The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 16 July 1890

Total Pages: 32
1 84 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 448 1 Riley Hargreaves Co. Established 1865. Engineers,. Boilermakers, Iron and Brass-founders, Bridge Builders, and Shipwrights, MERCHANT ROAD, SINGAPORE, AND AT KWALA LUMPOR. :o: Sole Agents for the Straits for RUSTON PROCTOR CO.— Portable and Horizontal Engines, Centrifugal Pumps Steam Navvies, Saw-Mill, and Mining Machinery.— For which they have received 230 Prize
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    • 189 1 ROBINSON Co Singapore and Pknang (Established 1858.; Ladies' and Gentlemen's Outfitter*. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Silk and Satins. Costumes. Millinery. Umbrellas Untrimmed Hats. Parasols. Dress Materials. Laces. Boots and Shoes. Ribbons. Haberdashery. Hosiery. Corsets. Gloves. Underclothing. Velvets. Velvettas. Velveteens. Crapes. Plushes. Gauze*. Embroidering. Fancy Articles tor Presents. The dress-making department is in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 370 2 CHINA PONIES. The Shanghai Horse F Bazaar Co., Ltd. uj)j)ly China Ponies for Plantation work in the Straits, Java and Sumatra, at moderate prices. Particulars can be obtained from the manager. Shanghai Horse Bazaar who will give careful attention and despatch to any order Ruttonjee Merwanjee Co., Indian and Colonial
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    • 303 2 KNIGHT CO., Art Furniture Manufacturers Decorators and Designers. 14, Littli Britain, Hill Strict, LONDON. SINGAPORE. REGIS /Yj* TERED TRADE f /£M§f MARK No. \^<-y qoqjjDrawing Room Slues upholstered in a variety of the newest patterns < f silk tapestries velvets satins and plushes. Dining Koom Furniture of the latest designs.
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    • 287 2 1 McALISTER Co. Offer the following Wines and Spirits of vcrv fine quality. PERINET FILS Dry Verzenay Champagne. ,7 Sis PER C4SI OF i DoZ. QUARTS. JOHN McDOUGAL'S S<> per casi of 1 Doz. Quarts. JOHN McDOUGAL'S Vino de Pasto. $9 per casi of i Doz. Quarts. JAMES WATSON CO.'S
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  • 223 55 Leading Articles. F.cononu'c value of Fads; 55 Kood Storing ,< 56 Insubordination 57 The Language Bonus 57 Forest Conservation 57 Penang 5$ Local. Paragraphs 59 Raub Prospects 63 Debiting Society 64 Sing Po Notes M 66 The Dalhousie Obelisk 67 Sambas Exploration Co M 66 Malacca 67 Cricket >»
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  • 59 55 (Corrected up to July 14.) On London. Bank 1 m/s J.6J demand ftSl Private credits 6 m/s 3 7« documents 6 m/s 3 3 m s 3*6* On India. Bank demand 223.^ Private 30 d/f 228 On Hongkong. Bank demand £%dis. Private 3od/ c 2\%dis. On Java. Bank demand
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  • 21 55 Domestic Occurrence. BIRTH. On 19th v ho., at Rossetti Mansions, Cheyne Walk. Chelsea, the wife of Edwim Austin ot a daughter.
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  • 100 55 (JI'LY 15.) Tin.... 131-*5 G.imbier 7-4° do. Cube No. i 1°.53 do. do. So. 2 m 8 75 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) i.v do. White, (Fair 1./W=s% m »5« Nutmegs F5«) to the Ib.) 95« Mace (Banda) SiCloves (Amboina) 2O BaTy toffee (i«'% Black*) »6. T^piora, smnll pearl (I'air
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  • 955 55 Here shall ti.r Pre»* the People** fight maintain, I'n.iwed by influence and unbribed by pain; Here patriot Truth her precept* firaw, Pledged to RrliL'ioii, l.ov.ilty. ami I .-i\\. (July 9th). It was after a visit to one of the numerous exhibitions which have followed in constant succession
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  • Page 55 Advertisements
    • 51 55 The Raub Australian Syndicate, Limited. In accordance with a resolution of the Directors, notice is hereby given that shares on which all calls have not been paid on or before the 26th day ot July 1890, will be liable to be forfeited. G. A. DERRICK, Local Secretary. July 5. 0'
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  • Page 55 Miscellaneous
    • 259 55 The Week. The P. O. steamer Pekin, with the London Ynail of June 20th., arrived on Monday morning last (14th). The homeward mail will be taken by the P. O. steamer Rome leaving at four o'clock this afternoon, July [6th, The week has been characterised by heavy rainfall and floods
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  • 1268 56 A topic has from time to time occupied the attention of the local press although its discussion has never yet resulted in any action, —at leaM as iir as thepublic are aware, is tha» of the food supply of Singapore, in particular relation to the possibility of
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  • 658 57 T I 1 AFTER going to press yesterday another telegram arrived which points to a loosening of the bonds of discipline in yet another branch of the Government service. Not only has the London police force been seething with discontent for months past, rising To such a pitch that
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  • 1000 57 (July I2lh). The fact that the Government have now abolished not only the Ghi Hol< but a number of other Chinese Societies enforces in vet stronger manner the wisdom of losing no time in fitting the personnel ol the public services, and more particularly the Police, for
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  • 706 58 CONSERVATI ON. (July 14th). THERE is now under consideration in Perak a proposed >rder in Count il, dealing with products on State lands. The Orders in Council ol a Native State; correspond to our Ordinances in many respects, prescribingpenalties, defining powers and excepting persons or classes from their operations. Many
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  • 905 58 The i.ssu of the Government Gasette now to hand contains, among other matter, the somewhat lengthy* Administration Report upon the Settlement of Penang for the year 1 XSo,. As usual the report is introduced by a statement of Jthc financial position of Penang at the (lose' of
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  • Local.
    • 660 59 In connection with the lack of transparency of the ice yesterday, we learn that the snowy and generally uncrystalline appearance was not the effect of accident, but of design. As a matter of fact the Straits Ice Company have been pushed to their utmost resource by
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    • 684 59 The mail steamer Pekin left Colombo at 6 P. M. on Monday, the 7th inst., and may be expected in Singapore on Monday morning next (14th.) Our German friends will probably be interested to know that Admiral Yalois is expected to be present at the performance
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    • 484 59 Lady Dickson'f garden reception yesterday afternoon was well attended. The mail despatched from Singapore to London per M. M. steamer BaghalifH on the Mill June was delivered on the 7UI instant. The mail despatched from Singapore to London by the V G. L S. S. JVecJtar
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    • 343 60 To give the Regimental team, that is to proceed to Perak shortly, some practice, a match is arranged f<>i them next Saturday (commencing on Friday at four o'clock) v. the S.C.C. It appears that Ihe real reason of the falling through of the S.C.C. match v. Penang and Perak
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    • 212 60 A Selangor isitor to Singapore sends us the following hint to whom it may concern —Having heard so much of the Grand Ball at the Skating Rink, I went there last night, and was delighted to see the place so well lit«up, and so many young
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    • 1186 60 Mr. 11. M. Becher arrived this morning l>v the mail from Europe. The E. E. A. T. C.'s s. s. Sherard Osbonic left at 1 1 a. if. yesterday for Banjoe wangie direct. No C ian<;e in state of interrupted cables is reported, but, 88 already
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    • 1646 61 The total Return of Visitor*to the Raffles Library and Museum during last week uas 1,035. The next Taoglin Club "At Home" is down for Friday, the 25th lust. The heavy rainfall this morning seriously impeded traffic. The Rochore trams did not commence to run until about
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  • 151 62 The 58th Regiment <l Lily Variety Company gave their second performance on Saturday night in the Theatre at the barracks. The programme was mostly of the Moore and Burgess class, and was most enthusiastically received. Ot the serious items, Mr. Stanley's recitation Christmas Day in the Workhouse
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  • 715 62 [f on previous days the water has been described as choppy "lumpy" is the more appropriate term to apply to its tondition yesterday. A strong S. \V. wind had been blowing in most uf the day, mure than ruffling the surface of the water and
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  • 508 62 •I- o -I' II Ihf 58TH v. IHE Rest. A farewell match was played at the Barracks yesterday between the 58th team which goes away to-morrow to Penan g and Perak and a team got together by Dr. Smi h from the Royal Artillery, Royal Engineers, and Staff. The
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  • 1976 63 The visit of Mr. Bibby to Singapore gives us an opportunity to learn further particulars of the work going on at Raul). The main level runs S.E. to X.W. and work is going on at the drives to the west. About a hundred tons ot stuff are now
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  • 329 63 (Term 67. Pilot, June 14. 11. M.5. RambUr found the Quetta rock, <«- st ited ii <»ur last issue, but was un ible t > find the Calcutta rock. Both Quetta and Mid rocks have I) »ii artfully verified and tundings taken around. The whole chart is
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  • Correspondence.
    • 269 64 To nil EDITOIi DEAR Sir,—Lucidity and consistency in tin- arguments of a leading newspaper add materially to its advantages. Will you therefore be good enough to give your explanations on a certain point, which probably had net cm ;i|>f<l your attention when penning the remarks in your leading
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    • 165 64 Singapore, <Sth July, 1890. [Our correspondent will perhaps be good enough to re-peruse our Statement of objections held by the Australians to the Chinese. lie will notice that opium-sr.ioking, per se, is not one of these, the real objection of course being that the Chinese are not a race with
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    • 140 64 To the Editor. SIR, As resident in the Australian colonies during 14 years, and as one thoroughly understanding and sympathising with their policy, allow me to congratulate you on the leading article contained in your issue of the 7th inst. It is the most succinct and
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  • 1020 64 At last night's meeting 'July 8 j there were 33 present. The Sp aker(Mr. A. Knight) presided. Several questions wen asked as t«» the proceeding* of the Committee meeting on July 2, and the position of the S ciety" In reply the Premier said it wri-, intended t<>
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  • 1098 64 (Chinese Times.) The Chinese Government has allowed Captain Lang, R.N.i to resign the position which was no longer tenable, of Co-Admiral in the Chinese service, and in so doing has declared, for the third time, I))' acts more authoritative than words, the settled determination of China to
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  • 1045 65 (N. C. Daily News.) Mow often has it not been said in every tone, in every form, in private conversations, in public meetings, in the press, that the Frenchman i> nol and can not be a coloni-t This is how a recent number of the Courrier
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  • 446 65 In response to an invitation from the Ciold Ores Reduction Company, Limited, a number of gentlemen attended at the company's works, Hackney \Vi< Ie, on the 2<>th April, to witness the process ot gold extraction under their patents. This company has lor some time past been treating
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  • 52 65 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY. Corps Orders. C rps Orden Ly Capt. K. Dunman, Acting Com. S. V. A. Singapore, pth "July, 1890. On account ot the Races the General Meeting if postponed till Friday tBth inst., at S JoP. M. Hy Order, (Signed) R. S. Watson, Major, r.%, Actg. Adjutant
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  • Correspondence.
    • 473 66 To THI EOITOIt Sir, Will you allow me to make a few remarks on the Chinese question in Australia, supplemental only to the statement of the position in your previous article, which itself contains enough information on the subject to satisfy the intelligent enquirer that the exclusion of
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  • 416 66 Notes from the Sing Po." Jim; 30, The leading article tells us that according to a hook (.tiled the Too Shan Sun Man/ the Chinese custom of binding the feet of small commenced in the Southern Tone Dynasty. I Miring the rei?n of the Emperor Li How Chin there was
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  • 1146 66 Mr. Liddelow, who arrived lately from Western Borneo, has supplied us with the following information respecting the operations of the Sambas Exploration Company Limited on their properties in Montraclo and Uoedoek, Sultanate of Sambas. Montkado, which before the rebellion in 1554 was a great mining
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  • 1262 67 YesterdtV morning (9th) the workmen engaged in removing the foundation of the old Daihousie monument came upon a bottle containing some curious relics. First there was a vellum document in a very illegible state, hearing date i<\5 f >. It begins ihus Dalhousii Testimonial, Erected by the
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  • 966 67 {From our own Correspondent^ It I* said that Ex-Peughulu Damion of Kwalla Linggi has presented a petition against the present IVn^hnlu and the Kathi, asserting that they have been guili)f of malpractices in the matter of a woman named Alisah, who was devorced from h< r busband. It is
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  • 954 68 The following notice of the late General Brine is from the Times of India: The death of General Brine "Fred. Brine" as lie was always known in India— reminds us of a fantastic, eccentric, but very clever individuality. He joined the Royal Enginccn in 1847 and managed to
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  • 254 68 c \iu.r. Communication Entirely Cit ori WITH AUSTRALI We have obtained these particulars at the Telegraph Office This morning, at 1.35 (Singapore time), a sharp earthquake shock passed over Banjoewangie and the south-east of Java, by iar the sharpest shock felt for many years, reports an
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  • 708 68 The annual address delivered by President J. A. Price, of the Scranton Board of Trade, was devoted tp an exposition of aluminum, which he regards as ihe metal of the future," and destined to work a revolution in the mechanic arts. In an enthusiastic spirit of prophecy
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1400 69 Being absent from Singapore on May 6th my attention was not called to the following letter, which appeared In your weekly issue ol that date, until now. A correspondent, "Bull," wrote to you thus Sir, —What is the object of Mr. Bailor's letter in yourissuLM)f yesterday? Does he wish
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  • 532 69 The Chinaman who is charged with the offence of bigamy has been committed for trial at the next Assizes, which will commence on Tuesday next, bail being allowed in the sum of $250. We understand thai Mr. (1. C. Wray, the Assistant Protector of Chinese, will proceed to
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  • 115 70 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY. Corps Orders. C rps Orders by (apt. R. Duninan, Acting Com. S. V. A. Singapore, nth [July, iX<jn. i. The following members are qualified for promotion. Tothtßmnk of Serge*nts.—Oxs. Fabris, Br. G A. Derrick, Grs. Benjafield, anss, Fry, Murray W.. Sisson, Shells. To the R**k tf BombarJier.'-Gr.
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  • 843 70 We published in last issue a petition to the House of Commons which is being circulated for signature in Singapore, against ihc opium traffic, in which, after letting forth that the Chinese are ruined by opium nior.illy, physically and materially," the petitioners pray the
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  • 1648 70 It has always struck us as curious that, with the amount of capital seeking investment, the mineral resources of Siam and her dependencies are neglected for practically, they are neglected. Seeking for gold in a alluvial soil may be tempting to those who wish to win a
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  • 1906 71 It has been suggested by Mr. Patrick Egan, an American inventor, thai me phonograph miglt be used as a cash resist- r. Every sum the cashier receives might be called in the phonograph, and there recorded, as a cheek on the accounts Herr Silas, an Austrian
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  • 853 72 Before Mr. Hire thin morning, 1 2tli) Lee Fow Yong and Tan King Wah were charged by Mr. Newland with the murder of Quee Loh Naog on the s.s. Alberta on the way down from Penaog on the 9th in ft Mr. Khory defended. YueeAh (Juang, brother
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  • 123 72 [l rora the Charleston World] 14 Oh, Frank, dear, what is a icceipt She asked me (she looked very swt ipt Her directoire, it fitted so neipt She's stylish from brow to her feipt). 11 I'll explain." I said, fair Mar^ucreipt So I placed my arm round her
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  • 1242 72 LiiumuxT Fiske, in rai Ni# York. Forum. Let us imagine two fleets at sea in war time, each conscious that the other may appear at any instant upon the horizon. In the centre of each fleet are the heavy battle-ships of the first and
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  • 420 73 No amount of intellect will enable a man to keep ahead of an insect. What can a creature which has to be elaborately born and fed and cared for during «i long series of years do against a perky little winged, atom which can change itself from one
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  • 1107 73 Mr. Rees, the Indefatigable private secretary of Lord Connemara, Governor of Madras has just ssued a valuable paper describing a vir-it recently paid by his Excellency to the Eurasian settlements of Whiterield and S lusmond, on the tableland of Mysore, some 200 miles from Madras. These
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  • 1297 73 Miss Philippa Garrett Fawcett, who is the fir' t woman, that has taken higher honours in the Mathematical Tripos at Cambridge than a man, was born in Cambridge twenty-two years ago. She was at the High School, Clapham, and three years back entered Newnham, having won a Scholarship.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 121 74 To thi Editor. Dear Sir,—ln the Free Press <>f the 26th June, is a tale of a tiger measuring 14 feet from the end of his tail to im- tip of his nose" stated to have been shot in Singapore by a Chinaman. 1 should
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  • 148 74 To-morrow (1 8th) Mr. Chief Justice O'M alley will open the Fourth Assize in the Supreme Court. The list -is not as heavy as at the last, there being only 14 cases for trial, with 27 prisoners. Ihe most serious is Chian Chuan, charged with murder. The three
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  • 1316 74 The first general meeting of the Penjom-Pahang Gold Company (Limited), was held on the 19th June, at the oflires of the company. Mr. F. 1). Banister (the chairman) presided. 1 he Secretary having read Uie notice convening the meeting, The Chairman made a statement, in the course
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  • 324 74 A match between the Regimental team that is to proceed to Perak shortly, and an Eleven of the S. C. C. was j)layed last Saturday and after a somewhat close iinUh resulted in a victory for the S. C. C. It will be noticed that Mackenzie of the Recreation
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  • 493 75 Under dale Batavia, Btb July, Mr. PerCival Spencer writes to us as follows As promised I now.send you enclosed a translation of a paragraph in the JavaBode about my doings here, which majy be of interest. As you are probably aware 1 made two. actOTV
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  • 364 75 The investigation into the murder of Quee Loh Nang, with which two fellowpassengers are charged, was concluded today, before Mr. Hare. The remainder of the evidence is as follows Quee Eng Keng was with deceased at the time. He identified Henry Williams, the European who seized the
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  • 1252 75 fßy to-dtiy 's Mail.) BtKToiio Straits I in Co, A k-l»gram I'rom ihe Singap re agents of tli" lUnton*^ Straits Tin Company states that 25 tow of ore havfi been shipped by steamship Aberdeen, and that a further 10 tons .ire rea iy for shipment. PSMJOM PAHAVO MIMXi;
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  • 1153 76 Ceylon Observer. London, July I.— Lord Randolph Churchhill speaking at Barrow in-Fumcss yesterday denounced in strong terms Mr. Caine's defection from the Conservative party owing to the honest attempt of Government to apply the surplus to the cause of temperance. Lord Randolph said that he was confident that
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  • 580 76 The opening day of the races of the Singapore Rowing Clvb ashore at least looked very favourable. When the water was seen, however, with a short choppy swell, each wave of which was broken by the wind, it was felt that the occupants of the
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  • 738 77 The programme for the second day originally included the second heats of the light fours and the single sculls, but the latter had to be postponed owing to one of the skiffs being slightly damaged in the accident at the finish of the first heat on
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  • 908 77 Third Day.— July 12. Saturday's rowing was favoured by liner weather than we have had any day recently, and by an excellent muster of spectators. The sea had almott entirely gone down, leaving a hardly perceptible swell, though there was stdl a light breeze from south-west. The afternoon had promised
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  • 521 78 Our Boys'" lii deference to a generally expressed trUh the company of focal amateurs who have already given two w. 11-at tended and successful performances of the above favourite Comedy were good enough to give one more representation of the piece la-t night. Tn»- management mindful of t ie interests
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  • 267 78 Before Mr. Chief Justice O' Mai ley. Tuesday, July 15. Before the commencement of the proceedings, directly the jury were sworn, The Attorney-General mentioned a case' in which the public took much interest, namely that of Syed Mohamet] Alsagoff. Mr. Sbearwood had asked that it be taken before
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  • 1254 78 (June 2oth.) An Exchange Company's telegram from Cairo says A rumour is current here that the Maheh has released all his European prisoners. The most 11 )ted of the Mahdi's European prisoners was Lupton Hey, the former Governor of Darfour, who for three or four years
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  • 590 79 The Hongkong v. Singapore Cricket Match. Ho ngko ng Tel eg rap h We are informe 1 that the Singapore Cricket Club is still anxiously waiting for an answer to the challenge they sent the Hongkong C. C. some weeks ago, and that, unless volunteers are forthcoming within a week's
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  • 678 79 Straits Settlements. Pahang News. Ceylon Observer Correspondence. By a n ex -Cy/on A'es ide at.) Pelcan, June 21. The meeting of Pahang State Council was held some time back at the Sthana Rnpa (in Malay, the Palace of the Sultan). The meetirg wasopenet at 5p m. It consisted of His
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  • 633 79 The rep >rt for 1 889 states: The year 1 8 So la> been one of bad native trade in China, more particularly the latter half of it. Money has been scarce and dear, and many of the traders have been crippl< dby financial difficulties.
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  • Page 79 Advertisements
    • 158 79 PSELANGOR NOTES. (Government Gazette, July nth.) Appointment.— Mr. A.A.Lou, Assistant Engineer on flu Selangor Railway Extension. Leave.— Mr. GC. Bellamy, Kw. Clangor, fourteen months from May 17th; Mr A. W. Harper, Kw. Lumpor, twelve months from June ist Mr. W. il. West, three months extension from June 241 h. Dismissal.—
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  • 897 80 One ol rhe most painful and tryii i- megrim, or migraine, oa urrii g ften in one side (> i the head. In the popular mnd migraine and epilepsy are somewhat allied, and many m< men incline to this view. Bui a readable article in the Lancet, written by
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  • 224 80 REUTpRS London, July to.- -A serious strike of the London postmen is imminent. Severe conflicts have taken place between the Police and the Mob in Bow Street. The Police had to charge and use their batons. The Grenadier Guards. Tlie War Office has da ided that the duties
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  • Page 80 Miscellaneous
    • 146 80 Passengers Arrived. July 8 Per Djetnnah fr m Marseilles. Messrs. ReyrtOt, Shut" van der Spek, Quin, Klopp, (reus. Oostermeyer, Mrs. Reyes and Mr. Maarlens. June o Per Ajax from Liverppol via Penang. Messrs. Grose and Shelly. Per Austral ind from Kremantle*. Messrs, Delay, Miller, Collins, Loveridge, Lindsay and Stephi ns.
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    • 629 80 Per B W. Uin from Pontianak.— Mr. Dare. July 13: Per Calypso: from Deli. Mr. Vorstenberg. Per Argus: from Newcastle N. S. W. -Mr. Lloyd. Per Ruby from Palembang. Mr. Braus. July 14: Per Devonhurst: from Batavia. Messrs. Ross, Rutter, Mallcowsky and Zobel. Per McA lister from Macassar. Messrs. Arch
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  • Page 81 Miscellaneous
    • 650 81 Royalist, B. N. B. 151. Armstrong, Labuan, luly 6, General, Ong Hue Hai. K. Albrri Biit.str.. 2.214, Nelson, Liverpool, May Ie General and 61 Chinese Passcugers, Paterson Simons iSc Co. 1. P. Isabella, Brit, str., 83, Hudson, Jambie, July 9, Ganerai and 29 Deck Pascengers, Bun Hinte Co.— R. July
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    • 572 81 ]ulv Sun: Bamdjar, Dnt. >ir., Tuckey, for Sourabaya and B injermassin. Bam Sbkg Guan, Brit, sir., Geary, lor Bangkok. Calbdovibbt, l r. *-tr., P.iul, tor Marseilles via ports. Pout Victor, Brit, sir., Bird, for Marseilles and London via Penang. BHUMDARA, Brit, sir., Blake, for Melbourne via ports. l)t.( ima. ("»er.
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    • 601 81 Sailing Vussitf.^ Prins ()m \h, from Liverp ol May 24. Moon \n, from nrditf May 9. THBRMOPYLAR, <'«• J"' ie li<> Nemesis, Irom New Y«»rfc Mar. 4. Mow, m do. May 14. Pbnobscot, do. May 31. YKSSKLS LOADING. Fur London Narwbl, Brit, sh., GilfilUn Wood tk <'• For Niw York
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  • 1248 82 Planters 1 Association. (From the "Pinang GawrtU A meeting oftheaboveA! ociation was held al n on luesday, in the c hamberof Commerce, r ,];m usa the Ihinese labour question, with a view lo passing a refolution requesting the Government to appoint a commission lo make
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  • 316 82 JI'LV 15th. io'go. QUOTATION. Cap. Pd. up Shares Value Pd. Div. M'kongX: S'liai Bank. 2«>i Prem Sales. 7,500,0007,500,000 60,000 125 125 New Oriental Bank. £51 Buyers. £.2,000,000 £567,100 67,100 50 50 6 p.c. Tanjong Pagar Dock. £'9."> Sellers. 1,400,000 1,400,000 14,000 100 100 10 p.c. dn Debentures 6
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  • Page 82 Advertisements
    • 275 82 FIRE BRICKS, TILES, AND DRAIN PIPES. Messrs. GRUNBERG BROS., have been appointed Sole Agents for the .Straits, Sumatra, Borneo and Siara of the OLD ESTABLISHED Raneegunge Pottery Works, and are prepared to enter into contracts to Supply, in any quantity, Glazed Stoneware Drainage or Sewerage Pipes, From 2 in. to
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  • Page 82 Miscellaneous
    • 167 82 Weather Report. (July 14-) Taken at Kandang Kerbau Hospital Observatory. 9 m. 3P. M. 9P. m. Bar. red. 32 Fah 29*837 sij.Sjj 2( )4 Temperature 858 86.5 82.3 Wet Bulb Thormomt'ler... 785 77.5 7^-4' Dir.ofWind \V. N.N.W. S. M.i\. Temp, in shade 80.4 Mm. do do 74.5 Max. in Sun
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  • Page 83 Advertisements
    • 879 83 THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY LIMITED. Tmk premises of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining the Town of Singapore. Steam tram-cars run at short intervals carrying passengers and goods from Wharf to destinations at low rates. The Wharf extends to one mile and a quarter and is divided
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    • 448 83 RILEY MARGREAVES Co Established 1865^ Engineers, Boilermakers, Iron and Brass-founder s s Bridge Build* crs and Shipwrights, 11, Merchant Road, Singapore, AND at Kwala Lumpor. *t Sou*: AoSNTS for the Straits for RUSTON PWOCTOR Co.— iV^?"" Horizontal rflff^fe™ Engines, j- i Centrifugal j&m[m*'''o f^^*^S2*~~' Steam Wivvies, For which they have
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    • 473 83 TABAQUERIA UNIVERSAL. No. 8 Raffles Place, SOLE AGENTS lor Ihc Ln Insular Factory, always in Stock the Choicest Selection of igars I from the above Factory, and also import Cigaai of the very best brands from the Leading Factories of La Perla El Cometa del Oriente and La Constancia. The
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  • Page 84 Advertisements
    • 942 84 POWELL CO., AUCTIONEERS, SINGAPORE. nmiOnm. FURNITURE, 4c. L* I I 1 lIC MEiRAHs Jewel Safes. BE»STEADS (IKON;. KPANKSK SKooß Casks. v^^^^Sv dw^* *\^k Lim Hook Stands. j?" >^^ H m Mi TTIVr Billiard lablks rPj^* ls si\ m w lli/^ M *5 C M Is ty 111 I B mH
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