The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 30 July 1890

Total Pages: 32
1 30 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 456 1 Riley Hargreaves Co. Established 1865. Engineers, Boilermakers, Ikon and Brass-founders, Bridge Builders, and Shipwrights. MERCHANT ROAD, SINGAPORE, AXD AT KWALA LCMPOR. :o: Sole Agents for the Straits for RUSTON PROCTOR CO.— Portable and Horizontal- Engines, Centrifugal Pumps, Steam Navvies, Saw-Mill, and Mining Machinery. For which they have received 230 Prize
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    • 189 1 ROBINSON Co Singapore and Pknang (Established 1858J Ladies' and Gentlemen's OuT*lTTlfc«. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Silk and Satins. Costumes. Millinery. Umbrellas U ll trimmed Hats. Parasols. Dress Materials. Laces. Boots and Shoes. Ribbons. I laberdashery. Hosiery. Corsets. Gloves. Underclothing. Velvets. Velvettas. Velveteens. Crapes. Flushes. Gauzes. Embroidering. Fancy Articles tor Presents. The dress-making
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 383 2 CHINA PONIES. h^he Shanghai Horse Bazaar Co., Ltd. Supply China Ponies for Plantation work in the Straits, Java and Sumatra, at moderate prices. Particulars can be obtained from the manager. Shanghai Horse B.izaar who will give careful attention and despatch to any order received. June 14. S. IRuttonjee Merwanjee Co.,
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    • 255 2 McALISTER&Co. Offer the following Wines and jSpirits of very line quality. PERINET FILS Dry Verzenay Champagne. (a S 1 5 pkr casi o» i Doz. Quarts, 16 M 2 Pints. 1 7 M M M 4 m 2 f JOHN McDOUGAL'S Brown Sherry. ?o pbr case oi i Doz. Quarts.
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    • 309 2 KNIGHT CO., Art Furniture Manufacturers Decorators and Designers. 14, Kittle Britain, 49, Hill Street, LONDON. SINGAPORE. REGIS X\ TERED TRADE /g|||^ I MAR K. No n^!_ \Jy *****. Drawing Room Suites upholstered in a variety of the newest patterns of silk U;c«lries velvets sal ins and plushes. Dining Koom Furniture
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  • 202 1 Leading Articlks. Page. Official Reports 113 The Trunk Railway 114 A Political Trouble 115 Overland to Australia 115 The Warships Order 116 The Malay states Tin Mines, Limited. 116 Local. Paragraphs 117 The Alsagoff Case 13a Perak in 1889 122 Joltore Notes 119 Malacca Notes 124 The Assizes 124,134
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  • 59 1 E (Corrected iff to July 2g.) On London Bank 4 m/s 3 l\ demand 3 7 Private credits 6 m/s 3 8] documents 6 m/s 3ss 3 m/s 38 On India. Hank demand 223^ P.ivate 30 d/s 227^ On Homorono. Bank demand 4%dis. Private 3od/s On Java. tsank demand
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  • 98 1 (July 25.) Tin 30.50 Gambier 7-3° do. Cube No. 1 10.25 do. do. No. 2 8 6->i Pepper, Black (ordinary S'pore) 1 }-45 do. White, (FairL/W— s%) 25. J5 NuinieL's 150 to the Ib.) 95. Mace (Banda) #s("loves (Amboina) SI. Bally Collee {10% Blacks) 26. Tapioca, small pearl (hair
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  • 21 1 Domestic Occurrence. BIRTH. On the ?9th instant, ;it Grasslands St. Thomas' Walk, the wife of A. H. Ku.furn of a son.
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  • 221 1 The 1\ ss. Oriental, with the London Mail of July 4th, arrived on Sunday morning last (27th). The homeward Mail is taken at four o'clock this afternoon (30th) per P. O. steamer Maliva. His Excellency the Acting Governor is away in the Sea Belle on a vi*it to
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  • 73 1 This simp is ihuated in Buiteniorg and has all the latest appliances for turning out first das? engineering works, tools, etc., etc. At the present moment there ate ready for delivery in a month six first class traction engines of 4, 8 and 10 nominal horse power,
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  • 77 1 SII'TABLK IOR KnUINKKRS, Boil.KU-M AKKKS, Bridge-Builders >m> Gemeral Coitciuctore. These Forget are a quite recent invention and. are vastly superior to any other fofgCl in the Market. They can be had in 3 /es v A -round IJiam. of hearth |8 inches. (J__ s q,,are (»f
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  • 798 1 H<*re»hall ttic Prr** tiir I'cople't r >«« I nnuTd I>\ inltuei* e siihl unbribrd by gain I 1 err riot Truth her ploTMMl* pm < I l IVV i'ledtffd to krli'_ r :<in, I oy.iity. and I v\ (July 23rd) BEFORE proceeding to notice the numerous notable
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  • 985 2 (July 24U1). In expressing what will be general approval of the policy of the Acting Governor in allowing the public to acquaint themselves with the terms of his despatch to the Secretary of State accompanying the Reports of the Native States Residents, it was remarked that one
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  • 1051 2 (July 25th). Last mail brought us out the report of that annual symposium of old Straits hands, the Straits Settlements Dinner, an occasion when so many old friendships are renewed, memories re- furbished, reminiscences re-told, and battles fought over a<»aiii. The event in itself calls far no
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  • 841 3 (July 26th). TOUCHING the railway policy of the. immediate future which Sir FREDERICK DICKSON lias sketched with do hesitating hand in hi* despatch upon the Native Stales, it may be worth while making some additional remarks. We have already mentioned the decisive way in which the Acting
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  • 618 4 (July 28th). ALTHOUGH we are given to understand that no orders have yet been issued by the Government it seems probable that there will be an immediate change in the regulations at present in force here respecting the coaling of foreign men-of-war and transports. A private telegram
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  • 1147 4 (July 29th). A CORRESPONDENT, Klang wrote to this paper last Thursday, generally on the prospects of European Tin Mining Enterprise in the Malay States, and particularly in reference to a new Company termed "The Malay States Tin Mint's (Limited)." This undertaking has been formed to
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  • 317 5 WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1890. The half yearly meeting of the Sporting Club will be held on Friday next. The chief business is to receive the accounts and to fix dates and programme for Autumn meeting The accounts show a balance of 82,214.60 but there are unpaid debentures to the
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  • 456 5 The body of a Chinaman, name unknown, I was found last eveniug (23rd), in Kallang Pudding. A Chinese coolie working on board the s. s. Port Caroline in the Koads yesterday afternoon (23rd) fell down the main hatchway and fractured his skull, dying immediately. Mr. Edmund
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  • 430 5 The great rainstorm in Hongkong last May will have cost ilic Government $110,000 before all repairs are finished. It is reported that llie Directors of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank will recotnmend a dividend of 30/ and 20/ bonus for the hah" year ended 30th June,
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  • 1166 5 'I In- total return of visitor? to the Raffle* Library and Museum during tic week was 1,213. The Perak Snowdrops 14 1\ <• a jamboree on Monday j 1 >i, in the Court-hotbe, Taiping, in honour «>l their Singapore visitors. The Government Gas *tte notifies the
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  • 842 6 11. M. S. Porpoise returned yesterday I (27th) from Pahang. The P. s.s. Oriental arrived venterday morning with the London mail of July 4th. The mail thus came out from home in twenty-two days, having been brought to Colombo by the s. s. Britannia. m A
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  • 218 7 The finest climate in the world but Ye Gawds, sir, such a season To truly appreciate the privilege of living in lohore during the last few months one should possess the spirit and the constitution of Mark Tapley. Scarcely a European has escaped climatic disease in one form
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  • 974 7 Lance-Sergt. J. E. Harris (2nd Nor* thamptonshire) lias been appointed a warder of the Kwala Lumpor (iaol. Instructions to officers entrusted with magisterial duties are published. The Resident issues directions to a district officer with regard to the preparation of a register of holdings and a territorial
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  • 355 7 The Hon'ble I Y. Kennedy, of Penanf, is a passenger from Singapore to Batavia to-morrow in the s. s. Graafvan BylandU Two Teochews were arrested on Sunday in Hill Street, while lighting with heavy axes. They had wounded each other slightly* and would probably have done
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  • 740 7 The following have been chos n from the list of those who volunteered to play on August 4 (whole holiday). S. Hornby (Capt.)i A. P. Talbot, p G. Penney, Hiijgiiiboiliam, U. B. O. Smith; l.t Frccland, I). Sauncb b, J. Coo!*, C\ Li-lu-fuot, Dr.
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  • 428 8 Acting Superintendent Cu scad en left last nigbt for Penang by the Port Caroline. From Penang he will proceed shortly to England on leave. His place is t<> taken bv Mr. Hogfire. who will arrive by the next French mail steamer. Meanwhile his place is taken by Acting
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  • 243 8 Before Mr. Chief Justice O'Mallev. Tuesday July 29. Syed Mahomed bin Syed Zin v. Syvd Mahomed Alsagoff; Mr. Sheanvood for plaintiff, the Attorney-General and Mr. I3«uley for defendant. The plaintiff's evidence showed that on Sept. last he arrived in Singapore from Kuala Lumpor, his father, Syed Zin, being
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  • 522 8 We were able, not long ago, to give our readers some particulars of Mr. Percival Sj.-eiu 'i-r's movements in Java. That gr\\. tleman arrived here last night (-7th) by the Pritis Alexander on his way to Acheen. It will be remembered that Mr. Spencer is engaged
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  • 4165 9 London an I China Express.) The Annual Straits Settlements Dinner, held in London, took place on the 20th ult. at the Ship and Turtle, Leadenhall-street, under the presidency ol Mr. Hi M. Simons. The number of quests present exceeded those of list yev, and in all
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  • 4386 10 Mr. I*. A. Swettenham's Report of the oldest and most northern of the Protected States is based on the work of half a year, for Sir Hugh Low did not retire till May 31st. It is, however, as interesting as it ran well he, being a briel
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  • 331 12 '.from cur own Correspondent,) On Thursday la^t the( >pium Farmer prosecuted a Sikh named Singh. Mr. Joacjuim appeared f<»r the prosecution and asked for a postponement saying that he cannot properly open the case because he did not fully know the facts. Mr. G^oom for the defence agreed to
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  • 324 12 Before Mr. Chief Justice O'Mallt-y. Wednesday, July 23. Wee Chin Hock, criminal misappropriation of $100. This was the case over which the jury could not agree when it first came up. Teo Kye (juan, cashier to Messrs. Guthrie and Co., stated that prisoner came to ask for payment
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  • Correspondence.
    • 95 12 To TUg I'.Dll OR. SIR, I have lately taken up my abode I near the Police Station, in North Canalroa*!. Mud like my quarters very well but there is one drawback. I have for the last day or so been persecuted by a vile stench, 1 which I
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    • 266 12 To THE EDITOE. Sir, —In your contemporary of the 16th of July, there is a notice ol a new company called The Malay State Tin-Mining Company- having been formed in London, with two local directors in Singapore, to work certain alluvial tin deposits in Klang, with a
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  • 482 12 A correspondent writes to a financial contemporary concerning the Penjom Fahang Gold Company: The statement that the company possesses a lode which is traceable for over half a mile, and the thickness of which, beyond 25 feet, is not yet known, ought, in itself, to
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  • 866 13 Penang v. 58th Regiment. The Rome with the Eleven of the 58th Regiment arrived at Penang parly on the morning of the 18th inst. The game against Penang was to have commenced punctually at 1 1 A. M., but some of the Penang team were late and
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  • 767 13 Flay was recommenced at 12.15 p.m. the two Penang men, Watson (13) and Maylor (3), facing the bowling of Smith and Wilkinson. The game was played on the wicket of the day before, which was as fast and true as it 'it had not hen previously played on.
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  • 1068 14 The following is compressed from a fuller (but later) account from our Penang Correspondent. The match ended in an easy victory for the 1 Steelbacks' by innings and 122 runs. In fairness to the home lub it should be si ited that three of their best players were
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  • 492 14 {Ceylon Independent,) London, July 11. -All is now qui t with tin* second battalion Grenadier Guards and among the metropoliton police force. The postmen held another meeting la^t night on Clerkenwell Green. Three thousand were present. The chairman denounced the dismissals of men and urged a general strike.
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  • 260 14 Bi fore the Chief Justice OWfaiJey. Thursday July 24. Chian Chuan, murder, and Tan Eng Tuan, abetment of murder. The hearing of tins cast 1 occupied the whole of yesterday. The first prisoner had no defence, simply denying all knowledge of affair but not establishing his innocence. The
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  • 689 14 ThcNcw Drill Hall, when completed, which should be iii five months from putting the job into the contractors 1 hand-;, will prove invaluable to the Corps, as the work of train* ing the men in foot-drill, giviug instruction in the theoretical part of their duties swordexercise,
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  • 669 15 His Excellency the Governor." An ex-Governor contribute s an interesting paper to the National Review for July, under the title of 11 His Excellency the Governor." The identity of the retired colonial representative of Her Majesty who thus unburdens himself of his official experiences and philosophic reflections upon the duties
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  • 284 15 Several extracts from Home financial papers referring to the above Company were quoted by us yesterday. Mr. Becher writes to us tint some of the statements more or less attributed to him are not quite accurate, for instance as to the value ot ihe lode. Those who
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  • 758 15 (From our Malacca Correspondent. j At the close of tin- padi harvest a show fur padi was held at Jasin, and it was so successful that it was determined to hold a fruit show there On Saturday last a fruit show for the Southern Di\i>i<m of Malacca
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  • 474 16 The annual meeting of this association will be held at 4 o'clcx k to-night (25th) in the Exchange. The chief business is to receive the Annual Report and pass the accounts. 'I he former reads as follows The only legislative measure which called for the interference of
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  • 1977 16 (ConiinxiaK) My first impressions of Singapore were most favourable. The scenery after the flat plains of Hengal captivated me, and I resolved some day torn ike it my home, and did so fifteen years after. We spent our time here in rambling about the town
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  • 730 17 The following are extracts of interest from the President's Report for June Finance. A special meeting was held to pass a formal vote authorising the issue of Debenture stock to the extent ot being the first instalment of the loan of 1400,000 which has been approved by the
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  • 1017 17 (From a Correspondent.) The intended visit of a Governor to any place where he is head is always a matter of great excitement, and the rule was proved on the occasion of Sir John Dickson's arrival in Pahang in his official capacity as Governor of
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  • 432 18 The Annual General Meeting of ihe members of the Singapore Branch of ihe above association was held in the Exchange Room at 4 p. m. yesterday (25th). The President, Mr. C. Stringer, was in the Chair. There were present Messrs. J. Blair, St. Clair, Nicholson, members
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  • 1179 18 The half-yearly general meeting of the members of the Sporting Club was held in the Exchange, at 5 o'clock yesterday (25th). There were present Messrs. C. Sugden, J. R. Cuthbertson, A. P. Adams, C. 1). Harvey, T. E. Marie, A. A. Swan, Gumming, J. Motion, C. (j.
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  • 148 18 Corps Orokrs. Orders hy Capt. R, Dunman, Commandant S. V. A. Singapore, 25th July, tSgo. I. The following will be ihfl detail of dii'U during the ensuing week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 7' R.M.1.. <um drill Fort Fulleiton 5.15. P.M. Thursday, Lecture at the Head Quarter
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  • 943 19 The following is the report of prorcedings in H. B. M.'s Consular Court, Bangkok, vs. b\ MacGregor in the case Regtna before E. H. French Esq., on Friday, 18th July 1890, in which the accused was brought up on a charge of Manslaughter. Mr. Mao.regor, is
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  • 1496 19 [F*O9* our oivn Correspondent.) When the present District Attorney was* elected in this city almost three years ago, I ventured the prophecy that there would be no more prosecutions of the Boodle Aldermen. Two .unlucky rascals had been tried an 1 convicted; Cleary tosll his chances of
    BROADBRIM  -  1,496 words

  • 2572 20 Sycd Mahomed Alsagofl gave himself up to [nspe< tor Porteoujj at the Detective Station last night, about \i o'clock, having been informed that a warrant was out for liis arrest. The warrant is issued on the information of ManV (, that on or about May 11, at
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  • 1078 21 58th Regiment v. Perak. After the victory over Penang, the 58th team left Penang for Taiping on Saturday night by the Lady Weld, where they arrived in safety on Sunday morning. The Perak team as will be seen below was much the same as played in Singapore at last
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  • 77 21 SHlii REGIMENT. Overs. Mdns. Runt. WUt Lt. K. O. Smith 13 2} Pte. Wilkms )ii jj 6 4S 5 Pie. Taylor 5 <> -'4 1 Pie. L'ttchfo (I si i 2] 1 Ser^t. Spinka 21 71 Pkk\k. ist Inning*, Dr. l'".»\ lOJ 4 IS 7 P. J. Hugh la
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  • 180 21 (Ga§eUe t ?stliJ Mr. Gaffney, who arrived from ELngtand last week, b| we arc told, the hj.v Assistant Superi >- letdentof Works, Province Wellesley« Independtiit, It is with de p regret we have t«» annotin the death of Mr. Van rftit*t, Coniulting Kttgth »er to the l),-li
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  • 209 22 I Before Mr. Chief Justice O Malley. Friday Juli 25. Moi A Ji, shooting at a police const. ihle. This cast- was concluded yesterday afternoon. Prisoner was sentenced to two years' rigorous imprisonment. Lee Fow Yong and Tan King Wah, murder on the high seas. This was the
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  • 620 22 The Straits Government and Foreign Men-of-War. We (L. (r C. E.xprcssj have received the follow ing from a correspondent whose opinion is entitled to respect concerning tlrj recent action of the Straits Government in regard to foreign ships-of-war and t.insports in the harbour of Singapore Public .and private advices to
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  • 1815 22 (Limited). The ordinary general meeting of the above bank was Ik Id at the offices, Threadneedle-street, on the }rd inst. Mr. Win. Walter Cargill was in the chair, and there were also present Major-General Henry Beville, C .8., Mr. J. A. Ferguson, Sir Benjamin C.
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  • 512 23 The first annual general meeting of the Segahud (Borneo) Tobacco Company (Limited) was held on the ist inst. at Cannon-street Hotel, E.C., under tlic presidency of Mr. A. I). Cheney the chairman of the company. The Chairman moved the adoption *,f the report and accounts,
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  • 767 23 The second ordinary general meeting' of the Pahang-Kabang Company (LimitedJ was held on the 3rd ins». at Winchester Hour, the Hon. A. C). Brand presiding. The Chairman, in moving the adoption of the report and accounts, said that out of a working capital of £50,000 they had £32,000
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  • 292 23 A Record" High Jump for a Horse. Ontario, the property <»f Mr. S. S. Howland, ol Mount Morris, N. at the recent Boston horse show was entered to jump 7 feel for a $500 cup. The nig'it he tried to accomplish i he feat the Society for the Prevention ot
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  • 1064 23 In response to invitations issued a number o! gentlemen interested in forming a new (lu 1 in Singapore for the benefit 61 the junior members o\ the community, met in the Exchange-rooms at 5 o'clock la^t evening (July jsth). Dr. Murray Robertson took the chair,
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  • 782 24 The following is part of the Report of Mr. Gilbert B. White to Mr. Bibby of the working at Raub during the fortnight ended July iQtli The Mines. As instructed by you we have put men to work, in the grounds already opened, to raise stone for crushing and
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  • 1178 24 In Hongkong it is proposed to pass a Merchandise Marks Act, allowing only marks previously registered in England to be registered there. In moving the first reading the Attorney-General said I do 1)01 Suppose that any honest man would say it wn& anything but an unmitigated evil tlmt persona should
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  • 828 25 The report ot tlu Indian Immigration Agent of the Straits Settlements has been issued. It contains some interesting information, dealing mainly, of course, with Statistics for the year under reference. According to the figures published, indentured immigiants were not so plentiful in iPSo as
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  • 990 25 LITE «)NK LOM; (HIT.' While il \~> a convenience for the moment thvrc i-> no doubt that the credit or chit sjrsteifl is the bane ot Shanghai, and ihoilgli within recent yeais the unlimited credit which the old foreign settler enjoyed has been considerably curtailed, theie is
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  • 685 26 There arc three classes of foods which specially require digestive effort. These are starchy, nitrogenous, and fatty foods. There are three different digestive principles which act upon these foods. Animal Of vegetable diastase digests starch pepsin from the stomach, trypsin from the pancreas, and papain from the papaya
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    • 76 26 London, 23rd July. The Second Battalion l>as duly sailed. In the House of Commons Mr. Brad* lau-'h su£<*ested a merciful reconsideration i"> on of the sentences. Mr. Stanhope deprecated any interference of Parliament in matters of military discipline, and the matter dropped. Irk land. Lord Wolseley assumes command
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    • 52 26 London, 24th July. A British Mission is to Paris to negotiate with the French Government regarding the extension of the Zone of French influence in the Lake Chad region as an off set to the French admitting the British Protectorate of Zanzibar. [1 If. July 25,
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    • 76 26 London, 2jth July. Sir James Fergusson, moving the second reading ot the hill for the cession of Heligoland, stated that negotiations with France and Portugal progress satisfactory, but that it is quite impossible to maintain the claim of the Cape Colony to the whole country south of the Zambesi.
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    • 34 26 London, 26th July-— fhc Hill fof the cession of Heligoland has been read the second time in the House of Commons by 209 votes against sixty one. [10.15 A. M., July 28, 1890.]
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    • 38 26 London 2jth July.—There is a military revolt in Buenos Ayres with continuous fighting in the Streets. A good many have been killed. President Celman has fled and a Rebel Government is proclaimed. [July 28, 1890.]
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    • 44 26 London i 28th July,—Negociations between France and England regarding Zanzibar are now virtually concluded, England having agreed to a French Protectorate of Madagascar and the extension of her sphere ol influence up to Lake Tchad. 1 2.50 M. July 29, 1890.
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  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 471 26 Passengers Arrived. July 2^ Per Congo from Marseilles. Messrs. Maei.irl me, Hagensdrop, Craven, L. Susante, Salomon, Wedelsborg. From Colombo. Mr. and Mis. Kern. Per Natal from Yokohama. Messrs. Browne, Heitel, Jordan and Gan Kng Sen/. l\r Sd4t>lio: fron Klanjg. M. and Madame Donner, Messrs. Stoner and Ward. Per Wing Sang:
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  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 698 27 Sam lok%cio di Lotol\, Spi»». str, 2,2)^; Ricjutr, Barcelona, June 27, General and 4S Passengeis, K. H. riinnekindt. B. \V. 1 1 kc 1 k, Brit, str., 607, K ev, Ban^k k, July iS, General and 100 Bullocks, .Mansfield x Co. R. July jj. Hanoi, Hi it str., 07, Nacodah,
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    • 603 27 Bbngkalis, Hrit. -tr.. o/>, D'Padua, Mnar, July 26, General and Deck Passengers, Wee Bin Co.— R. SINOKBP, Dut. str:, 9^, Le V'isconte, Fingkep, July 26, Master.— R. Ruby, Brit, st"., 140,, D'Cruze, Palembang, July 26. General and 2O Deck Passengers, Lim Lan &Co.— R. Porpoise, Brit, frigate, 1,770 tons, 170
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    • 551 27 Dmmiv Brii. *tr., Barr.f'H 1 Hongkong >**^i Shanghai. (iwvmmjk, Brit, sir., Inksler, fo Datu Banra ami I), li. T lamun, Brit. «tr., Jack*>i>, I r London ard Liverpool via Penang. Sappho, Brit, str., Wahl, for Malacca and Klang. iiKwii Chew, Brit, str., Webb, for P«?nang. Sanoakan, li. N. B. sir
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  • 291 28 R. DUNMAN,- Broker •Quotation*. C;ip. Pd. up Shares Value Pd. Div. Hicomr S'hai Bank. 210 Prem Sales. 7, ,00,000 7,500,000 60,*****5 125 New Bank. '§51 Buyers. 2,000,000 67,100 $0 50 *P-c Tanjong Pagar Dock. 1 00 Sales. 1,400,000 1,400,000 I*ooo "0 iuj 10 p.c.
    R. DUNMAN  -  291 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 178 28 TABAQUERIA UNIVERSAL. No. 8 Raffles Place, SOLE AGENTS for the La Insular Factory, always in Stock the Choicest Selection of Cigars from the above Factory, and also import Cigars of the very best brands from the Leading Factories of La Perla El Cometa del Oriente and La Constancia. The attention
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    • 407 28 G. R. LAMBERT CO. P H OTOGRAPHERS To H. M. the Klira of Siam, and H. H. Sultan. 01 JOHORt. Singapore. Medan. Orchard Road, 186, Deli, (Sumatra) otudio open daily from 7 a.m. to 5. p.m., on Sundays from 7 a.m. to noon. All c>r<!< rs*»f Poitraiture, Landscapes, Reproductions and
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  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 580 28 VESSELS LOADING. for London N*rww.., Gilfillan W ood Co. Fo* Xew York Bm ReED, Am. bk., Boustead Lo. for Boston P. CARLTON, Am. bk., Boustead Lo. for .\launtms SrmAWAT, Brit, bktn., McAlister Co. r SHIPPING IN PORT. r Exclusive of Arrivals reported tc~Jay). 'The words following consignees' names indicate
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    • 215 28 Passengers for Straits Settlements. Per Bcnv.'nue, from London, June 18 Capt. and Mrs. I. S. Cran»-. Per Cuiumnmft'l, from London. July it MrHilton, Mr. Paul, Miss Paul. Per Sydney, from Marseilles, July 13 Mr. Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Akiuyt Per Carthage, from London, July -'4 Mr. H. B. \'.iil«-. For
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  • 875 29  -  JOHN BLAIR, Manager. Thk premises of the Company *re Situated at Tanjong Pagan, adjoining the Town of Singapore. Steam tram-cars run at short intervals carrying passengers and goods from Wharf to desti nations at low rates. The Wharf extends to one mile and a
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 438 29 RILEY HARGREAVES Co., E Established 1865, i pincers, Boilermakers, Iron, and Brass-founders, Bridge Builders and Shipwrights. 1, Merchant Road, Singapore, at Kwala Lumpor. SoLI Agents for the Straits for RUSTON PrtOCTOR Co.— For which they have received 230 Prize Medals. SOLE Agents for the Straits for \V. H.ALLEN Co. London
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    • 436 29 J. M. LYON CO. Civil and Mechanical Emoimkkk*, ItfLLWßioins, i ro.n founders %mu contkvctoks Albion Engine Works. Bhach Road. Office and Sale-room Flint Street, near the General Post Office SPECIALITIES. Small Steamers and Launches. Elephant Land Boilers. Lyon's Patent Rice Mills. Self-acting Tapioca Machinery. Colonial Wood Working Machinery. Mining and
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 355 30 POWELL CO., AUCTIONEERS, SINGAPORE. FURNITURE, &c. LHAIKS. i, JtAv fJ fit nW^ V B will O Fl' ICI' 1)I- > K S FID \JH uK 111 PI'NK\HS HFSTS it" Flu i vvb'Di: LJ n air fir/ I9P 1 IB "8 n r _■> r nr i^kaii r.K>. s^ ul Jf
      355 words
    • 195 30 NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY. FIRE DEPARTMENT. The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, arc prepared to accept Fire Risks at reduced rates. Fir>t Class Risks J per cent, less io per cent, discount Kerosine Oil l\ per cent, less io per cent, discount Coals 1] per cent. 1
      195 words
    • 325 30 -THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS,' DAILY EDITION. Local and Intersettlement Delivery payable Quarterly in Advance, Per annum, 524. Single copies can be obtained only at KELLY Walsh. LllflTßD, price 10 cents. A limited number only are available. Foreign Delivery payab'e Quarterly in Advance Pkr annum, $30. WEEKL Y EDITION Local and
      325 words