The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 1 September 1891

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 270 1 CONTEN TS. Leading Articles. Form .1 Ai n-xation I2 g sir Frederick Dick^on CrematKMi < J2 q I j inrse Servants ,2^ Tl c Military Contribution Position 126 Coirt News. kruptcy Court toQ Supr. me Couit r T Icrr and cheap sales j^2 Liability of Ricksha owners SfORT. Singapore Cricket
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  • 54 1 f(CoPRRCTEO If TO AUGUST 31.) On London. ft.'iik 4 m s .3 3} demand 32 4 Pmate credits 6 m/a 3/3| documents ow s 34 3 3.3 l On India Bank demand 225 On Hongkong. Bank dennnd 1% di*. On Java Bank demand *97i Private 30 d.'s 202^ SoVEREIONS,
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  • 122 1 (August 31.) Tin 32 1 G -nbier 5 9° do. Cube No. 1 8.90 do. do. No. 2 7-4* Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) 10 374 do. White. (Fair L/W=s% '.1850 Nutmegs uos to the Ib.) 86. Mace (Band*) 9° »yes (Amboina) l Billy Coffee io£ Blacks) 25.75 Tapioca, small
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 20 1 On the 23rd July, atClarens, Switzerland, the wife of A R. Vbnning, of Selangor, Straits Settlements, of a daughter.
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    • 25 1 On the 24th instant, in Guernsey, Major-Gen-eral Alexwdkr William Gordon, late of the Royal Sco;«s (ist Royals) and 6ist South Gloucester Regiment. (By telegram.)
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  • 409 1 The M. M. S. S. Melbourne conveys this mail home, having arrived from China today. An interim mail from Europe was received on Friday the 28th ultimo by the German steamer Darmstadt and a later mail from home per M. M. s. S. Saghalicn today. The next mail
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 1 Here shall the Prest the People'i right maintaia. by influence and unbribed by t*' n Here patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw. Pledged to Religion. Loyalty, and Law.
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  • 643 1 (August 26th). The Singapore correspondent of the Morning Post, whose identity stands openly confessed by his signature of occasional contributed letters to the same quarter, as well as by the matter and manner of them, favours that journal with another communication which our readers will have recognised as
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  • 498 1 It is hardly necessary to-day, in wishing Sir Frederick DICKSON a pleasant voyage home, and a restful and refreshing holiday, to review, even in brief, Sir Frederick DICKSON'S public services to this Colony. The Colonial Secretary leaves us this afternoon for three months, which leave will most'
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 58 1 rMr. J. BERTRAM MOSELY, d.d.s., Detroit, u.s.a., r.d.s. Eng. £'irgeon& Mechanical Dentist f h *s started practice, at Battery Road, the Square, and intends supplying An ii< ial Teeth *t Reform Prices. Pu.jectly Painless Dentistry a Speciality. Arijiidai Teeth brought within the means of All work Guaranteed. i. ««te Address,
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    • 99 1 HENRYS. KING CO. MERCHANTS AND AGENTS, 65, CORNHILL, LONDON. SUPPLY DEPARTMENT. GOODS of all kinds are supplied on the most favourable terms for Cash Remitted with orders. An Illustrated Cash Price List will be forwarded on application, or orders may be sent from any. Current Catalogues, if full partculars are
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  • 842 2 A* 5 August Bth) m In many parts, of the world the question of how the dead may be so disposed of as p t J** ast to m convenience the living is rapidly necoming one of urgent importance and J jnsfeverar'places the too long^.sHrking of m* difficult problem
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  • 1414 2 (August 2gth).% Lord Knutsford has said the last word, for the present, upon the nature of this Colony's military liabilities, and it is important, that the Colony should have a clear idea of its position in this respect. The Secretary of State does admit that there should be
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  • 900 2 (August 31st). I An advertiser in to-day's issue a i who has been Himself a resident in c- C .M •pore formerly and is so again, o ff supply what is often felt to be tk* "acutely felt want in this place n tic service here, in its
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  • 427 3 TUES DAY, AUGUST 23, 1891. 2^^, Sir Frederick Dickson* goes home Tn three months' vacation lea;-*, which may be possibly It is almost certab that we [shall see Sir F. Dickson back amongst AS again, should there be no oc 1 current j&f a suitable opportunity for pro" "T nr2iw7£
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  • 79 3 The retirement of Lieut. -General Pritv chard promotes two well-known officers in M^jsr-General Sir James Bevan Edwards, K.1.i;., to Lieut -General, and Colonel Sir Charles Warren, X CB, G.C.M.G to MajorGeneral. The last named gets his General's |ace in bis fiit\ -first year, as he
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  • 209 3 At the annual general meeting to be held on Friday next alterations in the rules will be proposed (a) that members leavfc ln g Singapore for the other Settlements or foe Native States remain members without subscription, so long as they are absent, {b) that after three
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  • 874 3 0f F KJ!r T l l hO? T crowds MoSmi^A abS| *avanesc. and other Jrounl r ai lu ra< l eS had Sphered in the grounds of the house lately built 6r the descendant of the Singapore* royal line at Kampong Glam. Before^ four o'clock the
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  • 24 3 The S. S. Dardanus from Liverpool, and Jeddahwith 237 pilgrims from tke latter port, arrived this morning with a clean bill of health. *m
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  • 1061 3 THE NATIVE STATES OF THE MALAY PENINSULA. {From the Singapore correspondent of the "Morning Postt") Singapore, July I. I have previously acquainted you with tne desire that exists in Singapore for \f\e formal annexation to England (in place of the informal control by England) of the protected native States of
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  • 709 3 NATIVE V^T (To the Editor of the London and China Efforts*.} Dear Sir, —Another letter has appeared m \fce Morning Post, dated Singapore, June 16, in w^ch v* tjjj the writer advocates the incorporation of the/^atiwe few*. States of the Malay Peninsula with the Cok>^v*of* the Straits
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  • 424 3 The Whitehall Review writes thus, in reference to the discussion le£ by Sir Thomas Sutherland in defence of the Crown Colonies against the oppressive and arbitrary treatment they experience at the hands of the Home Government in regard to their forced military contributions It is
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  • 1326 4 L. and C. Express. The further appeal, to the House of Lords, on j the question of the Military Contribution of the Straits Settlements has now been made, and has, we regret to say, led to nothing more definite than the bte debate in the House
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  • 946 4 From the Bridport News of the 24th July we take this reference to the death of Sir Frederick Weld The hand of death has removed from amongst us v ir Frederick Aloysius Weld, O. C. M. g., of the Manor House, Chideock, whose demise will inflict
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  • 853 4 (Before Mr. Justice Goldney.) 24th August. RE Edwin Koek.—Mr. Joaquim, on behalf of a Chetty claiming an equitable mortgage over some of the bankrupt s landed property, moved for an order under section 18 of Schedule 111 of the Bankruptcy Ordinance. The Official Assignee said he assented to
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  • 1012 4 he Roman Catholic community o f M gapore will hear with unfeignedlsorrJ lft }i I the death of the Very Rev. Ca/ On pj I which took place at Goa on Us j' I The reverend gentleman left S| n gap Or i, m the Clyde
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  • 821 5 I If the suppression of the sale of Manila I tickets in Singapore has deprived I sO nic of us of the pleasures of anticipating I a bi£ P rize has at leas saved us frcm I lhC disappointment of a Shanghai ticket I hol^r, who,
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  • 803 5 wal hcld& ra C t m^ ting of this Societ y being St mght the s b i ect f °r debate that She sTa? *om£ lat n fi S i° the whites is su^ h for their e^S£ cd <unds KnT^V—^"' l 6 memb^s, Mr. A.
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  • 1162 5 Boslocutus est Th* Saturday Review has dismissed the case of the Strain Settlements with a lofty^disdain let us with a blush retire/ 1 Its article on the wrongs of Singapore "—it has not yet heard of the existence of Fenang and Malacca, but we grow wiser
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  • 510 5 {By the Mail.) The Dutch-Borneo Corporation (Klintjon Concession), Limited, has been registered by F. T Shepheard, 8, Berwick-street, S. W. The objec^ is to seek for and secure openings for the employment of capital in the island of Borneo. For the purposes of registration, the company is declared
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  • 90 5 >-■- m The Master of the s. s. Anger ton, whicb-» arrived from Sourabaya yesterday afternoon, has reported the death of his Ch^r. Engineer, Mr. Walter Crawford, at sea and the 23rd instant of malarial fever heart disease. P. Tal- Colonel Mr. W Grigor Taylor, Manager i <>ction E. E.
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  • 315 6 {Frem our own Correspondent.) 4 Through a clerical error the amount of water flowing into the reservoir from the Ayer Keroh stream was given me as 9,148,910 gallons. It should have been 91,489,100 gallons, and this makes a great difference. The authorities are so convinced that the supply from
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  • 191 6 A little over six months ago the Governor made an Order in Council, prohibiting the importation of foreign copper coins. It was hoped that large exportations could have been made of Sarawak and British North Borneo cents which would have had an effect in reducing the proportion
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  • 353 6 In deciding a case of rioting committed among the Chinese painters and boilermakers employed by the New Harbour Dock Company at their premises in New Harbour, on August 3, Mr. Haughton this afternoon held that the locality named was not a public place and accordingly dismissed the thirteen prisoners, who
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  • 621 6 H. M. S. Rattler with Mr. Egerton on board has returned to her anchorage in the Roads after visiting the Cocos and Batavia. She coaled at the Borneo Wharf during the day. Further progress was made with the Golf Handicap last night, in spite of the
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  • 129 6 The steamers Hector, Namchow and Sultan are in quarantine to-day. The firstnamed was sent in yesterday morning as previously referred to, and her pilgrim passengers were this morning landed at St. John's The Namchow, prominent in recent Police Couit proceedings, arrived from Amoy this morning with 127
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  • 851 6 A very large and representative garnering of the official and social world of Singapore was present at the P. O. wharf yesterday afternoon with the double object of wishing a pleasant voyage to Sir Fred- crick and Lady Dickson, and seeing Lady Clementi and Miss
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  • 883 6 We are enabled to give below a f n I report of this event, as the result of a f I enquiry into the circumstances M Messrs. MacTavish and Nelson arri a at Teluk Anson in the s. s. Ooryi a I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 777 7 I I Java Bode thinks there, is double danger in Acheen now that it appears the new Governor < Pompe Van Meerdervfcort is not taken with the ent manner of carrying on the blockade and would like to see it changed for a shipping reguU tion. He grants
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  • 275 7 iforct's. *—i In Australia there is a strong feeling gainst anything that would restrict mining industries. The Boomerang has the following Among the facts not generally known is the fact *at the Government of Queensland nets from I to C3OOO per annum direct profit from the I Queensland mining industry.
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  • 570 7 Tfcc Vienna correspondent of the London Times »n reviewing the labours of the Congress writes It would be incorrect to say that no change whatever has been made as regards tariff and transit rates. In the first pl^e, the Congress has ruled that every country of the Union
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  • 402 7 The Hon'ble James Campbell, formerly Post-Master General of Victoria—who spent a few day,s in Singapore about four years ago previous to his journey across Siberia from Wladiwostock to Moscow, gives, in his narrative of his journeying up the river Amoor, some interesting remarks upon Russian folk-music as heard by him
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  • 313 7 Mem. for the Tanglin Club Committee. The Madras Times slys Our readers will doubtless remember Viqw enthusiastic our Wellington correspondent waxed over a new d*nce rejoicing j n the not very euphonious name of "Barndoor" which the officers ot^e 2nd Suffolk introduced on the Hills from
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  • 862 7 (Ceylon Observer.) The appeal ad misercordiam of the Chinese Ambassador to the British Government not to put further pressure on the 'ower he represents, in the repressing of riot and murder, the victims of which are innocent foreign resident^ is a confession of inability on
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  • 2267 7 (The Field). A very interesting lecture on this subject was j recently given by Dr. Victor Horsley, of the Brown Institution, at the Royal Instkutute. Dr. Horsley, who has for many years made a special study of the disease, demonstrated the absurdity of the/ notion of
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  • 947 8 H. H. Sir Charles Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak, is expected in Singapore on Sunday. He will probably arrive per S. S. Aline* Lieut. W. G. Grey, Madre Staff Corps, son of Major Grey, Superintendent of the Singapore Central Prison, is gazetted as having passed the lower
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  • 1166 8 The Status of the Native States. To the Editor. Sir— l live in a Protected Native State and I have to rely upon Singapore merchants for my monthly consignment of oilman's stores. Some Singapore newspapers were used inside my last package to wrap up some groceries, and I had
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  • 468 8 In the Supreme Court before Mr. Jus'ice Goldney the case of Chong Gee Longv. Sayle Co. was heard. This was a small cause in which defendants were summoned for damages for the wrongful dismissal of the plaintiff, who was a store-keeper in their employ. Gee Long
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  • 190 8 In the Madras papers a fatality of a very unusual character is reported. circumstances are given below The death of a European child, one wonthott under the most horrible circumstances, at the Mud Fort, Secunderabad, on the nf the 12th inst. The child was put to bed mother, who hurried
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  • 1324 9 (Gaßette, August 21st, 1891.J Appointments. Mr. W. B. Clark (fro p. \V. D.) to be Assistant, Engineer PerJk Government Railways. M r Choom Sai A M 1. c. E. f Assistant Engineer P W D Mr 1. A r* e Mornay, Assistant to Superin' undent, Lower Perak. M
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  • 563 9 A match was played last evening between the Club team and the Engineers' Association, resulting, after a fast and interesting game, in a v%in for the former by three goals to nil. The Engineers, playing from the Cathedral side, kicked off, but were compelled to act on the
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  • 339 9 We understand that H. E. Sir Charles Warren will shortly proceed to Japan on leave, probably being absent for a couole of months. The total return of visitors to the Raffles Library and Museum during: the week was 789. The Telegraph ship Sherard Osborn has arrived
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  • 103 9 Corps Orders. By Major H.E. McCallum, c.m.g. Commandant S. V. A. Singapore, 29th August, 1891. 1. Orderly Officer for ensuing week, Capt. Dunman, S.V.A. Orderly Sergeant for ensuing week, Sergeant Morrison, S.V.A. 2. Parades Dress plain clothes. Monday, Aug. 31st, 515 p.m.— 7" R.M.L. Gundrill. Wednesday, Sep.
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  • 1186 9 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Cricket Club was held in the Pavilion last night (28th) at 5 P. M. The President, Mr. C. Stringer, took the Chair, there being upwards of sixty members present. The Minutes having been read and confirmed the President moved the
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  • 270 10 (Pinang Gazette.) Lady Clementi Smith and Miss Smith will arrive here by the P. O. mail steamer on Friday next en route to Perak, where they will stay at the M Cottage." vVan Mat, Prime Minister to the Sultan of Fernk, is here on the subject of the
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  • 277 10 The Hongkong Telegraph has an article in which it disputes, upon alleged expert authority, the existence of tin in the concession at Kowloon, in which the asserted discovery of that metal has caused much excitement at Hongkong. It concludes thus, and it now remains to
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  • 403 10 The returns of imports and exports for the second quarter of 1891 are now to hand, and from the comparative statement at the end or the volume it is possible to compare the figures for the corresponding quarter of 1890. The total imports, exclusive ot treasure are
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  • 237 10 H. E. the Governor has been pleaded to grant Sir J. Frederick Dickson, K. crfct. G., Colonial Secretary, vacation leave for three months. Mr. A. P. Talbot acts as Colonial Secretary, and Mr. E. M. Merewether as Assistant Colonial Secretary and Clerk of Councils. The Secretary of State
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  • 683 10 (Via Australia.) London, August 4. The ship Wallarah, from London to Sydney, has been totally wrecked on Dassen Island. The passengers and crew were saved. Baron Hirsch has appealed to the German Central Committee to co-operate Ml the Jewish scheme. The French Man-of-war Voltgtt has been wrecked at
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  • 443 10 The S. S. Diamond from Araoy was detained in quarantine owing to a death among her 380 passengers. The cause of death is reported to be diarrhoea^ Bishop Hose and Major and Mrs. Day have arrived from Sarawak per S. S. Rajah Brooke. Mr. T. C.
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  • 241 10 Civil Service v. S. C. C. The Civil Service who played a weaker side than they generally put into the field were easily disposed of on Saturday by a Club eleven. With the exception of Law, 19 for the C.S., and Pearson, not out 35, and Freeland, 17, for
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  • 19 10 The wreck of the British steamer Hong Ann, was sold this morning for 10, the purchaser being Capt. Anderson.
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  • 396 10 The conclusion of the play i n the r I Handicap and the opening of the handir proved sufficiently exciting, on S-tT m last. Of the entries all but three T y I up to play and of the starters all buT?** went round. The accuracy with
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  • 417 10 At the Masonic Hall on Saturday i ight, Mr. Ronald Smedley presented to the public a "Literary and Musical lvil rlainment. The musical items of th< Programme were contributed by weil-'<ruwi musical ps6pie in Singapore, i i the superintendence o f .vlr. S.ilznrpi A small orchestra
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  • 65 10 On Saturday night a Chinese cooly a found lying very ill in Havelock Road and on being conveyed by the Police to ho pital, died on the way. The symptoms were^ke those of cholera. I The ordinary general meeting of f* Singapore Amateur Photographic Society will be held on T
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  • 922 11 The half-yearly general meeting was he ld in the Company's Offices at noon today (3* st Prfsrnt ._HoiVble J. Finlayson, in the Cha ,r; Messrs. Sugden, Miller, Anderson A- P A R d T' aP v Muhry directors Hessrs. Becker, Bernard, Fraser, Moses C K. Paterson,
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  • 1144 11 A SUBSTITUTE FOR THE MILITARY CONTRIBUTION. {Pinang Gazette.) It is evidently useless to^xpect at the hands of the present Home Covenant so far as the Straits military contribution is concerned and if what, s reported be true, the Colony is hardly likely to be better treated by any cabinet
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  • 880 11 August 31ST, 1891. Before Chief Justice Sir E. L. O'Malley. The Liability op Ricksha Owners. Mr. W. E. Gamble obtained a verdict in the Court of Requests against the owner and puller of a ricksha for damages caused to his trap through a collision brought about by the
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  • 703 11 From the Hongkong Daily Press we learn that the Chinese Government are adopting a new and favourable attitude towards the emigration of their subjects. This fact has a most important bearing in view of the possible institution of coolie depots in the Chinese ports fur the
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  • 682 11 A determined burglary took place in the Square on Saturday night it is believed. From the new premises of Messrs. Robinson Co., access was obtained to the back of Mr. J. P. Joaquim's office. A ladder was reared against the window, the glass broken, and an entry effected. Once inside
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 195 12 Robinson Co. SINGAPORE v PENANG. Ladies* and 1 ritlemen's Outfitters. I^DIRS 1 DKPARTMENT. Silk arxl Satins. Costumes. Millinery. Umbrellas IJatrimmed Hats. Hsrasolft. Dress Materials. L#ces. Boots and Shoes. Ribboii*. Haberdashery. Hosiery. Corsets. Gloww. Underclothing. Velvets. Velvettas. Velveteens. Crapes. Plushes. Gauzes Embroidering. Fancy Articles for Present*. The dress-making department is in
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    • 351 12 T. E. White, 48-1 HILL STREET. (Formerly of i6th Queen's Lancers). CIVIL AND MILITARY TAILOR. Gentlemen's own material made up with the greatest care. Orders executed at shortest notice. Prices Moderate. Aug. 21. KATZ BROTHERS. Just Open, a Fine Assortment of COLTS AMERICAN MAKE Pistols, Revolvers, Repeating Rifles, which are
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    • 643 12 Howarth Erskine, Limited, Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders, Bridge and Ship Builders, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, AND TO H. B. M. GOVERNMENT. AGENTS FOR Robey, Engineers, England, Engines. Mumford Engineers, England, Pumps. Reddaway Manufacturers Belting, Camel .Hair. Hepburn's Patent Indestructible Valves. Hocking's Fresh Water Condensers. Eagle Non-Conducting Cement
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    • 500 12 MATTONTS GIESSHUBLRR NATURAL^JWATERs FROM THE CELEBRATED GiesshubJer Spring, nea CARLSBAD. "THE EMPRESS OF TABLE WATER Giesshiibler Water, owing to th sence of free CARBONIC ACID h v** position of first repute amon^ T\m» BEVERAGES and possesses the ch ar I of a natural aerated water, without < any of the
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  • 1895 13 h (By uerman Mail.) I p ar is Monday --A chimney stack at the ProI Jpmc Ironworks, Hautmont, Belgium, fell y es I [day, burying 18 workmen under the debris. I the oM Cantab cricketer, Mr. C. L. ThornI L, can still hit as hard as
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  • 1174 13 POSTAL REFORMS AND THE LATE MR. RAIKES. By last night German mail we have what was the last official statement by Mr. Raikes, Postmaster General, before his unexpected death. Much of that will be of interest here, seeing that the improvement and expansion of the Postal Department of the Colony
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  • 181 13 I f (Via Ceylon Berlin, Aug. 20. The famous seamless coat of our Saviour, which was kept enshrined over the altar in the Treves Cathedral, was unveiled to-day. The Garment is ot a brownish fabric, and the multitude present at the ceremony venerated it. The impressive ritual was
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  • 933 13 The Hongkong Daily Press thus comments upon the position most recently assumed in French Indo-China as to the* territory in debate. The French claim that the assumption of the administration of Luang Prabang would not be an act of annexation, alleging that it is tributary to Ann
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  • 1394 13 Below is given the repo«s of the recent reference in the House of Lords to the supposed territorial interference of France with Siam (July 17th.) Lord LamiQgton rose to ask Her Majesty's Government whether they could give any information as to the correctness of a telegram I appearing in the
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  • 1700 14 s KY** Ley ion.) (By German Mail.) Alexandria, Aug. 14.— The six vessels of the Mediterranean fleet which have been lying at this port for the last week have now left here. London, 15. The Times re f t ring to the punishment of the Manipur prisoners says
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  • 581 14 THE NATIONAL BANK OF CHINA- IS IT TO BE A WINDING UP? It is only a little more than three months since the National Bank of China (Limited) came out with a capital of £1, 000,000, with a first issue of £500,000. The Trustees, Executors, and Securities Insurance Corporation brought
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 640 14 Ruttonjcc Me^^J^H Indian and Colonial Merchant St. M ARY Ax*, IONDokl ONDok p EsUblishcd 15 years in London 1 orders from Town or Up-country forT* l^ and American goods executed with O| M and economy. Consignments reali z J r mot J ceeds remitted by wire or advances m ing
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 750 15 PENT NOW^ICATIOIitj NS are invited from candidates entering the Government School ingapore. of which particulars Applications should be addressn charge of the Survey Departlement, not later than the 30th is Excellency's Command, J. F. DICKSON, f Colonial Secretary, arys Office. august, 1 891. SCHEME. For the Education of Surveyors for
      750 words
    • 417 15 y^ 1^ Mortgage St.- Agency Company, Lifnited. te,!:r St^T'sha^tT" ;*>«!«•.<* Freeholds, issued upon the London Market. PATERSON SIMONS Co., Aug. 13 Agents. I m H OI^KONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAIQ-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND $10,000,000 r pr^LH abili^' 6 "^vv J *****00 PRIETORS $10,000,000 Court op Directors Chairman-- J. S.
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    • 302 15 NEW QRJBUTAfc BA% CORPORATION, LIMITED^ AUTHORIZED CAPITAL,oo fc r* aid Up >### £609 OOO« Hbad Office, London, E.C. West Ewd Qfficb, 25 Cocksfvr St. W. London Bankers: Bank of England. Union Bank of London, Limited. Bank of Scotland. Branches* Australia, India, Ceylon, China, Japan, Straits, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, Zanzibar,
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    • 263 15 BBITISH INDIA STf AM ffAyfGA/V* TION CO., LIMITED. y ¥^\^XkWSi TO PENXNG, RANGOON* CALCUTT^' One oi the Company's steamers will leave TaJ-_ r^^^jvj^^^S jong Pagar Wharf every week, on Monday after- J* V 2Ss^stXpff noon, for the above ports. V* -f Passengers and Cargo are booked by the above 9
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  • 527 16 (For the Free Press. London, August 24, 189 1. The Difficulty in China. A telegram to the Standard from Shanghai states that an amicable arrangement with the Powers is expected. The Russian Press and the French Squadron at Portsmouth. General favourable comments regarding the reception of the French
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  • 410 16 Mr. t ßiStir. IW from Teluk Anson Vzr Hydra from Bangkok.— Rev. F Graud Rev. Mr. Perbet, Mr. Heggie and Mr. Hansen Her De Larpentier from Batavia.— Mr. Maurenbrecher, Mr. Benty, Mr. Yon Berg, M r Westneer, Mrs., Mr. v. de Pa ßi and Mr ochrence, Per
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  • 403 16 Carolina, Dut. str., Leslie, tor Palemh *^l Darmstadt, Gcr. str., Bodeker f or v P H August 27. Mon *S. lfl| Angerton, Brit, str., ylorris, for Calcuff Ikgraban, Gtr. str., Piper, forSaia 0n J H Hydra, Brit, str., Fripp, for Bangkok H Normanby, Brit, str., Griffin, for iMo! ucra
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  • 101 16 Aug. 25 Per Cathay for Hongkong. Mr. J. MacLennan. \ug. 26 Per Peninsular for London. Mr. M. Sommervilie, Mr. H. O. Robinson, Mr. F. de Souza, Mr. W. Young, Miss Dickson and maid. For Marseilles.- Sir Frederick and Lady Dickson. For Colombo.— Mr. F. Mercer and Sir Fred.
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  • 914 16 Sultak, Brit. str. AU ifv£ 2 Co\\in, Jeddah, B*o Pilgrims, Boustead Co., Uncertain.— K. August 20, Queensland, Brit, str., 2,475. s ick^' 18, General, Gilfillan Wood Confer Marseilles, Uncertain.— R. August ig. Gulf opCorcovado, Brit, str., 1,482, Fox, Newcastle N.S.W., July 31, Coals, Boustead Co., Uncertain. R.
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  • 332 16 (Specially compiled for the Singapore FreePrJl [Date of pacing Anjer; Nationality and (fecr2 of vessel Captain's name; Whence and whtr.s'J I Destination.] H Aug. 14. Dut. str., Prinses Marie; HaU.lB Amsterdam, July 4; Batavia. H Aug. 14. Aust. bk., Phison; Francovich; Sin» pore, July 23; London. H
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 354 16 Passengers for Straits Settl Per Carthage from London Aug 7 nang.—Mr. A. N. van Meerten and ton. For Singapore.— Mr. Thos. Bun bcott. Pe i l /J ctonaon Aug. 21.— For Si Mr. J. Kerr. Per Saghalien due from Marseilles Mr. and Mrs. S. Browne, Mr. Wilm< Lucardi. Per Shannon
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