The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 19 November 1890

Total Pages: 28
1 590 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 427 1 Riley Hargreaves Co. Established 1865. Engineers, Boilermakers, Ikon \m> Brass-founders, Bridge Builders, and Shipwrights. MERCHANT ROAD, SINGAPORE,! AND AT \kwala lc/mpor. :o: Sole Agents lor the Strait^ for RUSTON PROCTOR k CO.— Portable and Horizontal Engines, Centrifugal Pumps, Steam Savvies, Saw-Mill, and Mining Machinery, lor which they have rec< iv«
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    • 221 1 C.MtIK.S \M> (.I N LBSJI Bj'S Oil II IIJ» INDIES' DEPAKTMEN I Silk and Safins. ostuntes. Milliner) Umbrellas I fntrimined lia Parasols. Dress Materials. l-«« es. Boots and Sha Ribbons. Haberdashery. Hosiery. < <-rset^. Gloves. Underclothing. Velvets Velvet) i Velvet* n- rap. Plushes. i. ,11/. Embroidering Fancy Asticles foi Present
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 419 2 SAISEKI, SHIJIO K^ 01 I he above I l<<tt i j- i dation i I Foreign Vis I' l >n pri< loi appeals to the 4 and N N'AKAGAWA KAMI |IR< I Ruttonjee Merwanjce Co., Indian and Colonial Merchants, 22. Sj M Axi I .ondos E.C. Established 15 years in
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    • 320 2 ,di a: v. vj Art fui are M icturei s DECORA! RS. >i LONDON INGAPORE. REGIS /f TERED if J I trade r r mark. >: v;,. 9 9 s Drawing Room Suites upholstered in ,i variel) ol the newest patterns <>t silk taj estries velvets satins and plushes. Dining
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    • 219 2 McALISTER&Co. HA VK JISI RE( Kl VKIJ Pi r s. s. CLYDE, I Rn\| Messrs. PERINET ct FILS a consignment of the ir CELE BRATED IfAM PAGtfE •DRY VERZENAY,". and oiler it at the following prices: $15 jut Case, 1 Dozen Ouarts. $16 per Case, 2 Dozen Tints. Si 7
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  • 196 565 Leading Articles. Page. A Governor's Policy 505 Our Relations with Borneo 560 The Christmas Festival 566 The Finance Committee 567 Local. Paragraphs 568 Arrival off H.E. the Governor 575 S. R. C. Challenge Cup Contest 57/) The Labour Commission 573'554>5&4 Municipal Commission 574 Singapore Debating Society S7.s Rifle Match—
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  • 51 565 (CORRKCTKD IT TO No\ On London. Hank 4 m s > demand 33< Private credits 6 m 3. 5« documents otn 1 3>< 3 m s 3 4 On •India. Bank demand 2 On Hongkong. Bank demand V^T"' Private jod/l dls On Java. <iank demand Jo SnwßV.iass, (to buy)
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  • 17 565 Domestic Occurrence. DEATH. On the 13th instant, at London, suddenly, l». itiLDBMBiSTBR, late ol Singapore. (By telegram).
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  • 326 565 The outward P. 0. mail steamer Thames with London mail ol October 26, ex s.s. Khedive, arrived at four o'clock on Monday afternoon il 7th). The homeward mail is taken by the P. <Sc 0. S. S^ Rosetta, leaving early on Wednesday morning i 19th). Sir Cecil lementi
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  • Article, Illustration
    2 565 l Irre
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  • 903 565 i noon yesterday the Governor ol this Colony landed upon our shores aftei .1 period ol r«st which all ol us will trust has been as beneficial to bim as it was necessary, in view ol the peculiarly heav) strain which the burden ol administration had imposed
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  • Page 565 Advertisements
    • 59 565 NOTICE. by II C HOOAII under the -tyle ul H.< has been discontinued a> wch o;" 11 lll> the „n<lerM S ,,e 1 1. c# HOOAN< With Corner ,o".hr al i-^^ 1 of Eogincerinß te, has be« rince h. 1v and w.ll henceforth l,e err- J'",,,,,, signed in co-parlm.^,,,,, undu
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    • 67 565 IN vj X X v_/ 1 s THE BENTONG STRAITS TIN COMPANY, LIMITED. The undersigned ceased 10 be Agents fat ihe ibove Company, on the 15th instant. HUTTENBACH BROS. Ik Co. With reference t«» the above 1 beg to (five notice hat tlic Agency <>t tin- Bentong Straits Tin Company,
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  • 706 566 Since this year opened the relations of the Governor of this Colon) to the Governments of the three protected States of North Borneo have been in one sense more clearly defined, and yet there has been a remarkable irregularity about the way in which it has
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  • 785 566 We are pleased to learn that, although the members of the Singapore Cricket (lab mean to show our Hongkong, Colombo and Native States New- Year guests a hospitality which it will be endeavoured to render something as nearly as possible Worthy ol the generous treatment aeeorded to
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  • 1068 567 (November 17th). Il will be generally conceded thai there is no responsibility retting upon the unofficial members ol a Crown Colony Legi* lativc Council greater than the criticism of theEslimatesforthellollowingrmamMalyear. The mode in which this duty is earned out here has been recently discussed in the* columns
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  • 184 567 11). work a! the fclofc A)' r Kcclaina lion, wlii'li was nearly two yean ago given out on contract, hai not vet arrived at completion, though, ire believe, according i,, the contract, the work should l>c handed overb) the contractei ai the end o( the current year. It would appear
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  • Local.
    • 334 568 M. Donm r. Belgian Consul-General, and Madame Dormer leave Singapore b) thN liomcw ard mail. Mr. Hone, ol 11. M. Becher <N: 0., has gone up to Ketchau to inspect the site ol the recently reported gold find. At tlie enquiry held at Hongkong int< the
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  • 2124 568 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13,1890. We are requested by the Publishers ol the Singapore and Straits Directory to remind the public that all information, &c, intended tor insertion in the forthcoming copy ol their work should be sent in to them not later than Saturday the i sth inst. Our readers will
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  • 276 569 The Amoy Times says that many tigers are infesting the neighbourhood ol Chiewp'iu, to the terror ol the Chinese there. Just so. When Collinson's away the tigers From a private telegran\ we learn that Governor SirG. W. des Voeux lett London yesterday foP Hongkong on the
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  • 1462 569 The s. s. Pe***g A returned yesterday afternoon from Rhio Straif; having we ceeded in getting the Celestial ufl Hie peef, prai tically unhurt. I fie Pe*m*t left Singapore with three toAgicangs and a lauuch on Nov. n, and reached the other vessel at 945
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  • 1140 570 •In 1 inn 'the steamer Th wies ith !i. ex S t Colombo al -l on Tuesand ma> b expected hi 1 lav 1 M.i'. gi SIU r clever |j tmce oif ill Ile at the \'< n -llall lit. Pad of ili" i nterl linmeilt
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  • 844 571 The Admiral X rniloff left early tins morning, fur Colombo .n.d Aden. Mr. Bell is expected to return from* leave by the mail from China'on Wednesday. The office of the Russian Consulate is, ior the present, in the central building of the Hotel de l'luirope. Ju^t
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  • 777 571 I he inquest on the lire in Afab Sin last Friday morning was opened 10-aaj in the Town Mall, Mr V lientle pn siding Mr Everard appeared representing llu Bwners ol tile pro|)erty destroyed and Mr N'anson on behalf ol the Straits Fire ln< surancc 'o.
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  • 31 571 if A. T. D. Bei gm Mr I 11. Cupe I 1.W.1 I aim >. v I, to be I I ,i M months I missal. —M r I I
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  • 496 572 Mi. Bibb ding the 9th is to hand. In tl X.nib Hole, five I- et have b< en the main level ll n whicl wns a little H show ing g ■'<! still the Intermediate Di hat -in which .'i lit:!-- gt>ld 1 ■•< 1"• Ala number ol leaders
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  • 653 572 Monday X- h. I I Carpci Mr. Hill, < ran Rng S< ng, i ga>« 101 i ponding mainly itfa thai ol pn ioufl brtx k< r w [tni i Ile dealt 4<4\ with the Tanionc Pagar I >o< k < i ii 1 If on. i.
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  • 378 572 i< V ass mblage o! officers and men vi nil arms' oi the Services at Alder* 'lint, a lecture on Imperial Kedera* tiun and the Defence ol the Empire' was delivered by Mr. (L*R. Parkin, Colonial j I to ihe Imperial Federation League, liaron«H. De
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  • 471 572 I o the Editor. PEAR Sir, Your correspondent "Old Resident" writing from Yokohama hay so entirely mis-represented the state of thing in Japan during the past season that I- think it is only right to reply to a few of bis statements. Hating been in Tokio myself during that
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  • 776 573 Arrival of His Excellency the Governor. !,YesU^day night tin i. s. Ojemnah >vas five days out from Colombo, and therefore her arrival here, with Sir Cecil Clemcnti Smith was to have hern expected at an early hour thjs mprning. .But the morning wore on without any sit^n of tlv mail
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  • 802 573 Last night (i ith) saw the 6rst contest foi the Challenge Cup presented by Mr. F. G. Davidson, on his departure* some four 01 five months ago. The trophy .is to \)v held by the best four in the Club, who arc at any time liable to
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  • 3972 573 An afternoon sitting u.i-. lu-M i<>i in.* 1 purpo^r ol examining two gentlemen whc were Utavin£*for Borneo early next moruing. Count fe Gelors, manner ol the £oudon Borneo TobacTo Company, tii^t he got* coolies bath from Singapore and <lir< < t. ti*in I lnm»kf)iii/
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  • 488 575 Singapore Parliamentary Debating Society. !Im r«* w \> las I n .i i ill rirftpite flu i nn n[ r< tl»ci to h<- ir the Ministerial Si it^menl '»f I »I i« from the Conservatives, wJw n»>%i hrhl tin reins in the I louse After th" usual formal n iding
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  • 1345 575 Pahang Corporation The third >■ I held -11. U I I t r I that d he j i -,v gn ped f(M Hid |>ivjbably it would their shareholders* jho ignor*J I difficulties and ddays inseparable frogi th inauguration of all new industries on a large ale, and especially when
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  • 218 576 Siam News. Bangkok Times WcJu.ii thai the newly appointed I Mini--t- 1 to the Court "t Siam ha>. refused the posti pivferring to retain l/^ present appointment at in^t.ii a! Assistant Attorni y"! Justice. This will late the present inctfmbent. Colonel Chilo* n.m^iin^ in Bangkok for .v least aPojLher >:\
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  • 314 576 TfTe tl< tails of the riding accident at Shangli ii :>) Mr. John Mof'i ,*i- of the II kony SlAnghai l> ink a\ 11' hil'iw fhe uigluii M rcury «>t 28th, ult, says regret to have* to •record a very serious accidqai ftl one ol the gentlemen riders duryig th,^
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  • 48 576 Singapore Riflb Associatiok v. SUTHIRLANDSHIRI HIOHL WDFRS, By the mall we learn that the Dornoch Company nf thr Sutherlandshfre lli< rhlanders made 858 points in ihc above annual match against tlu- 522 ot theStngapore Kiftt 1 Association, so the former team has" won by 36 points.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 217 576 VO THI EDI i>»K. t Sir, Some time sniti*. as \\<i> reported in your paper, a petition signed by «i large number #1 the congregation worshipping at St. Andrew's Cathedral was presented to the Trustee praying thenpto have the seats in the Cathedral made free
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  • 1951 577 Strom a Correspondent .j m Nov. iuth i. s (jo. Since the railway tq'Klang has been opened that nice little town makes quit.- a pleasant impression on visitors, surrounded as it is by hills. The new station is quite .in fim.'iniru' to the phi« <•. The iv'iarves, however,
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  • 588 578 f Translated for the Si Qct. -'"Mb -The leading arl ule says that it is reported that a certain Gerrrran firm, which it specifies, have memorialized the Superintendent sA Trade of the Southern Division praying to be allowed to recruit labourers in Shanghai 'to proceed
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  • 315 578 oloncl's no\ 4-drilling, n >l a -drilling, When ofli Adjul utgi- not doin^ llic all attack, Our Jealous Sergeant- Major's always v H always willing, ihi b< Ii" stop us getting slack,. tting ick, Every Thursday now our wil we try to stn nher, to smother, Till lecturing
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  • 995 578 Oi TOII X 13, I 1 recent number o( the ("a// ri ier iV Haiphong readable letter from a rcsidcnl «it Hanoi to a friend in l .iii->. The latter has asked Jii-> friend \\hv h^, who has never killed any onei and who
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  • 620 578 Many have been aware that silver in quite appreciable quantity was diffused in the ocean, lmt now we learn Irom paper read before the British Association that #o the sarffe sourer we must look for the origin of gold. .Mr. Logan Lobley, K.G.S., lUted That ulnlc geological evidence is against
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  • 570 579 L Before Mr. Chief Justice OlMalley. Friday November i-j. C MOA I,IM NBO Si i HOON NBO, Judgment was given this morning in this case, which* was transferred frdm Malacca. Mr. Shearwood and Mr. Braddell appeared tor the plaintiff and Mr. Jttaquim and Mr Everara for {he- defendant.*
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  • 254 579 The news <>i" the !<><> <>t 1 1. M.5. Serpent has btvn received v\it!i the deepest regrel by the officers and men ol Her Majesty's ships in port, and the disaster lias made a particularly strong impression on board the Porpoise. What the cireffm stands may have been vvhich led
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  • 525 579 I I the mand in rank of mmam Lieut, furquill I i I "N| S icourt to Rea \dmiral I- 1 »»tle in Chagane Sqtiadr n about t J W ;1 m Vnlrnh |r; i ■4.-' illiam i w 1 Won Si Brasse) a Xaval Anttua d i Archer class
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  • Correspondence.
    • 158 579 |v 'Hi KOI I"X Sir, l li'- ral members the (n» wi i |üb, who were unable i<» be preset I at the small meeting small only been mmii\ wert out ol town thai settled the detail <>! entertaining <>ur \i^ii«.i- al Xmas, would be glad to
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  • 276 579 The Arrest of a Naval Engineer Officer. Mi 1 OK. I in < i«i h [I VIII ICI llflt <>t t ckul ol r ffom I Icr Mai Ship I his account i^ verymisleadirrg and evident!) compiled by the police officer, who ca tried out the arrest. Tht person referred
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  • 1308 580 Tg the Editor. Sir, In your issue of 2Oth September there appeared an article under above title, suggesting the importation of Japanese labour for the Straits Settlements. Without desiring to imply that such a project might not answer well enough if it could be arranged,
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  • 1296 580 The Australasian and South American for September contains a review of the I'nited States' trade with the Indie-, China. Hongkong, and Japan, and points out with doubtful accuracy the brilliant prospects of American capitalists ousting his English cousin in Kastcm seas at no extremely remote
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  • 1289 581 Memoirs of Bishop McDougall. As many >i our readers may not have an opportunity '»t reading Wir above l>o<>k giving the life of the first Bishop of Labuan and Sarawak, some of the details oi Bishop McDougall's labours in 1 1 1 East as given in a notice <<t" t
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  • 470 582 According to the i Mr. T. 11. Lamb is abo i from his appointment as at 1 'enang VV< condens iron; an ext< nd< I services and da < apable officer We regret lo :)U in narge i I the Pi nang < ia< I, effects ot advanced years and
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  • 477 582 i\rj»';:i for ►ctober .101 k I )i~, Small I'ox. fwo < ned und I during tli" n making a ed with irki li.tvc- ii i ovei ed, i pi i ii ii i I A careful itary m much to I bad state ot latri
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  • 504 582 The visit ol iI i Excellency the Acting ivernor, ol which an account has aire; printed, made Sung< i Ujong very lively for a few days. Ihe welcome given to Sir Frederick Dickson was a very warm >Ugh the notice of hi.^ intende I \isit was short.
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  • 1162 582 Before C. J. O' Mai ley. Friday Nov. 14, 1 Sqo. Y.%r Ko« p. William Postbous \.\n Baches. This case occupied the Supreme Court yesterda) until alter six in the evening, when the arguments being concluded, his lordship reserved judgement. Mr. Nanson appeared for the plaintifl and the
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  • 665 583 Special Meeting, Kriimy \<>\ ii. Present Mr. A. Gentle (President) Messrs. Cuthbertson, Shelford Sohsti Bong Wan, Jiak Kirn, and Kng Keng. The consideration of the Estimates for 1891 was rt sumed. At Mr. Shelford 's request the Kngineer gave detail* as to the item ul 84,698 tor "New
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  • 2231 583 {Frttn our own C<>n\'<pomU-nt.) We have had many distinguished conventions in New York during the year 1890, religious, political and scientific but hoik; thai surpassed tli»- convention hcl'J here ihi^ week, by the steel and iron kings of the world. Sweep the interest that il men represented
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  • 213 584 Friday Nov., .4. Present— Capt. Cameron, Mr. 1 1 ill. Mr. Hooper. Mr, W. W. Bailey said he had had much experience as planter of coffee in the Native States. Hail also planted sago. Imported coolies from India. His chief complaint was that the Government, hy paving slightly
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  • 71 584 His Excellency Sir Cecil Clementi Smith, K.C.M.G., having returned to the Colony, has resumed the administration of the iovcrnment. Mr. i (j Penney (senior District Oflicer, Province We lief ley) has been granted 131 months leave. 11. E. the Governor has been pleased, subject to confirmation by
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  • 846 585  -  Luke Sharp. By Jlow o\i. or his liooKS (ioi into Ekglabd, HOW AM) I Ml R Dins' I I was up m the rooms of Mr. Rudyard Kipling the Other morning-, havUijj a sort of stroking ion-, cert with him," and comparing *n >tes on things in general.
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  • 343 585 [From Correspondent). The s. t Anstralind arrive*! here la>t night frotp West Australian purt>. She brings a tine selection of horses and the usual-consignim-nt of sheep. The following is a list of passeng(*rs Messrs. X. Galbraith, A. Jf Stephens, G. V. Lyidsay, Kussel Hadley, A. L. Anderson and
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  • 73 585 Ordor| by Capt. R. Gunman, Actg. < ommandanl S. v. A. Si mm pore, tjt/i .\uicnibcr. logo, I. I here will be no drill* during this week. 11. Members are informed that to earn the Kxtra-Krticicnry grants, they must <l<> the following drills, in addition to those
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  • 526 585 The presence of the Mutine in i^n reminds us that l»«*r hr-t lieutenant, Lieut K. K. Bradford, is the author of thajessa) which gained the iccond place .in thi Naval Prize Essaj tompetition, the winner being Capt. Henry F. Cleveland, R V/M--lubject u.i- l i»"- Myritimf Defence ol the United
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  • 314 585 The Hongkong Estimates. An Important Motion. At i ineetinfg ol ihc Finance ominilteeoJ ih< Hongkong l^cgislalivc uuncil held on the 9th t> Kyrie proposed that the method 71 idcrinj; \h< estimate adopted in Singapore followed by the Hongkong Legislative oom i, thaLthc estimate! l>c referred t" the considers I the
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  • 838 586 Indian Coolie Emigration To the Straits. omtnenting on the appointment ol the Labour Commission, after summarising Mr. Kennedy's remarks in Council, the Madras Time s ivs: Informer remarks on this t we hav< shown liuw the planter, as'an employer of sooh la' complains of the v tory chara ter ol
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  • 190 586 (jkl i Brii am AND I'< >X 1 I i.AI London, nth Xo; temporary understanding to remain in tore* for six months has been concluded between ureal Britain and Portugal. Tht recent convention has been withdrawn and the state ol things as they were before will be recognised
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  • 39 586 t it railwa) collision t q 1 urn d .it 1 tuntoi^ in \\iiii h ten pcrkilftd and eight injured. They v. re mostly emigrants just returned from tht* (.';:})<• ol iood 1 lope. if. November 13, 1c-
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  • 48 586 L<mdon s i ;'lk Xo: he panu N<\\ \<>rk sto< k mark* t has subsided; j>ri«» i rally Have i en d, an<f the market is iiriii. Ihe London market wai .tii.ttcd !»tit bas im^n improved owing to an expectinflux ol two millipns) sterllngHn gold.
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  • 345 586 Tint!* ruiser Serpent ha^ foundered ©ff Cape l'in isterre. <j.J<) A. M. WOV. 14, I N()o. J lI. M .S.^.v- pent belonged to (he Archer uliirdi class cruiser) Hass. <>t wjuYh H.M.S. Por points also ai; ex 1 tuple. *I'l,ic other vessels of the same type on li
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  • Page 586 Miscellaneous
    • 221 586 Passengers Arrived. Suv. \2 -JVr Caledoniett from Shanghai. Mi. and Mrs. l.r^ermar and family, Mr. H. McDonald, Mr. C. Campbell. From Hon^kon^ M.. and Mrs. Hoover. Mr. \V. van Slaars, Mr. A. Hoare, Rev. Abbe Barillon, Mr. J. Moryneux, M rs, oodfo kI. Per Djfmnak\ from Marseilles.- H, E. Sir
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  • Page 587 Miscellaneous
    • 625 587 Passengers Departed. Nov. 12: -Per l\iUJimien foi Mai Mr. J.I Oimbier, Mr. and Mrs Ruvter and child, M. and Mine. Domur. Mr. j. van Balkom, Ale,srs.» F. Ct postermeyer, K. Kecsten, G, A. M. Crocs, U. Dunner, I. I'".. A. Lewis, E. Trinkaris. Nov. 12:— Per Djenmah for Hongkong. Messrs.
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    • 575 587 Ohow Phya, Brit.^tr., 33 < ckburne, Klang Nov. i^, General and«i46 Deck* Passengers Hun Hin kCo. K. Giang Ann, Brii ir, 556, Follett, Samarang, Nov. 12, General and 58 Deck Passengers,' _I an J\im Tian Sons. R. Hbcuba, Brit, str., 570, Lyons, Bangkok, Nov. 11, General and too Bullocks, Mansfield
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    • 602 587 Ml D, lii" J 1 Hi Shanghai, PWwpaw I hit. -Jr.. i c via 1 >rt B mH KUn* ,II N mil IJ 'k w l).i "<* I longV J 'p in. II > 1, 1 1 1' \mu 1 Mv y d s ,1 1 snov Brit. *l
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  • 305 588 H'koftglc S'Jiai llmk. -?-7 o rrcm. 7,500.000 7, 500,000 00,000 125 125 New Oriental H.iuk $50 Last sale. £2,000,000 £567,100 67,100 5© 50 o p.< Panjong Pajfar Dock. smo.' Sales. 1, 400, <x>0 1,400,00^) 14,000 100 luo 10 px« do Dibentiiies6p«c. I i r Last
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  • Page 588 Advertisements
    • 39 588 FOR SALE. PEPPER CUTTINGS At Market rates, lor particulars apply The Superintendent, Sc Lin < >r. FOR SALE. Some 1 anjontf Pa^ar l)<)tKV>hares." To I. KM) OU MoKI(>A<.K Several Sumsd Sftlß^'V- Pel I'articulars aj^kh' to T. G. I|UiKNAKI>, Ma| ic.
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    • 332 588 •HENNIG BROS., [LLIARD TABLE MAKERS. 21, High Sti cct, London, W. C, England .Undertake to supply new 4 slate bed full sue s« lid Mahogany or Teak Billiarll Tables oi guaran* nansnip and finish, repleta with every n improvement ?nd requisites of Ihe value of •^.'io freiglit oaid 10 any
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    • 308 588 JOHN. LITTLE CO. HAVE NOW THE FOLLOWING NEW GOODS ON VIEW i A large assortment of Newest London and Parisian Shapes in Ladies and Children's Straw Hats, Trimmed, arid Untrimmed. New Klowers, Kcatlicrs, Plumes, Ace, Ac. Latc't Styles »nd Colours in Ladies Kinbroidcrcd, CamJHK and Muslin Costumes. White ana Cream
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  • Page 588 Miscellaneous
    • 507 588 Mi piKi fv R.i \n puns. 1,150 h. p., !.:< ut.-< mn "i I R. P^Oang, Dut. g. b., 8531 ns 1 ew. 4.- liU 300 h. |v- Lieut.-Comma Van S riogrs. I.P. Saw k \N-. 1 4>:> If- b.', 8001 U»ns, 400 h. p., A< lieen, Oct. 51.-R. Egi
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  • Page 589 Advertisements
    • 433 589 STEAM VESSELS. Riley Hargreaves&Co. ENGINEERS 81 Sllll'lilllDl-xs. Have at j>r«scju Snder construction and the following vessels: STEAM YACHT or PASSENGER STEAMER Length 80' o' Beam d Draft v s l) Tastefully littcd throughout, argo Capacity j<» ions. Speed 11 Knots, STEAM LAUNCHES. Larg3 Sea-going Launch with Compound Surface Condensing Engines.
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    • 383 589 Tjiliwong Engineering Works. This .shop is situated in Buitenzorg and has all the latest ap] 1 turning ouj first class engineering works, tools, etc* etc. At the present moment there are ready f*>r delivery in a month six first class traction engines of 4, 8 and i" nominal horse power,
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    • 432 589 j. M. LYON' CO. Ali i Of MCI ¥Mi S\ I H i 4«». Small Steamers and Laun6aik« Elephant Land Boilers, byon'f Patent Rice Mill Self* icting Tapioca Machine**) "(••>' ,!U i\ Wood Privi W iter Supply Wen Bn^lish Leathei Belting Planter's Wine and WaterCooJera Steeied Chin< se Changkols and
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  • Page 590 Advertisements
    • 279 590 POWELL' CO., AUCTIONEERS, SINGAPORE. Doom Mais ToiLtT Services FURNITURE CAN BE FORWA RDKD BY LOCAL STEAMERS TO THE NATIVE STATES, SUMATRA |AXD BORNEO, OCEAN SI i; yMSHIP OMPANY. Achilles). Nkstor. Agamemnon. Orestes. Ajai. Palambp Amfnok. Pai inurus. Anchises. Patroclws, Bei lerophon. Priam. Cyclops. Prometheus. Dardani s Sarpeoon. M ENI 1
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    • 194 590 HEIDSIECK^ Co.'s CHAMPAGNE. MONOPOLE, RED SEAL AND RED FOIL SEC, the latter dry quality is specially adapted to English consumption. SiU depol hi Singapore, Messrs. JOHN LITTLE ft Co. RAUTENBERG, SCHMIDT fcCo. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY. FIRE DEPARTMENT. fhe undersigned, Agents for the above Company, .ire prepared to
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    • 355 590 -THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS," MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. SUBSCMFTIOKS. DA 1 L V EDITION, Local and Intersettletnent Delivery payable Quartet in Advance, PSI ANNUM, 524. Single copies can^be obtained only at Kei lv Ii Walsh, Limited, price 10 cenjis. A limited number only arc Foreign Delivery payable Quarterly in Advance Local tnd
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