188 NOTICE. The Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, 01 Japan, China and Struts, and MITSUI Co., of LONDON. Sole Agents for The MIIKE Coal Mining Company (largest collieries in Japan) and Agents for Chikuzkn, laku and Kvratzu Coals. The MIIKE Coal Annual output 500,000 tons. npHIS well known coal has uniformity of quality,
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  • Page 188 Miscellaneous
    • 167 188 Passengers Arrived. Sept. 21 Per Ooryia from Deli. Messrs. Khesing, Kichelmann and Krol. Per Choiv Phya from Klang. Mr. G. B. Webster. Per Malacca from Teluk Anson. Mr. and Mrs Brace, Messrs. Malet, Riccard, Hall, Mother St. Marienne and Sister Oergela. Per De Carpentier from Batavia. Messrs. Gibson (2), Gombard,
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    • 819 188 Sept. 1 8 Per Elberfeld from Sydney. Mr. Murray. Per Giang Ann from Samarang.— Mr. L. van Cuylenburg. Sept. 17: Per Sappho: from Klang. Mr Stiven, Mr. J. Kerr and Mrs. Fowke. From Malacca. Mr. Everett. Sept. 17: Per Siak from Deli. Mr. Van Akker. Pc r Hebe from Deli.
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    • 600 188 September 9. Propontis, Brit, str., 1,387, Fanaud Jeddah Aug. 14, 546 Pilgrims, Alsag^ff Co., Uncer LiND n rßri";tr., iJI Lowe Kuchi ncj^Auß. 26 Coal, Faterson Simons Co., Uncertain.— B. W. September 7. Aron, Nor.bk., 634.|Christenscn;Mauntius i Aug. I, Ballast, Master, Uncertain.— X. August. 31-Thorbecke VII., Dut bk., 938, Maars Batavia,
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    • 545 188 Anger Head, Brit, str., Rose, for UnT""" 5 I Singkep, Dot str M Croese, for Rhi 0 n# I September 75. Ban Seng Guan, Brit, str., Geary fnr n I Pakan, Brit, str., Shimnen, for Pak a n gk< I Ruby, Brit. str.. D'Cruze, for Paiembana I McDuff, Brit, str.,
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